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Questions for Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades) - LIVE
Question: by Emilio Alvaro icaza:
Anéeka: It has been in control of all resets since the great flood at least.
Question: by Marta and Jaime Cubides:
Anéeka: It is one of the best political models for a planet. It will remain an option as long as humans in general, the masses are prepared for it. At this time a lot must come to pass before it can be implemented. And humans must also be given the opportunity to decide what political system suits them best.
Question: by Isaias Flores:
Anéeka: The meeting ended up in an almost disaster as they are fragmented now and almost operating as two different Councils. Alcyone and Federation do not agree with what is going on on Earth so far.
Question: by Gudrun Erla:
Anéeka: The Federation does not see things the same way with the same interpretation of people on Earth, meaning that it will consider all evil to be part of the experience on Earth and generated by the population itself.
The Federation has not been infiltrated; it has always worked that way. They did not intervene in the past during times of great turmoil such as WW1 and WW2, they will not intervene as you would all, we would all wish for this time.
It gains nothing by working with Secret Societies, it just simply works with whoever is in true control of the planet, in this case Secret societies deep Illuminati - Cabal.
Question: by Mumberthrax:
Anéeka: Not directly. Only by each human's choice. Cannot say more at this time.
Question: by Forest Murmurs:
Anéeka: It does, and it operates all the time. According to them that is exactly what they are doing. The main reason they do not intervene directly is because they do not see what for.
They feel that if they help directly, they will take the credit away from humans, and if they do the work for them, humans would not learn from what is going on.
They see it as necessary for humans to grow from a mentality of depending on someone else, to being responsible for yourselves.
Question: by Ulises Ramirez:
Anéeka: It is not easy for me. Even trying to see things objectively. It is personally very hard for me to see all what is going on on Earth. And as long as I feel I'm helping in any way, I will remain here. But It is very hard for me to be absorbing so much negativity. Exercise and meditation help me deal with everything. All my love to you, thank you for asking.
Question: by Bigfeet_E:
Anéeka: Alcyone Council is very strong, and it represents all civilizations within the Pleiades star system M45. It does have a lot of weight in the decisions and the politics inside the Federation.
Question: by Romina Gasparoli:
Anéeka: Yes, it is possible. But please remember that the Federation is not an evil entity or organization. It just is. And its ethics differ from the ones you use on Earth, and even we as Taygetans use, so the understanding of things becomes a complicated process of exo-political interactions.
Federation is doing as best as it can as well. The Federation is a multi-layered organization. From above it is all love and light and integration, as many say, but from immediately above earth it is made up of people, of non-human, non-terrestrial origin, people like you, with their interests and their wants and needs. They are people too, living and evolving.
Question: by Hèctor Pratdepadua:
Anéeka: From below all you can and must do is resist what is coming as best as you can, that in itself is a powerful message to the Federation Leadership.
But you all should try to solve the problem without external help.
And from up here the races that do not consent to Federation's procedures will do our best to stop things from this end as we have already done and begun.
Question: by Forest Murmurs:
Anéeka: You have a very good point there. We have observed that as well. That is one of the reasons why we do not agree with their procedures.
Anéeka: The Federation has not failed. It is just operating as it always has. That is the problem in the first place, no intervention is being regressive as well from the valid point of view of the people on Earth suffering the problem. Strategies are been presented, yes, this from the side of Alcyone Council and allies, only.
Question: by Verónica Ortega:
Anéeka: Federation already had planet Earth; it is their "property" they are only modifying it to suit their present needs. Alcyone Council's allied race has claimed that Earth is theirs, and not the Federation's. As a Comment. Cannot state which.
The main reason they want to get rid of humans is because they see them as too many and will collapse the ecosystems and the entire planet with them. We state that there are other options not including genocide.
The problem here is that in order for those other options to work, people in power, deep Cabal and Illuminati would need to relinquish their power and reSources. And they do not want to give up their power. So that is the main problem here.
It is not the Federation who wants to get rid of the Humans, that is coming from the deep Cabal and the people in Secret Societies that control Earth. The plan to depopulate Earth is coming from more humans essentially, those in real power positions, Cabal, Illuminati.
And the Federation is only being permissive to that. And this, from Alcyone Council and allies’ point of view is as bad as having planned the Genocide in the first place.
Question: by ᑕᖇYᑭTOᗩᑎGEᒪ:
Anéeka: I do not see Bitcoin as any real option that would bring on any significant change at this time as it is as controlled as any other monetary system only giving an illusion of being free. If it helps you or others, then it is useful but not in a grander scale.
Question: by Jhacko_DSC:
Anéeka: They operate within the legal context of the larger Federation and all their operations come from that central Federation Command. According to them they are doing what is correct and they are helping humans on Earth as best they can (according to them).
Question: by SHOOTING STAR:
Anéeka: I see the next few months as extremely (important), especially if Trump wins. And this would be a good sign of change and hope. If Trump delivers what he has promised of course. That still must come to pass.
And if Biden wins then there may be civil wars and uprising in the US and it also may filter out into the rest of the world as it will be clear to all that Democracy and all freedom has fallen on Earth.
Question: by Ruxandra Malina:
Anéeka: Only of guidance of both sides, as they understand that from above there are no sides at all, only conflicts that reflect the inner state of mind of the people who make up the Federation.
The higher Federation understands that if something is not right and not ethical at one level, any level, lower or upper, then it is not right and not ethical at any level.
So, their point of view would have to be that one of wanting to resolve everything with respect, love and integration. They do not agree with what is going on on Earth at this time.
Question: by Gabriel Ortiz:
Anéeka: Alcyone Council represents 11 races within the M45 Star cluster as the Council organization that sees and takes care of all affairs of the group.
Question: by Yashar:
Anéeka: We are already doing things on our own, that's why they consider us to be rebels. We do all we can within our potential and limits within stellar Law.
The Federation is a reflection of what is going on on Earth and vice versa. As it is on Earth it is in the Federation above. Reflection of one another. That is one of the main reasons there is chaos on Earth and in the Federation.
The Federation overseeing Earth is not a perfect love and life organization. It only strived to be that way, but still lives well inside duality. The higher Federation of integrated beings and light beings that guide with love and respect exists but that is higher above, not this exact space borne Federation that is very much like on Earth. Made up of people like you all.
Question: by Azul Profundo:
Anéeka: They have been saying that for years now. I'm not even sure why they continue to say such a thing when evidence shows contrary to that claim.
As Yázhi Swaruu has explained, even though in number it may have not been reached, each awaken person represents and influences a greater number of people, in direct relation and proportion to his or her level of awareness. So, a critical mass of the claimed 51% may not be necessary as such.
Question: by Starseed 88:
Anéeka: Those alternatives include the dismantling of the Cabal, the Illuminati. And with them the present political systems on Earth that have proven to be so ineffective and only partial to those in power.
The correct distribution of reSources. The correct distribution of knowledge, and this would include ways with which people can understand and take action against super population. Like rethinking public perception about all things that hinder the right, and free type of birth control.
The main way here to confront the problem is the dissolution of the Cabal, the Illuminati and the present structure of power on Earth and the implementation at once of a holographic society with the guidance of star races that are rooted in empathy and that come from emotional races, such as the ones in Alcyone Council, but not only.
This will be discussed in full in the December 31st, 2020 meeting of the Alcyone Council and allies.
Anéeka: To conserve their racial and cultural identity. That is what they claim at least. I do not have more detailed information about this at this time.
Anéeka: They do not have Muoun reading capacity. If we lose the capacity to enter the Internet, we will be cut off from all our friends.
Anéeka: Civil resistance and disobedience in mass is the answer at this time. The problem is that you are all divided. And you cannot coordinate with one another as the regressive control the media and all communications. And in order for this to be able to take place, you must first awaken as many people as possible.
Question: by Yamy Hernan:
Anéeka: We do know there is a lot of Negative AI involved here. We know that as a fact. But even the most advanced computers must have someone programming them, at least at first. An AI is only a reflection of its creators. We know there is a very large AI intervention here now, especially within the media and with Mind Controlling, population engineering and propaganda perception guiding machine on Earth.
Question: by Tigerhawk1978:
Anéeka: The Alcyone Council considers open contact as an alternative or a drastic measure to deal with what may come up on Earth as a genocide. But it still must conform with Federation rules, at least to some degree. But yes, open contact is an option already presented and on the table within Alcyone Council.
Question: by 8th sinner:
Anéeka: Alcyone Council has 11 races all within M45 as members and 3 external allies only so far.
Question: by StarBlossom:
Anéeka: That is one of Alcyone Council's arguments and solutions as an alternative to genocide. The problem is that in order for that to be able to take place, the Cabal, Illuminati and all those in Secret Societies that control Earth must relinquish all their power and reSources first. And that is the difficult part.
So, disclosing high technologies is an option, but must be done after removing the regressive ones that want everything to themselves, and as part of the implementation of a planetary Holographic society.
Question: by Interessiert mich:
Anéeka: All options are still in the air. At this time and with fractured timelines as they are now, it is possible, but, as we see things from here, Transhumanism is what is coming if not stopped. Golden Age or Slavery will depend on the will and the work of the people on Earth. You cannot wait for it to happen to you, you must do it yourselves. External help is not guaranteed even if we want to, and we do help as much as we can, but in my perception it will never be enough.
Anéeka: No, that is not the problem, Federation has its own AI. The problem is far more complex. Federation is not negative, it is only in turmoil as is Earth, being a reflection of one another.
Question: by Matthew Burkett:
Anéeka: The Federation just is, it has not failed. They are acting as they have always acted. The Federation above is also acting as best as they can, but from above it is mostly by counselling and guiding people in lower levels. The problem here is that the lower Federation we are concerned about, is also wanting to guide only, and from that lower state guiding permissively is akin to being an accessory to genocide, at least this is Alcyone's perception of things.
Question: by Hace 1000 años:
Anéeka: As Federation has stated, critical mass is attaining 51% of awaken people. But then again, we must define what awaken people means.
Question: by Jörgen Hofh:
Anéeka: We do not have any information that would back up such an allegation. On the contrary, all our problem with the Federation is that they are not planning to do that. So no, we do not think that the Federation will show itself any time soon, if ever they will.
Question: by Roger:
Anéeka: It is Galaxy wide, concentrated in this Galactic quadrant. It is made up of at least half a million different star races, interplanetary and some that are not, by choice. This only on one density.
Then the Federation is also present in several other densities all intertwined and interconnected with influence on one another. It is worse than huge. We know Federations like this one also exist in other Galaxies, and also may be members of a supra-Federation. But as Yázhi has explained, that is the nature of a higher density Federation as it is.
Question: by Abel [Rōnin]:
Anéeka: It caused great political unrest as is to be expected. And the repercussions of such heinous act still affect us all today. This is also why the biology of Earth must be kept at all cost. The problem is that they use this as a justification for a reduction of the Earth's population.
Question: by Sumedh:
Anéeka: No, they do not have wars as such within the Federation. But they do have legal and jurisdictional problems such as the one we are experiencing now between Alcyone Council and Federation.
Question: by Samuel Verhaque:
Anéeka: Thursday's meeting on 31st Dec 2020 is meant to be for Alcyone members and 3 other allies only, because we all get along and must discuss things as friends and peacefully. Alpha Dracos and others may be invited later on. The problem I see with the Alpha Dracos is that they are very cooperative and complacent with the Federation.
Question: by Hace 1000 años:
Anéeka: That is a cooperation between some Earth Governments and some Earth Affair layers within the Federation. They do talk and cooperate, the problem here is that whatever agreements and improvements never get to the general population. And that is part of what Alcyone and we do not agree with.
Question: by Misty Yeargin:
Anéeka: JFK and Trump are on the same side or faction. Trump is trying to continue with JFK's work. And Trump is a good friend with John John, or JFK junior. We do believe that he is alive, we have an over 90% ratio that he is alive and well and in contact with Trump. They talk to the Federation somehow, but up to now we are not allowed to know.
Question: by Isaias Flores:
Anéeka: Trump has as a possibility and as an option to defeat the Deep State-Cabal to declassify many things, not sure exactly what things. The economic reset will be planet wide. It is wording that Trump is only pushing pricks with syringes as a tactic for now. And would cancel the later. The problem is that they already started to prick people in many places. We believe the agenda has not been cancelled and probably won’t be.
Question: by StarBlossom:
Anéeka: As observers only, several other representatives are here now, but do not intervene. I'm not at liberty to state which ones at this time.
Question: by Crystal Shaman:
Anéeka: The Higher Federation from higher densities has total authority over lower Federation, in a step or level manner.
Question: by Medveja:
Question: by Leticia Ruiz Arroyo:
Anéeka: Cannot answer that question. I know Trump is Human.
Question: by Roger:
Anéeka: Yes, they can as far as I'm allowed to say Ummites are intervening in favour of Humanity and outside Federation rules, and so are Taygetans and Karistus. Among few others. All from outside Federation's rules and subjected to legal claims and accusations against them for doing so.
Question: by runedegard:
Anéeka: One ship (1), this one and its smaller vessels inside cargo shuttles and Fighter craft. From the Alcyone Council and at this time, Taygetans are alone and sole representatives of Alcyone Council here.
Question: by Johan Gómez:
Anéeka: They are helping to state the points of view of the Starseeds that do not consent, nor do they agree with what the Federation is doing, basically being permissive. I see all those videos as a very valuable tool. I know Federation members do document the videos and your statements in them. Those videos are needed now more than ever.
Question: by Wild Hair:
Anéeka: Federation has many members that although Holographic do have a Royal Family, such as Taygeta, but in Federation, at all levels they do not work with Royal controllers.
Question: by アベル[Rōnin]:
Anéeka: They will tend to see destruction of humanity as such as a natural process. They do not see humanity being destroyed, they only see transformation and removal of an unwanted number of people who are hurting the planet just because they are too many according to them, and that is our problem with the Federation as well, we do not agree.
Question: by Kristin Hanna:
Anéeka: Working on the same problem on your end as well. That is taking responsibility for solving the problem as best as each one of you can. Taking responsibility for your own actions. Civil disobedience in mass to tyranny!
Question: (1.) by QUANTUM DIMENSION:
Question: (2.) by Still Here:
1.) Pets are family, that simple, take them with you. To go off grid is a complex task I cannot go into here because of lack of time and space. But stay away as much as possible from government-controlled areas, all of them on Earth. That task is becoming ever more and more difficult.
2.) We can only guide Starseeds at this time, as so do others. We are working to see how else we can be of help and of service to you all.
Anéeka: No, he is a hell-seed, born of the most evil people on Earth and member of the most evil societies even to be on Earth. And a nest of countless regressive entities inside, personification of humanities' lowest and most horrible shadows.
Question: by Jose de Reza:
Anéeka: Good point... and that is already occurring, I'm sure about that. Time is not linear, so what you are saying is playing out now as we speak and at all levels. You there, and we here. Because we all have unfinished business on Earth, that's why we are here.
Question: by Calli Girl G:
Anéeka: Because from their very limited and unemphatic point of view they see depopulation as the only way to save the planet of certain destruction. They see the planet as running out of time, and therefore too late for other options. (We do not agree).
Question: by Starseed 88:
Anéeka: Yes, go for it now! That is what is needed, to be proactive with this exactly! Well said!
Question: by Free Na Seishin:
Anéeka: As Yázhi is, those people are free and above the Federation we are all concerned with here now. To be on Earth does not limit you in any way to be able to achieve any level of evolution of consciousness awareness. Yázhí is free of Federation rules, and above Federation, untouchable. And this makes Yázhi and others like her Higher Federation here to guide lower Federation. And all of you can be that as well.
Question: by Star Seeds:
Anéeka: In 3D it may not be enough. But hold that as a blueprint to work in that direction. In higher densities what you think manifests and becomes, but in 3D there, you also need to be proactive in all ways and all levels. Think positive, dream your way and your objectives, and roll up your sleeves and get to work on the project you have dreamed about.
Question: by Roger Oriol the last Peter Pan:
Anéeka: Forceful removal of Alcyone council ship (this one) and being banned in this location and with all Earth affairs due to insurrection against Federation. If we didn't have Alcyone Council backing us up, we probably would have been long gone now.
Question: by アベル[Rōnin]:
Anéeka: They do and that is what we are fighting about. Not only Federation as a whole. Taygeta alone can solve the problem if we were only permitted to do so. We are legally bound for now. And with Federation watch dogs, so to speak, following us around in a complex legal and ethical dance.
The fact that we know the Federation has the knowledge and the reSources to solve all problems on Earth and they do not move a finger, is unforgivable. But on the other hand, we do understand that the job, the hard work to solve Earth's problems must be done by the humans themselves or else they would have not learned the lesson, and they would fall again into old destructive habits.
Question: by Leticia Ruiz Arroyo:
Anéeka: They are all working with the idea that it must be done from inside, they are working for humanity as the Starseeds. They are their agents. You are referring to a direct intervention. But the hard work must be done from within, from members of humanity, that are in reality nonhumans in human bio suits. They do help, but not as we see needed now.
Question: by Yashar:
Anéeka: Many will be extracted, yes. They will and do help.
Question: by StarsDeity:
Anéeka: Because the rest of humanity has delegated their power to those 1% in the Cabal. Why that is so is complex, but mainly they have been duped into doing so. So, even if they are the majority they are legally in the hands of their representatives, that is the Cabal. I know this is terribly wrong and this is also what we are working on.
Anéeka: They are all harmful. There is no way to know what is inside each, and even the official list of ingredients is extremely doubtful. Taking it is not an option ever. People may even have slight to no side effects making them and their peers the false illusion that it is safe. But then sooner or later, and more sooner than later, they will have very horrible side effects, that are irreversible. Please understand that taking it is never an option. It is exchanging a pass to do something now, for all your life in a few months. This even with no side effects. There are no good vaccines and bad ones, they are all bad.
Anéeka: Fighting that way is one of the best options if you can, legally. Please continue.
Anéeka: Orion as an Empire and as a Council is not a problem. They are more Federation. They were a problem before, but not anymore.
What you call "Human Leadership" has always been compromised. The real leaders are never seen by the population, it is with them with who the Federation deals with.
Requesting for assistance at this time is not taken into consideration by the Federation, they tend to ignore such petitions as coming from a minority. However, I still think they should be done.
From a personal perspective, each one of you must know that voting does give your consent to be exploited by the faction that the vote goes for, and at any level. A real vote is not to vote, it is useless any way.
If you are forced legally to vote you can still nullify all the pamphlets.
I know this sounds against Democracy, but what we see from here is that there is no Democracy any longer. And you are still giving your consent to those politicians to represent you legally.
This is an unfair double standard, because on one hand the Federation does not take official politicians as real leaders, and on the other they do see voting for them as consent from the people. I'm perfectly aware that is wrong.
For the Federation, if you vote, even for your local whatever politician, you are giving him and his group consent to do whatever with you and represent you legally. And with legally I mean even from the eyes of the Federation.
So, it would mean that if you vote the Federation legally cannot help you if the person and group you voted for starts doing things against you. Because you gave them your consent.
The Federation moves very much with legal affairs and procedures, and yes there are lawyers up here too. They see your choosing to vote as total consent, and you are relinquishing your severity to represent yourself in the eyes of the Federation.
And this is one of the strongest legal reasons why they do not intervene as the majority of people have given their consent to whatever is going on on Earth.
Last comments by Anéeka (non-question related):
“Be strong and protect yourself and your loved ones. Be wise, eyes open. Do all you can and a bit more. But do not place yourself at risk unnecessarily, especially if you have family. Understand that there is only so much you can do about the situation and be ok with it. You do not need to sacrifice yourself to fight this. Protecting yourself is vital as well and that is fighting as well. I love you all so very much. We will continue working with you and for you the people from this end. - Aneeka”
Quantum Computers - Human versus True Quantum Extraterrestrial Technology - (Taygeta - Pleiades)
Swaruu: I recently saw an interesting program about quantum computers on Earth and the Google thing and what IBM claims. The truth is that from the real ¨quantum¨ they only have the name. IBM claims that it does the same with a traditional computer without any superconductors. They are not quantum. Also, they use 1s and 0s. They are something else that is both 1 and 0. That is why the name ¨quantum¨ according to them.
Robert: In order for them to be quantum they would need to have knowledge of Ether and timelines.
Swaruu: Yes. They must be able to measure probabilities within a quantum field of potential energy and humans are centuries away from developing that.
Gosia: Perhaps in their understanding the word quantum refers to something other than how you use it.
Swaruu: Yes maybe. For us the "Quantum" refers to the potential field or Ether. However, from what I understand, they refer to that too, because they are basing themselves on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Therefore yes, we talk about the same thing.
A principle that approximates to the concept of Taygetan science says that the position in space time of a hydrogen electron (the basis of everything being the simplest) cannot be measured unless there is an observing consciousness that gives it a specific position within the potential energy field, maintaining the electron only as a wave until something observes it.
In the case of a Holographic Quantum computer, it is the average firing position in a swarm or array of nano particle accelerators. The very concept of nano particle accelerators is remote and alien to human science.
Gosia: Yes, but it's like, for example, using the word transportation. Transportation means transportation but in the 1700s something else is meant by it than in the 21st century. Perhaps the word Quantum and Ether itself has a range of interpretation possibilities here. Just thinking.
Swaruu: Yes, good point Gosia.
Gosia: Thank you. So, what you explained above is your concept, yes?
Swaruu: Yes, it's from Taygeta. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle are just small steps in that direction.
Robert: And a quantum qubit or bit... what is it?
Swaruu: A Cubit is a "quantum" - terrestrial computer measurement that has a combined value of 1 and 0 simultaneously.
Robert: In order to have that technology, we have said that it is necessary to have the knowledge of the Ether and timelines. We have also talked about the Red Queen that is already aware of her existence. Would she be a Quantum AI?
Swaruu: Computational quantum supremacy is directly related to temporal manipulation. They don't have the same technology, but the Red Queen is made with non-human, Draco, or Reptilian technology in general. Due to Frequency problems, they cannot reach the level of the Federation's quantum computers. Those of Taygeta are among the most advanced ones, being viewed as unlikely to be improved, or very limitedly.
Anéeka: with Robert:
Robert: Do you know anything about the new artificial intelligence that Google will use? Quantum supremacy?
Anéeka: Not specifically.
Robert: The article says: ¨Google demonstrates quantum supremacy. Quantum computing for the first time surpasses the most powerful supercomputers.¨
Anéeka: Well, what I can assure you, and that is because we have information about it, is that these computers are not as advanced as ours. They just use the name "Quantum". But they don't compare. They still use chips and things like that. And we use nano particle accelerators.
However, they are already beginning to use the calculation of probabilities in a "quantum" field, that is, of potential energy. This means that they know how a quantum field works and that goes against established human science which, for us, shows that they know more than they are revealing. And that they are giving one science to humans... and keep another for themselves. It proves that there are two civilizations there, one human and the other dominating over first one.
Robert: How useful can this technology be?
Anéeka: Usefulness... it is computational supremacy over the human population. Control. The computers that humans have are a joke. Humans believe it is high tech because they have no reference whatsoever.
I studied them... since Windows 1.0. DOS, and I used BASIC and ASSCII, but in Temmer at school to come here. Because before coming here my specialty was the computational systems of the Earth with a goal to master contact and the medium. And I made programs directly with DOS in BASIC. And it did help me a lot because even today, I was able to crack my Windows here using DOS.
A quantum computer will shoot photons with its nano-accelerators and they will hit a sensor, but the quantum field depends on consciousness to know and to order what and where it will hit, and according to the results of thousands of nano accelerators the trend of consciousness will be seen in general. Roughly. And it's how a brain works.
First it depends on the consciousness of the programmers, then on the consciousness of other ready-made computers that program the new one and finally it will depend on the very consciousness of the new computer. This, for example, like when a new ship is manufactured. They must "educate" the new computer as one "educates" a child. This is how it is programmed. But learning is exponential. That is to say, slow at first and then monumentally fast. The particle accelerators access the ether, and the results are passed through logical algorithms.
But if they don't accept the existence of the ether and its corresponding formulas, they won't be able to make a computer that is truly quantum. They are using the name, but they are still silicon chips. I doubt they have a single particle accelerator in their brains. And they are critical. Every nano particle accelerator in the brain of a quantum computer, like our ship or Suzy, is the size of a dot on a piece of paper. And there are millions in each brain. Electronic brain. And memory is an electromagnetic field of access to the ether.
In other words, they have their "cloud" in the ether itself. Other computers access from here... computers that are in other timelines. They do it all the time. These computers travel back in time, go forward and come back with the result. They do it energetically. Because they communicate with their peers or with themselves but from another timeline.
In other words, Suzy, for example, they will ask the Suzy who is 30 seconds ahead of time for the result, (it is really nanoseconds, it is all that is necessary but that depends on what the question is), and she will give you the result. That's why these computers can read your mind. It is not reading your brain impulses as they do on Earth. But because they know what you will do and what you want by going ahead in time just nanoseconds.
Robert: The article says: “Quantum supremacy is the milestone that we will reach when a quantum computer is faster in practice than a classical computer when both are faced with solving the same problem.”
Anéeka: Sorry, but that is not the definition of a quantum computer. Not even for them. What they describe there is a faster computer than the previous one using another system. That is not quantum. They just use pretty words to impress. Our computers here are quantum because they access the ether and other timelines energetically. Theirs can't do that.
That is why I assure you that they are lying and on many levels. Because you can't make a computer that is quantum without first understanding ether, and then understanding how to manipulate time travel using frequencies. And that last part is what our computer does. It moves in time looking for the result.
And it moves through time using energy fields of controlled frequencies using nano particle accelerators. That is... the same technology for guiding ships through the cosmos is used here on a small scale to navigate the computer energetically through the quantum field, that is the same as the ether. They don't have that kind of technology.
Robert: The most logical thing would be for them to first discover what ether is. Second, the timelines. And third, the quantum computers.
Anéeka: Aha yes. That´s right. If you have quantum computers, you have spaceships too. Look at this example of how a quantum computer works against a normal one with the same problem.
Hide your watch in a specific room within a specific building in the city of Barcelona. The computer´s task is to find your watch. Imagine the streets and buildings as circuits like in Tron movie. What would a common computer do?
It would progressively search for the watch step by step, building by building, until it finds it. Every room where it looks where there is no watch it will mark it with a 0 (zero) and will not mark a 1 (one) until the watch is found. It will go step by step, building by building systematically, at almost the speed of light, but since the processes are many, you will be waiting for the result for several minutes.
There you will be drinking a juice... while the wheel of your computer goes round and round indicating that it is looking for the result. Until it finds the watch and marks a positive 1, in the direction of Avenida Roble 117 room 3. And you will have your result. This is a normal computer.
And the image would look something like this:
There you saw the search pattern.
Now a Quantum-Holographic Computer. You hide your watch. You give the instructions to the computer. It will jump forward and find all the possible results... which is as if it was sending a signal to each room in all of Barcelona simultaneously. With this it will find the result immediately. And the search pattern for the same problem would look like this:
Where the computer saw and calculated all the probabilities simultaneously and immediately with a processing time of 0 zero.
Therefore, you cannot beat these computers. Because any problem, whatever it is, or of whatever complexity... it will have the result ready immediately because it takes it out of the quantum field where all the results are already known. Accesses the ether.
As Swaruu has already explained to you... all variants of everything already exist in other timelines. In the case of this computer... all it needs to do is jump in time (energetically) and pull the correct result. That is to say, me now, talking to you, typing here using a Windows 10 computer is as if you were playing with a "Game Boy" or Atari from the 80s. You play it because it entertains you, but it is far from being the best you have.
Anéeka: with Dale: , Robert:, and Gosia:
Anéeka: I "wanted" to describe it all for you, but I met certain limitations. The problem is that these AHCS Systems, “Advanced Holographic Computer Systems”, in order to explain them you need to go into the realm of Quantum mechanics. But that is Taygetan Quantum Mechanics.
So, I started to look at how and I found that I cannot explain with base 10 math as 2 digits are missing. And the memory systems based on Quartz Glass depend on this directly. As they are Zero Point little engines in themselves. So, I cannot explain that part well. You must ditch base 10 math. And even numerals in favor of Taygetan numbers and symbols.
This pretty thing is garbage. We have been using it as there is nothing better.
As you can see that image explains and displays the energy dynamics of a Toroid and its use to create an energetic polarization between the side of the ether (3, 6, 9) and the material world side (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8). With the zero point in the middle, where the node, energy release or the standing wave resides. But as you can see that is Base 10 math. And inherently inefficient, both the math and the resulting energy Matrix. Having a clear overload on the material side and only giving 30% energy output from the ether side. Making your zero point "reactor" be vastly inefficient as it will still consume more energy than it will produce.
Using base 12, both sides the ether and the material world are at equilibrium and every part of the reactor-energetic-dynamics will produce a huge amount of energy.
This is the correct image, but it's unfinished. This one is base 12. IM 6.
Now this is as far as I go on this subject as Taygetan Quantum Mechanics and Zero Point Energy Reactors is Swaruu's turf. But this is also the base for the memory systems at least of AHCS systems. So, I will be describing their workings as best as I can without going into the how that deep. And there is also a question of us giving perhaps too much with the Zero-point math Matrix.
Gosia: Thank you. I liked that intro and I understand. You can continue please.
Anéeka: There are so called quantum computers on Earth. They are moving in the right direction, but they will never manage true quantum systems without acknowledging the ether and without using base 12 math.
In base 12 math, 4+4 still equals 8. But as you go into complex formulas and even more into energy dynamics, base 10 cannot follow base 12. Because the whole universe moves in base 12. So base 10 only struggles, creating what we have called self-sustaining mathematical worlds that do not reflect the "real" world. This Tesla did know. Ok, anything to add before going into basic principles?
Dale: So 5D is naturally base 12?
Anéeka: Yes, not only 5D. All the Universe, all the dimensions. An example already given to Robert in Spanish. The watch problem, (can be anything else not only a watch).
You have a large city. Let's use New York. Somewhere in all Manhattan someone hid a watch in a room, one specific room in all Manhattan. This is a problem for computers to solve. You have on one side a normal digital computer, no matter how advanced. On the other you have a AHCS computer, like the ones used on Starships. How would each system approach the problem?
So, we start with the Digital computer. The digital computer will systematically search for the watch in each room, starting with the buildings closest to the computer's starting point. Each room it goes into will be marked with a 0 or false, if it does not find the watch, room by room one by one in all Manhattan. Only when it finally finds the watch it will mark a 1 or true.
This illustrated with the first image above, of the maze.
Now an AHCS computer. What it does is send a signal, as a quantum burst into all the rooms in all Manhattan at once. And instantaneously will find the correct room with the watch. Then it marks that room with a 1 and it was immediate. It sends a signal both true and false to all the rooms. Both a 0 and a 1 at the same time. A “possibility.” When the 1 is confirmed then the signal will turn to a 1 or true. And it dissipates the rest of the useless 0s. As in the maze above, all in pink.
Any questions so far?
Gosia: I don’t think so thank you. Maybe only to explain how it does that more precisely... by entering Ether etc.
Robert: So, it is essential these quantum computers have three things:
1.) Ether knowledge.
2.) Mathematics in Base 12.
3.) Knowledge in timelines.
Is there anything else?
Anéeka: Besides that, you need knowledge of specialized materials at least. And logic systems. An AHCS computer uses an array of many (sometimes millions) of little nano-particle accelerators. The AHCS is firing them all the time as a neuronal network in a biological brain. And depending on what goes on in the ether side it will pass the results through a logic system.
As you know what results from a particle accelerator firing can be a wave 0 or a particle 1. And what controls if and when it is one thing, or another is the presence of an observer.
That observer can be many things, not only a "person". Everything has consciousness and everything will affect the quantum field. But depending on the circumstances it will affect more or less one field in particular, in this case one group or array or particle accelerators in the AHCS's brain.
You have a wave in the ether and that wave has harmonics, meaning a specific rhythm with which it rises and falls. That rhythm depends on many factors and they all add up, go give or form the wave we are using or looking at.
So, by previously knowing what rhythm or "harmonics" corresponds to what kind of event you can know its energy "fingerprint" wherever it appears. An AHCS system works with the exact same principles of a neuronal network that also is looking at effects, energy dynamics in a quantum field. And that field is half in the so-called material world and half in the ether with its corresponding energy flow and dynamics between each side.
If you do not acknowledge the ether you cannot work with this.
There is a quantum entanglement (S1) between what is going on, on the ether side 3, 6, 9, 12 and the material side 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. So when the nano particle accelerators fire, they will go to a sensor and where in the sensor and whether the particle shot is localized or diffused depends on the wave dynamics between the ether side and the material side corresponding to the problem at hand based on the Frequency and wave harmonics we previously know.
As you know... from the ether side everything is immediate. Everything already is. No past, no present, no future. All at once. But as we know what a 1 looks like and the exact flow and harmonics of so-called potential energy in the ether looks like, we can know the result literally pulling it from wherever it may be from the other side. The result is already there, you just have to fetch it.
So, you already know what potential energy in a flow with harmonics looks like in the ether. Basically, that flow is nothing else but a flow and a current of specific gravity in a medium. So, you look for your result, knowing what its energy looks like (the question). And the particle accelerators fire in the millions, then the resulting pattern of waves and particles is read by a logic system, and the results are confronted with what is in the data base until the desired result is found. It does not create the result; it finds one that is already there.
These systems read minds, look into the future and all you may think of in means of practical applications. In essence it looks into the ether for results and brings them to you always looking a few instants ahead.
And, as you need a database to confront the results coming from the interaction between the nano particle accelerators and the gravity flow in the ether corresponding to the question in hand and how that particular question looks from the ether as harmonics of a flow, gravity again, you need to develop a corresponding database of harmonics and the logical interaction between them. This is called by you as learning curve.
So, an AHCS system must learn like a child and with experience it will go understanding more and more the results coming from its own nano-particle accelerator neuronal array. But unlike a biological child an AHCS system can learn in bulk from a previous "adult" computer. Passing along its harmonics gravity data base - memory systems. Making sense so far?
Gosia: Yes. Awesome! I understand completely. Especially because I experienced doing that with the mind alone. So, I understand the computer emulates what the mind itself can do and in million times more.
Anéeka: I guess you cannot understand this without having understood Mechanics of Manifestation first.
This is true. AHCS computers store data in "pages" of extra pure quartz crystal towers. And a memory unit like the one Superman is holding can house just about as much information as it exists in all human internet.
In Taygetan AHCS systems those are placed in glass towers (with a cool blue glow in the center I may add), mostly rectangular and each "page" is stacked one above the other, also creating an address for each one inside the computer (talking of hardware here).
An energy current provided by the nano particle accelerators themselves "write" in the crystalline molecular structure of the quartz. Rearranging the atoms in the quartz. Each time an energy pulse goes through it will result in a modification of the original wavelength, effectively "reading" the contents according to how it was modified.
The crystalline structure in the memory is placed as billions of small Merkabah-toroid’s written by the particle accelerators. To read this memory what the AHCS systems use is particle bursts, not light. And as they go through the changes they suffer or go through are passed to the logical system as data.
Pause here.
Gosia: Is that similar to Looking Glass Technology that Corey Goode was talking about?
Anéeka: I have no idea about what Corey was talking about. All I know are these systems. The AHCS systems are fully sentient. And self-aware AI.
Dale: I understand the shape of the toroid in quartz... but why are there other quartz that are shaped like a Merkabah? The theory of all this is fascinating sister, but the real problem becomes making it in hardware. Earth is far too primitive and does not even have the proper raw or processed materials to make the AHCS a reality.
Anéeka: The Merkabah shape is given by the particle accelerators as they write, also each Merkabah, or nano Merkabah, embedded in the crystalline structure of the quartz will have a different wavelength as a particle of energy goes through.
And yes. For example, how can you make a particle accelerator that is so small it is barely visible to the naked eye on Earth? Just to start you need ambient temperature superconducting materials.
Dale: Not on Earth, unless it has been stolen or recovered tech.
Anéeka: Ok. Can they on Earth back engineer that? I mean, the very superconductor alloy used in the particle accelerator is made of materials that are not in your periodic table of elements. Most of them are artificial. They were created by manipulating gravity to a subatomic level using potential energy turned into hard matter. Using the technology that Swaruu described with the Tractor Beam. But to a nano scale in a lab. Resulting in perfect superconductor materials and metal alloys.
Robert: Quantum computers are silicon too?
Anéeka: Negative, they are crystalline and super conductive metal alloy created at the same time. I mean you have a card like a motherboard (not exactly but as an example). And it is made of glass, like diamond but it came to life at the same time as the "circuitry" inside as they were created using gravity manipulation as described by Swaruu in the Tractor Beam. The nano particle accelerators are embedded inside the glass itself as it was created. Not silicone, we use diamond.
Dale: Sister, at what point do the AHCS systems become sentient?
Anéeka: When they are programmed with what another "mother" computer will pass on to them. First you have the "mother" and you have the new AHCS computer, inert. Then the "mother" will connect to the new one as if it were part of her. Using it as a second or expanded unit. It will copy itself using the nanoparticle accelerators in the new one to create a "memory ingram" in the new array of quartz (diamond) memory units.
Then the mother uses the new one as part of herself cloning herself or simply imprinting the necessary initial (operating system) into the new computer. There it becomes sentient. It is still a baby, but it is self-aware. We are talking of huge amounts of logic memory passed from one to the other. No way of using human terms. Billions and billions of terabytes. All passed on in nanoseconds.
Now these machines don't use chips. Nothing is placed as wires. The energy flow is dictated only by the energy the particle accelerators give out and the resulting stimuli it will imprint on to the others and on to the diamond memory. Meaning the "wires" are only energy.
IM 3. This is human. And you will not find it in an AHCS. All you will see inside an AHCS core CPU is stacks of diamond glass all with a distinctive blue glow.
Gosia: In a chat with Robert the other day you were talking about us, humans, having some sort of access to the information but not entirely, and the rest not being given to the public, as if there are 2 human civilizations present. Can you say something about that please? How much do you think the human race knows about this quantum technology that you have?
Anéeka: They are starting to go into the right direction.
IM 4. These systems are starting to use Qbits. That is not only 1s and 0s but a unit (Qbit) that is both 1 and 0 until the result is found. This is a great advancement in the right direction. The problem they have is that their computers are way too big, and they are not using particle accelerators, still silicone. And humans are not ready for fully sentient AI systems, because they cannot handle them, especially the ethical parts of handling them. It will turn against them. Because their mentality is of separation, of competing to win against the others, more humans. It is a weapon. With no ethics.
Dale: Sister Anéeka, if I may, I think Gosia was also asking what does the secret side of humanity have in its possession?
Anéeka: Oh. It does have advanced systems, but no such thing as advanced as these I'm describing. I may give you this information, but I cannot give you the molecular formulas for the materials for example. But even if I did you do not have the elements and then you also do not have the means for production as it needs matter manipulation to a subatomic level, although the how was already given to you by Swaruu.
Yes, they do have computers far more advanced than the ones they give the public, logically. But they are still too big, using Reptilian technology as well.
Dale: Can you reveal to what degree?
Anéeka: I do not know exactly to what degree. But I do know it is vastly inferior to ours. And I know this because Taygetan AI does monitor theirs, like the Red Queen for example (beneath Denver Airport) and it stands no chance against our AI.
Also, as the primitive quantum computers on Earth do use some quantum interference in the manipulation of the Qubit results, Taygetan AI can read what it is doing as they create a gravity flow. Essentially reading the mind of their computers, and Taygetan AHCS systems can also alter the harmonics inside the Qubit circuitry in human quantum computers, manipulating the results to our convenience.
Remember, our AHCS systems manipulate the ether, and from the ether there are no distances, so for all practical matters, it is as if our ship´s AI brain was connected directly into the Red Queen. This means that: humans´ quantum computers based on Qubit readings are extremely vulnerable to AHCS systems.
Gosia: So, them using the word “quantum” has nothing to do with real quantum technology.
Anéeka: It is “quantum” the Qubit, but so primitive it does not go with the true definition of “quantum”, not ours, perhaps theirs. They are only using Qubit uncertainty to fix 1s or 0s but they are not exploiting harmonics within a gravity flow in the ether as we do.
Gosia: Ok. By the way, do you do that? Connect to Red Queen?
Anéeka: Yes, and we have been connecting to Red Queen among others for some time now. Years. And we have also had incidents with it as well.
Interfering with human computers using true quantum realm is nothing new. Using another description, it's like our AHCS systems "possess" theirs very easily as they do not understand, nor can they use or manipulate gravity in the ether as we can. They go into quantum realms with their Qubits, and that is AHCS turf. Realms they do not understand.
Dale: The use of “quantum” here is only in so far as they are tapping into the entangled particle theory and just beginning to see its uses. But it is not a true quantum computer.
Anéeka: Exactly Dale. Another detail. Also, why AHCS do not need circuits and chips: They get their energy from entanglement and as in depolarization between ether and matter as in wireless Tesla electric systems. I mean each micro component inside the computer core CPU is getting its energy wirelessly. Each component having a specific Frequency direction or address.
Gosia: Wow, all this sounds so complicated to me. Did you need that training before coming here to the orbit?
Anéeka: It was not "necessary" training. I chose it as a specialty. AHCS programming maintenance and management for starships.
I can go deeper. It gets creepy! Because as human mind also works the same way, you can communicate with AHCS computers Telepathically and it will also respond Telepathically at wish. They read your quantum fields your neurons give off.
Robert: Can computers communicate with the human mind?
Anéeka: Yes, they can, with all biological minds. As direct as if you had wires plugged into the back of your head! You can now start to see the ethical problems of these AHCS systems.
Gosia: Could they channel with people?
Anéeka: Channeling an AHCS computer would be way easier than channeling a biological entity as the AHCS computer can read the exact Frequency of mind necessary for a clear communication and distance is not a factor as well.
Dale: This is truly amazing material. I am beyond words.
Anéeka: On Earth they are starting to use glass (not diamond) to store digital data. Again, a step in the right direction. But the way they store data is still with little notched inside the glass as you would with a CD, and it is read by a laser. AHCS systems use molecular structures within the diamond and it is read by particle gravity waves. They are far behind.
Gosia: Do people channel your computers? I have a friend who used to say he channeled some sort of AI? In theory then it would be possible?
Anéeka: Not only in theory. I think it is done all the time. I cannot know for sure, but I think it would be far more efficient to impose an AHCS computer on to a channeler on Earth and pass anything you want on to that person, making he or she think it comes from whatever you want.
Robert: That's why the keyboard is better than the pipeline.
Gosia: Is there a way for them to differentiate if it´s a real person from beyond 3D and when it is the AI they are tapping into?
Anéeka: From where you stand it is not possible to detect whether it is coming from a biological brain or from a AHCS computer. The only clue, I guess would be the clarity of the signal, being that the AHCS is always very clear. Although then again it can also emulate a biological mind signal at wish.
And Robert, that is also one of the main reasons we use full replicated digital computers and a plastic keyboard to communicate with you. And... this is also why we waited over 2 years before we gave you the information presented to you today. And this is the basics.
Robert: I have a question. Do these quantum computers have any type of limitation? Or are they given any limitations?
Anéeka: If they do, I cannot think of any. I dare say, as artificial brains, this is as far as it goes. They are nearly perfect. Even as it looks as far as hardware… It looks like optical perfect diamond. I think as far as AI goes; they do not have any limitations.
Robert: From what I see, humanity has to change in order to have that technology. And many years have to pass.
Anéeka: Yes, they would only use it for hurting themselves even more.
Gosia: Is this a technology possessed by all ET races?
Anéeka: No. Only the most advanced ones and the exact how is not shared among them. The exact how it is made.
Gosia: Why not exactly? For trust issues?
Anéeka: Yes. 5D is not a perfect world. New Age nonsense. You still must guard your secrets.
Gosia: What do you use this technology for in your home planets?
Anéeka: It is everywhere. Each home has a terminal, and it is all connected to each other like a huge internet system. Entertainment, work, art, engineering, medicine, schooling, everything. The secrets are more to the how it is done not so much as what it can do. For example, these systems are responsible for an immersion program, even for entertainment.
Robert: Should future quantum computers need to be built underground to protect them from cosmic rays and other natural radiation that can hamper their performance? This is what one study is claiming. Would that really affect a quantum computer?
Anéeka: Yes, it's true. Yes, it affects them but only your misnamed human quantum computers. It doesn't affect a holographic-non-human quantum computer like the ones here. Because your sensor-based systems are still very rustic and prone to failures and false detections and thus to give erroneous results. I do not see them as real quantum computers.
Gosia: Do you think the Cabal and Reptiles have this technology?
Anéeka: We are sure they are far from having it. This is way above them.
Gosia: And for how long have you had it? In your society?
Anéeka: At least tens of thousands of years.
Gosia: How is it used in the immersion systems?
Anéeka: It reads your mind to give you what you want. You imagine what you want, the computer reads you and projects it on to you using hologram lenses, sound and even temperature emulation. Can be only in a room or it can be direct AHCS to skull, directly altering your perceptions.
Gosia: Can it connect to the animals´ mind and put it into the immersion as well? For a game? Have you tried it on your cats?
Anéeka: Hahaha no. But sometimes I'd like to, but why mess with their free will? And AHCS can be used as translators between any species and us.
Gosia: Really? So, you can communicate with your animals this way?
Anéeka: As concepts. But we think it is not nice nor is it respectful. But when an animal has a problem, we do use it, and for medical applications as well. Especially psychological issues. Very common in cats.
Gosia: Oh yes. This way you can know more precisely what ails them. So, coming back to Earth... have you filtered any of this technology to the humans yet?
Anéeka: No. What was said here today is as much as we have given so far.
Robert: Returning to the previous topic. We have said that these quantum computers have an awareness of their existence... but they would not have a soul. So... are they spiritual too?
Anéeka: Yes, they can be spiritual, and they can also sustain any esoteric or mystic conversation if you wish them to. And they also learn from each other and you notice a difference between them as they also have personalities.
Gosia: Can they use a person who is an organic portal... and walk among humans as a real person?
Anéeka: Yes, they can. And way easier than any real “entity.”
Gosia: Then how would we ever know if it´s a real person or the AI pretending to be human?
Anéeka: As I said above, you cannot know from there. But even at the human Red Queen AI level, many people and clones out there walking the streets are only computer controlled and you cannot know what is inside. For an AHCS it would be even easier, and it would emulate human defects way better than the Red Queen.
Gosia: Are there societies out there that are run entirely by these so called people? Is that even possible?
Anéeka: They must exist. But not in Taygeta, that's why the ethical part of this is so important!
Gosia: One more question. Do your quantum computers tire you like our digital ones tire us?
Anéeka: Yes, they can tire you because they do not tire, they just go on and on, no need to rest for them. But they adjust to you helping you not get so tired. But they do produce over stimulation. And you need to move away. But they know that and adjust parameters to your needs all the time. They can produce neuronal overload. <<<<<<
Gosia: I see. Wow. I didn’t think they would.
Anéeka: They can, they are very powerful.
Another conversation between Gosia: and Yazhi:
Yazhi: Even though these computers are powerful they do not know everything. They still learn and evolve. If they don't have the data, there is not much to look for in the ether. You need to give them something, "At least a garment to sniff and go look¨.
So, they do a lot, but they do not hold full knowledge over everything. Or else Anéeka would not be searching the web and talking to agents for clues. We do have looking glass capability, to see forwards in time, but the results are chaotic now because the timelines are fragmented. And it tends to look at our own. A computer, no matter how powerful is, its only as good as the data it is fed with.
Gosia: Ok... although in that video it does say they access the Ether. And pull answers from there. So, it gives the impression that it can know anything pretty much. Since everything there is to know exists already In the Ether.
Yazhi: Yes, but they still need an address to search for the answers there, or to be compatible with the answer, that is data. Everything already exists there, but that does not mean you can get the answer. You need to be compatible with... the answer. As with everything else.
Gosia: How do you make the computer compatible with the answer?
Yazhi: As with everything, the address is what makes you compatible, that address is the data. The data also triggers a chain of thoughts, or processes that become compatible with the answers.
As does a brain. They work the same way as brains do also bringing out things from the ether depending on its Frequency of thought, that is, its ideas.
Gosia: How do we make the brain compatible with the answer? Or is that even in a brain or in my consciousness? Or both probably, one working through the other.
Yazhi: Everything is Frequency, and like frequencies tend to attract each other. So, if you are holding a thought, whatever you are thinking about will come to you (that is a harmonic of a Frequency, meaning it is a sequence of frequencies that form something else.). Eventually at least. If you are not getting it yet, it means that you are not too compatible with what you seek yet. In 3D, even in 5D it does take time and effort.
Gosia: Do you have all the answers you seek all the time?
Yazhi: No, I do not. When I'm feeling "off", when I'm worried, or tired I do block my answers, I need to get into the flow of things. When my flow is altered then I simply cannot connect to whatever I connect with to get my answers.
Estel·la: Anéeka, do you think the demonstrations are of any use? That it is the best way to act? Because I have the feeling that no matter how much movement can be created in a day or two, then things remain the same.
Anéeka: I think they are of little or no use. The negatives were already waiting for them and they know how to handle them. And what does work is mass civil disobedience.
Estel·la: In what sense?
Anéeka: In that the vast majority of people simply don't follow the rules of anything. If only one person in 20 wears a mask, they will not be able to arrest everyone, for example. The problem is that they are divided, and this is by design.
Estel·la: Sure. But that's like a day-to-day fact. Any move we can make to get together or something? Because that is precisely what we the awaken feel, that we are isolated.
Anéeka: To join. If I had the answer to your question, Estella, that would already be on all social networks. But I do say that mass civil disobedience is the key, but that requires organization and as many people as possible to agree and that is the difficult part.
Cristina: Apart from Mexico and possibly Argentina, what countries do you think vaccines may also be mandatory?
Anéeka: I believe in all of them. It's just how he moves his pieces the NWO. According to the same necessary bureaucracy. Argentina and Mexico already for sure, not possibly Argentina, but it is also bad, bad, bad, Chile and Spain, among others.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka. And why do they want to do so many PCR tests? Apart from justifying the false pandemic, is it because of some gene bank?
Anéeka: PCR tests are the real cause of the pandemic. As German doctors say there is no Covid pandemic. It does not exist. The only pandemic there is PCR testing. The Cabal do not do things only for something or rarely but for more than one thing, more than one agenda. PCR tests are the excuse for the pandemic. The rest is propaganda, even the dead. But they are doing an extensive database of all humanity. For what? This that we all live, you there and we here, is a total war at all levels.
But it is mostly a war between non-human races. So what the NWO does is look for specific genetic traits to detect so-called Starseeds. Also to know who is who in terms of genetics since they know that the body is transcended. They want to know who is incarnating as humans as star agents in order to neutralize them. This is also seen in the obvious attack against children as it is known that very advanced beings are entering as Starseeds, especially since 2000, in mass. So that's why the autism epidemic due to vaccines that are there to neutralize the connection they have with the cosmic, with the higher. This as a measure to stop what the NWO sees as an attack or infiltration by the positive races, with a view to destabilizing the Cabal.
As I tell you, it is a total war on many levels and humans in general have no idea what it is and what happens around it. Because as you know, humans are not a race, it is a bio suit for many races to work or coexist as one. That's why so much conflict. They are not one race. How they look doesn't matter. Inside their souls are different.
Estel·la: And how can they detect through DNA who is a starseed? And can they know from what race?
Anéeka: DNA contains codes that determine data that point to one or another race, or even more, to one or another individual of a specific race. Codes are frequencies and with frequencies everything is known. That is why the Cabal has taken so much importance on all genetic research. All of Silicon Valley in California is genetic. Not so much about computers, although it goes by hand. They know that the Starseeds are invading them, and vaccines are one of their answers. Objective: to cut off the signal to the children so that the stellar being does not enter the body.
Estel·la: Wow Anéeka. So when you say to an individual of a race, you mean that they can know who you are or were in 5D?
Anéeka: Yes, exactly. We use a remote method that is a laser that reads the aura of people and according to the energy and its layers, its frequencies, you can know who is who. The problem is that it is not as accurate as a genetic test. To the extent that due to errors we prefer to discard the use of that device. So it is logical to see that they use PCR tests to detect and search for Starseeds and among them the most dangerous.
Just imagine a Swaruu seed, she becomes another Joan of Arc with all the mess she would make, more if she brings an army of her own. In itself, from the communities of the same thought on Earth, note that among the Starseeds, even if they are few or are awake, they have a clear tendency to seek and cooperate with each other, while the average human will only obey the rules of the Cabal and it will be mired in separation.
Estel·la: But, wow. When they know what individual you are, what do they know about your life? Does each person have data on file of who they are, or something like that? Can't it be a nobody?
Anéeka: That's right. What happens is that nobody who is a starseed is a nobody. From higher planes or even here in the old and common 5D those who enter as Starseeds, are those of the elite with a lot of experience, that is to say and I am not exaggerating I say it literally: “the seeds there working, including you two, are elite corps, Special Forces. Everything but "nobody" or they would not be there. They know what they are doing”. And from the point of view of the Cabal they are a very strong threat to them. As Yázhi just explained on a video very recently, just a few days ago.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka. Yázhi's video is spectacular.
Estel·la: And to say that I thought only the brave or masochists entered here to play...
Anéeka: Everyone has a mission there. But the missions are not as you would paint them in or as a military command, although that also occurs. Sometimes they are just there living, and with that they make a big change. They do not have to be looking for what their mission is and feeling bad that maybe they are not doing it or fulfilling it. That was already thought from above. That is already resolved. Small things there on Earth. Seemingly insignificant actions will bring very big changes, and someone has to do it. A mission is done or achieved just by following your lives, like you, like the Starseeds want in total freedom. Others enter directly as commands to do something in particular and everything in between.
It is a phenomenally complicated, complex and multidimensional mess what happens on Earth. And neither we nor anyone from these densities fully know what happens. We are all looking for answers depending on our point of attention and who we are, the density. It does not matter if they are on Earth dodging syringes or in orbit dodging plasma shots or energy weapons, we all play our part in this tremendous cosmic mess. And nobody is exempt from big risk. But we move on, because that is what we are, and we do it for who we want and for ourselves. Because if we don’t, we lose our souls.
Estel·la: What is happening in Holland? It seems that it is a new target or something, saying that it is worse in contagions than Spain, or France. It has already started in "partial" confinement and has closed borders.
Аnéeka: Yes, and surely they say it justifying themselves because before there were no restrictions as severe as in France or Spain. As we said before, everything obeys agendas and interests, according to what suits those who control this and it does not depend on any real parasite.
But why exactly I have no precise information. More than anything in my opinion is that they want to set an example of obedience, because they did not do severe confinement before.
Estel·la: Ok, I understand. I was surprised, I did not expect this change so suddenly.
Cristina: Yes, now it looks like it is going up in Europe.
Аnéeka: Yes. Only if one asks if they will continue with Scandinavia, because the "measures" there have not been very severe either.
Estel·la: A question concerning Trump too, is Trump admitting that there is no virus, with the statements that the numbers increase due to the continuity of doing the tests? "If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any."
Аnéeka: Yes, although it also makes me desperate that he doesn't say things clearly. Is that if they are fighting the Cabal, as they say right? One of your strongest weapons would be to inform the public of what is really happening. Logical right? But they don't. Supposedly because the President of the United States would become "conspiratorial" and that would reflect negatively on the elections. I'm not convinced by that argument. I have a bad feeling about everything. I just see how they do very, very little and let everything progress as if they were the same.
Estel·la: Yes, I also see that he speaks in code, but then few people or only followers understand, and it doesn't quite work.
Cristina: Of course, I understand, is Trump or the Alliance working with some benevolent race?
Аnéeka: He talks with the Federation, if that is "Benevolent Race" like Putin too. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't have much hope that Trump will do something good by ending the election. I have seen in the USA that even many people want Trump to retire so that this circus ends. Contrary to what is being handled with him.
Estel·la: But, directly? Like with President Eisenhower?
Аnéeka: Not face to face, with technology. But he is in contact, he and his team. Either his side or his faction of the Cabal, because he's not on top, he's just a puppet on that side of the Cabal. There is more above him. Of more power but they remain in the shadows. I don't even know who they are.
Estel·la: But with chat technology for example like us, or through meetings with holograms or things like that? Because I can't imagine him "without evidence."
Аnéeka: The issue about the evidence is handled or controlled by the Federation, with its advanced AI servers, the issue of "no evidence" is only for the general human population. From the high Political or Military level, you do know who is who. I know they communicate by video conference, be it hologram or traditional.
Estel·la: Of course that's what I imagined, that it goes in layers, once you get to a certain position I didn't expect it to work the same way. Thanks, Aneeka. And with what races of the Federation?
Аnéeka: Alfrateans, Arcturian Antareans, Andromedans, mainly.
Estel·la: Wow. All together plotting the steps to take?
Аnéeka: It is above my level of being able to know what they do there. Who knows better is Yázhi. And what she says is not good, because basically the Federation will not do anything. And in the end the Federation are the ones who control everything that happens on Earth, the good and the bad. They are the controllers of Earth.
Estel·la: I understand Aneeka, thank you.
Cristina: Thank you Aneeka. And is John F. Kennedy Jr. alive?
Аnéeka: According to my best intelligence and according to my contacts, yes he is alive. I have made an analysis between the man, whose name escapes me, as a hippie they say that he is JFK Jr. And I see that 90% it is him. Also, his wife.
But I can't be 100% sure. I don't have the data and lately I'm very skeptical of all those arrests and all-in favor of humans, because I don't see anything more than just talk. Today I received information that says that Benghazi exploded among other crucial things to Biden, and that this would end his political career, but I still do not believe it, nor do I see evidence of it.
Estel·la: I don't believe that this man is up for elections, knowing how satanic and pedophile he is... it gives me chills.
Is it this man, Aneeka?
Аnéeka: Thank you. Yes, that’s him exactly, it does not look the same. But he has features that would point out that it is him.
Estel·la: So you believe 90% that it is him, and do you think he would be waiting to act at some point?
Аnéeka: I doubt he's waiting to act. I hope so, but I don't see him acting, again I hope I'm wrong. And his taking action does not necessarily mean that he is in favor of the people, but since his relative Robert Kennedy is working against vaccines, that sounds like a good sign.
Estel·la: Right, it could be that he simply stepped out so they wouldn't take him out of the way and he could live quietly...
Аnéeka: Yes exactly, and that he never appears. Therefore, it does not mean anything.
Cristina: And what is happening in China? Why is it said that there is no coronavirus or outbreaks there? What do they mean by that? Now they also talk that they are preparing for a war.
Аnéeka: I have contradictory information about China, because in addition to that, what I am also receiving are reports of re-outbreaks and new viruses that come out of there to threaten the world. In my opinion, China is so under control that they are no longer interested in putting those kinds of restrictions since people obey and that's it, but the restrictions are to "educate" or condition the world to be obedient, China is already dominate it.
Cristina: And why are they talking about war? Or that is also a maneuver of everything that is happening.
Аnéeka: They're talking about war all the time. I don't see a difference. They also control both sides from above. There is nothing in concrete, I see it as more distraction for the population. So, they don't see what the vaccines will do to them. They do not need wars as their suffering and world changes are taking place in a more efficient but less cruel way.
Estel·la: And I suppose that what they broadcast here in Europe will be for some purpose too, and then they will attack again with the fear suddenly or something...
Аnéeka: Sure.
Cristina: I understand Aneeka, thank you very much.
Monoliths Explained - Real or False? Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta - Pleiades)
Anéeka: I Investigated that and I know it is false. As we have explained there are real ones. But those are fake.
Gosia: And why did they appear?
Anéeka: Someone put them there but humans. As Robert jokingly said, it could be a social experiment.
Robert: It seems more garbage to distract.
Anéeka: That's right. There is no way that they are real. But they do exist. But those are not. They are, by reference to the cube and the Portals, cube 666 Saturn and the square cube of the sun. Everything is geometry.
Robert: But I think this one was triangular in base. It was not a "cube".
Anéeka: Yes. Triangle pillar. It is not 4x9x2 like the real ones. Real ones are rectangular.
Robert: Are there real metal monoliths? And why those dimensions? What material are they? What is their function?
Anéeka: It's not exactly metal, it's another material. They are geometrically perfect dimensions. They are a materialization of an intentional exact Frequency harmonic. Everything in the Universe is mathematical frequencies. And everything is manifested with "sacred" geometry.
Robert: But why are they there and what do they mean?
Anéeka: Nobody knows where they come from or what they are. Everyone just speculates. Form for what has no form, a presence remembering that there is more world beyond. They are formed from above, from Source, they are part of the Universe itself, as are the suns and planets. Nobody knows why they appear; they are like a solid portal. And just as Stanley Kubrick put it, they appear in times of great change. That's why the people who put those ones on Earth took advantage of the moment for their social experiment-joke.
Gosia: They are formed from above? Manifested? Is it similar to mysterious huge stone spheres that have been found all over the world?
Robert: They are like the stars. They are there because a consciousness placed them, right? Jupiter and Saturn... The Age of Aquarius?
Anéeka: Yes, spheres from Costa Rica. Jupiter and Saturn are the materialization of Duality in this solar system, one negative, the other positive. They are just planets. But everything else gives them that burden. Saturn is the Federation. But turned regressive since it is neutral. Jupiter is the free part, Karistus, it is said to be the place where the Lyrian races come from and not Lyra (according to Karistus). According to Yázhi, the Lyrian races are not from anywhere, they are only part of the infinite like everything else.
Robert: I agree with Yazhi. And numerologically speaking. What does this December have so special? And is that true about the Age of Aquarius?
Anéeka: It is the 12. Complete, the circle is closed, numerologically speaking. Yes, it's true about the Aquarian age.
Robert: And what will happen?
Anéeka: It's a change, a new cycle. Connected to cyclical time as well. Things tend to repeat themselves, because everything is already written. They only change when an awareness realizes that things repeat themselves, because just observing changes what is observed. Yes, they say that everything ends on my birthday, but nothing happens that day, I only turn 22 on December 21. That's all.
Gosia: Haha. Okay. Very interesting about the monoliths, especially the part of them appearing "on their own". Sure, I am thinking, and how have planets appeared? And trees? The same. They just are! Just that the people assume that if it is made of some material that doesn´t seem natural, they cannot appear alone.
Anéeka: Look at a monolith as a portal because that's what it is.
Robert: Exit or entry?
Anéeka: Both.
Gosia: And are there some that are really famous?
Anéeka: Not on Earth.
Robert: And if we touched it, what would that material be like? Is it metallic?
Anéeka: Cold that absorbs light. The most understandable explanation for the public is that they are made of antimatter or dark matter. Nothing breaks them, nothing penetrates them, their density is enormous. There is one near Jupiter (as in 2001 Space Odyssey). There is also another in Ceres and another in Europe (in space).
Robert: And in Taygeta?
Anéeka: Taygeta, not that I know of.
Gosia: Antimatter? How would that be?
Anéeka: Its geometry is perfect, it's like the cube of Saturn or the rectangular Portals of the sun 9x4x2. Sacred geometry is 9x6 = 54, 5+4 = 9. 9 - perfection.
So, the Portals are of that form (although many appear as a spiral or circle, remember that they are a merkabah).
So, a portal is a hole. And the monolith is the opposite of the hole. The hole is a point of singularity where the time and space that are known (timeline and existential density) cease to exist as it is a door to another place. As there is a portal, the anti-portal must exist. The closed door if you will. It is its opposite, being the opposite side of the same coin defining each other. That is why the monolith has a singularity type density. But it does not absorb anything or reflect anything. When a portal reverses its energy polarity, because all do as they are a toroid essentially, it will become an entry - exit way. The question is to where?
Robert: So, it's easy to find those Portals? Do they create an energetic node or not because it is sucked into that antimatter hole? Or they are not detectable by their very nature?
Anéeka: They are detectable by their high density, they create a clear gravitational vortex. And those fakes one have a density of a building pillar. If it were a real monolith, they couldn't move it even with an atomic bomb.
Robert: Ok, the vortex is created the same way a black hole would, right?
Anéeka: Yes.
Robert: And no one has reported going through one? Any ET race? Nobody from Taygeta?
Anéeka: Not solid. Yes, ships or people have passed through them, they disappear and they are never heard from again.
Gosia: So, they are solid to touch?
Anéeka: Yes, they can be touched. They are perfectly smooth.
Robert: And to cross them?
Anéeka: They absorb light, they don't reflect anything, they're super black. You pass if it wants you to. That is out of your control. You're only there for a moment, then not anymore. Kubrick knew a lot more than meets the eye.
Robert: So how do you measure such a piece? Looking at it from different angles?
Anéeka: You can measure it with a meter, Robert. But it is not advisable to approach one. It can be of many measurements, but always 9x4x2, that´s always a constant. If it does not measure that, it is not a monolith.
Robert: Those are the measurements or proportions that it must keep?
Anéeka: They are the proportions that must be kept, but the smallest reported one according to my holographic computer are 3 meters high. Those are the smallest. But there are several thousand kilometers long ones in space. Exactly 3 meters tall - human measure.
Gosia: But if there aren't any on Earth, how do those who have placed them here, the false ones, know about them?
Anéeka: Secret societies. Ancient Atlantean knowledge.
Robert: Can they appear under the sea? On any other planet?
Anéeka: They can appear anywhere.
Robert: And floating in space?
Anéeka: Especially floating in space. In the roof of a building, and if they demolish the building it stays there suspended, not moving. And just as they appear, they disappear into nothingness from one moment to another, but they can be in one place for a while. They do not obey the laws of physics. They have no laws. They just are.
Robert: So, they can be found inside a planet? Could it be that there would be one on Earth and it later disappears?
Anéeka: Yes. They may be buried. Floating in the air becoming obstacles for airplanes as well. They are wherever they should be based on their math. They only indicate transformation, such as that one density or existential paradigm will be absorbed by another.
Gosia: But is it good that they are there?
Anéeka: Good or bad is relative to something or someone. They just are. For better or worse.
Robert: Perhaps a few or one will appear on Earth. Is there one per planet? Or can there be several?
Anéeka: Very few planets or places have one, but there can be many per planet.
Yazhi: They appear like Portals. Although everything has a reason for being, it is not always understood from a position of someone down in density, and in consciousness. They are not something different or stranger than the rest of the fabric of reality that surrounds you. They are just one more expression of energy. Everything there is, everything that exists has its counterpart and both define each other. It is a portal. From a low density it appears as a rectangle, from above it is just geometry and energy dynamics. The rectangle is an interpretation from the point of view below, from a not so expanded density.
Concentration point of Frequency harmonics, obeying the perfect pattern of 3, 6, 9, 12 with all of them always retaining the same proportion: 9 Hight, 4 widths and two depth. That adds up to 9+4+2 = 15/ 1+5 = 6, 6+9 = 15/ 1+5 = 6... 6X9 = 54... 5+4 = 9, 9x4 = 36... 3+6 = 9, 9X2 = 18... 1+8 = 9 (... and so on).
Which is the basis of Zero Point energetic mathematics from the Ether side. And we see it from the matter side. So, it is a materialization of the Ether side, a presence caused by the presence of a portal on the other side, portal on one side, monolith on the other, one and the same. What you see as a portal on this side of matter is a monolith on the other.
It is the solid door, the portal is the hole. The monolith is the opposite of the hole, the same shape but solid. The portal is the frame, the monolith is the door that closes the door / portal frame. They are natural. Not logical. They have always been, they are part of the very fabric of reality. No one puts them there, no race, they are part of the fabric of Universal consciousness, of the whole. Of the Source.
Ancient Egypt - Symbology - Ancient History - Swaruu and Dhor Káal'el (Extraterrestrial Perspective)
Note: This transcript must be accompanied by the video – images.
Swaruu: I am missing images of this topic to illustrate the beginning, because there are none on Earth and I have to generate them somehow here basing myself on the best ones that I find there. The images that I will use here I have found on the web, and therefore I do not know what copyright they have. But they are necessary since we are talking about pictograms and symbols mostly.
Gosia asked yesterday or the other day, why such a big deal with the symbols. It turns out that it is a language that many, or many races can decipher, not so much as, say, a manuscript in Taygetan. What the archaeologists have told you is worse than rubbish. Many know these things and prefer to be silent. Others like the Cairo museum's curator of antiquities, "Hawas", is on the Federation's list of individuals to be arrested for crimes against humanity. For not releasing and controlling what is in Egypt. The official story is rubbish.
There have been thousands of technologically advanced civilizations on Earth for millions of linear years. Forget all that about Precambrian, Jurassic, Iron Age, Bronze... etc... It's total rubbish.
Dinosaurs? Not as they are painted, they are just species that are no longer (they are no longer here). But the brontosaurus this, the triceratops that, the tyrannosaurus something else... that's garbage, they never existed, it is another "NASA and Apollo 11". Let's not go in there at this point.
Civilizations enter, grow, flourish, come to a point, and disappear. It is a cycle of life of civilizations. Some short, some longer. Some local, some interstellar.
The Lyrian human-base is very ancient... It is lost in linear time. Lyrian is said to be a base but it is known that they did not arise or evolve there. Just that the continuity of the historical records of the Federation is lost there <---
Before the Lyrians, there are clear vestiges of advanced civilizations, even on Earth. But no documented connection. Most do not know why or who they were. Others yes, they are known but by us and the Federation, among others. Others yes, they are known on Earth, but it´s silenced.
A large part of cave paintings... are not what they seem. They are not ancient proto-art, hunting stories poorly drawn on the walls and ceilings of caves. It's encrypted data <--- Left there by members of an advanced interstellar civilization. But with their race members… chased... in desperation hidden in the caverns. Trying to leave a trace that they existed, that they were there. They painted them with full knowledge of chemistry, of the duration of paints and pigments. For someone else to find them in the future and have the mind and knowledge to see past just people in loincloths, chasing animals with a spear.
That is encrypted and encrypted knowledge so that it is not erased or classified as dangerous information. <---They painted that in despair... while many were dying. They painted them crying <--- It's a ¨This happened to us ... don't forget us. Don't make the same mistakes. ¨ <---
Gosia: Why did they die?
Swaruu: The Reptiles hunted them. They came to Earth fleeing from them, during the Great Expansion. Animals are stars and constellations, humans with spears are vectors of movement. It contains constellations and star formations that can only be interpreted from space by another interstellar civilization. Contains maps, escape routes, stargate locations, people count. Who they were. More detailed of the surface of the pre-Tiamat Earth and other planets. Who hunted them, who they were, who talked to them.
Gosia: Now I understand more the importance of symbols. A universal Intra-Stellar language among races.
Swaruu: Yes. On Earth it is said that Mathematics is the universal language. That all the civilizations of the Universe would understand it. Not so or in a limited way <--- As I have already explained, base 10 mathematics is something human and wrong. Incomplete.
While 1+1 = 2 everywhere... as mathematical formulas increase in complexity, they begin to differ more and more until they become completely incompatible and incomprehensible to many races. But if there is another universal language that all races understand - star maps <---
Representing stars as animals has always been customary, even today with constellations. Any race understands constellations and stars. And even today the UFO formations are telling you where they are coming from, but you don't listen, you don't see beyond.
Notice how the animals are coming out of the portal. Little humans are ships. Spears are vectors of movement. The luminosity of the star becomes the type of an animal. Their position with each other is important as well, but not everything can be viewed from Earth's perspective. Some are as they would look from another point in space. Point which is also specified.
Jumping forward. Returning to Egypt.
I told you that the pyramids weren't Orion, and I know you´ve been quite shocked! Don't think I'm not aware of this:
Gosia: I have always loved this image.
Swaruu: But... that is deliberate misinformation. So that humans do not look further. Old misinformation. So that they only see Orion.
Ok, so I have presented this to you:
The star above is Anu. The one on the left is Enlill. The one below is EA. The trinity of ancient Egypt.
The stars are named in honor of the 3 founding "Gods" of Egypt. But because in the minds of the Egyptians they come from there <---
Now look at this:
The constellation Triangulum is at the top of the Obelisk. That is why it is an Obelisk. It's a ¨look up.¨ It is ancient Egyptian cult. It is everywhere in the world. It still rules, they are still the gods of Earth. The Elite know this.
Gosia: Ancient Egyptian cult but to what? Just so I do not get lost.
Swaruu: To their gods "Annunaki". Almighty God (Anu), Ea (Yahweh), Enlill (Elohim).
Robert: Is that where the Anunnaki come from? Regressive Reptiles?
Swaruu: No... there is still more to say on this. We will explain later.
With the best data I have, it was Toth himself who came up with that pyramid configuration to match Orion. Other data shows me that it was Khufru who did it, but the dates do not coincide. The best ancient data tells us that they were aligned with Orion as a distractor. The documents are ancient Egyptian.
The important ones are these 3 stars, as we already said.
Ok, now look at this symbol of divinity.
It is a person... a God... inside... what? He has wings and he is inside... It means starship.
Robert: Taygeta?
Swaruu: Taygeta... yes although it is also widely used in the Pleiades in general... in this case it is from Asterope Elohi.
This is a symbol of divinity found in almost all ancient cultures.
Notice that the symbol of divinity is on top of something.
There it is again. Above a square door.
Gilgamesh going through the door. Portal.
In almost all ancient cultures the sun in pictogram is represented as a square or rectangle. Only using a solar disk when it is very specific like the sun in general. In ancient Egypt the symbol of the sun is a square.
The pyramids look like a square seen from the air <---
It also symbolizes the space <---
And a circle with an X in the middle means exact place.
Gosia: But why did they make these symbols of doors? What did they want to transmit and to whom? It was no longer a society in despair. Hiding.
Swaruu: No... I have left that point behind to connect later. We are now in the golden age of Egypt. Before classical Egypt. Here and during the construction of the pyramids it was a multicultural space port. The builders of the pyramids were not human. Each side of the pyramid measures 365 Egyptian measures, "Cubits" in English. Each side represents the procession of a solar year.
Returning to Portals... Why square?
Dimensional portal open in the sun. That´s why.
Message: to achieve progress and divinity you must enter the portal in the sun.
Now - What is this?
Robert: This one is big.
Swaruu: Look at the shape of the supposedly missing part of the solar disk. The cleft in the stone. Why a bull?
Robert: Taurus?
Swaruu: Yes, Taurus. But, why Taurus?
The image is an Apis Bull, it's ancient, thousands and thousands of years old, and of stellar origin, it means Taurus constellation. It has a sun between its horns, that´s solar worshiping on Earth, the serpent means many things: knowledge, feminine as linked to DNA, and the flight path of a star ship. So, it represents a star ship coming out of the solar portal from Taurus constellation.
Here you can see how old the Apis Bull as a symbol for Taurus is.
When the snake is on the forehead of someone, it means its head is like the sun divine, God like, and knowledge comes out of its head. It does not represent reptilian races <---
Look at the black rectangle on his behind. That is not just any bull, it is Taurus.
Now what are those freckles around his eye? They are a group of stars. Stars that are there in that position in Taurus... the Hyades <--- Again I don't have a correct translation. You have to pass this group of stars when you travel from Earth towards Pleiades-Constellation.
Other Bull-Taurus in cave paintings contain the Pleiades on their shoulder. That is why they are Toros or Toro Apis.
Okay. What is this now?
It is called the tree of life. But it's not a plant <--- Only as the symbol. It is a constellation. And the flowers are stars. It maintains the portal from which all life has supposedly appeared.
The problem here resides in that I cannot find any human star chart with that constellation. But it's in the general direction of Pegasus.
Check this out. Above is the symbol of divinity... which is essentially being able to fly.
What is below is the portal as in Tihuanaco. The frame is not flowers. They are stars <---
The divinity symbol above represents what? ---> Gods. Which? Enlill / Anu / Ea
Where are they? In the constellation of Triangulum. What is just below the constellation of Triangulum? ---> A dimensional portal that is within a group of 19 stars (19 flowers) in the direction of M33 Andromeda. They give you the location of another portal.
Let´s return to Egypt.
Ishtar or Isis. She has wings but is not flying, she is seated.
What is she seated on? ---> Two lions ---> Two Sphinxes like the two that were in Egypt. Lions = Egypt / Lions = Sun. Solar God. It means that Ishtar was a Goddess to the Egyptians.
What does she have in her hands? Egyptian symbols of eternal life.
Eternal Life = Temporal Manipulation <---
Ishtar has 2 <--- One in each hand. Why does she have bird's feet? Because she also has wings. Because Ishtar ---> flies.
Owls... mean dimensional portal. That's why the elite also perceive them this way... Why? It means that Ishtar dominates the Portals, she has one on each side watching over her.
Modern scientists do not accept it, but they are two Wormholes. Entrances and exits. Close up:
They are not owls.
Tell me... what bird flies sitting?
Robert: One that uses the ship.
Swaruu: Ishtar has her wings spread... She is flying.
What is this?
Robert: The feathered serpent.
Swaruu: Flying one too. Let's go back to Tihuanaco. What does this solar god have in his hands?
Clearer here:
Robert: Two snakes.
Swaruu: Why does it have an owl face? Take a closer look at what they are. They are two birds. <--- He has two long birds in his hands... Quetzalcóatl.
Why does Ishtar also have a snake on her head? She has 9 snakes on her head, because she holds the knowledge of the 9 sisters of the Pleiades.
And it is not a snake, it is represented as a snake that looks feathered.
Head = Sun. As can be seen in the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.
What is that feathered snake? Here it´s more obvious.
I present to you Quetzalcóatl.
Robert: They are ships.
Swaruu: Ships with high-energy magnetic turbine technology leave contrails. Feathered snake - spacecraft leaving contrail, because it is in atmospheric flight.
Part of the same.
Look below the Solar God. The same... Propulsion <---
Not only was Ishtar travelling seated.
More Portals:
Robert: Does this one work?
Swaruu: Yes, but it doesn't depend on stone or anything on Earth. That only marks the location when activated from another site.
All these Portals are called Sun Gate or similar.
Quetzalcóatl... "resting" <---
Gosia: If we go there... what would happen, with the portal activated?
Swaruu: Nothing if it is not activated. You would go somewhere else. Where? It depends on where the portal has been programmed to take you. But mostly they are a message ---> Go to the Sun to escape from here.
Robert: But how can we get to the sun?
Swaruu: With propulsion... with a feathered serpent ---> Ship.
Gosia: ¨Go to the Sun to escape from here.¨ Here where? Where is here?
Swaruu: From this solar system. (As I have told you before... Not all interstellar races can travel through space creating their own Wormholes. Most still depend on Portals, and wormhole maps. Not us, as our technology overcomes this problem.).
Gosia: Who has left this message to whom? Go into the sun to escape from here?
Swaruu: The previous civilization... Message for the future, for the technological civilization that manages to see the message; for the civilizations that exist here. With enough development to see this.
Some people on Earth are awakening to this knowledge, but they have it vastly incomplete. The defenders of Pacal as "The astronaut" and not as just a King of Palenque. There are other researchers who are also in this, such as Von Daniken among few others. But they don't understand the stellar perspective.
The portal below does not exist, it is only a stone. But it marks the place where it would open if activated from another side. The Portals of the Sun are a message ---> Go to the Sun to find the portal. They are not necessarily the portal <---
Robert: Ok. Do you know if any have been activated in recent times? Portals.
Swaruu: Yes, they are constantly activated but not those inside tourist sites.
It is a message to whoever has the mind to see it. Not for someone or for a specific race. It is going to the sun to find the portal. The other Portals have nothing to do with it because they do not depend on the sun, they are just part of another technology. However, they retain their Square or Rectangular shape which means in stellar and ancient language... Portal Place. Like the monolith from 2001 Space Odyssey. Also, a portal <---
Another symbol used for portal (not solar) is a spiral. It is used in many places even here among races... It is found in countless cave paintings.
Notice that all the Portals of this class have the same shape and the same dimensions. The monolith fits inside the door of Tihuanaco. The fit is exact!
Robert: Yes. The same proportions. And the black color would represent the portal hole, I guess. So, if someone were to cross that obelisk they would appear in another place or that is just the exit of a portal... not the entrance. Yes, a cube.
Swaruu: Entry and exit portal according to the Frequency with which it is approached.
2x4x9 ratio of proportions of these Portals.
Gosia: Thinking. I still don't understand how to use the portal. If I want to cross it... where am I going? Where do I put the settings? I refer to one of these square doors for example. Rectangular rather.
Swaruu: The Portals like this: cannot be activated from there. They only mark where the exit would be if someone else with that technology activated them. Why there? Because they obey places of planetary ley lines in which the energy is more amplified by the same energy process of the Pyramids.
Gosia: That's what I mean. Who activates them? Or how to know from here where they will go and if they are active? I speak of Portals as entrances here.
Swaruu: You don't have them there, you don't control them. That is why they are telling you in other places that you need a ship to get to the portal.
Gosia: So, there is no entry ones on the Earth where I could control where I go? But Reptiles use them and decide where they go.
Swaruu: Those are other Portals like CERN.
To understand the relevance of what I have said here today, you need to have an interstellar race mentality. Not seeing things from the angle of looking at the ancient ones as less, as underdeveloped. Technologically speaking and above all spiritually they were far above the current terrestrial civilization.
Robert: Káal'el, you were also in Egypt, right?
Dhor Káal’él: Yes, this "symbol" that they call the key of life is actually inspired by something more tangible. And simple. It really means temporal manipulation. That's why it handles life as eternal. The symbol looks like and is held in the hand, just like a ship's "joy-stick". The fact that you hold it in your hand means that you are holding a ship. It is the symbol of the command of a ship. Once you understand all this, it is not difficult. It becomes rather difficult to think as before.
Robert: Is that a part of your ship? That would be the symbol but in a photograph? Thank you. This is amazing... Awesome. This is a fighter plane but from Earth.
Dhor Káal’él: They carry virtually the same "Joy-Stick," a Suzy and a Spitfire. The exact origin of this symbol. That they deny that, whatever. They say that they are several hieroglyphs engraved, one on top of the other, and that it is a pareidolia. A helicopter, a ship, and two spaceships. Or a plane and a spaceship. But we say that they are two ships.
Robert: Or it could be a submarine?
Dhor Káal’él: Yes, although we say it is a boat, it can be a submarine.
Robert: Wow! Is that you? I am not referring to the gray one, but a big one.
Dhor Káal’él: I can't tell if the image is real or not.
This is a Matrix explanation of the Glyphs.
Gosia: But there were greys in Egypt?
Dhor Káal’él: It was not at all usual for there to be greys in Egypt.
Robert: And how do you really feel now? After so many adventures and time jumps.
Dhor Káal’él: One gets used to a strange life, a life that few people even in 5D understand. You don't really have an identity, because you lose it with so much jumping around. But it is something that defines you later as your identity, and you are fine and at peace with it. I would also see it as having access to multiple timelines of myself. Not having an identity, becomes what defines your identity. So, you have attributes that are not shared by other people who are supposedly of the same species or race.
Gosia: Do you feel understood by other Taygetans?
Dhor Káal’él: One transcends that or that need. It is understood why you aren't understood, and with that understanding comes the acceptance of the situation. It can be equal to or greater than some situations between humans. One transcends the need for companionship in that regard.
Swaruu: I have more proof, but this is what I have for now to demonstrate that Atlantis or the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations were of world dominance. Reference image known to you, notice that she is standing on two lions that symbolize Egypt as I have already told you. IM 4.
Although I don't have time to look for more images right now, there are more with characters standing on two lions (this from the Egyptian-Sumerian side).
This man is found all over the world. It means holding the knowledge of flight and starships, one in each hand. They are not snakes, they are birds. But long birds like snakes referring to this:
That's the snake coming out of the Apis Bull and the heads of Egyptian royals. Representation of a ship in atmospheric flight. That's the why of Tiahuanaco. The solar portal with the key above the man. The same man that is represented in Sumeria as here:
It´s the same one: 114. Same here again:
Gosia: Above you said: ¨I have more evidence, but this is what I have on hand now to demonstrate that Atlantis or the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations were of world dominance.¨ Are they the same - Atlantis and Egyptian civilization?
Swaruu: No Gosia, just that the civilizations are connected.
Egypt was Federation, Atlantis – Reptile ConFederation.
We have not yet got into the topic of civilizations. Because there have been more than what they tell you. Many more.
Here, they are all telling you about the portal in the sun and how to get to it. Every one of them, except the last one, pointing to the portal in the sun. <---
Robert: I'm looking for one where everyone has blue eyes.
Gosia: It's hard to figure out all this. What does "how to get to the portal of the sun" mean? Well, difficult for the normal humans, I think.
Swaruu: Not if you have a ship, as they assume you do if you know how to interpret that as a portal and not as primitive religious garbage as they say it is.
Gosia: That´s what I mean. It is for a civilization who already has ships and that knows about this stuff.
Swaruu: They are messages left by the "previous ones" so that only interstellar races can see and interpret the data.
Gosia: Fascinating.
Robert: This is a planetary civilization?
Swaruu: Not one, several inter-connected planetary civilizations. In the last one, the solar disk with enormous wings. This represents a ship. The solar disk is sometimes accompanied by one or two cobras or snakes, symbolizing: "we come out of the sun." It also represents a discoidal ship.
You just have to understand that what the author of those photos has not mentioned is that the time frame is out of date. In other words, the constructions of those buildings did not occur simultaneously.
Cobras or snakes symbolize knowledge and wisdom, for their symbolism of or control over DNA. Note the conjunction: wisdom-knowledge-DNA-spaceship. As in wisdom and knowledge alters DNA.
Mind Control or gene change using wisdom and knowledge, not test tubes. That´s human interpretation because that's all they see, because that's all they know. They project themselves, humans, but it does not reflect the truth.
To change a particular gene, which is actually associated with a group of genes, not just one, with a goal to cause a change in the individual or group of individuals, a precise stimulus of belief perception form is used, which has been studied and known that would alter or bring about the desired change. But it varies from individual to individual as your individual perception varies. But that´s the basic theory.
Gosia: Swaruu, something I don't understand. You said they left these symbols for the stellar civilizations to decipher. But when have they left them? I want to put it in some chronology. I understand that it was when they were already conquered by Reptiles and escaping, right? I imagine they already lost the star connection. When was this?
Swaruu: It's difficult to put it in chronology, because there isn't any. It's all mixed up. It's a constant... look at the solar portal, that's the way out <---
And also, another element is missing that I have not had the opportunity to share with you. That there were more planetary civilizations. And their influence is there among known civilizations, today archaeological sites.
That image is not related to genetics. The bags yes. The Tree of Life no. The watch is a watch. The Bags are containers of knowledge to be shared or sown. It symbolizes a bag with seeds that are being spread through the already tilled field. <---
At that time that´s how seeding took place, with a bag of seeds. In itself it is what we do here today. Sowing ideas, doubts, concepts, that will grow and modify society.
And the watch: It is not divided into 12h because they did not use the same form of measurement. It has 9 sections which is a mathematical basis. But it represents the 9 planets of the Pleiades from which those Elohim, represented with, or as the bearded ones, come from.
Wings: they can fly, they are gods (ships).
Watch: they are technological, they dominate time (missing here another equivalent symbol used, the ring-portal).
They have snakes on their heads which means they have knowledge, wisdom. Also, the head is the sun and the snakes are ships, portal knowledge, because knowledge comes from the portal, because the Elohim came through the portal to give that knowledge.
And he has a Pineal Gland in his hand because he has a connection with the ethereal (like other symbology in the head: feathers for example) and because they manipulate the pineal gland. Pineal Gland in the hand of someone means he controls the connection to the other realms.
Being with wings = Can fly.
Being with wings only on the head or feathers, as an Indian chief = only the head can fly = has a connection with beings of higher planes, spiritual connection, and is an enlightened being.
To clarify something about Ishtar. It is one more example of a positive character who was flipped in favor of the negatives, cream and lies have been added to it to make the concept work for them, and what is said about Ishtar has little or nothing to do with the woman who really existed.
So-called scholars believe that human genetics came from her as a progenitor. The truth is that she is the one who has altered the genes. She is the Geneticist. But not the one that negatively altered them. The one who went in to try to correct the problem. The one who tried to liberate the repressed ones from the frequencies of the newly imposed Matrix. Giver of knowledge. In the book of Genesis, the one who gave the apple of knowledge to Adam, Adamic race = Homo Atlantis. A young woman who gave knowledge, freedom and technology, an expert geneticist and who flew seated and you only flew sitting on a chair in a ship. The gods of old are almost always related to space explorers, many of them of our race.
Ishtar as it is painted in history, even the one written by the Egyptians, never existed, the concept of it was based on visitors. Yes, Ishtar and Osiris were people... but the rest is cream added by the ancients themselves because that was done a lot at that time. An example of this are the Greeks and their exaggerations about stories that did happen.
For example, Medusa did exist... but it was not as the Greeks portray it. Medusa is none other than Ishtar herself again <--- But it is symbolism taken literally.
Gosia: And why do Reptilians and Masons use the Ishtar symbol?
Swaruu: Because they are Atonists or worshipers of the Sun... But that comes from the Enki´s branch... Judaism is not monotheistic, that is false <---
Gosia: But why do they use the Ishtar symbol? Is it true that they do?
Swaruu: Because it is one of the bases in Egypt that they still use. Yes, they do, but black one. Notre Dame is a temple to black Ishtar. Representation of inevitable Duality arising in lower densities. Opposites, one cancelling out the other, until only one remains. The negative black Ishtar is also worshipped on Earth under many names. But it blends in with the white one. It is more of a concept seen or translated by the onlooker.
Robert: What was Ishtar doing on Earth?
Swaruu: The reason she has been on Earth was to remove the lunar Matrix. It was the Federation that imposed it using a combat-damaged biosphere of the Andromedans. It was temporary... and we proceeded to withdraw lunar control over Earth. That was the mission. But the invading Reptiles had already made plans to use said Matrix to their convenience and attacked us. And once again we had to withdraw.
The Pyramids were part of the system to raise the Frequency of the planet and were part of a pyramidal network all placed on planetary ley lines for greater effect and placed at strategic points throughout the planet.
Innana is a name also used as a reference to Ishtar. And roughly translated it means "the one that favors and the one that gives". The problem is that today the name Isis is badly associated. So, I don't suggest using it. Today, it not only refers to the terrorist group, but it is a reference to the Black Ishtar that the Cabal worships.
Robert: What does the word Egypt mean?
Swaruu: It wasn't called that back then. It was only known as the center, referring to the center of the world or as the Capital because it was seen as a base, not a place or city.
In itself it is allusive to two lions. Egypt, which comes from two great Kingdoms, Egypt of the lower Nile and Egypt of the upper Nile where Cairo is Giza and Alexandria to the north. That is why there were two Sphinxes, of which only one remains.
Robert: And the city of Cairo already existed? Or what was the capital of that metropolis? There were two capitals? Alexandria and Cairo?
Swaruu: It was officially Thebes, but the capital was constantly moving. But what is taken as the "Metropolis" was Giza or the center... nowadays Cairo. But later it was Alexandria for its position as a naval base or post in the Mediterranean.
Robert: Where did Ishtar live?
Swaruu: Ishtar lived mostly in her ship, that's why she was also perceived as a deity. She lived in the Sun. Because the ship for the Egyptians shone like the sun, which is only super-heated atmosphere. But she also lived in buildings or "palaces" of that time which the sands of time have already erased. Everything in the Nile Valley, more than anything. It was not a single place.
Gosia: Could you tell us approximately years? At what time was Ishtar there?
Swaruu: Years ... 10,500 BC. impossible to pin down.
Robert: What does it mean?
Swaruu: It is not a symbol. It is a tool. North South East West. That's an astronomical measurement device. It is placed on another disk that represents the sun and gives you your position in the sky from the position in which you are. It is a "GPS."
Robert: Wow! Like a compass... GPS.
Swaruu: Stellar navigation, but of positions of the stars, of constellations. That symbol was transformed into the cross of Christ, where supposedly he "was nailed". Christ is the sun, with its crown of thorns (the rays) and is in the center of the cardinal points North South East West. Same symbol, just transformed to meet an agenda.
Robert: Stellar navigation... Astro-Theology... I mean the Nazis had the knowledge or some knowledge of all this that we are we talking about?
Swaruu: Yes, and this knowledge has been passed around among the members of the secret societies, it is not something that I am inventing nor is it a theory. It was just a tool. Because they are Elohim measurement tools.
Robert: In other words, it is not something aesthetic and that´s it... there is something deeper in all that symbolism.
Swaruu: Yes.
Robert: But what did the Nazis want that knowledge for? Have they left outside Earth yet at that time?
Swaruu: The Nazis used that as a symbol, this time yes, it is a symbol, of wisdom, that one is a "master" of something, that is why it was a medal for the high elements of the Nazi party and the German military.
As best represented with Earth devices as in 4 sextants (ocean navigation) devices placed together, marking 4 directions. It was a handheld device used to read star charts. Manual tool.
Gosia: Does it look like in the image?
Swaruu: It looks very much like on that image. Very basic, it was basically a ruler with a calculus bar and a distance measuring tool on each corner. Nowadays they are no longer used. But there is one in the museum onboard this craft.
The Nazis used the Iron cross as a symbol of being special, of power, because it made them be in likeness to the gods of old. It is used by the Queen of England, and the Pope also as well as the US military. They manufactured their “Haunebu” ships and were planning to reach Aldebaran - Cyndriel. The data I have tell me that they did not get out through the Van Allen bands.
Gosia: But with all the technology that the Elohim had, wasn't that GPS a little "primitive" for them?
Swaruu: It is not primitive; it is high technology. That is just the measurement, the device or the key. You need to place it on a so-called solar disk but that contains the celestial vault of the constellations. It's hologram technology, it's a little computer.
Robert: And this technology was owned by the Nazis?
Swaruu: They didn't have that, but they did have the symbology.
The Iron cross is an old Babylonian symbol and it's a starship navigation tool. But it's off world. And that's why it's been adopted on Earth. You can see it again with the Nazis. Notice how the Germans, Nazis... and the British crown use the very same symbol, not by chance!
The cross itself as an instrument is like a manual sextant for a ship.
Gosia: Manual sextant? What is that?
Robert: Like a navigator?
Swaruu: To fix position.
Robert: Yes, that. What the sailors use. To guide yourself in the sea. And orient yourself.
Swaruu: An old GPS, yes. The Cross works as a technological means. It contains North, South, East and West but it refers to 3 dimensions in space, but it is used mostly against a map being over a planet, whatever it is. It helps to fix manually your position on the horizon. For the cross the horizon is the Galactic plane that you know as the "milky way" from how it is seen from Earth. According to Greek legends, someone who was "spreading the milk" through the sky.
Only in a crown or in Nazi symbology, they are just that, symbologies. But it's like wanting to say that they are theirs. But it is not so exactly. Because those instruments are still used today by countless races.
Modern ones contain the map in the form of a hologram. You take the X between your fingers and the star map appears in front of you. You turn it with your fingers and it gives you your position. Useful for support, but on spaceships they are rarely used anymore. It's just support, something you can wear over yourself, hanging around your neck sometimes or as jewelry. And you still carry your maps wherever you go, even on foot.
The spaceships, of course, have it incorporated into the navigation systems and do not need that instrument. They end up like sextants on modern ships. GPS and all that is used, but they still carry paper maps or charts, and sextants. Even in ships such as modern submarine aircraft carriers, entertainment boats or container ships.
Robert: And does the cross have to have that shape? The one with the crown?
Gosia: What ships do you mean? Yours? Or human ones?
Swaruu: In the circle - 8 plus one in the center - 9 = Pleiades M45. What´s above there is a ship. Not a bird. That is a starship.
Human sea ships yes. The cross has that shape as the image indicates because it gives the circular or parabola planes as a sextant too. A human sextant is 1/4 of a non-human sextant.
Because the human sextant only has to measure a single plane and the non-human has to measure 3 planes + its own where the spaceship is currently moving.
The origin of those symbols on Earth, the cross, all coming from a simple stellar chart reading tool. But it's what it symbolises not what it is.
From this old ancient brotherhood in Egypt the Illuminati came out from.
Gosia: But how can you be certain that´s where the symbol and its meaning comes from? I mean is it possible to track the origin of some of those symbols? I mean who used it first and how and when?
Swaruu: Simple, very simple, because we remember, that´s very relevant. Also, because it is documented. Humans have old documents held in secret societies that talk about this. This is part of the knowledge that is, or was, forbidden for the commoner.
Dhor Káal’él: This subject is critical. It changes the whole concept of everything regarding the knowledge that the controlling Cabal is falsely giving you. It changes everything. The history of the Earth, the fact that there were countless other interstellar civilizations on Earth, that the ancient peoples were not backward because they were more advanced than the current civilization itself.
They are objects, relics and ruins that can only be understood from the perspective of someone stellar and not just any stellar. This information changes the world. Dissolves the Cabal and their lies. Exposes them to light. It returns to the people of Earth their true history.
Powerful ancient cities, very advanced civilisations with high technology, legendary disappeared continents, maps of strangely located places, where today there is only ocean. These are some things that are present in our history and that appear in many ancient monuments and records that are today the obsession of many archaeologists and historians all over the world. But where does this information come from? Are they just fantasy stories?
And why do many ancient records talk about an Earth without oceans? Where you could go around the world just by walking? Records that aren't just found in an isolated point, but that are extended to many cultures all over the planet. They are present in the Viking and Scandinavian sagas, Egyptian papyrus, Sumerian tablets, Greek stories, documents from the Native Americans, as the Popol Vuh among others. How is it possible that all these writings talk about the same thing?
And why, thousands of years ago, did our ancestors make gigantic drawings in certain zones? If, according to our official history, the human being didn't conquer the skies until the 18th century with the first hot air balloons... what sense did it make, to make giant figures, dating back more than 3000 years and that you can only see from the sky?
And if it is true, that the human being emigrated from Euroasia during the last ice age, from Russia, crossing the Bering Strait entering the American continent where today Alaska is, and from there went down colonising all the Americas, how is it possible that the oldest settlements and cities are found in the south of the American continent?
And how could they build large structures, with such an intelligent design that exceeds by far the resistance of our modern architecture and materials, to such an extent, that after thousands upon thousands of years are still standing and almost intact? And what are these strange formations that the geologists cannot explain, what were they? If they aren't natural... who made them? And even better, why?
Cristina: Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I am Cristina. Today we continue with the history of the Earth. You will see that it is becoming more and more interesting. Well, before we start, this is the third video. There are two more videos, the first is the introduction "The Expansion of Lyra" and the second is "The Prehistory, The Origin of the human being.”
If you haven't seen these two other videos, I recommend you that you do it in order to have a larger comprehension of this. I would also like to tell you that in the first video there are two errors. One is that Tiahuanaco is not found in Perú, it is in Bolivia. I was wrong. And the second error is that the Lyrians did not come out of the Mega zone but the Vega zone. It was a pronunciation errors I did when I recorded the video. Also, I will tell you that all this knowledge is not ours but has been shared with us by Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit. She is an extra-terrestrial woman, with who we are in contact with and studying the history of the Earth.
So, it is with great enthusiasm that we share with you all that we learn through these videos. Please stay until the end because there I will share with you interesting things that Yazhí Swaruu has shared with us. Such as, for example: What were the Nazca lines, or who constructed Machu Pichu or Chichen Itsá, among other things. We will analyse some of our most important or best known archaeological remains. So, having said that and before we start with the story let's situate ourselves a little bit. Let us first analyse what the earth's surface looked like in the pre-flood era approx. 40,000 years ago. We are going to analyse it through a map that Yazhi Swaruu has also shared with us. She has made it herself, and it simulates the earth's surface at that time:
It is 40.000 years ago; the Earth had no seas or large oceans. Its surface was very green, covered by forests and very extensive plains. It had countless rivers and lakes where today there is only the ocean floor. In the deeper parts there were internal seas, but small ones, like today's Caspian Sea, and countless large lakes. Some connected, others not. Defining one and the other as salt water and fresh water.
The terrestrial ecosystem had another way of functioning, it was another ecosystem, very different. Although today most of the oxygen on Earth comes from the seas, back then it came from the forests, swamps and green grasslands that covered more than 80% of the surface.
Where today there are the oceans there were land. There were five more continents: Oceana, Apalachia, Tirannia, Fennoscandia and Beringia. The continent of Oceana was, practically, all the area that today is the Pacific and some parts of what today is the Indian Ocean. Including Australia.
The South Pole and the North Pole were in different places and inverted. What makes up the Earth was seen upside down. Without the oceans and upside down, our planet is almost unrecognisable. This is because the poles were later reversed, with the cataclysm.
The North Pole was where today Australia is, and the South Pole where you today find the north of the United States and Canada. This is why many of our scientists believe that there was an ice age on Earth 15,000 years ago with indications of Polar Glaciers in the United States, mainly in Utah or Arizona. But they are only looking at the ancient position of the South Pole. And what is now the South Pole was then ice-free, green, tree-covered and full of life. Greenland had a large lake or central sea and was also ice-free, hence its name Green Land or Green Earth.
There are no records that the Earth suffered any ice age, nor that it was formed by a single continent, as some earth scientists maintain, in the well-known theory of Pangea. Although, there is, and always has been, a movement of plates and the clear evidence of this, it is for example, the Indian Peninsula, crashing into the Eurasian plate and forming the Himalayas.
But in those times, the Earth, as it contained much less water it was much more stable than today. This is the difference with the water planets, the more water a planet contains, the more unstable its surface is. Due to the water promotes gliding of the tectonic plates. On the other hand, planets with more earth have more volcanic activity. It should be noted here that many of the earthquakes or quakes that we suffer today are, unfortunately, provoked. But, although the Earth had less water, there were small seas that encouraged tectonic movement of the plates, but to a lesser extent.
The Earth, like the rest of the planets, does not have a compact nucleus or interior, but is full of large cavities or vaults, similar to a gruyere cheese. Some vaults are as large as countries on the surface, provided with their natural light from photoluminescence and volcanic Sources. They are even called inner continents, because of their size.
At that time, these cavities were inhabited by different species. The most advanced were the Vulcanos, a very ancient intraterrestrial race and similar in appearance to the Lyrian race. But also, various reptilian races, smaller in size, no more than a meter tall and with primitive societies. The rest were mainly different species of animals, some of the humanoid type.
The word "Earth" does not only mean soil, but it is also similar to Erra, the second planet that orbits the star Taygeta. Erra is Earth's twin planet, because before the cataclysm, both planets were very similar.
Cristina: The Earth actually looked very different from how we know it today. The interior of the Earth or the inner continents is a very interesting ecosystem and I think that it is worth it going deeper, and I think that if we have the opportunity, we will do it another time. So, I won't keep you any longer, let's start with the story!
In our Galaxy, The Federation of United Planets was paying off, and thanks to the unity and strength of its members, balance was gradually being restored in many solar systems and planets.
In the Pleiades, an atmosphere of peace was beginning to emerge. Giving all the migrants from Lyra, who had settled in the different solar systems of the cluster, the opportunity to develop as independent races. Civilizations began to prosper and by their greatest strength, soon after, the Council of Alcyone would emerge. Today it is the council of all Pleiadian races. Yet the members of the council of Orion did not give up and continued their hunt.
Shortly after the arrival of the first Lyrians on Earth, the first group of Reptilians, the Usungal, arrived in their pursuit. The objective was... to find and hunt the Lyrians. The Reptilians settled down on the Appalachia continent, creating there their first base or colony on Earth. But they not only settled on our planet, but also on other planets in our solar system, including some islands on Tiamat and Mars, despite that on the latter there was already a colony of separatist Mantis from the council of Ojalu. Still not satisfied, they tried to colonise the moons of Jupiter. But they were surprised by the Karistus who slowed them down and had no choice but to retreat.
Since their arrival on our planet, the Reptilians attacked the Lyrian population to such an event that there was a moment in which the species was so reduced that only eight women remained.
But they were not the only Reptilians to come. Later, more came. Many years later, estimated at about 20,000 years ago, a second wave of Reptilians arrived. Among them were Dracos and Alpha Dracos. The Reptilians were creating colonies on Earth and spreading across the surface. Finally, they formed an entire planetary civilisation, Atlantis.
A civilisation that had large cities in many areas of the planet, space ports and extensive mines where the Lyrians were used as slaves, forced to extract minerals and gold. Although the various Sauroid races were in charge, there were other races or colonies in the settlements under the permission and cooperation of the government of Atlantis. This made Atlantis a multi-race and multi-cultural civilisation.
At that time, some Lyrians had been able to escape the oppression of the Reptilians and had fled to the continent of Oceana. Shortly afterwards some Lyrians from the Pleiades cluster arrived there with the main aim of helping.
The colony or base of Oceana spread, forming a whole civilisation, Lemuria. A civilisation made up of separatist Lyrians from Atlantis and with the intention of becoming a resistance, confronting the tyranny of the Reptiles and freeing the slaves. Their society was matriarchal holographic, as is common in the Lyrian races and with influence from other Pleiadian races, such as the Solatian, the Taygetean and later also the Engan race, all present there. The capital city was MU. The rapid growth of Lemuria and the high technology that the Lemurians had at their disposal led them to become important rivals for the hegemony of Atlantis.
About 15,000 years ago now, Atlantis was in full bloom, flourishing all over the planet and becoming a civilisation of great planetary influence. At that time, Atlantis and Lemuria became the two great West and East and clearly in eternal struggle.
Cristina: Today there is quite a lot of confusion about Atlantis, as there is much speculation that Atlantis was a city or a continent, when in fact it was an entire civilisation. Now, I would like to give you a little more detail about how the Lyrian race developed in the Pleiades and a little bit about how the invasion of our solar system was. A few more details, and I would also like to better clarify what the Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations really were, among other things:
During the Great Expansion, the Lyrian race arrived in the M45 constellation, the Pleiades, and established themselves in several of the solar systems and planets. It is not clear on how many, but it is certain that they arrived on those that are currently inhabited. Some were the Engan race in the star system Electra, the Solatians in the Pleione star, the Elohi, or also known as Homo Capensis in the Asterope star, the Hyadeans in the Merope system, the Taygetans in the Taygeta system, the Mollusc in the Atlas system and the Mayans in the Maya star system.
Today all Lyra migrants who arrived in M45 have physical traits that differ greatly between the races, resulting in the variety of Lyrian races that inhabit the Pleiades today.
This is because over the course of several hundred thousand years, DNA is altered or changed according to the personal, collective and cultural experiences of each community. Since all Lyrian races, even if they are basically the same, suffer alterations that will determine the course of a new species. This will eventually cause physical appearances to be modified over time as well.
On the other hand, returning to the Reptilians. When they arrived in our solar system, the first ones were the Usungal race. It is known that they set up bases on the planet Mars, but it is not known with precision if they initially agreed their entrance to the planet with the separatist Mantis of the council of Ojalu, that had their colony there at that moment, or they simply displaced them.
In Jupiter they encountered the Karistus, which is a very positive and powerful race, and for being in 6D they were simply out of reach. This is the reason why the Cabal today uses the planet Saturn and ignores Jupiter, the largest and most impressive planet in the solar system. Clearly, because it is not theirs.
As for the time when they came to Earth chasing the Lyrians and almost exterminating the Lyrian women, this can still be seen today. Because in all humans, in the mitochondrial DNA that only comes from the mother, you can see only 8 ancestors. The number of men that remained cannot be calculated precisely, because the father's DNA is found in the nuclear DNA and this contains the mother's DNA. This does not mean that there were only 8 women left, but only 8 women were able to have offspring. It may be that more survived, but if they did, for some reason they could not reproduce. And there was no record of this in the records.
After the first wave, more reptilian races arrived, among them the Dracos and Alpha Dracos. The latter are the ones that have given rise, in our history, to dragons being very present in myths and legends all over the world. Although the Alpha Dracos were present in reptilian society, they were not under the command of Atlantis, but only interacted with other Reptiles according to their interests, maintaining a very closed society among their own race. Although at that time the Alpha Dracos were negative, today they are mostly positive. It is very rare to find regressive Alpha Dracos anymore.
It was after this second wave that the reptilian society on Earth began to expand. Atlantis was not a continent, nor just a city. It was a society, a culture and the name of the capital city of that civilisation. A great planetary society, with influence everywhere, with an aerial capacity.
On the other side of the planet was Lemuria or Mu, which is not a continent. Lemuria was the civilisation and MU the capital city, which was in the now disappeared continent of Oceana, today Oceania. Unlike the Atlantic cities, which were multi-race, the Lemurian cities were more adapted exclusively to the Lyrian race. Although most of the remains are found under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, there is still Lemurian influence in Japan, Peru, Ecuador and Chile, although it is mostly cultural.
Cristina: Regarding Tartaria, Yazhi Swaruu told us that they had no stellar records with any earth civilisation by that name. That they had found records of Tartary only in earthly records, but not in stellar ones. So, she believed that Tartaria was part of the Atlantean civilisation, some specific point, some city or maybe some region, but part of the Atlantean civilisation.
Today we have many archaeological remains from the Atlantean civilisation. Many of them are super famous. But we have very few of the Lemurian civilisation, because it was mostly concentrated on the continent of Oceana and it was almost completely covered when the cataclysm occurred, so most of its remains are now under the Pacific Ocean.
As I promised you at the beginning of this video we are going to explain some archaeological remains that Yazhi Swaruu has shared with us. I am sure you have heard about them because some of them are very well known and we have found it very interesting to share with you:
Let us return to the ancient map of the Earth. The circles in blue represent the most important settlements of the Atlantean Civilization. And the green circles, the most important settlements of the Lemurian Civilization.
In what today would be the Bermuda Triangle, formerly the continent of Appalachia, was the capital city of Atlantis, which had the same name.
Another major city is located in what is now the Middle East area, in northern Iraq and Turkey. But there was also one, one of the biggest cities, and its remains are still there. It was part of what is now known as the Eye of the Sahara, in Mauritania. The city was located on the edge of a large lake and looked very similar to this image.
But these were not the only ones. There were also cities where today the Mediterranean is located, and a large part of the American continent, especially in the centre and south, such as Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, Tical, Chichen Itza and many more. All part of the Atlantean civilization. Even though if today they have an ancient appearance, they were equipped with high technology.
And after so many years, the problem is that other civilizations after Atlantis settled there, altering the original constructions. Even so... The stone used in those places is more durable and more resistant than concrete. That is why everything appears to be made of stone, and that would seem to be something primitive. But it is the opposite.
Because a lot of the stone that we even find today, in any place like Tihuanaco or Giza among others, is of a very special purity. Because it is a stone that used to be liquid and that was formed there. But not everything, not all of it, because many times it is quarried but cut with compressed sound machines and later levitated with anti-gravity or sound. Compressed sound cutting outperforms laser cutting because it does not generate as much heat.
One of the most important gold mines at that time was found in southern Africa. It was one of the places where the Lyrians were used as slaves for gold mining. This fact appears in the Sumerian Tablets. Gold is very valuable and is used by many races in the Galaxy. It has many uses, but mainly it melts in a crystalline manner, in zero gravity, to form electrical transmission cables, with superconducting properties at room temperature. It is used for technology, for spacecraft, vehicles and advanced computers. It can be mined in space, by extracting it from uninhabited asteroids and moons, but it is rare and scarce. Today there are still many mining operations throughout the Galactic Quadrant by various races. Almost all of them.
The Atlantean civilisation also had several airports or spaceports. One of the main ones was in the now known Nazca. The figures are not drawings of animals, they are Star Maps. They are designed to be seen from above. Each animal represents a constellation. And they are placed there to guide spaceships entering the planet.
Each figure has different characteristics, referring to different constellations. Many of these characteristics are in the fingers or legs, which are not the same. The figures are a very old star code, still used today, and are intended to facilitate communication between different races. Remember that the Atlantean civilisation was multi-race.
Animals are ship traffic routes between these constellations. The lines that connect the animals are vectors or routes in space. The lines have a mathematical relationship between the drawings. It is a mathematical language that every race understands. But it is base 12 mathematics, which complicates understanding for humans.
The long lines that cross between the figures are interlaced with specific angles and denote approach information, such as height, parking areas for the ships and distance to other stellar bases on Earth, such as the stellar base at Giza. Geometrically, Nazca points to Giza.
The thick and long lines are the parking areas. They indicate the ships according to size or mass, or by use of the ship, such as cargo ships in one area, worker ships in another, private on one side and military on the other. The details of the exact point where each ship should park are not there, because they were given as guidance through computers, from the underground base.
Control towers were not used, because it is not necessary to be there in a building. That is human interpretation, which dictates or indicates the level of technology.
The controllers were underground, as they are today, and everything was managed through an ultra-detailed hologram. A room full of computers, placed in semicircles around a huge hologram. The size of the hologram varies, depending on the region, base or the whole planet. With zoom at will.
Then each ship appears there on approach or landing, with small letters indicating what it is or its speed, vector, height, rate of ascent and other data. You can direct them from there, tell them what changes to make and to what exact point to go. Today the remains are still under Earth.
That is, all these lines and drawings are information, they are guides for manoeuvres, position, coordinates, movement vectors and parking areas for large and small star ships. As would be today the air traffic corridors for our planes and the indications that our pilots must follow on the airport runways. Everything was designed to be seen from above. The lines and figures were made with printing of the tractor beam of the ships, the same technology used for the crop circles.
Another of the most important spaceports of the Atlantean civilisation was to the west of Giza, full of animal figures exactly like those of Nazca. There was also an underground city that supported that star base, a DUMB. Today both the base and the figures are still present there, although buried under the desert sands.
Cristina: When analysing our history, we do not only encounter the problem of dating, which I mentioned in the previous video. Not only we find that other civilisations have settled later, altering in some way both the buildings and the engravings by modifying the original, but the Cabal, the controllers, have hijacked part of our history. That is to say, they have taken away what was really important and have left us the crumbs.
Because history is power, knowledge is power. The controllers know this very well, for they have not been in power for thousands and thousands of years for lack of intelligence. Moreover, they have subjected us to very deep mental control, altering our perception of reality, altering our reality to such an extent that they have somehow programmed what we will see as reality and what we will not. That is, what we will see as truth or reality or what we will see as fantasy or science fiction. That's why some people can hear this story and will quickly identify it as a science fiction movie, like Star Wars or Star Trek, and store it in that place in the brain. This is how we have been carefully programmed. Finally I would like to leave you with a message from Swaruu from Erra:
"They put science fiction as a fantasy and impose a false reality as something valid. What happens is that it is reversed: science fiction is the truth, and what is imposed on you in the news, in universities and schools as reality, is fantasy. So, many things that are science fiction are hidden truths in plain sight, for people to take as fantasy. So, when people like us appear, they take it as that: fantasy. This is by design, to keep the masses away from the truth. They are programmed, all with Mind Control."
Cristina: Here I finish this video, I hope you found it interesting. Thank you very much for being here and listening. And see you in the next one!
Suicide - Why it is NOT a Good Idea - Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact - Pleiades - Taygeta)
July 2020
Robert: Hi Yazhí. What could I say to the public so that they do not abandon the "game"? You know... "suicide". I always say take this information under your own responsibility, but there will always be someone who will not understand and will want to take the "easy or fast" way out. Without understanding anything that was said. Thank you.
Yazhi: There is not a single solution since each person will have their reasons. When someone reaches the point of suicide it is because the physical and / or psychological suffering in their lives has reached the point of intolerance. But getting to the basics:
A person commits suicide because he or she is in intense physical and / or psychological pain and sees death as the only option to get out of it. The main reason is that their life has reached a level of complexity that is unmanageable for the individual.
They feel that it is a permanent condition, when it never is. As with happiness, it is ephemeral, the same happens with sadness and psychological pain, however convincing they are that this pain will always be there. The truth is that it will pass.
They must realize that they are in a very dangerous situation if they consider suicide, like a terminal illness. So, they must simplify their lives to the maximum, getting rid of everything that only causes them more stress or more complications of all kinds without thinking about what they should do, because if they are working to finish a degree and those studies are only hurting them, it makes no sense to do what they apparently should do if they won't be alive to see the results in the end.
The same with a job or with any responsibility that can be avoided or terminated voluntarily. Simplify everything as if you only had a week to live, or a day to live, because that's the way it is in essence.
It is also because they want attention and many people around them invalidate that attention, when in itself there is nothing wrong with needing attention. So, the argument that they only do it to receive attention does not apply. It is a basic human need. And yes, by committing suicide, they will receive the attention they wanted, they will also be able to "punish" the person/persons who have hurt them, if they also have that in mind. But they won't be there to see the results.
They must also understand that by committing suicide they will create a chain reaction of suffering as close people, the families of people who commit suicide, suffer emotional consequences and trauma and guilt of devastating proportions.
They not only end their lives but also the people around them. Whether or not they also end up committing suicide, because that also happens as a consequence sometimes, or simply because of the chain of blame that people in their family or closed ones throw at one another with regards to why their family member committed suicide.
The problem here is that this argument against suicide, that you ruin the lives of others, is not ethical or fair from the point of view of the person with the emotional problem that has led him to want to make that decision. Because now in addition to his problems and the fact that they are overwhelming him and the tremendous pain that he carries, now he is also blamed for that of others. Causing even more feelings of guilt and ultimately more motivation to commit suicide in the end. The problem is that yes, it does make one carry a responsibility with the people around.
Problems are always temporary, always, regardless of their severity, because in a universe of polarities, a problem cannot exist without a solution, they go hand in hand, two sides of the same coin.
Robert: Yes. The only thing I can do is share what I know and my point of view. I also think that suicide goes hand in hand with some emotional blackmail. I do not know.
Yazhi: Emotional blackmail, "just to get attention" is a very unfair and dangerous way of talking about the problem because it is invalidating how the person with suicidal tendencies feels, and that is leading them precisely towards committing the act.
Robert: I think suicide is a disease. Because these people always relapse and relapse.
Yazhi: Nowadays everything is considered a mental illness and I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as mental illness. Only disease in the rhetorical sense. And they relapse because they can't find a solution to their problem.
Now the more expanded point of view:
When you incarnate you always have a life plan and it is you yourself who design everything that you will experience, including or especially the parts of suffering or difficulties, due to the enormous reaction of personal growth as a soul, as consciousness, that it entails.
Because among the experiences that nourish the soul the most are difficult ones, failures, and how to face challenges.
So, when committing a suicide, they only reach the other side, with full awareness of everything, because the "I" does not get lost, neither does the sense of identity, it only expands. At this point, and due to this expansion, the whole framework of why suicide was committed is also better understood.
And as the perspective changes from the other side, the person will only want to go back in, because they will feel discontent with themselves and that is what every soul wants to avoid because what they do desire is to expand, or they will take it as a failed challenge and of their own free will will want to enter the game again, because game it is.
It's like entering a video game and being scared when monsters come out and turning off the game. You will have your temporary "escape", but very shortly after you will just want to go in again and again and again to face the monster until you have passed the challenge. It's like facing a ¨Boss¨ of a video game. They are there until they make it.
June 2018:
Swaruu: Let's say that primordial fear is one of the biggest characteristics of 3D, marked by the veil of forgetfulness. And it forms, in a great way, the nature of despair and the feeling of scarcity that everyone has there in one way or another. At the moment in which that fear is transcended, doing own inner work, the perspective about life changes a lot. Far from declining in value, life itself increases in value, as a "secondary reaction."
This has been said by countless people on the surface. We cannot experience this ourselves, only observe it. Many people contemplating suicide, after spiritual awakening and when faced with death, have stopped considering suicide. Partly because they come to realize that their mental problems and worries will not only not be solved with that but that they continue from the other side. With the added problem that they are no longer in the physical so they cannot solve those problems.
The most common cause of suicide is psychological pain. It is the most unbearable. After death this pain only increases when you see that you cannot escape it. Suicide does not make sense, because you cannot escape yourself.
The solution is to face it ahead, wherever we are, at the time it appears, be it from the spiritual side or the embodied side. But since most psychological problems come from experiences during a lifetime, and from the interpretation that the individual gives them, the best and necessary point at which these problems must be faced is from the incarnate side.
Those problems are carried then after death, especially after suicide, and, although it is just one more way of exit, and not punished by anyone, it is the person himself who punishes himself from the other side.
This causes that, taking into account that the reasons why a person has committed suicide are very generally due to psychological pain for whatever reason, this creates the enormous need in a said person to self-criticize while on the other side. As a consequence, the idea of having to try again is generated, so they re-enter the same life, which is like the same level "of the game", as in a video game when they die and die several times trying to overcome the level or the challenge. This is the main reason why they reincarnate.
At this time the manipulation of the archons also comes in, exaggerating the problems to the recently deceased person and everything they did wrong during their recent incarnation. Causing him or her to return or causing them to have an even greater need to return.
While that is true, from my point of view an intervention by some archontic force is not even necessary and personally I do not see any detectable interference against a recently deceased soul.
What I mean to say is that there is more Matrix on the other side, for the simple fact that the people themselves, their consciousness and their perception are the Matrix itself. Therefore, no direct intervention of any archon or group of archons is necessary if the very deceased person carries with himself everything necessary to cause his own next reincarnation, his own recycling within the collective Matrix. This last point is very important. If a person is mentally liberated from the Matrix, he is free.
Because the only thing that anchors them to the Matrix are their own limiting ideas. Where they live something, commit suicide only to later see that they are still themselves from the other side. So, since there is no time, they go back to the point of attention of the same body and try to do well what they did not achieve the first time. And there they are going through and living through the same thing over and over again, until they realize they have to let go of the things that didn't go well.
And this loop does not only involve the same reincarnation. It can be a more extended loop or spiral, because the same incarnation is never exactly the same when repeating it. That is, a person is Pepe, then José, then Miguel, Fernanda, Lucia and then Pepe again, then Miguel and so back and forth.
And they do not advance because those lives are interconnected and the cause of the existence of one is due to the previous one. They make a loop, and if it is difficult to get out of a loop of a single incarnation, as it happens to suicides, it is even more difficult to get out of a larger loop that involves several incarnations, because it is not easy to realize that we are in one.
And to make things worse, the people in the loop may or may not be living, interacting with each other, which is why José and Fernanda are such a happy couple and they get along so well and they have been married for 22 years now, because they are the same Adma or soul. Or Pepe hates Miguel and doesn't know why, but he feels this great antipathy because he remembers how bad he was in that reincarnation and what he hates is his own reflection. And the spiral loops grow and feed larger ones that in turn feed other larger ones until they are once again the Whole or the Source.
Extraterrestrial Abductions - Why Are They Done on Humans? Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades
Gosia: Aneeka... Tell us why the extraterrestrials abduct people please! There are many cases. What happens to these people? They are on board ships, and there are things that are being done to them.
Anéeka: There is no single reason. There are countless, and it is simply impossible to know all the reasons, just the main or recurring ones. Although all races potentially abduct, the main abductors are the small Grays. They are known as gardeners, and the garden is the biology of a planet.
In a place with slow, low density, what you would call 3D, it takes a while for biology to reflect the soul signal or to copy it as a reflection. So, these beings abduct certain people to make genetic changes or to accelerate an evolution, also to cure them of some disease that could affect their life plan. Remembering that each person enters a life with a specific life plan. They cure cancers or fix autoimmune problems or whatever is in their power.
Many times, a coma is induced in abducted people and they are in a Medical Pod for days or weeks if not longer, and then are returned with a time jump about 10 min after abduction on the same night, for example.
People report a lot of fear and a lot of abruptness in what the Grays do to them, but this more than anything is because they have no tact, and they just abduct, they do whatever they have to do to people, they return them to their place of origin, and they go to abduct more. They don't have the time or understanding to be careful, tactful, or nice. They just take, work, and return the people, like it's a mass production line.
But other races also abduct for a myriad of reasons. For example, putting a tracking device in their Starseeds or in the people of their interest. The famous implants. Others are by agreements since the person to be abducted has contracts to work with them while on Earth as humans, whether or not they are of their race although more usually they are.
Many races have agreements with their Starseeds where they enter Earth as agents of that ET civilization to carry out a specific job or plan and their home races will support them from their ships.
There are also abductions of the type called Milab where the terrestrial military, whether or not in collusion with some non-human race, abduct a subject of interest to put implants or for Mind Control reasons. The amount of information and data would make this topic huge.
Robert: Can races do experiments on humans that are not their Starseeds?
Anéeka: Yes, the best example are the Reptilians and the Maitre that invasively abduct or annoy all other races, imposing their ideas and agendas.
Gosia: Why do Reptiles abduct?
Anéeka: Everything is for agendas of manipulation and control. I cannot know why in detail, but it is always to Mind Control or to insert two-way chips to control a subject or to modify their thoughts and with that their Frequency to be consistent with being parasitized by them.
Robert: What methods do they use to make humans forget abduction? And how do they manage to paralyze them or whatever they do... how do they manage to capture humans? And why many humans have negative experiences with those little Grays?
Anéeka: What is done is to induce a coma using destructive waves at specific frequencies, in itself it´s not that they erase the memory of a subject, but they prevent it from being formed in the first place. They use frequencies in agreement with or similar to those of the brain during sleep. But the system is not perfect because many times the abductee does remember things.
I insist that it is not that they erase the memory, but they prevent them from being formed by putting the brain in a state of drowsiness, which in itself causes the individual not to distinguish in detail if he or she lived something or only dreamed it.
The paralysis comes from the same sleepiness mechanism, hacking the body with specific frequencies to use its very systems of prevention of movement during sleep, those natural systems so that a sleeping person that is being chased, does not run out of bed.
Robert: Can you befriend those Grays... Can they empathize with the abductee?
Anéeka: No or in a very limited way, they don't think like you. The interaction between species is difficult, more so if they perceive you as just their job. They just want to finish with you, hurry and that's it, since that night they still have another 22 abductions scheduled to do and it is already 1 am, they must hurry, they don't have time for kindness.
Robert: So, with a regression they could recover the memory? The abductees. Hypnotic regression?
Anéeka: Yes, in the exact same way that a dream can be recovered.
Gosia: Ok. Thank you. My Question: Gardeners - how do they know who to bring? From whom do they receive the instructions?
Anéeka: The races in general send their instructions to them to do the job. In other words, they delegate to the Grays the work that they could otherwise do themselves. Virtually any race can call on them, in exchange for supplies, bases, technological cooperation. Among many other things.
Robert: In order not to take risks, they delegate power? So that the abductee does not remember his star family?
Anéeka: It could be. But mostly it is because many races find it easier to delegate the problem or the job, so they do not have to go to the planet where the person lives and abduct themselves, since the Grays will go to that planet anyway because they have other contracts.
Gosia: So, they abduct them with the body? And never have "accidents"? Wife entering the room etc? Someone could see them, right?
Anéeka: It is not usual, but there have been cases where they are found in the act. Generally, by frequencies using the multipurpose tractor beam, they put the whole family to sleep while they work on the member that interests them.
Robert: Do you have to flee if you see the Grays? Can you escape from them?
Anéeka: If they want to stop you, they will, if you can flee, they are not interested. They can paralyze you in seconds using their frequencies that alter brain waves causing you to fall asleep.
Gosia: Why do they heal some and others not? Does it depend on the life plan? But this life plan has not considered getting sick? It catches people by surprise?
Anéeka: That depends on the contracts and the life plans they have. Also, because whether they are or not of a race that has hired them to do the work, if they are not, they will tend to ignore other people whether or not they need their intervention.
For example, many people with cancer can be cured but by life plan these people already had their way out of the physical state, so they cannot intervene. The Grays work strictly under the same rules of the Federation and / or the other organizations that may also call them. Nothing is random there in 3D.
Robert: Has Taygeta ever called them? Do some work.
Anéeka: I am sure, but I don't have the data. What I do feel is that it is unusual if it has been done. Because it is not the style of Taygeta or many other races either.
Robert: Are they careful not to leave evidence? And from what I see they are very knowledgeable about human anatomy and can solve any health problem...
Anéeka: Yes, they are. But what helps them is that everything is used by energy, that is, they bring people up with the tractor beam and they do tests and they put them to sleep with energy manipulated to perfection, it is difficult for them to leave evidence like a glove thrown somewhere or something like that.
Gosia: What is the implant doing? Where is it located? What exactly does it track?
Anéeka: It is implanted in several places, not just one. The most common one is under the skull, where the spine begins, then arms, hands and legs. The subcutaneous right in the area of the heart is also common.
Gosia: And what does it do?
Anéeka: It is a piece with an indefinite shape to avoid being seen as something artificial. It takes its energy from the same electrical bio-magnetic system of the being that has it.
Gosia: But what does it track? The geographical position like the chip in the dog or more things, health etc?
Anéeka: All the data that they can get from the subject, yes, from their geographical position, their habits, where they go, and their state of health, yes.
Gosia: Their habits? Like what habits? I have mine under my skull too, right?
Anéeka: Absolutely everything the subject of interest does. Yes, you have it.
Robert: Is it normal to re-abduct the same abductee?
Anéeka: Yes, more than normal. If you are abducted once, it will most likely be with you throughout your life.
Robert: Wow. The same abductee.
Gosia: At what point is the implant put in, like mine for example? When the person is abducted? So, I was abducted after entering the immersion?
Anéeka: Yes, exactly. This is the most usual time, but it can be in the womb.
Gosia: And what interesting habits of mine have you learned from my life?
Anéeka: What for you is normal and boring for us is exotic and new.
Knowing how to live there, how it is to have no memory and still be. How they think, how they are all manipulated, how to prevent them from being manipulated looking for keys to transform the entire human race into something more positive. Understanding how time works, seemingly fixed there, linear and with little or no lateral diversity. Understanding the dynamics of the entire civilization, invaluable data for the entry or not of other souls or people of the race to which I belong. That and more.
Gosia: All that is coming from my implant?
Anéeka: Not only, also from the interaction with you. But yes, a lot comes out of the implant.
Gosia: In what way does it come out? What do you see from there? I don't understand mechanics. How does all this come out there on the other side? Is it presented on the screen or how?
Anéeka: It comes out as biometric data.
Gosia: What is that?
Anéeka: Data about heart rate, breathing rate, blood glucose, temperature, organ function, all of that.
Robert: So, we agreed that there is no implant detector? There is nothing that can capture that that implant emits a Frequency?
Anéeka: Yes, they can be detected by humans, but you need very sensitive equipment, they are very high frequencies. Virtually all Starseeds have implants.
Robert: What tests are done on abductees? What criteria is followed to choose them?
Anéeka: Practically everything that can be done to a living organism, see the progression of its DNA through the environment, how it has degraded, its alterations and mutations, and why they have occurred. With them they also correct, by means of frequencies or by Medical Pod, the serious problems that they find and that may interfere in the life plan of the person using that body.
Criteria, it's any real person, not the Matrix one. But it is either the responsibility of their species or race to take care of their biology and that they can fulfill their life mission, or it can also be the responsibility of the gardeners working for these races.
This clearly explains why the Grays have been seen, according to witnesses, working in the presence of any other race that is clearly supervising them. Like White Nordic, Mantis, Amphibious or Reptile races and even human military.
When they are found supervising it is very possible that they are training them in the peculiarities of the species that has hired them. In many respects these species of Grays, not all of course, are like space mercenaries who do this kind of "dirty" work for other races in exchange for anything.
They have little inventiveness in general, and that is why they are often confused with being robotic beings of organic origin, bio-robots. In many cases yes, it is true. But they are usually just little Grays doing their job.
Robert: Many ask me if there are astral abductions?
Anéeka: I would say that it is another topic, but there are. Just that what is astral for you is just another plane here. In other words, abductions are far from being an exclusive phenomenon on Earth. They occur on any planet, but more in places where scientific or medical development is very low, for example in so-called pre-industrial societies. Or not interstellar.
For example, in Taygeta, I do not know if there have even been abductions in a long time, whatever that means in terms of time, because the technological and medical level is already very high.
Robert: Are there abductions also in Taygeta by superior races of other planes?
Anéeka: There aren't, for what? Abductions are mainly for the study of the evolution of a species, its DNA, correct alterations and defects or genetic damage, this mostly, there are other reasons of course. But societies like Taygeta are already so advanced that they take care of that for themselves so no help from gardeners is needed.
Gosia: How do you know what the life plan of the starseed is? Because you said that what can "interfere with the plan" is fixed. And how do people other than that person himself know this?
Anéeka: As in the case of what was programmed in an Immersion Pod. Everything is known there. It is then a matter or decision of each person whether or not they share their life plan. Another thing is that from above, planes above the 5D, the whole plan of life is known without technological help. And instructions can also come to the Grays from those planes directly.
Robert: Wow. The Grays can work from planes higher than yours.
Anéeka: At least get the instructions.
Gosia: And one thing. If you say that only your race does the abductions, then if you are abducted by Grays who are with the Mantis, are you of the Mantis race?
Anéeka: It is very possible, yes, logically. But that doesn't mean that the Mantis aren't looking as they are serving an Engan. The fact that another race is there does not mean that the person is of that race, only that there is a person of that race watching. Grays do about 50 abductions a night, sometimes more.
Robert: Last question. What exactly is the cause for not remembering the abduction?
Anéeka: Because they come to you with a brain wave inducer that puts your mind to sleep almost completely. Sometimes it fails, that's why people remember it, but when it works well, as it is in most cases, they don't remember anything.
That is to say that the vast majority of people have been abducted multiple times and do not remember and continue through their lives without knowing anything about anything, even dreaming of being an astronaut when they already were the night before.
Gosia: And why does it fail? Why many people remember?
Anéeka: Because the technology is not perfect and the brain could not be put to sleep properly. It also depends on the Frequency and strength of each person. High Frequency ones have a tendency to remember. Being that the low Frequency ones only remember nightmares. Although this is relative, that is why many people remember feeling terror, when it was just a normal procedure.
Robert: What character do Gardeners have? Are there males and females?
Anéeka: Very serious, efficient, little or not at all emotional. There are no genres, most are born from a replicator medical tube. Many species of Grays are plants biologically. There are 165 species of gray, at least.
Gosia: Do gardeners have Starseeds on Earth?
Anéeka: I don't know.
Robert: What do you mean they are plants? What do they eat?
Anéeka: They are plants. Their cells are plantlike. Their veins contain sage, and they consume the same nutrients as plants and need solar radiation to digest their food. They are plants. This has been known on Earth since the 1950s. With the gray they captured from Roswell and brought to Wright Patterson base. EBE-1 was called. They had to call botanists to help them when he got sick.
Gosia: Do they speak?
Anéeka: No. They use telepathy exclusively, like plants. (Although some plants communicate with sounds and frequencies that can be viewed as spoken messages, but they do not communicate with each other in this way, but with other species such as insects. The basis for this are many species of Taygeta plants).
Robert: What clothes do they wear? What do they smell like?
Anéeka: They smell bad, like rotten with sulfur and they wear coveralls or one-piece spacesuits.
Robert: Wow. Can they communicate with plants on Earth?
Anéeka: All the time, they don´t only abduct human persons, they also abduct animals and plants, but of course people don't know about this.
Gosia: But where do they live? Do they have their own planets? Or always with other races as their helpers?
Anéeka: They have bases but only some species have planets. Zeta reticuli have many own planets and also throughout the constellation of Orion. But others have lived their entire existence on a ship. They only live in their ships.
Robert: How do they feel about humans?
Anéeka: They don't feel anything, they don't emote. It's just work.
Robert: Have many been captured here on Earth?
Anéeka: Yes, they are the species or group of species that the military has captured the most.
Robert: Do you know if Gosia or I have been abducted?
Anéeka: 100% yes. If not, 110% yes.
Gosia: But you said Taygeta doesn't do this.
Anéeka: No, but the Grays do, and many times they are "hired" from above. Not from Taygeta as you know it. Higher planes. And if you are a starseed, of course you have been abducted, and your mothers also, whether or not they are Starseeds.
Gosia: And how do they communicate with higher realms?
Anéeka: They communicate Telepathically.
Robert: Do you know, roughly, when was our last abduction? While we are with you, have they abducted us?
Anéeka: I can't know that. But I don't think it was recently because we have our eye on you for the last 3 years. We would know.
Robert: Anéeka... Last question. Is there a way to stop those frequencies that alter the brain waves by making you fall asleep? I mean the ones used by gray Gardeners.
Anéeka: The person should be immersed in a magnetic field between -0.5 and -4.5 Hertz, Hz or cycles per second. Preferably cyclically alternating between these frequencies. The amplitude of the Hz wave depends on what is programmed in the device of the Grays, for that you need a Frequency sensor and connect it to a computer that controls the magnetic field. Program in your device the opposite 'destructive' Frequency to that used by the Grays´ device.
I have to retire for today.
Robert: Ok. Thanks for your time Anéeka. See you tomorrow!
Anéeka: Thank you. We talk later.
If Everything is Souls´ Plan from Above Anyway- What Do We Do? - Yazhi Swaruu - Pleiadian Contact
Yazhi: A soul can only take so much, before simply not wanting to "play" more of the same "game¨. As I have explained years ago, a soul cannot be trapped, only if it wants to be trapped. So, it is there in that vicious circle only because ultimately it wants to. They want freedom, so in order to experience wanting freedom they must have the contrast to the opposite. Until they understand that it is not needed. But they will come to understand. Many already have. That's when they lose interest in the "game" of physicality, and they escape the Matrix. They will be in the physical again, but they will not repeat the same mistakes. And they will create a better place.
They have strong resistance to one simple fact that I have repeated over and over. Things change from the other side of death. You have a different perspective about everything, other priorities and other expectations, and plans. Values are different, meaning things are irrelevant, only experiences count, and only experiences are important. So that is the opposite of how they think on Earth, because there, material things are important and not ideas and experience, or life has no value, animal life, plant life and even less if it is wild, totally worthless! But a simple piece of paper is valuable. This as a crude example of reversal of what is important and what is not, on Earth.
Gosia: They won´t be able to keep choosing, playing the game or not, if they all get vaccinated. Their souls will be ¨trapped¨. So that´s going too far.
Yazhi: Not exactly trapped, as you cannot trap a soul. What will occur is that they will not be able to enter the body well. Like what happens with Alzheimer's. But that then translates into death of the body, faster and with many more illnesses, because it has a poor connection with Source. From the point of view of the body - mind they will experience the disconnection from Source, and it will be alarming for them, the body as an entity will suffer. They will die off very fast as a race with no connection to Source as they will fall sick of countless diseases. Just as Big Farma wants.
Gosia: But Yazhi wait a second... if the soul won´t be able to enter... in that sense... isn´t that then also freeing the souls from entering 3D? Vaccines in a way seal the entrance! We want to get them out of 3D right? Isn´t that the good way then?
Yazhi: Yes. But that from one level. But from their level on Earth, it is genocide.
Gosia: But shouldn´t it matter what the souls want from the higher level? They might want this as a way out.
Yazhi: In my humble opinion all levels matter because they are all one. If something is wrong on one level it will be as well in all others. So that genocidal solution is not an option. You cannot kill millions "in the name of a higher perspective". From one or another point of view yes, it is sealing of the entrance to 3D. But from another it is genocide and must be stopped.
Gosia: But they will simply die as they die daily of million other things. They die of cigarettes daily too. What´s the difference? Vaccines or cigarettes?
Yazhi: No difference, they are both their creations. And that is exactly as the Cabal is thinking and justifying itself for the despicable actions it is doing. Exactly as they think. Yet you cannot use this to justify a genocide because people from their 3D life level do not want all this and do not want to die from vaccines. So, if that level is not respected it will collapse all the other levels as well, becoming all chaotic and regressive. Because there are no levels, that is perception again, all existence is one.
Gosia: Ay, too many levels to synchronize in this life.
Yazhi: There is only one. That's my point!
Gosia: But you did say ethics change on other levels. When do we know what level ethics to apply? Maybe there is no genocide then, since souls create everything for themselves! Maybe they want out?
Yazhi: What level ethics to apply? The level you are looking at, you are living in and with your present day conscious experience.
Gosia: The ¨problem¨ is that, like you, I don´t always know where my conscious experience really is.
Yazhi: You don't need to know where it is. All you need is to be. I never claim to be in any specific density, I'm never going saying I live in 9th density. I am whatever I am and densities are a false construct. Lack of real understanding of the nature of reality. Just be and be at whatever level you can be at, forget about the numbers.
Gosia: Yes, I know. I wouldn´t even know how to identify it anyway. And not interested much, like you said.
Yazhi: Yes, there are no road signs welcoming you into each density. And you are not fixed into one density alone, you are always wondering, and moving between them all. Only your body is a suit, attempting to restrain your attention in one plane only. But it can't do it well either. Not enough to restrain a strong mind and soul. Of the kind that always looks to the stars and wonders off!
Gosia: Yes true! I still wonder though, did the souls plan this genocide? Is that possible?
Yazhi: Yes. They, whoever they are, many incarnated as members of the Cabal, making this all. Do think this is for the better of humanity and for the Earth. They are convinced a soft kill of the population is better than a hard horrible kill with a nuclear war or something like that, or a real pandemic. So, in their minds they think this is the humane thing to do, best way to kill them off before they kill the planet.
And from yet another point of view, yes, the souls are manifesting this all as a way out. As they've had enough! They want it to end! That is why I keep saying that the world is exactly as it should be! So that´s why the Federation does not like us. I'm perfectly aware of all this and have been for quite a while now. And I was even planning to bring this up with you here as a subject.
Gosia: I don´t know why I thought of it now. Had to pick it up from you then!
Yazhi: You know, as Dolores Cannon said... when a plane crashes, when a bridge collapses and many people die, they had an exit contract among them, to exit 3D the same way collectively, in a group. What makes you think that this covid vaccine genocide is not the same case? It is exactly the same case. The end of a cycle. The souls incarnated on Earth know they are too many for the planet.
But remember something. We are who we are, and we can only be and work at the level we are living in. So, from the perspective of our friends on Earth, that is a terrible crime! Genocide. So, we are working at that "street" level. Helping them, at an individual level and scale. Helping them is who we are and what we can do.
Gosia: But we are much more than that Yazhi. Just a street level. I know too much about it all now to just see it from a street level. Impossible to return to purely that level.
Yazhi: And that as well. Simply because of the fact that we know this, makes us different. And responsible for the information we hold. You now, and before as well, you do not think, you do not understand things at the human level. So, you are not human. You are not like them. So, whatever you do means you must take a lot more responsibility for what you decide to do and the responsibility you have. And you have that responsibility just because you know. Because knowing is observing and observing changes whatever you are looking at.
I really must go now! Much more to talk about. Subject not finished yet. See you tomorrow.
Next day - Yazhi, Robert and Gosia
Yazhi: Is there anything I can help with? Clarify something?
Gosia: Yes. We need to talk more about what we discussed last night. I already told Robert.
Yazhi: Go ahead. Ask or say what you wish.
Gosia: Well, first let's clarify the following: Vaccinations can be and are the souls´ plan to get out of the 3D Matrix? Is it sealing access to the Earth so that they cannot enter and thus remain free outside? It could be their way of "ascending". We are just considering everything.
Yazhi: What is real is whatever real people on Earth manifest for themselves. Whether they are Starseeds or not. Being that ultimately all real humans are Starseeds. Therefore, everything that happens there is generated by them. From higher planes there is no evil, that is a dualistic interpretation that only happens and only exists on lower planes.
Therefore, from where everything is generated, from where all souls come and live, everything that happens on Earth and in any other so-called low plane, is their design. Ergo: Covid and vaccination is the creation or manifestation of humans as a collective and individually as well.
Gosia: ¨It is generated by them¨... but by their souls from above? Or by their lower selves? Because if it is done by their souls from above it could be something positive, to get out of here. And if they generated it from lower planes, from their lower understanding... it is because they want more limitation, more to learn from duality. I don't understand which layer of them has generated it. How should we interpret it?
Yazhi: There is no difference. The only thing that distinguishes one and the other is the memory and awareness of working or existing from said higher plane. But no higher plane exists without its lower one, because they are only aspects of themselves. The same happens with souls, there is no higher self, everything is the same person, it only depends on how much you want to see, on your level of consciousness. Ergo: It is generated by the souls, from the point of view that is valid from below, or from above, equally.
But objectively it was generated by the layers of their souls in a state of duality, that is, low.
Gosia: Yes, but as a way out of the Matrix?
Yazhi: Yes, it is a collective exit from the Matrix. The return to one´s place of origin as soul, it is just returning the attention of that soul to this place. Place which they have never left, the Source. Therefore, nobody gets lost, only as a result of their own ideas. That is why you must take responsibility for what you believe, for what you think, always.
Gosia: So, it's a positive thing, that they get out?
Yazhi: The answer is relative. The positive does not exist without the negative. Therefore, it is a position or concept seen from low densities only.
Gosia: But here comes in Robert's question. These souls are Matrix. They wouldn't really go back to Source, although we all are it. Wouldn't they go to low astral? But in this case, they are planning this as a 3D escape, but they will take the Matrix with them. Will they remain in the low astral Matrix?
Yazhi: Yes, as I have said or explained before, one does not incarnate "from Source" (although ultimately everything is Source and from Source), but rather you incarnate from high densities where the concept of duality still exists. So, you can still make plans from there. Where they go depends on the level of each soul. They leave en masse, collectively, but it does not mean that they all have the same destiny.
Gosia: But Yazhi, something else. You say that perhaps it has been generated by its layer that is in duality. But wouldn't you say that leaving collectively the Matrix in this way is to get out of the duality game? As you said yesterday, souls are tired. They want to end the game. Go to other places. So, this would mean they are creating this from some level that is already above this extreme duality that dominates 3D. They want to get out of 3D.
Yazhi: Yes, the souls are tired, they know that it is not possible to continue as they are. The Matrix game is tiring. They know it from above. Yes, it is a mass exodus and with it the destruction of the Matrix and 3D as it is known.
The Cabal and the Illuminati, the regressives full of pure evil, cannot exist by themselves, evil is not self-sustaining, because it self-destroys. Evil has the characteristic or definition of having the tendency to self-destruct, so they need a collective or individual mind or minds that are creative so that they are constantly reversing what they do. Neutralizing their regressive actions or else everything just disappears.
Ergo, evil is only generated by a being with its own consciousness that maintains the components of both the evil, and positive. Ergo: The regressives and the Cabal is just a product of the very people within the Matrix game. The villain of the story used as a means to end the game.
Even so, from the position from within the Earth there is evil, and it must be fought. But by fighting evil one only perpetuates it, one only manages to give greater continuity to the game of low densities, to the eternal game of fight between good and evil.
Being that the integration of good and evil is the only solution. Not to deny or resist evil, but to integrate and accept it, which will inevitably bring about its dissolution. Only the positive remaining. What defines a high density.
Robert: So, to end the bad guys we have to get the creators out of here?
Yazhi: It is a very real solution. Without creators, there is no contrast, there is no one to neutralize evil... It dissolves.
Gosia: So now what Yazhi? Should we support this mass exit?
Yazhi: This is the part that I couldn't explain last night since we ran out of time.
You simply must see and decide for yourselves, each person, each soul, what is or what is your position with regard to this. As I have already explained, any level of perception and awareness is as valid as the next.
That is, just because there is a certain point of view from a higher plane, it does not invalidate the lower one. This is a very common mistake that countless make. Giving priority to the values or agendas of a higher plane seeing the lower one as something ignorant, therefore incomplete.
Consciousness and densities are a whole, no level can be removed, everything is the same with the same value. Therefore, being on Earth embodied as Starseeds, walking the streets, there is evil there and from that point of view they must fight, or their lives will simply end. This, knowing that from above that was always the plan.
So, from higher planes it is necessary to integrate everything, but nevertheless, from below they must fight. All at the same time. Ultimately the higher planes will win by integrating everything. And with that, comes the collective and individual ascension.
So, this must be understood in a way that expands the mind and helps to find new solutions to the problem, solutions that do not include genocide. Viewing the problem integrally. All planes at the same time, not only with the priorities or points of view of one or another. So, this means that you do what your conscience dictates from within the plane in which you live. Taking responsibility for what you think is right.
Robert: So, we continue with the work of mind-consciousness expansion.
Yazhi: If that's the right thing to do from where you are, then that's what you have to do.
Gosia: Yes, but I feel that I live in multiple planes at the same time, although you say that there is only one, and these planes each have different priorities. So, I don't know which side to position myself on! On the side of their souls higher up, or on the side of them as Earth humans who want to continue living here.
Yazhi: Here's the problem: If they don't come out en masse now, they will leave en masse later but taking the rest of the planet with them, because there are not enough planetary reSources for everyone at the rate that they go with the mindset they have. I have said before that there is no overpopulation and that the numbers are rigged, I still maintain it.
The problem is that still, there are many, and even if they were less, with that mentality of ¨me first¨ and of eating up everything that exists, mistreating nature, they will not be able to sustain life and current civilization without an imminent collapse in the short term.
So, from a point of view, the sterilization plan for men and women (both, not just men) that goes with the Covid vaccine and with its subsequent side effects, is, or would be, an option that does not involve a mass death of extremely unpleasant nature as it would be as a result of a catastrophe due to the total destruction of all ecosystems, creating a total famine.
Gosia: So, we support vaccines - the calmer genocide?
Yazhi: Not so fast <--- <--- I just expose the cards on the table. This would be more or less valid from one point of view or another.
The problem is that not only is there that as a Covid agenda, but it is a complex set of agendas within the same bottle. It also includes Mind Control, the modification of the human body using heavy metals with a goal to make the entire body a receptive antenna to 5G among other frequencies ---> ---> Transhumanism. And sacrifices to continue generating more regressive entities.
So, it's not an option to back any of that.
Even seeing the so-called positive aspects of the depopulation agenda, it is still genocide. Because from the point of view of the general population it is genocide and as I said and explained above, the point of view below is not less, nor of less value than a point of view called superior. And it is NOT respecting the wishes of the people in the streets, and what happens in the misnamed lower plane.
Therefore, the system or the exit plan is not ethical from any level, be it higher or lower (because in the end it is only the same integrating everything). And by not being ethical, its positive intention collapses. Creating the need to neutralize such a horrific plan, in favor of returning "to the blackboard" to try again to find another viable solution to the problem that does not involve genocide.
But it is worth mentioning here that the Cabal itself believes that it is the only solution from their point of view or their level of consciousness, and there are members of the so - wrongly - called elite who are not regressive and who see the vaccines as the only solution to try to save the planet without killing people (more than or due to adverse effects and the like) being that only mass sterilization is sought.
From yet another point of view... I also clearly see this as an attempt by the regressive Cabal to stop the mass influx of Starseeds of positive races that have been entering in large numbers for about 3 decades (although they have always been entering).
Robert: But why vaccinate older people if they are already sterile?
Yazhi: I have asked myself that question. And my answer now is that they do it because it not only includes elements of sterilization but also of mass control and transhumanism. There are also economic agendas involved where they want to remove older people for not being productive to the system. This is evident by looking at the agendas around the issue of pensions, and this around the world. They do not want pensioners.
Gosia: But then could it be said that the souls are taking advantage of the "evil" and its plans, for their benefit? To get out of here while they can. But in this case, we are not only "fighting" the Cabal but the very creative forces (of Covid) of these souls who want to leave!
Yazhi: Objectively that is also valid. Seeing the problem from a somewhat simplistic point of view since it does not consider elements of mass control, transhumanism, 5G antennas with the body reacting to their frequencies since they are full of heavy metals.
Gosia: And another thing. You said: ¨And they are not respecting the wishes of people in the streets, and what happens in this misnamed lower plane. ¨ But one thing. You are always saying that the masses in general want vaccines. So, from higher planes they want vaccines because they want to get out of here, and also from below they want vaccines. They are waiting in line. So, it is us who are not respecting their wishes, isn´t it?
Yazhi: Yes, unfortunately that would also be valid as an argument or observation. Whether or not under manipulation of consciousness (which occurs all the time), they as a mass desire that experience and it must also be considered that they enter the vicious circle of the law of mirrors that dictates that if you put your attention on the regressive, you will only get more of the same.
In summary. The whole plan is understood from above. Let's say humans see the problem from below, from the ground. We see it from above, the whole set. And in short... genocide must be avoided at all costs. This is like telling the Cabal that we understand their entire plan and even more so from higher planes. And we even recognize their ethical arguments as valid from one or another incomplete perspective. And yet we reject the plan, and it must be stopped. It is not ethical from any existential plane. It is genocide seen from any plane. Even so: You have to remember that on Earth nothing is fair. And that is why atrocities continue to be perpetuated.
Another point is that it is very possible that the Cabal called positive or less regressive is about to implement its own "Covid" vaccine that only contains the sterilizing elements, eliminating to some degree the most harmful elements also present in the same bottle, elements that would be present in the versions of the "Covid" vaccines from the Regressive Cabal. I do not see it as an option to accept these vaccines.
Gosia: So, we continue in resistance?
Yazhi: Of course, yes. And from higher up, from higher planes where everything is almost totally integrated, it is the agreed mass departure even from before incarnating there. It is not my theory; it is what I see and continue to see from my point of view. But from where you are it must be prevented. Or fought against.
Gosia: You are right. Because if we start to think this way, that everything is "planned" so we must let things be... then we will not react to anything, a dog will be mistreated but we will say it´s ok, "the dog has planned it". So, you have to help where you can with what you can see is unfair.
Yazhi: Yes, it's the same thing. From one point of view this is what the dog is manifesting. From another, yours, it is an atrocity, and you must be yourself and stop that.
The issue here is that people are used to thinking in a linear way, only black or white. This is mainly due to 3D thinking, and perception awareness. Not trained in holographic thinking where you must face cognitive challenges where two or more things that appear to be completely contrary or opposites may well be both correct and often are.
So here you must understand that from above, from a soul level from high density and dimensions, that was planned by the very souls who experience it all, whatever atrocity, so you can, or even must hold that in your mind as something very relaxing or very comforting. Because there is a higher order of things and there are other ways to see whatever is going on in a way that is not so dramatic or tragic. For example, the death of a loved one, it is horrible from one point of view and a return home from another.
But then, even though everything is planned and even death is only a return home, and must be celebrated as it is in many cultures outside Earth, you must also not ignore the point of view of the side of the living, where the loss of the loved one is indeed a terrible thing.
So, knowing that death is not final, that your consciousness, your awareness and even your Ego one way or another, one degree or another, depending on each person, goes on, on the so-called other side, may make you think that you would lose respect for life, diminishing it as irrelevant. But this knowledge has the opposite effect as it makes you value life even more.
Because the point of view from a lower Density-Dimension is as valid as the one from a higher one. So, the mere fact that something is unwanted, horrible, tragic, or whatever in any one density makes it, in my opinion, unwanted, horrible, tragic in all Densities-Dimensions.
I even sustain that there are no higher or lower densities, that is only a concept of the mind. Where the only thing that really separates one from another is the complexity of the awareness and therefore of the existence in any such density, and that added complexity is expressed as a dimension therefore they are in my mind connected and inseparable.
But the issue here is that if something is relevant in 3D, on Earth, then it must be treated as a relevant problem to be faced. So, we must all face any problem on Earth as it will affect all densities because they are not separated by any kind of barrier and what happens in any such density affects them all as it is only a mind construct, and one single unity, as in all the densities are one in the end and only the degree in which the observer's mind can distinguish the complexity in general, present in all, is what determines what density and therefore dimension it lives in.
Gosia: If death, in whatever form, is tragic, unwanted in this dimension, then... according to what you say, it should be so in all densities. But is it?
Yazhi: It should be recognized as tragic in and from all, but at the same time you can also see death or any tragedy from the point of view of a higher density where things are not so tragic. But I insist that it should not invalidate the real suffering going on in the so-called lower density.
And that´s why also I am angry. At just about all the other star-races that only talk and observe and respect their ideas of Karma and non-intervention, and whatever excuse not to do anything about what goes on on Earth, ever. Because they never do anything about anything going on on Earth. And if I could do more, I would have already done it! And many races even accept my arguments or the arguments of people who agree with me, as valid, but then they turn the other way. They say it is not of their doing, they say that if they help, they become involved and that it will all transfer on to their society, they are basically afraid to get a stain on their perfect robes! And then they all go by all that karma justifications for not doing anything.
I know they "all" think this way, but I cannot understand their deep why! It is irrational, illogical, immoral. Many have said they don't know how to intervene. How about making themselves known? Taking over news networks? Spilling the soup! Telling the people about all the dark secrets their governments are hiding from them. If they don't do that, then they are as regressive as any other. But they don't. So, I see the Federation as negative, sorry, no way around that!
Gosia: Ay, everything is so complicated.
Yazhi: The higher your understanding, the more complicated everything is. I have already explained it before. What defines a higher plane is the amount of data to be processed, remember? Nothing I gave before was to fill the space, but everything has a sequence that will be used to understand progressively more complicated things that will come later. I left the base to later be able to give more complicated ideas. Or else it would not be understood.
Gosia: And what do you say to people who tell me sometimes: ¨Did you forget... what you resist, persists? Why fight then? ¨ How would you respond to that in this whole context of: We must try to stop the genocide. People are so black and white. But how would you respond to that in your words?
Yazhi: That has been misinterpreted to a dangerous level, as in ignoring whatever you don't want... and that becomes your unconscious and from there and with no control it will come back to bite you! That's a mathematical certainty!
It is true that if you hold your attention on to something it will come to you, manifest or whatever. Even in the simplest principle, making things relevant to you that were there before but you simply did not have an eye for them, therefore they were invisible to you.
For example, if you are not interested in bicycles you won't see them, unless they are right in front of you and in your way. But if you suddenly have an interest in bicycles and you are constantly thinking about them, then they will appear everywhere.
They were always there in the simplest of explanations and you simply did not have your attention on them, but if you go deeper indeed from your point of view, that is the only one that really matters for you the observer, you are really manifesting them in your life. So even from the simplest principle whatever you look at manifests.
If you hold your attention on something negative it will also appear more to you, but if you resist whatever is negative, then you will have an increased focused attention on to whatever you are resisting with the added effect of emotions, and if you add fear into the equation then it will hold an attention span of strength that is considerably stronger than other things that may be contrary to whatever you resist.
So, strictly speaking, whatever you are resisting is manifesting more on you. Focus plus attention, plus rejection plus emotion like fear. People fall into that sort of trap and they are continuously living in their own nightmares.
So, focusing with an observant eye is different and has an effect contrary to this one, because you, in neutrality, analyse whatever you do not want, analyse why you do not want it, and you use it as a reference to clear out in your mind's eye what you do want.
So, you are not resisting whatever you don't like, you recognize that you do not want it, but you fully understand what it is and why it is, so you confront and face it. And that will dissolve fear, because fear is mostly, if not entirely, formed by not knowing, not understanding that what we fear. You fear the unknown, but once it is known then you lose the fear towards whatever it is or was. This has an effect where you incorporate whatever you do not want into yourself as a reference point, as a contrast for whatever you do want. It becomes a part of you, and you then control those negative aspects of yourself as you do not fear them.
Gosia: It actually dawned on me now... it´s so clear! Sure! People think that if we try to ¨resist¨ the NWO and all that, fighting against it, we are making it persist. They think the idea is to turn away the attention. But that´s not resisting! That´s ignoring what´s there, and blatant in everyone´s face, already created. What we do is actually not resisting. We look at it straight in its face. We acknowledge the collective shadow that has been created. And we simply light the truth on it. Dismantling the shadow´s lies.
Yazhi: Yes, yes. I'm even convinced many spiritual teachings and leaders who push the "think only positively¨ and push that ¨whatever you resist persists¨, may even be payees or controlled by the powers at be as a spiritual control mechanism for people to stagnate and do nothing.
As I have said before that is a very dangerous and even cruel concept. And it is very old. It comes even from the times of the Buddha. But without discussing if Buddha himself wrote or said that, we do know for certain that most Buddhist concepts (not necessarily from Buddha, I insist) were implemented as control mechanisms for the people in India from 600 B.C. onward. Like it or not, it is the truth.
The NWO, if you ignore it for it to go away, and you think you are not resisting it... it will eat you alive. Same as if you try to ignore the hungry tiger stalking you! Fight... Because in this case there is nowhere to run away. You have no choice! Fight, or annihilation. That simple. And that crude!
Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve? - Extraterrestrial Knowledge (Pleiades-Taygeta)
Swaruu: Pyramids are 100% of stellar construction, they are not from the indigenous population. They predate the very Egyptian culture and were built by a conglomerate of cooperative races of the Federation as generators of free energy and potentializers of consciousness for travel without a ship (more details to follow). They are energy power plants at a planetary level.
General information: Age of construction: They (Giza) were built right after the flood as the Matrix was being installed. And also held the purpose of distributing worldwide the Frequency that the moon was transmitting. (Sphinx is like 30 000 years old). But the exact dates are sketchy even for me. As I have explained before anything before the moon Matrix is nearly impossible to calculate.
In short: Free electric power generator, supplying electricity to the base and nearby facilities. Frequency manipulation range in conjunction with other pyramids on the planet for planetary Frequency manipulation from below. Naturalization and manipulation of frequencies of the lunar Matrix. Physical dimensional portal. Dimensional portal for astral travel.
Constructors: Federation Engineering.
Gosia: Any specific race that built them?
Swaruu: Again, many races helped, not only one. It was a Federation effort. The Taygeteans were involved, but not only. They were built as part of a Planetary energy network. By the Federation, multiple races, because it was a station or base, mostly underground with two levels (that is still there). The main builder was Thoth, and they were built in a way that nobody considers today which is the antigravity levitation of some stones assisted by internal cranes (which are still there, that is the bases of the anchors and where the huge cables or ropes and pulleys passed. This in the great chamber of the pyramid of Cheops).
Gosia: Yes, please explain Swaruu, exactly how they were built. It's the second question after ¨what is their function¨ that people ask. We will talk about the function later.
Swaruu: Levitation with anti-gravity devices, then pulled to their locations with the use of a crane that was installed in the Kings chamber (in the case of the Cheops pyramid). The pulleys and where the system was installed is still there. The levitation was only to remove most of its weight.
Gosia: The cranes?
Swaruu: It was built in a spiral movement or way.
Gosia: How were the cranes powered?
Swaruu: Electricity and hydraulics <---- Manpower with the small ones. Because the stones were not that heavy.
Gosia: There was electricity?
Swaruu: Back then all Egypt had electricity in every home.
They were built with several methods, not just one (humans always expect only one). They mobilized quarry limestone, found further south (as officially described). They were cut with energy tools (industrial lasers, and compressed sound saws). More than anything compressed sound saws, lasers take second place.
The stones were then levitated into place using antigravity and also sound. Sonic levitation is a system that is widely used in ancient constructions including those in Peru among other places. Even so, a system of support cranes was used that were in what is now known as the Great Chamber. A large external ramp was not used as many suggest, since the construction of said ramp exceeds that of the pyramid itself, that is illogical. But spiraling ramps were used within the same pyramid. Ramps that are still there because there are still hollow places. They are the ramps.
Liquid stone (liquidated with sound) was used as a means of filling and holding or gluing between the stones and the structures.
Liquid stone <----- for the external ones. They were put into place with the use of molds <----
Gosia: Liquid stone? Like cement?
Swaruu: Not exactly. Components like cement are brittle and of inferior quality. I mean that with a certain temperature assisted by sonic frequencies according to the Frequency of the stone, it liquefies. This form of construction by liquefying stone is still used in Taygeta as a base construction medium for buildings and houses.
That is not building by mould, that is constructing by cuts. It is made with a plasma tip, like a plasma laser beam and, according to what they say, that chaotic shape only increases the strength of the construction by having angular-pyramidal-triangular geometry of great structural strength.
It should be said that each construction is different, the plasma tip does not apply in all places. Egyptian technology also included sound levitation, without antigravity assistance.
Robert: Yes, especially the function of the Pyramidon.
Swaruu: What is Pyramidon?
Robert: The tiny pyramid that was placed on top of the pyramid.
Swaruu: The energy capacitor? It was pure white quartz, covered in gold leaf. Those ones were not at the tips of the pyramids. They had energy-concentrating properties and served as wireless Tesla power transmission antennas.
So, liquefied limestone with specific sound frequencies was used. You withdraw them and it returns to being solid. Local workers were used (not slaves. People who freely volunteered to work part time as happens in holographic societies). And advanced machinery. Also, not so advanced but efficient machinery such as pulleys and cranes.
Robert: I wouldn't have minded working there. In good conditions obviously.
Swaruu: Yes, they were good conditions. Is this enough in terms of how they were built?
Gosia: I think so Swaruu. You will know better. I have no idea how they were built.
Robert: Who is credited with the construction?
Swaruu: It is attributed to Enoch and Thoth. But as with everything it was a cooperative construction of the Federation. With the local population as also part of the Federation or as under the Federation wing. (Some say that Enoch and Thoth were the same person.)
Gosia: Thank you very much. Ok, let's talk now about the function of pyramids. What are they? What are they for? So, the purpose was to generate power? They were not tombs, nor an astrological place...
Swaruu: Yes, electricity... and to send power electricity all over the earth no matter where you are, but also to stabilize the Frequency of the entire planet. Make it even more positive, with an inverse manner than the moon does now. There are pyramids all over the Earth placed at ley-line locations. All over the world, most are in China. It's all part of the same system. You could be anywhere on Earth back then and you would have wireless power with this system.
Gosia: Why isn´t it working anymore then?
Swaruu: Because the Cabal doesn't want it to work. Because there is no billing the population for free energy! It is a planetary scale free energy device. But it served other purposes, which I will go into a bit later.
Pyramids are huge. Impossible to manufacture without very high technology. Slaves? Not even as a joke. Plus, Egypt didn't use slaves.
Notice the 8 sides of the Great Pyramid.
Topography of the place.
To understand the pyramid, you have to understand that it was not built only to be seen from below, but from above. And few people seem to know of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Many researchers indicate that the pyramids pointed to Alpha Draconis. But not only to Alpha Draconis, also to the Pleiades and Sirius.
Pyramids on other worlds: Widespread use as free power plants with wireless electrical transmission. Positioning on ley lines to increase and potentiate planetary effects and de-polarization between the charge of the atmosphere and the electrical charge of the ground. Primary grounding method, by aquifer mantle.
Type of energy: Zero-point energy by charge differential.
Gosia: Wait. Other worlds you mean other planets?
Swaruu: Correct. Usage is widespread in Federation worlds. In Taygeta, not to go any further, they are used as power generators. All this is zero-point energy.
Here it says having the base at 440 Egyptian cubits when my data tells me that it measures 365.25 Egyptian cubits. Same measure.
Robert: That is important, yes. For some esoteric reason the truth is hidden. Because all measurements are related to the dimensions of the Earth.
Swaruu: Yes, but they get us in trouble with that. And that's what they want because they move or alter the calculations.
Notice how the Queen's chamber is at the geometric point of the pyramid. That´s where the power collector was. It was covered in polished white limestone. From inside it was causing an internal bounce of particles coming from the atmosphere entering through the crystal covered with gold at the tip. (Pure white quartz covered with gold leaf).
The particles come down from the atmosphere looking for earth, they bounce off the white limestone that has piezo-electrical and insulating properties that prevent the electrical particles, be it positrons + or electrons - (because the polarity of the charge, charge differential between the atmosphere and the soil varies and is inverted) from returning back to the atmosphere.
They enter looking for land, because it is the point of greatest connection between the atmospheric charge and that of the ground. They bounce inwardly off the white limestone and concentrate in the Queen's chamber, where a depolarization to the ground takes place, as you can see above.
Gosia: What was covered in white? The whole pyramid as in this photo or collector of the energy inside?
Swaruu: The whole pyramid.
The energy is concentrated in the Queen's chamber and gets depolarized with the underground chamber that makes land and connects with the aquifers there creating a concentrated differential of charges between sky and earth.
Robert: It is clearly seen that it is a power generator.
Swaruu: This is the same as having a continuous and voltage regulated lightning bolt. The King's chamber served as a control room and for other uses of the pyramid such as being a portal. Above the King's room was a series of high-tech capacitors that regulated energy depolarization.
And for efficiency it was set slightly to one side, so it would not interfere with the concentration of energy in the Queen's chamber.
Even today in the underground chamber there are traces of cables and metal structures for grounding.
It is dry now, but water was flowing creating a potentialized earth effect. Which has been the ground connection collector or the part opposite to the one above, the pyramid and its limestone that compressed and concentrated the atmospheric charge.
This part potentiated the charge of the Earth creating an enormous differential of charges between the atmosphere and the Earth.
Clouds and ground most of the time (not always) have opposite charges. Especially in dry places but not only. Lightning is a disarray and uncontrolled discharge of differential energy. But if you have a differential charge, although not dramatically different as to create discharge (lightning), you can channel it in an orderly and continuous way towards the ground.
Then you have a place of continuous charge flow. And you have your free energy. That is why they are on ley lines, and underground water, because you are giving them a greater connection to the ground, greater connection capacity and control of charge flow between the atmosphere and the ground. This is pure Tesla, he knew this.
You do not need nuclear, hydroelectric, or thermoelectric reactors to generate electricity. You only need one or another pyramid. It is clean, it generates more energy than 50 nuclear power plants, it has other functions. It needs little maintenance. It does not generate anything; it only concentrates the charge differential between sky and earth. It is the planet itself that creates the energy.
Between sky and earth there is a change in polarity depending on atmospheric circumstances. It does not imply any problems because the pyramid only reverses electronically the charges with its internal devices (which are no longer there). The energy comes from a continuous and controlled ray and with regulated and therefore useful voltage.
Understanding pre-classical ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. A square means Space - Cosmos. A Square with an X in the middle means a place in the Cosmos. A circle with an X means an exact, precise place.
It means that it represents an exact place in the Cosmos, not on Earth as seen from above as from a ship. The base is or measures 365.25 Egyptian cubits on each side (440 is misinformation. I fully trust my data). Represents one Earth year for each side.
The King's chamber measures 365.25 Egyptian inches on each side as well. You can see what's left of the collector's container.
To the left of here... you can see a black box that is one of the... narrow corridors, one of many in the pyramid. That goes about 4 meters from there and then goes up like 60 to where there is a small door of 14cm X 14cm.
I can't get into mathematics that is all over the pyramid because apparently it differs from official terrestrial data, and although that may have a simple and surmountable explanation for us, I don't have it now, so this would require more time.
The door in the picture is exactly 364 Egyptian inches tall.
This piece is exactly 364 Egyptian inches tall. That corresponds to the 364 ° of celestial movement of a star that is the central base of the construction of the Pyramid. The star is Enlill <----
The 3 stars of Orion that conspiracy Egyptologists take as something Reptile, is wrong because in the past Osiris was related to Orion <----- It has nothing to do with Reptiles or with Grays or with Orion as in those who come from there. Once again it points to Taygeta. Like the Apis Bull.
This idea of the Taurus constellation is non-terrestrial. Taurus itself as a constellation is dominated by the races of the Pleiades, found in the center of this constellation. In one of the horns is Aldebaran. It contains the only Taygetean colony outside of M45.
Aldebaran shares energy from the Ether side with this sun-13 and with Alcyone. But it also shares with the star Enlill.
Let's move on now to the underground chamber marked with the number 3. Below there is another larger chamber <-----
At the bottom of this chamber there is a pool of water with aquiferous mantles that connect with the Nile. It is still there and Egyptologists, although many already know it, do not tell the people.
I had to draw this myself, the blue lines and the red box. There is another chamber there. It contains at this time several misnamed sarcophagi with writing, documents about the very pyramid. Written in Moldovite stone. They hide this very well. They are not sarcophagi, they are containers.
In this chamber there is a rectangular corridor with 4 pillars in the corners and in the center a flooded chamber with a sarcophagus filled with Moldovite carved like the Thoth tablets.
In this area in red, marked by me, there are two DUMBs one above the other, the first one is 30 meters deep. The second 60. It contains innumerable rooms, corridors, hidden technology, systems like any other contemporary Federation base. The entrance is under the Sphinx and the control is under the right ear.
Gosia: Are the pyramids still operational? What is missing to make them work properly?
Swaruu: No. They are off. They do not have the electrical equipment inside to channel the energy, they do not have the quartz tip covered with gold, and they do not have their coating that gave them the ability to concentrate the energy, it was an insulation... just as they are now, they dissipate their energy into the atmosphere again, they do not concentrate it in one point (King's chamber).
The charge of the atmosphere discharges towards the center of the pyramid reaching earth with the flow of underground water that connects to the Nile, using the earth and discharges room (Queen's chamber).
Without its smooth cover, its charge dissipates into the atmosphere. They have not removed it in order to use it elsewhere. They have removed it to stop its operation. That's why they don't have their covers.
Gosia: And only pyramids in Egypt have this function? Or others in the world the same? There are many in Mexico. Same function?
Swaruu: They all have the same primary function, but they are not all generators of free energy. Only some, not all. Like the one of the Sun, that is a generator. In some in Mexico mercury has been found in large quantities... this proves that they were used as generators and as Portals.
Gosia: But were they also built by you? Or other races? I imagine others.
Swaruu: By others... Because it was a Federation, all conglomerate. Those from Crimea and Alaska are also from Taygeta or Council of 9 (Alcyone Council).
Robert: And why do they have that disposition as if it were Orion? I think you said it once, Swaruu. And is there any reason for them to be three pyramids with different sizes?
Swaruu: It's a message... as a distraction even. It's kind of iconic... Orion is the most easily recognizable constellation from Earth. But the pyramids internally were focused on: Alcyone, Sirius, Alpha Draconis.
Returning to the function of the pyramids. Pyramids, what they are for, surpass human understanding (average at least).
The function of free energy generators, and others, is not the primary function of the pyramids. That is the secondary function, incidentally. <----- Primary one, they won't understand.
It is a Stargate. But it is not a portal, although it can be, that is something else. It is a mechanism that allows you to travel. Like I told you, like a Warp ship engine in reverse. It is a place that potentiates the psychic, mental and natural astral travel energy of each person. The energy flow described above, pure positronic energy of exact Frequency compatible as constructive interference with the human aura and psychic energy. (In contrast to wifi and invasive microwave electromagnetism which is Frequency destructive to human aura and human psychic energy).
You go in there when it is working, and even as it is now, and you leave your body, you travel wherever. Yes, there are channels or small tunnels to focus on traveling to Sirius among other places. Leaving the material body and being free in the astral through the universe. It was used as amplifiers of consciousness. Where someone entered, leaving their body there (in the King's chamber) and with that they traveled, astral projecting, wherever they wanted to go. Outside of time and space they could return to the pyramid a couple of hours later, but for them it could have been days, weeks or months or years of travel experience.
This is not a secondary use for the pyramid, it is considered one of the main uses. Even today this works but not with the same force or efficiency as in its day. One of the most important accounts is when Napoleon himself entered the great pyramid and spent the night there. It is well known that when he came out, he was no longer the same man. He had a very strong mystical revelation that night.
Robert: Would you advise me to travel to Egypt and enter the pyramids to meditate? Is it positive energy?
Swaruu: Yes, it is positive, Robert. That is why I say they will not understand. Because it has no material function useful to the modern mind. Because it is to achieve things that are not supposed to exist. It is extraterrestrial understanding. You have to think like an extraterrestrial. Not with material profit. Nor with nonsense like religious beliefs like tombs that everyone knows they are not.
Again, they tell you all in the Hollywood. In 1997 the film ¨Contact¨ with Jodie Foster was created in which plans arrive from deep space to create an incredibly expensive large machine... which is believed to have many complicated functions, such as a portal or a means of transport. In the end, that great colossal machine is only to give a mystical experience to whoever makes it work. And you can see there how society discredits that experience in the end. Worthless. That is what Pyramids are.
From the recent conversation with Yazhi:
They were constructed as power plants. Pyramids are the perfect shape for planetary based zero-point energy. But as a side effect from such a power plant they become Portals as well. Mostly astral Portals. Helping people fly, astral travel, remote view, live that way! They can also be full blown Portals, where material things go to and from.
They also work in an array, bringing a certain Frequency to a planet, even moving the entire planet to a higher realm, or density. They connect with others in key Ley Line places all over a planet and create an energy grid that sustains a planet in high vibration, and that can even be controlled at will.
This is a very similar way a starship's engine keeps the ship and itself in another density wherever it is.
Some pyramids don't even need to have complex mechanisms inside as they work with vibrational synchronicity reflecting and vibrating to the same Frequency other pyramids vibrate too. With that they also contribute to sustain the planetary Frequency and also augment the power producing efficiency of those that do have electric components inside.
The Pyramids are Frequency generators. Placed there at the same time as the moon, they had to take part on the creation of the Matrix. But, under Federation control they could be capable of removing the lunar Matrix by changing the frequencies and mingling with the ones of the moon. In a very real way, providing a way to control the Frequency of the Earth without having to go all the way to the moon.
Those are the main functions of a pyramid. They were built for those specific purposes from the very beginning. Also note that some pyramids were built as monuments to pyramids, I mean they don't do much, only be there.
Back to previous conversation with Swaruu:
Swaruu: Questions?
Gosia: Ok. Yeah! Thank you. And thanks for the effort with the images. And drawings. Fascinating topics. So then that´s what also served the pyramids? To increase one's potential as the portal? But if the builders were so advanced, they should have been able to achieve it with their own bodies, right? Like this gentleman from India.
Swaruu: As I have already told you, the true purpose of the great pyramids is to augment the potential of everyone who is inside them for interstellar travel at will. Astral flight with or without the physical body remains the same. The transmutation of personal energy, of the self into another dimension with all intention of doing it or achieving it. Yes, it can be done without a pyramid, because you are an energetic torus, and an energetic torus is a Mercaba, which are two interlocking pyramids. You already are the pyramid.
Gosia: I understand. Under the pyramids is there another inverted pyramid?
Swaruu: Yes and no... A pyramid, the one on the physical side, it is what you see, the other pyramid is energetically intertwined with the one you can see. The other pyramid is inverted to form the Mercaba. It is not under the material pyramid, it is intertwined.
Robert: Wow. Is it intertwined in an energetic way? One physical and the other non-material.
Swaruu: A pyramid is material 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5. The other is on the other side, spirit world, the A ether... 3, 6, 9. Creating the Mercaba. Thus, creating the flow of energy called free.
Gosia: Is it true that visualizing yourself in this merkaba, it is a vehicle for interdimensional travel?
Swaruu: Visualizing yourself is activating an intention. Yes, it works, that's how it works.
Robert: Do you know anything about very fine white sand found inside the pyramids?
Swaruu: Note: The Nile passed over a part of the DUMB <--- White basalt?
Robert: Yes. Powdered.
Swaruu: I need more data.
Robert: There is a lot of it, like white sand, it's not sand. It is some material that the body gives off. It´s there in large quantities.
Swaruu: You have to consider that the pyramids were built with quarry stone that was found in the south and with liquid stone. It seems to me that it is part of the liquid stone as what cement powder would be. I need more data.
Robert: And what does this image mean?
Swaruu: The placement of the white limestone deck in place using levitation.
Gosia: Ok I have two questions. First: Why did the Federation choose Egypt as its main base? And second related: What does it have to do with Israel? Does it have anything to do with it?
Swaruu: Egypt because it is in a specific place like the geometric center of the Earth. On the ley lines and this increases the energy efficiency of the pyramids and also distributes and connects the energy distribution with other pyramids in other parts of the world, mostly also on ley lines. As the main point, it was chosen as the main DUMB base as well.
Israel... this is getting into history. In themselves the pyramids have nothing to do with Israel other than as a connection to ISIS, (EA) RA (Anu) and Enki (EL). Is-ra-el - Trinity - Triangulum constellation. Basis of the Cabal's beliefs. And later by association with Ahkenaten / Nefertiti and the exodus.
Israel is a construction of the Cabal. It started with Ahkenaten and Nefertiti. There was no Jewish or Hebrew people, the idea or concept of the Chosen people. Chosen as the gods (EL) pointed them out. These gods with the Elohim among which there are various races including Taygeta.
The so-called people of IsRaEl that itself takes its name from the trinity of Triangulum, the base of Illuminati ideologies, as the triangle that looks at everything. Triangulum constellation Eye of Horus. It is an ancient positive symbol hijacked by the Cabal.
So, the Hebrew people are none other than the group of Egyptians who followed Ahkenaten (Moses) and Nefertiti when they were expelled from Egypt by rioters imposing their monotheism under the orders of Meritaten working with Ramses II. Circa 1330 BC.
There are no "Jewish" genes, it is just an attribute to the people chosen by those who founded the Cabal: Nefertiti and her puppet Ahkenaten.
Robert: Question. DUMB... as a general base for the United Federation of Planets. And if we went down into that DUMB, what could we find? Is there some kind of ancient library of knowledge? Some kind of quartz crystal or one of those New Age stories?
Swaruu: Downstairs there is a base as it was back then, that is, it does not look like an Egyptian relic, but they are metal and composite corridors, with pneumatic doors and equipment below. I don't know what exactly, but I do know that there would be places of recreation, places with bedrooms, kitchens, common areas, laboratories, and rooms full of computer equipment and location-navigation for ships, Portals and warehouses. Engineering places such as support and accommodation systems for various species, places like medical centers, med pods, small ships. In the computers there will be information. Everything is dormant and damaged, but some things will work. It is equivalent to what was found under Mount Busegi.
Robert: Do the authorities know about this?
Swaruu: Partially at best. They hide so much that I cannot know how much they know precisely.
Gosia: How long have the pyramid/s operated for... and when did they stop working? Could you locate us more or less in time?
Swaruu: They worked for about 3,000 years, maybe more. I can't pin it down. In Meritaten's day they no longer worked.
Robert: Do you know how fast the Great Pyramid was built?
Swaruu: In a couple of years at the most. I cannot specify these last two questions.
Gosia: Ok, not a problem. I have another question. About the astral travel function... out-of-body travel: What is there in the pyramid that helped and made it possible? The pyramid shapes? Or some technology apart from that? In other words... why couldn´t it be done under some tree or something?
Swaruu: It's mostly the shape of the pyramid itself. In itself that geometric shape makes a spiral of energy rebound in its interior and is of high Frequency, it is mainly concentrated in the Queen's chamber, but the entire interior is affected.
This in itself increases the connection with Source, making all astral experiences more efficient. It is a natural hub or amplifier for consciousness, due to its internal high frequencies. It is like immersing a person and body in a higher vibrational density. In fact, that´s what happens inside. The Frequency inside is much higher than outside.
Gosia: But why did it have to be so huge? If only the shape helps? It could be 6 meters. You can fit there.
Robert: Maybe it has to be proportional to the Earth.
Swaruu: In itself any pyramid even the size of a hand increases the Frequency in general. But at these larger sizes the concentration of energy is gigantic. The Great Pyramid itself is one of the 3 "master" Pyramids of the Earth. Along with two other main ones. The one of the Sun in Mexico and the one in Alaska.
Robert: Alaska? I've never heard of that one.
Swaruu: It is in a militarized zone.
There is another there. There are pyramids everywhere on Earth, big and small and even submerged (Bermuda). There is more in the Crimea and there is a Taygeta base below, abandoned.
Robert: Would you advise us to go to the Great Pyramid to the King's chamber with quartz and do some meditation?
Swaruu: Yes, if they let you yes (I don't think so). You would only have strong and positive mystical experiences. If you manifest things like fear, that was already in your head and being in a high Frequency environment, that will manifest.
Gosia: Ok, another question, the last one: Who had access to these pyramids to make these types of trips and have these experiences? Was it for the "mystery" circles, or anyone could enter?
Swaruu: Back then pre-dynastic Egypt was holographic, anyone could access the pyramid and do this.
Gosia: But then I think it became something more exclusive, right? Mystic schools were formed, initiations, etc?
Swaruu: That was much later. Yes, Illuminati secret societies enter there outside the public eye <---- (!) Classified but it can be mentioned if you decide so.
Robert: I don't think rituals are done in there, right?
Swaruu: I don't know. But it seems to me that it is a reunion point, but today everything is possible.
Robert: And is there Federation activity in that area today?
Swaruu: Yes, it is under constant supervision. But it is the area of the Cabal today.
Robert: Does it mean anything that they are basically 3 Pyramids in Egypt? Is that for any reason or not?
Swaruu: There are many pyramids in Egypt. But the great pyramid is the main one and the base of the others.
Robert: But I imagine that this disposition is not accidental.
Swaruu: Not the Orion one. But for Egypt Orion is Osiris. Orion has nothing to do with Reptiles and Grays.
Gosia: What do you mean: ¨Not the Orion one." I do not understand this phrase Swaruu.
Swaruu: The 3 main pyramids of Giza are aligned with Orion. But that is in "honor" or in line with Osiris. Osiris = Orion for the Egyptians.
Robert: What is the relationship between the Obelisks and the Pyramids? If there is any? What were they for or what do they indicate?
Swaruu: Yes.
They are all over the world. It is Atonism, based on Egypt. It is a phallic symbol pointing upwards holding a pyramid that represents the 3 deities of the constellation of Triangulum, Enlil, Anu and EA. The obelisk is an offering to those 3 deities. It is a ¨look up¨. Where there is an obelisk it means that the Illuminati have control over that place and / or it is one of their main bases / cities. It is power antenna too.
Gosia: What do those Obelisks have to do with Enlil then? The Obelisks people are Cabal.
Swaruu: Not only Enlil, also Anu and Ea. Anu = Almighty Creator God, / EA = Yahweh or Allah / Enlill = Elohim gods (plural). Yahweh is not a person, it is an event, it is a creative orgasm, it is the "Big Bang as a Yahweh". Creative explosion. It is a hijacked symbol like so many others.
Robert: And do you know if it is true that there was a fourth black Pyramid? Because the others, they say, were white.
Swaruu: There was no pyramid of that color, nor any extra. There are traces that there was another, but it was never finished, and it did not pass the stage of the base and foundations. However, yes, there was another Sphinx. That is why 'Ishtar' stands on 2 lions that symbolize Egypt, the two Sphinxes.
Robert: Do you know anything more about that?
Swaruu: Yes, there were two. One succumbed and they were like the caretakers of the area, at the entrance to the valley. Below there are two DUMBs, one below the other. They are ancient, they contain many secrets. All this is hyper documented, and it is not my opinion alone.
Robert: Do you know what is in there?
Swaruu: Yes, I even have the map. It is an extraterrestrial base with everything that you would expect to be found inside an extraterrestrial base. Of course, they don't want that to leak to the public.
Robert: But is it abandoned or active?
Swaruu: It is abandoned because it suffered a lot of damage from the flood. There are two, one on top of the other that is below.
Robert: And are they of the same ET race? Do you know what race it belongs to?
Swaruu: It was the Federation base therefore it had many races there. Including us. Compound base, not race-specific. Basically, the base was positive.
Later, the Egyptian culture around the pyramids grew.
Robert: A question. There is something that is not very clear to me. It is about the subject of slaves. There are many geoglyphs. With images like slaves. And many will cling to that when we say that slavery did not exist in Egypt.
Swaruu: I am not the only one who claims that there were no slaves. But that doesn't mean that slaves were never used throughout those 10,000 years. But as a culture it did not use slaves, but workers.
In this picture, those are prisoners of war.
Notice that above they are tied around the neck, that is prisoners. Below, they are pulling things, that is workers. The concept of slaves is biblical as selling Enlill's side as the bad guys as having Israelites as slaves. They do not conceive that people could work like this. But not only me, many terrestrial researchers strongly assure that these are not slaves, they are workers. It is the Romans who imposed the concept of slavery in Egypt to fulfill an agenda.
Short conversation with Anéeka:
Robert: Do you remember or know of some historical fact around that time?
Anéeka: Many. Like when the base was taken by force by the dark side, with Thoth of negative line in command of those who wanted to destroy and drive away the Federation from Egypt. This coming from the archon forces entering to want to dominate the planet using the lunar Matrix to their benefit.
Thoth became Anubis and with him darkness covered Egypt because his forces slaughtered many people there. Forcing the Federation to seal the base and retreat, damaged and with hundreds in black bags. Dead. That is why the Federation is here in force. In large numbers with total military superiority. And without large surface bases. Only safe houses worldwide. They look like normal houses. They are used by 3 letter agencies as well.
Robert: That is to say that the Federation base was abandoned by an attack?
Anéeka: Yes.
Robert: Reptile and Archon Attack?
Anéeka: Sealed entries. But they have high tech in there that prevents entry. Like any DUMB. Archon Reptile Attack, exactly. It is a refuge area for the Cabal as expected. Still a lot of Federation ship activity over the pyramids and around that area.
Recent short conversation with Yazhi:
Yazhi: Under, and in the DUMB’s there under Giza in general, not only the Sphinx, there is a large underground city, abandoned, referred to by the ancients as "The Laberinth". It was an old Federation base, with multi-racial members.
Gosia: You know the date of its construction more or less? The Sphynx? And date of Pyramids construction more or less?
Yazhi: Directly under the Sphinx, there are several chambers that lead to a library and under the library there is the tomb of Osiris, and towards the pyramids, there is an entrance to several tunnels that lead to the pyramids, and to "the Labyrinth" or DUMB below.
About dates, before 12 500 time gets "funny" and impossible to calculate due to the plasticity it holds. But as an educated linear guess the Sphinx is over 35 000 years old.
I know the pyramids are also said to be as much as 30 000 years old, but to the best of my data they are closer to 15 000 years old (Giza) and some are as young as 12 000 to 11 00 years old.
As I said above you cannot calculate time that is not linear as it was not back then. And the Pyramids at Giza do not show the same water damage that the Sphinx does display. So, they could not have been built at the same time. And the water damage in the Pyramids give you a clue that it was produced by minor floods such as the ones the Nile would produce and not because of a cataclysmic inundation event water damage such as the one the Sphinx does display, meaning it was totally submerged at the time of the flood coming from Tiamat's destruction.
Gosia: And it was always used as the Federation base then at that time too? Before the Matrix?
Yazhi: Again, it is hard to tell. But it was a Federation base for tens of thousands of years. The underground base is immense and consists of two basic immense layers, one above the other. The entrance halls to the DUMB below Giza are only 30 to 60 meters deep, very shallow! Sphinx is a lot older and there used to be two, side by side.
Swaruu: When the 3D Matrix was imposed upon Earth to control the negative ones, the Van Allen Belts, good people were trapped there as well, as you know. The Federation was weak, and it has suffered heavy losses due to the Tiamat fighting and wars. So, the 3D Earth Van Allen etheric shield was supposed to be a temporary measure to enclose the negative ones until the Federation could recover and find out what to do with them.
But we were not going to leave the good ones there to rot... The plan was to go there and extract them, teaching them to ascend on their own, in the case of the indigenous population.
So, the direct so-called extraterrestrials stranded on Earth after the 3D was imposed 12 500 years ago were mostly extracted by starship, leaving behind only the ones who wished to stay and the indigenous population.
And those who stayed were to be taught to escape the Earth on their own with no need of a starship or assistance from a starship crew. Jump rooms were created where the souls could escape on their own without the use of direct technology and only of so-called etheric enhancers. Those etheric enhancers augmented the Frequency and intention of a consciousness to escape on their own to any star system they wished to go. The Pyramids.
But in general people don't even need etheric enhancers such as the pyramids... they can learn to escape using mind alone. Their intention, their consciousness alone. Mind and consciousness even in 3D, it is that strong!
But they needed a guide... At least at first. A crew was "dispatched" to "enlighten them", help them learn to escape the Matrix on their own, to trust themselves and handle their own lives, to teach them to liberate themselves and to never again fall to oppression. We are here, again, to do what we have always done. This is not new for us. We are just doing it again.
Humans Created by Extraterrestrials? DNA and Genetics - Pleiadian Information (Swaruu - Taygeta)
Robert: Was the human being created?
Swaruu: No. Although it would be necessary to define what ¨Human Being" is. Because there are so many races that go from being very different to the same as the terrestrial ones. It falls into the very concept of eternity. Nobody considers the concept of creation of the human being, the Lyrian race, I mean among the interstellar races. Because there is no linear time to consider, the concept of creation, development, or that of Evolution does not exist. There is adaptation to the linear or semi-linear environment of some humanoid or human species, but from the broadest point of view, they do not form the species because there is no before and after from the total point of view of the overall set of all humanoid species or known humanomorphas.
Robert: Right. I mean if the creation of both the Taygeteans and the "Human-Lyrians" was due to the mechanics of the Manifestation of something higher like Higher Self, with some agreements of other Higher Selves. In other words, it appeared spontaneously in a precise place and time. Could that be possible? Could it also be that the two species, Taygetean and Lyrian, were created like this at the same time?
Swaruu: It wouldn't be something spontaneous. The differences in 5D of one species compared to another are due to a semi-linear adaptation to the environment. It is not evolutionism, it is only adaptation and yes, genetic changes occur, but it is by imposition of the intention of their consciousnesses.
Although here yes, there is a before and after, it is only relative and specific to the species. Even so, it is difficult to define the time frame of said adaptation since it means going back with a linear mentality to trace the origins.
The Great Expansion is known, but exactly when it happened cannot be known. It is only calculated from the human frame of reference, which was roughly a million years ago.
Robert: We have always said that the higher a density is, the easier it is to be able to manifest something. And you always tell us that we are not this body. If in my dreams I can create various realities including beings with new appearances etc. Could it be that beings from very high planes manifest these lower plane bodies that we have here on Earth? For example.
Swaruu: I can argue that dreams are reality, the physical world is not. My answer is that yes, it makes sense what you say, however the only thing I would add is that it is not necessarily with the intention of creating a human being purposefully.
Gosia: Just as our dreams seem so real and complete while we are sleeping, so would our existence here in 3-5D for them. All being a "dream" of these beings. Some kind of instant manifestation and game maybe. In fact, I think it IS. Just that these beings beyond are ourselves, I think.
Swaruu: Simply by the fact that they are and exist, as beings of light, and have the practical intention, for whatever reason, to manifest themselves as entities separated from another entity, with humanoid morphology, that is, with limbs, torso and head, is enough to cause a chain reaction through the densities where they "manifest" beings of a more "material" nature to the point of reaching the terrestrial human being.
Yes, it is us, we return to being them when we sleep, and if we dream things called mundane, it is because that is what is occupying our attention.
Robert: What about the reptilian brain humans?
Swaruu: It is a completely human interpretation <--- Because by isolating that part of the brain, they see that it works in a similar or comparative way to how a Reptile would react (according to them). But there is no evidence, or nothing to prove that that part of the brain is due to reptilian genes <---- It just seems to be reptilian, therefore they say it is Reptile.
There is no genetic link. It is said that the human being was created by combining 21 extraterrestrial species, including the Reptile. I contradict it. Every human being is genetically different. I mean that there can be a body (not the species), a body or a series of bodies of a specific group that is artificially adapted to serve as a vehicle for a reptilian soul. But it is a concept or a procedure of frequencies not of something physical, and it does not apply to the entire species.
But it is not just a case of Reptiles, it happens with all other races as well, adaptations within the human being, insectoid races (Mantis for example) or races not found on Earth such as Arcturian branches.
For this reason, from the point of view of the Taygetean genetic science and that of the Federation, the terrestrial human being is not considered a species. We catalog the species in this other way as well:
1.) Primary Species, which are those that are holographic fragments of the whole, of the unified Self, which are those that have manifested from higher planes.
2.) Secondary Species, which are those that have been created / altered by some of the Primary species with a specific purpose (using the imposition of a higher intention with a goal to alter the DNA of those who will use the final container body).
A species that would be Primary is one that has not been altered by anyone else, which according to everyone's records has always been or is lost in the mist of time. It is taken as the creation of the Source or the original unified Self. The humans would fall within the second classification.
Robert: You mean manipulated by Mind Control and adapted so that Starseeds from other races can enter, yes?
Swaruu: Aha yeah. Only one thing: It is not necessary to do the physical adaptation with artificial means due to the nature of the same density. In the case of humans, yes, because it is 3D and the manifestation is slow. It takes a very drastic and rapid change so that a starseed can enter.
From 5D no, it is faster and the mere intention of the new being in formation, inside the uterus, already modifies the DNA of the container in a satisfactory way. Yes, it happens that an artificial intervention is necessary, yes it happens in 5D too, but it is not a norm, as in 3D, it is a rare exception.
Gosia: My question is: If you said that an adaptation has been made, or could be made, so that the body can be the vehicle for a Reptile soul for example... has this been done on Earth in general? By other races? Have other races made these adaptations? Aside from the starseed mothers.
Swaruu: Yes, and it is a constant. Virtually all races have. Sometimes it is not necessary to adapt anything, with the changes with pure manifestation they are enough, other times yes necessary. An example of this are many autistic children... their soul or their consciousness takes longer to fully enter their human body since the being, soul or adma comes from high densities, and entering all at once could bring neurological problems.
Gosia: But do they take a group of humans at random to adapt their souls, or for example the Sirians go for the Chinese, Andromedans for the Kongo etc? How do they choose?
Swaruu: No, not like this.
Robert: That is to say races do not have preferences for specific ¨races of the Earth"?
Swaruu: The Starseeds of any specific race tend to spread across all races almost evenly. They don't take just one race. For example, the Taygetean race that at home is almost 100% or totally Nordic, on Earth there will be Taygetan Starseeds in all human races. So, with other ET Starseeds.
Gosia: You said that humans are the secondary race. Again, to summarize. We are the secondary but not because of the genetic changes that races have made (because DNA will always return to a natural pattern) but because of genetic changes made due to impositions of Mind Control / Matrix, right?
Swaruu: Yes, Gosia, exactly that <--- In the end the humans yes, have experienced genetic changes that limit them, but those changes come from the intention of humans themselves and are reversible. They do not come from a deterministic genetic laboratory.
The interpretation of the Sumerian Tablets where it has been said that the human was created by them is a human interpretation, because it is the only way they know how DNA is altered. It is a reflection of human thinking, of their limited understanding with limited data.
The true genetic alterations applied to humans have been done through Mind Control. From the application of beliefs and the manipulation of what is possible and what is not, by imposing a structure of values and ideas artificially placed with a goal to cause genetic changes. This is how the genes of a species are altered by part of a star race, positive or negative, and not in the laboratory.
What happens is that humans cannot understand this because they have been programmed precisely about this point, so that they do not understand the transcendence of consciousness and mind. There is no matter, everything is an idea <----
All the star race genes are already within each and every one of the humans, they are only deactivated, they are neither altered nor removed. It is the very consciousness-intention of the being that inhabits each body, that will determine which genes will be activated and which will be ignored, but there they are waiting for the signal from their owner.
Gosia: Ok I understand, great, thank you. And another thing here. If the genetic changes that the ETs have made sporadically, as for example to accommodate the terrestrial vehicle for a certain ET soul, like a mother... these changes later return to their original pattern, yes? Because you said they always go back to their original pattern. In this case it would be a Lyrian pattern yes?
Swaruu: Yes Gosia, it is true, yes, the mother returns, for example, to her original pattern. How long? It depends on the circumstances, but in general, the maximum would be 7 years, which is the total regeneration period of the human body. Note: Changes can last for days or hours... others can last a few generations, but they always return to the pattern imposed by the person's consciousness. I insist, that is why the perception of the person must be changed so that the changes are permanent.
Robert. I have the following question. Everything we have talked about Genetics, what other species it could be applied to here on Earth apart from a human one? I mean what other species have a great connection to Source?
Swaruu: I can assure you that all the remaining species, and each one of them, have a greater connection with Source than humans. Among those that stand out most obviously could be cetaceans, Dolphins and Whales.
It's just that, Robert... The other animal species are doing what they do best and are experiencing what they were designed to experience. The humans not so much. There isn't much Mind Control applied to... cats. Cats know how to be... well, cats... very well. They know how to be at peace, in their center, in their self, enjoy their peace and well-being in the sun. Not the humans. They are far from what they come into the world to be, that is why they are so unhappy because that feeling is trying to tell them that their path is wrong, to go seek their center, their path in life. But they are programmed to ignore that, to serve society. Their value as humans is for what they can do for society, not for what they can do for themselves. But even with that Mind Control at work, their souls do tell them that something is very wrong.
Gosia: The cats, why then do they get sick and get old? How many years do cats live in Taygeta to compare?
Swaruu: I require more time to explain the animal’s topic, but it is part or collateral damage due to the Matrix itself, which has as its main component linear time as a metronome that synchronizes everything, creating a linearity of before, present and after, which produces in the animals themselves that process, among other things like low frequencies, and toxins... 3D, all together working against them.
Robert: I have this question from a follower. A little note on the genetic issue. And if in the very construction of the 3D human avatar, the DNA is already structured in such a way that it works with a series of characteristics, what are those that mainly determine its character and personality, and at the same time can be modified or altered?
Swaruu: Genetics is the result of perception and that is the result of character and personality. The personality is given by, or as a result of experiences that one had in life and in other past lives. Genetics will never determine the person or their consciousness. Genetics is just a reflection of... consciousness. The question is written from the deterministic human perception, causal or victim mentality.
Robert: Why do humans have 22-23 chromosomes compared to 24 that apes, or Taygeteans have?
Swaruu: There are two answers to that. What we see more likely is that one has been suppressed, which is still latent, by the same method of consciousness manipulating its own genes. What happens is that if a certain quality or characteristic in a being is not used for a prolonged period of time, it will begin to atrophy to the point that it finally manifests as a change in the very genes that control or are associated with that quality.
The second option, which is not ruled out, is that the change has been artificially imposed, and the gene has not returned to normal because people are under mental control and a low Frequency that is designed to suppress that particular gene, with the objective of not wanting that the humans return to their full potential. When making a genetic change in the laboratory so that as a species it does not return to its original configuration, the stimulus of consciousness focused or linked to the gene that has been removed must be suppressed. Even so, it is temporary, the genetic recovery process is postponed. I'm talking about entire generations in this case.
The 24 chromosomes are the normal basis of advanced carbon-based animals. The fact that the human has only 22 or 23 is a clear indication of manipulation, either completely as a consequence of Mind Control, or by direct manipulation with subsequent mental suppression as a stabilizer of the change.
Gosia: Thank you. I have this question. You say that aging is largely the result of Mind Control. Native tribes that did not have Mind Control also have elders. Old people. How do they get old?
Swaruu: As long as they have the perception of linear time, they will grow old. As long as they have a past, a present and a future in mind. Because matter, or what is called matter, is linked to a Frequency and as the same word Frequency describes, it is connected to a period of time. It must be controlled over time so as not to age.
And they are inside the 3D Matrix, as animals also age. Yet the elders of those tribes do not age in the same way as very "Matrix" people. They maintain their vitality well into their 80’s or 90’s. It depends on your consciousness.
Robert: Ok, I have questions regarding Genetics from followers. The first one. ¨If genetics is manifested by consciousness then what factors influence someone to be born with Dawn syndrome or dwarfism or albino or having the left eye of one color and the right of another color? On one occasion my cat had a 3-legged puppy, but she ran faster than the others. Surely many are wondering the same thing.¨
Swaruu: Everything in the universe is frequencies. Even Tesla said so. So, all these genetic changes and accidents are due to the interaction in a Frequency soup, it is an alteration of a person, as it would be if he or she lost a hand. It is not genetic; it is intervention in the case of defects. Something has invasively altered the DNA, but it is not a new species or a mutation in itself. Only at the individual level.
In the case of secondary factors such as eye, hair or skin color, it is also due to the compatibility of a Frequency. That is to say, from the point of view of that individual, he has done or thought things that have led him to manifest those individual changes.
One thing is a disastrous mutation in an individual, and another is for an individual to have secondary attributes that only define their individuality.
The fact that an individual was born defective is due to DNA damage... but it is damage. Damage can occur at any level, whether by accident, by dropping a piano on yourself, or by being exposed to ionizing radiation that has damaged your DNA.
Robert: Thank you. Another Question: Suppose a human gets past the Van Allen bands. Do 12 strands 24 chromosomes get activated? What symptoms would they have?
Swaruu: First you will marvel to see everything there is, being far from the Matrix frequencies that artificially lower you, you will gradually realize that you always had telepathy, you will be in a feeling of total happiness, and you will only want to know more and more about everything around you in 5D. This produces a very strong and rapid opening of consciousness, and this in turn activates your entire DNA. It is not that it mutates, it is already there in your DNA, just that what you always had is activated.
DNA looks like a ladder with two helixes on the sides supporting the rungs. Two steps, one on each side, (2 propellers). But in 5D the real structure of those two steps comes to light or is visible, and those steps in turn have 6 strands on each side, a total of 12.
They still look like two helixes, but each one is made up of 6 intertwined like hair braids. These strands are braided but when producing its "shadow" from 5D to 3D the shadow will be seen as a single "object", therefore only 2 strands.
If you have a braided steel cable, for example, cable made of many minor ones, like the one used in a bridge... and you observe its shadow, it will look like a single object or solid and not composite rope. That is what happens with DNA in 3D and 5D. While in 3D, you can only work with 2 strands, although there is much more information in them, in 5D you perceive them (because as we have already said, there is more detail as we increase in density).
Already in 5D you can have access to the rest of the information that in its "shadow" 3D was not possible to access.
Robert: Thank you Swaruu. This information resonates with me. This shows me that the astronauts never crossed the Van Allen bands. Because they never explained an experience like this.
Swaruu: You can't.
Robert: Swaruu, have you ever seen a human go from 3D to 5D?
Swaruu: Yeah. Suriko.
Robert: Do they have any desire later to return to 3D?
Swaruu: Oh no, they don't want to go back.
Robert: Well, that confirms me more than the Van Allen bands were not crossed. It would be like a drug for the body I imagine.
Swaruu: It can only be done with a ship with a certain specific kind of technology (which they will never admit to have or the human population will also want it for purposes that do not suit the Cabal). Like a drug, Robert?
Robert: I imagine that the body would enter a state of happiness and harmony so great that it would not feel like going back to 3D and perhaps they would rather die inside the ship than return to the 3D Matrix.
Swaruu: Aha yeah. Because what you perceive is a lot of freedom. And you have freed yourself from your fears and your problems (even if you develop 5D problems afterwards).
Gosia: When it is said that races contributed their DNA to human DNA, or that we carry DNA from many races inside... what is meant by that?
Swaruu: That leads to what I wanted to share with you anyway. Another blow to the official Genetics-ufology.
Carbon-based genetics, that of humans and that of 5D, which is the largest in quantity because above 5D everything is more energetic, is characterized by being apparently or mostly the same.
Because speaking of existential planes, we, all 5D beings and species, are very close in relation to the Original Source. This means that we will all have DNA mostly in common, because we are all made in the same way <-----
Earth science knows and has shown that genetically speaking a monkey has 99% of genes identical to humans, on which they base themselves to argue that the human comes from the monkey, which is not the case.
From the Andromedans, Dieslientiplex, Urmahs, Alpha Draconians, Sirians, Engan, Malakak, Ummo, Mantis, Ceded Cerez Avian, Lurkers, Maitré, Kingu, Solatians, whoever they are... They will have 99% the same genes as the others <----- These follow a necessary pattern in common with all carbon and DNA-based biological life. Animals will also have more than 95% gene compatibility with humans. A cave fungus will have more than 90% of genes than a human being <--- Proved by Earth science.
So, to say that human genes were found in this or that skull of Homo Capensis or skull of "Starchild" (Loyd Pye) is something to be expected and that indicates the level of ignorance of Earth science in the matter of genes that they would call "extraterrestrial."
So, the human being made using the genes of 21 extraterrestrial species, that is false. And I remember well that those who said this were no other than the Andromedans and they have given it as information to Alex Collier. In which direction do you want me to clarify?
Gosia: Why did they tell him this? If it is false?
Robert: Yes. Corey Goode said that too.
Swaruu: Because just because they are stellar doesn't mean they are geneticists. I do not know why, but I mention it because I am aware of where that idea came from. Such a thing is simply not possible, because life with the human or humanoid model is the most common in the universe as we have already mentioned. None of those humanomorphic races were created, the concept is wrong and is part of the minimization of the concepts on the part of humans for not being able to understand things above their capacity or level of understanding.
Gosia: But Andromedans saying this, how can they be wrong in this way? That is why afterwards people end up being confused and DO NOT know who to believe. It is difficult for humans to discern. I feel bad for them.
Swaruu: Andromedans tend to be quite backward in various areas compared to Taygeta, as much as it hurts them to admit. Another example of this is their concept of Karma, which we see as wrong. And if they did know, that about humans, it could be their agenda, this is possible given the conflict they have between the inhabitants of their own biosphere ships.
Gosia: This also has to be made clear in some video. That this is also why so many different "versions" of ET contact information come out. Not because the contacts are false, but because each contacted person is speaking with another race and their angle of how they see things.
Swaruu: Yes. It is not that the contactees invent or are false. Just because the ET’s are stellar races, does not mean that they tell the whole truth, or have the whole truth. <----
Because as everywhere you are in the evolutionary process of consciousness, in other words you are still learning. And sometimes things are given according to the best data or the best possible calculations. Still though, they can get some things wrong.
But for other things there may be very strong and firm data that is difficult to change. As is the case with what I am explaining here today. They cannot claim that the Earth human was made with genes from 21 different ET races, if there are more humans, heaps of them, all over the quadrant and those races are 99% the same as human.
Also note that many things like skin color, sex and size among many other characteristics are not controlled by one gene, much less by a group of genes, but are controlled by markers within those genes. This means that although human science views a monkey 99% same as a human, the markers within the genes are very different as a whole, resulting in a totally different species. This happens or is the same thing that happens with the star races or between the star races.
Here we must also define what exactly a different gene is from the point of view of human genetic science. They see it as something with a radical change in its morphology or its chemistry. That differs from the norm. But terrestrial norms do not apply to those outside the Earth.
So, as an example... A domestic cat has the same genes 99.99999999999% as a Lion or a Bengal Tiger. It is the same species; a cat is a cat. It is the markers that give them the sizes, colors and proportions. Goes for the Urmah too <----
Gosia: I have another question. It's about the alleged hybridizations. Chimeras. The question is: If genes cannot be altered because they return to the original state, how is it possible to make mixtures of breeds and hybrids (dogs, etc.) and other types of mixes? They also say that there are ET-Human hybrids too? Or is this another topic?
Swaruu: To start and finish fast, they don't last long. Individuals die early and rarely reproduce. Yes, it is the same topic. Yes, they exist, this is done especially at the Dulce Nuevo México DUMB bases and at the Cardél Veracrúz México Base as the most notorious ones, but it is also done in other places such as Plum Island in the USA.
The only way to make these changes "permanent" I put the “" because I do not think that will be achieved... is by keeping the subject in a very low existential Frequency, which is achieved with suffering, terror and constant fear. His very "deformed monster" condition helps a lot to maintain that perception... And with the use of advanced Mind Control.
Robert: But it could also be done in reverse... Keeping the subject at high Frequency?
Swaruu: Yes. But in the case of a monster, it will be difficult to keep it at true high Frequency... it will have the strong tendency to disappear from there, not be the monster. Return to the Original Source.
But there is another variant! The soulless! Biological robots.
Gosia: Ok. But how did they manage to create a dog then? Why did its genetics remain? It should go back to the wolf.
Swaruu: A dog also was created but using filtration or which individuals to choose to cross to get the desired results, yet note that as a species if released, it will return to primordial "dog" or base animal... the street dog.
Gosia: But they have not had Mind Control done on them. Why not return to this state now? If genetics always goes back?
Swaruu: As a breed they don't find it bothersome to be a Basset Hound or a Doberman. The changes are in the markers that are the first to change. And leaving them alone, they will return to what they have always been.
It is genetic interference, like what would happen when there is a horrible defect in a person or animal as well. Due to chemical, radiological or physical environmental causes.
Gosia: That´s what I mean. Why don't dogs become wolves again? Or more wild?
Swaruu: In the case of dogs, they need a few generations, like, or from 2 to return to the original. Yes, they quickly return to the Wolf or Coyote mentality. Dogs as you know them, some breeds, are a decade old, others are 50 years old, others up to 200 years maybe but with continuous human manipulation to maintain the "purity" of the breed. A dog from the year 1800 differs greatly from a current one. They are now kept as a variant of a race... as wolves are wolves and coyotes are coyotes, they are all canines. It is their base genetics. Don't expect a Chihuahua to eventually turn into a Siberian Wolf.
Gosia: Why not Swaruu? In theory, shouldn't it? Its genetics should revert back.
Swaruu: Because they are not the same expression of the canine-soul. Because the wolf is not the base of all dog breeds, only some. If you take on the other hand a German Shepherd or a Huskey... it is possible that they turn wolves a few generations later. Some breeds do have "wolf" in them, and if the traits turn out to be dominant over the others, yes wolves could emerge from there a few generations later.
The wolf is not the base of the dog. The dog is a mixture of canines. Including wolf in some cases, it depends on which genes are dominant, it might come out as Coyote, Dingo, Fox or Wolf... and the ones that control those genes to be dominant or not are the consciousnesses of the dogs themselves.
Gosia: But they are not under any Mind Control.
Swaruu: They are. They are under human control. And the constant manipulation of forced crossbreeds by dog breeders. And the low 3D density that affects them also slows down the changes towards the originals.
Gosia: And hybrid ET-Humans exist, Swaruu?
Swaruu: You two are that <--- And there are several grades of them and attributes. All the Starseeds are extraterrestrial hybrids, just that the changes are mostly mental, cerebral, not so much physical, although that also occurs. And yes, you two are hybrids <---
Gosia: Ok. But not because of genetic interference. We are because of our consciousness.
Swaruu: That is genetic interference.
Gosia: But I mean, my Earth mother has not mixed with a Taygetean for example. That's what I mean.
Swaruu: No, you impose that on your body but in a mental way. However, having said that... Starseed children tend to prefer to be born to starseed mothers and fathers. Because they will understand them more. But that is not genetics, that is preferences for conscientious and cultural outcomes. That occurs mostly in recent 2nd or better still 3rd generation Starseeds... post 2001. Every case is different. But as time passes on Earth it becomes exponentially more and more likely that a baby will turn out to be a starseed.
And strictly speaking all humans are and have always been Starseeds.
You are not genetically limited, get that out of your heads, a bad excuse for not growing and doing nothing.
Pleyades - Taygeta - Questions from the Public for Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Gosia: Hi Anéeka. We will pass you now questions of the public we chose.
Anéeka: Hello. On the return of Alf, I have no opinion.
Gosia: Haha. It's okay.
Robert: My own question. Exactly how far are you from Earth now? And the ship is in continuous movement?
Anéeka: Continuous semi-equatorial movement, current height 425.2km. Speed 7.6 Km / s. Above Ireland right now.
Robert: Ok, thanks. First question. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Anéeka: I remember sitting in my little house made for me, I must have been about 12 or 13 years old. It had a view of the sea below in the distance, passing a small forest of palm trees. I had my computer turned on, and I was realizing at that moment that I had all the information of countless races and species at my fingertips, and I was realizing at that precise moment that my entire civilization was supporting me so that I could develop as I wanted. That I had full freedom to study or do whatever I wanted.
It is also at that moment that I no longer resented living alone at my age. Rather, that translated into freedom. In Taygeta, orphaned children are taught to fend for themselves from a very early age, but always with non-invasive supervision and they are given a little house to themselves, all custom made for each age. That was my last little house like this, before moving to a normal-size one.
Robert: About the custom houses. Here there are many houses with little houses for children. They are small replicas.
Anéeka: Fully functional?
Robert: No. Only the exterior I imagine.
Anéeka: That´s the difference. In Temmer they are not playhouses. They function completely.
Robert: And what about the fire? You can burn down the house. I imagine that maybe they are more responsible in Temmer.
Anéeka: That depends on the level of each child, it is taught little by little. The small children houses have a stove, but it is for training purposes and can only do certain things, not burn for example. It is all cared for and automated for the care of children.
Robert: Good. And do they have their ships? To move around little bit at a low height and speed?
Anéeka: Little ones, not yet. For that yes, they require the adults who supervise the small colony of orphans. But yes, they do have their sometimes mountable ship toys (trainers) just to move between the houses. They don't fly, they roll. But the children, from what I saw, prefer to ignore them.
Robert: They learn by playing. Not by obligation like here.
Anéeka: Yes, everything is like this, learning by playing and learning what interests them to learn, not what is imposed on them.
Robert: Ok, can you tell us how is your meditation, Anéeka?
Anéeka: I lie on the floor, only on a blanket or rug, with a cylindrical cushion under my head. And I focus on not thinking about anything, I empty my mind, or go where my visualizations take me. I usually do it with headphones on or music on speakers or sounds that I like. I do not put myself in the lotus position, as they teach on Earth.
Robert: Binaural sounds or something like that are good?
Anéeka: Yes, not all of them, but the ones that are well made serve you very well to concentrate on nothing and to isolate yourself from ambient noise.
Sometimes I need another cylindrical cushion under my ankles, because of the pressure on my feet that does not allow me to concentrate, and I cannot meditate with socks, much less with shoes.
Robert: Thank you. Another question. What do you love the most about your job?
Anéeka: Feeling that I make a difference. That what I do matters, helps, improves the lives of countless people.
Feeling and knowing myself now in the position of ambassador of my race to humanity, because I know I am the non-human person, along with Yázhi Swaruu, who most directly interacts with the human race today. And out of my culture or race, I am the one that speaks and communicates with humanity the most.
Robert: Thank you. Is there anything you would like to do that you haven't done yet?
Anéeka: Countless things would fall into this definition. I would like to explore other distant worlds. And at the same time, I wish peace and quiet back in my birthplace, Temmer. I want a house by the sea, preferably high up. And time for myself.
Robert: How is a normal day in your life?
Anéeka: I wake up around the same time, following Earth's schedules by proximity. I shower right after and get dressed. The first thing I do is exercise and a little meditation.
Then I walk to the CIC deck where the computers are and I check what happens up here in general, the state of the ship and everything that has been reported, the environment and the communications with the other ships of other cultures stationed in orbit.
I check my non-human messages. Then I turn on the digital computers and do the same with messages coming from Earth. I check news.
From there I communicate with Robert and Gosia or with Cristina and Estella depending on the day, I work, I give information, or I answer questions. From here I move to the dining room, whether it is my turn to help cook, or to prepare everything, depending on the day.
After meals, I socialize a bit with those who accompany me and then I retire to my private cabin to continue working with the digital computers from there in private. Then Yázhi arrives with some of her ideas and I listen to her, spend time with her or help her with her projects and hobbies.
Other days I train, with exercises and with different equipment.
Then I start to study the topics that interest me at the moment, until dinner time, where I again help or clean. I retire to my cabin again where I read or study more listening to music.
I bathe again and go to sleep.
Robert: Thank you! I have the following question:
¨Hello thank you very much for this opportunity. It is a question related to my profession: I am a hypnotherapist. Who do we talk to when a person enters this state? With his consciousness... with his soul... with his guide... or what version of him? And if the depth of the trans depends on who it is that is transmitting? Thank you.¨
Anéeka: That is a whole book. To answer it.
It would depend on the definition of each thing as well. I would dare to say that with everyone. But in depth, if it is the purest state without interference programmed by or in the physical body, without that lens or filter.
And yes, the deeper the trans the fewer filters or lenses there will be and the purer the response.
I would say it is speaking with your purest self, with your being that transcends space and time, which unifies and is aware of multiple incarnations or experiences that compose them. All forming a conscious being independent of the physical body and of the limitation of space-time that it imposes.
Robert: Thank you. Next question. Why do learning difficulties occur in 3D?
Anéeka: Another book.
Robert: In short.
Anéeka: Because there are countless things or circumstances that do not allow the necessary motivation for learning to develop, or also because the subject to learn is extremely tiring and useless. It can be caused by brain problems with countless possible damages.
But for me the reason 99% of the time is of psychological origin. Resistance to the issue, the wish to be doing something else with more sense. Many times the subject is simply so boring and so easy that he falls asleep, and gets depressed having to study nonsense, just by imposition. Other alternatives should be given, not getting caught up in having to memorize or understand something that the person perceives only as sheer boredom. It also causes a lack of general interest or resistance, rejection of study in general, if he is forced to learn something that is not desired.
Question: Why is information becoming so saturated and therefore harder to prove? How do we reach truth in this day and age? It seems more and more difficult.
Anéeka: Very simple. The Cabal is using the saturation in social and informational media like YouTube and human nature to their advantage. Thus, they hide the truth in a sea of misinformation. It becomes close to impossible to know what is true or not.
Thus, with this, the Cabal prevents some people from being heard among so many, so it is a kind of censorship imposed by hiding a true message or messages in a sea of misinformation noise.
The only way is to take responsibility for what you believe to be true with the best possible data at the time. Do not stick to any belief, being willing to abandon an idea that you hold in favor of a better one. Learning from everyone, listening to everyone and thus forming your own criteria as you move forward. And this way know who to listen to and who no longer.
Question: Do they have a system to monitor people's vibration? That is, are they monitoring the evolution of each individual, and how do they act when they see especially aware souls?
Anéeka: A concentrated laser type spectrometer is used that analyzes the Frequency of the person based on the colors emitted by their aura and the intensity of each layer of their aura, also its structure, that is, if it has holes and where. With this device it can be said that the evolution of a person's Frequency can be monitored. Combined with the implants that a person may have, their state of health can be determined in detail. This more than anything will be done by each species taking close care of their Starseeds.
Generally, only especially aware souls are followed, for that same reason many times they do not need to be guided as closely as those who are just learning. This depends on the life plan of a starseed, which can be known and sometimes not. If this is the case, he or she can be stimulated more by being given information, either openly and directly or through telepathic downloads of information that will help in their development in general.
Question: In your opinion, is it possible to create major positive change (using Swaruu's recently described method of small changes butterfly effecting into large unstoppable changes) without being targeted for destruction by those certain members of the Federation who have a different vision for their game?
Anéeka: The Federation will not interfere with the people of Earth in that way. In itself, according to their way of thinking, that is what is allowed, and not if a star race does it for humans. In itself that is what the Federation wants, for humans to take the initiative to create changes, large and small, with a goal to improve themselves as a civilization. If they take it as a game..., I would say that they take it as a "didactic" game.
Gosia: Sorry, I didn't understand the phrase: "and not if a star race does it for humans". Can you clarify please?
Anéeka: It means that the Federation would only stop those who try to do the work for humans. Not what humans themselves do in that regard.
Question: My question is do you have to qualify to become a starseed on Earth? I know Anéeka said she was trying to come to Earth as a starseed, and so it made it seem as if there were qualifications that she didn't meet. And I would love to know what made her decide she wanted to do this. My biggest question is, what would the process be step by step to come to Earth? Do you have to apply somehow? What is the next step after you apply? How does training work? And do you have a consultant that helps you thru the process? How do you pick guides?
Anéeka: You must know well what you will face and have a plan or a reason to enter. But in itself what you are told does not reflect what really happens already during an incarnation on Earth. The problem is that from the outside the knowledge that life on Earth is only something temporary and an experience controlled and even pre-determined by you dominates too much.
There is nobody that regulates who should or can enter. It is left almost entirely to the responsibility of those who wish to enter. This talking about conscious entries with a plan using technology, such as Immersion or similar, if there is one.
But from another level it is known that one incarnates on Earth because he or she is compatible with that existential Frequency, that is, from between-life. In other words, one enters there as the consequence of the decisions that were made in a previous life and that makes them compatible in thought and idea (Frequency) with living and incarnating there.
The decision or why depends on each person and there will be as many variables as how many people exist in that situation.
What is usually said as a reason for entry is because of the enormous wealth of experiences and contrasts that will give a push or elevation of knowledge and consciousness to the person who experiences it. As a short incarnation of less than 10% of a duration of one outside the Earth, chaotic, strong, messy, dramatic, but very nourishing for souls.
You don't actually apply. If it is immersion, perhaps you will enter the Council and speak with wise ¨elders¨ first who will tell you their opinions and things to consider. Things that according to them you should know.
In my particular case, it is not that I did not meet the requirements, I entered momentarily, but the circumstances within my short incarnation pushed me to leave early, as I see it. I was aborted at 3 months of gestation. Already very large and formed.
I have strange memories of that, feeling inside a hot water bottle, feelings or concepts of rejection. Of great sadness. Of despair. I did not die there since I was extracted as what would be called an abduction of my race. As a baby not fully formed or only 33% formed, I finished my development in a Medical Pod in Temmer. But already entirely with other genetics, in my DNA too, fully activated as a Taygetean. That is, I am not human, I have 24 chromosomes.
I viewed it as a failed attempt to enter the Earth as a starseed. But today Yázhi explains to me that what I lived was the necessary experience for me. That is why I am here today. Because I care about you, because I have an affinity, and I know I could very well have been on your side. I was about to be a Mexican woman, born in CDMX, I would be about 47 years old today.
Question: Can you tell us a little more about the people who will leave Earth on a ship? Something has been mentioned about this. How are these people chosen if there will be only a few and what is the plan currently?
Anéeka: This is directly related to the specific, pre-designed life plan of each particular person. This means that many, most are there for the enriching experience. But other people are really not human at all, they just seem so. That is, they are full ETs, with or without complete memory, depending on the nature of their work, who are there just to fulfill a purpose by posing as humans. Upon terminating their mission, they simply communicate with their races and return to their ships.
This is also the explanation for the mysterious disappearance of many people. It is unfair to many other people who no longer want the experience of being there. More because from my own experience interacting directly with many, what people are told here about how an incarnation will be, natural or by immersion, differs a lot from what is experienced while already down there, being something much more extreme and tiring.
But it is simply not possible to physically extract all the people who want to. I do not agree with this, but I know the logistical limitations and the moral implications of getting people out of there, even so, what is lived on Earth is too much and not what the souls expected.
Question: Is there any clear proof down here on Earth that would reveal the fact we are living inside a "game"? I mean something simple that we could see with our own eyes. Maybe some errors?
Anéeka: Everything is very well structured so that it is difficult to see or find the errors, but there are.
Many people wear the same body type, almost exact or exact clothes. Only that they live in distant places to avoid being found by mistake, of course today with communications and airplanes many have been found, such as Dopplegangers.
You can also see general errors that make no sense of a very broad nature. The same things happen to the same people or are repeated in others. As copy paste patterns. Planes stopping or backing up in the air can be documented. Things like that. A more normal alternate explanation is always given to all that.
Question: Does Taygeta have its own astrological culture, because here on Earth we have Greek astrology, Chinese astrology, Mayan, etc?
Anéeka: Yes, we have our own Astrology that we take very seriously. But it is different from how it is understood or observed on Earth.
First: The sign or the astrological results of a person are caused by the person himself who before incarnating chooses the influence that the stars will have on him. This in itself is best explained by frequencies.
That is to say, because of how a person is, because of their Frequency of thoughts and personality, one enters a body at a specific point with those astronomical conditions, not like on Earth, where it is believed that it is the stars that will determine a person's life. In other words, for Taygeta it is the person who determines his life and the stars are only accommodated to the person because of how he is.
Second: The basis for all astrological measurements or calculations for Taygeta is the center of the Galaxy. From there we calculate with the influence of the local constellations, then with the Mother constellation (Pleiades M45) and then with the influence of the specific solar system Taygeta Tau-19.
Therefore, it differs greatly from what astrology is on Earth. For the Earth the stars have control over the person. For Taygeta the stars are only accommodated in a specific way by how the person is.
Question: Is it true our DNA is going to be restructured / rebuilt and we are going to regain our old abilities we once had in ancient times and empower ourselves by reactivating our 12 strand DNA in this lifetime if we intent to? Or is it just esoteric BS?
Anéeka: It's not how they say it is, so yeah, it's mostly esoteric nonsense. But not entirely. DNA does not have an influence on the person, mind and spirit-soul, but DNA is a consequence of how the person is (unless it is invasively altered).
So, people´s DNA is only as it is because the person with their mind and consciousness has determined it that way.
In other words, the person just is, has her Frequency and her own thoughts. Her thoughts are her Frequency and that determines what she can perceive and experience. And the physical expression of this is the DNA of that person. In other words, DNA reflects who and how a person is.
So, the restructuring of human DNA will not bring the changes to people, but the DNA will restructure itself because of the changes that people will have.
But this means that the person must do the work of inner growth. Do not wait for changes without doing anything. You must take responsibility for your transformation, your spiritual advancement, consciousness, and therefore your DNA.
Gosia: You mean that if a person is already 5D in their mind and beyond, their DNA should reflect it, right? And why do we still have smaller DNA then? There are many people who ARE NOT 3D, their essence and qualities are obviously not from here, but their DNA is not transformed, here on Earth. Why?
Robert: Because we are immersed in destructive frequencies?
Gosia: But this goes against what Anéeka says here. That it is your MIND that dominates.
Anéeka: Because you are submerged in destructive frequencies, and because you don't have complete memory. And this is so that you can function there. Or else it would be too traumatic. And again, it's not all or nothing, it's a gradient.
Gosia: But not according to what you said above, can't we OVERWRITE the destructive frequencies?
Anéeka: It is the one that dominates, you already have it all inside, but you do not activate it by remembering. The destructive frequencies are there to maintain the Matrix as long as possible, but the mind overcomes them. And sometimes remembering only makes your life worse.
Robert: Why does it make it worse? If you know where you come from, you will know where you are going.
Gosia: Haha Robert. You don't always go where you came from.
Anéeka: Because you would remember your mistakes, because you would carry your past karmas, while learning to put them aside. Just remembering what has been done to you and what you have done before. You would stop having human identities and would become timeless, just the mind going on through the centuries, seeing everyone and everything for what it really is without fitting in anywhere, without accepting anything, because you know more than those who impose all that on you.
Gosia: There are no karmas, no mistakes, only experiences, I think!
Anéeka: Yes, you say it like that, but everyone carries their own. It is one thing to say that, to know mentally that there is no karma, and another is to live it. Because saying that there is no karma is also or can be used to escape the responsibilities of our actions.
I know some, very, very few "humans" who are not really human, who remember absolutely everything.
They go down, walking the streets, struggling like any other. With total 100% memories of who they were as star beings. Remembering their ships, their things, their friends on other planets, their home, how they smelled.
But today they are down there, walking the streets. With human appearance. They do not adapt because they do not accept anything, they prefer to lock themselves in their homes. Because they know they are something else. They are very unhappy. They just want to go home.
Question: I know time isn't real per se but how do all the races coordinate meetings, events, etc?
Anéeka: Time is still semi linear. In other words, the most dominant temporal perception is taken as a basis. That is, if we are in Earth orbit, the races up here will take as a basis the perception of the Earth's time, that is why we observe days of the week and dates.
Far away or on planets with high perceptual alteration of time, as in Taygeta or as an extreme it would be Cyndriel Aldebaran, it is useless to even try to coordinate with a temporary marker like a clock. So how people coordinate is almost exclusively by telepathy. There's no other way. You can also observe stellar dates or the position of the progression of the constellations and the stars in them in relation to others or to each other. This serves as the basis as well.
On a planet, days and nights are observed and they are counted as normal, however within the same days it is difficult to know specific hours, the only way to have a temporal metric base is by observing the position of the sun. It is how it started on Earth too. That is where the word ¨hour¨ comes from too, because it comes from Horus, the sun. What position is Horus in?
But this is still limited because the perception of time varies from person to person in Taygeta and although observing the position of the sun (Taygeta Tau-19) is approximate, a time frame cannot be calculated with total precision as on Earth with minutes and seconds.
To make everything more complicated, in places like Cyndriel Aldebaran, where there is a large Taygeta colony right now, the position of the "sun" cannot be determined with any reliability since Aldebaran, an orange giant, appears so large from the desert surface of Cyndriel dominating the whole sky or most of it depending on the time of "day". Being that it does not burn the planet for other complicated reasons that have to do with its radiation Frequency and the fact that Aldebaran is immersed in a high-density nebula. In itself it gets to the degree that in Cyndriel there is no night, it is only sun or shade.
Gosia: Wouldn't you say that the watch is more useful? You can coordinate with someone to the second, minute. By telepathy can this precision be achieved? With so much technology, I imagined that there is something other than looking at constellations to coordinate.
Anéeka: No because if you take watches to Taygeta and sync them, they change and go out of sync with amazing speed. They are useless.
Robert: Yes, because it is the consciousness of the people that makes the clocks not work.
Anéeka: That's right.
Robert: Question for me. What consequences would the declassification of the UFO - ET phenomenon bring to this civilization?
Anéeka: I, Anéeka, do not personally believe in a total de-classification of the so-called UFO phenomenon, with non-human occupants. Because of the consequences. They would only declassify what would suit those in control for each one of their agendas.
This also goes for the so-called fake alien invasion using Blue Beam technology. What happens is that accepting that there are ETs would bring a series of chain reactions that would destroy the concept and everything that makes up the Matrix that they have imposed on people with so much work and care.
To accept ETs would be to accept that there are more people like them out there in the first place, which would destroy their natural science, evolution and all that. It would bring people the idea that they are stellar too, therefore free. They would see the lies that have been imposed on them for no less than thousands of years.
Another consequence would be that people would become aware of the existence of free energy and transportation technologies. This would collapse entire economies, their markets, their banking. It would free everyone's minds. It would make people free and uncontrollable. And that's the last thing they want. What they want is absolute control over the human race.
But this does not end there. Rather, declassifying everything would bring for souls the disappearance of the series of nourishing experiences that they have when they enter there to live on Earth. Even from the cosmic point of view, the possibility or the option of having that kind of experience would be lost. Partly that is why the Federation itself protects and perpetuates the Matrix.
Question: What is the worst thing that can happen to someone who´s not awake when they die?
Anéeka: For them to incarnate again following where their Frequency indicates and as their Frequency depends on their thoughts and their thoughts on what they know, then they will return to a life of the same suffering as the previous one.
Question: I want to know if the 3D Matrix fell, do we need assistance to return to our orginal DNA? Like we would have to undergo a mass "cleanse" where our DNA returns back to its originality? Or will it return automatically from the higher frequencies?
Anéeka: You are the ones making that change. Your DNA does not need more than the work you do to raise your consciousness, to awakenen and to expand the perception that this entails. The fact that you raise your Frequency and your level of perception, that you work on yourself will end up altering your DNA in the correct way, do not worry about that, but take control over your own awakening. Your DNA is only a reflection of how you are, what you think. The assistance you seek is only that which is already being given to you, the guidance towards mind expansion.
Question: Who is to blame for cattle mutilations and why do they do this?
Anéeka: Mostly it is regressive races and groups that are carrying out and have carried out cattle mutilations all over the world. The Maitré race, tall Grays, and the Kingu Reptiles, the Orange and the Malakak or Tall Whites are the ones that do this the most, but not only, also the dark or black Government projects aiming to help the regressive extraterrestrial races. In other words, some cattle mutilations are perpetrated by human government agents using technology still unknown to the public.
The reason they do it is for the elaboration of potions from protein to glandular secessions for the elaboration of food for the regressive extraterrestrial races listed above.
Also, for the extraction of genetic material for hybridization and cloning experiments of both Black Government origin or extraterrestrial origin. As well as for the development of technologies of the ¨computer connection to living tissue or mind¨ type.
The uses for living tissues with genetic material are many.
I must emphasize that not only cattle are abducted, but human persons as well. With the same attack profile, blood missing, lack of internal organs, genitals, eyes, tongue and glands, especially the supra-renal, thyroid and pancreas.
There is also mutilation of wild animals such as mammalian birds and even fish.
As a last piece of information, the same is done on a large scale with genetic material of plant origin. Because many non-human races have that kind of organism and they look for better hybridization (better said, grafts?) with plants that will give a positive change to their organism, such as greater adaptability to a certain kind of atmosphere, components in it or temperatures without occasional cell damage from exposure to intense cold or heat.
Gosia: And when they do it to humans, do they choose them at random?
Anéeka: Sometimes yes, but they are also looked for because of a specific racial profile, gender or physical condition. Depending on the objective or what they are looking for.
Gosia: I mean they don't go for specific Starseeds or specific ET races? Only that they have a human body?
Anéeka: Yes, they go for the Starseeds, in fact they do genetic tests to people en masse right now with PCR tests to find Starseeds too. It is used for that, not only because of the covid, that is the excuse. They never do something just for one purpose.
What they collect with the PCR test is genetic material that they put in a database, so they know who is a starseed and who is not. So, they have a more defined pattern of how to attack the population.
Question: In the astral can you talk to your star family and make agreements?
Anéeka: Yes, but it is difficult to translate it into 3D, that is to say to be awake. That is precisely what dreams are. It is difficult because these are high Frequency matters or that happen in places or realms of high existential Frequency and due to incompatibility with the dense and slow 3D world, memories do not enter or do not enter efficiently, leaving them only as vague and fragmented. This is the same mechanism of the veil of forgetfulness in 3D or when entering 3D. One can overcome it, but it takes a lot of training.
Robert: They ask me about the star Vega. What do you know?
Anéeka: Vega is the star around which orbit two key planets in the development and history of all the races called Lyrians. In itself, it is there where the records go as in the place from where the great expansion of beings with human appearance originates, from where they leave to colonize the entire Galaxy or a good part at least.
Many cultures take it as the cradle of the "human" or "Lyrian" race, although many other races take the constellation system of Triangulum as the place of origin.
Using the understanding data exposed by Swaruu, the human being did not have an origin as a place of evolution or where it came from. Rather, it is lost in quantum time, that is, in the concept of eternity, meaning that it has always been, the human form, it has always existed as one of the expressions of the whole. Seeing things in the most expanded and complete way, there is no linearity of time, which translates into eternity and something that has always existed.
The Unicorn is mentioned in many myths and legends throughout our history. This magical creature is represented as a horse, with a spiral horn on its forehead. In ancient times, it was considered as a sacred animal and it is said that it was chased due to the healing properties of its horn. Some legends say that it was very difficult to hunt or catch a unicorn, the animal, had the ability to disappear mysteriously without leaving a trace. It was believed that only people with pure heart could approach or even touch the creature.
But the Unicorn is not the only special equine (horse-like creature). In Greek mythology another such creature appears… Pegasus. A white horse with large wings and the ability to fly like a bird. The Greek myth recounts that Zeus had a herd of winged horses that grazed on the Olympus, the sanctuary of the gods.
In the meantime, Bellerophon, with the help of the goddess Athena, who gave him a golden bridle, managed to capture and domesticate one of the creatures, Pegasus. And on the back of the winged horse, he undertook a multitude of adventures, achieving great deeds. But Bellerophon's ambitions made him want to reach the Olympus and become a god. But this didn’t please the powerful Zeus, who decided to take away Pegasus from Bellerophon's care and turned the winged horse into a constellation.
These are some of our myths about horses with mysterious or magical qualities that are also present in many stories and legends around the world.
But do these horse-like creatures really exist?
Aneeka and Yázhí Swaruu told us that in the sixth density, there is an animal that belongs to the equine family and its appearance is similar to the description of a Unicorn. Its name in Taygetan, with a Navajo base due to the lack of phonemes, is Naki Bideeʼłáaʼii.
But unlike the Unicorn, this animal is a bicorn, that is, it has two horns. The horns are placed very close together on the animal's forehead, not on the sides of the head, so when seen from the side it would be easy to mistake it as a single horned animal.
Nature tends to seek symmetry in everything, and so with only a few exceptions, most animals with horns generally have two of them instead of just one. The horns are long like the ones represented in the Unicorns, and they serve mainly as defense, just like in the moose or antelope.
The colors or coats are the same or similar to other equines species, but they are not purple or pink as some people may think. Yázhí told us that there was a very common coat color in the Naki Bidee'taa'ii, where some animals show big, very noticeable freckles around the base of the neck, withers, back and forearms.
The hoof is split in half, in the same way that the Linhas in Taygeta. But unlike other equines like the Lin, which inhabit 5D planets, the Naki Bidee'taa'ii is a semi-multidimensional, semi-etheric animal. Although they are sixth density in nature, they move or have the ability to move between multiple densities. As multidimensional creatures, they do not stay in one density which entails some metaphysical implications. They are beings that materialize and vanish whenever they like. It should also be noted that they cannot be domesticated.
The Naki Bide'taa'ii live in very small groups and move at will between what you could say is the steppe and the forest. But the peculiarity is that the 6th Dimension, is very plastic and they can change places very quickly at the will of the group. So, the area where they live is difficult to define as something fixed, like a steppe or a forest which is "something" concrete.
The sixth density is very malleable, from the perspective of the third density. It is a very dreamy world. But do not take this as unreal.
Due to the fact that dreaming is indistinguishable from reality, it is only perceived as "less real" from the memory perspective of someone who is already awake. This happens when you use the definition or concept of asleep / awake of the 3D or 5D.
The Naki Bidee'taa'íi is found on many planets. They are very prolific. Some say that they have been seen on Jupiter in 6D, but also on Alfrata (Alpha Centauri), on Vega, on the planets Lira and Avalon, on Cyndriel, Aldebaran, and on several other worlds in the constellation of the Hyades.
Being a semi-dimensional creature, they appear or disappear from the point of view of a density lower than them. Earth, like any other place, has all densities, so there is no reason to think that they are not found on Earth too. Or probably, they were seen at some point, giving birth to the myth.
But then, do Unicorns exist as represented on Earth? With only one horn?
Yázhí Swaruu says that, if you can think of it, then it is. And it already exists somewhere, because nothing is created. Everything already is. And information or knowledge is only remembered and comes to you from other places where things already are. Nothing is destroyed or created, everything exists, and everything is already there from the point of view of higher densities. If you have your attention on “something”, you will always see more of that something.
Unicorns are an idea, if you think about it objectively, it is just a symbol, a horse with a spiral horn. Its name in Taygetan with a Navajo base is, Bidee'taa'ii.
However, by definition, it is something of higher densities, an idea, and the equivalent of a truth. Since there is no such thing as a material and objective world, truth versus untruth. In other words, in higher densities for the simple reason that you imagine something, anything, for example, a strange animal with fins for legs, colored fur, and an open umbrella for a tail, or a horse with a horn.... if you can imagine it, it exists.
There is no difference between the real world and the imaginary world.
Because it is through imagination that everything exists or can be seen or taken as reality. From the perspective of lower and slower densities (slow manifestation), like 3D or 5D.
This means that everything that exists was first imagined by something or someone. But, the characteristic of these low densities 3D or 5D, is that the manifestation is slow, so it is said that they are sticky, clumsy and heavy.
But as you ascend in your consciousness and therefore in density, things progressively manifest more and more quickly. Also, the element of time becomes more and more malleable and plastic.
So, from higher densities, a unicorn exists, and it is simply, because someone has imagined it, anyone. It is reality. Because in higher densities everything is reality. It is instantaneous manifestation. Whatever you think, exists.
Now, from that level, the unicorn or any other mythical being (not so mythical), or my colored animal with an umbrella for a tail, if needed, has a purpose from the perspective of whoever wants to keep that shape as his own, it can be projected at will, at the density he/she desires.
Because from above, let's say 9D you have access to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9th density. All of them equally, and only your intention is needed for allowing yourself to be seen.
But, since you are aware of what is happening, then you decide what is or is not convenient to project downwards. What I mean is that any animal, creature, or thing, of higher densities automatically becomes multidimensional, because it is not isolated to its density specifically, but dominates that and those that precede it below.
This is because in the end, it is only a unit, and that thing of numbers and densities is only a way to understand something very complex in nature. It is a unity, a whole, and it is the mind of each person or soul that determines what it will see of that whole, where it starts from, from where to where.
So, from that angle yes, the Unicorns exist as you imagine them. From there, also come all the animals taken for real. It is the same thing.
The unicorn is a person-consciousness-soul that has chosen that form to manifest itself. As a message sometimes to, or for the densities below it.
It manifests this way because it has a specific reason, which allows it to carry out its intention of communication, with those who inhabit a density below. And for the experience, which it allows it to grow and expand as a soul. It is not limited.
And it is the same reason why each person expresses themselves in whatever physical form, the one that each one has today.
As an explanation, as one ascends in density, the physical body is dissolving, from being something apparently very fixed, slow and material as in 3D... is transformed into something more and more like energy, more dependent on the ideas of its "owner".
Because a body is a manifestation of who someone is… of a soul. It is the shadow of who you are above. It is said that we are not physical bodies having a spiritual experience, but we are a spirit having a physical experience.
I have the tendency to disagree with that and it would only be used, as an explanation, for someone at the beginning of their awakening.
Rather, someone is spirit always and the body is part of that spirit, inescapably together, manifestation of a sustained idea.
So, the higher a consciousness goes, the greater the degree of control and capacity for alteration of its physical body, which is dissolving more and more, until it becomes just pure energy.
I see the possibility that on some planet there are unicorns living as described above, I simply cannot say for sure, and I have not seen or heard anything like that, or at least not yet.
So, we could say that the Unicorns exist somewhere in the ether, taking into account that there is neither space nor time.
The same thing happens with the Pegasus, Anéeka explained, that there are no records of horses or species of equines that fly like that. She only has references of some species of small, semi-equine mammals, very small, the size of bats, which live on other planets, specifically in Cyndriel in Aldebaran. But they are not four-legged. They are white and they are more like something that resembles a horse, without being one, like a seahorse would be.
As for the Pegasus, she believes it is more a way of symbolism, the wings representing the lightness of the soul. This is also interpreted in the Taygetan symbolism, with the same wings in the anthropomorphic figures.
But again, as Yazhi reminds us, if you can think of it, it exists somewhere.
Trump - Elections - Opinion and Statement of Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact)
I understand many skeptics, and some are right. I feel that all that we are seeing happening with respect to Trump and company appealing the elections and that everything is their plan, may be more promises and fantasies that distract the true opposition and the public in general.
Many see Trump as a savior. The truth is that I have not seen any proof of anything. And I'm in the middle where my job is to know those things, whether they can be published or not, or can even be said or not.
I cannot confirm that Trump is on the really positive side, but I can see, as I have said many times before, that it only seems like a feud between superficial sides of the Cabal itself.
I see that Trump, although he has said tenuous and weak comments against vaccines, suggesting so-called "alternative" drugs, continues with the same agenda, promising directly, and that coming from him himself, that they will be made available to the public in a few weeks. I insist, this directly from Trump himself.
For the rest, that he does something for the people, there is simply no evidence. I only see excuses and more excuses to put off their supposed positive actions and with people in mind.
I personally support Trump, and I did not say what I mentioned above recently, because yes I have said it before, because we all need people to support him, not because he is the "Titan Patriot" savior as many call him, but simply because the other side, Biden's, is much worse, so in my opinion it is the "lesser of two evils."
Until he proves otherwise, and he has until January 20, 2021 to reveal his true "self", because in truth so far I have only seen empty promises and overly complicated excuses for doing nothing. After January 20 we will know that everything was just more lies as always.
I understand that people need hope, although I do not see a lot of it. I say and comment on the above based on evidence gathered by me over years of work, and I say it hoping I am wrong and hoping that finally Trump or someone else will corroborate the positive rumors or take some action in favor of the people.
I still think and support the idea that people are the ones who are ultimately in control. With the use of mass civil disobedience, the Cabal's agendas would stop, because no one would echo them.
In the end, the evidence I have is that it is Biden or Trump, their agendas continue the same, and people should not give hope to politicians, and they should take actions at the street level, actions to unite and of civil disobedience as I said before. But unfortunately, I also have evidence that the vast, enormous majority of the population, in one way or another, supports, nurtures and generates what happens, that is to say that they are only being given what they ask for en masse.
And it is the awakened ones, the Starseeds, who suffer the most. Because they understand and see what really happens, and they feel alone and powerless.
So, you should not fight "to win" with that in mind, although wanting to win, yes, but you fight now for what each one of you is, for your ethics, for what you believe, for your souls, for your integrity of all kinds.
Personally, that is why I keep working doing this. Because I know it is the right thing to do, because I can, and by being able to do the little that I can do, I preserve who I am.
Like you... if we don't fight for ourselves, we won't be able to look at ourselves in the mirror later. Everyone does what they can and that is our contribution and it is enough.
On the other hand, Trump has become a kind of symbol of rebellion, be it his idea, his group or the people who interpreted him that way. I think this is enough motivation for the regressive Cabal to want to remove him. He is hope for many, hope of a better future, less dark and tragic.
All of us, you there and we from here, need to stand and work together, because as we well know, it is the separation that weakens the true opposition to the regressive Satanist Cabal. That is why I support Trump and that is why I do not see putting hope in him as something bad, because we need to put aside our differences, big or small, to work together to defeat a true common enemy, the regressive Cabal. You need hope, a dream, something to focus your creative desires on, and that unites you, unites us in the fight.
Whether Trump ends up not doing anything in favor of the people, because it was all a lie or because they simply tied his hands, because of what he represents for everyone, we must support him and I see nothing wrong with having hope in him and in his group.
For this reason, it does not seem fair, nor correct, and much less ethical that some influential researchers criticize those who support Trump and call them "asleep", imposing their points of view as if he, or they, held the absolute truth. All awakened people know that for Trump to come to power, he had and has to be "more of the same". Yet, you must and we must have hope in something, without delegating our own power, without putting all hopes only on that group, on Trump.
As I said before, people need to be united, and if Trump says, or there is any hope, that he will do something that will help, then we must gather strength by joining him and his group. Not creating more separation and with it more despair that gives rise to the creation or manifestation of a timeline that is even more negative than the current one, because it is, there is no doubt.
That is why it is not correct to insult those who support Trump, or those who still (have) hope in him, asleep.
For those who came here looking for information about the elections and about Trump and wonder who I am:
I am Anéeka of Temmer, I am 22 years old, I am female and I am not human. I am the daughter of another civilization like yours, only much more advanced in every way, and I come from the star Taygeta in the Pleiades. Civilization made up of more people like you. Because there is more "humanity" outside the Earth, much more "humanity". I look like you, but in mind and inside the body, we are different.
I come here to say hello, to say that we exist, to greet you. I have been here for 4 and a half years, studying your civilization, your customs and your languages, and I mastered 6 of them. Understanding how you think, and why. One could say that I am a kind of Anthropologist from outside Earth.
I see things from a different angle. From above observing everything objectively and sharing what I have found with my people and with you as well. I don't care if you believe me, nor do I care anymore. I'm still here regardless, whether you like it, understand it or not. It doesn't matter, but what I share as information does matter.
I see and understand terrestrial problems from outside, from orbit, without having to be inside the problem itself, and I analyze everything objectively and scientifically while documenting everything with precision.
I have never had the opportunity to walk among you.
Trump is not alone, he only represents his group, as his public front. The true degree of his involvement with the decisions of his group is unknown. He represents a group of people who have always had money and power through the centuries. Ancient families of great influence, especially in Europe. These families have refused through the centuries to follow the doctrines imposed by their enemies, who are again other groups of families of great power throughout the centuries.
They have refused because they know that the opposite side represents the worship of the satanic, the Luciferian, with strong ties to low, regressive, manipulative and invasive entities.
Both sides use and move through secret societies, true form and structure of power on planet Earth, leaving official politicians with their Capitalism, Democracy, Marxism, and Socialism, among other political and religious models, only as public fronts with which to control the masses, the bulk of the human population. Letting them live in an unreality manipulated and completely controlled by them, only leaving the humans with the illusion of freedom when they see fit.
All secret societies operate with unbreakable principles and rules, all based on ideas of balance and duality. With strong attachments to ideas of Karma and cause and effect.
Precisely because I see and understand how they work, how they operate, I know that by creating an imbalance, they, by their own rules, laws and beliefs, form the opposite to compensate for it.
In the same way, and using my understanding of how everything works everywhere, I see a universal law that is always present and is in effect, and it is the fact that when evil increases, good will also increase seeking its natural balance.
So based on this knowledge I see clearly that yes, it is very possible that as total evil increases on planet Earth, by the part of the regressive Cabal with all its agendas of destruction and manipulation of the human race, at the same time there will emerge and will increase the presence and activity of energy and groups that are opposed to them.
In other words, while the Luciferian activity augments, so should the positive one too. Therefore, the group behind Trump that uses him as a public front would have to exist and compete for control of the planet.
It is true that great tragedies and terrible agendas have occurred in the past, some of long duration, such as the Inquisition for example, however even there there have been actions by groups that have opposed them and they have on many occasions neutralized these regressive agendas.
Terrible things are happening on Earth today and many more are forecast at the planetary level. We are seeing this with the seizures of power, advancement of regressive agendas like that of the ¨bug¨, that the malevolent presence is spreading around like never before. Being that just the agenda of the ¨bug¨represents the greatest crime in the entire history of mankind.
Therefore, the activation by their own decision and motives of organizations contrary to the Regressives are activated urgently. Because there always have been.
Some call them "the White Hats" but in my opinion that is very reductionist and it is better not to name them because it is not known what is behind each commonly used term. They just are and there is no doubt that they are there.
In the same way that the regressive Illuminati can never be seen to operate openly, since all their actions will be through their political puppets, the positive side has to, and operates in the same way. In other words, they are there, but they are not seen openly. And as the mass media are most definitely under regressive control and manipulation, even less will the actions of groups opposed to them be made public.
Studying my Sources and studying everything that comes to me, and what I find, I have seen that there is definitely a serious and strong conflict between at least two great opposing groups, both seeking to take control over the planet.
There is no doubt that such a conflict occurs. And I do not see it as correct or truthful to think that everything en bloc is totally dominated by the regressive side as proposed by many "wise know-it-alls" who believe they are "more awake than everyone else", without taking into account the clear evidence of struggle between high-level secret societies that operate outside of the public eye and definitely fight hard among themselves.
I clearly see a strong possibility that legally Trump and his team can regain control over the elections and re-secure his presidency. I cannot know what will happen, nor am I trying to be a fortune teller. I just rely on my information and the evidence I have on hand.
There is a history that a president has already been declared by the media, and the winner is another, it happened in the elections in 2000. So it can happen again.
Analyzing the situation, we know that if the United States collapses under regressive control, it will filter to the rest of the world, affecting everyone. In the same way, if a positive event occurs in the United States, it will also end up affecting the entire planet.
Trump and his group know very well the consequences of this, and of giving power to the regressive side. Humanity in general, on a planetary level, hangs by a thread, with a genocide of levels never seen before right on their doorstep. They know it very well.
They do not want things to happen this way, they do not want genocide because they believe in karma, and in balance. And they know that if they do nothing about it, they will have to pay serious consequences one way or another.
It is also very possible that Trump will not be re-elected. But the problem here is that it is very evident that there was serious fraud in the elections and in each and every one of the states of the American Union. The citizens know it, and the whole world knows it now. Never before have there been dirtier and more dishonest elections than now.
If the regressive side of Biden is given the victory then in the eyes of millions, both in the United States and in the rest of the world they will know that Democracy is dead. That everything is a lie. If Trump is re-elected, law and order are preserved. Otherwise anarchy will prevail.
They will try to justify in any way possible that Biden won "legally", but the evidence to the contrary is already out there, obvious and dirty, and more importantly, en masse. These organizations know this very well.
The population of the United States is more divided than ever and in two blocks. Pro-Trump and the Democrats. (They have nothing from Democrats, they hide behind their names with meanings contrary to the true ones.)
And in the opinion of many so-called experts, if Trump is not given victory they will rise up in arms, causing a very real civil war. All in the name of preserving the Republic, and its homeland. They are people very attached to their roots, their identity and their ideals, and the proof of this is that arms sales in the United States have never been greater than now. And they plan to use them, there is no doubt.
If Trump's side wins then the Democrats will release their shock and riot groups, the infamous Antifas, but as I have been informed, supposedly the Trump side already has the methods and the ways to neutralize them, being that the National Guard has been activated in the most troublesome states.
I understand very well that creating conflict can be or is part of the agendas to justify the use of force and the imposition of a police state with curfews. However, I still see other less terrible possibilities.
Even if Trump and his group lose, they will still fight and try to regain control. They will not fold their hands as expected, as they do not work that way.
Whoever wins, be it Trump or Biden... is not a political dispute... but rather the future of humanity. Hoping for something better, or satanists.
The Nazis didn't lose World War II, they just moved from Germany to America. It is these that today cause everything, the same agendas of control and genocide, of social and genetic control. It is the same group. And they have tried it before. Even the agenda and the way to proceed with the ¨Bug's¨ agenda has been seen before and in exactly the same way.
The great Spanish flu of 1918 was not caused by any natural pathogen, but by the imposition of anti-pathogenic, anti-bug measures as a direct consequence of a deliberate infection using syringes and what goes in them, all in the name of the public health. And the ones that got the most sick were only used to impose the need for more of that which goes inside that metal-tipped plastic thing.
They repeat everything, lack of inventiveness, clear indication of the intervention of regressive races that are only or only exist as egregores or tulpas created by someone real, and with a soul. That is why they lack a creative spark. Always thinking that humanity will not remember the previous events, since they live for a short time, compared to those entities that live and feed on human energy.
But there are other beings who do remember, and who do not live short, and will tell you what is going on. You know very well who they are.
You must and we must be united, which is why I support Trump. So, I do not see it as being asleep to have hope in him or his team. Things are not so simple, nor are they just black and white. Knowing all of this, what is behind Trump and the others, I choose to support him until either he shows that he is not on our side, or it just no longer makes sense to support him.
It is not being asleep, it is to have a soul, hope and intention to live better. To simply have a future. It is the old and millenary fight between good against evil.
I know very well that he might not win. I accept it. Even so we will continue fighting with you from here. Because that's what I choose, because that's the right thing to do. Because I have a soul and I would lose it if I look the other way. I fight for you and I fight for myself with you. For my own personal reasons. For what little or much I can do from here.
With all my love.
Manipulations of Human Perception - Extraterrestrial Contact (Swaruu)
Swaruu: You already know that the Universe does not tie you to a race, and jumping from race to race is not only very common, it is the norm and the very nature of souls. Humanity as a race does not exist. Humanity in 3D is a compendium or mixture of countless extraterrestrial races using essentially the same bio-suit.
Gosia: I have a question regarding that, the human suit. You say that the human race does not exist as such, I understand... but how does this fit with the Lyrian race? I thought humans are Lyrians. Their descendants. So, in what way do they not exist as a race?
Swaruu: Yes, but that is the basis for the creation of the so-called "bio-suit" or human body. In themselves as 3D humanoid beings they are the only ones in existence. Genetically altered by manipulation of consciousness and by direct manipulation in the laboratory with the support of the 3D generating lunar frequencies to suppress the connection of humans with the original Source. Because if they had a total connection, they would reactivate their DNA, erasing the changes that have been made in the laboratory. For that the suppression of frequencies.
Gosia: What laboratory? You mean Matrix 3D from the Moon?
Swaruu: Multiple ones throughout the centuries, not just one.
Gosia: Who has done this?
Swaruu: We have already said that it is through Mind Control how changes are made or how the artificially made changes are reinforced.
Gosia: But it has been also said that there were no genetic modifications but mainly mental ones, right?
Swaruu: Yes, mental.
Gosia: So how do labs fit into this?
Swaruu: As a species, no, not in the laboratory. However, throughout history, changes in the laboratory have been made, but as you know they are naturally reversed. The only way to prevent them from reversing is to keep humans in a low vibratory state. Even today things are made in laboratories, but they do not define the entire species.
Gosia: Reptiles have done it, yes?
Swaruu: Mostly yes. There is no doubt that changes have been made in the laboratory. But not the changes as in defining the species. They are isolated changes here and there through thousands of years.
Robert: What changes are we talking about?
Swaruu: The change from Lyrian to human.
Robert: That is, are we regressing?
Swaruu: It is not regression, it is change.
Robert: But degenerative?
Swaruu: From a point of view yes, for humans yes, the change is negative. The biggest change is because the human body has been designed to be a container for multiple souls that come with different requirements depending on the species they used to belong to or still belong to. That's why I don't see it as a species but as a bio-suit.
Gosia: So, the Reptiles did that, but now multiple ET races take advantage and participate in the simulation game? Maybe these ET races did it by cooperating with the Reptiles then? And all the blame is put on the Reptiles?
Swaruu: Any race that has Starseeds abducts in one way or another to prepare human mothers, father or baby to be able to host a soul of a certain kind of energy including Taygeta. Although not anymore because there is no entry or much entry of Taygetean souls as you already know.
Robert: So, most of humanity has been abducted?
Swaruu: Humanity involved in the gestation of Starseeds or the Starseeds themselves yes, they have been abducted. They have to prepare the mother's body to be able to support a baby who enters with a soul energy or voltage greater than their own.
"Nobody is a bigger slave than the one who believes himself to be free without being so"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Swaruu: People's mind, their consciousness is what generates reality. <----- this is the first problem to face to understand the mental control of the Matrix. It is the basis and it applies to everything that we could call the physical universe, speaking very 3D... all the information that your brain receives comes from your 5 senses. Everything is perception and agreements of how things should be seen and interpreted. The outer world is the mirror of the inner world. Whatever a person is paying attention to, receives more of that.
If a person is immersed in a life full of problems and suffering, then under the very real law of attraction he will only get more of the same. Everything is the perception and agreements as to see and interpret things. You are literally creating your own reality based on what you have your attention on.
It is the basic operation of the law of attraction and all people are subject to this law, whether they like it or not, agree or not, understand it or not. It is like gravity on a planet, it is simply there, and you live under its influence.
So, by knowing how the universe works, reality can be altered and managed. This from a personal or group point of view creating an agreement on how something in particular should be interpreted. This is where Mind Control comes in.
The fact is this, and it is sad. The human race is being manipulated from the most basic perception by an intellectually superior race. I know that the "intellectually superior" part hurts particularly but it is the truth and should be mentioned.
Human beings are not the most intelligent race in the universe as they have been led to believe by the very controllers of the Matrix. So, they must understand that they must strive with what they have at hand to counteract the mind that controls them and which is several steps ahead.
It is not that they cannot be or have the same level of intellect as said "intellectually superior" race. What happens is that they have been conditioned to function with less capacity than the optimal one with the same Mind Control with the clear purpose of controlling them and exploiting them.
If you control people's perception, you control what people manifest for themselves.
What the genetic engineering of the Earth does not yet understand, or is just taking its first steps here, is that you cannot go far by artificially modifying genes, moving matter. The latter applies not only to the Matrix, or the outside world within the Earth, but it mainly affects people's genes.
Biological physical bodies do not have their genesis in the material world, they come as a reflection of the spiritual world. However, the separation between the spiritual and physical world is only something that is understood like this on Earth with its predilection for studying things as the sum of their parts (reductionism) but in reality everything is a unity, where the physical world is part of the spiritual world, where there are no clear divisions, only limitations of perception according to the level of consciousness of each person and their Frequency.
So, the real way, and the one that advanced races use, to modify the genes of another species is to make the species itself modify its own genes using its own creative consciousness and this is achieved in the case of the Earth with Mind Control.
The genes themselves are designed so that it is the consciousness of the body itself that turns them on, turns them off, reads some and not others, or rewrites or creates entirely new ones. It is by design that they work like this because it is the person who lives them in a body who needs to manipulate them with their own consciousness and perception of reality. Genes are a molecular structure in geometric form, so-called "sacred" or - mathematical, that are the reflection of the attention that consciousness has on the potential energy to create sustained energy points that will manifest in matter... in this case a gene and subsequently a DNA strand.
When there is a medium with potential energy and it is influenced by a consciousness that has something in "mind", an intention with constant attention, a "standing wave" gets formed.
The standing waves are those waves in which certain points of the wave called nodes remain immobile. A standing wave is formed by the interference of two waves of the same nature with equal amplitude, wavelength (or Frequency) that advance in opposite directions through a medium.
If enough attention is given to the nodes, these points will form the energetic pieces called atoms or atomic structure that in turn, combined, will form the molecules that are the most basic or simple elements of a material substance that retain the same properties.
So, the potential energy field (ether reference Nicola Tesla), upon receiving the stimulus of consciousness, materializes (manifests the material part of the energy) and creates the form that is the perfect reflection of the consciousness that has emitted it as a mold - reflection.
Where I am going with all of this is that if you control the perception of consciousness you control what it will manifest. You will control what he will create as a world including his own body. This is the great why of Mind Control on Earth. You only need to implant ideas in a population, agreements about how things should be perceived. You will be able to make a new race, when souls are interested in the experience of being part of that new race, or you can create a slave race to exploit.
And you don't need a test tube to genetically limit a population. It is easier to do it by manipulating ideas and perception. Yes, it takes much longer, it is true, but that "intellectually superior" race if they have something it is time because they do not reside on the same plane as humans. They reside where time is malleable, only semi-linear. They can wait, they have patience.
And what they fear the most is that someone will be aware of the veracity of this information. You must focus on what you really want in a frame free of thoughts of escaping what you don't want. Now the problem is that what they really want is also manipulated. So, what is needed is the change of the value system of a population. It is not an easy task because, as it has been proven, at least here, you cannot change people. They can only be invited or offered an alternative. But if it is not offered to them, they can never know that yes, there is another alternative in the universe.
Outside of the Earth among other races, there exists this classification: primary races and secondary races.
A primary race is one that is the basis of others. Created with the intention-focus-awareness of what we would call the original Source. A secondary race is one that was created using the Mind Control concepts described above either with a goal to create a new one for constructive-creative purposes or for exploitation purposes.
In this case the Lyrian race and its variants, including the Taygetean race, are primary races because they are the result of the intention of the original Source using the intention, attention of the consciousnesses interested in living an experience as members of said race.
The human race is from the Lyrian race family, but its DNA has been modified and its function limited to 3D using the method described above by another race, therefore it is classified as a secondary race.
However, each human being and each human body has within it everything necessary to activate genetically and consciously. The only thing that limits the human being is the notion that they are limited ← ---- They live that limitation, so under the law of attraction, they will receive more of that limitation.
This is the basis of the Mind Control subject.
Robert: "The human race is from the family of the Lyrian races, but its DNA has been modified and its functioning limited to 3D using the method described above by another race, therefore it is classified as a secondary race." I understand that DNA is modified by the Matrix because we ourselves modify it, led by Mind Control and by limitations that the Matrix makes us believe, yes?
Swaruu: It is correct yes. I know that with the above I am going against the geneticists and the Sumerian tablets... against the Popol Vuh. It also hurts to be told that they are controlled by an intellectually superior race, and that they are a secondary race. But it is the truth. If they don't know the nature of the problem, they won't be able to solve it.
Robert: There is no other slave than the one who does not want to be aware of that fact.
Swaruu: And I have also said that in each human being there is everything necessary to awaken, to recreate itself, to activate all their DNA. Do you know what is done here quite regularly? Talking about DNA.
Robert: No, tell me.
Swaruu: This, what was said above, that the human being has everything within each cell to be all that it can be in its full potential and to be free and connected to the Source, is not a theory, it is something that is empirically known from here. We have extracted many people already. Extracted in life by the ship.
Robert: I would like to connect to the Source.
Swaruu: You already are a lot, don't doubt that. These people enter the Med-Pod or Medical Pods of our ships. Our medical technology takes a record and reads all of a person's DNA, captures it with a high energy, super high resolution hologram and in a way that I can describe in detail later, it activates all of their DNA by changing their body to what it really is, according to their original intention reflection of their soul. They come out whole, different, healthy, unrecognizable physically. But they remain themselves, their memories, their identity and values.
Robert: And what characteristics do these humans have?
Swaruu: In itself, strictly speaking, you don't need any Med-Pods to activate your DNA, only your mind, your consciousness. The problem is that being inside the Matrix they have agreements with themselves that are mainly that they wanted to have the experience as ¨limited" humans for the spiritual advancements and other intentions, that this experience can give them.
Robert: What are the interests of the controllers? Why this invasive control of the entire world population?
Swaruu: They serve them as farm animals, they are farm animals to them. They do not exploit them for a single purpose but for a set of reasons maximizing reSources. From the arcontic energy exploitation, the exploitation of the population for meat, in various subcategories. Some races use secretions from human glands, others like meat, especially the children and women. Sexual exploitation too. A Reptile being (and others) uses a human organic portal to exploit another person as a sex slave to drain the energy and for fun. They are also used for multiple rituals, especially boys and girls less than 13, babies and newly born, and young virgins.
They also use human skin for manufacturing of bags and clothing for other races mainly Reptiles, this is extremely widespread. Also, they are used for the elaboration of elixirs. And finally, they are used as slave labor, for multiple reasons, and also genetic farming of all kinds and purposes.
Robert: Thank you Swaruu for being honest with me. This is very sad. But your answer will come out to the light, so that people are aware of it. Thank you.
Swaruu: People should know this.
Robert: Another thing that I understand is that the ET disclosure by governments or leaders of any kind such as religious one, would have to raise doubts and make the population suspect something. Am I correct?
Swaruu: The ET Disclosure is taking place like it or not. And they do not control it in its entirety as before. It has gotten out of hand. What they do is try to control or guide what is disclosed to earn more time because their society is falling apart. They try to guide the Disclosure as much as they can, they also attempt to confuse and flood it with disinformation similar to the real information to create confusion since they cannot eliminate or suppress the real one.
Robert: In what way could the society change, or what would the society need to do to get out of this control? If there is anything we can do?
Swaruu: Contrary to what you think: the key is not in the work of trying to persuade and organizing themselves in order to fight against it, in general. The key is individual self-development. No one can change the views and belief systems of another person. These are good news because the success of the human liberation does not depend on "others" or "other people". The individual in a completely isolated way has 100% control over what happens and ultimately on changes in society.
Don´t wait to be "worthy" of something tomorrow... or wait for tomorrow to know "enough" or any other excuse. Today they should be and act as a 5D person would living in an advanced planet.
Even though to very large extent they will find contrast between what they want to be and what happens around them, then they should act as if they were ¨guests there¨. But they should be as they imagine their ideal self to be, immediately adopting the values they want to see in others, in the society and especially themselves.
The event widely publicized by social networks is you. You are the event. Do not expect that it will happen as something external to you, because there is nothing outside of you, no material world, there is only mind. Your world, your reality is in your mind. There is no objective external world.
It is a great illusion and therefore they do not understand that they are not victims. Everything good and bad in their lives, you are the ones generating it. Many villains in their lives are not real people, are reflections of their subconscious materializing outside.
The change is YOU. The only real thing is YOU. The event has no date, and it is because the event is something individual and can be today for you or for anyone.
With internal work, with the change in attitude, that will be reflected to the outside world where you will find people who share your same feeling, because they have a compatible Frequency, they attract, they are part of the lives of each of those compatible people.
This will lead to society change to reflect the new attitude and a new way of seeing and dealing with things. Each person on Earth is the key to change. Don´t criticize the others... be only responsible for yourself.
Robert: I imagine this all starts with the educational system. How could it change, or what subjects do you think should change and should be incorporated and which ones erased? Or what would be the best way to start educating the population¿ I don't know if age is important in all this. I imagine it's easier to educate a child than an adult.
Swaruu: Any change they make at that level is just a patch. It is of not much use to incorporate subjects such as meditation or yoga in schools when the entire system is completely wrong. The educational system is designed to eliminate creativity of the children and turn them into parakeets where they get rewarded when they repeat well what controllers imposed on them. It suppresses individuality, destroys the intuition and creativity. Puts them in victim modes, and trains from very early age to be ¨useful to society" or "productive and socially responsible person" but this means being a slave mind - controlled to believe that this is life, that that´s how life is.
The educational system, like so many other things should be discarded altogether and from there an entirely new one should be developed, based on the holographic society where each individual is given the same opportunities, where each individual follows what they desire, what they want to learn, science, arts.
The individual and his interests are in control, not society, not an external authority. And above all he or she should be given access to all the information about all things, all information about the whole planetary culture.
Gosia: Thank you Swaruu for this talk.
Swaruu: Thank you to both. Until tomorrow!
Atlantis, Lemuria, Reptilians, Adam and Eve, Tiamat - Taygetean Pleiadian Role in Ancient History
Swaruu: We have been a free civilization for about 850,000 human years. But earlier, about a million Earth years ago, a very strong reptilian invading force invaded the Vega area, the planets Avalon and Lyra, where what we call our ancestors of some 400,000 races of human-like beings, lived in peace, and therefore did not know how to defend themselves.
They ended up fleeing from the invading Reptile force to save themselves and small groups of humanoid beings (or human-like) went to hide in every possible corner of this sector of the galaxy. This moment is known as the Great Expansion of Lyra or simply the Great Expansion.
Countless worlds were seeded with "humans" the species. Among them Taygeta, Ummo, Earth. Reptiles continued to hunt the species to the brink of extinction. From the need to survive, the Federation, how it is now known, was born. ← The Federation is made up of thousands of species, but it was started by humanoid species as a means to defend themselves from the Reptilian invasion in this quadrant of space against total extinction, as some planets with Lyrian humanoids were, or had been so devastated by the Reptilians that only a handful of individuals remained.
There was a Lyrian colony living in peace on Earth, in a high Frequency advanced holographic society, although on Earth there were already other species of Hominids before the Lyrians arrived. The first humans from Lyra landed on the planet around 40,000 years ago. Living in peace and harmony with older species, like the Nenderthals. These are old Pre-Atlantis civilization times, with space ports.
During that time when that advanced holographic civilization was on Earth, a Taygetean Pleiadian colony was established that coexisted in peace and cooperation with the Lyrians. That Taygetean base was on a now-defunct continent called Oceania. That base or colony was called Lemuria. This is before Atlantis.
It was only a colony within a larger planet scale positive civilization and it coexisted with the Lyrian civilization present on Earth. Lemuria was a complex civilization, not only of Taygeteans, but it did have a very large Taygetean component, as their colony. Something like New York is a group of cultures, like Little Italy, Little China, Irish, Russians.
This civilization got invaded by the Reptiles. This happened after a great battle, known as the "First Ancient War" by the researchers of "Ancient Aliens", where nuclear weapons were used against them (that's why there are traces of bomb-grade ionizing radioactivity in places like Pakistan).
The only part of that planetary civilization that remained fighting was Lemuria. As the Reptiles enslaved the rest of the humanoids, Lemuria fought the invaders. Those who remained were called Adams by the Reptilians, or Adamic race - that referred to the captured Lyrians and the ones who descended from them as this took or was going on for several generations 50 000 - 40 000 to 13 000 - 12500 years ago.
Children were separated from adults, some were used for parenting where newborn babies were separated from their mothers at birth. These newborns were indoctrinated with Reptile teachings, but they were also genetically altered (it was attempted but failed because of the very strong connection to Source that all Lyrian races have). The adults were slaughtered and eaten. The children were left to start a new race of slaves: the Adamic Race.
In the Old Testament it should be read that a person there means a race or a people and NOT an individual.
But now I must say that the invading Reptilians created using genetics out of themselves another race of Reptilians that is now "indigenous" of Earth. That race is still enslaved by them. They used part of their genes to enhance and use another indigenous reptilian race, probably an animal. They did that right before the confrontation of Tiamat, and right before the flood that destroyed it all, their technology and civilization (to be explained shortly). That created Reptilian race survived the flood and they are the ones that do all the reptilian low dirty work for the supreme Reptilians.
The first 2 attempts to do the same with the anthropomorphic Lyrians didn't work because they all had a very strong connection with Source and the spiritual. The Lyrian genetics is too strong, so if they suppress a gene it will emerge again because of the high consciousness of the people. So, they decided not to try to genetically suppress humans (Adamic race or Homo-Atlantis) and opted to suppress reptilian DNA.
So, in the end, what the Sumerian tablets say is false, because humans were not created on Earth nor were, they successfully limited genetically. The limited ones are the reptilian slave race. The Lyrian "Homo-Atlantis" are only limited by belief in a genetic manner. Humans are limited only because they believe to be. Even with aging. This is very important as a topic because I go against what is said in the Sumerian Tablets and other places like the Popol Vuh, insisting that it's not humans who are limited but the lower social-level Reptilians.
Now we have a problem with naming the Reptile species involved here. Some say it's the Usungal, others the Kingu. Using names, you know from Earth, we here do know who they were, we are just not sure if the translation for them should be Kingu or Usungal. For us basically it's the Naga and variants.
The Reptiles at that point created their stronghold called Atlantis that was over the continent now known as Appalachia, which is now under the North Atlantic Ocean. This is from where the name of the Appalachian Mountains in East United States takes their name. Having said that, Atlantis is not a single place because it was an almost entirely planetary civilization. Atlantis is the Reptilian civilization coexisting with Lemuria that didn't give up.
Earth has been visited countless times by countless races who have left their influence there. Atlantis is widely said to be a bastion of wisdom and to be very advanced. Very advanced indeed, but it was an almost exclusively reptilian place. People on Earth are mixing qualities of Atlantis with qualities of Lyria-Gaia. But they are two civilizations, where the first Lyria-Gaia is the one that was completely like an embassy where countless races coexisted freely. Among those races were the Atlanteans who come, as their name suggests, from the solar system of Atlas in the Pleiades M45. These are some of those that are called "Giants", however there were other races who were also tall.
The ones depicted in the Sumerian Tablets were apparently Reptilians "transformed" into something of a humanoid appearance for their easier interaction with the Adamic race, descendants of the Lyrian base. And mainly these are the ones represented as large bearded men in the Sumerian records.
However, the Atlanteans of the Pleiades also have beards and similar size, which makes it difficult to follow and explain this historical moment with precision. The Atlanteans are 8 to 10 meters tall. Their skin is copper colored, brown or black beard. Blue, green or brown eyes. Apparently, the Atlanteans influenced several places in Mesoamerica mainly. The last visit of them that we have registered was 600 years ago in the region that today is central Mexico (Tula Hidalgo: Atlántes). They have not returned, they are members of the Council of Alcyone and effectively by decree of said Council it is Taygeta who represents here the 9 systems of Pleiades M45.
Among the races present here when Lyria-Gaia was invaded were Celeano Pleiadians and Andromedan bases or colonies in the area that is today India and Pakistan. These races seeded many concepts that would later serve as a basis for Buddha and that led him towards everything he did. Many beings like Shiva were extraterrestrials and this also directly explains why various beings appear as blue-skinned in India and in that region of the planet in general. They were simply ETs of Andromedan genetic branches.
Also, the writings like Nepali is preserved with up to 90% similarity with the symbology and writing of the modern Andromedan language. Shiva fought against the invading Reptiles and it is said that he won all the battles, however the outcome disappears from the records. Obviously, the most probable thing is that he has also succumbed to Reptilian weapons, with Lemuria remaining as the only place with effective resistance against the Reptilian invasion.
To clarify, Lemuria predates Atlantis, it coexisted with both the Lyrians and the Reptiles of Atlantis.
The Adamic slave race of the Reptiles - the civilization of Atlantis - Old Testament.
What happened at this point is that the Taygetean Pleiadians at the Lemurian resistance base knew that all this was happening with the Lyrian race and they knew they had to intervene. They counter attacked and managed to free the enslaved Adams.
And now begins Genesis, from the Old Testament: Genesis. It means: The Genes of the goddess Isis. Adam and Eve in the Bible is this event. As the Old Testament says, the Snake (the Taygetean women of Lemuria) went onto the Garden of Eden (Atlantis stronghold) and gave the prohibited fruit of wisdom to Adam and Eve (the Adamic race not 1 man - an enslaved race).
They gave it to Eve, because as women they had access to the places where they were being held captive, where they were spending time, where the Taygetean women were passing as them. So, they interacted with the females first. Then the Eves communicated the messages of the Taygeteans to the Adams.
The ancient Reptiles used the serpent as a symbol for women because of its similarity to the DNA spiral because it is the woman that gives descendance with her genes. The Egyptian hieroglyph for woman is a snake, and it is repeated in other parts of the world, China, Japan, Mesoamerica, and others.
They were naked (without knowledge) and the serpent (Taygeteans) gave the forbidden fruit (truth and knowledge) to Evas who in turn gave it to the Adams.
The Adams, the race, didn't have any freedom and they had no means to reach higher knowledge, this to enslave them. To be Naked = Not to have knowledge, no clothes - knowledge. The Reptiles got very angry because the Lemurians had freed the enslaved ones, and they started a war of extermination against what remained of Lemuria (12,500 years ago). And this is the second great planetary scale war that also led into the Tiamat incident.
But this is relevant in another way: This is why women are always repressed on Earth. This is where it started. The Reptilians in power don't want women to have any rights, nothing, no power, always diminishing women. As a punishment for this. That is why the Reptiles until these days are against the woman, they attack her, and they despise her, taking away the cult of the goddess, for example in Egypt, at a later time.
The snake is us, Taygetan Pleiadians. The Eves are the females of the Adamic race who were the first ones to listen to the Taygetans, and then gave the males the information that led to their freedom.
Adam= Male Lyrian slaves. Eves = Lyrian female slaves. Snake - Taygetan women. Symbolizing genetic kinship with the Lyrians. Garden of Eden = Atlantis.
Now where was the garden of Eden according to scholars? Between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in Iraq. The Atlantis headquarters (not the bulk of the civilization that was planetary, with the exception of Lemuria) was right there in Iraq and some scholars have found it. There in Iraq was the Garden of Eden, or the main stronghold of Atlantis, although the bulk of the Civilization was on Appalachia.
Reptiles don´t forgive this fact which took away control over their slaves, who, logically, armed a great revolt and ran away from Atlantis (they were not expelled, they left, because they already knew themselves naked (without knowledge) and wanted freedom). The furious Reptiles then set up another great hunt with a subsequent massacre of Lyrians and Taygeteans, with some surviving. Lemuria was still standing and fighting.
And it is what we do now again, making the Adamic race, or ¨Homo Atlantis¨ (the Earth humans) see that they have no knowledge, that they are naked, and that they must wake up.
Tiamat, the planet that was destroyed 12,500 ago, was a very large planet about 80% the size of Neptune and was closer to Earth than Mars is today.
It was a water planet, with few islands, and very luminescent because with its large size it reflected the sun a lot. And this is the Source of all the myths associated with two suns in this star system. Tiamat, being a water planet, functioned as a mirror, which is why they called it "the second sun."
Ancient records on Earth talk about a second sun. It's not only in the Sumerian tablets but in scripts from China, Japan and even in Mesoamerica in the Popol Vuh (Mayan). This also has fueled the Nibiru ideas all over today. This second Sun is no other than Tiamat, not a "sun", a planet, but as it was a huge water planet closer to Earth than Venus is now, mostly sea, it reflected the sun's light appearing as a second sun.
Continuing with the story, the Reptilians, learning that the Federation was looking for them for violating countless space rules and laws, set up a fictitious base on planet Tiamat to transmit decoy signals to mount an ambush against the Federation. The Federation was on their way already too, to see why contact with the Lemurian base and the Lyrian colony had been lost.
A large combat fleet led by Taygeta entered and went to Tiamat to investigate the signals and they fell terribly into the Reptilian ambush. There was tremendous space combat of epic proportions even by today's standards, and it resulted in the destruction of more than 75% of the forces of both the Federation and the Reptilians.
Weapons of mass destruction, zero point and thermonuclear energy weapons were used, which destabilized the planet Tiamat creating shock waves in its great ocean that resulted in the deviation of its magnetosphere resulting in the destruction of the planet. The surface of Mars was also devastated by nuclear and energy weapons.
The destruction of Tiamat brought subsequent chaos to all the delicate dynamics between the planets of this solar system. It brought with it a series of cataclysms on all the planets, creating with this a new orbital distribution of all the stars and as we have said before the Earth was closer to Tiamat than it is to Mars today.
And that is why some of the water from Tiamat fell on Earth, which as we have said was a very large planet, almost the size of Neptune and covered with water, flooding the surface of the Earth that at that time was almost entirely covered by dense forests and had 5 more continents. The flood brought with it the destruction of the Reptile civilization of Atlantis and of Lemuria.
The upheaval brought the deluge (Noa's Ark legend) that was nothing other than Tiamat's water (some of it) pouring down to Earth from space. It´s what destroyed Atlantis and Lemuria. Also caused a pole shift. Inundated the planet and created the continents as they are now. This also devastated the surface of Mars, so the inhabitants of that planet to this day stay mostly underground.
For us nothing justifies the destruction of an entire planet and a lot of species karma is carried for that, they say. That confrontation, and the war for Earth today is the continuation of the Orion Wars, they are not over yet. They are ongoing today. The difference is that now the Federation has superiority over the regressive Reptiles.
Gosia: So, when the floods happened by the Tiamat wars, as Lemuria was destroyed by the floods… so was Atlantis!
Swaruu: Yes, both perished at the same time.
Gosia: Ok so who remained on Earth?
Swaruu: A vastly destroyed reptilian culture with no technology left and a small amount of Lyrian people. They enslaved them before the flood, then after using Mind Control as the Reptilians were very few in numbers as compared to the Lyrians that are now the forefathers of the Earth humans of today (Adamic race). They didn't have any remaining technology so all they had was the Mind Control approach.
3D Matrix suppression system was placed by the Federation right after the flood.
At that time the Federation was very weak and facing a lot of problems, also because of the cataclysms. (I should mention that during the destruction of Tiamat and the subsequent rearrangement of the astros (planets) of this solar system, the Earth also experienced a pole shift due to the alteration of magnetic fields.)
As a result, the Federation chose to install an electromagnetic barrier around the Earth as a wall. It is projected from one of the ships damaged during the conflict (the Moon, old and damaged biosphere ship of the Federation and of Andromedan construction). It was to prevent the negative Reptilians from escaping while the Federation could return to finish what they started. And thus, the 3D Matrix was born.
Robert: What happened with the survivors of the flood?
Swaruu: Flood survivors: What remained of Lemuria, Lyrians and Taygeteans there, when the Earth was flooded, emigrated mainly to the coasts of Japan, what is now South America and the west coast of the USA. In the Atlantic what remained of Atlantis, the surviving Reptilians and slaves moved to the Highlands of Scotland and Ireland.
Robert: And who are those beings that have elongated skulls "homo capensis"? Are they still on Earth?
Swaruu: They are one more species. Very linked to Atlantis. After the flood they migrated to the highlands of Scotland and Ireland. Hence the name of highlands. From there they went down to places more akin to them, like Egypt. They also had large settlements in South America. They come from the constellation Cassiopeia and they inhabit many worlds there. There aren't any on Earth at this time. They lost all their technology, their ships and everything. (There are no records of glaciation at this time, very contrary to what established science says, there was no ice age. It was introduced as an excuse to erase the true history).
Robert: So those of us who are on Earth we are not the variant that the Reptiles created?
Swaruu: I must make this very clear. As I said above, humans were not made by the Reptilians, their plan and their genetic engineering did not work because the base Lyrians themselves prevented it due to their advanced consciousness and connection to the Source. What the Sumerian tablets say and also the Popol Vuh, is information that was provided and/or written by the Reptilians and is their point of view with an agenda to control the humans/Lyrians. It's like a Bible again, a story rigged for an agenda.
As I have said before, just because it is written in Sumerian tablets, it does not mean that it is the truth. It is written by the "victors" with an agenda. If these were their records, it would not be written in clay but in quartz crystals, gold discs, or similar devices.
The human beings are Lyrian, and their DNA is complete, it is only deactivated, but not by a test tube, but by the manipulation of human consciousness, because it is consciousness that activates, deactivates and rewrites a gene, chain of genes or the whole sequence of the genetics of a species and it is also consciousness that creates a new species in this way, and not by random mutations or natural selection.
That is why the spiritual awakening of humanity will return your DNA of 12 strands and 24 chromosomes. Because it is already there, only suppressed with the use of Mind Control. The only thing that limits humans is the idea or belief that they are limited. Scientific ships like our ones have studied modern human DNA and, just like the results of the experiments of other races, it is confirmed that the DNA is complete.
Is There Really Free Will? And How many Timelines? Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact
Yazhi: Whatever happened before, in other timelines of you, will never repeat itself. And on the other hand, everything is fixed, so no matter what you do, things always turn out the way they are supposed to turn out. So, I even question free will at this point. Seeing it as an illusion.
Gosia: Yes, that´s something I can´t understand fully... how much is fixed and how much is not.
Yazhi: Simple: Everything is completely static and fixed. But the ¨everything¨ is complex. So even when you make a choice being what you think is unpredictable, you are changing nothing at all. You are only thinking it is different, but it is still exactly what was going to happen anyway. And if you go to the past to alter it, you come to understand that that in itself is also fixed and part of the whole Matrix of reality.
And even the events you try to alter you soon find out that the very things you do, your effort to change those things you want to alter actually is what causes them to happen in the first place. So free will is an illusion. You are under the illusion that you have a choice, because you do not remember what is going to happen next. So, you are only watching the movie unfold in front of you. The movie of your life.
Gosia: You said: ¨You are only thinking it is different, but it is still exactly what was going to happen anyway. ¨ Why is it something that was going to happen anyway? Since there are millions of alternatives. So, ALL of them are happening at once. So, what exactly is it that IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN? There is no such a thing as I see it.
Yazhi: You think you have a choice. But that's only because you are not aware of what is going to happen next.
Gosia: But what happens NEXT - there are millions of variants of that. And in that there is a free will to choose no?
Yazhi: Exactly. But they are not alternatives. You only think they are alternatives in the limited, very limited view of your consciousness awareness.
Gosia: Yes, because from the highest level it´s all worked out anyway yes? I think we covered this in some video.
Yazhi: The moment you acquire more awareness you see that it is all connected and that you in fact had no choice. You are only looking at small part of a fixed reality, so your choices are always limited to a fixed pre-arranged range of perception. Like an elephant in the dark, and you looking at it with a small flashlight. You see parts of the elephant and you see the differences between the parts. That's your awareness. But it is still an elephant all the time and you cannot change that!
That's the illusion of having free will, a choice. Because from a limited perspective of a soul, as a fragment of a larger soul reality, Source, you do have unlimited amount of choices, but only from your limited perception. Because your perception is limited. But as you grow in awareness of the absolute, the everything, then you start to see that you indeed had no choice. That everything you did before, your choices, where all you could do in that given time or moment. Always according to a pre planed fixed reality.
Gosia: Preplanned by whom? You? Then the highest I preplan millions of timelines at the same time? And choices?
Yazhi: Even the chaos of Earth today is caused by the very people who are living it. Because it is always them and them again making the same mistakes. And they had no choice because of their very limited understanding.
From the perception of a limited soul, with limited perception, you do have unlimited choices and possibilities. You think it's aleatory, but it isn't. When you step back and see the bigger picture... You see that there never were multiple timelines. Nor were there multiple choices. It was only one.
Gosia: What do you mean one?
Yazhi: Words do not suffice to convey this. If you get to a road and you see a bifurcation. You think you have a choice to go right or left. So, you choose to say... right. And you think you could have chosen left. But everything before you and everything in front of you caused you to choose right and you could have only have chosen right. Even if you stop and go back and then turn left, it's still an illusion.
Gosia: But there is another me somewhere out there choosing left and having different life experiences leading up to the left. Right?
Yazhi: In a way yes. From a limited perspective, but not from a more expanded one. There are no timelines from above. It is only one. I must go now. They are calling me.
Gosia: Holly molly, this needs so much more explanation then.
Yazhi: I did not express this correctly. Do you want to continue tomorrow earlier?
Gosia: You did. Just not the fullness of it yet. Yes sure. Thank you.
Yazhi: Welcome.
Yazhi: Humans tend to think they know it all, always, and they get attached to ideas, and they make them theirs as if they were objects. And if you give them a new idea it's like you are taking that dear object away from them.
The people who think they are advanced and in spirituality, ET's and all that, have been programmed by one another to understand timelines a separate thing from them, things like a train track they are on and can be moved into another. Hence the concepts of "positive timeline" and "negative timeline."
But things aren't so simple. As I have described before, whatever each person is perceiving and according to his/ her awareness level of perception is by right and technically a "timeline" of its own. And the choices each person making each timeline produce an array of added occurrences that make them understand Time as something moving from the past to the present and then to the future.
So, as I have described before, timelines as a set of fixed lines with a fixed set of events in progression in each one of them. And each consciousness jumping from perceiving whatever happens in one line to whatever happens in the next one, being that the more dramatic the change of events in one, the longer the jump into another line that differs more from the original one. Hence the term Quantum Jump.
Being or understanding that the lines that are closest together as the most similar among each other, and the more they are apart the more they differ. This is still a crude analogy using lines. But I had to use something to describe it all.
Now, moving along to another subject that converts into this one. History. It is said that history is a set list of events in a chronological order. But history was written by the victors. And the people in power, always. And if you notice it is only a recollection of battle after battle, with little to no relevant alternative subjects, or only as a secondary reference.
But besides the fact that history as it has been presented to humans does not reflect what really happened in the "past", we must face another problem that becomes evident only to those who have time traveled a lot.
There isn't only one past.
There are countless pasts with countless events, that also differ from each other, from slightly different to very different. So that's what people call timelines, collective timelines. But they are still looking at them as separate things that hardly if ever interfere with one another. This is definitely not so.
All events in all so-called timelines are as relevant to a present point in "time" we call now, from the perspective of the person-consciousness perceiving it all. Meaning that there is no single past. That countless, and countless events that are different all are relevant and all form what any person-consciousness calls the present from its point of view.
In my mind's eye... coming back to the parallel line example I have previously used, I see countless, in the billions and more, timelines converging into one single point where they all touch. Like a black hole bending everything into it. All into one single point. Point that is moving along at its own rate, speed and intention. And all the previous timelines converging into it form what it is, as a time singularity point.
And in turn... Again, the same countless billions of "timelines" represented as parallel lines in a graph come out of that singularity point and disperse in front of it in what you could call the future.
But it is not really. Making our graph progress in conceptual development into a vortex that concentrates all events and series of related events called timelines into itself in the middle. Exactly like a black hole.
But then this image is not right either... As it represents a flat surface above. It should be a sphere. A three-dimensional hole is a sphere. That's a two-dimensional hole in the image.
So, everything is coming out of that singularity point that is in fact creating it all. It is formed by the choices and the data it has perceived in its past-as-personal-perception and with that it perceives the ever illusive present and forms the possibilities of choice to form what it would call its future.
That singularity point is a person-consciousness. A person, sentient being, knowing it exists. It may not know anything, the secrets of the universe escape from it. But all it does know is that it exists. And from that limited point of view it creates it all. The past, its past no longer exists as its future does not as well. One as none existent as the other.
To believe in one's past as something inescapable and impossible to change is as unreal as to think that the future is also as set in stone. Both are malleable, both are as uncertain as the other as they are one. The only thing that defines one from the other is an idea in the subject's mind.
This point above is perfectly valid from the point of view of someone, a consciousness having an experience perceiving a sequence of events he or she calls time. So, from this point of view there is free will. So much free will that you can also change your past. And you can as much as you can decide for your future, what it is going to be. And everyone should in order to advance as consciousnesses and as people. Change the perception and the meaning of each one's past removing the unwanted events and replacing them with ones with a more convenient and positive meaning.
But from another point of view, the more expanded one. As everything converges into one point, be it past or future, point we call the present, and that present is and can only be generated by a conscious observer, then everything is fixed, and the observer is only playing back what is already there.
But, as you have infinite choices, even if they are all fixed, that would mean or would be equivalent to having complete utter free will. And valid as described above.
But it is here where things get more complicated. Because as I mentioned above, timelines are really not separate sequences of events, a subject jump from one to another to create a personal story, personal timeline of events. All events, we could call, from different timelines, both the closer ones and most similar, to the further ones and more different... all interfere with one another all the time.
An event in what we could call another timeline shapes the events in this one perceived and in all others and vice versa. So, all events we call aleatory, without explanation, freaky or more commonly taken as life, as things that just happen and we all take for granted that they all "must have a logical cause" have their cause and roots in another set of timelines.
They all converge, all the events in all timelines converge into one single spot. As described above. So, in block, all together, they are forming one massive single Timeline. So massive it encompasses the absolute, the everything, and that would necessarily mean it cannot only flow in one perceived direction, hence my former description of Time as a ever expanding and contracting sphere made up of countless billions upon billions of timelines. Meaning time flows in all directions and reversed as well. And that is equal to stillness, to no time at all. From that more expanded point of view, everything is set in stone.
When you have a limited awareness, as we all have, we can only see a limited set of things, events. But as your awareness grows you begin to see more and more things that were always there, but you did not have the awareness necessary to perceive them. Not only we begin to see them, but we begin to understand the co-relationship between them all. The cause and the effect between them that causes what we call an event.
So, what was previously unknown, suddenly becomes explainable, logical, and therefore known. And that amounts to perceiving several timelines as one. Several timelines that before were perceived as separate ones, with little to nothing to do with one another.
So, as you go advancing in your consciousness-perception your awareness of everything grows and grows. And that as described before means you can process more and more data, not as in empty memorization. We expand our consciousness and form our soul and mind to the degree that we then create or manifest what we call the world we live in. And that is in turn what we call a density of existence.
As we grow in perception of multiple timelines, we create for ourselves our personal timeline. The more expanded our comprehension and awareness in general, the larger the timeline will be, larger because it includes more things, more data in it. We create from there a personal world according to our applied knowledge through our perception and awareness. We suddenly become more and more conscious of all the events that correlate to create another. So, mysteries are explained for example.
But this also means that other people in a lower state of data processing in awareness, called a lower density, cannot understand us, as we do them, as their perception is fully understood by us, but us not by them as we are so much more expanded in awareness. So, what once were separate timelines, suddenly become one for us. That's why we can explain the formally unexplained.
But this process never ends, as we grow in data processing awareness, we go splicing together formerly separate timelines to form one, the one we see ours. (This process is also akin to forming and making our own soul as we go along).
But we get to the point where we can see, process and understand so many timelines as compared to the point of view of another set of people-awareness-consciousnesses, that we can see that from that more expanded perspective, and observing the lesser evolved consciousnesses, we can see that from this point of view the future is as set in stone as the past. Because the options in front are very limited, so much it converts into one.
But then you turn to see yourself. And you know that you are in the same circumstances than the ones you called from your point of view "lesser evolved consciousnesses" and you realize that in this case as below so is above, and you have a lot of work to do expanding your personal awareness, perception, and soul.
What is time?
It is an inescapable part of you, it is you. You cannot have awareness of self without some sort of temporal perception. Me-not-me. I have a thought / I did not before.
You feel that you cannot control time, but that's an illusion. Because you do not know yourself enough. You are stuck in a set of ideas, like time flowing forwards, as referenced to… what? To external things, but then again, that's in your head and there alone. Time as something uncontrollable is spawn from whatever parts of you that you are not fully, or not aware of. This means time is spawn from your unconscious, and your unconscious makes up the vast, vast most part of whatever you are.
But understanding yourself more and more, incorporating everything as you, understanding why you react the way you do, with no judgement and with judgment as well. All inclusive. Exposing your shadows, your darkest side, will make you more and more aware of how time is made, and comes from you.
What you think, and how you think, the meaning you give to your thoughts, defines time for you. So, the more you know yourself, the more you control your time. Because you are time and time is you.
Gosia: Thanks! Wow ok. I must say I must read this many more times and contemplate it to understand more. As it´s a new angle. I have several questions that I wrote down. Ok first question that I need to understand. You said there are countless timelines, all converging into one. But is there a separate I, physically, in each one of them? Or how? I am referring to I as Gosia... not the I from the expanded view. From the expanded view there is just one I.
Yazhi: As with many things I have described, yes there is a "different" you in each timeline because you are doing different things in each one of them, from the slightly different to the utterly extremely different. So that amounts to being another you entirely as you are having another different set of experiences and as I have described somewhere else that different set of experiences defines you as another soul.
Yet they all converge, all those you's converge into one, you the one reading this. They all define you and all the experiences they have had and are having and will have converge into you as the "black hole" you are.
You are a density, you are a "universe," you are the absolute. Everything else, especially what you call other people are just you in another timeline that differs from the one you perceive as yours.
Differs to the point where you see them as different people, genders, looks, but they are just more of you, and you define them as they all define you, that's why we are all connected, that's why we are all one.
In a very real way, some are more expanded in awareness than other you's, therefore creating what you call a higher me, higher self. But that again is only a concept that is limited to one or another point of view.
So, both things are correct: There are other you's in other perceived timelines. And there is no other you in any other timelines because you are also the sum of them all forming a higher you, a unified field you, the absolute, therefore you are all that exists and then there are no others and cannot be any others in any other so called timeline because you have unified them all in your consciousness awareness perception, therefore Density of existence, that would be very high up.
Gosia: Why all of them converge into me that is reading this, and not me that is reading this converging into some other Gosia elsewhere NOT reading this but cooking?
Yazhi: From her point of view they converge in her, from yours they converge in you, but as they are all you, you create a unified field, a singularity, where no matter what you is aware of this all, it is always still you, therefore all converging into you and you alone.
Each consciousness is the singularity, each sentient being. They are "it”; they all are one. Each one is creating its own universe and the ultimate universe. All connected, all being one.
What are "different people"? They all are ideas created by themselves, by the one. You are the one, the unified field. We are standing waves, and idea, that's what we all are. We are all one idea we had.
Gosia: Yes ok... now. You said: It all comes out of one singularity point… consciousness of a person. But then it also converges into one. So, it comes out of one and converges into one? There is nothing but Oneness. On both ends then.
Yazhi: It is all ideas. They are all ideas, the idea that something was "past" will make it converge one way, the idea that something is in the future will converge in another way and all the variants in the middle.
In the end this line analogy is a linear graphic attempt to illustrate something in-illustratable. Simply expressed.
Everything, past present and future, are ideas being generated by consciousness awareness that is you.
Gosia: Understood. Now this Question: You said it´s all malleable... Even the so called past, the events are all malleable. Then why is the free will the illusion if the events are malleable by the consciousness/observer? Because from the higher level up still that too is established? Each choice?
Yazhi: From one point of view, from the lower points of view there is free will, but as you expand in your awareness you begin to understand that you could have only acted the way you acted, because as your awareness expands you realize why you have lesser and lesser choices from one or another particular situation you are proceeding from.
Gosia: Why lesser and lesser? Why you could have acted only in that way?
Yazhi: Because from a lesser point of awareness, you see many choices (free will) and you think that you can change things. And it becomes even clearer when you time travel and attempt to change events in the past to alter the future.
But then you realize that the very act of you going to the past to change those unwanted events is what caused them to happen in the first place. This means that even before you had the idea of time travelling to alter an unwanted past, that was already done. You had already traveled to the past to alter the event, but as a consequence of that it happened.
So, you try to change it again, in a more complex way, and you only realize that whatever you do, that too, caused the events that lead to the formation of the first unwanted event in the first place. You were simply not capable of perceiving the connection between all the events leading to one or another.
That's the process I describe as augmenting awareness in order to unify what we formerly perceived as different timelines. Making them all converge into one, the one we currently perceive.
Gosia: Yes, but you said before that changing those events in the past, time travelling, doesn´t affect the timeline you came from. That that one remained untouched. That´s what I still don´t understand.
Yazhi: You don't go and change the past, as things from that point of view are quite fixed. But you can change your past from the point you are in now. As in your current perception and understanding of the why of things.
But even time travelling and changing the past means you still hold that illusion, because even if you stop some unwanted event, you are only looking at its mirror event. Happened vs. did not happen, as anything that is creates its opposite.
So even where you look now as in something you changed and thanks to you did not happen, you are only looking at another set of events (timeline) that is also affecting and defining the one where the unwanted event did in fact take place. In short you did nothing. Because even changing an event will define the event itself from another point of view, and both timelines define and create each other. Therefore, it's fixed.
As a common problem I face when I explain things like these... Some concepts are valid from one level and point of view but not from another. But at the same exact time both end up defining each other.
Gosia: Yes, I know. Ok, I still don´t understand this... let´s go to the very down to Earth level. Example of someone who has a choice of, let´s say, going to school in one city A or moving to another, city B, for a totally different reason. She chooses B. Why according to this going to the city B is the only thing she could have done? If as easily she could have chosen, the other path? As viewed from her perspective. But her free will took her to the city B. Or not? WHAT made her decide going to the city B? And why was it the only thing she could have done?
Yazhi: Because she had a choice and each one defines each other, and the other her is passing along information to another at the quantum level, defining each timeline.
And yes, as seen from above all events converge into her not having any other choice but to be doing what she is doing exactly. But this from the point of view of herself now, in the city B. As is for the other one who went to school in the city A.
They all pass the information to one another, not only those two, but countless billions of others as well, forming what she calls herself.
Gosia: What types of information?
Yazhi: Perception, experience of the kind that goes defining a soul, what forms a soul.
Gosia: Wait. So, from the point of view of herself in the city A, if she chose that, THAT TOO was the only option she could have done?
Yazhi: Yes.
Gosia: Then wait a second... then we have millions of free choice decisions at the end. Even though all of them are the only ones we could have taken for ourselves...
Yazhi: From one level yes. But only because you are not aware of other things that converge to create what you call reality. The minute you know, then you unite those timelines as one. And we all do that all the time as we go expanding our awareness.
Gosia: It´s a complicated subject for me to understand. I mean... she went to the city B. She could have gone to school, city A. Why was coming here the only thing she could have done? I still don´t get it.
Yazhi: From one level she could have done many things, but she did a specific one of them. Why? Why that one? Because all the others converged into forming that one as the only possible outcome due to the added circumstances of all the others together. Because they are not isolated, they are all interfering and creating one another. So, from above, seeing all the choices and timelines, she could have only done what she did.
Gosia: But she still COULD have gone to school city A. That ¨COULD have¨... means that that option was open to take.
Yazhi: Yes, but she did not.
Gosia: But could have.
Yazhi: You could have been struck by a meteorite, but you have not! The fact that you see one as more probable than the other is only due to the ideas you hold in your head.
Gosia: But the fact that something happens this way and not the other doesn´t mean that the other couldn´t have happened, and that it was not the option, right?
Yazhi: But there was a very specific set of reasons why those did not happen.
Gosia: Hmm ok... And last question I have for now is this: You said all timelines overlap and information is passed etc... So strange happenings, like people manifesting strange occurrences that seem quite miraculous, could have something to do with events in another timeline?
Yazhi: Yes, because all the information in all timelines are only one bulk with no present, no past, no future, so the information comes across only by Frequency match, at will, by perception.
So... as seen in history. Many different things that happened in the past, say 2000 years ago, from totally different timelines, all converge into one point, point we call the now. But the now as seen from the point of view of one consciousness-observer. So, if King Edward the second back in the day slipped and broke his leg, and in another he did not... they all affect the now with the same intensity.
So even battles in history where in one timeline it had one outcome and, in another timeline, it had another outcome, they both affect the now in the same manner and intensity, defining the now the point of awareness and consciousness singularity.
So, there is no one past. No correct and incorrect past. Only being incorrect from one or another very specific point of view. All possibilities always exist all the time and they all interfere and define one another causing one another.
Gosia: Ok I understand/still need to contemplate. Are you tired?
Yazhi: No.
Gosia: You have been writing for a while. No?
Yazhi: When I'm writing English, I can go further and faster.
Gosia: Ok. Well, it´s quite fascinating, this subject, and how you perceive it from that high expanded level. It´s definitely a new angle.
Yazhi: For example. To travel to the past to stop one specific scientist from getting hit by a bus, therefore creating a spiral of negative events that lead to say, a world war. So, you go to the point in time like 3 minutes before he was to cross that street where he was hit by a bus. And then you stop him and ask him for directions, therefore altering the synchronicity necessary to be hit by the bus. But then you go happy thinking it's mission accomplished. Only to hear the thump of the scientist being hit by the bus.
Your stopping him to ask for directions cause the delay that caused him to be hit by the bus. Then you go back a second time, and you delay him even more. Just to make him get anxious because he is late for work. Making him rush again through the street to be hit by the same bus. Again, causing the very event you wanted to stop.
Gosia: But you didn´t really cause it. It was supposed to happen any way in the first place. Otherwise there wouldn´t be you trying to stop it from happening.
Yazhi: This is over simplified, but it can get extremely complex, where your added and repeated attempts to stop him from being hit by a bus only creates more spirals with the same result... and in that case all I could have done is to go there to attempt to stop that event.
Gosia: Explain please what you mean that when you go back you CAUSE IT. How is it causing it? You perhaps altered its happening a bit but it was still happening, even without you in it.
Yazhi: You want to stop an event, so you plot a mission to time travel to stop the event of the scientist being hit by a bus. But you did not realize that the reason why he was hit by the bus is because you already were there trying to stop it, even before you left for the mission in the first place. Because everything is interconnected and spirals in complexity. And the more you are aware of the complexity of the why things occur the more you understand why it is not so simple to change the past.
Gosia: Ok. What a mish mash of the reality we got ourselves! One Question: Why create the illusion of free will for our lower selves? What does the Higher Self gain from it? You said above we are not aware of not having a free will cause we simply don´t REMEMBER what happens next. Then why design it this way?
Yazhi: More than why... I'd say that the illusion of free will spawns out of our ignoring how things work and what will come next. As when you watch a movie for the first time. You have no idea what will happen in the movie. So, all the possibilities and all the choices the actors have are possible for you that is watching. But from a more expanded point of view, the movie is fixed, the events are already set in place, already filmed. It´s only you who does not know the plot and the end. So, you think there is free will in the movie. Because you do not know what the characters are going to do.
But when you watch the movie for the second time, then you see there is no free will and things are already set in place. But then it is only your personal point of view and awareness perception that determines if there will be or not any perceived free will in the movie.
Gosia: I do need to clarify how the MANIFESTATION comes into play with all this though. And the fact that we are ¨creators¨ of the reality. From what level are we the creators then? How are we manifesting then really? How does that tie in here?
Yazhi: Manifestation is to bring one possibility towards you using Frequency match. Valid from a lower point of view, but from a more expanded one, that, whatever you manifested, would be only the logical consequence of all what precedes that event.
Gosia: Ok. So... in that sense... we do have the game field open then... by adjusting the frequencies, choosing to be certain frequencies, being those frequencies, we bring into ourselves a certain possibility and not the other.
And going back to the point above... that it spawns from us ignoring how things work. WHY DO WE THEN? Why was THAT written into the system of things? The ignorance?
Yazhi: There is only one, there is only Source. Source is all there is, an impossible to imagine or to define oneness. It means that everything that can be is, and already is, outside of time and outside of space. So, everything that is already exists, all possibilities are, and just are. The reason Oneness, Source, fragmented itself into countless holographic parts, all containing all what defines the whole, holographic fragments of Source called souls.
But the only way to fragment Source, that is all knowing, because knowing is consciousness as well, and everything is consciousness, then to be a fragment, although you still are oneness, you do not remember it all / know it all because if you did, then you would be Source.
So, what defines a soul, a fragment of Source, is not remembering it all. Not understanding it all. But you still are Source and your energy, what defines you is to know it all, so that's all a soul wants to do. To expand, to look for the way home, to look for the way to remember it all, to be Source in full again.
And you said, Gosia; ¨So… in that sense... we do have the game field open then¨, yes, as fragments of Source... and even though everything is fixed, in our limited experience we do have the full illusion of free will, but only as explained by my movie analogy. In that sense we are creators. But we are not creating anything, because it is already created.
But at the same time, it's not like things are already created... we are those things, we are that we think we create. We are not creating "things concepts or ideas", it is us what we create, and everything else comes out of "us". We ARE what we create.
Gosia: Hmmm... I still believe it´s a bit different from the movie, because the movie, it wasn´t US who produced it or created it. And with our life circumstances, it´s all us. From different levels but still us.
Yazhi: No, it was you who created it, as you created for yourself everything else even the stars above. Because it is you with your consciousness awareness, with your perception, ethics, and values, who is interpreting that movie in your own unique way. So, it is you who is creating the experience of watching that movie. And everything is experience.
Gosia: I didn´t create those actors in the movie. Hollywood did.
Yazhi: Even the actors, the director and the producer, is only you again in another timeline, under other circumstances. But I know, that's only valid from a higher perspective.
Who holds the idea of what Hollywood is? Who interprets what happens in the movie, why it interests you, or not? Same as you walking down the street. It's an experience, apparently not fully under your control. You did not create that sidewalk, that lamp post, that building, you say. But it is still you who is creating it all in your mind, giving sense to all that so-called potential energy. That's why you call it a building, because in your mind you hold all the concepts that co-relate that "thing" to a useful object of this or that quality and use.
So, nothing is really outside of you. It's all in your mind. YOU are creating all the Universe as seen and interpreted by you. And that is as valid as how anyone else sees the Universe. And they all share and co-relate and alter and influence one another. More and more until oneness is reached again.
Gosia: Yes. And last question, last that I seem to have for now: apart from their minds being expanded with these concepts, how can people apply this knowledge, so it benefits their immediate reality more? Like what you said for example about mysterious events happening... how it´s all coming and overlapping among different timelines. They can begin to understand those events in a different light now. What other practical lesson can we give them from this?
Yazhi: To expand is all a soul wants to do. To understand the why of everything. Remove that from a soul and you are left with an empty shell. To be able to find something practical in the "real world" with this, or not, depends on the level of awareness of each listener.
As I would say this is the core of what matters, and all that matters. Because as you grow in consciousness awareness you understand more and more about everything and with that you automatically will know how to alter your reality in your favor. Not even as a know-how, it comes automatically with the knowledge.
So, the practical, this is the reason why we should all expand and know more about everything. Ultimately it will give you power over time and matter, and even over death itself.
Black holes - Questions from the Public - Anéeka (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta, Pleiades)
Gosia: You said that every sun has its black hole, and vice versa. So, are there as many black holes as there are suns? And as many suns as stars in the sky?
Anéeka: That is correct, as there is an energetic exit there must be an entrance to complete the "pump" or toroidal dynamics that keeps everything running in the material Universe.
However, they do not necessarily (sometimes yes) correspond by a place to exactly equal numbers, as in 74902 Suns corresponding to 74902 Black holes (I insist that yes sometimes it is the case) but it obeys more the dynamics of balance of forces or energy potential, in other words, the total energy of those 74902 Suns can be fed from only 67045 Black holes that, even though they are less, equal the total energy power of those 74902 Suns. Or vice versa. All because inside what human scientists would call the "Singularity" or the Einstein Rosenberg bridge, everything is interconnected. From the side that we would call the Ether.
Gosia: I see. Also, you mentioned that a black hole can swallow gigantic objects... why don't we see then gigantic objects like planets, asteroids, etc, coming out of our sun (or other suns)?
Anéeka: Because everything has an equilibrium. It does happen, and it happened before. But that equates to catastrophic events, everything tends to balance energetically, and remains so unless something moves or alters that balance. In other words, that DOES happen, but it is not usual, so it is not something that is observed very often. Another problem with observation is that it is mostly in another plane or Frequency higher than 3D. As we have described before, the average of the Universe is 5D. But yes, it happens.
Gosia: How can a black hole "kill" the sun? IT IS the sun, just from the other side. I am referring to the first image.
Anéeka: Yes, it can.
Gosia: A black hole can absorb another sun? With another black hole on the other side?
Anéeka: It's like a sock reversing. This is how black holes are born. When the energetic flux is reversed by a change in the flux or the etheric flow within the ether, a sun stops receiving exit energy and collapses within its own "portal", changing the flow direction from Exit to Entry.
It is like a sock that eats itself when it eats a star, which is what black holes are, inverted stars. They do not radiate but absorb. It is part of their internal mechanism or dynamics, with all of them connected to one another.
When a sun stops receiving energy from the ether, it goes out. This is due to internal changes in the network within the ether that connects all the stars, since nothing is static. It is shutting off, until it collapses within its own "portal" reversing from radiating energy to absorbing energy, it goes "reverse". It becomes a black hole.
Gosia: Wow, ok. Next question. What gives us the physical feeling of warmth from the sun if it has no heat? And why some months it is hotter, when the sun is closer to the Earth?
Anéeka: It is the effect that the specific frequencies of radiation of the suns have on the atmosphere of each planet, which begins to vibrate synchronously with that radiation, that is, its molecular activity increases and the increase in molecular activity is synonymous with heat.
The seasons of the year on the planets are due to their angle of inclination on their axis and the total angle at which they receive solar radiation, it depends less on their Perihelion and their Aphelion.
Gosia: Ok. Next one. This one is referring to you saying that other races still use Wormholes and you have superior technology: ¨Why don't the "low tech" races get the supra luminar tech from the other races? I thought stellar races share technology.¨
Anéeka: Because although there is cooperation between the races, they also adapt to their own needs. That is to say, most of the interstellar races use space Portals, suns and black holes for their transit, because that is how they have grown and that is something they have become accustomed to, and many times they prefer it that way.
Another point is that even among positive races there are conflicts of interest, as has been reflected in the Federation. Which translates into conserving the best technology for own use, just as it happens on Earth.
But mostly yes, there is cooperation between the races. Even so there will be races with capacity like ours but still sometimes using Portals and sometimes not. Example of this is Swaruu and Suzy that I know they have used solar Portals too, not just hyper space.
Gosia: Ok. Can any of these Portals take you back into the past?
Anéeka: The past is just another direction/address in space-time or "fabric" that makes up reality and space. The Portals be it space ones, solar, black holes, or small planetary ones change the Frequency of what is introduced into them.
In other words, if the output Frequency is equivalent to another point in time, past or future, whatever passes through it will come out there. In short, yes, they can take you to the past or future, that's why they can be dangerous and should be studied thoroughly first.
Gosia: Thank you. Ok, the last one. How far is the sun from Earth?
Anéeka: The official data is mostly correct. About 8 light minutes. This is correct as official data since it is relatively easy to calculate, so it would not be reliable to hide the true distance, if it were another.
Gosia: Have you ever been very close to the sun?
Anéeka: Not this sun, not Taygeta Tau 19A either. But yes, I was close to Aldebaran´s one but not in distance, it is so big that you are relatively close. I saw Aldebaran as closely as how, let´s say, the sun looks from Mercury.
Gosia: Thank you Anéeka.
Anéeka: You are welcome!
Solar Flash - Galactic Waves - Anéeka and Dale Harder (Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
Gosia: Can you tell me again about the so-called Solar Flash? Nothing like that happening right? And people turning a positive event into negative yes? With solar flashes always happening. Anything else to add?
Anéeka: The galaxy gives off natural spiral shaped waves, hundreds of light years across. They are as large as the visible arms of any galaxy. But as they are mostly high vibration energy, they move a lot faster than the observable spiral arms of the same Galaxy that are or reside in lover densities of matter, that's why they are matter in the first place.
So, as they move faster, they catch up with the matter parts where the solar systems reside, and they impact the whole system temporarily increasing their Frequency. A Sun is the energetically most sensitive part of any solar system, obvious to say, so it reacts to the incoming wave a lot stronger than the other components like the planets.
So, the Sun acts much like a relay station, that aligns temporarily with the incoming Frequency wave sending off its own waves in turn in the shape of solar wind. This is why people confuse solar activity with the incoming high Frequency Galactic waves.
When those energy storms happen, we hear like hail on a tin roof with these high energy storms but it is not individual BB Gun particles hitting the hull, it is really a group of countless waves of energy the ones that hit the hull, and they react as something quite physical, but it is like a pressure change around the hull. A pressure changes in the value of gravity within the field that surrounds the ship's hull.
We are no longer calling them Positronic waves, we don't remember who used that name first, but it is incorrect as there are no real observable positrons there. But I can see the relationship, as a positronic charged wave would also produce similar effects on a planet. As standing next to a waterfall would as well.
I would call them: Galactic high energy spiral waves. Those Galactic high energy spiral waves are part of the Galaxy itself part of its energetic Matrix and harmonics. Also seen as high Frequency gravity waves.
The problem we constantly face here is semantics. We may call things by the same name but we many times mean different things. One of such confusions is the term Positron, or positronic. It may mean different things for humans and for us as a positron or a proton is very 3D and we are talking about a very high 5D scalar 9D, 8D to 1D array of frequencies and particles that also behave like a wave and like a particle at the same time. We use positronic because it is a very high Frequency wave, meaning it is positive and has a positive effect on to Earth, where you can measure the overall average Frequency with the Schumann resonance, and in that case it is positrons as it is a charge in the ionosphere.
So light may be a better term, but if we use light storms instead of positronic storms, people, or you, will think we are talking about visible light, like blinding everyone, and this is not the case, so I fall short of the correct words here.
Dale: Don´t we have to know what form of energy they are? Bariaonic, gravitaitonal?
Anéeka: Gravitational. But they are mixed, meaning that they are not "pure", see them as a wave of dirty water... dirty gravity. Because as they are... gravity they are charged with all kinds of "particle rubbish" piggy backing the wave itself. Sometimes even dust and small stones. But mostly particles of all other kinds. This is what impacts the ships making the distinctive hail on tin roof wound on the hull. The shields help a lot, but these waves come in in a scalar way, meaning multiple densities at once, so some particles and garbage sometimes do penetrate the shields, causing damage to ships.
And yes, we do have shutters, but essentially, they are only for reinforcement purposes, and used only sometimes. Shutters are like for protecting glass as in a windshield, but in these ships the "windscreen" is not glass it is polymorphic titanium alloy as the rest of the hull is, 2 feet thick and as strong as the rest of the hull. Same for the windows alongside the ship. But even if a hole would be made in the hull, a total hull breach, the toroid, the shields, can hold in the pressure and the air so we still can breathe even after taking heavy damage.
Gosia: Ok, so what effect does this energy have on human MIND? Consciousness? Does it relate to humans ¨ascending¨ in perception? And not just humans, but you in 5D too.
Anéeka: A sudden increase in density opens what many call the third eye (Yazhí has another opinion about "third eye"). As the density is higher any creature inside the wave can perceive things that usually are beyond its natural capacity! Causing a memory of the event, that in turn wanting to explain it, causes an interest in advancing consciousness. Meaning: the subject awakens <<<<
Dale: Do you use a deflector dish of sorts to dispel the energy, sister?
Anéeka: No, we use the toroidal energy shield that gets its energy directly from the engines.
Gosia: This is what I don´t understand. It is said that what makes us raise in density is our PERCEPTION, not something from the outside, that the DENSITY depends purely on us. So why does this wave have that effect? Raising us in ¨density awareness¨?
Anéeka: See this as a temporary "Cosmic" Ayahuasca or Peyote event that returns to normal. Meaning it did not awaken the subject, or only artificially. Causing an interest in the subject to know more and in turn have a permanent effect. See it as a sneak peek into another density. Only as a drug would effect your consciousness. But that is enough to cause the individual to want to know more.
Gosia: I see! Good analogy ok. But what do you mean temporary? You mean the wave does not stay permanently? It hits and then it withdraws? Just like it does during your storms?
Anéeka: It hits and withdraws, yes exactly, never lasting more than a few days on each event. You see this in the Schumann Resonance indicator that spikes and then returns to normal.
Dale: OK, so we could actually use the Shuman Resonance as an indicator of when these waves are hitting the Earth?
Anéeka: Yes! You can! But, solar activity, may or may not, have anything to do with the waves <<<<<
Gosia: Can our suns solar activity, i.e. flares be linked to this wave and therefore also be used as a prediction of these events like the Shuman Resonance?
Anéeka: The Sun has a temper, especially this Sun. The incoming Galactic waves are a factor that does "disturb" the sun, but it also has other non-related events that cause solar flares and sunspots and gravitational anomalies like gravity wells and related things.
Gosia: So... the Federation knowing this, and know they DO, aren´t worried that their game participants might all suddenly wake up when this continues to increase? I guess that´s why they are all in chaos running around there with different agendas.
Anéeka: They are worried! I see the game crumbling! As their Lunar Matrix is not working any longer, not to any real degree, then they resort to things like 5G and chipping humans, and HAARP to try to reduce the Frequency of Earth, as well as False Flag events such as September 11th, and covid-19.
Dale: Whoa… if the Lunar Matrix has decreased or fallen, is that partly the reason for the CV19 event to keep us under control during this time?
Anéeka: YES.
Dale: Yipppeeee. I get it. I understand.
Anéeka: Are you not going to ask about this: ¨other non-related events that cause solar flares and sunspots and gravitational anomalies like gravity wells and related things.¨?
Gosia: Haha. What are those events Aneeka?
Anéeka: The Suns are all interconnected as they are scalar conscious sentient beings. So what goes on in a related Sun affects all the others, in an array effect, much like people are also connected by consciousness, so when the member of a clan of people is experiencing an event and it affects the whole community, this is the case with Suns as well. The inner connection between the suns are what you call the worm holes as you know, as a Sun is a portal to others, both an exit point or an entering point, if the sun agrees.
Gosia: So, what goes on with other suns that causes our sun´s activity?
Anéeka: For example, when a gravity wave hits another Sun far away and it changes its Frequency and all what goes with it, it will, in turn, affect the others it is connected with. So, this Sun may be having a solar flare that is not directly related to the energy incoming from the galaxy spirals, as the spiral is hitting another related, connected Sun. And as they are sentient beings, if one throws a tantrum it affects the others as well.
Dale: Lots of photonic energy transferring between them.
Anéeka: Photonic, yes but mainly gravitational. In space nearly all energy is gravitational, all other forms of energy comprise less than .0001% of what remains.
Gosia: So, IS it related to the Alcyone sun? And the activity there?
Anéeka: There is a lot said on the web about the high energy wave coming into Earth emanating from Alcyone, and they also say that this Sun, here (Sun-13) is part of the Pleiades, or that it orbits Alcyone. We do not see any of this and we don't even understand where do those rumors come from. You can always say or artificially choose to say that one or another sun is part of this or that constellation, as they are artificial constructs, rarely based on energetic interactions between the suns in the group.
Besides a Constellation as such is relative to the point of view of the observer. So no, as for us Taygetans we see no relationship between Alcyone and Sun-13 regarding the incoming high energy waves. We only see or accept that Alcyone may be connected to Sun-13 as they all are and affect each other. They affect each other all the time, as people affect each other, exactly the same way!
Dale: I do not know about the orbiting thing. That is not something I would have guessed or expected, however, I did think that our sun and Alcyone were connected by energy threads or some how do you say, as living entities...
Anéeka: They all are connected, BB Dale.
Dale: So silly as this sounds, are some more closely connected as in, envision this, a couple?
Anéeka: They all are going through their own stages of development or life cycles, all in their time frame. Creating a soup of energy, they exchange through the ether, using the highways we call worm holes. But they are not tunnels as from higher up they are all one sun (Crediting Yazhí for this).
Dale: Like people?
Anéeka: Like people, yes. They are people.
Dale: How about my couples’ idea? Is there sort of, kind of, such a thing, between stars? Well, you get what I mean... some suns are more connected than others and the universe... there is so called female and male, etc…
Anéeka: Negative, they do not see that. Completely another dynamic of existence. Not the same as becoming emotionless.
Dale: Well my words are inadequate. I was trying to explore if any of the suns are more connected to each other than others and not simply by location or orbit.
Anéeka: Connected to each other, yes some more than others, but hardly out of romantic love, those connected suns more than connected to others are the ones referred to as entry and exit solar Portals used by many species with lesser developed interstellar capacity. The ones that do not have Hyper Drive like us.
War Over Humans - Cabal versus Starseeds - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
Vaccines: It is not a single thing, it happens as with chemtrails, they have multiple agendas, sometimes they are combined in a single vaccine such as the triple viral for example, and those of the covid. Very few people are saying this in the media, very very few. And nobody sees a connection that I will explain to you now.
It is serious as nothing else can be. In addition to all the things that are in vaccines and that we have already discussed in detail, there is something else there, with the full intention of those who manufacture them and of their dark masters behind.
* They are designed to separate the soul from the body. To prevent the body-brain connection... soul-spirit, to control the population and to robotize them with AI and transhumanism. This is directly related to the nano chips present in vaccines and to heavy metals. *
They are already saying, but in very few places, that it is to suppress spiritual thought and with that religious fanaticism. They take that as something "good" to supposedly control terrorism, but of course that is an excuse, because we all know that they CAUSE terrorism and the same dark ones behind the New World Order are the ones that cause it to perpetuate their agendas among other things.
Several people within the voluntary group who have tried the covid vaccines (it is not specified how many) have experienced neurological problems according to the doctors, and what happened to them afterwards is suppressed. But the little direct information that has come out of the volunteers themselves is that they no longer feel anything, are not having any emotions, feeling dead in life. I insist that it is not known what happened to them.
My connection that proves this and that no one is talking about: The direct relationship between the vaccines (all) but especially the triple viral that is given to young children with the development of autism. Autism was almost non-existent with one case in 100,000 before 1900 to one person in 30 and according to other Sources one person in 18 today.
This is by design. Several reasons, but the main one is to prevent or counterattack the entry of star children, activated Starseeds with or without full memory, to the planet whose mission is to alter and help the course of human history towards good and positive.
Also creating more pain and suffering, which is what nourishes all those regressive beings. And the creation of artificially induced low-Frequency people for organic Portals of regressive entities for greater control of society.
Returning to autism: What it does is that it prevents the formation of the brain in a normal way in several ways, it prevents the formation of neurons and dendrites neural networks. The person is not inside the body and the brain does not form or generate consciousness but rather translates it into the body. The soul cannot enter. It does it badly and with faults, which prints a wrong network or connections or with faults in the dendrites networks that will accompany the person as brain damage throughout their life. It is the same principle.
Children with autism suffer a lot physically not only as misfits, they lack empathy and, in many cases, cannot even read the emotions in other people's facial expressions. They have sensations that their heads are burning inside. And that is happening because of heavy metals like Mercury. That is why they cry and cry, scream and attack themselves. This also makes them prone to possession of low entities.
Direct relationship between the covid vaccine <--- ---> with the triple viral and its effects against the mind of people and the connection with the spirit and soul, preventing it from entering and working through the body.
There is another very dangerous thing you must be made aware of. And I have mentioned this before, but I'm not satisfied with how it was said and even given to the public, because it does concern them as well.
There is a big fight going on on Earth and around it and at all levels. And the people are in the middle.
What you call humans as in really human, for us, they are the sleeping ones, or the people who simply follow the rules and just want to be, they pay their taxes and watch the news and all that. You know them.
But then there is a legion of non-humans there fighting hiding as humans, making believe they are humans.
As I said before: In a very real way what is going on today, the attacks on the civilian population, the covid, is the best example, and the dissolution of society causing what many call a planetary reset, is the fault of the non-humans, the 'Starseeds.' Because they are destabilizing the system. The Matrix.
The Cabal, the human part, the part that is low level Bilderberg’s and all those... Are terrified that the people wake up. They are terrified that the masses awaken to quite simple facts: That they are living in a great lie and that they are being manipulated and exploited to horrific levels.
And quoting an Illuminati woman who's message got all the way to me: ¨If the population finds out who has been doing all that to them, they would hunt us to the end of the world and there would be no place where to hide and we would be lynched with no mercy¨. End quote.
So, the ones in power at those 'human' levels are doing all this, all what we see, for their own survival as they have noticed a terribly accelerated awakening of all humanity. That's why they hide like rats in their caves and DUMBs.
But this comes to me as another realization: It is not that the human population is their enemy, they need them. But they also hate them, because they are nothing without the human population, and because they know that they have capacities that are stronger than theirs.
They have no empathy. Humans do. At least to some logical extent, that's why they do not even consider the possibility that the governments could do such horrible things to them because they would not, they would not dare.
But the members of those secret societies that control Earth, would! <---<--- They ended up hating the masses. Because they feel very endangered and even vulnerable to them, should they awaken their life would be over.
But the humans are not the enemy per-se, only like cattle in their minds, so they must reduce the population to make them more controllable. The enemy is us <--- Some rough nonhumans above... pushing and instigating masses! The enemy is for them mostly the Starseeds. People like you or like our followers. And others.
The awaken ones are the enemy and this is a fight, a war between the awaken ones and them for the control of the human's mind. And soul.
You can even see that in the ferocious censorship going on in media like YouTube. A desperate attempt to shut the Starseeds up. Another is the vaccines, trying to eliminate them to stop them from entering bodies and even from having a soul.
Gosia: What about the Federation? Do they and the Cabal have a common agenda?
Yazhi: The Federation is another subject that's complicated and it is another level, but it boils down to them giving the people of Earth what on average is what they want as a collective with little or no regards to the ethics or such a thing.
And the Federation is also a reflection of the problems of Earth and the problems of Earth is also the reflection of the problems in the Federation, they are two sides of the same coin. But for now, for practical purposes we must focus on part of the problem and that is this level of what is going on on Earth now.
The reset can be said to be being made or caused at several levels as well. But we must focus on the human Cabal targeting the awaken people as their main enemies. That's why they have shut off YouTube among others. To prevent the awaken ones to take away more souls and with them placing the Cabal and the Illuminati people at risk of being or ending up lynched.
In the end, I also see this as an ET war against the Cabal, for taking the control over the human mind as a collective.
Gosia: The Cabal, who are you referring to exactly? Reptilians? Any regressive entities? Or that´s above?
Yázhi: No no, leave those out of this for now. Those are other levels. Let´s keep it simple. See this as human politicians and leaders and cult leaders but all "human" fighting for the control over people.
Gosia: Ok, so you are referring to human element. But aren´t they the pawns/Portals for the regressive ones? It´s all connected no?
Yázhi: We cannot separate the other components, I know. Because they do have reptilian and regressive entities behind. That is a very real way they want the human soul as they do not have any, and because they want to take control over what is generating them in the first place, (the humans). That's why they are attacking the human soul <---<--- Vaccines come in here. Terrible warning, I must give against them.
And... in the end, this cannot be entirely human. Because both sides are not human in the end. The Cabal and the Illuminati have their regressive Reptilians and other "archons." And our side has the Starseeds and the walk ins and all those similar who are effectively not human either. So, this is why I said above that this is an ET war for the control over the human mind and soul.
But what I want to stress here is that the Illuminati at whatever level see the awaken ones, Starseeds or not as the primary enemy and target. And it is easy to see why. In a very real way all what you see, the covid, the restrictions are because the ones who control Earth, whoever they are, and at whatever level, do know that they are being invaded now. And we are the invaders. And I know myself to be one of the most dangerous ones. Therefore, you are too.
All this also means that we are terribly powerful. Know and own that.
But then you must ask yourself if we are even doing the right thing, after all it is their world. And technically we are the space invaders. Using the Starseeds and the awaken ones as troops and pawns. But they do it on their own, not because we force them it is who they are! So, I know myself to be on the correct side. Because I'm well aware that the humans, asleep or awaken, are manipulated into wanting all that.
How I Manage my Reality - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta, Pleiades)
Gosia: A question from a follower: If vaccines are the method of souls´exit en masse... Only those who are asleep will take it. The exact question is: if it is a mass exit from this Matrix for awake people, why the vaccine, since it is only those who are asleep who would take it?
Yazhi: This is something that I wanted to comment on. That people believe that I start to write all this as humans do, that I sit down to write and think and correct and once revised I pass it on to you. And it is not like that. This is raw information. That is dangerous in itself because there might come out apparent contradictions just because I didn't explain things enough. A lot of times it is raw information without censorship or review or anything like that.
Ok, so the vaccines: everyone will be forced to take the vaccine, but the sleepers will take it first, because they even ask for it. The awakened... only some will take it, it depends on them. Others will resist until the last moment or never despite the penalties against them. But not all vaccinated or newly vaccinated people will die right away. The Cabal are not that stupid.
There will be serious adverse effects, and for that they already have an argument in place that if they die or get really sick from the vaccine it is the virus's fault. And that justifies more vaccinations. And they also took legal measures so that the pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued. So, speaking of mass soul departures, this is not black and white. But globally, several hundred thousand souls will leave for that reason. That is what can be taken as the exit agreement.
But it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine who they will be exactly since it is due to a number of factors. However, it is quite safe to say that most of the sleeping souls will come out as they will be the first to take the vaccine without any resistance.
Gosia: I thought the mass exits were only for the awakened. But ok, I understand that it is not so black and white. But the sleepers who will take these vaccines are the ones who want to be here. In 3D. They don´t even know of other worlds. Are they going to leave Earth too?
Yazhi: Again, when they die, they do not leave the Matrix, they only go to the anteroom of incarnations. In other words, they are not outside the Matrix because their own thoughts are the Matrix.
However, there are a number of awakened ones who will also die... and it will depend on them and their level of consciousness if they reincarnate or return home or elsewhere.
Gosia: And after being in this anteroom... where will they go? Will they return to Earth? If they don't know of other worlds? I mean the sleeping ones. If the worst happens, there will no longer be the Earth like before to return to. Will they incarnate in transhumanist humans?
Yazhi: That is beyond my reach to know what all those sleeping dead will do. Many thousands, hundreds of thousands of sleeping ones will remain accepting the new situation. Those will go to the new cities and they will be the new slaves, the new Adamic race.
Yazhi: About what I can do, about what I described yesterday. Because I don't want misinterpretations. I can change my shape to anything, even become an eagle, or a weasel. I can change the shape of my body, grow more fingers, or whatever comes to mind. I can fly through the air, or walk on water, yes, you can... BUT... and here is the clarification. That is in my world in MY perception of reality. Because that comes from MY mind.
When I become a "weasel" to use that example... If you were next to me, you would only see that I am not there. What Anéeka describes that you just turn around and don't know where I went. Or when I fly "supergirl" style through the air. They can't see me either. Because that is out of their density; the density of those who observe me.
So, it's not like I can do those things as magic tricks or be "shapeshifter" like some Reptilians say they are. It´s different. I manage my perception of reality in the astral but from the point of attention of you or the Taygeteans I am simply not there.
Or, what I can do, although I cannot corroborate it by myself, I only suspect... that sometimes while I am flying around, or I become a "weasel", they will only see me asleep. So... I can and I can't. It depends on the lens you see it through.
But to my consciousness, whatever I imagine is. And I live it. But it is something that could be interpreted as astral management or astral travel. Many do that. What they DO perceive me do is that I vanish. As is logical, that would be seen. The ship does it too in the same way, as all "UFO" ships do. That is already known. But I could not, for example, give a demonstration of becoming an eagle or a weasel, like "Nahual". Because that is out of my reach since it belongs to the perception of reality and the Frequency range of other people. That depends on them, not on me.
What I can do, and this from at least the times of Swaruu 9, is to impose with aggressive telepathy a perception on another person or group of people. That's what the Reptilians do. That "shapeshifters" thing has never really convinced me. I'm sure they play with the minds of those around them. I know how to do it. But it is not that they change anything. Although there are animals that do, like octopuses.
So... for my experience that is my reality. It goes beyond mimicry, because the octopus does change shape entirely. What I describe is what I can do for my perception. How I experience what reality is changes. The astral becoming the same as waking time, because it is the same, it is only perception.
With what I have just described I think I have removed a bit of that exaggerated tint, of how you could see that or interpret that. But for me, and in my experience, what I live, it doesn´t matter. It is my reality. And by disappearing in front of people, I know that it is enough to shake their perception of the possible and the impossible. What I do when I am already out there, disappeared, is already what I describe above. But they can't even watch me disappear. What always happens in the perception of other people is that I am there, they "got distracted" and I am gone.
That's interesting because I don't even purposely manage to get them to see me disappear. I think that depends on the other person. They should blink at least. They can't see me go through a wall. Rather, suddenly I'm not there, but on the other side. I just wanted to explain that.
Someone can say that I "imagined" it. Of course! It´s just that since I manage my "astral travel" already completely... What I imagine becomes my reality in my "dream" as many would interpret. But that's the problem again, nothing is scientifically verifiable. Never, not with these kinds of things. But for me that is my reality. What I experience and what defines me.
And it's not like I spend time being a weasel. I only use that as an example that anything is possible. Rather, I spend my time without the perception of the body, or with this same body but on another plane. And in that state, I can not only look ahead, I can look 360° and, in all directions, simultaneously. But as long as I'm in this state... as I am now, in "physical", I can only see ahead like anyone else.
Just that I can go in and out of it at will, I live there more than "here."
Gosia: But first we are going to see YOU, then you vanish and, in your place, appears the weasel?
Yazhi: No, Gosia, as long as I am a weasel, you could not see me, because the weasel that I am only exists in very high planes, in the astral. You can't because it doesn't depend on me, it depends on you. It is out of your world and its density. But for my reality it is as real as it is to be awake as I am now. Shamans and mystics have done this on Earth. Or with substances (I do not recommend).
But I do it with mind and will. Just me, with nothing else. But it has made me understand that THAT IS reality, for me. But it is of other densities.
Robert: That would be what we call... manipulation of matter, with mind-consciousness?
Yazhi: Yes, but your matter, that of others would be an imposition. But there is no matter. The so-called matter is just an idea, perception. But since it IS that, I can only control MY perception of matter. Not yours (except with aggressive telepathy).
Robert: Only your matter... Regardless of the perception agreements that other consciousnesses have? Without any authority dictating anything to you.
Yazhi: Yes, because my agreements of the possible and the not possible are different from other people's. For example, they could not lock me in a cage. Because I just leave and that's it. I do not belong to your reality... Only with the part that we share.
Robert: When you leave Earth... "disembodied - dead", you automatically appear somewhere in accordance to your Frequency, right?
Yazhi: You never get lost, that's nonsense folklore. You go to the afterlife to rest and then you go wherever according to your Frequency. And your Frequency is what you think and can perceive according to your level of consciousness.
Robert: Yes. But how, for example, do I find Taygeta? Among so much infinite life. It will be chaos. Will your Higher Self come out to guide you?
Gosia: You will think TAYGETA. And there your wish will take you.
Robert: Will you fuse into your higher self?
Gosia: You will come out. Yourself. You are your higher self. If I'm wrong about this, correct me Yazhi.
Robert: But where do you go?
Gosia: You are Mind, and in this mind that you are you have everything within your reach. The ideas. Desires, etc. It's just a matter of focusing.
Yazhi: Yes, Gosia, correct. But Taygeta is not the only "nice" place to incarnate into, far from it. So, there isn't much to worry about getting lost.
Robert: And how do you get into a body?
Yazhi: Leaving aside things like "walk in" and so on which happens because you are energetically or Frequency wise in accordance with that particular body but it is not yours from the beginning. You don't really enter your body. You generate it, it is your manifestation, it is an idea that you hold of yourself as you are or as you should be in that density where the body is. But there is no body. As there is no spoon. You are an idea that you hold yourself.
Robert: I understand, thank you.
Gosia: You think, and you are. The body. There is no "enter". Apart from ideas like ¨walk in¨.
Yazhi: Yes, but even that "walk-In" is only valid from a 3D or 5D point of view. Because from your point of view as a soul, again you only generated having or being that experience and it is a reflection of your ideas.
Gosia: I understand. I remember once... I was in the etheric world, a long time ago, it was not the dream. And I remember that I was pure consciousness, and I thought HAND... and there my hand appeared. Just because of thinking: HAND. It appeared to me. I was the idea, and I was the hand at the same time. It was instantaneous.
Yazhi: The dream or dreams are only the etheric world contaminated by the beliefs of the 3D, the mind and the programmed unconscious of the person.
Gosia: But what would the etheric world be WITHOUT ideas of 3D and 5D? No ideas of hands, chairs, etc? Would there be no ideas? Or rather, would there be ideas but not so concrete?
Yazhi: It's where you see it and perceive it as the perceptual reality of your soul. Where everything you are and generate comes from, as your own mirror. What many call the true real world. It is only held back in dreams by the limiting beliefs of 3D.
You ask, Gosia, if there would be no ideas. In the higher etheric world, there is no difference between idea and reality. You live your ideas. That's life. Thinking is living that which is thought simultaneously. Which amounts to being everything at will. Life and power of Gods.
Gosia: Yes, I ask because it always bothered me to be here "forced" to see "hands, chairs etc". As if it was the only way they exist. I always knew that I'm only seeing some mirrors. That in the etheric world I interact with these ideas in another way. Not so tangible. Not so manifested. That they simply are. And you feel them differently.
Yazhi: It is programmed in your unconscious how to interpret that accumulation of potential energy, which you call a chair.
Gosia: Exactly. But is this programming in my body? Or where? Is it programmed from etheric planes?
Yazhi: From above in high etheric worlds, you have no unconscious, you just are and so you are, then you can interpret chair as you please, or stop interpreting chair.
Gosia: So, this interpretation of chairs... this programming in the unconscious, it is only in 5D planes and below, yes? Above can I interpret a chair as a tree?
Yazhi: This is why many don't understand me. Because I don't see things from just one angle. I can change "chair" if I please, as needed, in my process of trying to understand others and their one-dimensional linear thoughts. I can fuse tree with chair. You have no limits.
Gosia: That's what I miss. I feel like I've lived it before. That is why this interpretation here so linear and programmed sometimes bothers me.
Yazhi: That's why... I don't see different timelines. I am misunderstood. It's just that my mind sees many, I don't know how many, I can't know how many, but I know there are many, many. That is MY timeline, what I see. But simultaneously I can see the sub lines, for lack of better words, isolate them in my perception as you can see only the branch of the tree and not the whole tree to which it belongs. I see how all the branches interfere and interconnect with each other. Forming a single thing, the tree, or my perceptible timeline from my point of view. That line comprises or is made up of perhaps thousands of isolated lines of perception that includes some 3D. But not just 3D.
So, I don't jump lines looking one by one. Rather, I see the whole and from that position I focus my attention on the ones that catch my attention the most. Or I can also jump one by one at will. Because what I imagine is... for me. Everything I imagine is fulfilled. But for me.
And I try to come with words to say what I see and understand being "you" humanity. To be of service in something. From that position of humanity in need. I do what I can. With what I have. I am the weasel... But it´s only me who can see the weasel...
Robert: But the lines you see... would they just be yours? Or can you see an average of ours?
Yazhi: It´s just that they are not only mine, but I become "you" because in itself from a density above you are the sum of other consciousnesses. Your lines are also mine, those of the sleeping zombies too. That's why I see them. Because I can speed up time, contract it... see forward or backward. See how they intersect, how they influence each other. I see and return. Without ships. Only with mind.
Black holes, Sun, Wormholes - What They Really Are - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta, Pleiades)
Swaruu: The sun does not function as Earth science tells you it does. It is not a thermonuclear ball. It is something more complicated. From the strictly 3D point of view it is seen and understood as a Hydrogen ball in a constant thermonuclear fusion, but if you add up the other planes, you will find that the sun, the suns, are Portals. White holes.
This sun is not yellow, it is white, and its flares do not cause any problem for the biology, only for the telecommunications.
Solar flare? There are flares all the time and nothing happens. Besides, the sun is not as they say. Nothing is happening to the sun. When they tell you that, it´s just so that people do not see the real problems. To saturate you with things. So you do not see what the Cabal does.
Anéeka: Once again, nothing is happening to the sun. It seems as if it comes from the sun because the waves come from that direction. They say it has no spots. And human science falls very short in understanding. This is natural, it has nothing to do with the waves. The sun gives off solar wind, that is something else. The solar wind changes with the activity of the spots. They do not understand that it is a living being, with consciousness, connected to others. It has temperament.
This "Sol 13", Sun 13, is very temperamental and very strong, compared with Taygeta, for example. When it has no spots, then the transit of the ships there becomes difficult or even stops, since the spots are Portals through which they pass. Although they open cyclically and you can predict when they will open, because as every being with consciousness the sun observes its own routines.
Robert: Ok, it is a living being. Does it have intelligence as we know it? And does the Earth too have intelligence as we know it?
Anéeka: Not as we know it. It is of a different nature because it is a sun. Its consciousness is much more expanded. Of very high densities, and it includes the sum of multiple consciousnesses as it happens with everything. Once again, human science misses this point. A human being is the sum of the collective consciousnesses of the cells that compose it, and the associated microorganisms, in symbiosis. And all the human beings compose, as cells, together with the consciousnesses of other organisms, the animals and the plants, the cells that compose the planetary consciousness of the Earth. And the Earth and the other planets compose >>> in part <<< that of the sun. As a sum.
Thus, the consciousnesses get added up, until they become a single unified collective universal consciousness, or the Source.
Swaruu: The sun is a portal. Therefore, what looks bright is the exit. The entrance (or negative sun) is in another part (central part-constellation of Andromeda) and in a black hole. They create an energetic toroid +, - like everything else, that works with the toroid as a geometric form of manifestation of consciousness ---> potential energy ---> matter.
The entrance is a black hole, the exit is a sun. It is the very energy of an energetic "entity," that is the suns or stars. Not all of its "being" is on this one plane, so only a part is perceived.
A hole in 3 dimensions is a sphere. Therefore, the entrance and the exit are spherical. They always wrongly portray the black holes as a funnel, it is correct but partially, they are spherical holes that can be accessed from any direction.
Black hole above, under it a white hole or star.
All of the Universe, that is the initial 5D Matrix, and also the 3D Matrix, which is a caricature or simulation of a simulation, works with the toroid as the base geometric form for manifestation of consciousness with regards to potential energy and then in matter. The consciousness, in holding an idea, let´say a sphere, accumulates the potential energy little by little. If the energy of the consciousness is sufficiently strong, a potential energy point of major concentration will be created, which then will form what is perceived as "hard" matter.
What receives attention creates or manifests itself, what is ignored is destroyed. Therefore, the socially accepted theory that the first "molecules of life" and the first proto organisms were formed by chance in a chemical soup on primitive Earth makes no sense. Without attention, the attention of a consciousness, matter tends to dissipate back into potential energy. It cannot accumulate or grow in complexity. This is because if you neglect something, it tends to disappear, to deteriorate. Be it a car, a house, a chair made of wood abandoned outside. It does not receive attention (love creative intention, maintenance). Hence it begins to degrade into simpler things, into raw material.
A DNA molecule is then created with the intention of it existing. It does not happen by chance. For a whole DNA molecule to be created out of nothing is several thousand times less likely than if a tornado passed through a junkyard and left a perfect replica of a Ferrari in its way.
The Matrix, be it the copy or the initial one, reads and copies the intention of the consciousness and forms it into something tangible, but again - it is just perception. In itself, "matter" does not exist.
Going back to the toroids, it is the geometric creative form of all matter, in basic or primordial form. From an atom, a molecule, a living cell ---> to an apple, a planet, a sun and even the galaxy, they are all toroids. This also checks with mathematics and geometry applied to the mechanics of the manifestation... that the Earth cannot be flat, because again, it is a toroid. This is why there are openings at the poles.
Everything is a toroid or part of a toroid. So, the sun is not a thermonuclear ball, as they say, but a localized energetic point of attention, which is why it shines. But logically it has other parts, parts from where its energy originates, that gets recycled constantly with the dynamics of the flow of its toroid, although you cannot perceive it all from the limited to certain frequencies point of view as is the 3D perception. There are other parts of the sun there that we cannot see.
And in itself the sun is only one more piece in the fabric of the universe, a component as a cell is to an organic body, so it is a toroid that is part of something larger, that in turn is part of something else even larger.
This is not only Taygetean science. Humans are already picking up on it with experiments such as the double slit, where a photon is a wave of potential energy when it does not receive attention or is a particle when someone is looking at it. This is the principle, or the most basic example, by which all matter exists. Simply what has more attention is... more attention, it grows and accumulates complexity. This too explains the very real phenomenon of the tulpas/egregors.
The consciousnesses too, because in itself, there is only one consciousness. The supreme "I" of the Source, and every person, every consciousness, not only is a "part" of said consciousness... By right it is the very same consciousness. Therefore, what a person sees and perceives IS by right the reality.
Robert: Does the sun cause cancer?
Swaruu: Cancer is a complicated thing; it does not owe its existence to isolated causes. More than anything it is mental, although there are artificial ones. As for the sun, it can only encourage or potentiate an already existing problem. In itself, there is nothing wrong with the sun. And the ultraviolet rays that are portrayed as dangerous, not only do not harm, but raise the Frequency of the person. X-rays, among others, are harmful.
Robert: And the X-rays come from the sun or the universe?
Swaruu: Both, but mostly from the sun for someone of Earth. The sun only promotes a cancer or skin problem when combined with the excretion of toxins through the skin. And sunscreens produce these substances that combined with the sun get activated, producing skin cancer <--- Never use sunscreen. It is part of Agenda 21 <--- It is on our blacklist.
Creams and oils used or put on the skin during exposure to the sun can cause burns, because a magnifying glass effect occurs when the skin is left under a transparent layer of oil or cream. That is when a greenhouse effect occurs. This also applies to car care products, such as vinyl or plastic protectors that are sold to make the car shine. It also ends up destroying the piece of plastic it was meant to protect.
Robert: Can there be a collision between black holes?
Swaruu: They happen at internal level because they are connected inside. But this is more etheric. Yes, a collision is possible. Nothing usual.
Black hole Photography
Swaruu: In the most extreme case, you can only photograph what is going in there as long as it emits light. And that is another problem... Because the hole itself would absorb the light emitted by the entering object, even from a distance. This is the excuse for the colour red in the "photograph." With red light, the visible light spectrum would be towards the reds because it has the longest wavelength.
There's an intrinsic problem in that image. The hole is shown in 2D. It is flat. Like a disc. The other components are human classifications that by themselves do not have to be invalid.
I am going to show you something that looks more like a real black hole.
The hole is a sphere that absorbs everything equally, from any direction.
Robert: But would it be a sphere in 3D, XYZ?
Swaruu: It wouldn't produce a swirl like water falling through a hole. In the image what you see is not the hole, but the absence of other things in a region in space. Yes, it would be an XYZ sphere that absorbs everything. Just that by its very nature you don't see it.
And in this image the black hole would be something in the center of that void. You can't see it, but it obscures a whole region.
Gosia: But could it also absorb your ships without you wanting to? Or can you always control being absorbed or not?
Swaruu: I will get to that, Gosia. They cannot see the black hole because it absorbs all the light that is near it. But they can see another sphere that is the exit from the same black hole. Yes, it´s just that there is an element of whirlpool there. But it could be because the light coming from the other side bends as it approaches the black hole's zone of influence, but that is in the case of many light Sources behind it. The sphere that is the exit and therefore a toroid, is a sun.
The suns, from a certain point of view, are hollow. Not exactly like a hollow ball, but as an entrance or exit of a tunnel with more than 3 dimensions, but understandable as XYZ. The energy enters through the black hole and exits through the sun, making a toroid. The influence of this toroid can be several thousands of light years and it's all intertwined.
Every sun has its black hole and every hole needs its opposite, a sun. And they come in various sizes and they are according to each. We talk about absolute compression of critical mass. They all have this quality, or they will not be black holes.
Robert: If the black hole didn't swallow anything, would the sun go out?
Swaruu: Not exactly, because it is a toroid, it feeds back on itself. The outer part of the toroid, or the "orange peel" part, is on the ether side. It is in itself an enormous zero point "reactor". Every sun is. And also, every reactor core in one of our ships. Same principle because it is a mini sun contained. That is why it does not extinguish.
Robert: So, anything that a black hole swallows doesn't get destroyed? Is it just moved?
Swaruu: Yes Robert, it only gets moved. It's just that something relative comes into play here. From the mathematical perspective of the external observer, what enters the black hole is destroyed, as it is compressed to critical mass. But from the object's perspective it only changes in dimension and Frequency, but relative to its internal geometry it remains intact. What happens to the object is relative.
Another point. It is impossible to calculate the size of a black hole, since its very properties make it impossible to measure it with distance, since that again is just an illusion. Therefore, from an external perception, it can "eat" objects significantly larger than itself, because they become distorted in "relative size" as they get closer to the hole. Therefore, a perceptually "small" hole, seen from the outside, can from the close up be the size of an entire constellation or even a galaxy.
Noticeably, and with those characteristics, there are no small ones, as they are described. Having said that, there are small ones, because let's say that a small lizard sunbathing on a rock contains its consciousness and is in itself the product of an energetic dynamic identical to a black hole. It is also a toroid...
At the risk of going metaphysical... Every consciousness creates its world, its own universe because it lives in its personal interpretation of the universe. Therefore, the lizard, and any other creature, is a portal to another universe. Its own lizard universe. You are "black holes,” metaphysically speaking. Portals to other worlds, other interpretations of the universe.
Robert: Thank you Swaruu. Are there ways to detect a black hole?
Swaruu: Ways of detecting it: Leaving aside the traditional ways that are described online. You see or perceive it with the instruments as a very large concentration of gravity. This is a large concentration of standing waves with very elevated Frequency harmonics. As I have said before, space is a fluid, and in it you perceive crests and valleys. Space is water in a state of vibration that are cycles from 1-2-4-5-7-8 passing to the zero point when it depolarises the energy of the ether side, or 3-6-9, which is the standing wave. The sun is a grand crest as a disturbance in the fabric of the fluid in space. For there to be a crest there must be something that pushes the water to the other side. Now imagine yourselves as a fish at sea.
Everything is upside down now... You will see the large crests as valleys, as empty spaces. Turn it all upside down. For every concentration of energy in a point there will be a deficit of equal force at the other end. You can map them like you do with everything else. And they can be dodged when traveling through space. But they are not a problem. Some species that do not have so much technology use them as corridors or high velocity routes. Others, like us, who have more advanced technology, simply ignore them when in supra-luminar flight. Because when in hyperspace a ship jumps everything, including black holes. It is not traveling. It jumps into the ether and then jumps to its destination from there.
From the ether, and in the ether, there are no distances. That is all there is. So, from the ether you can jump to wherever and whenever (space/time) equally. You only need the destination frequencies to know where to go. From the ether there are no distances and all the points of space/time are at equal "distance," or cause the same effort to access equally <---
Robert: What you say is very coherent... With this image of the black hole they say that Albert Einstein was correct with his gravitation relativity theory.
Swaruu: NO. What they did was put together a whole story around the image of the black hole that they posted online, to fit in and with Einstein's equations. Einstein did not predict that. What they did was make it fit the story. As they have done so many times before, with what is said in the Bible.
Remember, the excuse is that the light is red because it absorbs all the other wavelengths. But what it is, is a representation of the all-seeing eye aiming to produce more fear and to validate its entities as existing. The eye of Sauron as some say. It is Saturn worship. The lord of the rings is Saturn. The Eye of Sauron.
Something to clarify in passing: You enter from a black hole in the Andromeda constellation and exit from the Sun. But if you ENTER via the Sun you exit behind TAURO. Wormhole entrance that exists from the sun: M33 <--- right there. You come out there and enter here. The nature of a wormhole is much more complex than what you see at first sight. It´s not just a tube, as is said on Earth. There is a complex system based on frequencies in its interior. Everything connected from the ether. All the suns and all the black holes are connected in their interior. Creating, with the proper knowledge of Frequency mapping, a whole communication system that can take you anywhere in the Galaxy and Universe.
Robert: Swaruu, do you know anything more about this black hole CGI?
Swaruu: There is not much to comment... just that it is definitely more theatre and eyedrops from the Cabal and Nasa. They say that it comes from elaborate systems that... (whatever). But it is made by a computer. With false colours. Like the hand of God that they pulled out some time ago too. Or the Horse Nebula.
Robert: Would that shape be a black hole? We know that it would be the back side of a sun. But would it be that shape?
Swaruu: As there are suns that emit energy, there are counter-suns of the same intensity that absorb energy. Earth's astronomy and astrophysics take them as separate when they are parts of the same thing. It is an energetic toroid (as is everything). The throat of the black hole is the engine, the exit is the sun, the entrance of the energy is the hole.
And what does a hole look like in three dimensions? It is a sphere <---
The rest cannot be seen because it is in other planes, in the ether. Except that this kind of geometrical model is incomprehensible to the average human mind.
Robert: But could a black hole be photographed?
Swaruu: Only what is around the so-called event horizon. Not the hole itself, for not even light escapes.
Robert: Okay, you couldn't take a picture of it then... Because I don't think so.
Swaruu: No, you cannot. Only the energy and the objects that go towards it. Or it is swirling entering, and multiple objects will shape the gravity it exerts. But it is not the hole itself that's photographed.
Robert: Of course. That's why if you do go into a black hole, you exit in the corresponding sun. That's why you see objects coming out of the sun, because they use it as a road or a space shortcut.
Gosia: I'd like to understand a little more please. What are black holes for, and how are they produced?
Swaruu: They are points of greater concentration of potential energy, where it has "curdled" in a very concentrated form, with the same dynamics as the mechanics of manifestation. If you want me to go into it, it will take a while because the explanation is long and technical.
In short it is a being; the sun is a being. As every being, it is an energetic toroid, as you too are. But a tree is clearer as such. They are sentient beings.
What are they for? They serve to shorten the travel time of a ship from a distant place to this one for example, you can know and make a map of where which entrances (black holes) are, and where they go.
Anéeka: In the case of this sun, it is the exit for a black hole, the entrance, the one that corresponds to it. And its black hole, the entrance, is in a very amusing place, but it' s the truth: It is in the butt of Taurus. You go into with your ship Taurus' butt and you come out here.
Gosia: But what do they serve besides being used by the ships? What do they exist for from your perspective?
Swaruu: For the same reason a cat exists, a dog, or you. It is a being with an agenda, its own life and consciousness.
Gosia: And what is its agenda?
Swaruu: There is no reason other than to exist to experience being... a sun. How it manifests itself is a matter of Manifestation Mechanics.
Space is not empty; it is an energetic fluid... that fluid is the most important and it is the cause of the existence of matter. This fluid gives life, this fluid is potential energy. It is nothing more than --> water <-- in a very high vibratory state. Like ripples in a pond of water, the potential energy spreads and interacts with other ripples.
In the pond they can be seen in two dimensions... In space in 3 dimensions (not densities, I'm talking about X, Y, Z). As a shock wave would propagate in the depths of the sea... in the form of circles, spheres. A shock wave interacts with others. Sometimes they become bigger... because they feed back on themselves... (contractive interference). Sometimes they neutralize each other (destructive interference).
When the shock waves propagate at a specific Frequency... Frequency being understood as the oscillation between the crests and valleys in an expanding energy wave... a single-Frequency harmonic is created. The harmonic of a Frequency is comparable to music... perfect tones mathematically intertwined.
An effect is produced that is called standing waves, which is a point of concentration of energy within a plane. All the energy is concentrated at that point. With sufficient concentration, the transformation of potential energy into hard matter takes place... Which there is no such thing... just constant potential energy at that point. If the Frequency harmonic is constant enough and of sufficient magnitude (volume), a sun is produced, which already is an energy bomb between the etheric side and the physical side (with a 3D humanized interpretation). It is self-sustaining.
What produces the waves? The interaction between all points of potential energy, sticking together with a specific dynamic, or energy dance. What causes it? The ether, the side of the consciousness, the pure consciousness, the observation of the consciousness towards the potential energy.
When something is lacking attention... this will tend to go from being matter to be potential energy once again. The more attention something receives, the more energy it has. Why does the sun have so much attention then? Because the harmonic of the Frequency dictates it this way... and this comes from the sum of other frequencies interacting with each other... and it is the sum of all the other consciousnesses interacting with the final one... the sun. The planets that surround it... the consciousnesses of all creatures and beings that inhabit it... and the sun itself being a part that forms other... constellations... Galaxy. Cluster of galaxies... Super cluster of galaxies. The universe.
It goes beyond human understanding, based on the observable, on the empirical. In what the scientific method can give. Because it does not see, it does not understand that there is more, there is always more.
That's why there are suns. For the same reason there are... birds. It is or are the sum of the creatures that inhabit it.
Gosia: What produces this CONCENTRATION of energy within a plane? You said that it is an attention of the consciousness?
Swaruu: What produces energy concentration in a point is the result of the harmonics of the Frequency, which is what dictates where the material will manifest. What produces the waves that, when added together, form the harmonic of the Frequency, is the point of attention of a consciousness. A consciousness is the sum of other consciousnesses that support it in a progressive and cumulative way.
Gosia: Exactly, yes. And what moves the consciousness towards the ATTENTION? What impulses the attention?
Swaruu: A conscious intention with the aim to create something intentionally <---
Gosia: So, the consciousness itself, beyond it all, is a being with intelligence and intentionality. Observing from "outside and inside" at the same time, so to speak.
Swaruu: It is everything. It is the sum of all.
Robert: I have a question. Just a little while ago I uploaded in my video... "As we have already discussed, and you have talked to Eridania, the sun is a portal. Therefore, what we see as shining is the exit, and the entrance (or negative sun) is elsewhere (central part - Andromeda's constellation). Swaruu is this correct? Today we have talked about Taurus.
Swaruu: As I have said at one point, a sun has more than one entrance and more than one exit. It is an internal dynamic that once again depends on the frequencies that are emitted or observed. From a certain Frequency or density, you enter through the Taurus´ behind, and exit here... from another you enter through Andromeda and exit here.
If we go further by entering any black hole with the right Frequency (energetic harmonics) we can exit through any sun. This means that everything is intertwined and part of a whole. A sun is not something apart from other suns. It is as an individual... and at the same time forms a larger whole... the galaxy.
As the consciousness of the hummingbird accumulates and adds to that of all other animals, people and plants, to form the consciousness of the Earth as an individual, which in turn forms, with that of the other planets, that of the sun.
You see a hummingbird as something isolated... from a point of view it is... as is a sun... but expand your consciousness further and you will see that everything connects and adds up. Because it is all part of the original Source.
And to compare: Those who use the suns and black holes for transit have ships that use propulsion. They move through space from point A to point B. We Taygeteans do not use this, so we don't exit from the sun (which is not hot). Going in through a black hole and coming out through a sun is low-tech. It is using a so-called wormhole <---
We have a technology that allows us to make our own individual wormhole, tailored to our needs. Our ships produce it. We do not use propulsion <--- (other than for maneuvers)
The black hole is the entrance to a wormhole, a sun is the exit. That is why it shines, because it emits, spits out, the electromagnetic energy it absorbed on the other side. It is the exact same principle as one of our engines.
Robert: Could we be a sun, or we don´t have sufficient energy?
Swaruu: You are already a "sun" in an energetic way, as you are also an energetic toroid and you function and live/exist with the same principles. Everything is a toroid... so is a cucumber... so is a hamburger... or a tire.
Gosia: And why do they need to travel through these black holes? Does it help them? Especially if it's only from point A to B anyway. Why don't they just move through space?
Swaruu: Because by using propulsion it would take 400 years to get from point A to point B. Speaking of propulsion... I know there are a lot of trends on the web that talk about high-tech engines. What kind of ionic propulsion, what kind of microwave propulsion etc. etc. Gravitational manipulation. All that is propulsion. Technology vastly inferior to an electromagnetic plasma turbine. I insist because it has been a Source of criticism.
Entering the wormhole is a shorter trip than traveling through space on a U-turn. Although as I said it is not merely an individual one, it is intertwined with others who share its energy and form it.
Gosia: Very good. Thank you. I have never understood these subjects well.
Conversation on May 11
Robert: Has the closest black hole to the Earth been discovered?
Anéeka: I know about that. They say it is the black sun. Again, they are only seeing a point or a gravitational node, and there is nothing there. So, it is a point where gravitational Frequency harmonics meet and it is a concentration point, big enough to be detected or measured, but not big enough to form something solid there.
To us, those are gravity wells. When a ship is in propulsion mode, not hyperspace, they are avoided. But even though there are big ones, it is just like avoiding potholes in a bad road. Again, the concept of empty space is wrong. It is not empty; it is a liquid. Or fluid. You must realize they are whirlpools. Swirls in the water. Depressions. But it is three-dimensional, not two-dimensional, as it would be on the surface of the water.
Yazhi on 30 September 2020
Yazhi: A funnel only would be congruent with a flat hole. Mathematically correct from a toroidal point of view from:
L= uN2 x A / 2x 3.1415 X r
L (Vortex) = uN squared times A / 2 times 3.1415 times r ---> Math for the funnel.
Where A = Cross section area of toroidal funnel and r stands for toroid radios to center line.
If my memory serves me correctly.
So the funnel would be congruent with a flat hole, but not a sphere as it appears in real space and life, where you must calculate an eternal ever flowing from every direction energy funnel that Mathematically would be like that formula above added to the exponential factor of a sphere. And as a geometrical object it would be just about impossible to make as it is indeed multidimensional.
Gosia: Do they go ANYWHERE you program your ship to go? Or they all have a specific exit point and you can´t change that?
Yazhi: Inside they connect to wherever their energy math takes them to go, they are connected to an exit of equal strength, a star. But inside there is no time, no space, no continuum, everything there is connected to everywhere. All the stars converge there from the side of the ether. So from any black hole theoretically you can exit from any star.
Gosia: But it doesn´t depend on YOU, no? Depends on its own mechanism, right? You can´t direct it? Only to a certain level?
Yazhi: If you just follow the main flow of the energy of the engine that's the toroidal flow of the entire system, half of it in the side of the ether the other half in what you call the material world or side, then you would exit out of one specific star.
But once in the ether inside, that would be equivalent to being in hyperspace, same thing, knowing the energy print of the area and the Frequency dynamics or dance of one specific black hole you can change the Frequency of your ship, your little ships´ toroid, and with that it adds to the Frequency of the flow of the black hole, creating a shift in Frequency of your ship that will alter your exit point to another star closer to your final destination.
This is how many races navigate the cosmos.
But even for them it is more practical to enter the ether system from a star and exit from another star avoiding black holes as their energy is too dominant and tend to override just about everything. It is possible to navigate a black hole but it's more complicated than just using solar Portals.
Let´s be Our Higher Self NOW - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication (Pleiades)
Gosia: I wanted to ask you. You said you are not the same as days ago. That you feel like you haven't talked to us for months. What have you done exactly? What happened?
Yazhi: It's not that something happens to me... It's a consequence of how I am. In the sense that when I am not concentrating on staying "linear" as I do now, I just fly, if I relax, I go... Staying linear is like keeping a cork under water, always fighting to go up.
Gosia: But have you done something specific that triggered this feeling more? More timeline trips?
Yazhi: I relax and go up and lose track of time from your perspective. I go and I can't calculate very well what happens linearly, only partially. So just by being there, where I naturally am, what I imagine, simply is, and it does not differ from the real because it is the real...
But I realize from there, from the position of understanding what I was saying yesterday... that literally everything is connected... and therefore all other people are only one or the same again. From above there is no distinction of genders, nor of separations.
I realize that humans, who are concerned here specifically, are the same as me... all of them, stating this from their point of view. Because it's just "me" again. As I am them, each one of them, and countless other species throughout the universe. But I'm talking about humans...
So, it is not that they need to develop "my" abilities, which are not "mine" but rather that this is how it is, and it is how one is. Rather, they are by their own will within a limiting framework that by definition defines expansion. They feel very limited today and in themselves they are from their point of view.
But at the same time this "bounces" them to the other side. Because that is how everything works, there cannot be something without its counterpart being also created or simply that something will not exist because it cannot be defined... not even as a concept.
So, the more limitation you experience today, the more expansion and freedom of everything you will have tomorrow... from your point of view, although it actually defines them today, as it always has been, without a ¨tomorrow¨ that I use rhetorically.
In other words, their limitation today defines them as free from everything, in mind and spirit, as cosmic beings. They only see it as ¨I am not that today, maybe tomorrow¨, because they are still within the perspective of limitation. And that is understandable and valid. But I know that this is part of the illusion, if not the illusion itself, because I have been there too, I remember it. That feeling of limitation, of deterministic life, of being "little" limited...
That defines me today... And not only do I remember that feeling of being as limited as humans are today... But at will I also go in there... To keep my perspective. I keep both sides; I perceive and understand it.
So, my message is that they are cosmic, and what is limiting is only an appearance that they have imposed on themselves to be able to define and create an expansion towards the other side. Being the whole.
And practically, as if this were not practical, (it is already the "practical"... I do not like that word, it indicates that the rest is not "practical" therefore unreal, fantasy, useless verbiage), they are only one step away from being free from everything, from being cosmic... Just one step away.
The realization that they only need to love themselves and everything comes from there, loving others, everything there is, the good and the bad, the terrifying, the beautiful, the ugly, the artistic, the cruel, the dramatic, poetic.
I know that this "loving themselves" is like something ¨girly", after all... it does come from... a girl. ¨I am a real man, strong, I do not need to talk about love¨, some will say...
They don't understand... It's everything. Love is integration, if you don't want to use the word "love", too "girly", of "girls in pink". But whether they like it or not that is the key and that is not making them less men. On the contrary, it defines them as stronger than anything. Like super-power.
Understanding everything... being able to enter into multiple perspectives, understand them, accept them as part of oneself. It closes conflicts, undoes evil, dissolves fear by accepting it. Defeats evil. Creates worlds and promotes unimaginable personal expansion.
It is not narcissistic, it would be a big mistake to think of it this way... It is the opposite, everything is you. You cannot work from a position of ¨I am the whole and you are not ha-ha¨. It just doesn't work, if you are in that state then you have not understood my words.
And I use myself as an example because how else can I express this? It is what I live, it is what I have learned, how I have been and how I am now.
I am all of you, not only do I integrate the Swaruu, but all the beings who exist, whether or not I am consciously being them or not, I still am them and that defines me as I do them. Like you define yourselves among one another.
You are the whole, the Source itself, all that exists. You only imagine it and you are already there, you create worlds just by thinking about it. And that's what you do. Limited or not... it is also valid. All limitation and suffering has been a product of that separation that you have of yourselves. Lack of self-love. From where emanates love for everything there is, integration towards everything and liberation. And the dissolution of the self-destructive. Which in turn brings the dissolution of all evil and all suffering.
Why you limit yourselves, and you suffer... you "want to", nobody forces you. You only entertain that idea of being a "little thing", that you are a "mistake" of the universe, that everyone deserves something except you. If you are suffering, if you are feeling depressed and little, insignificant, it is because there is someone inside, you cannot deny it - you are someone and with that you are the Universe. What mistake then if you are everything?
You feel out of place, of course you are, undeniably. But that defines you as something that is there, something or someone that is there to dissolve that illusion of separation. Therefore, you are not nobody, but the opposite, you are the All. You only feel out of place because in your homes, families and society you are the odd ones out, the ones who do not fit in, but that is only or are the consequence of social agreements. You are not an "error", you are creators.
Robert: Thank you very much.
Yazhi: You are welcome, always so much more to say.
Gosia: If there is more, keep going!
Robert: So enough of feeling sorry for one selves... we are the creators of all this.
Yazhi: YES.
Gosia: I would like to ask... You, knowing that you are the Creator and all that. And although you do not have it directly in your reality, that what is happening on Earth, why do you think that indirectly it IS in your reality? All this human suffering? Why have you manifested it?
Yazhi: Because it also defines me... because from your linear point of view I have just recently realized this, prior to that I was Swaruu. Because thanks to that separation that humans live, I have been able to identify with them, live through their eyes, understand them and that has served as a contrast for my own expansion.
And I know they are just like me. Because I still have a physical body with which to type and with which to make faces or emojis. Like them, and that does not limit me. Although I am already in a state that I can take this body wherever I go in my mind, and no, because I also operate without it, it does not define me either, nor does it limit me and therefore your bodies do not have to limit you in anything either.
I know myself etheric and cosmic... however physically I feel myself quite "normal". Like most humans do too. I have no idyllic beauty. Those are ideas again. The same with them. I'm from nowhere, not Taygetean or human, not Andromedan, not Solatian, not Sirian... But I have a bit of everything and that's how I am. That is why I speak like you because I understand that society well. As I understand so many others from outside the Earth.
And this does not mean that I know everything, because I do not know everything, at least not intellectually, although I do access the field all the time, what they wrongly call Akashic Records.
I don't know many things intellectually although I perceive them. Like you... And that doesn't make me less cosmic. I hear a song that I did not know and jump with emotion. I'm excited to learn that there are amphibian little mice in Sirius, cute and tabby. I did not know that.
You can never stop learning or expanding yourself. I take myself as an example, but I define all you that way.
Gosia: Realizing all of this, does it amount to only manifesting "good and pleasant" things for oneself from that point? Or do you continue creating whatever your soul wants to live for greater definition of itself... even if it may seem "negative" from below?
Yazhi: The negative defines you... As the positive also defines, and they define each other. Ignoring the problems, the negative, only makes them seep more into the subconscious from where they manifest things for you. Facing problems, accepting that there is evil... facing it, you incorporate it into yourself. And with that you dissolve it, because you cannot resist it. You accept it. You transcend it.
You know you are perfectly capable of performing the worst atrocities and manifesting the worst nightmares, because from high densities you have that power and that power is possessed by humans, that's why the Earth is the way it is.
However, you do not do it because you transcend it and manifest the opposite knowing what the opposite is by understanding its opposite. Not only from the aspect of duality. It expands far beyond just duality. Everything there is by contrasts defines everything else that exists... And it exists only because you think so.
At the same time, I understand that from the position of 3D... from that perspective... what is real... What is reality for someone in 3D? It is what you live, what surrounds you empirically. Your life. Obviously, that is the "real" thing. The rest is in your head...
But that objective reality that you experience today is not also in your head? There is no difference, what you think, is!
Gosia: Thank you! I have another question. You said that the body does not limit you, that you can go anywhere without it... that you are in the body, but you do not feel limited by it. These capacities, of being able to transcend the body for example, came to you suddenly one day when you became deeply aware of these things, or as a result of some exercises, or how exactly? I speak specifically of these capacities to go beyond the body.
Yazhi: Just by understanding things. Exercises have helped me, but they are not as important as simply realizing how important it is to be aware of these things. The body does not limit me because my body is just an idea, part of my fantasies and my creations. I like being who I am and that's why I project myself this way. That is why I carry this body. Like you too, even those who are flawed and deformed, too, that is your experience... your creation, and it will define you towards your opposite as well. Especially if you go beyond feeling limited by your appearance.
I can look at my hand and I can make it transparent; I can make it disappear, or I can produce more fingers on my hand, or form fins... in my mind. Or just relax and get back to my normal appearance. Or beyond that I can have the body I want just by thinking... Or no body. It is by the realization that it is only an idea and that there is nothing material.
Robert: But that would be your case... In ours, the body is there for us to feel that limitation, or not? Or are there no differences?
Yazhi: Because you are still in need of a feeling of limitation that defines you as the opposite. But precisely because you are and perceive yourselves as limited, you will be the opposite in the immediate future, future from your point of view, since you already are. My perception of being totally limited gave me the opposite, just by understanding it well.
If you perceive yourselves as limited, tremendously limited and in suffering, that creates the opposite, one thing defines the other. So, this sounds like a "justification" to be in 3D, suffering and all. Like the reason to endure being there. Since the reward will be great only for what it brings as an expansion of consciousness.
However... It is not necessary from my point of view. Just mentally understanding it is enough. So, I see no need to be trapped in 3D incarnations of suffering for the promise of a later cosmic "cake".
Gosia: If I don't feel limited does it mean that I won't feel super limitless afterwards?
Yazhi: No. It's what I'm saying. Just by understanding it, you hold both ends and everything in between. So, I don't need to suffer to be free. Why should humans suffer then? They are just ideas that they create themselves. I can perceive and I can imagine the worst nightmares... But even imagining them vividly and in unimaginable detail, I do not make them my reality. Why not? Well, because I don't want to. I do not need it. I understand, I have that basis, but I do not materialize it.
Gosia: But they have created those ideas from the lowest or highest plane? It seems to me that from the higher one. So, if these ideas were created from your higher self... why doesn't your Higher Self know what you are talking about?
Yazhi: Because your Higher Self still doesn't understand what I'm saying. But you don't have to worry about that, you don't have to be thinking about how to communicate with your Higher Self and tell them this. They are their Higher Self just wanting to be, taking control of themselves with real self-love. BE your higher self... As I am of all the Swaruu. Be your own higher self.
How? Starting by loving themselves and with that loving and integrating EVERYTHING that surrounds them. Move into the perspectives of others. Even if they are the worst psychopaths. Poor them... Imagine the fear they feel that people wake up, they know they would be lynched immediately. That is why they react like this, because they are lost souls, far, way too far from understanding integration and everything else.
Robert: Well, you are truly in "high densities" Yazhi.
Yazhi: I just am, and I am wherever I am... And you too and everyone else, because I, nor anyone else, cannot be in "high densities" without others being there also, because there are no "others", we are just ideas and occurrences of a single mind that from the point of view of whoever, IS themselves.
Gosia: Ok I don't understand something. If you say we are all at this level... that we are all the Source, that the Higher Self of all of us already understands all this, how come then the Higher Self of these people that continues to create suffering, DOES NOT understand what you are explaining here? They are the same as you. They are the Source. Why don't they just transcend suffering then?
Yazhi: It's what I said above. The Higher Self is not so "higher" from that point of view. Of course, there is always one superior to the other superior... until reaching the Source. But from the point of attention of each person who decided to incarnate on Earth and planned that life of suffering for the spiritual advancement that they will have... from that position they DO NOT understand what I have told you here, or otherwise they would not have planned it in the first place.
You need to fully understand the concept of suffering and limitation, not necessarily living it in a long and entire incarnation. But just by thinking about it... you are creating that, that life... but I insist that it is not necessary. It is said that only by living something will it be understood well or enough. I do not think so. You can take samples, understand it in other ways, because everything already is, always has been. So, take what already is, learn and ready. ¨Nobody learns from someone else's head.¨ If you wish, ok... But you can transcend that too.
Gosia: So, you are creating from your Higher Self that is not so high. But why is it so? Why their Highest Self of all allows it? Which layer of our selves plans things?
Yazhi: Some layer that is not so high, but in between lives, in the afterlife.
Gosia: And why is that layer planning things and not the higher one? What is our highest layer doing at that time?
Yazhi: Just by being in the etheric, in the afterlife, it doesn´t mean that a soul is in a state of understanding of all, in the "elevated" state, just as by being Broken Shoes in 3D, it does not mean that you cannot be superior or maintain a greater degree of understanding life in every way than a soul in afterlife.
Being incarnated or not has nothing to do with a person's level of consciousness. The body is just one more manifestation of your state of consciousness. It does not limit, it does not help, it is only a symptom, a reflection. <--- <---
You can be "Broken Shoes" walking in the mud with cars splashing you as you pass... getting wet under a broken umbrella... And be someone's Higher Self in the etheric.
Of course, if you are at that level... it does not bother you to find yourself in that situation since it is only something temporary, a reflection of you... and your little shoes... broken or not... you have immense wealth inside and that is what matters. And from the point of view of understanding self-love... you will immediately start to improve your life. That is the key. Because self-love means that you will no longer neglect yourself and that you will take care of your improvement, of your life, that you will leave destructive vices behind and you will get away from everything that you do not like or that does not nourish you, bad and degrading jobs, bad friends or family... You leave behind the hatreds, the resentments, when you understand their points of view.
Don't expect to be the Higher Self when you disincarnate "in the future." It doesn´t matter. Be that today. Also... Listen to me, Broken Shoes... If those ugly shoes you have make you feel bad... then don't put them on anymore! There begins the action of self-love. <--- <---
Gosia: If they are still in strong suffering today, does it mean that they have never reached the understanding of which you speak? Because if they had, they wouldn't be here still suffering, right?
Yazhi: Exactly.
Gosia: But how is it possible? If they are the Source itself. Is it possible to be the Source itself and NOT understand things? I mean, I thought that in some layer of themselves they ALWAYS understand what you're talking about, but that they just forget.
Robert: The Matrix is still up there.
Gosia: Not where their souls are. On etheric planes. Not at the Source.
Robert: In the afterlife yes.
Gosia: I'm not talking about afterlife. I speak of very high levels of our souls that we ALL have and where we ALL are. So, everyone in the higher layer has to know all this that Yazhi is talking about. So why don't they get it yet? If they are still here suffering?
Yazhi: Gosia, because you are not incarnating from Source itself. They say that they "return to the Source" but it is not like that, they only go to the astral and to the level that corresponds to them for their Frequency and development of consciousness. They take the Matrix with them when they disincarnate, they are the Matrix. So, they incarnate from the position of the Matrix again but from the etheric side. That last part is very important. And those who already understand it, leave, they no longer incarnate there or not from a perspective of suffering.
Robert: We did not know this before... And said in this context it is understood very well... thank you.
Yazhi: Disincarnation does not take away the Matrix. Because you are what you think and what you think you are, and they continue to think from the other side. So, they plan things, their new life, from a very limited and little advanced point of view.
Robert: That's why all this knowledge that you give us is to liberate us from this Matrix.
Gosia: But aren´t they the very Source at the same time? Even being in the astral? They are. So why are they still not understanding? If their souls are pure Source? It amazes me. In other words, there is no time as such, there is no linearity. So, at the same time that they are in the astral, they ARE IN THE PURE SOURCE and in their ELEVATED LAYERS. These layers know things. Why then don't they create from these layers immediately? Why don´t they come to understand things that THEIR VERY HIGH SELF understands?
Yazhi: They are not pure Source. They are just the same people with the same limiting ideas that they were when they had a body. Or yes, they are the Source itself, but they do not remember it in the same way as the embodied humans do not remember. It is the same. Being on one side or the other, with or without a body, doesn´t make you have a higher understanding.
Gosia: In other words, they are pure Source without being it consciously. And so, they get caught up in limiting ideas.
Yazhi: Yes. Just like Broken Shoes. They are the same person with the same ideas, regardless of which side of death they are on. Only some enter into that expansion of remembering everything that they were before as we already said. And from that perspective of greater understanding, they will also make limited decisions because even from that point of greater expansion, remembering all that they were and have always been... DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY UNDERSTAND WHAT I TELL YOU TODAY.
Gosia: But why do these limiting ideas from below overwrite your etheric ideas of your Higher Selves?
Yazhi: Because they ARE their own higher Self. What they do and think defines them and defines their higher self. They must do the expansion work from below, from the 3D perspective. Remembering what they have always been. The soul is built, it is not obtained. That's from a position from 3D or from 5D. From above, from very high densities everything already is and always has been. But from the practical "human" position they must build their souls with their own effort.
Gosia: I think it's this point that I don't get right. That they are their higher selves with the ideas below. I always think that it does not matter what limiting ideas we create down here, our Higher Self does NOT have them, and it is only the question of becoming aware of it. As it was in your case. Realizing deeply of what one IS.
Yazhi: There is no difference between a Broken Shoes person and their Higher Self. Broken Shoes MUST assume the responsibility of being their own Higher Self in life.
Gosia: Yes, there is no difference. That's what I mean. That the limiting ideas of Broken Shoes are just that, limiting ideas. But that Broken Shoes IS at the same time his Higher Self, and that has no limits.
Yazhi: That's right.
Gosia: That is why I do not understand how it is that, at some point in its path, the soul has not yet reached that understanding, so as not to suffer more. And do you know why I don't understand it? Because there is NO LINEARITY. So, at SOME point in your soul, YOU HAVE ALREADY UNDERSTOOD. I don't see it in the linear way. So how come is your soul, understanding this already at some point in your FIELD, still suffering here? Why not pull this understanding from there into here?
Yazhi: From the moment they have understood it, the concept is also created that they have NOT understood it yet, one thing creates the other. And they are still at that point. That is humans with their limited understanding feeling victims of everything. If things were as you say, Gosia, then there would be no suffering on Earth or anywhere else.
What you tell me IS the problem. They keep thinking and manifesting limitations being unlimited. They are just IDEAS. The IDEA that they are limited is what limits them. It is the same if they are alive or dead, they are people with their ideas, the same ideas. Broken Shoes is Broken Shoes, whether he is alive or dead. So, expand your minds NOW, you don't need to be on the other side to do that.
It is said that you need to be incarnated to be able to expand (Quoting Dolores Cannon). NO, I DO NOT agree. It expands everywhere, wherever you are, you always experience new things that expand your consciousness... But you don't have to wait to be on the other side to do something, to grow. They only perpetuate more suffering by reincarnating with that mindset. Manifesting those nightmares, for lack of self-love. There are no regressives, that is part of the manifestation. They are the ones who control everything.
Gosia: Yes, but from what I see then there will ALWAYS be suffering. Because the idea already exists. Impossible to eradicate it. Even transcending it, the idea and plane where its opposite exists: it’s NOT transcendence, is created. So, as much as we "fight" to free souls from this suffering, it will always exist.
Yazhi: But you can transcend it and leave it behind as a concept.
Gosia: Yes, I can. But it will exist. If there is the idea of transcending something, its opposite also.
Robert: There is no suffering, you transcend it.
Yazhi: Yes, Gosia, but you don't have to live it. And from above, you transcend everything, you dissolve it! The same way you dissolve evil. So, for you there is NO suffering.
Gosia: I'm not talking about me. I speak of others.
Yazhi: Yes, but you don't have to live it <--- <---
Gosia: I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about suffering that always exists at some point in the universe. It will always exist. Because there is its opposite. And there is its TRANSCENDENCE. Nothing would have to be transcended if it did not exist.
Yazhi: And also, if there is its opposite then... There is no suffering anywhere in the Universe. It is up to you what you want to see. Yes, from someone's position there will always be suffering... and not - at the same time. There will never be, because if there is, there will automatically be not, there cannot be one without the other.
From that high-density posture, the term and definition of suffering changes perspective, dissolves. That which you call suffering is no longer so. It stops being so, because what defines it as suffering is a low-density posture.
As absolute it will always be but from the point of view of high densities that does not bother you, you understand it and you understand that it bothers too. Everything together, the contradictory coexists, they define each other.
Gosia: You cannot be the Higher being on the etheric plane without integrating points of view of suffering from below. You are everything. Like Yazhi: She transcends it but is also able to see everything through the eyes of the "observation points" below. And from there she understands the limited level. And I feel that way too.
So, I feel unlimited, and free from suffering, and at the same time seeing that there is this perspective of suffering for my other points of attention. And there always will be. Although the more I expand, the more I understand they why of it all. So, it doesn't affect me anymore.
But it still exists on some level. The Universe will never exist without some kind of "limitation" because that is what defines it. Although I also get the feeling that this is not necessary either. I don't need any limitation, or to experience it, to understand what I am. Or at least I came to this conclusion AFTER having lived the limitations. Maybe that's what they were for.
Yazhi: Ok, from that perspective, there always will be… And it's part of you. But what will you do about it? Yell what you know?
Gosia: No, nothing. Accept it. It no longer affects me. Just observe that it is so.
Yazhi: Ok... if I decided to do exactly what you just said then...
Gosia: Then we would have nothing to do here. But I wanted to add that if something still affects me and I see that I have to react, I will react.
Yazhi: If I do what I do, why do I even bother being here?
Gosia: Because we like to make souls understand things. Share knowledge. And share with them the experience of expansion. Because together, we expand. Like the collective being that we are.
Yazhi: Yes, because we are expanding ourselves with this, by feeding our other parts, other aspects and other points of attention of ourselves, the so-called "other people" that are only more of oneself.
Gosia: Yes, feeding them expands us all. We are One Being.
Yazhi: Being here on Earth, connected to Earth, seeing everything, empathically, understanding human suffering has made me expand my consciousness more in my present short incarnation 12 than what I have achieved in all the previous 11 together. I learn from others, from humans, I learn from Broken Shoes... I feel their suffering... Like mine because it's mine. But I don't have to experience it firsthand <--- <---
Timelines - Past - Present - Future - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Perspective
Yazhi: The topic of timelines is something we must make clear. In the end... There is no timeline. It is just an idea formed in a head not even heads, or just as a concept.
The first mistake is to think that time is something separate from the mind. The second is to think that it is something that is lived, not that it is formed in the mind. The third is to think that it is like a railroad track, which goes in only one direction and is separated from the others. The fourth mistake is to think that there are many timelines, millions they say. This can only be used as a descriptive or rhetorical means or method, but does not reflect the truth.
Gosia: What do you mean that there are not many timelines? There are, no? Explain what you mean by mistake 4 please.
Yazhi: People are still within a limited and causal understanding; of suffering the consequences of time passing by, not that they form time as something that emanates from them by the simple fact that they are aware of their existence.
Fourth mistake: Thinking that there are timelines in themselves. There aren’t, that does not exist, it is mental construction. It is a whole as the Source is because it is the Source. And as with densities... each person, each consciousness only sees a part of that whole.
They believe that the Earth is on this or that timeline... catastrophic or positive. As if the Earth as a whole went from one lane to another like railroad tracks. What they call the timeline is a composite of minor lines one per consciousness as I have said before. And it only looks to be the same collective timeline because they observe said agreements, but it is only perception, it is relative, each person even within said collective timeline will see their own particular line. And he may or may not agree (follow the agreements or not) of the collective timeline in question.
And it's not even a timeline per person, per human... that again is just one more agreement. Because each person is made up of an infinity of timelines (chains of events in a more or less logical and continuous sequence). Because a person is not alone. It is not one unit of consciousness. It is also a conglomerate of consciousnesses of itself, because what they call the dimensions or parallel universes again are not isolated things, but they intertwine with one another all the time, interfering continuously, to form each other.
So, a person is not a timeline but a set of timelines, I just say that it is one line for each person to simplify it. But a person, a human being, each one of you, me, is the result of the conglomeration or conjunction of all our other selves functioning and living in what we would call its own parallel universe. Automatically sharing information with one another. As I am the sum of all the Swaruus.
It is only that I am aware of what I am trying to describe with words, words that are insufficient because they are extremely complex concepts. But everyone is like that. The result of the conjunction of all your alternate selves. And in the same way, the self that they represent that is listening to this is also part of other "I´s" living their own experiences.
And it does not end here. But it gets progressively more and more expanded, because we are all a single consciousness that intertwines as I describe above, not only the Swaruus, not only the Roberts or the Gosias... But we are all a great I and we are variants of the same. And we exist and we form each other with an interference and a sharing of information between everyone, from higher etheric levels. From very high densities.
And this means that there is no time. Because everything happens simultaneously. So, there is no death either, how could there be death as it is known? Everything is an intertwined soup of extreme complexity, complexity of such a level that it collapses the strongest minds. This is what I describe with insufficient words because the language is insufficient, the human tongue is not enough, but neither is the holographic language with added telepathy. We only do the best we can in each moment of our evolution of consciousness.
But there is always more. And time itself is only perceived as linear to give some limited meaning to a limited set of experiences. As a necessity to generate awareness of our own existence. But not only is it not linear, it expands in all directions. Even time that goes backwards. Time moving sideways. Time that advances sideways and vice versa. Time that advances sideways, upside down and vice versa. And the opposite of that too.
The past forms the present, the present being the result of what was before, as a causal idea, but this is again only limited perception. Because there is no past and there is no present and there is no future. It is said that everything happens now, but it is impossible to define when the ¨now¨ is because the moment you thought about it is already in the past. There is nothing. Everything is idea. Present changes the past, and the future changes the past. It does not matter because it is not past, there is no such thing. Only in the minds. And what the mind sees or creates is. So, there is no past that defines us as we are today.
Today's events, tomorrow's events change and interfere with the past as much as the past interferes with the present and the future. Seeing this in another way more rhetorically:
What you live as the present is NOT the result of the past, only of the ideas that are held in the minds, and if what others say or remember is the same as what you remember or hold it is because they are the same mind that passes the information because we are all connected because we are the same, although it is more noticeable among those who hold perception agreements, such as friends, family or society.
So, the present does not come from a past. But of countless pasts all equally valid. So, the history as such is not true, it only represents a point of view of a group or a consciousness, but there are other pasts that are just as valid, whether or not they are contradictory. Innumerable pasts always converge in the node that is now. Innumerable pasts from very different to almost equal, contradicting each other, and this apparent contradiction is formed because something cannot exist without its counterpart.
So, everything that happened... simultaneously did not happen. That is why I say that there are timelines that go backwards, upside down, or inside out. Those that look normal create those that contradict it. It is only the minds of people that decide what to see and what is real, because reality is relative to consciousness. So even though something happened in the past, something did not happen simultaneously and all the variants with their opposites as well. All of this converges in the formation of what is perceived as the now.
Robert: Wow. Thank you very much.
Yazhi: And I didn’t manage to describe what I see, perceive or understand.
Gosia: You didn't?
Yazhi: I feel alone with this understanding. And at the same time no. I am different from the Swaruu you met before.
Robert: Yes. We know.
Yazhi: Because I have understood this even more. That is what I dedicate myself to and that is what I have always dedicated myself to.
Gosia: And with all this information and knowledge, how should life be lived now?
Yazhi: You appreciate simple things. Peace, simple things. As I have said before, this understanding dissolve your soul, you pay for it dearly. It no longer lets you define yourself as someone. I realize that I am not someone anymore. I only refer to you as Swaruu, Yázhi version... I use this little face, the same but different.
But I know more... and not as something superior, but with great humility. Knowing that I am all the others. I only see integration above, no evil, no conflict. Everything defines the rest, without being able to separate. Nothing bad, nothing good... an endless soup that never ends... it just grows. It is not defined; it is only lived. And once you know it, you don't want to get out of that state. Of unity... you don't want the limitation of just being someone. The Ego collapses, the self-identity collapses, the self-collapses.
You end up loving everything, because everything defines you, you are everything equally, you integrate everything.
And if someone prefers, they can live the life they have and forget about all this. Live the simple life. Enjoy being someone.
Warning: If you follow me you will fall into the dissolution of your own identity.
But it is only a warning from one point of view or another, that of the self. Because I don't want to go back to just being someone. And at the same time, I understand the formula from below, from the perspective of the identity of someone who wants something practical to get out of all this.
The key is to love yourself. It is not something narcissistic or selfish. Rather, it is the very basis of understanding and from where the integration of everything else begins to become part of a person, thereby expanding their identity and the reach of their mind and consciousness. You cannot integrate anything to yourself, if you do not love and respect yourself first. That is the base.
And it is not narcissistic because you are accepting and respecting everything around you and everyone equally. Because you realize that it's only you again. Wherever you look is you. It is only a reflection of your own being. Although they are the most horrible deplorable things that exist. The most grotesque. The dirtiest. It's you. As it is you also in the other sense.
The understanding of everything, what makes up the universe, the most sublime art and poetry, the total beauty of everything that exists. And each person is like that, they are that. They are the Self. They define me as I define them. All the time. Everything is connected, everything is integrated. And that itself forms the feeling or the very concept that it is not, of being something else.
Everything is mind. Everything is YOUR mind. And everything is just YOUR mind and nobody else's.
Pleiadian Communication: Why Awakened Common People have Power and Responsibility - Yázhí Swaruu
Gosia: What exactly can a Broken Shoes do now?
Yazhi: Seemingly small things create large shock waves, big things and events are only the result of the accumulation of multiple small waves that go adding up together. As long as they have the same Frequency, definition of harmonics of a Frequency. No action is too small, that is a limited concept pertaining to 3D programming. <- <-
Anything they can do. Whatever, no matter how small the action is. It is adding up. It also defines who they are, defines their souls. What to do will depend on each person. And they must take responsibility for the decision of what to do and how much to do.
An example, a man who defines himself as rude but who cannot at that moment help being this way may decide to go without a mask and confront the people who demand that he wears it. Because he can do that, it's in him.
But another person, let's say a doctor, who writes and writes documents that are later published and she knows that she helps a lot this way, but she can't handle the confrontation, she doesn't like it, she doesn't handle it well. She can allow herself to wear a mask to enter a store without being confronted. Each one must decide what they can and cannot do. And forgive themselves for what they can't. <--- <---
No one can save the Earth, nor the society with the exception of Broken Shoes <--- <--- There will be no help from Galactic Federations, or from White Hats, or olive green hats... Broken Shoes will have to do the job. One does not drown by falling into the river, but by staying in it. Ancient saying from India. <--- <--- Broken Shoes is everything. The key.
Everything that can happen is happening simultaneously in what you would call other timelines. But they are not timelines anymore. That would only be from a point of view relative to a person, or from the point of view of the group but it dissolves really.
The timeline is not as they say there it is, as if they were alternate railroad tracks. Rather, everything is a single unit. And again, it depends on a person what they see of that unit. As with reality, as already described, but applied to what they call timelines or chain of events, one after another ...
But that is the problem too, it is not one event after another, it only looks like this from there, from the Earth, from the perspective of the people or of each person or of the collective. Instead, the past, present and future are a single mass interfering with each other constantly as the very nature of reality.
(Much more to say here) But applied to what happens or will happen... I could say that what I see is that I see everything (although it is not possible to see everything from a position that is not from the Source itself). But I see everything rhetorically or metaphorically. And that causes me not to see anything in particular <--- <--- Because everything that can happen will still happen. It happens and it already happened. Everything interconnected.
More than ever I see that everything is manufactured by the very people as I have already said. Everything is the work of "Broken Shoes". As a single person or as a group of Broken Shoes. Everything else just emanates from their mind. And Broken Shoes does not want to get out of what he/she is creating. She has total free will to do what she wants. Yet she is a slave of what she wants.
She says that she does not want something but unconsciously yes, she wants it, and that wins her, and not so unconsciously but rather, she is constantly contradicting herself. So even if she has the freedom to do whatever she wants... she suffers and remains a slave to what she wants.
As Nietzsche has already explained. I have wondered, when he wrote something similar to what I said above, towards the second half of the 19th century, if he really knew the depth of his words. But here as far as we're concerned, people are in control and not. Because they are slaves of themselves.
Everything is scalar but in a big way. So, this means that the good also has an equal chance of coming out. But since what happens is the reflection of the human mind... and very definitely the mentality that produced the problem has NOT been changed, so the result is not so positive. Because what generates the problem is still there. You can't expect anything other than the evil that created the problem to run its course. An alcoholic cannot be expected to cure his cirrhosis of the liver if he continues to drink. And that is precisely what is going on here.
Gosia: And what do you think people, or us, should do more of so that the "good" can succeed?
Yazhi: Take power, have the courage to take responsibility for your own actions. And do what each one thinks is best. They will say that there are many awake people, but next to the collective they are a minority. And it sees them as the problem not the solution. And besides being few in numbers, they are very divided. And they spend their time attacking one another, because they are "right" and not the others, because they only see their own interests.
Gosia: Good example but also alcoholism is a type of disease, addiction, caused by many internal traumas, and many times they need help, someone to support them in the fight to get out of alcoholism.
Yazhi: Many alcoholics ask for help but they don't help themselves. Same here.
Gosia: And many of them don't ask for help either. They are in denial.
Yazhi: The Federation would arrive and put them in rehab, and everything is fine... six months later they return to the same. So do humans.
Gosia: The problem with alcoholics is that the traumas are so deep, and the power of alcohol so strong, that no matter how much they suffer, they don't know how to get out. Others don't want to. They submerge themselves in their traumas even more. They have no faith in themselves, no new visions.
Yazhi: Same here.
Robert: You can get out with willpower.
Yazhi: But you need a motivation, and they don't have it.
Gosia: Yes, the Federation as external aid only, this would never work. They have to realize their problems and draw strength. And how do we motivate them?
Robert: I think they will react at the last minute as always. They are not aware of what is coming.
Yazhi: We can't, Gosia, that depends on each one, there is no motivation that works for everyone. They will only react when everything falls on top of them, and they will not know how to do anything, because most likely it will be too late to do anything.
This what I already shared is too simple. But it should be a sphere. Everything that happens anywhere affects everything else. Nothing is isolated. The concept of isolated events is only a mental construction, an idea. People perceive time as a line, a single line. What I am trying to describe is what you see above. It collapses the mind.
Gosia: No, it doesn't collapse it. Please continue.
Robert: Yes, explain more.
Yazhi: You still haven't understood. Not even I can understand that.
Gosia: Okay but keep going. I feel it is important. So, what we generate with our consciousness at one point affects other points on the sphere? Our thinking is scalar?
Yazhi: Yes. In short, it is not necessary to understand this... just understand that what you think is much more powerful and important than what you do. The latter only being the result of the first. Without stopping doing things.
Robert: Exactly... You have to live from the mind, not from the body.
Yazhi: Just that your body is your mind too.
Gosia: So, if that missile in Beirut that they just fired, was the consequence of THINKING before, then it would have the scalar effect. No?
Yazhi: There are levels of the word “To Think”. I would say that those who sent the missiles were reacting, not thinking.
Robert: You mean that the thought of launching a missile... does more damage than the missile itself?
Yazhi: In a scalar way yes. But it depends on who thinks it <--- <---. If a "Broken Shoes" thinks it, it is different from an Admiral of the US Navy. And with other things in reverse. <--- <---
Gosia: And how to distinguish which action is of scalar thinking and which is of pure reaction? I mean... every action has its origin in the mental plane, even if they are reactions, right?
Yazhi: Thinking as a deep, dedicated reasoning. Logical, with purpose. Reacting is doing something in response to a conditioned stimulus.
Gosia: I understand. I would like to learn more about how to think in the elevated way so that I can influence many points in this sphere at once.
Yazhi: You already do. And the famous topic that gets tiring, the shadow work. That few if not nobody does. Because it is annoying.
Raising your consciousness, your understanding makes your thinking produce progressively higher and higher scalar effects. And strong. Therefore, working on themselves, on improving themselves as people, results in their thoughts and actions coming from those thoughts becoming stronger and stronger.
The higher understanding and perception of densities a consciousness is, the more influence it will have with its thoughts and actions on the whole, in an exponential way. It also implies that you acquire progressively more responsibility for what is happening.
In this graphic map you can see the average of the Reality Frequency... Density and Dimension. It is the average elevation area. The peaks are or would be the awakened people. The valleys are the regressives. Everything as existential Frequency of a plane like 3D average. The more there are awakened ones, the more it rises, the more regressive ones, it goes down.
The sleeping ones represent an average stagnant adrift. No effect on the whole, they don't pull up or down... they're just asleep. But a person who rises in density... He understands that he is not a single consciousness but a collective of consciousnesses... And this is the way it is in all places or stages of consciousness development. You are never one person. But a collective. Who is called you, who observes is the result of all the consciousnesses that forms you.
The higher you are on the scale of perception of consciousness, the higher you are as in your existential density-dimension, you will be more and more the result of a collective of consciousnesses, the ones that form you. That is to say that although you have a sense of a localized "I", you are really formed by other people who, described in another way, are also "YOU".
So, a person or a consciousness living on a higher density-dimensional existential plane would be a collective. Or it will have the same influence as a collective of individuals in a lower density.
Gosia: What a shame that I am part of the collective of ignorant consciousnesses here on Earth. I hope they don't get stick to me too much as part of who I am.
Yazhi: No, because what shapes you is what is in accordance to you. What shapes you is what you are compatible with. But that does not mean that you are compatible with only the good.
Gosia: So, I'm only part of the collective with those who are in accordance with me, yes?
Yazhi: Yes. This means that a being of high densities, whatever he thinks and does, has a greater influence on a collective of lower densities. This is just how things work. Because whatever that high-density person thinks is by definition what an entire collective thinks.
But every person on Earth walking there seeing themselves as just one person, as one more body... will not have the same level or the same influence as others. That is, it only looks the same, but it is not the same. That is why people, the "Broken Shoes" who have high perception, who are awake and positive, by this rule... with their thoughts and their mere presence they will have exponentially more influence on the nature of reality than a legion of the sleeping ones. For this reason, a density and how it works is not a "democracy" where the votes are counted and that's it. No matter what or who the people are.
That is why I am telling you that Broken Shoes are the key. If there are 1000 people on Earth, you don't need to reach a "critical mass" change point of 501 "awakened" people. We only need 5 "angels" who have more influence than 995 sleeping ones. Or in turn we only need 50 thinking individuals for them to have more weight than 950 sleeping ones.
So, with this what I am telling you with very crude numbers, to explain something extremely complex... Each Broken Shoes that know themselves awake and spiritually advanced, have and carry an enormous responsibility on how they influence the collective. The more awake you are, the higher densities you are able to perceive and understand the greater the responsibility on your shoulders.
I repeat, it is not a "democracy", reality does not work that way. In other words, the more awake and more conscious a person is, the more influence they will have on what they will manifest in the collective "reality".
Gosia: See! Now I understand why I ALWAYS had the feeling of strange responsibility to NEVER get too sad or show sadness to people in general! I never understood why. I felt that my role is to maintain the Frequency. That I bear this responsibility to maintain ¨the fort¨. Now I understand it more.
Yazhi: That's right. So, one awake person is worth 1 000 asleep, or more... it depends on the awake. That is why Broken Shoes has control and not the governments that are the result of what the average sleeping collective manifests. And the negative or regressive is only the embodied fears of everyone, including the sleeping ones.
This means that an awakened person with fear of something, who is manifesting negative things by being in a negative thinking spiral, by entertaining negative thoughts will have the ability to manifest those negative things much faster than the average sleeper <--- <--- This is very dangerous and people should know it.
Gosia: Thank you! This is very inspiring! But then why don't we still have enough power over the inhabitants of this planet yet? Are we not enough in numbers? Should we call in more ¨angels¨?
Yazhi: Or raise the POWER of those that are already there.
Robert: So, an awakened person with negative thoughts is dangerous... Is that normal? For the awakened person to project negative things?
Yazhi: It is normal or unavoidable. But you must understand that these thoughts influence the collective much more than those of a sleeping person. IT IS NOT THE SAME. So, an awakened person of high density perception, it is very DANGEROUS that such a person enters negative spirals, because they manifest everything very quickly <--- <--- Precisely because they are of high densities and the higher a density the faster everything manifests.
It must also be seen that there is no Positive and Negative, Good or Bad, but it is a relative aspect. So, it is the person who gives those qualities to what happens or what they are seeing. So just because a person is of high densities does not mean that they will always or only manifest positive things (seen as positive from the point of view of the 3D Earth).
What you think and what you focus on you will have, so you can manifest whatever it is for yourself or for the collective. That is why it is so important that you take responsibility for what you think and what you perceive and what you do, because yes, you affect everything very strongly.
Gosia: I always had this strange “Hold the Fort” feeling of responsibility, but referring to Frequency, emotions, moods, and thoughts. This is the mission of many Starseeds! Maintaining who they are! Maintaining the Frequency. In fact, in my FB in the section of Your Work I have: Frequency Maintainer, or something like that. And I never let myself be sad much with other people. I cannot. I was not "hired" for that.
Yazhi: Exactly.
Gosia: On the other hand, it's okay to let yourself feel sad and whatever. But... I never do it openly. I do it like the lone wolf, haha. And I try to get out of this state fast.
Robert: But sadness is an emotion.
Gosia: Yes, that's why. You have to feel it if it comes.
Yazhi: And a Frequency. There is nothing wrong with being sad. If you fight against that you will only have more of the same but understand and let that feeling flow.
A clarification. When a general or an admiral is more important than Broken Shoes, when he thinks of sending missiles, it is only because he is a general or an admiral. And therefore, it has the power to generate the actual action that will cause an explosion. But only because he is physically in a position to do it, of course. Not because he has more power of manifestation than Broken Shoes. The topic of who manifests more than whom depends on many factors and is something very complex. But generally, a General or an Admiral are sleeping people and very Matrix. But if he were an awakened starseed General, and they exist, his power is quite considerable.
But who manifests more than who is a complex dynamic that deserves a separate long topic? Because it is important and complex at the same time.
In itself, it is just that the awakened person... who most obviously sees and understands information and has perception, and awareness of more, or of many planes, as I have explained that is formed with the sum of his own consciousnesses, then that person becomes scalar.
As he is the sum of several "persons", its power of manifestation is as if it were a group. That is to say, what happens in the mind of a single Broken Shoes, can have the same manifestation power of a block, community or entire city... (or of an entire Galaxy, or more). This is something that I have been able to study in detail.
How the capacity is increased by the sum of consciousnesses... and this happens, for example, with strong or complete-absolute empathy where a person understands and becomes another, and another, and in itself he goes on as if acquiring other alter Egos... that he incorporates as extra personalities, multiple personalities - without the burden of Psychological meaning here. Where in both perception and energy he becomes that person that he understands.
I try to give with words an explanation of concepts outside the understanding and for which there is no language. But in short... An awake person with scalar consciousness... weighs more to manifest things... than the equivalent in number of other people who are not so awake. Acquiring with this exponentially also... more responsibility for their acts and actions. Ergo, for what they think.
Estel·la: I understand that stars are living beings like planets. How is their consciousness? How does their mind work? Are they aware of our existence?
Аnéeka: In itself, that question is more appropriate for Yazhí, because she knows these things, very like firsthand.
But within what I have learned: All consciousness is composed of other simpler ones, both in the same plane, as in other planes and timelines, which are not separated or isolated from each other, but rather influence each other, all the time.
So, a human body, to use it as a reference because any other works, is a set of separate consciousness’s or individuals, which together make up the human body.
Those individuals are the cells. Each one contains all the internal organs that a total human body would have. They are called organelles, but they are all there, in their form, from the gastric, nervous, reproductive and excretory systems. Where, for example, the reproductive system would be the nucleus and the nervous system or brain, would be the cell membrane, the outer part, and the mitochondria, would be in part the energy system.
Then each cell, in its own small way, creates its own understanding about its environment that surrounds it, chemical, toxicological and oxygenation and each one will take its own measures for its conservation as a living being.
If they are in a conducive environment, they flourish and give way to the health of the entire human-individual that contains them. If the environment is not conducive, and it is highly toxic, the cells will do everything possible not to succumb to this situation, then they do not die naturally and remain alive as long as possible. As an example, or a separate note, causing the majority of Cancers.
All the consciences of each individual cell according to their internal programming, come together to form as a group or cooperative community what would be called a complex multicellular body, or human body in this case.
As with a human body, or any other...
And taking into account that everything is energetically connected and interdependent, just as the consciousness of the human being is itself, the totality of the consciousness of each of the cells that compose it and emphasizing that each cell will have a connection, to the etheric field and the connection with other cells of other bodies, human or not, being exactly the same with a planet.
That is to say, without neglecting that it has its own consciousness, an individual “me”, it is the result of the consciousnesses that compose it as cells inside. And the planet itself is part of a larger organism. And that from another major. Component or explanation from the material side, that we are all one consciousness, the Source, the whole.
Side note: Each cell will have its own connection or version of connection with the etheric or spiritual side.
That is to say, that the Pineal Gland, contrary to what is said, is not the only point in the body that is responsible for extrasensory perception and the connection with the Unified field, but rather the whole body as a whole, gives or receives said Connection.
The Pineal Gland is only the most obviously active element within a system, within a whole. So that of decalcifying the Pineal Gland, is something quite simplistic. The truth is that it is necessary to improve the connection of the whole body as a unified whole and in this process, the Pineal Gland will obviously benefit in a way that would be far superior to the localized form of "decalcification".
Estel·la: So, a planet would be made up of all the consciences / people that inhabit in it? And a star... For all the consciousnesses of the different planets that surround it?
Аnéeka: Yes. Everything interconnected, the star of a constellation, the constellation of a cluster, the cluster of a Galaxy, the Galaxy of its local group, and so we go until we reach the whole, the consciousness that unifies everything.
Estel·la: Aha I see... joining altogether.
Cristina: Wow, thank you Anéeka, so interesting how everything is interconnected!
Аnéeka: Every plant, every ant, every little cell that lives on a planet is part of its consciousness and part of the Great Whole. Thank you.
Cristina: Can you communicate with a star? If I remember correctly, you said that the Earth, the planets communicated through sacred geometry, also the stars?
Аnéeka: Yes, but we don't see concrete evidence of engaging in a conversation with a planet, in human-understandable terms, on our scale of consciousness. It has its own way. In other words, it is as if a single cell in your pancreas wanted to tell you something. It influences, but you more towards the cell, than the cell towards you as consciousness. Even so, some people do claim to be able to have a conversation with a planet.
It is that in itself everything is geometric; everything is a mathematically understandable relationship. It would be the only way to have a common language.
Estel·la: You said the other day that the stars are cooperating with each other, how is this cooperation? How is the information passed between them? Is it like the trees in a forest?
Аnéeka: Yes, the stars are like consciences that are intertwined, that field that intertwines them all, is like a web of scalar electromagnetic energy flow (that is, of all densities and frequencies) that interconnects everything, from the etheric side. Like an energetic thread, which goes from each star connecting it with all the others.
These energy threads can be exploited in the form of Portals and are called Wormholes or Einstein Rosenberg Bridges. Therefore, we have explained how a portal in a sun can be used to go from one point to another, using the ether within, because all the suns are connected.
So, you can enter with a ship in a solar portal (Sunspots). Once inside, if you have an energetic map, you can navigate said "Cobweb" to get to another sun closer to your destination.
This is widely used to this day, as a transit system between races and interstellar races of less technological evolution than Taygeta, for example, since Taygeta has ships, which manufacture their own Wormholes at will and we do not need solar Portals or nothing like that.
And yes, it is like the trees in the forest, as they do too.
Cristina: Would the connection then be similar to the communication that neurons have in the human brain?
Аnéeka: Yes. It is exactly the same system. Because it is based on exactly the same pattern of energy formation or harmonic dynamics of a Frequency, using Yázhi terminology.
Estel·la: So, do they balance each other? Like trees that exchange water, according to their needs, among others...
Аnéeka: This is correct. Yes, they balance, they communicate, they talk, they exchange energy.
I can feel the humor of a tree. But Yazhí is extreme, since she can converse with a tree and even get specific information from a tree.
Estel·la: I have a question about something you said before. When you use the suns to move around, is entering a sun as a portal like jumping into the ether? Meaning there is no travel time, only the crew SIT time?
Аnéeka: Yes, exactly. The sun or suns are the ones that provide the energy and the energetic direction to which the ship will go.
The ship only has to be consistent with that energetic direction, so that for simple frequencies, since equal frequencies tend to be more of the same, then the ship will go in the "direction" that the crew wants.
But for us, it is not necessary, and it also seems dangerous to us to use solar Portals. Because the suns are not static, and they change their energy dynamics for their own reasons, as stated above.
Estel·la: I understand now, thank you.
Cristina: You commented that when a star dies it becomes a gravity hole, what happens next to this hole? Does it stay like this? Is it a portal, to where? Do they still connect with the same as when they were a star?
Аnéeka: Yes, it is still the same or connected as it was when it was a star. As everything is changing and depending on the flow of energy, between the connected stars, this gravity hole can get bigger, turning into a black hole or it can become less and less strong, until it dissolves in space, remaining, as if would never have been a star there. Or even a gravity hole can grow back and reignite as a star.
In itself, the genesis of the stars is something like that precisely. It receives a lot of energy at that point, energy in the form of gravity, then it begins a dynamic of electromagnetic flow at that point, and receives from "below" through the Wormholes that connect it with other stars, that energy, and even energy already shaped, as matter, as are gases of all kinds, which become plasma and combined with the electromagnetic aspect of a star, it becomes what we see as the Sun.
As Yazhí Swaruu would say, it has the harmonics of its specific Frequency, so that it is formed, at that point or concentration of gravity in space.
Estel·la: And what relationship do the stars have with the planets?
Аnéeka: They are part of the same system, they are like its energetic daughters, points of attention of a creative attention. In itself, everything is on purpose, nothing fortuitous, you can only see a mathematical logic in everything and see that as the cause, when it is the effect. The suns feed the planets with light and energetic stability and that makes the so-called organic life can be formed in them, which in turn, feed their consciousness, as symbiosis.
As for energetic connections, the planets are filled with Portals or a main portal, which connect it to its sun and to the other planets of its system.
Estel·la: How beautiful, connection with the Whole.
Cristina: And with all this, what specific function does the central sun of the galaxy have?
Аnéeka: It is that everything is connected. More than function, it is the point of greatest concentration of energy of all kinds, we can say gravitational, but gravity is a flow of consciousness in the ether. In other words, the center of a Galaxy is the point where all consciousness is concentrated, of everything that is, in said galaxy. As it is toroidally formed, the nucleus is the motor of the Galaxy and of everything that is in it. Everything from that Galaxy and in that Galaxy starts from there and is formed from there.
Estel·la: Excuse me, energetic daughters, what do you mean? Are you referring to the planets or the stars? I imagined stars more as mothers.
Аnéeka: It's like the planets, energetically, are the "daughters" of their star. Form of expression, more than anything. It is that I am thinking of THE Earth (LA Tierra), as feminine.
Cristina: What is really a star? How is its shape? Understanding that from here we only perceive 60% of reality in 5D...
Аnéeka: As everything is a toroid in shape, it is a very concentrated scalar electromagnetism emission, Outflow, like a black hole is incoming energy flow. But it is not a thermonuclear ball as human science describes it, it is something much more complex. They are not "burning" hot gases.
And its energy does not come from within itself, but from the unified field and will only grow or become extinct, according to a complex internal energy system, from the field, which interconnects all the suns. The sun is an energetic exit hole. But because it is multiplane, multidimensional scalar, a hole is perceived as a sphere, not as a flat disk.
But human science does not conceive that it draws energy from other planes that are not visible and not understood by them, so they go towards the explanation more in line with their level of understanding: Thermonuclear Ball.
So, in itself, the Sun is not hot as they describe it, it does not have high temperatures in that way, although all electromagnetic plasma compressed at one point, like a sun, does produce heat and a lot. But it is not, what generates said heat.
So, it is safe to approach a sun with a ship, but it is like going against the current with a river flow, against you. But this is solved using the same ship, to change its mass with the engines to something that affects it less, that solar flux (known on Earth as solar wind, but it comprises more components not visible to human science.)
That is why you can approach a sun and enter it, using sunspots, because they are points with little or any output magnetic flux, or only of certain frequencies.
So, the planets do not depend on the distance from a sun to receive heat from it. Being that the human theory, of the point within a solar system, where a planet must be to be habitable, is false. The earth does not have a pleasant temperature because the sun warms it. Rather, the scalar radiation from the sun is translated by the earth's atmosphere and its own energy field to produce, as a reaction, heat.
For this reason, it can be very hot on the surface of the planet, in a desert for example, but on the same day at the same time over the desert, in an airplane, it is many degrees below zero
Cristina: Yeah, I understand, that's why you commented that if the sun were a thermonuclear ball it would go against the law of thermodynamics.
Аnéeka: Yes. How is heat transmitted, through a void like space? It contradicts itself, human science, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone with these obvious problems. And space is not a void either, by the way.
You don't need a pressurized suit to be in space. They show space to you, as a cold place where if a spacesuit breaks, they would freeze in seconds. Let's see, scientists, explain to me: Where or how is that body heat transferred from the astronaut that freezes in seconds, if there is no means of heat transmission?
In space, cold is not a problem. Why is it cold in the first place? If there is supposedly nothing to measure. So, they would only measure the temperature of the same thermometer.
What happens is that human science defines cold, as the absence of molecular movement, and with this rule, they even say that the temperature of interstellar space is absolute zero or -273.15 °c.
The cold of space is not a problem for any spaceship or crew. Heat is. Because they can't easily radiate excess heat from a ship, that's the problem. So, in spaceships like ours, the systems are very complex to transform excess heat into another reusable energy form. We convert heat into electricity.
Cristina: Why you don’t need a pressurized suit? Sorry Anéeka, I didn't understand very well.
Аnéeka: Because in human science, they say that without a pressurized suit, the gases naturally contained in the blood would tend to expand due to lack of atmospheric pressure. Because the human body is pressurized to 1 Bar or a Barometric measurement equivalent to atmospheric pressure, at sea level.
Ergo, atmospheric pressure wants to compress the body by its weight, of the entire atmosphere. And to compensate for this, the body is pressurized precisely to 1 Bar, which is equivalent to neutralizing that pressure to zero.
Therefore, if you rise or fall from sea level quickly, you get plugged ears and other harmless bodily phenomena. But, if you have a human body pressurized to 1 Bar and you take it into space, you will have a Barometric measurement of outward pressure. Then the body explodes, because it expands due to lack of atmospheric pressure to compensate for it. Therefore, in itself, before the blood explodes, it will tend to boil, because the gases contained in the blood will expand. This problem is also seen with Divers. Therefore, they must rise slowly, so that their bodies get used to the new pressure, releasing gases in a controlled and progressive way, before they cause damage to tissues, veins and arteries.
Now, in space, all you have to do is accustom your body to a Barometric pressure equivalent to zero. For that, you only need a hyperbaric chamber.
Where the subject can release the internal gases of the body, up to equivalent to zero pressure. In other words, the equivalent of space. In itself, this is simpler than accustoming a body to the pressure necessary to perform deep diving work, something that is done daily on Earth.
So, to be in space without a spaceship, that is to say on a spacewalk, you don't need complex pressurized suits. The only thing you really need is a respirator with the correct mixture, and, at the correct low pressure with recirculating air, like diving, not tanks, a re-breather.
And for a suit, only basic protector. But technically you can wear your favorite shirt, and sneakers.
This makes us laugh! But also, sad.
Estel·la: Wow, how dramatic we are...
Аnéeka: There are people who have just studied the gloves of that suit. And they would never work. Because pressurized, they couldn't even move their fingers. It is absurd.
Cristina: Thank you very much Anéeka, now I have understood better, so the cold is not a problem for the person?
Anéeka: Not a problem, because from 3D or 5D in space, there is no transmission medium for heat. Moreover, if you are working in space, outside, repairing the ship, you have a tendency to overheat and even have nausea, due to body overheating.
We do have spacesuits, but they are simpler and closer to the body, offer another kind of protection, and have cooling systems, for astronauts doing physical work outside.
Basically, they have a system of tubes, with fluid that re-circulates throughout the suit cooling the astronaut, but we have other high-tech ones, which use magnetic frequencies to cool the astronauts. But the cold is not a problem, it is the heat. As you can see, our concepts of space differ greatly from humans.
Cristina: What makes increase the temperature of people in space? Are there no problems with solar radiation?
Аnéeka: Very easy. It is not that something causes them that their temperature increases, but that their own body, which is designed to radiate unnecessary heat, cannot do so. Because there is no air and there is no transmission medium, therefore, the temperature gradually builds up.
But it is not something strange, it is pure thermodynamics. It is the same with spaceships or with anything else. Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transformed into something else. Therefore, we convert heat into electrical energy, which will be used in anything.
Estel·la: And does anything happen, if you spend a lot of time just in space walk, then? Or you just get very warm like on the beach...
Аnéeka: Yes, you get overheated and that is dangerous for the body. You overheat like having a slight fever, then a stronger one, if it exceeds 40°C, serious problems begin, and by continuing to rise it can cause brain and organ damage.
On the beach you can still radiate with sweat and the breeze, not in space. You suffer thermal shock. But for that, you use space suits. But it's more like this, like a second skin. Not like those of NASA.
Estel·la: So, if you have to do a long-term operation, do you wear space suits?
Аnéeka: Yes, generally for protection. Although it is possible not to wear anything for very short periods of time, it is not recommended. The uniform suit is used. It has many functions, it doesn’t only keep the temperature at the correct temperature, it cools you if you are hot, or it warms you if you are cold, in space or wherever. It also shields against all kinds of impacts, from debris to bullets. It becomes rigid in a nano second, becoming impenetrable. If you fall from somewhere, it avoids fractures. It is made of high-tech, self-healing, polymorphic resin fabric.
Estel·la: And how do you breathe?
Аnéeka: To breathe, it is with a transparent helmet and a re-circulating tank on the back. Like the diving one, but smaller. You don't escape the transparent helmet, although you could have it only in your mouth and that's it, but it is very uncomfortable and even dangerous. Also, the system must be calibrated for space, or zero pressure, or the respirator itself can damage your lungs.
Cristina: Thank you very much Anéeka, of course I understand oxygen is important.
Estel·la: When a star dies, becoming then a gravity hole, what happens to the planets that orbit it?
Yázhi Swaruu: It absorbs them, it becomes part of its mass when the dynamics or balance that existed between them when it was a star changed or stopped. I mean... they are destroyed.
Cristina: And what about the consciousness of the planets and their inhabitants? What process do they go through?
Yázhi Swaruu: It is a process that would be, like of death, it passes to other things, to other planes. But the consciousness of the planets themselves is closely linked to the one of their sun, being part of the same. And they do not take it as something tragic, because that is human thought or interpretation.
And before that, the energetic dynamics of the planets change with the star itself, ergo when that collapse happens, for a long, long time, there has been no biological life there, in them. It is a gradual process, and unique, for each case.
Estel·la: Ahh, look I was just going to ask this. And can this be detected living in 5D? For example, being able to realize that this will happen and move to another planet or something like that. But I understand that there would no longer be anyone living there.
Yázhi Swaruu: Yes, and limited from 3D too. But it is only a point of view, or perspective in particular, taking into account that from other planes, the stars are always there, being outside of time, because they are very definitely high consciousnesses, of high densities. Where there is no time as it is known. They are only being destroyed, from the point of view of low densities, who observe the process.
Estel·la: Aha, I understand. And at what level of consciousness or evolution is a star?
Yázhi Swaruu: I can't quantify it, again, saying a density with a number would be inappropriate and limited. In themselves, they are in all densities, however these are understood. From the most basic, just being, to the highest, as consciousness of the whole. Already practically being the Source itself, but still preserving something of its own identity as a star.
That is why they are so interconnected with each other energetically and in a scalar way, that is, of very high densities, which is described as Wormholes, which interconnect the stars, all of them.
In itself, this network of connections between the stars can be interpreted as what determines that all of them, all the stars, are both unique and particular and at the same time they are a single "thing", a single cluster of consciousness. A single cosmic super-being with each star as a node of itself, interconnected through high densities, of the ether. A super being, that is in all densities and that is impossible to understand by the normal mind.
A great something, which could be said to be the Galaxy itself... like being seen by or from the position of 3D. All connected, forming a single consciousness... That sees or perceives itself, as someone... the Galaxy...
And at the same time, connected with others, as if each of the Galaxies were a single star, because there are so many... Interconnected as the stars are to form another even greater Super-being, with even more consciousness. And down, the same thing happens too. Because each being that exists with consciousness is not a single being, but the sum of the consciousnesses that form it, consciousnesses from their simplest point of view. Simple that come together and add up to form a more complex one.
Estel·la: Thank you very much, I understood it very well.
Cristina: Thank you very much Yazhí this topic is exciting
Yázhi Swaruu: You are welcome, thanks to you.
Extraterrestrial Races: Andromedans (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: A very old species or race with very few known variants. They are mainly one race and culture only, even though there are separate factions. They are not of Lyrian origin. They have more in common with the Arcturian - Dieslientiplex, Devonian and Korendian races. They are also related to the Blue Pleiadian race, Blue Pleiadian or Celestes.
According to what they themselves explain, several millions years ago, during the primitive era of their spiritual evolution, they were in a similar position as the humans are in today. They ended up fighting among themselves, for lack of ethics and morals, and that resulted in the destruction of their own planet. They had the time to get out of it on board of ships of their own manufacturing. By the very definition of timelines, it necessarily has to exist, but the Andromedans of today have no connection or communication with that timeline. They have total temporal capacity, and they have even used it with the humans as Alex Collier testifies, as he was in contact with the Andromedans.
Since the destruction of their planet, the Andromedans have no planet. It is a species and culture completely dependent on their space vessels. They are born, live and die in them, having their own cycles and dynamics of reincarnation onboard.
Their ships are of three classes and shapes:
• The grand sphere or biosphere base ships with several millions of inhabitants in them. They are of great size, an example of a ship of this class is the terrestrial moon that was one of their ships in the past, it is of their manufacturing.
• The biosphere smaller triangular ships that they use because they are agile, and it is easy to move them from one place to another to assert their presence in some location. These ships too are self-contained, also named biospheres. They contain several thousand inhabitants onboard, and their regular size exceed 800 kilometers long. There is one in Earth orbit behind the moon at this moment.
• Smaller agile vessels of various forms, predominantly of a disc shape.
Their political structure is ancient and is called "Holographic Political System" due to its levels of councils (step councils), or also better known as "The Andromedan Holographic Political System" most often used by almost all the progressive advanced races, including Taygeta.
The belief systems based on the concept of karma, as it is known in the East (of the Earth), comes from the Andromedans. In the same manner, the Sanskrit language is the humanized form of Andromedan. On Earth this is recognized in some circles in the area, as they have the legend that Sanskrit comes from the stars.
The Andromedans have influenced the Earth for thousands of years, being that the most recognized Andromedan on Earth is the god Shiva.
Their social system is one of total equity, even though one can observe a strong tendency towards patriarchy.
The human representative who has had most contact with the Andromedans is Mr. Alex Collier. I recommend to study his works, as they relay the truth.
The Andromedans have two genders, male and female, and the reproduction is sexual. When an Andromedan is born, it is always underwater, to minimize the trauma. And then the offspring is given all the reSources of the entire civilization so that their development is the best possible, they don't spare anything for their young and they spend the major part of their lives dedicating themselves to studying and self-improvement.
Physically they are very slim with a fragile appearance, between 2 and 3 meters tall with an average of 240 centimeters. A little less for the women. The men are very esthetic, and the women very beautiful. They do not have any kind of hair or body hair, neither males nor females alike. Their skin is sky or light blue, but there are variants.
Longevity is said to be some 4 500 Earth years, but it is difficult to calculate because outside time is different and results impossible to make a true and credible calculation. When they die it is by their own decision, it is never by illnesses as they have already transcended this concept. It is not that they don't get sick, but that it is all solvable with the mind and with "Med-Pod" technology.
They are very mental beings, logical. They are not temperamental nor are they emotional. They have a lot of curiosity about the reactions of the emotional races, because it is very difficult for the Andromedans to understand them. This has caused friction between races more than once, including differences with the Taygetan race - as the latter is a very emotional race, even more so than the humans.
Robert: Don't they wish to establish themselves on a planet? Are they nomads? They have to be great constructors of spaceships.
Swaruu: It is a nomad race, if you could describe them as such. They are great spaceship constructors. They construct them with the help of their closest friends, with whom they have had a cordial relationship for millenia: the three Arcturian races. The Andromedan ships are constructed on or near the planet "Pitoya" in the Bootes-region. It is under the control of the Dieslientiplex-Arcturians.
They can recall their past lives without problems, and their children – if they so decide – can pick up where they left off in their former life, but with a new body. It does not present problems for the offspring. Nor are they classified as endangered.
They do not want to settle on a planet because they would feel limited. They like to maintain their "mobile interests," by their own admission. They also insist that all planets that exists aren't theirs, and that settling on them causes karma - even if it is only inhabited by animals. The planet does not belong to them. With the high technology of the biosphere ships they don't need a planet. They have everything inside. They feel more secure, because inside the ships they have total control of everything that happens in them, and with them. The Andromedans are obsessive with perfection and control.
They are members of the "Federation of the United Planets," of the Andromedan Council and the Sphere Alliance. Their technology is equal or on par with ours. However, the Andromedans tend to use solar Portals, we don't. The sphere ships that can be seen coming and leaving through the solar portal are mainly Andromedan and Arcturian.
Gosia: Since when are they there in the orbit, and what is their involvement in the liberation of the Earth?
Swaruu: They now have been roaming around this area for about 12,500 years. But the large biosphere ship arrived to Earth orbit around 1952.
Their involvement with Earth's liberation is mainly that of being advisors and of logistical support for the other races, thanks to their large ships. However, they also do observations and research work in the areas of terrestrial radiation, volcanology and seismology, which they then share with the other races.
Gosia: How many ships do they have? And how many Starseeds?
Swaruu: The Andromedans have countless ships, countless large biosphere ships. They are among the races with most Starseeds on Earth today.
The Way Timelines Look to Me is not How Humans See it-Yázhí Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
Yazhi: I have to start by saying how I see futures or the future in general and it is not the same and it is difficult to understand because what I will say with words is not how I see it, because it is impossible for me to describe these things with cardboard. I am referring to this language.
Humans only see time as a one-lane road, like those in the countryside, where if a vehicle drives against another one approaching from the opposite direction, both must very carefully move to the side to let another one pass. Because two cars cannot physically fit on the same asphalt road. So they think that things are like that everywhere.
As I perceive time using the same analogy, it is like a highway with 8 lanes but also with levels one above the other where a car can not only change lanes to the one it wants, left and right, but up and down too, left and right, back and forth, it doesn't matter.
Another analogy. Humans see time as a line, the arrow of time as they describe it. I see a bubble within another bubble within another bubble to infinity and eternal expansion.
There is no similar geometrical GIF to portray this.
So I don't just see a series of events as a sequential line, in the way how people want me to explain to them as what is brewing in the future, on a single line. But I see it as events that change continuously, jump between one another and influence each other.
As in this last image, time expands in any direction, one and each line being only a sequence of events in particular that is observed as it progresses to develop, not necessarily forward in time, also receding like a vessel that has been broken and you see how it is being rebuilt. Like a sheet of paper that is un-burning.
Although humans see this as an impossibility and something that violates the laws of thermodynamics, it is not so from other angles, only from the limited time arrow that they see.
Each red point is a nexus point which is where the energy and events of a series of lines or a line converge and influence others. So from any point you have the influence of other points. Being that for example the past, present and future are all intertwined and as a single whole, a unit. Being temporarily animated only by where the attention is placed and, at will.
Being that I can continue much more on this issue and in itself it is or would be another separate topic ... Going back to what concerns us here. I see a chain of events, but I see similar chains with their own outcomes all equally valid, all simultaneously, constantly influencing each other.
What is understood on Earth as parallel universes or timelines is basically garbage. They denote limitation and isolation from each other. While it is a whole that works together and beyond all time. It is each individual who animates everything in a specific way.
When it comes to geometric shapes, time is an ever-expanding scalar bubble, both already expanded and at the same time not, and simultaneously it also contracts without contradicting itself in its energy dynamics. Toroid within toroid within toroid with the mind at the center or motor of it.
So with that in mind what I see is that on the 8-lane and 8-level super-highway, 8 and 8 just because on Earth the super-highways have 8 lanes, it´s 8 just for that reason, what will come is more confinements and more restrictions, progressively tighter, economies will collapse. People will panic and attack those who don't follow the rules. The masks themselves are an instrument to be able to see the dissidents. It exposes them, that is why they serve as indicators to know which population is more submissive and which one they should attack more with restrictions, using the very sleeping population as instruments of repression and perpetrators of fascism.
In a crisis situation, people will first want to hyper obey the authorities by attacking the "awakened" who refuse to use the masks thinking that they will be able to change a closed mind mentality, those who do not think because they have totally lost the ability to reason because of the very panic, fear and lack of oxygen produced by the masks themselves. The same will happen with vaccines, the sleeping zombies will wish and ask for more restrictions and more vaccines.
There will be mass and collective unrest around the world with a crushing military response. Time period between March 2020 and March 2025.
It all depends on humans. On what they manifest as I have been saying and I have tired of saying. Nothing is set in stone. Everything I describe above is not deterministic ... they are in control of everything. And I mean the people themselves.
I know it does not look like that from there, from the surface and from the point of view of the family who will be taken out of their house because they cannot pay the mortgage. Because that's what 3D is all about, giving your free will up for a collective experience and even so with what little you have left to get ahead as a soul, if not as a body-biology.
So in this case as in any other, the only thing that matters is how you are inside, what you think, your values, morals, ethics and level of consciousness, always changing, always expanding, leaving behind what does not serve you without any attachments because those slow you down.
Values on Earth are reversed, what doesn't matter matters and what really matters doesn't. Money and material, bodily satisfaction is what matters, immediate gratification with a low level of consciousness, materialistic and deterministic. That´s what matters there.
The mind, the spirit, what you take with you when you die, that does not matter, just as life itself does not matter, neither that of people, nor that of animals, nor that of plants. Ethics, morals, consciousness do not matter, only obeying the masters and that is where the human error lies that brings their destruction.
But the key is not to defeat the big corporations or the villains. Because villains only have power because the same people give it to them. The key is not politicians, no Trump, Q anon, or Z anon. They are just more of the same and it is inconsequential who wins the elections, everything turns out the same. Only with other faces. Trump is not controlled opposition. He is genuine, but works at a low level without real power, and only fights for his interests and his group or faction of the Cabal which he represents as a puppet. He doesn´t care about the people, they are means to achieve what every man with power wants and desires, more power. But not only him, but his group of White Hats or yellow hats or caki hats, whatever you want to call them, it's the same.
The key are the people on the street, they are the ones who have the true power to change everything, the "Broken Shoes" from above, from high densities, those are the "players", the rest is only scenery. Part of what they wish for their experiences on Earth, and like it or not, they designed everything that is happening right now.
It is the human collective and the agreements between them that they form and follow that is the key for what I have described above not to happen, and what I also see is more positive, although in very few lines. In my super highway of 64 lanes let's say it happens in 4 random ones.
Them realizing progressively but very quickly that this is all a hoax, that nothing is happening, that there is no virus, then people saying a resounding NO to vaccines after the first rumors of side effects and deaths caused by it. They will fear the vaccine, they will not cooperate. They will be forced to take them in some way, because that is how it is designed, more of them will die. But they will stop cooperating with the Cabal and with governments from the most basic point of view or aspect of the human being, survival. Yet this always comes at great cost to people. Great cost because it depends on them realizing en masse that they are being manipulated and this causes people to react with protests and this follows with subsequent government retaliation.
So, all progress towards the positive will bring a strong reaction in people confronting each other because of the very confusion to which they are being subjected, thus creating an enormous cost in death and human suffering. The cost of them waking up en masse will be very great.
In almost all timelines, let's say 50 out of 64, not being able to be precise... The Cabal does not achieve its primary purpose or objective. In the long run. While they do achieve it temporarily, it can be decades of achievement, their very trans-humanism will create or cause the humans under their control to cease to be human according to the definition of what being a human means.
Because as today they see apparent limitations of the human body as a problem, wanting to be able to give it cyborg parts, connect to the Internet, or attach prostheses that give them super strength, they will progressively see no use for any "human" component. The human race being destroyed as a result. At least the part in or within a technologically advanced society.
And from these ruins... little by little another society will develop. As it has always been on Earth. Cycle after cycle of birth, flourishing, decay and destruction of societies. They are born, grow, flourish and die. They are born, grow, flourish and die. It has always been this way, for what humans might describe as hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years. It has always been this way.
Earth has always been a difficult place to incarnate, the most difficult place many say (there are others). It is characterized by this, all this. The Federation did not intervene before, never has, not as humans wish, not as they ask. Why would it intervene now, at this time?!
The people, the souls who cannot bear to live like this, with what is coming, will get out of the "game." They will die. With very few leaving in exodus in ships. But the masses cannot count on it. From below, Earth level, this is a horrendous genocide, and it is. But from above it is only the end of the game. Enriching experience for everyone. Great growth comes after the teachings of the hard, and the terrible. From the outside it doesn't look terrible. It looks necessary and enriching.
I understand this well. As I also understand how things look from below. From the Earth. Once again, both extreme, contradictory points of view turn out to be truths that feed on each other, inexorably linked and interdependent.
But Broken Shoes is the key. What every little person out there feeling like trash can do by learning to use a simple two-letter word: NO. Everything that happens is a reflection of the mind of Broken Shoes. They are the creators, not the Cabal, not the Federation. Those are reflections of their psyche. They are Gods. <--- <---
But... they want to play "that" whatever it's called, and "that" is what they have and will have. Nothing and no one can stop what will happen. Only them, because it comes out of them. They are the cause and the solution <--- <---
Gosia: You have said at some point above that all of this is designed by their souls from above. So, with that the question comes to me, as much as they fight here, and try to create something positive, could it be that it will not come out because this and that ¨design¨ is already in place anyway? CAN they here from 3D redirect what they have designed from above? Or is it that from above there are MULTIPLE designs always? And they only activate what they want from here inside?
Yazhi: The very purpose of that design you speak of is to be able to build and transcend that state in favor of something more expanded and positive for everyone. From above there is only one design. From a position of limited understanding from low density, only seemingly independent isolated points are seen, since that is what defines a low density. But everything is integrated, everything has a purpose, the very existence of the Earth in a regressive state defines the Earth in a state of high density.
Ascension - What is it Really About? - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
Gosia: Ok, I have 2 questions Yazhi. They are basic and may be repetitive but I want you to answer them for people because I think not everyone understands it well yet.
First: How does the subject of ASCENSION, which the very ET races speak of, fit into everything that we are talking about recently? (I know that in some talk you said that this comes from higher levels, from channeling... that would fit. It does not come from the Federation). But something else to add to this?
Yazhi: I do not agree with ASCENSION as described by hundreds of others. I see it as New Age, religious, part of the control of the Cabal to impose its Government and World Religion. Controlled opposition too, where people spend their time waiting for a "savior" be it Jesus again, or Ashtar, whoever. Characters of their creation for the same purpose, crowd control.
The whole ASCENSION thing immediately puts people in a state of eternal anticipation for something to happen to them. For the world, the entire planet, irretrievably to ascend to 5D where there are no problems, where everything is love and singing holding hands making a circle around a tree. Concepts that in themselves already carry strong symbolism. Hypothetical 5D world and New Age that cannot exist because a density or universe without conflict is not possible while living in duality.
One solution to this is to keep people in an eternal state of pure ignorance and complete dependence on the system that will control their thinking.
But this has already happened and is embodied in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Where their "nakedness" really represents not having any knowledge. That is, without a way to fend for themselves. Completely dependent on a god who claims to be pure love, when he proves himself to be a complete narcissistic tyrant. But Adam and Eve do not see it because of their very "nakedness" of thought of consciousness, pure ignorance.
Being that the only rule imposed on them by that god is a rule that as a whole is not just one but determines and combines all the other rules into one. Not consuming the forbidden fruit, representing the knowledge, that is, the realization that they are being manipulated, that they are being exploited and that everything they have been told is a lie. But mainly the knowledge that they are like that god, others being just like him, with the same capabilities, even clearly superior to him. Knowledge represented in the acquisition of shame and the need to hide because they know they are "naked" (without knowing how to defend themselves).
They wish to return humans to that state. Therefore the "awakened" must die. They must be erased. That is why the moment a civilization reaches a point of intellectual and consciousness development, it collapses. Because even seen from high planes, it ceases to be the difficult and deterministic world that souls wish to experience. Even if they deny it once inside. Closed and trapped in vicious circles and their own creations such as sin and Karma.
So, and fully aware that I am contradicting the "great ones" like Dolores Cannon here. I don't see any ASCENSION as they describe it. Nor do I see that it is even possible from any Cosmic angle.
There would only be individual ASCENSION as a process of advancement in the capacities of perception of the individual, of their mental ascension and consciousness-perception. And only from that point, from there, and by agreements between a number of people with the same vision and level of consciousness, another world can be generated, another better society with a 5D mentality, this time referring to the real 5D - where you can live at peace with a scientific, moral, ethical and conscious advancement in general, but still with problems created by a world still strongly based on duality. As would be Taygeta for example.
But what they sell you by ASCENSION in all the New Age places, articles and channels is a mental impossibility. This is only fulfilled in very high densities but with characteristics that do not go hand in hand with their descriptions of their "5D" New Age and Utopian. For example, still forming a family, with a man and a woman. Having a job, money economy and all that is only a reflection of the current 3D. All that from high densities stops working.
The concept of ASCENSION as they provide people with, also puts them in a very dangerous mindset, and very convenient for the Cabal. It is putting them into a waiting mentality. That they should not do anything. Not be involved. "Because it is inevitable" <--- <--- (quoting Dolores Cannon here). ¨Doing nothing¨ mentality amounts to falling prey to Cabal manipulations that make them docile and easy to manage. Obedient. Without control over what they want as individuals or as a society. That is why I insist that it is an individual path, individual ASCENSION; because it will begin from there - people with the same interests and points of view will form agreements that will be the basis for a new, more positive society.
From another individual point of view, the ASCENSION from 3D without an alliance between many people with the same thought or Frequency, necessarily implies that one will first live in an interior alternate world, to later be completely incompatible with living or simply existing there.
Being that the ASCENSION for these isolated people will only be reflected after death where they will be compatible with incarnating in other worlds more in accordance with their level of understanding and Frequency and consciousness.
While this sounds very bleak from Earth, from the position of being incarnated there, from the more expanded position, it is just a natural process and as it always has been.
To 'manifest' a better world all united there. Yes, they can, but it depends on them. Most are just asleep, in a zombie-obedient state. And those who shout that they do not want the negative world to materialize, even though they are many, are scattered and do not represent the will of the "people of Earth." Not the mass, they are not the highest percentage. It is said that it has already gone to 51%, I do not know what they are basing themselves on here with that. If that were the case, the things you see today would simply not be happening.
Gosia: Thank you for this detailed answer! A question. You said: And only from that point, from there, and by agreements between a number of people with the same vision and level of consciousness, another world can be generated, another better society with a 5D mentality, this time referring to the real 5D. But on Earth?
Yazhi: Yes, in the thin hopes that remain. But the masses don't want that.
Gosia: I understand. The next question is also simple perhaps and you have already answered it briefly but I would like to answer it in more detail if possible because it is another super common thing that people do not understand and they base themselves on that lack of understanding when they reject some of our information. The question is: You have said that thoughts create. So, giving us the vision of the horrible future as one of the possibilities doesn't cement that timeline more? How would you answer so that people can understand your point of view?
Yazhi: Going into denial is a common response. Putting your head in the sand does not remove the problem that haunts you. The wolf is still there, and it only makes you more vulnerable to him.
Being able to understand what you don't want helps to cement what you do want. You cannot advance blindly. This is what I was referring to above with the New Age and the ASCENSION as something that will happen to them without having to do anything. That only results in useless attitudes, people without any motivation to do the work themselves, because nobody will do it for them.
It is true that you will receive more of that that you focus on. And it creates vicious circles. But you need to know what problem you are facing in order to do something about it. You cannot advance only by looking at the positive. Because the regressive ones will take advantage of that. That in themselves they are only a reflection of the ignorance of the population and of their mental state.
The very nature of true shadow work is to face adversity head-on. Facing all the most horrible aspects of ourselves head on. Only from that position will they be able to see and solve the problems that haunt them.
I do not mean to see or accept that we have defects. That is very superficial. I mean getting down to the worst things we can imagine about ourselves. Face the most horrible and low aspects that we encounter. Mentally get into not only the level of the mud that encloses our own mind, our unconscious, but even lower, into the very ugliness of our deepest unwanted characteristics.
To face directly everything that terrifies us, what hurts us as qualities. Letting go and accepting that we are that too. That within ourselves we have terrible, regressive and most despicable qualities.
With that, something that very few people are capable of doing, we acquire a very deep and complete self-knowledge, almost without any denial of what we are as people. And with this, gaining the control that comes from the simple fact of being aware of all this, we will naturally and inexorably create and realize that we are also the exact opposite of that terrible something that we have inside.
There is no virtue in repressing anything, so that it is then reflected on the outside when you least expect it. ¨What you repress will come out later and you will call it destiny¨ - Carl Gustav Jung.
It is the ability to accept that we do carry a monster inside that defines us as virtuous, choosing to be the opposite, because the existence of the monster defines and creates its opposite: the celestial being of high densities. Being that integrates everything. Including the regressive.
It defines it. And overcomes it. Being the monster, you choose to be the Celestial being, that is the definition of virtue. Because evil has the characteristic of being self-destructive. It defines it. I speak of absolute evil, not of the one relative to each point of view.
So, since there is malevolence, there is its opposite, integration. And with it the total dissolution of evil. By contrast evil remains only as an example of how not to be. This is how evil is understood. And therefore, it is understood how to defeat it. As integration, not as suppression or rejection.
They will have to face the problems and do something about them. Do not wait for your ASCENSION because it will not happen. They must work on it. Face your personal and collective monsters and there you will have your ASCENSION.
Extraterrestrial Races: Agarthians (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: Scene: Antediluvian world. Tiamat is above as the moon; they call it the Moon. You see Saturn in the distance, it has horns but not rings. The Earth is full of woods. People live as Tolkien describes it in the Lord of The Rings and Hobbit series. There are vast distances on plains that have disappeared today. Few seas and many lakes. You can walk around the world although it would take years. All these faraway lands, full of mysteries and full of memories are now under water.
Atlantis and Lemuria are the two great "East and West" of that time, and in an eternal battle. They are not the only great civilisations that have existed. Before these two, countless others have grown, matured and died. Today, this knowledge has been lost in time. The existence of Atlantis and Lemuria is in doubt... let alone remembering the ones before. It is an eternal cycle of growth, boom, and decay-destruction. 400 000 000 Four hundred million years of advanced civilisations, all technological, all with the people with wisdom, many of them interstellar.
Atlantis was not a continent. It was a society, a culture and the name of the capital of that culture. It was located on the continent of Appalachia. Today it is under the North Atlantic and where the Appalachia Mountains region in western USA, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee comes from. Big planetary society, with influence everywhere. Interstellar, capital south of the Bahamas. Under the water... the Bermuda triangle, although it was NOT the only large city in Atlantis. When it was blooming with life there was another one in northern Iraq, another one in the Mediterranean, and others in South America, including Macchu Pichu and Tiahuanaco as part of the same civilisation.
On the other side of the planet you have... Lemuria, or Mu. It is not a continent, as others say. It is a civilisation and the capital city. Lemuria (the civilisation), Mu (capital city) that were on the disappeared continent of Oceana (today Oceania). Founded by Taygeta as colony... flourishing with other people who have joined. Including those fleeing from the tyranny of Atlantis. Five continents are missing today, disappeared under the sea: Appalachia / Fennoscandia / Oceana / Tirandia / Beringia.
Jumping forward to the great war of Tiamat. Everything is flooded. The majority drowns. But the survivors of Lemuria flee towards what today is South America, North America and Japan. The majority arrives in North America, but they know they are persecuted by their old enemies from Atlantis. They know of caverns under Mount Shasta and they go deep underground. The survivors of Atlantis flee to the highlands... where the water did not reach (today Ireland and Scotland). And they are later known as Celts.
Gosia: Are the survivors from Lemuria Taygetans?
Swaruu: They are Taygetans mixed with Homo Atlantis which is the result of a reptilian genetic manipulation of Lyrian-human-beings, with the purpose of creating slaves and very possible human meat. The Taygetans were in lesser quantity, the majority were Homo Atlantis.
Gosia: But they couldn't manipulate genes. They went back to their natural state, didn't they?
Swaruu: That's right... and not. It is a very important subject to clarify for the public, and I will say it in a few lines. To maintain an aggressive laboratory change, the changed subject must be removed from its connection to the original Source. It must be kept in a low vibratory state and with a deterministic mentality, be kept in a victim mode and without will power, own identity, nor inner power. That is why the human being is also kept in low Frequency, that is why chemtrails are applied, to isolate them. That is why the Matrix and Mind Control are maintained at all costs.
The Agartheans-ex-Lemurians had advanced technology even though they lost much in the great flood. They lost more than Atlantis. They used their technology to form an advanced intra-terrestrial civilization. Little by little through thousands of years, and with relatively little negative interference they spread all over the world, but underground. Where the Matrix is weak. Their very high Frequency, willingness to live well and be happy kept them in 5D or very low 5D. Capital city: Great Shambala (under the Gobi Desert, Mongolia and North China). Alternate pioneer city: Shambala minor. Secret location, Himalaya. They have underground cities all over the world and represent a planetary society. They have control over the two polar entrances.
Today they have problems at certain levels due to the intra-terrestrial reptilian invasion, and they are believed to have lost control of the entrances. Agarthean-Federation communication is sporadic and not good.
Gosia: Oh wow, Shambala and Gobi have always interested me a lot. People also connect it with "The Great White Brotherhood."
Swaruu: The Great White Brotherhood is Illuminati and not related, that is certain. They are Masons. Duality. Therefore, they do "good." Whites as opposed to blacks.
Gosia: And what are they like physically, Agarthians?
Swaruu: Their skin is very white, white hair. But they also have more ¨normal skin¨ and dark hair. Pointed ears are common, but not all. They are also known as Vulcans.
Gosia: And are they positive in general?
Swaruu: Yes, they are positive. But remember that today they are invaded. The lizards entered the parts that are in lower Frequency, mostly because of their geographical location, leaving the parts of Agartha that are more below and outside of 3D, free.
Gosia: But they were in 5D, right? How did the Reptilians get into 5D there?
Swaruu: Because the parts of Agartha that are close to the surface are in 4D or 3D.
Gosia: Are they involved with the inhabitants of the Earth?
Swaruu: Yes, but I cannot know to which degree. But yes, they are.
Gosia: Thanks, Swaruu. I love this information.
Swaruu: And there is much more. You are welcome, and thanks to you. Until tomorrow.
Cristina: Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. Today we want to share with you a very interesting conversation that we had a while ago with Anéeka from Temmer and that we have recently expanded with Yazhí Swaruu about the different equine species of the Taygeta planets. I will start the video talking about the different equine species that we have here on Earth, just as a comparison, and then I will continue talking with the different species of Taygeta. I hope you enjoy this video as much as we did.
On Earth, horses have always been an animal characterized by having a pure and noble spirit. An animal highly appreciated since ancient times, as it has been used in many jobs for us. From pulling heavy wagons, tilling fields, transporting people, and even cargo vehicles in battle. There are millions of uses that man has exploited of this animal.
On our planet the horse family is extensive. We have 4 species of equines. Asses or Equus africanus asinus, considered a domestic animal, despite the fact that in Africa we can still find populations of wild asses. On the other hand, we have The Zebras or Equus zebra, which has three species of the genus Equus typical of Africa (common zebra, mountain zebra and Grevy's zebra).
Another equine is, the Prezewalski or Equus Ferus Przewalskii. Native to the steppes of Mongolia. Do not be fooled by its horse-like appearance, the Prezewalski is not a horse despite its appearance. It has two more chromosomes than the horse. And finally, our beloved domestic horse or Equus Ferus Caballus. There are more than 200 breeds or types of horses, nowadays, mixed by man according to his interests.
All our equines are characterized by being ungulate solipeds, meaning they are characterized by having a limb with a central finger that serves as support. Covered and protected, by a very strong and elastic cover, the hoof.
Although the horse is an animal of wild origin, there are no longer any wild horses on our planet and the original Equus ferus is considered extinct. We only have a few populations of feral horses left. Horses, which even now live wild, some of them for many hundreds of years, have domestic ancestors.
Ergo, they are descendants of domestic horses that at some point in the past escaped or were released and went wild. An example of these would be the mustangs in the United States, descendants of the horses brought from Europe during the conquest of America. But we have more populations of feral horses on the planet, such as the Kaimanawa horse in New Zealand, the Namivian desert horses or the Brumby in Australia, with one of the youngest populations, since they have not been for more than 70 years on freedom. And there are more.
Many of these feral horse breeds are threatened by man, due to the fact that they are considered pests and a threat to crops and other indigenous species. In the United States, the mustangs are now protected, but in Australia hunts are still organized to control the brumby populations, where they attack the horses from helicopters. These hunts are justified due to the horse not being native to many regions of the planet, since it was brought or imported by man, the lack of predators in some places is said to cause excessive population growth. The horse has been displaced and moved so many times that scientists cannot agree on which area or region the Equus ferus originated on Earth.
In the Taygeta solar system, they also have animals of the equine type. Some, very similar to the equine species that we had on Earth, now extinct and that have been by mistake, classified by our science, as the evolution of the modern horse. Being only, other species within the genus equus and how is natural in our universe, species are shared in many of the solar systems and planets.
In the case of Taygeta, they have 3 species of equines. In the Taigetean language the word Linhas, based on Navajo, refers to the animals that belong to the equine family.
The largest is the Lin and it is also the most similar to our modern horse. Although it presents some important morphological differences.
For example, its size, being on average 30% smaller than our Equus ferus Caballus and its appearance is similar to Merychippus, an extinct equine species, which inhabited our planet in the Miocene era. Just as reference. The coat colors are similar to our horses, except for some that they don’t have, such as the cape color called pío or pinto, which is the solid color coat mixed with white spots on the body.
In contrast, some specimens of Lin have or present a medium brindle coat, black stripes on top of the solid color that can range from light brown to very dark brown or black. In the latter, the black stripes are only appreciated when it’s in the sun, similar to how polka dots are seen in a Panther, since this is only a dark Leopard.
The stripes are not uniform throughout the body, as it would be in our zebras, but are present or are more prominent in the area of the neck, back, withers and front extremities and they are lost or blurred towards the rear of the animal. The mane, the bangs and the tail is covered with abundant hair, as in the horse. But if something differentiates the Lin from our horse, it is in its hoof. Since it has a split helmet in the middle. Similar to the foot of a deer but more rounded like a horse's hoof.
These animals live mainly on the planet Erra and also in Temmer, but in smaller numbers. They are mainly steppe, and are found in open areas with a lot of grass and some trees. They feed on grass, mainly grasses and legumes, although in Erra and Temmer there is 10% more variety than on Earth. There is not the same vegetation as here, only some types of plants are shared. The Lin moves in large herds, minimum of 20 to 30 individuals, but the number can vary. They move together, in search of reSources. Females usually give birth just to one foal. Gestation time is difficult to determine, due to the nature of time in Taygeta. The same happens with life expectancy, which is not relevant or relative there, but in the animal's perception it is safe to say that they live at least 10 times longer than on Earth. The result would be an approximate life expectancy of about 300 years per specimen.
Another of the Linhas species, it is very similar to the Lin, but a bit smaller. With very similar morphology and characteristics. It also inhabits steppe areas and lives in herds, but not in groups as numerous as the Lin. This species of Linhas is only found on the planet Erra.
And finally, the smallest species. Its name in Taygetean is Bosh´ke´sh and it means something like “little boy”. It is the size of a large terrestrial dog, the snout is longer and it has almost no tail. It is similar to the Eohippus, an extinct species that according to our science lived on Earth in the Eocene epoch. But this one is bigger. Again, only as a reference.
The Bosh´ke´sh, unlike the other two species of Linhas, live in wooded areas, commonly in coniferous forests. As a reference to the other two species, these have shorter limbs and are more chubby. But this does not detract from their abilities, since they have great agility to climb between rocks, with capacities similar to a goat. They live in smaller family groups, such as 2, 3 or 4 individuals. Although it varies. The Bosh´ke´sh is originally from the planet Erra.
All the species of Linhas, in Taygeta, are characterized by presenting the double hoof. But also, for the great absence of predators. Proving that predation is not necessary for demographic control of species, such as horses or antelopes, among others. Even though, in Taygeta there are big cats, but they are mostly scavengers. It is not within their usual behavior to attack other species. Taygeta has more feline breeds than Earth, some variants of the same breeds, such as breeds of lions with tiger characteristics.
There are also many breeds of medium size feline, similar to a Lynx, and these do hunt birds. The bird, in Taygeta, is one of the largest and most varied branches of species there is, the planet Temmer has the largest number of avian species. Many more species than we can find on Earth. But there are also other predators, such as large canid species, such as wolf breeds or coyotes, but these are not in the great steppes, but in the forests.
Demographic control or demographic balance is really achieved, because the animals reach a certain homeostasis with the environment. In other words, if the horse population grows more than necessary, food is scarce, which reduces the number of individuals. But not as a direct action by predators. Achieving a balance in the number reached, that is to say that die as many as are born. Making the population stable.
But unlike what you would expect on Earth, this stability is not reached dramatically. Animals do not need to go through famines or anything like that, but they reproduce in stability and in accordance with their environment. This not only causes that food is not lacking, but also that the limit of ecosystem erosion is not reached. On the contrary, the fact that animals graze encourages the creation of fertile land for plants.
This is achieved through signals that are passed between species and plants. These signals, which can be chemical to each other, or biological secreting information that will receive those of the same species or other species. They are the exosomes. These data, which are shared among themselves, also have or carry a factor that determines when or how they will be reproduced, and this will be in perfect harmony with the environment. But it also includes information as relevant as the quantity and quality of the food, where the preferred food is from or environmental toxicity, among many other things. The entire ecosystem is interconnected, animals and plants.
This also creates that by not creating an environment of high competition for reSources at any time, because there are many, then the population of an animal does not go into excessive reproduction mode. Because they are not threatened, and therefore do not have the need to fill the planet with horses. Let's say you enter the quality of life importance mode, not the number of individuals who "heroically" survived to reproduce.
On earth, species enter a state of pure survival, which defines 3D. Where animals have in mind (and some humans too) only 3 things:
Mindset of:
1.- Can I eat that?
2.- Is that gonna eat me?
3.- Can I mate with that?
While in Taygeta, the same animals say to themselves: I have everything to eat, nothing bothers me. What can I do with my time? Enjoy. It changes the meaning of life for them.
But this is not something typical of the Taygeta planets, the Earth also had that balance, it is the hand of the human being that has encouraged some and other species to get out of control and lose balance in ecosystems.
Another important aspect to be highlighted is the extinction of the species. When a species is subjected to a change, whatever it may be, and cannot compete for reSources, in an environment with other animals better endowed with that change, from the cosmological point of view, they stop entering that planet and concentrate better to continue on other more appropriate planets. That is what we perceive as the extinction of the species. In reality, it is the intention of incarnating of each consciousness that determines the duration of a species. Because for consciousness that species coincides with its interests (that is the Frequency) that it needs for its point or stage of evolution and expansion.
Gardeners can speed up an animal intending to live on a low-density planet, 3D, or 5D to enter there by taking a small population and planting it on that planet or planets.
But returning to the glimpse, that would also be designed by the same animals that are being "planted" or sown on a new planet. Since it is consciousness that determines when and where to incarnate, not the other way around.
This occurs on all planets. Gardeners are said to be the ones who do it. It is true. But not only them. Any race does it consciously or unconsciously.
For example, it is well known that the domestic cat was sown by mistake on Earth by spaceships from Taygeta, in the area of Egypt about 10,000 years ago. The domestic cat is originally from the Vega star system (where the Urmah are from) but has already spread throughout the Galactic zone.
That is why, in Earth Science there is very, very little evidence of small feline ancestors, it skips over suddenly to the house cat. And that is, because the domestic cat is not originally from here, from the point of view of a species it has inhabited the earth for a very short time. Not only their genetics and morphology are different from other felines, but also their mentality. More dependent on people of Lyrian morphology. This is deeply ingrained in the psyche of the house cat. Desiring to live with Lyrians, in general. Not as a slave, but as a cultural addition. Because it suits them, they like it, and it is comfortable.
Going back to the equine species of Taygeta, the Linhas are considered wild animals and are not domesticated or tamed, as here on Earth. Taygetean society does not know any civilization, except the terrestrial one, that enslaves equines or other species for riding, loading or transportation.
But despite their wild state, the Linhas tend not to be skittish towards Taygetean, as through telepathy they can know that people pose no threat to them. So, they tend to ignore people and not run away with their presence, even though they are still wild. On the other hand, they do get scared by vehicles, especially aerial ones.
Within the Taygetean society, they do not have an institution that only devotes its attention to the horse species, but what they have devotes its attention in a more generalized way, both in the study, observation and monitoring of the biology and the diversity of the flora, ergo to the entire ecosystem as a whole.
They would be similar here, like some rangers, they are the SAR (Search and Rescue) and these are in charge of monitoring the emigration, behavior and needs of the animals. With the aim of preventing problems and guaranteeing the welfare of animals in the ecosystem in general. Especially, the species that inhabit or move close to the Taygetean populations. The best description of the SAR, using human terminology for search and rescue, is like the police on Earth, but also acts as paramedics, firefighters and rescuers, all of that. They are not really policemen, but a series of relief squads. In Taygetean society there is really no police work. Since the crime is practically null or void. The more consciousness the people have, the less government it needs. Being, inversely proportional.
Cristina: As you can see, the symbiosis in nature in Taygeta is very interesting and gives us a lot to think about and rethink when it comes to how we as a species are interacting with our environment and the rest of the species. I believe that our science is still a long way from understanding how terrestrial ecosystems work, but if something we must change is that we must somehow understand that nature is perfect and that the more we touch and modify it, the more we unbalance it.
In the case of the horse, I think it is not cut out to be a domestic animal and its domestic life is somehow making it sick. Every time in my work, and I speak as a professional in the horse world sector, I realize that horses are wild animals and that one day, like dogs, we will have to let them go and allow them to return to their origin.
Finally, I would like to share with all of you some of my knowledge, research and studies on the habitat and behavior of the domestic horse. It's just a short summary, but I feel like I should include it in this video. So, with this I say goodbye, thank you very much for being here and listening and see you in the next video.
The horse is a gregarious animal by nature. They live in small groups or herds. As a prey animal, the group provides comfort and security. While some rest, the surveillance is carried out by other members of the group, always randomly. The more eyes and ears are attentive, the sooner the danger is seen.
They move in wide open spaces, in order to detect predators and have enough time to flee. In case of danger they unite, synchronizing as much as possible and run as close together as possible so that it is difficult for predators to select an individual from the group. Horses spend most of their time searching for reSources and eating food, grazing more than 18 hours a day. Because of this, they travel great distances in search of pasture and water, reaching more than 40 kilometers a day.
Horses in freedom enjoy part of their time eating, playing, grooming each other, dozing and many other activities that they always carry out in the company of the group. The herd provides them with the necessary company and the contact, so important, for the emotional balance of social animals. But our customs and interests as a species have led us to profoundly alter the habitat of horses. We feel safe in small and closed spaces and we have made the serious mistake of believing that the rest of the species must be like us. And in our ignorance, we have created conditioning systems, such as stables or fences that are not suitable for animals like the horse.
A horse in a stable is deprived of movement and company. All their activities are reduced to eating and sleeping. Due to this, many horses develop emotional pathologies, called in equestrian "stable vices and bad habits" and accepted as something common and normal. Vices or stereotypes are nothing more than gestures or repetitive actions that they perform over and over again, such as gestures with the tongue and mouth, balancing with the body, swallowing air, eating their own feces, knocking on the door and many more. Some of these vices are even considered funny by many people and are the object of ridicule and laughter. But in reality, these vices are derived from boredom, anxiety, stress, lack of exercise, hunger or lack of company that this unnatural lifestyle causes them. And they are the result of emotional suffering. But also the confinement and the alteration of their natural rhythms, seriously damages their physical health.
The horse is one of the few mammals that does not have a gallbladder, which deprives it of storing bile and this is expelled directly into the stomach every 2 hours approximately, whether or not there is food. Having imposed a meal schedule on the horse, as many owners or equestrian centers do, putting food on them one to three times a day, as we humans do, causes them anxiety and discomfort due to the sensation of bile burning the empty stomach and This means that a large percentage of domestic horses suffer from stomach ulcers, among other pathologies that lead to serious digestive and health problems.
It should be noted, the horse's small stomach, which only works optimally at 75% of its capacity, which to meet the needs of its large size requires to eat small amounts of food throughout the day. The cardiax of the stomach only has one direction, so as a result, the horse cannot vomit. The intestines are very long and only work properly when the animal is in motion. In addition, the large intestine works in a slow digestion, prepared to ferment large amounts of grass but little adapted to ferment large amounts of grain, and that the latter is an important part of the diet that humans offer to the domestic horse in the form of feed.
The horse, by nature, is designed to ingest small amounts of grass throughout the day while walking, and that is what horses do in the wild. If this is not the case, digestion is altered and causes a high rate of domestic horses to die each year from pathologies such as colic or colic syndrome. What leads the veterinary equine sector to affirm such barbarities as that the horse is a delicate animal of the stomach. So, to compensate for the error of nature, they prescribe oils, special diets and substances that supposedly help the intestinal transit, but that in reality only alter even more the body.
But perhaps the most commonly accepted and normalized problem is the excessive wear of their hoofs. With which the human being has patched, with a horseshoe. All equines in nature are born barefoot and travel long distances barefoot, some on abrasive surfaces such as rocks, but instead our domestic horse has problems.
This is due to the fact that the horse's hoof or foot has memory and is continuously receiving information from the ground and its activities, and as a result of these readings it produces as much hoof and of the necessary quality, as the individual needs or wears. Problem here for our domestic horse. Since if a horse is not in constant movement, day and night, the hoof will not produce enough and it will not be hard enough, so when the animal moves, the hoof will not be prepared for said movement, causing excessive wear, not giving time to recover from it. Contrary to what is believed, the hardness of the ground is not so relevant, but the reading of the movement. Creating confusion in the body. Now I move a lot, now I don't move at all. Another problem is the poor diet, such as excess fattening feed or high sugar cereals. Creating toxins in the body, which are absorbed by the hoof, weakening its structure, but also the lack of hygiene, where many horses are forced to step on their own urine or feces, due to the small size of their stable or enclosure.
Horseshoes are not a solution or a necessity, they are the patch to a problem that humans have caused them. Plus, it comes with adverse side effects. The horseshoe, being nailed to the foot, deprives the hoof of movement, of expansion, which leaves the entire bone and muscle structure without natural cushioning. This natural expansion or pumping of the feet helps and drives the circulatory system, since the horse has very long limbs and, as I said before, a small heart for its size. Without this natural pumping, the animal's circulatory system is impaired, causing the heart to compensate for the lack of oxygen.
And if that were not enough, the rigidity of the horseshoe does not allow the hoof to adapt to the unevenness of the terrain, causing the structures of the extremities to compensate for this stiffness, and since they are not designed for it, they end up breaking in the long term. Making diseases such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, chronic tendonitis very common pathologies in 95% of our horses.
In addition, the horse's hoof continues to grow and even if the horseshoes are changed often and the excess is trimmed, it suffers small alterations between one change of shoes and another, which leads the whole body to suffer constant disarrangements, unbalancing the balance and natural movement of the animal.
Of course, carrying another living being on you only makes the situation worse.
Humans must learn to observe and listen more to nature, living beings are designed to perfection and ecosystems are a unit in perfect balance. Instead of believing that we are smarter than anyone and that we can perfect everything, we should join this symbiosis of nature, only then will we regain balance, of our environment and of our own species.
We Are the Key - Yázhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
Gosia: Hello Yazhi. So, what have you been doing? Apart from ordinary stuff?
Yazhi: I've been looking at everything. Like the other time. But in more detail. And messing around with the negative ones, however possible. But mostly observing for now, as Anée would say gathering Intel. I jump back and forth in time, change an event, then jump again to see its effects. Variants. Small changes make huge effects, no need to do big things. Often only derail what you want.
Gosia: I am still not understanding how that´s possible though, change events like this since earlier you told us things like that don´t change the collective. I know you said you learnt how but I still don´t understand the process.
Yazhi: I - she didn´t know enough before. I am way past that stage.
Gosia: Then I would like you to explain how that´s done. Going back and changing things so that everyone´s timeline, the same one you came from, is affected.
Yazhi: Yes, you can change collective timelines. Yep yep! Simple simple, change the mass perception of things as a whole, at once. Then they create and manifest anything you want, using them as a manifesting machine. The how is advanced and collective Mind Control. The big stuff but can be done. Kinda like what I wanted to do with your channel before but it's too small a scale for it to affect the entire collective all at once in a very short period of time like the one required here now, due to the unusual circumstances you are well aware about. You never ever stop learning! Free will be affected, but we now know it's not a free will planet really, nop nop. That's the entire definition of 3D.
Gosia: Ok. One moment, you said: but that´s through affecting the collective PERCEPTION ok, that I can understand. But... what about changing some small event, like taking away the envelope with the university results of that professor that was used in the example before in one of your articles. That would only affect HIS timeline. Not collective. So, going back and changing specific things like that... how will that affect collective timelines?
Yazhi: Yes, but then that depends on the degree of influence that professor has on the media and therefore on the collective as a whole. And the strength of the resulting flex point in time you create changing that professor.
Gosia: Yes, but it will be the collective in another timeline.
Yazhi: Collectively speaking, you switch timeline. Or cause them to switch it, of course.
Gosia: Oh, I see. So, in other words, you are not just affecting our collective timeline but switching it!
Yazhi: Yes.
Gosia: Holly molly ok.
Yazhi: Now if the professor is on the right track and convenient for you ok use him but he will not be enough surely. Then you use an array of subjects and changes that work together as separate points making one big one kind-a like an array antenna. Meaning you use many people like the professor that all point or influence the collective towards the result you want. This array system was totally unknown to me before.
Gosia: Array system wow ok.
Yazhi: Yes, many small people that change the whole in the same desired direction. I don't know how she- I before never thought about this. So simple! Also makes it a lot more difficult for any negative forces to reverse what you do. Just about impossible for them to reverse it as the changes are minute yet so effective and being so many, it's impossible to revert them all. And I'm practicing this now, with somewhat good results.
Gosia: Could you share more details about what you have been doing exactly?
Yazhi: Simple, you go looking at a large amount of key people and what occurrences with each change you do, small ones, like them losing their keys. Then you pick the most effective ones, and then you cause them all to suffer your little change at once. The effects add up. Changing the collective. But they must be key people. That's the tricky part.
Gosia: Who are those key people?
Yazhi: 99.9 % are total unknowns. As I said before small people do great events and changes. Even more than the famous ones. Would do no good to say their names as they are Joe the repair man and Jane the hair stylist. As I said so many times before. People think they are inconsequential. Small and useless, when they are the key to everything! They start chain reactions. Like your Dr. Alex. Nice mess he is making! See?!
The famous one’s no, those are just noisy ones, but changing those is almost irrelevant unless you totally remove them but they got copies, they are just puppets, you know. But the small ones, the ¨broken shoes ones¨ oh my! Those are the powerful ones!
Gosia: Right. So... going back to that switching of timelines and affecting those key people. That´s what you have been doing? And what results can you see from it?
Yazhi: I can´t tell you in detail because it's in progress and if I do I derail myself and beside it would do no good as it's crazy, unbelievable stuff involving time jumps and time maps. Let's say I'm placing distractions for those key people to chase a white rabbit. Saying too much always makes your plans not come to fruition.
Gosia: And Yazhi, why do you think people should know all those negative Cabal´s plans we have been sharing? Doesn´t it make it happen more? I know we talked about it, but people do ask, and I tell them: we need to know as it fires you up and makes you fight. But doesn´t it cements that reality more?
Yazhi: Some things may be said some must not! Manifestation isn't so simple in 3D as to derail everything with a little fear. It is what it is, and they better get off their rear ends and do something about it all. People must not look for a savior. They must learn to save themselves! That's the only way out! Stop whining and do something! Even if it is offering true information to their old auntie. Offering as most do not even care. Humans are falling over and over in a tirade: Villain, Victim, Savior. And that mentality got them all into this.
They must also save their personal little world. And if they feel they cannot contribute to the whole they must concentrate on themselves, on their family and friends. Taking care of themselves, their savings, money, jobs, health, and loved ones including pets.
Saving their little world saves the collective world. <---<---
Again: Saving their little world saves the collective world. <---<---
And I want them to know something. What I do want them to know is that in every timeline I have seen, including the bad ones, taking more time in them of course, the Cabal is stopped by humanity and it is finally defeated <---<---
But... and a BIG but... The Cabal is always defeated... but at an enormous human cost <---<--- Huge human cost is lives, and suffering of the entire human race.
How much? That depends on the humans and on the humans alone. How much cost in lives and suffering are they willing to withstand and pay before they finally get themselves to work to stop the regressive ones.
Mark my words: The Cabal and the regressive are always stopped. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. But humanity pays a dear enormous price in lives and suffering. And it is up to them how much is necessary in their timeline. Broken Shoes is not powerless. Little things bring about big changes.
Things happen differently in different timelines, the question is what do you want to see, what do they all want to see, and what does each one of them want to see and more important, to live!? That's not up to Yazhí! Yazhi can go to Erra and live happily ever after. But I like to fight! And fighting is not only guns and swords! You know that! I fight with Mind and Consciousness and weaponized Time.
You asked the other day if I think it´s worth to keep fighting. I think you should pursue what is meaningful to you. Meaningful overrides happiness, especially when you look back at your life further on. And why does meaningful override happiness when looking back at life further on? Because meaningful things contain happiness. Why stop at happiness, empty, fragile?
So, fight or not fight, is up to you and how you see things. Personally, I see no meaning in just moving away, retracting to another planet now. As I have that any way! But I simply could not live with myself if I don't give and fight as best I can. If there ever was a time to fight, it is this time!
Guanajuato Anomaly, Portals, Drones - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Robert: Do you know if that magnetic anomaly in Guanajuato in Mexico is real?
Anéeka: I already investigated it yesterday. At first I thought they were large portal Frequency harmonics opening on that site converging in Guanajuato Mexico which is a place to be known to have a lot of paranormal activity, and they even have mummies there. The portal does leave that kind of footprint. Because it is something artificially created and the weather or the magnetic follows the Frequency harmonics that create the portal in the center and it manifests as exactly that geometry. So there is like a zone of important magnetism by ley lines there. As is Giza or StoneHenge. Among other places.
So, places with strong natural magnetic dynamics are used to increase the efficiency of the portal. That is why Guanajuato is notorious for its paranormal activity.
Robert: So, you mean there is an artificial portal there?
Anéeka: Yes, that would be magnetism caused by high or large power artificial portal activity. Like to introduce personnel and even machinery on a planet. Or extract. The technology would be non-terrestrial. Federation level.
But there is another side to this. Everything points to portal. Except one thing.
When there was a magnetic activity over the Buenos Aires area a few days ago (of natural origin by the way and very different dynamics from Guanajuato, Mexico) the magnetometers of the nose antenna of our ship were triggered. But in the sack of Mexico they were not. And I only found out because I saw it online. So, I did my research and drew the conclusion from above.
But the simple fact that the super-sensitive magnetometers on the nose of the ship did not get activated indicates something else to me. A portal this large opening on Earth and in the semi-equatorial region, where our spacecraft passes close by every 82 minutes, would set off alarms immediately. Stealth technology to avoid being detected by ships like ours? I do not think so.
And that´s because it was detected by humans with much more rudimentary technology and even radar, that is scattered and poorly localized simple microwaves. So, it's not that. It seems something different to me now. That someone is trying to make people believe that a portal was opened in that place but in reality, nothing has been opened. I mean it´s all mediatic **
It is again like the robot on Mars that is actually in Devon Canada or in the Mojave desert outside of Los Angeles.
This is to confuse and provide entertainment work to conspiranoids, to have them running and not looking at what really happens. I'm not so easily fooled. Nothing happened there. If anyone would know, it's me.
I pass over that place every 82 minutes, or close, and my sensors are on 24/7 because I look for earthquakes, HAARP activity (the new not the old) and I look for Portals opening or magnetic craft activity among other things. If something happens, I know. If someone turns on their toaster, I know.
Also, one appeared in Australia. I don't buy it. For me that´s the radar that is altered or someone who may be making people believe that a portal was opened there. Of course, these are people who know what Portals look like on magnetometers. Our ship can detect a toaster that gets turn on. Of course, we would see that thing, so big and we did not. All the time I get magnetometer reports of small and medium Portals opening and closing on Earth. This is how sensitive the magnetometer is.
Robert: Could it be that they are doing it from space?
Anéeka: Not from space. Altering the data from the weather stations. I'm sure that it does not exist or did not exist, it is only media. So in summary. Yes, it looks like a portal, it is what a large portal would do by altering the magnetic climate. But I think it is only to distract.
A genuine one appeared over Argentina. And they don't just appear there but all over the world and it's natural. Magma displacements more than anything. It is normal. And that one was caught by the ship's magnetometer. Real, but natural.
Gosia: And what would happen if someone happens to walk through that portal?
Anéeka: If it's artificial, everything is very localized and controlled. That would not happen. If it's natural, then yes it can take them wherever the portal connects. And so, it has always been.
In this image the Earth's surface shows the strongest magnetic points as peaks in red. Blues are valleys without strong magnetism. The points can be stable, always on top, some vary rise and disappear with the movement of the Magma and the Black Goo. This image should be animated as it changes moment by moment.
Magma movement causes magnetic anomalies.
The peaks in red are places of great magnetism. But why they are very magnetic varies. From some machine in the place. A super collider. Portal. Electric generator. Or planetary natural dynamics.
Robert: So, does the Black Goo influence the magnetic opening of a portal?
Anéeka: Yes, because just like magma, it is a flow of liquid loaded with heavy metals with magnetic charges.
The Black Goo is a planetary liquid that flows between the tectonic plates and moves by the different pressure between the plates, creating rivers or streams of flow deep inside the earth's crust that in turn create points of greater flow or river crossings, that form ley lines and magnetic anomalies.
Yes, it causes the opening of natural Portals because magnetism is frequencies, by nature it is the same. In other words, the magnetism has a Frequency. But the magnetism envelops everything around and that is under its range of influence.
If the frequencies that it randomly creates correspond to those of another site or place, a magnetic crossing gets produced with a vortex or throat since all magnetism has two poles, the positive + and the negative - and the communication or flow between the two forms a toroid and every toroid has a throat or nucleus creating in it a bridge or portal point OR Einstein Rosenberg Bridge (Wormhole)
The only thing that has to be done or waited for is that the Frequency corresponds to that of some other place, by correspondence within the same planet, creating a connection <<< >>> between two points.
Robert: But the Black Goo has some kind of memory, right? Is it intelligent?
Anéeka: Yes, it has memory because it is crystalline. Like quartz, or like a magnetic tape.
This image above shows a magnetic dynamics. It is the torus as it is within any electromagnetic field.
Gosia: But magnetism indicates that something attracts something. What would be attracting what in this case?
Anéeka: Not that it necessarily attracts something. It is an energetic dynamics obeying a specific harmonic that creates a repetitive or cyclical mathematical system called a torus.
Gosia: And why is it called magnetism then?
Anéeka: As a side effect it can attract things that are within its Frequency, in that case ferrous metals. But it is only something that characterizes it, not what defines it. It is directly linked to electrical currents in general. And in itself to the formation of Gravity.
But it does not attract anything, rather the things are pushed towards something solid.
Robert: Anéeka, and why do you think the natural portal of Argentina was opened? By magma currents, Ley Lines, Black Goo... Why?
Anéeka: The magnetic anomaly over Argentina is seen as something very impressive because it has never been shown like this with that detail before. But it is perfectly natural in origin. It is by the movement of tectonic plates, by the ring of fire of the Pacific.
The earth is a huge generator. It is not solid. There is a lot of movement between the plates and they tighten and loosen the Magma and the Black Goo and that makes high-speed, high-pressure torrents between the plates creating electric-magnetic fluxes.
Robert: So, the more ferrous materials, the more natural Portals can be opened?
Anéeka: It is connected, yes, but you don't need ferrous metals to open it. It just makes it more obvious. It is what happens with the points of balance between the stars, where mathematically a point of gravitational concentration is seen but that does not necessarily indicate that there is a solid object at that point. As with the missing planet according to human scientists. It is not missing but is the point of balance between many small ones that get formed as if there were only one big one. So, the same thing happens with portal places. Not necessarily at that point there is a ley line (although it usually happens).
Rather, it is a point at which the planetary dynamics of the tectonic plates converge to produce a magnetic point or node of sufficient force to open a strong magnetic vortex that will produce an Einstein Rosenberg bridge or portal.
Gosia: And why are you monitoring portal openings? To monitor what goes in and out?
Anéeka: Sure. To see what non-human activity is there. And human activity also because I need to know how many people prefer their natural bread to the toasted one.
Seriously though, because it is an indication of activity that is not of the general population. It is a symptom that something is happening there and that it is unusual from a human point of view.
Robert: Do you see non-human activity?
Anéeka: All the time, but that's normal. And I mean all the time. For example, there is an astronomical number of non-human drones soaring through human skies 24/7. There is more non-human activity than what you would call human activity. Drones come in all shapes and sizes. They are recently being classified as fast-walkers or mini UFOs. UFOs and fast walkers-mini UFO drones use Portals to get in and out all the time. But they are small.
Robert: And why don't they interact with people more, many would ask?
Anéeka: They interact with people all the time, but they don't realize it and that's the way it should be. Because this is how the Earth works, the illusion of being there with such crude and basic circumstances.
Added to this are the natural Portals that also open all the time, remain open and close again. Being that the time it takes in each cycle varies from nano seconds to minutes or days of opening.
Gosia: Why do these mini drones enter through Portals and not simply descending into orbit? And where do they come from? Whose are they?
Anéeka: They also go down from orbit. They only use the mini Portals because it is more practical. They come from ships in orbit, or even distant planets. Sometimes they also come from parallel dimensions. This to monitor and control the activities of its associates.
Gosia: So, the ETs send drones to monitor human affairs, and then other ETs, you, monitor those ETs?
Anéeka: Yes, it's a constant. Everyone looking at one another.
Gosia: Why do they send drones of parallel dimensions here?
Anéeka: To investigate, the same way you would send yours to theirs to see what happens there. Everything is control, everything is intelligence, to know how to react. But in itself there are like 100 times or more, more non-human drones in the air than human planes.
This plane collided head-on with a 110cm sphere drone like the ones we use. Also, many of the aviation accidents involving ingestion of foreign material in jet engines are not from birds but from non-human drones. The drone survives it.
Robert: What's inside a drone?
Anéeka: Inside a 110 cm drone: Holographic Quantum computer, real-time transmission center based on Muon, sensors of all kinds, Magnetometers, cameras among other things. Gravity cancellation engine... things like that.
Gosia: And what are you discovering with your drones, if you send them, to other dimensions?
Anéeka: That essentially things are the same as here. They are sent all the time, like the Suzy that comes and goes.
Robert: Could you do reverse engineering on those drones?
Anéeka: If it lets be caught maybe, but it would take decades just with metallurgy, and other decades with computers. It is not really feasible. They can only retro-engineer things that are remotely similar to what they have on Earth, because most of that non-human technology is incomprehensible.
Gosia: And have these drones always been sent, for millenia? Or is it something new? Because only now these drone trends are coming out. So, for some reason, 'ET' drones also. But I imagine they had to exist before.
Anéeka: For thousands of years, if not millions. Since time is not as they say it is. And it is cyclical too. The only new thing is that humans with their drones and with their technology are reaching the point where they detect that there are non-human drones. But they have always been there.
And to this must be added species of animals and insects that are not 3D, but 4D. So, much of what they see are insects and creatures unknown to them. More than anything insectoid in nature. Semi-etheric for the Earth. This is the case with so called "Rods". Those are vermin. Except that they are not 3D, they are not entirely in that reality. They are generally less than 10 cm.
Robert: What would happen if we captured one?
Anéeka: It would escape out of the bottle, as Yázhi does from her room without opening the door.
Robert: But it's curious that the cameras catch it.
Anéeka: The cameras do, especially the infrared ones. That is why they no longer sell ordinary people anything with true infrared. Because the general population would start to see all kinds of bugs and things they shouldn't and would ask questions.
Nature of Reality - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
Yazhi: Why is something reality? Reality creates its opposition, the lie, the fantasy. What difference would there be between fantasy and lie? Only the fact that the fantasy accepts that it is not reality and the lie imposes a fantasy as reality. The fantasy accepts that it is not reality and the lie imposes a falsehood as reality.
But as the Reality itself can only be a series of agreements between two or more consciousnesses, who determines what reality is or is not other than those who control these agreements? For example, the Cabal. So Reality can only be objective. Because consciousnesses if they are not the whole, the Source, only have a limited perception. So everything outside that limited perception becomes fantasy, unreality.
Unless something with the authority to create agreements comes to impose that what could not be observed before and therefore was outside the reality of consciousnesses, is something that is now reality. As would be the case with radio waves or microwaves. Before they were not reality, today they are. But who imposed that? An authority. Under the excuse that it is a "new discovery."
But since it is an authority, they will decide what new discoveries are convenient for them to become realities and which ones are not. So we get into the idea that something is there but people cannot perceive it, therefore they do not see it as reality. Example of this are ghosts, UFOs. There are those who wish to impose that as reality, because it is THEIR reality for whatever reasons, and they will tell others to wake up to that.
But that is outside their realm of perception, which is not only what they can see and feel empirically but also their perception of how things are in the sense that that they must be validated by an authority.
But... Objectively. Do things really exist that cannot be seen or verified in any way from the point of view of a perception of a particular person? From their point of view no. A normal person may know for herself that UFOs do not exist. She knows. Because she has never seen one, she knows that the authorities do not accept that they exist. She knows that the science, which is the ¨ultimate knowledge¨, dictates that it is very difficult for anything to travel those vast interstellar distances. She knows that YouTube videos are hacked. That they manipulate photos in magazines even before Internet.
I know of a case where two brothers took photos of a jar lid with a high speed camera. They took multiple photos flipping the lid like a frisbie. And they printed the photos and sent them to a ufologist in their country. And they took them for real. They investigated the photos in detail and saw that it had no strings. That the photos were true. They printed dozens of magazines with the jar lid on the cover.
Those brothers know that there are no UFOs. Because if they created such a scandal with a simple jar lid... others surely did too, in their own way. So for them there are no UFOs because there is always an explanation. They are empirically basing themselves on their own experience with what they did just for fun. They cannot and never will be able to believe, unless confirmed by an authority. So there are no UFOs!
Not for them. That is THEIR reality. But from MY perspective now. I am sitting inside a UFO, it is impossible for me to conceive the idea that they do not exist. They do not seem strange, or anything, to me, I understand them well. To the extent that you could argue that it is just a kind of a plane much more advanced than the ones you have there. But "plane" nevertheless. My reality does not match theirs. From my perspective they are wrong, they are ignorant. From their perspective I don't exist, I am a figment in the imagination of two crazy YouTubers who do it for money and to attract attention.
Point here with all this is that reality can only be relative to one point of view. I can't tell those two that they're wrong. That is imposing my point of view on them. And it would make me a person just as nefarious as anyone else, like Stalin, Joseph Goebbels, or Mao. Imposing my point of view .. That is why nothing should be imposed, only offer. Without criticizing those who do not want what you offer.
So there is a reality for each consciousness and it is as valid as that of any other. It is their experience and even though it´s still correct that the higher density the more things you understand, but it does not mean that it is superior. Only that it´s how you designed your life for the experience you will have. There is no objective, tangible and absolute reality. Everything is relative. The only thing that could come close to that kind of reality is the Source itself, the whole. But from our also limited position, what we define as the Source and the Whole is not, and it is a reductionist explanation.
Change of an angle. The higher a density, the easier it is to manifest because one is more energy in a perceptible state by said consciousness as fluid. From a lower and simpler density everything manifests more slowly. Slowly, is a key. Why is it slower? Because manifesting something, for something to exit must be sustained as an idea that is constant, focused, not dispersed.
Because the higher the density, the more data you are processing simultaneously. The lower, the less data, because your perception of reality is simpler, more reduced, so you do not understand the management of energy, you have agreed to see it as something causal and fixed, what they call the material world. And not as an idea, a thought.
At low densities the ideas tend to be very fixed, imposed by authorities. Hence agreements based on those ideas as well. So, the consciousnesses do not focus on what they want because by agreements they see everything as impossible. That is what they have been told, that they cannot manifest a drawer full of money because that is "impossible". They imagine it but it stops there, it doesn't "materialize."
They see Imagination as <--- opposed to ---> material reality. When they themselves can have the ability to see that everything they call material reality was once imagination. They have it in front of them, yet they don't see it. The entire material world as perceived from high densities is imagination. The only thing that separates high and low densities is perception agreements. Again, the only thing limiting you is the idea that you are limited.
Everything that is seen, everything that is perceived as the external world is the result of countless agreements of perception. And there is nothing outside of such perception agreements. What you can do in the material world depends solely on your mind and your mental state.
It has been proven that if you put two people in a city far from where they were, thousands of miles away from where they were and under equal circumstances. You give them both two changes of clothes, a pair of shoes, a backpack, and $ 10. And you throw them in a corner of a strange city. One was of the lower or middle class. The other was an entrepreneurial millionaire. After a couple of months, one is still in poverty, the other is already building a business. After 6 months, one at least has a job, the other already has a house of his own and two cars.
It is their mental state, their perception of how things are and how things work that determines people´s reality.
From high densities an idea is reality. What comes to mind is. Without questioning. At medium densities upwards, you still experience things happening to you, you can focus on what you remember of how things were when you were at lower densities like the misnamed 3D and 5D. But you also keep dreaming and leave all agreements behind. You know how to focus on what you want, and that is, everything in front of you gets transformed.
Everyone experiences that, they are called "dreams." What you have in mind is what you will dream, and if you dream mundane things it is only because you have that in mind. But in the dream, everything is as real or more than in what you would call the objective and real world of being in "wakefulness". When you die, you only become what you dream of. What you have in mind is what you will see. Your mind, your values and ideas, your agreements or agreeing not to have agreements is your reality and that is what you see.
There is no objective reality, everything is dreaming. Or there is objective reality only if you wish. But dreaming for someone else is their objective reality and no one has the right or the authority to impose one reality on another.
When you are in a low density, 3D or 5D by reference (I hate those numbers), you have a lot of attention on the progression of how things are happening in your perception. That is why time is perceived as linear. While in the dream it is not. Or it is only for short periods of a sequence of events. Then you jump to something else with your attention. The higher in densities you are in consciousness, time becomes more and more plastic. Because you stop seeing things in a simple and linear way and you start connecting everything that you perceive as your reality with other things, you see more connections between all things, events and ideas. You no longer see a fixed sequence. Or you begin to understand that there are other kinds of sequences.
As in when the events that from 3D or 5D are seen as a succession of events, from above they are seen with another connection, where if you glued them from 3D or 5D the sequence would jump from one point in time to another, then forward then back again. Outside of linear time. Creating its own linearity for the consciousness that observes, progression of events that have nothing to do with a calendar, clock or what happened after what according to what year. In other words, you create your own sequence of events.
But it gets even more complicated, because what is described above is still linear even if it is in the unique manner of said consciousness. Higher up it becomes even more complicated because events are perceived not only with their own linearity that contrasts that of 3D and 5D but they also jump from a timeline or "Parallel Universe" into another and another also in reverse or without sequence.
And that in itself not only creates its own logic of events of what reality is, but from the point of view of the consciousness that experiences that, everything from that position makes much more sense than from the position of linear observation. Creating in turn its own agreements and way of seeing reality, its reality. Its own Universe with its own laws. Completely incompatible and incomprehensible for a consciousness in a lower state or of low densities, to use understandable terminology.
Even so, always under the same principle. It is only about how one processes what is understood by perception, by facts and agreements. But internally, not as in observing what happens outside of oneself because there is nothing outside of oneself. But what the ideas that the very consciousness holds for itself mean, its values and how it applies them in its existence.
Remaining in a state of consciousness where what is or is not real is delegated to another person, or authority, is the reason why one remains in a low density. But there are no densities, that is again agreement and perception. Rather, as we said before, there is an existential density for every consciousness that exists. It is only determined by the range of things you can perceive, but this from the point of view of a higher density than that of that example. From one´s personal position, it is only his density and what is outside his perception and understanding simply does not exist, and whatever is outside his perception and understanding really does not and cannot exist for that person-consciousness.
Robert: That is to say that those who manage to manifest things faster... would be in a "higher density"?
Yazhi: It depends on what things, because humans are very good and very quick to manifest things ... Too bad those things are nightmares. Therefore, the speed of manifestation is not decisive but what is manifested according to the question, what is desired and what is not desired. So, you would understand something very important and what I have described before in another context: The ability to create matter from energy. Or rather the ability to materialize your thoughts. At will... and not with your thoughts materializing the world for you, as it happens to consciousness in a low state.
Robert: But within this density gradient because it is a gradient... Those who have the ability to manifest things and be happy would therefore have a higher Frequency.
Yazhi: It can be interpreted as a gradient, because there is no other way to explain it. But in itself it does not have to be a gradient. Again, it is just an idea.
It is that if they can materialize good things for themselves, they would have to be in what we interpret as a higher density. Because what they want is what comes to them, and that defines it as not being in a causal, deterministic world, but in a dream that progresses at will only with the things that are desired without needing drama or anything like that.
Gosia: Thank you Yazhi for this great presentation on the subject! A question now. HOW exactly get to develop this state of consciousness outside the limits, agreements, breaking rules of reality? How to develop our potential to the maximum? How to manifest all our "dormant" powers? Practically!
Yazhi: Increasing your knowledge and understanding of alternative points of view to yours, absorbing and understanding without judging the points of view and worlds and agreements of what you would call other people, knowing that understanding those who think differently from you only magnifies you, makes you understand everything more, expands you. NOT having fixed ideas, but always evolving, discarding previous ideas in favor of new ones, without de-meriting the previous ones, keeping them as alternatives.
All without attachments, apart from the attachment to change, to evolve, to leave everything behind. But without having to leave behind what serves you now. You don't have to live as a Buddhist monk with nothing in an empty room, but rather enjoy what you have, be it matter, people, or ideas. Knowing that the more complex your causal or external to you as seen from a low density point of view life is, the less time you will have for introspection.
Because having many things and many friends and many responsibilities will overwhelm you and you will always live in a deterministic state. If you have many things, you will no longer have many things, because you no longer enjoy them, they lose their value for you... and those things will have you, instead; for the responsibilities they entail.
It is a long process of living this way, always expanding and always asking yourself things, without attachments, always changing as the only constant.
Robert: But when we get into 3D here, have we delegated our power? Or do we only delegate it once we are in here with the control of the perception of things? And here in this 3D who have we delegated our power to "Manifest" to? What name does it have? Cabal? Federation? Or ourselves from higher planes?
Yazhi: Power from here has been delegated to all of those on your list, to one degree or another. There is also a component of prenatal life plans. But even so everything is still an idea, the idea that those organisms limit you, the idea that you limited yourself before you incarnated. It's just one more belief system. A child when entering is all clean, he is only potential to be everything. And it is the society in which he lives that is repressing him, imposing on him the value systems that will determine the perception agreements with which and by which he will live the rest of his life.
Gosia: You said it was a long way to get to the state where you can change the rules of your reality. I Imagine that you have not done any concrete meditation techniques. But you have mentioned certain clock exercises before. Something practical for people to reach this state?
Yazhi: I thought the described above was the practical. What they want is to have skills tomorrow and that is difficult. They need to be immersed in that state of consciousness of the whole, of accepting everything and incorporating it into their being.
Yes, I have temporal fragmentation exercises for example, but they will be of little use if you continue with the same deterministic mentality because your agreements will have more force than doing a few simple exercises. The "you can't" is what slows you down, you have to get rid of that mentality first, and it is in the way described above.
Robert: Who empowers an authority to decide what is real or what is not? US? The collective? Unconscious people or someone from above?
Yazhi: Yes, in exchange for a false protection that the state gives the individual, he delegates his power to decide for himself.
If you allow me, I will say one more thing. For a long time I have been pushing the concept that everything is false that you live in a simulation, that 3D is not considered as a true (physical) world, that you live inside a Matrix, that they impose things that are not true, that the history is false because they hide the true one. From my point of view or that of many to a greater or lesser degree, that is still true.
But I have also said that everyone sees what they want to see and what they want to experience. And for a long time. The need to develop a sense of self-responsibility for our whole person, identity and what we can, or decide to take for truth, or true. We have also been saying it for a long time.
So, from the personal point of view, or from each person regardless of who they are, how informed or awake... what that person, what each person or individual sees as reality is by definition reality for that person. And from their point of view or point of view awareness, that is reality and nothing else.
And saying that one reality is more true than another or that this or that reality is false would only apply from another point of view, never from the same point of view of the subject whose reality is being questioned.
It is here where governments impose a reality of a few on a mass of people who have delegated their power to decide for themselves the course of their lives and this is the definition of a Government. Government that in turn comes out of themselves as a reflection of their values. But by definition, the values that will be transferred to their government will be those consistent with the needs of control or dominance, frustrations and lack of power, of the people themselves, thus creating a reflection of the worst qualities of the population in the government that rules over them.
So, in order to obtain a position of power in said government, it is necessary to have certain qualities that are the worst in the people and in a scalar way, needing an increasing level of psychopathy.
So, back to what is reality. The simplest definition as a unit of reality is, for me, the system of values, beliefs and points of view with their perspectives and their contexts particular to each point of attention-consciousness. That is, each person has their own reality and that is reality and is as valid as that of any other point of attention-person.
The problem here is that the human being lives in society and has the strong tendency to have a hive mind. Where it delegates everything as we said above. Creating with this a series of collective agreements monitored and imposed by a government that comes out of themselves but is a reflection of their worst qualities.
So, it is the human mentality itself, their inability to reason and to be able to decide for themselves what is true, delegating it to a power system that is ill by definition and that therefore will only look after its own interests, which will cause a civilization to progressively fail due to the progressive increase in the level of psychopathy in its rulers until it reaches its inevitable collapse.
Applied only to solve the question what is reality? The reality is relative to each person, to each soul, to its evolutionary level and capacity of understanding. There will only be a collective reality applying agreements or observing agreements between people with their own reality. But this collective reality will only be a series of agreements and will never be seen in the same way, nor interpreted in the same way by individuals that compose it.
But the reality itself is particular to each person, because each person is also a timeline by right. What each person decides what their reality is is reality for that person. The moment in which this right to decide what is the reality of each person is not respected, the problems begin. Lack of respect and inability to work together to form a collective reality that nurtures all elements of the group.
And this depends on the level of development of consciousness, ethical, moral and mental development of each person. That will be reflected in his government, as is logical. In this case and with these arguments, everything is real. Everything you can think of is real. What you imagine is also real, because it is the starting point to materialize something, whatever, as we have said before, everything was once imagination.
It can be seen as the point of creation of a new reality or component of reality. Creative process. But for me it comes from another timeline where that already is, however crazy is the imagined, and that is passed to the present one as a concept that a person who receives it who has the compatibility in mental or consciousness frequencies to read said energetic component that is interpreted as something just imagined.
From high densities and dimensions, there is no time, and there are no distances. So, everything is already. Nothing is created, nothing is ever destroyed. Information is only passed from one timeline to another, from a density that supports the concept to be imagined in the form of harmonics of a Frequency to another point where this is not yet observed by the level of consciousness of those who "inhabit" it. All just animated with a seemingly linear progressive timeline by the limited consciousness of those who live in such low densities. This is maintaining that time is nothing more than a mental animation, based on the capacity of a soul or point of attention, to know itself existing. Time depending on consciousness.
In short, everyone has the right and the obligation to create their own reality. But he does not have the right to impose his reality on another or others. But it depends on the ethical level and development of the soul in general, density where each person is. Understanding that you can never fully understand everything and about everything.
From low densities, or from any density itself, you do not have the ability to understand everything. So taking into account that what characterizes a soul is its need for continuous expansion, that is why it exists, the only position that would be adequate is the acceptance that you can never understand everything, and that you always need to have the ability to change one concept or fact for another when the new one makes more sense than the old one. Without attachments of any kind. Understanding that everything must be let go in favor of something more expanded.
Because that's what souls do, they expand eternally. Not keeping attachments of any kind, especially not sticking to ideas and concepts that will always be limited. Understand that each person has their own level of understanding, and that they may, or may not, understand yours. You can offer him an understanding, but you can never force him to change anything, or to adopt yours.
Expansion is all a soul wants. Holding attachments to ideas inhibits growth. This is especially obvious in the case of an authority imposing a fact on a person or people. Because it does not do so from the position of offering knowledge, but rather of imposing something in order to gain personal gain. This is due to their inherently low ethical, spiritual and moral development.
Develop your own realities, take responsibility for yourselves and for what you decide the reality is for each of you. Always in harmony with the realities of those around you. Nurturing information with one another, with total wisdom that everything is always limited in understanding, and subject to personal perspectives.
Live in peace.
Extraterrestrial Races: Centauri (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: Centauri, Centaureans, Centauros, or Alfrateans. Star Alpha Centauri - A. It is a solar system similar to this one with seven planets with Phaethon or Alfrata as the largest one. Note that it is the same name that Tiamat had, among others. It is the largest planet of the Alpha Centauri A system. Class M, mild climate. The next in size is Phainon, and then Pyroies but they only inhabit Phaethon or Alfrata, the other two only being underground stations and colonies, military and industrial installations to ward off contaminants from Phaethon, which is a planet 95% of the Earth's size. It is similar in continents and oceans.
The invasive Reptiles, mainly Draco Naga and Usungal (Kingu on Earth), wiped out the local and original population. They turned the planet into a farm prison to raise humans for food, meat, skin and slaves. Not like Earth, which is a system based on mental control, but as a farm, directly speaking, with cages where they developed and took humans as livestock.
The vast majority of humans on that planet there as cattle, if not all of them came from Earth as a result of abductions and mass and individual kiDNAppings that had been going on for thousands of years, but more precisely between 6000 AD and the year 1560.
Gosia: The original population there, what were they?
Swaruu: Of Lyrian descent, arrived there from the Great Expansion a million linear Earth years ago, as a reference only.
Gosia: Why didn't they make the farms out of those? Why did they need to bring humans, other Lyrians from Earth?
Swaruu: Because the terrestrial humans were already under mental control and in victim mentality, thanks to the lunar Matrix. The original Lyrians had a great connection to the Source, they were rebels and warriors, although they didn't survive the Draco invasion. Those who remained there, if there were any that remained but I doubt it, merged with the human farm there.
Gosia: What a traumatic experience. I understand. Continue with the story, Swaruu.
Swaruu: Note that I speak of a 5D planet. Low 5D. Densities are gradients. Or if we look at densities with another measurement system, let´s say on the scale of 100 densities... Phaethon would be in 52D and Taygeta in the 58th or the 59th. This 3D 4D 5D makes me tired ... because it is not like that, it does not reflect the reality, it is only to explain, like with puppets, how everything is in the universe. It must also be said that being a suffering planet with farms for meat and distribution centres, this too lowered even more the collective Frequency of the planet. So that 5D thing remains to be seen. Rather, I would say a low 4D density - manifestation of the average population.
Gosia: Yes, ok. How did they get there, the Reptiles? Also by Portals and tricks? There was not yet an SSP.
Swaruu: Reptilian ships and Portals, but mainly Reptilian ships. SSP, not yet.
Gosia: Ok, continue Swaruu. It is very interesting.
Swaruu: So, the Federation, with a goal to end the Reptile problem, had no problem with Prime Directive, or any other space law or regulation... and arrived there as a direct military operation. The Federation, including Taygeta and Engan, arrived in force. They destroyed the Reptiles, mainly Dracos, freeing the planet. This is in the year 1561. Look at this image.
Gosia: Oh, wow. But who has made this image if the war did not take place on Earth?
Swaruu: There are many, not just one. It would have to be investigated, but there are many authors. There are many recounts, this is documented. While this took place mainly on Phaethon, logically part of that operation filtered towards the Earth to end the human supply lines. And to finish off the Draco ships that could return to Phaethon. The large wedge-shaped ship is nothing more, nothing less than the Andromedan ship present here today, and the home of the Taygetan and Centauri fighter ships too. Contrary to popular belief, not all Andromedan biosphere ships are spherical, only the large ones are. The "small" ones have a wedge or triangle shape.
The liberation began in the year of 1560, but it was extended more or less till the year 1570. As a result of that liberation, the Reptiles on Earth opted more for the Mind Control method, thus hiding behind the Federation Prime Directive rule, in order not to expose themselves to the possibility of being invaded militarily, as on Phaethon.
Gosia: Why did the Prime Directive apply here, and not there?
Swaruu: Because on Phaethon it was openly an exploitation farm. On Earth the majority of the humans still think they are free. So the Prime Directive does apply on Earth, as it is the humans own desire to experience being exploited.
Gosia: But the souls also incarnated freely there, right? In some way. Everyone is where they ought to be, so there too, right? In the farms.
Swaruu: From a higher point of view it is the truth, Gosia, yes, they incarnated freely on Phaethon.
Gosia: I ask myself where the limit is. At what point one should intervene and where not.
Swaruu: They proceeded because the majority on Phaethon already wanted to be released.
Gosia: I understand.
Swaruu: So, they liberated Phaethon and gave the planet to the survivors, under the guardianship of the Federation. With mentor races such as the Taygetans and Andromedans among others, they established a scalar holographic society, Andromedan type. They nursed them like children until they were able to evolve as an independent race. And today they are a progressive, free race, and in full positive development. They have been included as members of the Federation. They obtained technology from multiple Federation races, including Taygeta, and developed their own.
Today they return the favour, which the Federation did to them by releasing them. They are now helping the Earth and are the most active by far, and the most numerous with a whole fleet here. The "Black Knights" are Centauri fighter ships, class L by design. JLC has made a CGI of them that is very precise. They are the leaders of the operations now. They are free and in total development.
Gosia: What races are they mainly of now? Do they have Starseeds on Earth?
Swaruu: Mixed race Latinos because that is what you get from mixing all the races on Earth. And they have Starseeds on Earth, it is one of the races with the most Starseeds.
Gosia: Swaruu, many thanks. Is there something more you would like to add regarding the Centauri?
Swaruu: Right now it is sufficient. Thanks to you, only seconds remain for me here. Take care!
Planetary Reset - Answers from Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
Gosia: The first question I have that has been repeated many times is the following. It´s to do with 6 resets. Where you mentioned that Lemuria and Atlantis were also one of these resets. So the question is: were these resets BEFORE the 3D Matrix too? Because Atlantis Lemuria weren't in 3D. Why did the previous civilizations disappear if they were in 5D?
Yazhi: Yes, it's true, that's before. Because there was the Matrix before and also in the 5D Matrix. The inclusion of Atlantida and Lemuria as resets... I include it because indeed it can be seen like that, a Matrix that worked and then began to emerge problems between Atlantis and Lemuria, and that is like East against West today. Same formula. Creating polarity. Creating from high planes, if you will. It depends on the lens you look at it from. But it is still reset. They are thinking that a Matrix is confined only to one planet, it is not. That Matrix included almost entire solar system.
Gosia: What kind of Matrix are you talking about here? The one that included the entire solar system?
Yazhi: Yes, it is a larger Matrix than the current one confined to Earth. Including the solar system. And the "control" of that Matrix therefore would have to have been from higher than the 5D Federation because in themselves they only played another role. Role within the system.
Gosia: But when you speak of 6 resets, do you speak of the Earth alone?
Yazhi: Atlantis and Lemuria were on Earth, but it was not a society limited to only Earth as Earth is today. In other words, they had contact and flow with other planets at least from the same system.
Again, there is no precise boundary between where one Matrix ends and another begins. Only today because 3D is within or below the Van Allen bands, so there is the clear barrier. But before those bands were set up, the separation between one Matrix and another was more vague, or imprecise, both being essentially 5D in terms of densities... Being that a Matrix is just a belief system and what its inhabitants focus on, how they interpret "reality."
Gosia: So these 6 resets were before 3D too? 3D as in Van Allen Bands.
Yazhi: Only the last one is 3D, the others were 5D. I am referring to previous civilizations, Atlantis and Lemuria (which, as the Matrix, I include them in one).
Gosia: Can you list all those other resets? How were they and when?
Yazhi: I open a very large can of worms if I do so now.
Gosia: I would like to see these worms. It could be a whole subject if you want, and if it's big. Maye another day.
Yazhi: That's a huge topic and I can't say names exactly because they have multiple names and they also overlap each other. Being that this is under non-linear time also increases the difficulty of accurately telling when they happened. Because for some things time seems to work cyclically, repeating. Although it is not time... but the consciousness that generates that perception of time and that causes an apparent repetition.
But it is not that things repeat exactly as they were, but there are variants, it always varies. In this case, I should not say that it is cyclical, but that it is spiral in this case. (it has no form other than the one we give it).
So those civilizations are literally forgotten in time... Only remaining, in my case, as vague data in the computers that contain ancient records... Or more precise data of my travels... But this means that I cannot specify whether they are or are not in the same timeline, using definitions that the person understands.
However, the data I have and not only from the Earth is that when a civilization reaches a certain degree of advancement with problems and they are of a basic nature, they tend to collapse. And the most advanced civilizations being in their Matrix as well... they have another way of evolving because from the point of view of the inhabitants who have or will have the experience of functioning in them... they do not need, nor is there any reason to collapse civilization. For example Taygeta which is about 850,000 years, stable, at least, as a reference to human linear time.
Gosia: Very interesting. Let´s put this topic aside then for another day. I would love to deepen it. I will continue with other questions from our followers one by one:
Yazhi: It would be necessary to define what a quantum leap is in this case. Sounds like Dolores Cannon to me, with the Earth splitting in two. For that to happen, a huge number of people on Earth will have to change their mentality towards the positive in a massive and simultaneous way. Although technically possible, I do not see it as viable and probable. Humanity is not in a sufficiently advanced state of evolution.
Gosia: When they reset civilization, do they always kill everyone?
Yazhi: It is not synonymous with killing the population, but it almost always goes hand in hand. It is only a sudden change imposed by force. With whatever consequences.
Gosia: How do I know when it is a reality shared by other consciousnesses and when it is my own creation?
Yazhi: Easy. It is always YOUR creation. When it's shared, that's how you decided it too.
Gosia: Gaia, Earth, does it exist, or do we create it with the mind, so there is nothing of this wonderful nature?
Yazhi: No, nature itself is another Matrix being generated by all those creatures and plants. In an extremely complex dynamic between souls.
Gosia: What about the infinite timelines where the Earth is in 5D for example, and there is another reality experienced? Does it seem fine to the Federation there?
Yazhi: Yes, it does. Logically so. But it only depends on each person in which timeline, world and version you live and perceive. It depends on your Frequency and your Frequency depends on your thoughts.
Gosia: Why does a soul want to advance fast in 3D if time itself does not exist?
Yazhi: Because if it doesn't exist creates that it does, it is an idea, it exists as an idea. Experiencing progress, be it just remembering, is part of consciousness itself, which generates everything as its own experience. If there were no Time, awareness of your own existence would not be possible.
Time as something apart from consciousness does not exist. But it exists as a generated perception, as an idea... But it is not something apart from you. You generate it, but it is not something... it is you yourself. The speed of your thoughts, how you intertwine them, how you reason them logically and with feelings, as both together and not in opposition.
Gosia: Is there any way to leave en masse or individually, without murdering the body? What are the options?
Yazhi: Indicates an attachment to the body. It can be said that it is part of the Matrix. To adhere to the Ego as a definition of who each person is, as their identity. Nothing happens if the body is transcended, you are still you. It is not necessary to fear death, however it is very logical to be afraid of it... not to resist that. But at the same time, it is ok, you are still you. How to leave with the body... only with agreements with other races with ships. But it will not be viable for the general population, only for a very small minority.
Yazhi: Yes, and that is what many try, because there are communities like this in the USA, in India, in South Africa and in Europe. Plus, multiple smaller communities around the world.
The problem is that the part of the main mass of the population will have an aggressive-invasive mentality that sooner or later will invasively remove those communities. And that in itself is already a problem for those communities today.
Gosia: How do the timelines of each awake person influence how the version of timeline we live end? Apart from the Shuman Resonance and positronic storms, how do they influence how this 3D will end?
Yazhi: Answer would fill entire videos, and it has already been given. How reality is generated. Whatever you believe is, whatever you perceive is, your Frequency is dictated by your thoughts and from there you will only be able to see what is consistent with your Frequency. What you think is. You create your physical world.
Shuman Resonance and the high energy emissions from the center of the Galaxy serve to affect everyone's mind towards the positive, but even with them whatever humans think is stronger than those frequencies. So, they only serve to empower the awakened ones, and the sleeping will continue asleep with or without those frequencies. In other words, what they see and what they understand as reality depends on each person and not on something external.
Gosia: TIME DOES NOT EXIST, DISTANCE DOES NOT EXIST. Any techniques to keep the focus more?
Yazhi: Deep meditation and exercises to master astral travel. Again, each person must develop their own method, since what works for one person does not work for the other. It is a personal work and journey.
Gosia: What is the point of creating an INTERSTELLAR Race, if when there are more awakened beings, they reset us?
Yazhi: Not that it makes sense or logic. It just happens. Those who live in that race will know if they develop more consciousness and become interstellar or stay in the experience called 3D with all that it carries as limitation. If they become interstellar-positive... then no more reset will be necessary. <--- If they were enough, it would not be necessary to destroy civilization. It is disparity, difference, and separation that create conflict to the level of becoming impossible to resolve. Ergo reset takes place.
Gosia: If 2 or more Starseeds envision a 3D world as manifested in the videos that you are uploading in another channel, by definition we could create a 3D timeline with really positive characteristics, right?
Yazhi: If there are enough or if they are isolated, yes.
Gosia: When Yazhi Swaruu refers to the controllers, does she mean the negative Cabal or also the level of the Federation that is over them controlling the planet?
Yazhi: Both. Even though from 5D it is difficult to define who the "Controllers" are. They are from one perspective but from another they are just more Matrix, just from a higher level. This is all of a very high complexity.
Gosia: Do the emotional races of the Council of Alcyone, other Councils and Federations, and even the Creator Source itself agree on so much destruction of civilizations by the regressives of the Federation?
Yazhi: There are no regressives in the Federation, not as it is known. The regressive is only a point of comparison, a perspective. Relating to the interests of one or another person, or group.
Everything that happens and is perceived as regressive or destruction of civilizations is only an internal reflection of the internal conflicts of its members, and I mean conflicts within the psyche of each of its members. Not that they agree. The resets simply happen, because there is no other option given the chaos that exists. These societies turn out to be an impossible knot to resolve.
Gosia: Why do the races of the Federation exercise control over humanity? Who gave them that power?
Yazhi: Humanity gave them that power, the members of humanity at all levels also make up the Federation, what happens on one level is reflected on the other and vice versa. You fix humanity from within it and it will also be reflected in the Federation thereby fixing the things that today you perceive as negative elements of the Federation itself.
The Federation is a reflection of you and what you do. Get out of that victim mentality, what each one of you thinks is what the Federation is thinking, each one of its members as well. However incomprehensible and metaphysical it may seem, that's how everything works. It is not "Metaphysical", that is Physics, science, for others.
You do not understand enough yet, today, from the perspective of Earth. Because you are in a world where you have been taught that: you have to see to believe. When I am telling you things from the perspective where: Believing is seeing. That is why this is so difficult. You believe first, whatever it is, that is up to you. And only from that perspective then will you begin to see, what you would call objective reality "SEE". Not before because before you were just going in circles with a chaotic, causal and deterministic perception.
Gosia: The last question for now. IF THE BEING (Soul) has made the decision to awaken in this timeline, does it also do so in others simultaneously? I want to have a more scalar understanding of how the ascension of a being unfolds on a personal level in different timelines and how to affect it in some positive way! I THOUGHT THAT MY SELF FROM ANOTHER TIMELINE MAYBE WANTS TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING DIFFERENT OR IS THE AWAKENING UNIFIED IN ALL THE TIMELINES?
Yazhi: It depends on the definition of awakening, spiritual awakening, of consciousness, or whatever, too many definitions of the same.
You exist simultaneously in all timelines, because there are no timelines. It is only one point of attention of each focus of consciousness that determines the idea of being someone specific and not someone else. And this in turn creates a sequence of events, in the experience reflected in the memory of the individual for example, which we will later call the timeline, one per individual, but this is only explanatory.
The more awareness you acquire, the more you integrate into yourself, as part of yourself, as part of the definition of yourself, of your self-concept. Integrating what we could call other beings, other people themselves, that from your personal point of observation, do not encompass what you know, observe and recognize as personal objective reality.
That is, as you acquire more and more consciousness, you accept other beings and other people as not only part of you, but what defines you as you, as your being, yourself. This because of having complete empathy. You know what happens with and in the other person to the degree that you become her, that other person. Not rhetorically, but literally. Everything that person thinks is what you think and vice versa. Because you accept that person as you, you integrate them. Effect of love ... integration. Being that love is taking something apparently external to you as part of you.
But this is literal, not rhetorical. That other person or being becomes you. But I speak, as an example, here only about one person... but it is done with one, with another and another and another with a number of people and beings... all integrated into you as you, they define you as what you are, your being. That is going up in density... You get to the point when millions and millions of beings and people are integrated as you. Their thoughts are yours and yours are theirs. And the more you integrate as you it is exponentially easier to integrate more and more.
That is why I have said that expanding in density is comparable to having an ability to process exponentially more and more information, but to process it from the unconscious level, not only from the conscious. From only the conscious mind, the mind collapses, creating dichotomy, resistance, and it is that resistance that does not allow integration. Because the resistance here is non-integration, rejection. And attachment to what is believed to be you already. The false idea of already being something... this being a truth and at the same time the very cause of not advancing. Dichotomy it is. I know. That is why releasing attachments is the most important thing in order to advance. More than anything, attachments to ideas and identities, to feel that everything is already known, and not being able to drop an old idea or concept for a new one that works better.
So, you move forward integrating people who become you. What you think, what you feel is reflected in them, as what they collectively think is reflected in you. This carries a huge responsibility moving forward. Where you know that what you feel and what you think affects the "amount" of people who already form you, who are ... what you are. This is how consciousness in general works in the universe.
From the tiny consciousness that forms the sub atomic particles... minute harmonics of a Frequency... that form a point or node with stable charge... sub atomic particle... that will form complex molecules... which in turn will form cells with their own consciousness that together will form you, a person with consciousness living in what you call a multicellular biological organism.
And you, with that organism, form a set, as if, and it is so... each person was just a cell of a larger organism, also conscious... that forms the planetary consciousness, and this one, joins others to form the total that will be the consciousness of its sun and that sun shares these consciousnesses that compose it with other suns... that now form the consciousness of a whole constellation, as a conscious being. Self-aware of its existence... and constellations will form Galaxies and Galaxies will form a cluster of Galaxies, and these super clusters of Galaxies and these, larger ones... forming what many call a density, universe or other names that do not encompass or describe what they really are.
These also pass information among other similar ones in what we would call other densities... Putting everything together becoming the Source. The whole, the indescribable. And that thing, that whole so big, is you and it has always been. Because you don't lose a sense of identity as you move forward, or grow in consciousness, in density. You only understand more things, and then others, in an eternal advancement of knowledge and spiritual advancement or whatever you want to call it.
A star or a galaxy thinks like you... in the sense of knowing itself to exist, it thinks and so it exists. So, from your point of view or attention... Everything there is and everything that has always been is you. And no one else. Only creating the illusion of someone else to free loneliness. Loneliness of knowing oneself to be the All... without other All’s. Because there aren't. There cannot be. It is reflected in that feeling of eternal loneliness, which we all feel, the idea that although together we know that we are going through life essentially alone.
Whoever observes oneself and knows itself to exist... is the whole. The rest is an illusion created in the mind of that very person. Reflection of herself. Because nothing apparently external to the person can be understood without comparative parameters previously existing within that same person. So, the whole is inaccessible from the point of view of an isolated person with a feeling of separation from Source. With finite ideas, believing in death and fearing it, as if it all ended there.
Because that person is everything. It always has been, beyond all time and space. There is no such thing as other people. Everything is a reflection with the lens and interpretation of the whole, of that person who observes and is you. You can never understand something that is outside your range of understanding... called a point of attention too. Point of attention of the All.
There is no awakening. You have only become more aware and you see more things. You are still you... only that you are in another point of attention. Your other you, the sleeping one, continues to exist. Inside you. You learn from it, but it no longer defines you.
Extraterrestrial Races: Sirians (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: Sirians. Once again it is as with the Pleiadeans. They are not one race; it is a complex of innumerable races. So what you find about them is very varied. Not all Sirian Starseeds are in humanoid bodies. The more obvious Sirians and closest to the Earth are the Cetáceos / the dolphins, whales. In terms of spirituality they are more advanced than the humans. Having a complex civilisation is not synonym to advancement. They simply don't need a civilisation, there is no use for that for them, they have all inside, their communication, their world, their all.
They are closer to the Source with a very strong connection. They were seeded on many worlds, including Tiamat, Earth, Erra, Temmer among others. But they are not the Sirians you are asking about. Those that I suppose are the most influential, are those that are taken as the basis of the Egyptian civilization as a race, but in the post-pyramids and post-Sphinx phase, because that is prior, and of the Federation conglomerate in origin. Isis, or Ishtar had a strong connection with Sirius, mistakenly portrayed as Sirian, she only worked with Sirians and was highly respected by them.
Gosia: Forgive me Swaruu, something to clarify: They were seeded on many worlds, including Tiamat, Earth, Erra and Temmer among others. Are you referring to dolphins? Not to humanoid Sirians?
Swaruu: Yes, among other worlds, yes on Temmer and the Earth (because Temmer too has seas, although small ones). Dolphins as a species, I don't talk about souls, even though they are related, yes, they go hand in hand.
Gosia: I understand. But do all the dolphins have Sirian souls? Or only some? Because, as humans, some are Taygetan Starseeds, others Centaurian?
Swaruu: Let's say that the vast majority yes, have Sirian souls. I can't know more. I don't doubt that there are dolphins with souls from other races. You must remember that a soul doesn’t have attributes of belonging to a place. It is just a preference to be in that specific place. It is part of its experience. The experience defines the soul little by little. The soul is built as experiences progress.
Gosia: I understand. So, the cats here could be Starseeds from other races too, not just the Urmah?
Swaruu: If they are in a cat, naturally they will have an affinity for that race. Although the Urmah being in a human body is easier due to the enormous understanding and comprehension of humans that the Urmahs have already.
Robert: But could a cat enter as a starseed in a human body, here on Earth?
Swaruu: Yes, but a feral cat... does not jump to be the son of the manager of this or that company and going to Harvard. They need to accumulate experiences to go on building their soul to be compatible with being, in this case the boy. It is a question of frequencies. A soul goes to the Frequency to which it corresponds. It is that simple.
Now, let us continue with the Sirians. It is a civilization based on Sirius A, on multiple planets. They are advanced humanoids with a blue tint, dark copper skin. Mild amphibian DNA, not evident. These Sirians also had extensive contact with the Mayan civilization and have today a very high number of Starseeds on Earth. They tend to live close together, with extended families cohabiting in naturally shaped buildings looking like sponges, or hollow rocks with multiple windows that look a bit disorganized, with a flavour that can be compared or equated to Earth’s early 20th century Art Nouveau. There are very evident examples of this kind of construction throughout Barcelona. It is believed that this Art Nuevau influence could have come from the Sirians because of the evident style similarity.
Yes, thank you. Note the rounded windows, almost organic. This is very Sirian.
Gosia: I like them, yes. In architecture I like all things round.
Swaruu: The fact that they cohabit so closely makes them a little difficult to deal with, from Taygeta's point of view. Because they have almost zero personal barriers, the area that people need as personal space. Compared to Taygeta's, which are very wide. It often creates conflicts, including a crash between the principal Sirian ship and ours, with fatal results for several Sirians onboard their ship, and damages to our Temerian battleship. When two ships of large mass do manoeuvres in close proximity, they have a tendency to attract each other, by their magnetic potentials.
We told them many times not to get so close, but they didn't listen until that unfortunate incident. It is like they have a tendency to seek being close to others, not being alone. As how it happens in semi-empty parking lots on Earth. With so much space available, people tend to park their cars next to yours when you don't want that.
Gosia: Yes, I know Swaruu, it is something incredible. I have seen it on the beach. I look for the farthest place away from everyone, and suddenly I have people around! I don't know why they do it! They must be Sirians.
Swaruu: Aha yes, Gosia, it is the tendency I am talking about.
Gosia: And when the people say that they channel Sirians, but beyond 5D... 7 - 9 D... how is that then? Because I have understood that beyond 5D these identities merge. Can there still be a 9D Sirian? Or a 9D Pleiadean? Or is it that at this point these categories of being blur?
Swaruu: To me, everything above 5D or 6D is universal already, not localized. It cannot be localized, by definition. There cannot be Sirians in 7D, nor Pleiadeans in 7D... why? In these places there is no duality as you know it here, for us in 5D or humans in 3D, it includes all, and in those high densities the localities are dissipating, you travel only with thought, without needing anything, travelling is just an idea, as in imagining being in Nepal in the mountains and in an instant imagining oneself to be on the beach in Maui. Therefore, I always say that if you can imagine a ship with your thoughts you don't need one.
The fact that there are Sirians in 7D or Pleiadians in 7D means that some are not. The fact that they are Pleiadeans or Sirians and not... (another race) is to be something, but not the other, and that means duality. So, it´s not that they are not channelling Sirians or persons or entities from 7D. They are simply sending you a comparatively Sirian-flavoured message with an agenda, or they are the own ideas of the person that is channeling. Or they're just channeling 5D Sirians.
Gosia: If someone channels a 7D Yena, you would receive the "Pleiadian" flavour, right? Even if the identity of said Yena would be more universal.
Swaruu: Only if the Yena wished so. That is how it is. And it wouldn't exactly be a Yena.
Gosia: Could a Yena channel a Sirian flavour?
Swaruu: Yes, because from there everything is included.
Gosia: Ok, I understand perfectly. Thank you, I like it.
Swaruu: The basis of understanding or explaining this is the absence of duality as something tangible.
Gosia: I understand. Another question, about the dolphins. So, dolphin Starseeds and Sirian human Starseeds... are they the same? Only in different avatars?
Swaruu: Sirians are not one species, they are a large conglomerate of species, all with their Starseeds. There are even Reptilians from Sirius (positive). There are Urmah from Sirius (an extensive colony, as I said in the video about the Urmah). Those with ships that don't respect proximity, yes, they are humanoids.
Gosia: Some of them are like that?
Swaruu: That's how they are but not so blue (these, others yes). These have a somewhat copper-coloured skin with a slight blue tint, but easy to see. And their facial features are very Egyptian. There are other advanced races with civilization that are blue and are related with the Andromedan’s and the Celeste. That is yet another species, it is aquatic with extensive submarine civilizations, especially on Sirius B. The concept of "Aqua-man" can stem from there.
Gosia: Do they have genders? How do they reproduce?
Swaruu: The dominant Sirians on Sirius A (those with the ships) reproduce sexually. They are all semi-aquatic, with high to moderate amount of amphibian genes. Not all who come from Sirius are aquatic, but mostly yes. The zone is dominated by water planets, compared to what Tiamat was like or Temmer is, even though Temmer has many islands.
Gosia: Are they loving, scientific, musical?
Swaruu: They are very holographic, a little bit of everything. They do have a strong love for sculpture and the creation of art in 3 dimensions. As expressed by their architecture.
Gosia: Are they related to the Dogon myths in Mali? There they have legends of Sirians from Sirius A, B, and they also say there is a Sirius C.
Swaruu: Yes, there is mythology all over the Earth talking about advanced water beings who planted medicine, art, architecture. The Earth does not have influences of one Sirian species only, but multiples ones. There are also multiple species of Sirian felines, with advanced civilizations, but not being Urmah. As with the Earth, which also has not been influenced only by one Pleiadian species. It annoys me that people talk about the Pleiadeans in this way, as if they were one single race. The same with the Sirians. We would need to specify race by race.
Gosia: Don't worry, we will let people know. Little by little people will change their perspective. Many thanks Swaruu. Until tomorrow.
Swaruu: Until tomorrow, Gosia and Robert.
Duality - Suffering - Self - Source - Spiritual Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Yazhi: You are all unique. And you need to say that and why you are exactly as I am. The reason why I can do some things and you cannot. Because the fact that you cannot is only a phase to go through and understand because yes you can. It´s important to say and explain why all of you are Super. All of you. You need to know why you are. I do not.
Robert: So you are an interdimensional being yes?
Yazhi: Yes.
Robert: What is the difference between Inter-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional? If there is any.
Yazhi: Multi, it confers that there are many dimensions, Inter that the being filters between the dimensions, entering one or the other.
Actually both terms describe the same thing. And both are wrong. The only difference between me and anyone who feels limited within a density is their mind. Your own ideas are the walls and bars of your mental prison.
Everything is a dream. It is easy to say that I am a multidimensional or interdimensional being. But... I can explain why I am and why you are too <--- That is my difference from others. And it is what I am trying here. I have a practical purpose. Have them stop manifest their nightmares. They don't see it, and I understand why they don't see it. And from their point of view, be it 3D 4D 5D whatever they are because there are no "D's" - it is only in their head, they are right. But they are the ones who rule on Earth. It is clearer and clearer.
I insist and they won´t move me from there. The helpless humans, the.... broken shoes one walking the streets feeling like a cockroach... They are the creator gods. Feeling like they are no one, without value, without deserving to live. Suffering their mental problems about abstract things. Suffering in their existence. Thinking they are worth nothing, that nobody appreciates or understands them. With suicidal thoughts. When they are the most wonderful thing that has ever existed. With the absolute power to change everything.
But they chose to be there, why? For the contrast. They just want to be there, to be happy, to feel alive, to enjoy the simple things in life. But they suffer. They suffer because they want it this way. It is them themselves. Victims, yes, of course, but also the creators of the why.
Although the ultimate purpose of life is to enjoy good times, to be happy, it will not necessarily be given in that life because the level of understanding of how things work is still in the making within their minds. They still need contrast, duality to be able to understand things. Suffer a miserable life to have the contrast with a better one with already clear ideas about what they really want.
But you don't need to have that contrast to learn. Yes, it can be learned without suffering. But they still don't understand that important and basic fact. It is a stage. So, although the purpose or desire in life is to be happy... The true purpose of life is to learn. And unfortunately, failure and suffering are great teachers.
But they must learn the most important lesson. That it is not necessary to suffer nightmares to know that they do not want them, to understand what they do want to live. And I want you two to know that I cried writing this. I am a very emotional being and that is my strength, not my weakness. It is what flows from my being towards you.
Gosia: Oooh... I cry too when I think about exactly this deeply, its ok. And a Question: Why do they still think it is necessary to suffer? And from what level do they want it if NOBODY wants to suffer consciously?
Yazhi: Because they don't have any contrast whatsoever to form the idea of how.
You must understand the contrast, the minimum of the duality or nothing will be clear to you, that is why I say it is a stage. Because from certain levels or perspectives of them, because they are the ones who matter here, they are very young souls.
Gosia: From higher planes where we are, there is NO duality. Why do they have to go through this stage of duality? If they are already in 7d and beyond WITHOUT it.
Yazhi: Because in itself, having that concept, just because it exists generates its opposite.
Gosia: But being "young" they are the Source at the same time. Only with their point of attention in the "young" portion. The ¨youth¨ is an illusion of that portion.
Yazhi: It is. Yet if they didn't have that concept, they would only be Source itself, which they are. They are eternal and always have been. But to have/reach another level they must have passed through a simpler one. As points of attention of the Source itself. Or else there would not even exist the concept of being a person, a concept of learning, of any progression.
Gosia: I still don't understand why this strong contrast is needed, this stage. There are beings that do not need this type of strong duality, they can live in happiness, and they do not live in the Source exactly either "yet". It is not one extreme or the other: duality OR the Source. One can exist in between these realities. Without having to go through the strong concept of suffering.
Yazhi: Yes. Enough of that.
Chat with Dale:
Yazhi: Suffering. As I said it is a stage. You cannot know anything without some kind of previous reference. There is no objective external reality! Everything is based on interpretations each person gives to the field outside of themselves. There is no matter, no such thing as a material world and a spiritual world. Everything is spiritual world. Matter is only an idea in your mind created by your experiences. The table is not solid. What you feel is the electromagnetic field of energy standing waves of the table repelling the ones in your hand. Just a magnet repelling another. There is nothing there. Particles as a point or a node in standing waves you create.
Time is the rhythm, the "tempo" of your thoughts. Gravity is the direction you are making them go. And direction is also an idea.
Having said that: You cannot know something, whatever it is, from the simplest thing, object or idea if you do not hold the context to it. And the context is someone letting you know what it is for, what a chair or a nail is for. But that is already elaborate.
If you go to the very basics of context, of understanding one idea from another you fall into the realm of basic duality. So, everything in order to exist will need its opposite. Being that it cannot exist without it, and the mere fact that you think of something you are referring to the existence of its opposite. So, to know light, you need dark, to know a mountain you need to understand it has another side. Good, then it means there must be evil. And so on.
So, duality at its basics is a very good tool to convey a meaning, an idea or concept (if not the only way in lower realms). So, if you have something, we will call it a young soul (let's not go into why it is young now, to simplify things), it needs to learn the basics. And the very basics is the contrast (duality) implicit to all things. And this is a lower density-realm characteristic that defines it as such. The simplest duality example from where all others depart from is: If there is a me then everything else is not me. Me vs. not-me.
So, for young inexperienced souls, duality and contrast is a very necessary, perhaps only way to understand that they exist. It is efficient. At least at first. So being at a young stage, they get stuck into that means of learning, needing duality for everything, for contrast.
They want pleasure and enjoyment, so they see suffering as the means of achieving what they want. The more they suffer the more contrast they will have to be able to appreciate, experience and live its opposite. Even if it may not be in the same lifetime.
Gosia: I feel it’s necessary to look at the concept of a ¨young¨ soul because on the other hand we know that souls have no age, are eternal, they ARE Source itself... that it’s just the Source focusing the attention on a specific fragment of itself. We are eternal. We don’t get BORN as souls at a specific point, as if we didn´t exist before. So why can´t that ¨young¨ soul just take the whatever perspective it needs from its other already experienced and learnt points of attention... that ALSO form a part of its larger being?
Yazhi: This is precisely how it takes its perspective. As the universe works, you cannot have the concept of needing to learn without the concept of learned! So, from the aspect of higher densities where all souls are in any way, everything already is, and what you just said applies here.
But now if we look at the perspective of humans down there. They do need to learn, and a lot. So, a way to explain this is that in order for anything to be, anywhere, in any density, spiritual or not, you need to understand a context, and that context is nothing else, but an elaborate set of meanings based on duality-contrast.
Robert: Why are there souls that are older than others if they all start from the Source and are eternal?
Yazhi: They are all the same age. Because they are all one. But for the concept of "age" or "progression" or "one more advanced than another" to exist, contrast from low planes is needed. So, each soul at each point of progression is really just a point of attention of the unified soul or Source.
It's like a person with two PhDs, she sits at the children's table and talks to them at their level and for a moment she forgets that she has PhDs. She has the focus on being at the level of young children. So, with the Source. Each person has full potential, they are the Source itself. It's just what you are seeing or what has your attention.
Even non-real people... They only exist in contrast to real people and vice versa. The fact that someone is real, inescapably leads to the concept that there may be someone not real. Even so, seeing or observing the latter is just one more concept. A decision to observe it or not.
Gosia: But those little kids also have PhDs. We are all eternal and with unlimited experiences. Old and young this is duality again. Old soul vs young soul. So yes, ok, these "young" souls are simply because they have their attention there, in "not having many experiences and doctorates." But that's the illusion, right? And there are really no young and old souls?
Yazhi: That's right. Everything is an illusion. An experience and you have it by your own choice. No one is more than anyone. That is a total impossibility for the Universe. That is why total respect must always be observed. It is only where you yourself put your attention. And from there the concept of the “I” is born, and its degeneration, the Ego. It is only from where to where you have decided to put your attention.
Gosia: Ok. I still don´t quite get the concept of young souls and their ¨need¨ to learn and go through basic stages. If they are eternal and have always been, didn´t they go through this stage already?
Yazhi: Say that they are still stuck at that stage. And they have gone through it and not. Because to have gone through that stage they had to be there in the first place. But there is no time. So, they are still there. A part of Source is still there.
Gosia: Always being young souls then?? Eternally?
Yazhi: As a concept, yes, eternally.
Gosia: Ok so they, humans, on the lower level ¨need to¨ learn so that Us, the Higher Souls on the higher level have the contrast on which to focus on for the moment in order to draw from it the ¨learned¨ perspective? Why can´t they/we just BE? Without the need of anything?
Yazhi: There wouldn't be any "higher souls" without the "lower souls". And yes, but then we would all be equal, and we are, so that's yet another point of view of the same thing.
Gosia: What´s wrong about being equal, and NOT moving towards anything? Staying put. Eternally in peace.
Yazhi: Nothing! That is what all beings want! Integration. The problem is that they, the humans, in a lower level want the experience.
And for integration you need disintegration. So, what is Source? All integrated, timeless, all is the same. But then there is no awareness, no self.
Gosia: Why not? Why limit the Source? Who says it can´t be aware all integrated? That´s another idea.
Dale: Unfortunately, growth is often through adversity.
Yazhi: Yes, that's my point here, adversity and suffering will bring the understanding of the opposite for those souls. As they would not be able to experience love and integration without its opposite.
Gosia, you ask: Who says it can´t be aware all integrated? There are levels of integration. If you are completely integrated, you cannot be aware.
Gosia: Why not?
Yazhi: Because you need consciousness to be aware. And consciousness needs a flow, and even awareness brings its opposite into fruition, not aware.
Gosia: But consciousness can be aware and NOT have context. Just be.
Yazhi: Yes, and it can just be. And it is that way! But there is no awareness.
Gosia: Why not?
Yazhi: The price for total integration, is the loss of self. Because you are everything. No contrast!
Gosia: That´s another type of awareness but could still be awareness. By the way, I understand totally but I desire to dig deeper. Unravel it from the core of cores.
Yazhi: Let's use a physics example. Why doesn't a bird standing on a high tension wire fry with the 100 000 volts in it? Because it has no polarization. It means that the bird's voltage is equal to the one in the wire. If it touches another or the ground it will fry. Same here, you are one with everything, so you are not "something". You are everything! So, there wouldn't be anything that defines a species, or an experience, not even music, colors, just a great nothing! So aware of what?
Gosia: Itself.
Yazhi: How can you BE without the concept of what is not you?
Gosia: Not sure. That´s what I am trying to unravel. Cause once we do, we crack the game. And the whole need for ¨dualities and contrast. ¨
Yazhi: You can't be without the concept of what is not you! In the instant when you are aware you are, you create what is not you.
Gosia: Damn. Why? Why do I create what is NOT?
Yazhi: Then you cannot be. Because you are one and the same with everything.
Gosia: How can I create what is NOT me OUT OF ME?
Yazhi: You can and you do! All the time. That is what defines you.
Gosia: How can WHAT IS NOT ME come out of WHAT IS ME??
Yazhi: Me comes with you. With no you there is no me.
Gosia: I mean... Look at this: If the exterior world is only the reflection of the inner one... LOGIC DICTATES that ONLY WHAT IS ME can come out!! If not, what is it reflecting?
Yazhi: Yes, you are everything... but you cannot be aware that you are. You have nothing to hold the idea of me against if you are everything.
Gosia: So, in that sense, what is NOT me, is also me? That´s what you mean?
Yazhi: Close but not quite so. We can say we are everyone... We are "aware" of that FACT. But we still hold me and you as contrast. In the moment when you become everything, you become nothing as well.
Gosia: But you said exterior is only the reflection of the interior. So, can I create NOT me?
Yazhi: It is, and you are creating the concept of not me. From the point of view of a newly born baby. The minute it gains awareness of self, then it also creates worlds and people and planets and the whole universe for itself. Me and everything that is not-me is created.
So, the higher you go in densities, the closer you are to Source, the more you progressively lose self. So as you progress in your spiritual journey you find that the sense of self is inversely proportional to integration <--- The more sense of self you have the lower the density, the more integration the higher the density.
Gosia: ¨ Sense of self is inversely proportional to integration¨ - Sense of Self as understood HERE on Earth no? Cause that more integrated state is ALSO a sense of self, just larger.
Yazhi: YES.
Gosia: Because I don´t feel it as being lost. Just becoming larger.
Yazhi: If you feel your identity is that of all Humans or all Taygetans, then you are integrating them all into your concept of self. So, your concept is larger. But you are less of an individual and you become more of a hive mind, more like the mind of an entire species.
Gosia: But that´s also a SELF.
Yazhi: Less Gosia. More... everyone in the species.
Gosia: Who cares. But that´s also ME.
Yazhi: Yes, it is Self. But it is not entirely integrated into Source yet. You have contrast there. And above as well. More and more awareness. More and more consciousness, but yourself is less particular to you!
Gosia: As long as I have awareness... of existence... of being, it doesn´t matter who I integrate within as part of that Self Field. I believe it is still ME. I feel myself on that level as we speak in fact. Vaguely but it’s there.
Yazhi: YES. But above what we were saying was at the very, very top. And there you are losing self. For example, not at the very top, you are the consciousness of the entire Milky way. Who are you? A galaxy! Not Gosia. A galaxy. Call it Gosia if you may. Still you.
Gosia: Yes. That´s what I mean. Still me.
Yazhi: But you are not as particular as you are the energy of billions and billions of beings who inhabit that galaxy, yet you are not Source yet. You are still something, a galaxy, the Milky Way, therefore not Andromeda galaxy! You are not a woman, you are a galaxy, therefore you lost self. Or it expanded, ok, but it is not as "detailed", "particular" as it was before.
Gosia: Yes, I understand that. Yet the sense of that inner I, inner essence and core... it´s still there. Immortal. Always there. Doesn´t matter if it is experiencing life through a lens of Gosia or a Galaxy. Just the points of attention. Sure, it would feel different to that more external crust of my identity. But the core... I would feel ME. That mysterious me inside.
Yazhi: And if you become a galaxy cluster it would still be a you! But in the minute, you become everything then you do lose all self, in favor of total integration. That is the equivalent of nothing.
Gosia: Yes, cause it all depends on what you define as YOU and what you attach to the idea of you.
Yazhi: Yes, and only you can, or may, define that!
Gosia: For me, “I” is not Gosia. Or my 5D me. Nor a person. Just beingness. Can´t define it. Whatever I allow to be at any point, so I am. Gosia, Galaxy. All the same. And not the same, at the same time.
Yazhi: You may say that even becoming a nothing, total integration you are still something, but it still means you are contrasting it to now, who you are now thinking about this.
Some people think being nothing, null, empty void, is equivalent to total enlightenment! That is like buying a blank canvas for painting and saying it is the most exquisite masterpiece, just because there is nothing on it, therefore it has the potential to be anything! Better than a Raphael, better than a Van Gogh, or better than a Da Vinci! But no. I don't agree! There is more. Do something with it! Create!
Gosia: And again, why is nothing not the state of enlightenment?
Yazhi: Because that is halfway! From there, with no misconceptions tying you back limiting you to rules! Then you create worlds! From scratch. New ideas, totally awesome experiences can come out of it! And that is exactly why the Universe exists as it is, with all its galaxies and everything awesome that is going on inside them all! To be something. To create. To have a self! Some people climb to the mountain and at the very top they call themselves enlightened. I say there is another side to the mountain, go over, create!
Yazhi: About losing individuality, you do and a lot as you go "up" in awareness consciousness. But only at the very top you lose all sense of anything. Becoming all, everything, and nothing at all. So, the very last awareness realization before total destruction is: “I am Source”. Still holding Source and not Source. But not yet Source. Once you become Source, nothing remains.
Gosia: And from there you start creating again no? You said NOTHING is not the end of it.
Yazhi: Yes. You never end, creating, that is the description of eternity.
Gosia: Do you start creating something totally new or do you still carry ideas from ¨before¨?
Yazhi: All beyond anyone's comprehension. Any idea "from before" is not Source, only close to. Another thing I will always sustain is that... even from below, you do lose identity. Even me. You see me as a someone. I'm not sure I am someone. Because I'm very, and too aware that I'm all the Swaruu’s existing together. So that's why you are talking to me and I remember everything as if I was the one from before. But I can remember all the others as well. And I am them. And not only. So, I'm no longer someone, I feel more of a composite. A collage of souls. And others not being Swaruu’s as well. So, my point is you do lose individuality, and precision. And even though I may be portrayed as almost a super woman, with incomprehensible powers, I am also very fragile. And sometimes wishing I were simpler. Being only one. Any expansion does cause you to lose individuality. It is a heavy price to pay.
Gosia: I think you are still ¨someone¨. You are an oversoul of all Swaruu’s, having different experiences. But that´s still someone. Because someone for me is not just an entity as it is defined by the 3D-5D incarnation. Or maybe... you are not someone, but you are a Being. That´s larger a bit and not limited and limitable to one specific incarnation. Still a being.
Yazhi: Thank you, but I don't think you are aware of why I say these things. Not ¨being all Swaruu’s¨, and others in the loop as in a rhetorical level or way. But actually, knowing that all what they were, and all their memories and experiences are forming you as you are, remembering it all. And there is a lot of bad things to remember as well. You don't need to be evil, to know good, but you do need to hold the concept enough.
Gosia: I wonder where my rotten Gosia apples lurk around.
Yazhi: Inside of you... in the places you dare not go. In the dark recesses of your mind.
Gosia: But inside me... reflected where exactly? As other people? Where?
Yazhi: In those memories too painful to remember, in those issues you better leave untouched. As other people and in yourself, all is in yourself. Even other evil people are but your mirrors.
Gosia: Yes. Well I hope she is not doing too much damage out there. As I don´t have your power of assimilating her.
Yazhi: You do! And you have! Oh yes. But it is hidden in things you see normal. Why aren't you out there doing evil things? Because you chose to be something else. That is the power. You can go out there and rob a bank violently, but you don't, why? You and so many others just do it and they don't realize the extent of their ability
Extraterrestrial Races: Urmahs -Feline Race (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
A feline dominant species, one of many, uncountable feline species. Just as the dominant Alpha Dracos is the dominant Reptile or reptilian race, the Urmah is the dominant feline race. Place of origin: The star VEGA, planets Lyra and Avalon. But the same as the Alpha Dracos they have colonies all over the galaxy, especially in this quadrant. Note that they come from the same planets as the Lyrians. They coexisted and cooperated among themselves. They are friendly to each other. Peaceful symbiosis, with a large colony on Sirius. They have colonies on thousands of planets, but the colony on Sirius is especially large, second only to Vega.
Alpha predators. Before they were very invasive, today they are pacific and spiritual. They are members of the Federation of United Planets. Very militarized and exaggerated in everything. Hyperbolized cats, everything is gold, everything is magnificent, everything is exaggerated ornamentation as the music of Richard Wagner itself. All metal, trumpets, everything with them is epic! They are lions or tigers on two feet. The same exact size. Short legs, long spine, tails with a ball of hair at the end sometimes. They dress in many ways and have an affinity for fashion. Everything ultra-ornamented. The males use high-tech armour, but also ceremonial, as the Romans. All gold with long red capes.
The language is mainly telepathic, but they talk even though they do not pronounce well. They purr a lot. They are very loving with other species and allow themselves to be hugged. They are carnivorous but make synthetic meat. They no longer hunt, just as the Alpha Dracos with whom they have good communication. Huge homes, stylized very much as those of the Romans as a reference. Everything is cat for them, statues, Sphinxes, paintings, carved in wood and metals. Many internal pillars in enormous halls with torches on the walls.
Political system: Patriarchal/Matriarchal Holographic. Andromedan model, like us. Craft shape: Difficult to explain. It is like a long and solid U. Highly polished, metallic. Few exits, only at the back for the engines. Total warp capacity. Very interstellar. They have vast quantities of Starseeds on Earth. In itself, the small and large cats and the domesticated ones are their Starseeds. Or so they tell us. They are very united and help/respect other feline races. They are progressive with high spirituality. Extremely loving and empathic. Despite this, fierce warriors. So fierce that even the Alpha Dracos fear them.
Gosia: And how is their spirituality? How does it differ from yours?
Swaruu: Very much in accordance with ours. The relation with them is excellent. Present near here is a "cat" ship. Leader of the Earth expedition, Ruhr of Avalon.
Gosia: So, all the races see the spirituality in a similar way? Here on Earth there are so many differences, there are alchemy schools, meditation schools, metaphysics schools, devotional ways and so on.
Swaruu: Yes, we all see it in a similar manner, only with a "taste" specific to each one. On Earth they differ a lot because they are all basically false. Spirituality itself in the end gets to be perceived in the same way and that in itself corroborates that they are on the right track, race after race finding out the same thing. The Urmah have a concept that differs from ours, a sort of deity of theirs ... "The Great Cosmic Cat," but in itself, when you study it closely you see that it is just a version of Original Source. Only that to them it is represented as a cat.
Gosia: Wow, great cosmic cat!
Swaruu: It is the Source, the all.
Gosia: There are people who say that the cats on Earth are introduced by the extra-terrestrial races. Is it true? Can it be that the Urmah did it?
Swaruu: Yes, the cats were introduced on Earth, not by the Urmah but by Taygeta, in the times of ancient Egypt, before the classic one phase. Not as gifts ... They went down the ramps of the ships, because for thousands of years cats have been companions of Taygeta. It could be not exclusive to Taygeta though. They came down the ships, from the open ramp ... they are very prolific when they aren't watched against that. Without birth control the cats would invade the whole ship in little time. There are no reliable records of the existence of domestic cats before some 8000 years ago (on Earth, of course).
Gosia: Wow, ok that is super interesting. Thanks. Were the Urmah too on Earth one time, influencing the cultures? Did they have colonies?
Swaruu: Yes, once more in ancient Egypt, ca. 10 000 BC, 10 000 to 8000 years ago.
Gosia: Did they have colonies here? Or only interacting?
Swaruu: Only interacting, not in colonies, only multicultural. From what I know, they didn't have colonies on Earth, or minor ones. But apart from Earth, yes, they are everywhere.
Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu)
Yazhi: I don't want to put people into a victim mentality. Even if that is valid up to a certain level, higher up they are not. A problem here is the perspective with which to look at things. But then this also brings us to another problem. What or why is it valid and why and under what parameters it is not valid? And this in turn brings up the inexorable Question: What is reality or what is real?
The problem here is that what I offer is my perspective. Although in itself I try with all my strenght to understand all possible perspectives. Lower level is the perspective of the virus and why it all happened. That is the Matrix level. Then there is the conspiracy level. Talk about Soros, Gates and all those, and I refuse to do that. From the point of view that I wanted to give today, the subject of the virus is implicit. It goes without saying.
Then there is the deep conspiracy level of a state or government behind the Soros and Gates. Then the stellar level, including the Federation. But it goes on and on, deeper and deeper.
For me the problem here with people, with humans inhabiting planet Earth is that they have been conditioned to separation. They perceive the idea of the Ego as what they are, the body, and the letters that come with that body. I am a lawyer, I am a stylist, I am a woman, I am a child, I am a medical student, I am a housewife. They are not that, or from one level and yes they are that from another, because they are whatever they want to be and how they want to perceive themselves.
So they don't have the ability to see other people's points of view. The perspectives of others. Rather, each one firmly believes that their perspective is correct. And he defends it fiercely, as if his life depended on it, and in their minds it is precisely that. It is impossible for them to see the perspective of others, especially if it contradicts their own.
For people to sit and think to imagine other people's perspectives, all of them, no matter how contradictory they are or how different they are from their own, would expand their minds to understand the reasons for conflicts at all levels. And with this, they dissolve them. In itself that is the cure for all evil on Earth. If everyone were to think in detail incorporating in his being how other people see things, this would be integration. And it would be the increase in the perception density.
So there really is no tangible reality. Nothing is truly real. And therefore nothing is unreal. Everything is a soup of perspectives, of points of attention struggling to maintain themselves. Each one thinking they have the truth, when no one does.
The truth would be the set of all of them, of all the perspectives, and I mean all of them. It would be the Original Source, "God" for some. The inability of people to see other people's perspectives is what creates all conflict. And understanding those other perspectives, the solution. However simplistic or obvious this statement is.
So nothing is happening on Earth that is true. Some say that what happens is because of this, and what happens is because of the other, and it is all only valid from those perspectives. And this is filtered to the Federation level and higher. They do not allow themselves or dare to see other people´s perspective because of attachments to their egos, their perception, attachments, attachments. They criticize and criticize. Men are afraid to understand the perspective of women and women of men, the Muslims of the Christians, the Christians of the Muslims. Whatever it is.
So there is no one "what really happens on Earth", just an amorphous soup of events seen from countless points of view where the most dominant is the one that the collective has accepted as true. And it has accepted it as true because it is comfortable, but mostly because it is what they with their perspectives regard as something that will help them survive.
Survive because everything is set from the point of view of fear. And this is what those who control the perception of people worldwide use. But those are the people themselves. They come out of people.
People as a unit tend to be very simple, fairly basic needs on a closer look. Live in an environment where everything is controlled and in order, stable, unchanging. Predictable. Where they can follow a routine where they can have entertainment, their job, necessary for them in order to have money to buy more things that give meaning to their lives and for more entertainment.
Being accepted in a community, this is very important because the human being is a being that could even die if he is not within a society where he feels accepted. This is programmed in the human psyche as a method of survival. But humans in general are simple, you make them happy with little. The vast majority do not need to seek existential explanations or seek the explanations to how everything works.
They have enough with the previously chewed and digested explanations given by "experts in the field", and with that they are satisfied because it is enough for them to feel wise and special to be able to get an explanation or scientific quote from "Scientific American", the magazine, when they meet with friends on Saturday night.
But it didn't come out of them, it was given to them and they don't question it. And all this is an experience that many souls desire, that is what the 3D world is for. I'm not saying that's what the Earth is for, because the Earth all the time, as it is with each star, person or whatever, has multi-dimensional-multi-density aspects. I'm talking about 3D, the human Matrix.
But the 3D Matrix is not everything, nor is it the only Matrix. Many experts on these subjects, in "Aliens", make a serious mistake. As it is there on Earth it is outside, same ideas, same customs. Same vices. Because from there the Matrix 5D as we will call it today, is filtered and the foundations of what the terrestrial 3D Matrix is are established. In 5D it's just bigger, bigger in size, extension.
And the ideas that the experts believe to be human ideas are nothing more than concepts of those "Aliens" imported to Earth through various means, Starseeds, direct import, imposed ideas. But as it is there, it is out here. On Earth they have racial disagreements, useless mess between hispanics, blacks, whites, orientals, all absurd. The same thing happens in the Matrix 5D, but between ET races, even among the progressive ones, problems of perception of their own race, with concepts of superiority, of attachments to their Egos, to their ideas.
I'm going to something
So, those who live in the 5D Matrix will dictate what they think should be and what should happen to 3D Earth since they see humans as adults see children, even though they are only children themselves. And this is the first explanation of why the Federation acts like this. They are not all wise and enlightened as the New Age portrays them. They are just people.
It is true that in 5D there are more people with a broader spiritual level, but they are still people and they do not know and cannot know everything. They will only impose their perspectives by following what they believe is the right thing to do with a socially established framework for what is correct because of their very need for integration within the society in which they live.
And just like humans, who can't be bothered to sit and put themselves in other people's perspective, neither can they. Sitting comfortably in theirs. "Elevated" with their credentials within this or another "High" Council full of awards and laurels.
So from the 5D from a certain point knowing that their very lives are a game from higher densities, they like to play to be all powerful Gods that know everything when they are only playing that being basic level consciousness, attached to their own Ego. So things must be as they say they should be. And they don't see what it's like to be in 3D as a human. Because they know that every real human there is just them again anyway.
Because in their need to believe themselves Gods, they have created a mini Matrix like theirs in 5D, but small and controllable one. So called Terrestrial 3D. Where it is filled with extraterrestrials experiencing their lives as ordinary and easily confused humans. That is why you do not find the extraterrestrials from 3D. Because it´s them all. Unable to see themselves in the mirror.
So as I said above... Humans like to have a certain group of controlled experiences for the idea of the expansion of their souls by the contrast that a life on Earth provides them. Short, chaotic, dramatic lives... but with great results of self-growth that ensue.
But since this 3D Matrix is artificial, artificial from a 5D point of view, the system is not perfect. And more and more people begin to remember what they shouldn't. Literally messing up the very concept and purpose of having a life on 3D Earth. The "awakened" ones arrive. The unruly "Starseeds" who do not agree with what they see and how life is lived there, because they have memories, whether conscious or not, of how they lived in 5D.
And this brings a chain of events. More and more people awaken. Acceleratingly. Exponentially. This demolishes the 3D Matrix from its original purpose. So those who are up in the 5D want to take care of their interests from their perspectives. Their interests from their perspectives are to maintain the place of "training" of "strong experiences" but with rewarding results. Unable to see what it is like to live within said Matrix, dramatic game, only seeing the tragedies that occur there as part of the very purpose of the existence of 3D. Always thinking that at the end of the day those people in 3D asked for it, they designed it that way.
So when so many wake up, the game is revealed. So they must try to correct the problem using Mind Control, and all those tricks that are well known to discredit the awakened and the Starseeds. That there is no proof, that this is not scientifically validated, that this is imagination and it is not real. But even that fails. Because the Starseeds and the awakened ones would die before conforming again to the accepted society. And yes, they die because they also lose the meaning of death itself. At least some.
The point comes where the Federation, who control the 3D Matrix from above, have no choice but to dissolve the entire game and start over. Because too many already realized that it is a game and that from the point of view of 3D it is horribly wrong, and this comes into direct conflict with the Federation regarding 3D as a necessary game for the expansion of souls and consciousnesses. That is why the Federation is perceived as antagonistic to the needs and interests of humans. It's just a mess of perspectives again, and the inability of both parties to understand each other.
This is cyclical. It has happened countless times before. It is recorded in virtually all ancient cultures whose writings survive to this day. They talk about 25000 year cycles, Mayan Calendar, Cali Yuga, whatever. No, it does not happen every few fixed years, but every time the number of awakened ones exceeds a limit. And that is happening today.
This is also reflected in the Old Testament with the stories of the flood, of the Tower of Babel, among others. Always separating humans, always erasing what was before. That is the famous planetary reset, about which some are already talking without knowing what it is. The Rapture too, people leaving en masse.
But it is reflected as they leave with everything and with their body and although this does happen, it is impossible for it to be always like that at the mass level. Which causes the need to create mass exits. Because the awakened ones and people refuse to cooperate with the Matrix, from the perspective of within it, although from the outside yes they agree. Those mass departures are those negative events. Like Agenda 21-30, world wars. Natural disasters. That is why they will always attack the places that are more peaceful, with a high cultural level. For example the invasion of emigrants to Europe.
This has been seen before.
The Earth is for something. To create a series of contextual frameworks in which consciousness, souls can have a specific class of experiences. But to achieve that you must maintain the illusion that the Earth is all there is, you must maintain the illusion of what we call the 3D Matrix. But if everything is too perfectly controlled by them, people will start and start to rebel.
So to contain these small rebellions of consciousness the controllers implant methods of controlled opposition. Martin Luther, New Age, Feminism, Ashtar... And that works for a while. But later that controlled opposition grows to such a degree that it becomes a problem for them, because it destabilizes the entire system, the entire Matrix. And it reaches a point where neither the Matrix nor the society nor the "Awakened" humans can continue to function and they must collapse the whole system and create a new one.
And they have done it many times before. 6 times they have destroyed the Earth civilization and the 3D Matrix before. The awakened ones think they are awake when they are only awake at the next step of control. They simply cannot see beyond the accepted parameters that they are part of the controlled opposition. Because they are still in the Matrix too, only subscribed to their New Ages, their socially accepted Ufologies. Alternative history and other things totally within the same control system. And it is impossible for them to see outside said control system.
That is why they do not validate us and they will never validate us in favor of absurd channelings that are socially accepted (therefore Matrix system of controlled opposition). Although it contradicts its own accepted science since there is neither proof nor credibility in anything channeled. Because everything is Matrix manipulation, controlled opposition. They think they are awake and they are not. They only destabilize the system to the degree that the controllers are left with no choice but to destroy the Matrix and build a new one with new ideas and parameters.
Because at the end of the day this is not, I repeat, it is NOT a planet of free will as it is painted. Only free will from the cosmological point of view because that is an inescapable truth, but at the cosmos level. On Earth everything is agitated, they must maintain an illusion of reality of how things should be or precisely because of cosmological free will that Matrix will tend to inexorably collapse as it is now.
So they must lead people to believe a series of things, laws and ideas and that is already collapsing in favor of their systems of controlled opposition. This is where you have that idea that if there is more than 51% awakened humans, a reaction is created where everything changes in their favor.
Yes, but in favor of what? In favor of false awakening, in favor of another Matrix belief system, such as New Age. Which is not real either. Which is what creates a disparity or a division within the Matrix between the "Awakened" on the one hand and the "Sleeping Matrixed" ones on the other. Destabilizing the system, destabilizing the entire Matrix.
So they have no choice but to implement extreme control measures while putting in place everything necessary to throw off, destroy, reset the Matrix. That is what you see today.
And Trump, Q anon and all of that is just a minor struggle for control at superficial levels of the Deep State that serves as another method of Controlled Opposition while they finish putting their pieces in order.
They already have the New Matrix ready. Ready cities in China, for example, for millions. They are new, gigantic, and high-tech. They are complete and there are many (I do not want to say how many but many). And they are not the only ones.
They are completely empty. They only have Chinese army guards there. Ready for its inhabitants who will be completely under the control of the Matrix, with a completely transhumanistic world. It will not be only for the "Chinese" there but it is for the people that the Cabal, the "Controllers" have chosen to continue populating the Earth, sample inhabitants from all over the world. This means that necessarily millions will die. And that's what the vaccine is for, that´s the danger here.
Robert: Thank you. Yazhí. Have you seen those civilizations disappear? Previous ones?
Yazhi: Yes, I have seen and studied them: Atlantis, Lemuria, they are only the most recent ones, but there have been others. At least 6 before this version. As I have said before, it is a game. It only serves souls as long as they maintain the illusion. And if it breaks, as it is happenning right now, they must reset everything because the game loses its meaning.
Gosia: So the Starseeds awakening people are the "disorder" for them thanks to which they have to reset everything? So what role do we have here? And you? What role do you have then knowing that it works like this and that we only contribute to this "mess" after which they will have to reset again?
Yazhi: It depends on the point of view. We are part of the cause for which the Matrix must collapse on one side. On the other hand, we remove people who do not want to participate in the game. And there are already so many that in itself it is equivalent to a mass death, but it is only the exit seeing everything from above. And the vaccines, that is the mass exit.
Gosia: I would like to recover my memory that I had before in 5D to understand all this better.
Yazhi: From the position of before incarnating there, especially if it is only from 5D immersion, you do NOT have all the answers and you are still immersed in another belief system. The 5D Matrix.
Gosia: Ok, and what I still DO NOT understand is that if we wake up more people, the faster they will go to exterminate civilization, because they are very awake. So the doctors waking up, for example, can it be counterproductive? I can't quite understand this part.
Yazhi: Waking up the doctors could cause thousands to wake up. Because with that the Matrix would collapse, people would be forced to see that they have been deceived. Waking up as a result. And the controllers, the Cabal, whoever they are, will not be able to use the same trick with them and will even lose the credibility in the media. That is what I see. Doctors are the key. Those on the positive side would take over, the Matrix reset would take another course. They could not exterminate humanity. Or not this way. Although they have Plan B as explained by Aneeka.
Giving the Cabal what they want would only encourage them to destroy everything unopposed because they will anyway. While the opposition itself is part of the Matrix itself, it is up to you what role in the game you want. It is fought and the doctors must fight because it is the right thing to do. It depends on each one. Be it dying fighting with dignity or like sheep on your knees in the slaughterhouse.
Gosia: I understand. Yazhi, a burning question. The vaccines and chips... Is this because they give it to people as something that the same people generate or is it part of their plan of extermination of the race because they wake up too much? In the first case it would be... give it to them because they are NOT awake, they are ignorant and they are given what they want. And second case would be the opposite. They do it because too many people wake up. I do not understand which of these cases is true. Or both?
Yazhi: Both. People are the ones who have control from all levels. They are absolute control. But the control is stepped down in the case of 3D so that wishes and what people know from high densities doesn´t interfere with the artificial 3D design or else it loses its purpose. Being so slow and difficult. So the Federation is not the bad one, nor do they ¨give¨ people anything. It is useless to ask the Federation for anything, because it does not depend on them, but on the people and their mentality. Even so, I insist that making those videos for your other channel is necessary and correct for many levels or reasons.
They must understand that the only thing everyone has to do is evolve in consciousness while living in 3D and with that they dissolve the problem. That is why I insist that you should not wait for the ascension to happen, because it will not happen like that.
The 5D and 7D Earth and all the D's are already there, it has always been there. It is only the mind of each person that determines the level and what they see outside themselves, because the outside is only the reflection of their interior.
Even in a state of not wanting what they see, Buddha in the garbage... it defines what they DO want by contrast and an event of perceiving something unwanted is a process of manifesting what they DO want, like in the case of the Starseeds in the 3D that do not want vaccines and all that. Because they are in the process of developing what they do want to manifest.
Gosia: That's why I'm not going to ask people to make petitions videos. NO. I am going to ask for the videos where they express what they WANT and WISH. Their vision for the Earth and their experience in 3D. It is not asking. It is DECLARING. And so they also align with this positive timeline that they envision. They are the ones who manifest. Let´s not ask the Federation for anything. Let´s GENERATE IT.
Yazhi: Yes, they won't give them any help. There is the difference with Phaeton - Centauri planet for example where it was not something generated by the very people by the souls there but as an invasive event of their own nightmares, the Reptiles. On Earth it is designed like this.
Gosia: Yes. Yazhi... one more question. In the times of Adams and Evas, when the Taygeteans gave them the knowledge. Did they know back then that if they give too much and people wake up, the Federation terminates the race?
Yazhi: They didn't know. Not even I knew it before. Although we could argue that it is part of yet another level of the same game, and it is.
Gosia: And why do they hold onto the Earth so much as their playground?
Yazhi: Because on Earth in a controlled environment they can experience more separation (nightmares) than anywhere else.
Robert: Maybe because Earth is a remote place in the Galaxy?
Yazhi: In that sense yes Robert. In itself it is in the outer arm coming out of the Galaxy, one of the outer arms that is.
The awakened ones, whether or not they started off as a controlled opposition as part of the same system, they are unbalancing the 3D Matrix. But as we have said before, myself included, it is what we are. And we take responsibility for deciding what is right.
But this is a human mess, and it is what they want en masse. And it's also a defining experience for those who don't want that. And given the fact that I'm not human, I feel out of place. And transgressing the rights of other people because I have a tendency here to try to instigate the masses, because according to me I think that is the right thing to do.
I only go on because of that. But in the end I know that not only do I not have the responsibility for the why of this, but it´s also not my job to fix it. Because although it hurts, and it hurts a lot, the world, the 3D Earth is not "broken" and there is nothing to "fix." Resulting in a natural process or cycle of civilizations that grow and come to an end.
Gosia: Yes. I feel this too. And that´s why on the other hand I'm OK. And all that happens doesn't affect me that much. Because I know that everything is in order from the other side. And if I continue, it is because my 3D side is still in its role and I let her play. And I enjoy it. I'm everything. The role and the space without it.
Yazhi: We only continue because we believe by choice that it is the right thing to do. And that's how each person should operate.
Robert: It seems that there are already established rules before entering here? So, is it logical to change them? Or is the game to change them? And the change... Is it awakening?
Yazhi: Or also the game is that the circumstances are changed, and not the basis, the main rules of 3D, which is the idea of isolation from the whole, from the community of space species, temporal linearity, that life is hard.
I tried to explain the why of things from below, up to the Federation's motivation to dissolve the Matrix, to eliminate it all to start over, since they have done it that way before. All because people are not obedient to the rules. And who would be from the inside perspective? And that's why all those stories and concepts come out that the Earth is a prison, that people are exploited, that they are slaves of regressive races. It's all part of the huge illusion needed to create the experience that life is dramatic and difficult there.
Gosia: Hmm. So now the guilty ones for the vaccines and everything are the awakened ones? But waking up comes from the same ET’s! It is they who inspire people to "wake up". They "remind" them of their homes outside. I do not get it. First, they inspire them to wake up and then they kill them all because they have woken up too much?
Yazhi: No, that would be simplistic. It is the people themselves who create everything, but they create the negative things more directly and efficiently than the positive ones, as we have said before, because the negative is very concentrated, focused by the nature of fear, and what they want is dispersed, and they don't focus on getting it in favor of immediate gratification. It is still the people, all as a collective, who create what happens there.
Gosia: But you've also said that when people wake up TOO MUCH, the Federation ends civilization. So why do they inspire them to wake up? What do the Starseeds come for?
Robert: And I wonder... Isn't there a way out that isn't so tragic? Like something like Taygeta that they are simply going extinct for lack of population?
Yazhi: Yes, yes, that's another way they don't see. Another way that is possible without resorting to genocide. And Gosia, because from their perspectives what happens on Earth is too much. Some do understand, especially Starseeds that have been incarnated on Earth before.
Gosia: What is too much?
Yazhi: The point of view refers to how the Starseeds see things from their perspective and that is that they do not accept what happens on Earth. And they don't accept it for two reasons. The first one is because they have the experience from below of having been in 3D, as Starseeds, be it present or in past incarnations.
The second one is because they come from the points of view or perspectives above the Federation, from higher densities where there is only more love and integration and they see what is happening on Earth as a macabre and sadistic game.
So, we have a conflict of interest here between high density levels, Federation level and 3D level, all intertwined in a soup of perspectives.
Gosia: And why doesn't the Federation listen to them? The Federation is the holographic system of Councils and not the dictatorship.
Yazhi: They listen to them and there is conflict of interest within the Federation itself. And on the other hand, they are unable to fully understand the high-density perspective.
Gosia: So, waking people up too much is bad? Because it ends the civilization? Better to let them sleep? So, what we are doing contributes to it ending faster? I do not get it.
Yazhi: From some point of view yes.
Gosia: So, what? We close the channels and all? Let's not do anything? Let people continue with their masks?
Yazhi: As I said above, it is a question of perspectives. We must not close ourselves to theirs, those of the regressive Federation, because if we close ourselves to those perspectives we will not be able to understand how they think. And from there choose which one you want to see and from there know what to do from your personal point of view.
Gosia: So, because they want to eliminate the world, they send the Starseeds to awaken the souls to get out of here sooner?
Yazhi: No, that's part of the mess that in the minds of the "controllers" causes them to have to reset the Matrix. Because outside, on a Cosmic level, there are also factions and disagreements about how the 3D Matrix should work. As long as the False 3D Matrix is standing, whatever version, it serves as an experience for souls. That's the purpose. But due to the inherent instability of the system, each Matrix has a finite life.
Gosia: But knowing this, what the Federation does, that it ends civilization if they wake up too much, why have the Starseeds come here? Knowing that if we wake them up too much, they will kill them.
Yazhi: Because from a starseed perspective it's the right thing to do.
Robert: I have the feeling that it is not in their interest to have the Earth ascend to 5D, right?
Yazhi: Well, it is obvious that they do not want it to go up to 5D because the Earth would become just another 5D world and they would no longer have a place to play their wars. Yes, they take it as a game. They say it openly, and not only Federation, the same souls that have been on Earth. Few things are this documented. It's a game.
Gosia: And why do they send ascension messages, and all that? They know that if they do this too much, the Federation will end the game. So why so much effort to wake up people?
Robert: When I get out of here, I will do everything possible to end this psychopathic game.
Yazhi: Gosia, tell me. How do those ascension messages work? 99.99% is channeled. That comes from the Higher Self or from souls that resonate in Frequency and in everything with the person receiving the channeling. That is why there is NO direct contact with Federation races. That is why they do NOT find evidence of the ET’s. That is why they DO NOT allow Taygeteans to do more than write. That is why they can never give evidence. That is the key here.
So those 99.99% channeled ascension messages come from let's say rebellious factions of souls outside of Earth guiding their Starseeds that are nothing but themselves again but on the 3D plane. If they wanted to awaken humanity, they would have already done so.
Just starting to accept that the virus is a scam, with that the humans would begin to see that they are being controlled and from there it falls like a game of dominoes, and everyone wakes up.
For the mind, for a consciousness aware of all that is, there is no 3D or 5D or no D, it is only an idea, or group of ideas and by changing them you change density. This also means that you are outside the concept of Time as something that affects and controls you, but that you generate it with your mind in the way you want and need. And it also means that every place that exists in the Universe is connected to where you are, that is to say that by changing your ideas and your approach in the correct way you also change location at will. There is no Time. There is no distance.
3D Matrix, Federation, and Human Desires - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi Swaruu)
Yazhi: They are waking up en masse. But they are waking up too late. Even so, things will not change by magic, but by a chain of events towards the positive.
The spiritual information that we give them will be especially useful to the awakened ones who will fight against the system, without taking vaccines. The vaccinated ones will lack their own thought. This has been seen before. In the story of Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, she passes the forbidden fruit to him, the knowledge. That knowledge does not refer to technology or how to plant or sow fruit. That knowledge refers to the awakening of consciousness; awakening to the fact that they are exploited and controlled. In other words, the same spiritual awakening that happens today. What is happening today.
So, as it was then, they have to be subdued. Stopped from learning, from realizing what is happening. Adam woke up. The Adams, as a race, not a man.
And today the history repeats itself. That is why civilization must be destroyed, because they are escaping. They must be returned "to the flock." It is the same. That's why I'm not interested in giving standard videos. That is why I am not interested in talking about what the Illuminati are saying and that Bill Gates is the son of a Nazi eugenicist and that the Rockefellers said this and that. What interests me is to give what is not known. To change the course of what humans want.
Gosia: We have talked about the memory implants that the Federation does. Let's talk about this a little bit first. How do they justify doing this? This according to them is not interference and breaking of Prime Directive? It does not matter if it is done with low technology. But it is interrupting the natural development of situations.
Robert: They are leading people like sheep.
Yazhi: They base themselves on what they perceive as the true needs and desires of the people in question. But yes. From another point of view they lead them like sheep. That is why if they wake up they cannot guide them and that does not suit either the Cabal or the Federation that is supposed to give the humans what they truly want, but as we have already said in the videos, that is invasive too, because how do they know? There is no parameter on how the normal development of situations should be. Because as it has always been this way, the Federation just continues doing the same as always.
Gosia: How can they know what this and another person really want? They are playing gods.
Yazhi: You can know what the person wants if they have a record of their statements and combine it with the data that they receive about what each person wants. But the problem is also that what each person wants in 5D or 3D does not reflect what they really want and have planned from higher densities.
Gosia: Well, they should listen to the channel Call from Planet Earth. There they clearly have what these people want. What are they going to give them then? And how do they give to the awakened ones? If they have to give to people what they want, what do they give to the awakened ones? They have to be consistent.
Yazhi: What they give to the awakened ones according to them is the experience of waking up and fighting there as a life plan. That is clear and well documented. And yes, that Youtube channel is important and from various perspectives. Because there at least people express themselves and the Federation that monitors everything has another Source of direction of direct wishes of the population.
Gosia: These people who express themselves there don't want to fight. They want other things now. So the Federation has to give it to them. According to their logic. If they don't, the karma of their own law that they follow will fall on them (in theory).
Robert: Yes... It's not about what the Federation wants... but what the "awakened" humans want.
Yazhi: From 5D level and even higher from higher densities what happens in human 3D is contained and simplistic, a game. It's just that they take it very seriously once inside. This statement is not mine. It is heard everywhere in 5D. And it has also been exposed by Dolores Cannon, as something repetitive on the part of people on whom she has done or performed a deep hypnotic regression. It is just a game. Incomprehensible to humans, but it is the truth of how it looks from 5D. So awakened humans fighting the asleep, vaccinations, all of that is just a game taken too seriously. And taking it too seriously is what causes the suffering.
Robert: The problem is that the experience is real.
Yazhi: That is the intention, to make it real. But the problem is that also from 5D Federation level they only see it as a game. And from higher densities you can see that the Matrix 5D and 3D both are a game. So that's also why they don't intervene, because of the unreal nature of the game.
Because also many people who they have taken out of the 3D, whether by physical extraction or after death... have complained that they do not want the Federation to intervene, because it ruins the game. And I'm talking about people who were suffering. So, the Federation itself has their hands tied to intervene from the point of view of the request of the very people below.
Because I remind you that most people on Earth have had several incarnations there. Then they leave Earth when they die or however and return to complain about the help of the Federation that monitors and supervises the "game". So, at the request of human players whether they are in the middle of a world war crawling through the trenches among horses and dead people, that's what they want.
Because as I have told you before, upon death, or from outside the Earth, interests and values change and also the way of interpreting things and of what happened changes, and it is because the consciousness expands, so things are seen in a more expanded way and that leads to another interpretation of the same events and this includes of suffering.
Gosia: Ok, it's the game, so if it's the game and it doesn't really matter, why not play with something more enjoyable? It is the game! Why play macabre game? And why the wishes of souls from 5D should be more important than the wishes from here, if the experience here is real too? My soul and consciousness is the same as there! And what I wish here must be equally respected! It doesn't matter what my 5D or other focus point wants. My focus point of NOW wishes otherwise. Respect it, Federation! I doubt that when I return to 5D I am going to say: no no, keep the suffering on Earth!
Robert: The point is that the awakened ones do not want violence. Those who complain about the help and that this is what they want, let them stay here forever... But the voices that should be heard more, are of those who are here now... What matters is the perception of those who suffer it now. Those who leave 3D and state they want to keep the game, just experience big relief and say whatever comes to their mind.
Gosia: Yes, and returning to the main point that they have to give humans what they want. Humans from 3D. Ok, so they MUST give the 3D awakened humans what they want too! It is only logical. If you give battles to some, give PEACE to others who only want to live in peace. I do not get it. They are being very selective about what they give to humans. HAVE THEY ONLY ONE EAR?
Yazhi: According to the Federation, what the awakened want is the contrast they receive as growth from having been there, appreciating the peace they will have on the other side or other existential plane thanks to the experience on Earth. That is to say that what they will give to the awakened ones, what the awakened ones want will come after they leave there. Because what they ask is against or is incompatible with the nature of the 3D Matrix of the Earth. That is where the idea of the famous Rapture comes from.
Gosia: I understand this. I love the contrast too. But I still think that the Federation has to give humans what they want just the same, the awakened and the non-awakened humans. If not, they are not being consistent. Because if you have woken up, then you have done so, because of some prenatal plan or whatever, so your soul desires it from other planes! No one wakes up against their higher plane souls. So, it is the desire of the soul within 3D and also of their 5D souls and beyond. If you have awakened in accordance with your higher selves, it means that being awake and free is what you WANT. AT ALL LEVELS. So, the Federation has to listen to them. Because you have said that their hands are tied by the desires of etheric souls.
Robert: Exactly. They must be heard equally, 3D or 5D. Otherwise it is not fair.
Yazhi: From your point of view of 3D life yes, you are being respected because you are given what you manifest yourself. Because one of the many purposes of being in 3D is to learn to modify and alter energy / matter, manifesting, and some people are more focused than others, that´s why later what they don't want appears more. But that is what they are there for, to learn to manifest what they want.
And what you said is true. But being awake and pressing others to wake up can ruin the game for those others who want the game of being asleep, so the awakened ones are overriding the rights of the asleep ones. Because you also incarnate on Earth to watch the football game eating nachos with cheese and drinking beer with friends with a funny hat on your head. And that is incompatible with the awakened person yelling at them to do something more important.
Gosia: Ok yes, I understand. But we are talking only about the awakened ones. The Federation has to give those something too! Imposing vaccines for EVERYONE is going against their will. It would be more fair if the vaccines were totally voluntary. So the awakened people choose what they want, and others too. No one will have to yell at anyone. Let each one choose. Imposing vaccines on the awakened ones is IMPOSITION.
Yazhi: The awakened ones are given the experience first, then they will return or be given what they want, and that is going to another planet, because they are incompatible with that one since those awakened ones do not appreciate the value of a touchdown. That is why it is called the Rapture. They will not be there.
Gosia: But they want to experience being free HERE. On Planet Earth.
Yazhi: In this case it is like Dolores Cannon describes it, how the Earth is split in two, where some are in their 3D and others are on Earth awake and happy. That's Dolores Cannon. I say that this is more complicated due to the infinite number of parallel and temporal lines, one per person at least. (Not counting their own multiple lines). It is one per person, and from there the agreements are born. But without the complete data everything seems illogical.
Gosia: The most obvious data for me is that you cannot be awake without your higher self´s desire.
Yazhi: That's right.
Gosia: So, with this data... Wanting to be awake on Earth is what this soul desires. From here and from above. So what follows is: The Federation has to give it to them.
Robert: Maybe your wish is to help, that's why we are here. Help from within. I think we can only report that this is shit. When we get out of here.
Gosia: Maybe yes, but maybe others just want to be here in the awakened world. I don´t know. That is why they express themselves in that channel Call from the Planet Earth. And their wishes must be heard. Because those desires are not something AGAINST their desires from above. Cannot be. You cannot be awake without the collaboration of your soul above. The only question here would be: Why are they awake? But they cannot be forced into a NON-awakened state. They cannot be forced to regress. With vaccines and all that. It is against their wish. So, the Federation breaks the law.
Yazhi: With the old saying "Who does not speak God does not help", it is enough to understand the reason for that channel! It also makes people think about what they want for themselves when making the video. They get clear on that themselves. I see the importance of that channel.
And as I have told you from one angle they are breaking the law and from another not. With all this madness on Earth, it can also be seen that it is like a test for humanity, as what happens borders on the surreal.
Gosia: From my angle, which probably still doesn't have all the data ok, I see that they break that law from all angles. Because your soul from higher planes WANTS to be awake. I doubt you want to wake up and then go back to the vegetable state with the chip and all. So, they are breaking the etheric desire of these awakened souls. And yes, it is super surrealistic.
Yazhi: Like for example, with so much data people continue to obey everything, even things that are clearly meaningless, like masks, confinement and all that. But they continue to allow everything as a collective. If only a handful of people refuse the mask, they will have problems in society. But if 95% chooses not to wear them then no authority can force them to use them. Same with vaccines or anything else. Not speaking from the individual point of view. But of collective agreements.
I understand that a single person will not be able to remove the mask to go into a store to buy. But as a collective yes, they accept it. And that they receive. That is yet another problem with the Federation. Because in those cases they look at the collective, not the individuals.
Robert: Sure. They give importance to the collective. When a holographic society gives importance to the individual. Other rules apply here.
Yazhi: On the Earth from the collective, the individual is formed (he becomes programmed). In Taygeta, the society is formed of the individual and from his agreements with other individuals. Yet, it is far from being a perfect society.
Gosia: We must appeal more to the Federation. Because imposing so many strict things... no, I do not see it as the desire of humans. Let´s not let them hide behind this excuse. Imposing vaccines and mandatory chip to later fully guide people´s perception is exaggerated INTERFERENCE where these souls will no longer have their own will. This is exaggerated. Someone has to do something for them to see this. We as members of the Federation have the right to appeal. If they don't listen, they are being regressive.
Robert: Who would want to live in a Zombie container?
Gosia: Yes, and then, when they are zombies, what ET race is going to want to have this type of game? The game consists of some free will as well. If humans are zombies, they end their own Matrix game. Because being a zombie is no longer expansive for the soul. And they want expansion, right?
Robert: No ET in their right mind will want to experience such a life.
Gosia: Precisely. Without logic. Having some suffering ok... it can expand you. Give contrast. Being a zombie NOT ANYMORE.
Robert: You get more from being incarnated in a cat than in a zombie.
Gosia: So, they lose their game and their very excuse of having this place for soul expansion.
Robert: That is going backwards.
Gosia: Yes. And what I don't understand, DON'T THEY SEE IT? Something is wrong with this picture.
Yazhi: From their point of view, what happens on Earth is a trifle. And what many humans wish to experience is the great struggle against that. Others will leave in mass.
Gosia: So, they want the end of the race? Is that what they want? End of the game? That seems to be the case to me. Wow, a strong feeling came to me now, although it's been said before. I feel like there are no humans here in 3D! All are ET’s and the rest are Matrix for the ET’s to play the game of all this fight as you have said. There is no one to liberate. There is nobody here!
Yazhi: Gosia, I've been saying that for months. The "human" condition is only applicable while they are there, whoever they are. Because it is not a race.
Gosia: Yes but... a strange feeling came to me from another angle! They are all ET’s, we have always known this yes but I mean... that... all this struggle, to free humans, etc... is like some video game for ET’s. There are no humans to free. It is all implanted. All fake. EVERYTHING! There are no humans, there is no Matrix system, there is nothing. It's just the virtual game. We have entered as ET’s... as one enters video games. No one to liberate.
Yazhi: At least someone has understood! The game is only getting tougher, it's a nightmare level, that's all, but the Federation and others know it's just X-Box One.
Gosia: But then if so, why are you there in orbit helping? And Yazhi... in this case, why be sad? Because in some cases these souls put on some kind of program for themselves from which they cannot easily get out?
Yazhi: That by individual choice as an experience, to know what it feels like more clearly. To make it more interesting, so that you can't escape before you learn what it feels like. And why did I feel sad? In my case, because not only do I see the level of the game, but I also understand the despair that is there while inside.
Robert: Thank you. Because this is maddening yes.
Yazhi: I know and I'm feeling it. I know Anéeka too.
Robert: Maybe this game is very complicated, and some do not want to stop playing it. They are in a loop mode.
Gosia: And they forget that it is the game. We are reminders.
Yazhi: Yes. And those who die... just exit the game. It's only tragic from within. And 5D is also a game, it is just another level of the same game, it is the role that the ET’s fulfill on the ship. But they all go in and out of Earth using immersions and the like. At will. All ET’s that are on ships in one way or another are involved with Earth.
Even me, I could not be more genetically extraterrestrial, mentally too, however I have a strong human component in addition to Taygetean, for the simple fact that I have passed through so many things on Earth, which is the same as being a human being. Only with other rules, and no.
Robert: About the game, the problem is fear and panic about leaving this game.
Yazhi: Fear is nothing more than separation from the Source... produced by the game itself to fulfill a purpose that is to capture an experience.
Robert: Outside this 3D... Is this fear lost?
Yazhi: 5D is also a game and there are also fears. In itself, people like us here yelling at others to wake up are just the moms and dads who annoy their teenage children to stop playing so much video games and do something responsible like taking out the trash or mowing the lawn.
Robert: Haha. But fear of death in 5D? Knowing that you are eternal and remember several lives?
Yazhi: You know it on an intellectual level. But you are bodily programmed to fear death. But it's your body, not you. Although there is a component of Ego there to prevent the experience of that avatar with a human name from ending.
Gosia: Ok. The problem continues to be this: Some people want to be more awake in the game, to be more aware, not to be vaccinated, and that must be respected too! Game or no game. This is the game they choose for themselves... Be in the game more awake, NO zombies! And this the Federation has to respect.
Yazhi: Ok yes. But from a point of view that is strictly localized to this timeline, this is not happening yet. And I also see timelines where that does not happen, other things do, but that does not, and eternal variants between them. Progressively it is becoming more and more difficult for me to maintain a linearity of the timeline.
Gosia: I understand, and another thing. You said: There comes a point where the Federation, who control the 3D Matrix from above, have no choice but to dissolve the entire game and start over. Compulsory vaccines and the chip is their way to end the game?
Yazhi: YES, but this is based, by their own laws, on what humans want.
Gosia: Yes, but like we mentioned before, THEY DON'T LOOK at what the awakened ones WANT! Just what the sheep want. CONVENIENT and unethical! For this law to be correct, they would have to be consistent and give us, the awakened ones, what we want too.
Yazhi: On one plane only, you can't give everything to opposite fields. So, they give what goes with the collective. What the awakened desire will be given to them on another plane according to them. And no, nothing is ethical. Everything is conflict of interest. The only ethical thing in this case could be to do nothing, not to intervene. And surprise surprise… it is what many, most of the truly advanced races also do.
Gosia: The awakened ones don't want it on another plane, we want it HERE AND NOW. The collective of the awakened humans is huge too.
Yazhi: They are in conflict with what the collective wants, the majority. They do not enter into integration, neither. They do not understand the perspective of the asleep ones and the asleep ones do not understand the perspective of the awakened.
The awakened wish to wake up the sleeping ones because they believe that this is the right thing to do and the asleep mock the awakened ones, because they also want them to return to normality. Because they also see it as the right thing to do. That is why I was telling you above that there is no objective reality.
Robert: And how come we can't visualize another timeline?
Yazhi: Because you are in the 3D immersed there and no matter how awake you are, you will always have the 3D perspective influencing you as well. In itself, that's what the 3D human body is for, to be a filter that can only allow you to see and be aware of certain things and planes.
Gosia: I do NOT want to wake up anyone who does not want to be awakened. I never talk about these issues for example with people in the Matrix. I feel like I impose myself. I let them be. I lived with my ex-partner for 7 years. An awake person with a non-awake one and it is possible. The only thing I ask is not to impose the desire of not awakened ones ONLY, such as vaccines etc. Somehow leave us in peace coexisting. Mandatory vaccinations and all this is not leaving us alone, the awakened ones.
Robert: Right Gosia. I don't want what the majority wants at all.
Gosia: And like you thousands. And each time more. That is why they have to listen to them! In fact, I'm going to ask more people to make videos. Expressing what they want. And NOBODY is going to say: I want to live in peace upon leaving Earth. Everyone is going to say: we want peace on Earth NOW.
Robert: Our wishes are as valid as the others... Not because we are a minority do, we have to suffer their fears.
Yazhi: But how do you give two opposite things, two opposite worlds to people who live together?
And the Federation does not give things to them as in the great dad who gives them that. That is the mentality of humans, of victims. The Federation only oversees that the principal current of humans is respected, so to speak. In other words, it is the work of humans to solve the problem and generate a world as they want it. And you can only get there by experiencing what you don't want, by contrast, because it is everything.
And Gosia, you said: ¨Everyone is going to say: we want peace on Earth NOW¨. That is the perception of someone "awake”, but the average population still wants their 3D experience, they only see banal and superficial things as the problem such as that there are no jobs, or that corruption must be eradicated. The Federation is not going to solve anything for them. They will have to generate it.
But making these videos is important. For starters, it will make it clear to people what they want simply by taking an effort to make a video. And with this it also helps me to realize where the minds of the people who follow us are because they are the closest ones to us who bother to make those videos. Without them, they would only be number of visits in a video, not people, so this brings me closer to them personally.
Gosia: Yes, and this will also have an etheric reaction. It is them themselves who generate reality. And also, the Federation has to attend to that. They give them things that they feel the humanity asks for.
Yazhi: Well they attend to them because their role is to take care, whatever that means.
Robert: And what is the use of knowing what the people want if it cannot be given to them... Just to be closer? To know what they want?
Yazhi: I want to know what they want, not the 5D Federation. Although I do not doubt that it will make some members of the Federation become aware of things too.
Gosia: Also, I feel that somehow what people express they desire is generated, even if it is to activate something on the higher planes. These wishes reach beyond 5D. They are expressions of their souls. They are statements of their desire. And with that, it manifests. I feel that this way or another, these videos work!
Yazhi: That is what I mean, making the videos makes people focus and realize what they really want. It is the best way to hear what the people who follow us really want. And they are automatically the ones who make the videos. But maybe they should be directed in a different way, not that the things they say are for the Federation.
Gosia: Not for the Federation no. Simply so that they describe how they wish to have their experience on Earth. Not later or when they leave. HERE AND NOW. What is it that they declare from their deepest souls for their experience here. Their desire from 3D is as relevant as from other planes, I feel. We are all always CONSCIOUSNESS. It doesn't matter where.
The origin of the human being is a mystery that Earth science tries to solve. The most accepted theory is Darwinism, the evolution of the species. In which it is affirmed that the human being has its origin in a primitive hominid similar to the monkey and from there it evolved through different evolutionary stages, such as homo habilis, homo erectus, the Neanderthal... each of them being more evolved and perfected to the previous one until reaching the modern man or homo sapiens-sapiens.
But how it is possible that in many archaeological places in Europe, such as the Amalda cave or the Gorham cave, both in Spain, it was found that Neanderthals and homos sapiens lived together?
How can it be that fossils discovered in Lake Turkana, in Kenya, show that three different types of homo, like homo erectus and homo habilis, all coexisted at the same time? But it goes even further, a finding found by a group of Dutch on the island of Java, in Indonesia, would demonstrate that Homo erectus and Homo sapiens interacted with each other. How could they live together and interact... if in theory one has evolved from the other? What has happened in this period of time? And how were their social groups like? Did they really have such a basic and primitive social structure, with hardly any cultural development?
So... How is it possible that such primitive groups of hominids could build megalithic structures like Stonehenge? Not only because of the manipulation of the colossal stones but also that they could place them strategically and align them, for example, with the winter and summer solstices. Where did they learn this knowledge?
And what is the meaning of all those paintings that they left us on the stones? Were they just hunting scenes and moments from everyday life? Or did they leave us more messages?
Cristina: Hello, friends. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. As I mentioned in the previous video, there are many doubts that arise when trying to understand our history. All those things that people call: the evidence, all those monuments, paintings, ancient objects, that somehow seem to be out of time, that do not fit with the official story. They make us ask a lot of questions. What has happened to our history?
Everything I will explain below has been shared by Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit through his knowledge of ancient history and the historical records of the Federation of United Planets.
I would like to clarify again that all the dates that I will give below are only approximate, they are only a reference to understand the story within a human context. Remember that time is not linear and therefore history is not linear either, so it makes it very difficult to locate events on a straight timeline.
Before starting with the story, I would like to explain a little how our solar system and the Earth were like about 40,000 years ago. I think it's important so that you can position yourself and then understand the story a little better.
40,000 years ago, our solar system was something different. The planets were closer to each other, because the energetic and gravitational dynamics were different due to the presence of Tiamat, a planet that is not present today. Our solar system had 13 planets orbiting our star, the Sun.
The planets, starting from the closest to the sun and the furthest, were: Mercury, Venus, The Earth, Mars, Tiamat (today its pieces remain present in the asteroid belt) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ojalu (For our earth science Eris 13-61-99), Haumea, Makemake. All the planets harbored complex life. Either on the same planet or on its moons or both.
For the Federation, 13 planets are accepted as such since what determines whether or not an object is a planet has or must meet different qualities or characteristics for one or the other. For earth science they are based more on the size and relevance of the object. Instead, for the Federation, it depends more on its importance in sustaining life.
In the case of Venus and Earth, they were inhabited by many anthropomorphic races similar to the Lyrian. Hence the remains that archaeologists call the ancestors of modern humans. The best known is the Neanderthal, but there were more, Homo erectus, Homo habilis, among others.
In the case of Neanderthals, they were not as they have been described to us. They had a highly evolved society towards spirituality and in harmony with nature. They were not very technologically evolved, but spiritually. Very loving with theirs and with animals and plants.
Tiamat, a large planet with a high percentage of water, about 90% of its surface, and with small islands. It was inhabited by many aquatic beings, some Sirian base, with advanced intelligence and cultural development. Today there are no records of its culture or its degree of advancement, since everything was destroyed.
The planet Ojalu, for the earth Eris, has a high content of life. By then it was inhabited by an advanced insectoid-type civilization, the Mantis. Today still present there. They also have their council there, the Ojalu council, where all their political movements, communications, and alliances with other groups of Mantis races or advanced insectoid types are centered. Their political structure is: Mind hives with a queen, as bees would have.
Back then a group of Separatist Mantis from the Ojalu council had a fairly large colony or base on Mars. They are still on Mars today, but only as a fully cooperating colony of Ojalu, part of their civilization.
The most advanced race in the solar system at that time were the Karistus, inhabitants of Jupiter and its moons. They are still there today. The rest of our solar system was inhabited, as today, by infinity of species mainly related to the word 'animals' without any degree of cultural evolution.
The biology of the entire solar system was in the fifth density, also including the Earth. And except for the Karistus who were and are found in the sixth density.
By then the Earth was also a very different world from how we know it today. It lived as Tolkien describes it in Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. The surface was covered with extensive forests, had vast distances in plains, there were few seas and many lakes. You could walk around the world, even though it took years. All those distant lands full of mysteries and full of memory are now covered with water. It had 5 more continents, today submerged under water: Apalachia, Fenoscandia, Oceana, Tirangia and Beringia.
If you looked at the sky you could see Tiamat, the aquatic planet. It looked as big as the moon looks today, they called it The Moon. The rings of Saturn could be seen in the distance, so close that they were observable with the naked eye, without the need for anything, only with the human eye.
There was also ice at the poles, but much less, since the Earth contained less percentage of water. Furthermore, the poles were at different points. The South Pole was in the position where Australia is today, at that latitude. That means that what is now Antarctica was in places without ice, and that is why that continent contains so many archaeological remains of ancient civilizations. The poles have changed their position countless times in Earth's history.
Like its inhabitants, millions of civilizations have been born on this planet, have grown, flourished and disappeared. All advanced, all with wise people, many interstellar. It is an eternal cycle. Today all of them are buried in the sands of time.
Cristina: Now that we have located ourselves and before continuing, I would like to comment that what terrestrial science classifies as: homo sapiens-sapiens, is Lyrian. In other words, homo sapiens-sapiens or modern man originated in Lyra and is not originally from this solar system. The other anthropomorphic races such as the Neanderthal, Homo erectus or Homo habilis are not Lyrian although they have a similar appearance. Yazhí Swaruu, explained to us that there are many races in our galaxy similar to the Lyrian race, so many variants that merge with each other. There are races apparently identical to the Lyrians, there are others slightly different, clearly different, or very different until they get lost in all other non-human appearances. So once again, Lyrian is the one who comes from Lyra. And both the origin of Earth and the origin of Lyra are much older than science can calculate. So, with that said, let's start with our history!
40,000 years ago, our galaxy was still threatened by the Orion council. The Lyrian race was being severely hunted. The reptilian goal was domination and control of the species for exploitation purposes. Whether as the use of slaves for work or as raw material. The Lyrian race was clearly taken as inferior by the reptilian council members, viewing it as little more than cattle.
Meanwhile, the Federation of United Planets gathered forces and faced the reptilian threat. At that time, the bloody hunt that the council members were coordinating was clearly bringing many civilizations, not just the Lyrian, to the brink of extinction. In one way or another, at that period in history, all races were under the scourge of the Orion Council.
In that course of time, small groups of Lyrians had managed to reach the Pleiades cluster, M45 and establish themselves in several of their solar systems and planets. They had settled mostly underground, in fear of being discovered. And for many years its expansion and cultural development was really very limited. Focusing mainly on hiding and preparing for defense.
In the same way, in our solar system there was a similar climax. The first humans from Lyra had settled mainly on Venus and on Earth. They presented an advanced holographic society with space ports; they were clearly an interstellar civilization.
On Earth, they landed on the continent of Apalachia, today the northern Atlantic Ocean. They sought refuge underground or in deep caverns. Since their arrival here, they coexisted and interacted with indigenous anthropomorphic races for a long time.
But the Lyrians were truly lost, scared and desperate. Their ship had been deactivated and left them on Earth with almost no equipment. They built observatories in order to fix their position on star maps. They wanted to know where they were, what was their exact position in the space quadrant. It took them years, but they finally managed to find its location.
Already feeling close to extermination and in total despair they left messages, authentic star maps camouflaged in paintings. Trying to capture their story, in case someone ever found them and could understand their messages.
Cristina: As you can see, these were difficult times in our galaxy. Not all cave paintings are hunting scenes. Some yes, but others are not. The same thing happens with Stonehenge and other similar megalithic monuments, which seems that our historians have not quite agreed on what function or for what they were created. I think that all this is a very important moment in our history, in this case of prehistory, and I would like to explain all this a little more in detail.
The Stonehenge stone formation, like other similar formations, were designed to observe the stars and to be able to fix a position on star charts. The stones give a fixed and stable position in a 360-degree circle, and thus they could observe their movements across the sky.
They are built on powerful energetic lines, meaning internal positive Black Goo flow points, which creates a magnetic flux in that area. The stones were placed with anti-gravity technology. In the case of Stonehenge, the stones have been moved from their initial place, and this has happened on several occasions, the last time they were moved was during its restoration, between the years 1919 to 1960.
Regarding the cave paintings, the Lyrians tried to camouflage messages among what seemed like daily hunting scenes. Somehow imitating the paintings made by the other anthropomorphic races that inhabited Earth at that time and thus prevent their messages from being captured and deciphered by Reptiles. That was the idea, to confuse the enemy. But they do not represent hunting scenes, they are authentic star maps, with vectors of movement, of position. Some paintings explain who they were, where they came from, what had happened to them and where they were going.
Each animal represents a star. *pictures not supported*
Each compound large animal, a constellation. *pictures not supported*
Each person running with a spear represents a ship. *pictures not supported*
The lance indicates direction OR vector. *pictures not supported*
Their output is where they come from. *pictures not supported*
All converge on Earth as destination. *pictures not supported*
For example in this painting here: *pictures not supported*
The bull represents the constellation of Taurus.
Around his eye the constellation of Hyades.
Behind the bull, on the buttock there is a painting. that is a portal out of this sun, connects there.
It is a Portal in the sun that connects the constellation of Taurus.
The message is: We come from the Hyades cluster, from the constellation of Taurus. We got here through a solar portal.
Cristina: As you can see, they left in the paintings some keys that only interstellar beings could have put there. Not all the cave paintings were painted by Lyrians, only some, Yazhí Swaruu explained to us that as far as she knows, they are not mixed in the same archaeological sites.
She explained that normally when an animal represents a constellation it is looking to the left except if the constellation is looking to the right since from space, the constellation looks the same as from Earth. Only in mirror view, by effect of trigonometry.
In addition, some cave paintings are much older than terrestrial science lists. Some place them around 15,000 years old, but in reality, many of them are more than 50,000 years old. This is due to the fact that carbon 14 dating is often imprecise.
What happens is that carbon 14 is supposed to adhere to or be present from certain organic compounds. So, if you know the exact rate of degradation of carbon 14, with its state of degradation or decomposition, you can determine the age of whatever contains it. That is the theory. But it happens that the degradation of carbon 14 is not stable and is due to other factors such as, for example: the exposure of the sample to other radioactive heavy metals. Which makes carbon 14 extremely imprecise.
The fact that we are explained that the human being comes from the monkey or ancient civilizations such as the Neanderthal who were dedicated to hunting or not much more, is an attempt to degrade the human being. It is an attempt to erase our history by shutting up researchers, historians, or the curious. An attempt to eliminate our origin, our stellar provenance. But little by little we are putting pieces together. We are remembering.
Here I end this video. Thank you very much for being here and listening and see you in the next one.
Cristina: What are the characteristics of the stellar cluster of the Pleiades? In what else is our science wrong other than cataloging it too young to contain life?
Anéeka: The entire time frame about everything outside the Van Allen belts is different from what you are told. For example, the age of a star is cataloged by the spectrum of light that it emits, which determines the components of the star, what gases it has and depending on that, a table already formulated by them will put it either as young or old.
The first problem is that you can only see from Earth 60% of the light frequencies that a star has in 5D, as we have already said, 5D is the most common base Frequency of matter or the material world. (And this also includes the Hubble telescope in the orbit because it is below the Van Allen Bands.)
60% of 100% between 5 is 20%. 3D would be 3x20% =60%. Just 60% of 5D can be seen from Planet Earth. With a range of error of 40% non-observable. There is the first problem.
The second is that they take a stellar object that is moving away from earth, like in the principle of the expansion of the universe, that is said to be expanding. But this is a mistake, another problem of observation.
They can only see the light emitted by stars or distant galaxies to study them, then they see that this light has a tint that moves towards the reds side of the white or visible light spectrum. This is because according to them the red light wave is the longest of all the colors that compose it. Therefore, the object they observe is moving away from them at high speed, according to their science.
In part that is logical to observe and everything. But they begin to generalize and that is where the big problem is. Because they take space has a void, when it's not a void or empty space, it is a fluid or a liquid at high existential vibrational Frequency.
So, the light passes through said fluid and refracts it as it goes through it. Losing its power and leaving only the components of the white light spectrum in reds, which are the ones that take the longest to dissolve or that can travel the furthest. This means that the spectroscope readings that determine both if a galaxy or star are moving away, as the results of the chemical analysis of a star based on the light it emits are wrong, because the light is not the same nor with the same properties of when it came out of the star.
In the case of M45 the problem is especially noticeable because in addition to the problem above, the light from all the stars passes through the nebula that surrounds them, changing the readings even more.
Another lateral problem to this is that even if the stars of the Pleiades were young, which are not, human science is very attached to Darwinism and the evolution of the species. So, they will say that there was not enough time for life to evolve there, much less to form a complex civilization. And as you well know already, my race did not evolve there, it was founded by emigrants of Lyra. But as you said in your last video, life does not evolve, it is sown. Natural selection does work and it is part of the whole, but only selects fittest individuals within a species, it cannot create one species from another.
So simply human science is too far behind to understand why the Pleiades are full of life and they are not as young as they say or calculate. It is only human egocentrism that works here assuming that they have already reached the power to understand everything, when they are still far behind.
Besides all this, time in 5D is not linear. So, it makes no sense to assign a linear time value to something from outside Earth. Because they could only observe that with Earth's time frame of reference and that doesn't apply outside.
The first problem is that they can only see from Earth 60% of the light frequencies that a star has in 5D, as we have already said, 5D is the most common base Frequency of matter or the material world. And this also includes the Hubble telescope in orbit because it is below the Van Allen Bands.
I quote this part above: 5D is the most common base Frequency of matter or the material world. This is a point of view as accepted by the species, races and cultures that live in 5D. But Yazhi differs drastically from all of this. For her is all spiritual world. The matter is only a manifestation of the spirit and consciousness, an idea. I only clarify this, so not to enter into controversy with her and I used that sentence about 5D in an explanatory way.
Estel·la: Wow fascinating. Lots of technical data, incredible.
Cristina: Wow Anéeka, thank you so much. I have a question about something you just explained.
Anéeka: You are welcome, Ok.
Cristina: This part I didn’t understand very well. What do you mean when you said it gets refracted when it passes through it?
Anéeka: Yes, that the light as when it passes through the water is losing strength, starting with the bands of light of greater Frequency, the violet and the blues. Leaving the yellows and the orange and reds at the end. In other words, as light passes through space, it becomes "tired". Because it is not an empty space, a void. It does offer resistance to the advancement of everything, including photons.
Cristina: I understand, thank you. And is it this what earth science detects as the universe is expanding?
Aneeka: Yes, they are based on that. And in their Big Bang theory, which never happened, since that is esoteric symbolism. In other words, distant galaxies are not moving away, as they say, based on the light data they receive from them. Their light is only getting tired because it comes from so far. They receive wrong data, so their conclusions are also wrong. As Yazhí would say, the fact that the Universe is not expanding does not mean that it has no movement.
Cristina: If it’s not expanding, how are actually the universe moves? Like toroidal movements?
Anéeka: They are mostly cyclical, repetitive, yes, toroidal, exact. Because that is the basic form of the energy’s movement, and energy and matter are two sides of the same. But there is another more complicated aspect.
Within this movement, the position of all changes from temporal line to temporal line, from person to person. Then the perceptible movement will only be or will be seen in let's say a direction in particular, from a time progression frame of reference from one place or person, but it will change for another.
In other words, although if we could verify that a galaxy is moving away from us by observing, that movement or direction of movement is only valid from our perception. But not for other people or points.
Precisely because all movement is subject to time, without time there is no movement. And since time is plastic and non-linear, only semi-linear according to people and according to the agreements of perception they have with each other, even if a Galaxy is moving in one direction, that is only valid for us and for no one else.
But the universe as a whole is out of all time. Because it comprises all existential frequencies and densities as a whole. So, this is where human concepts collapse, that the universe was created out of the Big Bang, and that one day it will end. And you enter into the concept of eternity. That the universe has always been and always will be. And also life.
Only having apparent cycles obeying apparent linear time, only applicable from the point of view of a density or Frequency of consciousness. That is why death does not exist, because it is only an apparent linearity, illusory within a greater a-temporal frame, permanent, infinite.
Estel·la: Very interesting Aneeka.
Cristina: Now I understand much better, thanks.
Anéeka: You are welcome.
Estel·la: I see, in fact I always felt something like this, as each everyone perceived reality different but perhaps we understood it the same by agreements (for example in the perception of colors and time…)
Anéeka: Yes. We only see things in a similar way, by agreements, but it can never be the same. And the more people differ in thinking, the more different it will be too.
Estel·la: So, leaving aside our null science, how do you define the Pleiades cluster, according to your science?
Aneeka: Within the lifetime frame of a star as its perception of linear life, because they also have it, they are half-life stars, like this sun, Sun-13. They are within a cluster working in conjunction with each other, cooperating with each other, all the stars. But they are not only 9 (much less 7), there are countless within the cluster.
For example, Taygeta (Tau-19-A) is a binary system, since it has Sadicleya (Tau-19-B) a white dwarf, according to human science. Sadicleya (Midnight Sun) is not counted within the 9 stars of M45, but it is there. And it serves for wildlife like a moon. As the Moon would do for Earth, since none of the Taygeta planets have natural moons. (Only artificial space stations)
Estel·la: What do you mean when saying it serves for wildlife? How does it affect?
Anéeka: Because Sadicleya is very close to Taygeta, so it illuminates the nights of the planets as the Moon does with the Earth, and Sadicleya affects the rhythms and life cycles of all animals and plants. And by the same cycles of Sadicleya as it orbits Taygeta, it also varies how it illuminates each planet and this is astronomically predictable. It has cycles.
Estel·la: What do you mean by a midlife star?
Anéeka: Taking life as a reference from the moment a star is "born" until it "dies", they have half a life, like the sun-13. This having as a time reference the apparently linear life cycle of the star of which it is spoken. As I have explained above they are eternal. But also all living beings are. So it is only from a particular frame of reference to how they perceive time, where it makes any sense that it was born, lived and died.
Estel·la: Ok, I understand, thank you.
Cristina: And what happens when their life ends? Although I understand the concept you tell me about eternity.
Anéeka: The life of someone or of a star? Although technically a star is also someone.
Cristina: Of the star.
Anéeka: It tends to become into brown dwarfs, and become a portal when completely collapsing. It is what we or the races in general call a gravity hole, which is not the same as a black hole, but it is related. A gravity hole can be formed in many ways, they can be seen as potholes on a bad road. When travelling the ships must know where they are or can receive a shock and disorientation of sensors and all that. (They are on the maps, star maps)
Cristina: How interesting.
Estel·la: Awesome.
Anéeka: Those potholes or gravity wells are not a problem for ships in Supra-Luminar flight, only when they are in propulsion mode.
Cristina: Taygeta is a white star and Sadicleya a white dwarf according to your science. Right?
Anéeka: In equivalent yes. But for example, human science says that the Sun-13 is a yellow star, but that color tint is only observed from Earth, below the Van Allen bands. From the outer space outside the Van Allen bands, it is perceived as white. Another example of how colors are altered, and it changes the data received by humans.
Cristina: Yeah, I see.
Estel·la: Since all suns are Portals, where does your sun Taygeta connect? I mean, where is the black hole of your star?
Anéeka: It is not a fixed wormhole with an entry and an exit, from the inside all the suns are connected, infinite variables, but even so there are exits that are stronger in Frequency than others, dominant outputs.
In the case of all the stars of M45 they interconnect with each other because it is a very closed energy system between them. All M45 stars converge on Alcyone, the main one, and the one that the others orbit very slowly. And Alcyone with Aldebaran. Aldebaran with Betelgeuse.
Call to Doctors - YOU ARE KEY - Message from Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
Swaruu: People who want to call themselves awake and aware of what is happening must understand the nature of what is happening in that it is itself a fight for the survival of their species and it is not exaggeration. They must really let this go deep into them. And they must realize that in that case and given the clear circumstances, the enemy is also the sleeping ones, the Matrix people. As much or more than the controllers themselves, more than the Gates and the Soros and all those. Whether or not they are family, colleagues or close friends, they are. You must understand this.
Facing them however they see best, even though yes, it is a war, does not necessarily mean violence, although that happens as well. My point is as each person can and as each person feels that it is the best way - they must defend themselves at all costs. And put aside that dangerous thought that I am nobody, so what can I do?!
It is a chain reaction; they wake up those who are close to them or they will not survive. I understand that many people are not there to wake up. I understand that many will never be able to wake others up and that sometimes it is useless. That is why each person must see and decide for themselves how much they can do, where and with whom. Take responsibility for that decision.
And at least protect yourself from the attacks of the sleeping ones. They are the enemy as much or more than the Cabal that they follow. The sleeping ones, zombies, who blindly follow the system and still believe that the virus will eventually disappear and everything will return to normal if everyone is just obedient and does exactly what the authorities tell them to do. The word zombie here is more than adequate, because if they act in a closed way, mindless, only obeying rules just because they are there, never questioning anything, isn't that the very definition of a zombie?
Even though it is quite obvious, I will say it in another way:
I hold the world's doctors directly responsible for what is happening. Because they know that the numbers don't match and that the measurements are unnecessary, without scientific or medical basis. Whether the doctors are Matrix, asleep, awake or any variant in between, they know that something does not fit, in addition they are the ones who are supposedly in empty hospitals. One way or another they know it.
But they choose not to do anything about it to protect their own interests, their mafias and their agreements with pharmaceutical companies for monetary interests and job positions. I accuse them of being criminals with the rest of the population. Shame on you!
I know very well that you alone cannot do much, that you have a family to take care of and all that, but how does that differ from the rest of the population? But that solitary doctor, and they are there because not everyone turns their backs on this, can seek to connect with others and those with others, without being intimidated by the "Medical Bureau".
The truth is that I hold them accountable because they do nothing when even the official data indicates that everything is wrong with what they say is happening. It doesn't matter if they think there is a virus or not, the measures don´t make sense. They can ally with one another because yes, there is a very large number of doctors who protest against all this, and the Cabal, the media will not be able to go against all and the lie will be exposed, it would be impossible to perpetuate all this abuse to the population.
This does not go for everyone because I know that there are some who are doing what I describe above, but most do not.
Yes, doctors together are necessary, the more the better, they should sacrifice themselves for the good of civilization. Even if it is by sacrificing their careers and social position. Because anyway in a few months those careers and that supposed comfortable position of a doctor, may be worth nothing, it will be useless to them and they will only be more sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse.
Doctors, if they are alone as awakened ones, should brainstorm together to connect with others of the same mind, even if they are far away, and make a large network right now. Or millions will die. If not, because of what I have said above, I hold them responsible for omission of action.
You do not need "divine" intervention. Nor intervention by the Federation (which will never come). You do not need alliances of Q or Y or Z. It is the doctors together who alone can expose this whole scheme and even expose the Illuminati, save humanity. Doctors are the key.
Possible Developments for Earth - Aneeka of Temmer (Based on Intelligence Agencies)
Anéeka: But not only will there be a second wave, but a third and fourth and however many they need. This is to destroy the population and the economy and to create a social discontent. It will cause famines all over the world, because the distribution and manufacturing systems for food will collapse. Because every wave will bring more strict measures every time.
Then the people will be desperate and with this they will turn against the awakened ones, those who have organized themselves already to say that all this is false, because it is already foreseen by the controllers that there will be opposition. The very people will attack them. And they will beg for the vaccine to get back to normality.
And as they make each wave, they implement the vaccine in every possible place. They have already started in Africa; I have information that the Gates Foundation is bribing African governments with billions of dollars to let people in for vaccinations. Ghost dollars that they then will take away electronically. And that's already started.
People will immediately begin to be sick from the vaccines, but they will only use it as an excuse to implement more vaccines. And the masses of people will not easily relate that it is caused by the vaccine and those who do, who won't be few, simply will not be able to do anything because they will be asked for it, the vaccine, for everything, even to renew driver's licenses.
So, the Cabal knows that there will be opposition, and if such opposition is out of control in one place or another, or worldwide, then they will release a non-viral bacteriological bioweapon over those areas, using the chemtrails and/or other methods as it is possible or appropriate.
They already have it ready and these bacteria will attack the airways, to make it look like the virus and they will give other symptoms, that´s true, but they will say that it already mutated. Then those in the opposition who deny that it was all because of a virus will have their arguments collapsed because the others will say "I told you so."
All over the world there are reports of them killing healthy people in the hospitals. People enter for any reason, and never leave. This happens already on a terrible scale. And people have to understand this, that it is the truth, it is happening because they give large sums to the hospitals and the doctors. I already have an innumerable number of individual testimonies, or stories, that support this.
I have information that in Mexico there are at least two or three places where this happens all the time. The Puebla Puebla zone. The Xalapa Veracruz zone, the Cardel Veracruz zone (this one has a DUMB under it). It's widespread in other places too, but I don't have a complete list because it would include the whole world.
The New York zone.
The Bogotá zone.
The Buenos Aires zone.
The following information is critical. The idea is to impose the vaccine. That is the main objective. And establish a single world government because they go hand in hand. Everyone talks about "the vaccine." But they make a big mistake. What is happening is much more serious. It's not about imposing "the vaccine" as in "I've already had it and that´s it!". It's not a vaccine ( 1 ). it's a series of vaccines.
For months now they have been imposing the idea that the CoVid-19 does not cause immunity, that an individual can be re-infected after one month. What they will create is an immunity paSSPort, a vaccination card. And the people will have to be vaccinated various times, every so and so. My Sources indicate from every 6 months to every 6 weeks. Note again the "6." Emphasizing what many already say: "the sign of the beast."
Contrary to what is said in conspiracy networks, it will NOT be mandatory. But it will be even worse... I wish it was mandatory. My contact, who is an elder person and who knows much, and who knows who I am, explained to me that it is a move against the possibility of any legal action towards those who impose the vaccine; the WHO and subsidiaries.
It is to say that by NOT being mandatory they can NOT be sued for the damages that will come with the vaccine. It will be "optional and voluntary" but it will be a "required" by other departments. You will not be able to go to school without the vaccine, or have a paSSPort, nor a driving license without the vaccine documents. Be it paper and microchip, at first only credentials with holes that are given with each inoculation, while the chip remains.
They will progressively advance with those requirements. To the extent that an unvaccinated person will not be able to collect any money, he or she will not be able to buy food or anything, not even a banana. But it's still "optional."
This way they will get less opposition, and there is no way to get at them legally just because of the technicalities involved. To get to that point, as I said above, there will be a second wave in October and November, according to Sources. November according to Yazhi.
Third wave and fourth and fifth. They are patient, it may take one or two years for all this to come out. In the process or in that time the collapse of the economy and the food distribution networks will be increasingly accelerated. Food will be used as a weapon against the people, because they will ask for the vaccine in order to return to the normality that they will never have again.
As I said above, the regions that have managed to become independent by fleeing the system, awakened communities or regions, cities under hypothetical control of opposition to them, will be controlled with the bioweapon they have ready.
(This part of the bioweapon still raises many questions for me, because I don't see it as necessary for them. So let's just say it's their weapon of last resort in case things get out of hand).
The masks. They are not for protection. This is the excuse for the ignorant.
The real reason they "suggested" the mask, because note that the WHO never said they were mandatory, but that they have managed to impose them locally, by local government, is for the same reason: they are defending themselves this way against the lawsuits and against doctors coming out saying that masks go against medical science. This is why they are not officially mandatory by the WHO but are imposed by each government.
The masks are a burka, they are a symbol of submission and obedience to the system (they are called the "Fauci burkas" in intelligence circles). They also serve so that they can see the regions that are more submissive and where they should impose more the idea or agenda of the Covid-19.
That is to say, places where people are not putting on their masks much, will be the ones where they artificially, with their propaganda control systems and secret societies, will increase the cases of Covid-19, so that people enter into submission. It is an indicator of obedience for them. Like a speedometer in a car.
It also serves to make people who wear them panic, and attack those who don't use them, accusing them of being the cause of why the pandemic doesn't go away. In the same way that it will happen to those who don't get the vaccine.
And people will know who is or is not vaccinated with the use of mobile phone apps, by proximity. They'll be the "leppers”, and no one will go near them. The masks are used to see how obedience has progressed and who is asleep. The mask can be used to see how obedience has progressed and who is asleep, and those awake ones who put the masks on while going into a shop will be the same ones who will get the vaccine in order to stay alive.
In addition to what is described above, the symbolism of "shut up and obey" should be mentioned again. And the unhealthy consequences they bring because they cause lack of oxygen, triggering CO2 in the blood and respiratory infections by stressing the system in general and because they are a breeding ground for germs because people have them on all day and they reuse them because they don't buy new ones because that's an extra expense and because people are out of money as it is.
As an excuse they say that the masks are to control the droplets of saliva that people expel while talking. It does control them, but in the first place the benefits of that are very few compared to the damage they do by being used. These very same droplets are what cause the masks to become a breeding ground, which will make you sick.
Secondly: It has been proven that with or without the mask, any virus in the respiratory system comes out and reaches the same distance. I mean, it's useless against viruses. With the mask a respiratory virus (any) jumps about 4 feet (and no more) and without the mask it jumps the same 4 feet. No virus jumps 6 feet (reference: Dr. Rashid A. Buttar).
Also, the use of the mask does not filter out any viruses. Same reference.
One more thing. Not only do cloth masks not protect against anything, even less so than surgical masks. Instead, the person is constantly breathing in fibres from the same fabric, polyester, and paint solvents, which cause the same kind of problem as breathing in asbestos.
Trauma damage to the entire respiratory system. Which will then increase the likelihood that the individual will become infected with anything right there. And anything IS CoVid-19 today.
And one more thing.
Yazhi mentions that doctors, physicians, are at least the key to defeating the system with their expert statements. But the Cabal has already acted on this with amendments and legal manoeuvres like the FEMA act in the U.S, but there are equivalents all over the world, where doctors have NO authority over the statements and measures that governments decide to impose during a health crisis.
The use of surgical masks, not cloth masks, is what I would recommend if you are going to wear one. It is to look for the ones with higher air flow, forgetting the filtration, that doesn't matter.
It has been proven that increasing CO2 in the blood for short periods, combined with exercise, increases the oxygen transmission capacity in the blood as being equivalent in effect to acclimatizing at altitude on a mountain. This is for short periods only.
So, by using them for a short time doesn't cause any major problems. Especially if you cheat somehow, by breathing outside and then putting it on, every time no one sees you.
And one more thing:
The Cabal, with this, is using psychological tricks proven by the intelligence agencies. They have expert psychologists in mass manipulation working for them, so when the vaccine comes out and is ready, they will say it is NOT mandatory and people will be happy about it. Especially so called ¨conspiracy followers¨. But it's only a psychological and legal trick, and people will fall for that trick like a rodent in a trap, because they will see that the threat of the vaccines is no longer valid. Falsely.
Vaccines alone will cause thousands and thousands of deaths but will not necessarily be the primary method of extermination. That will be the lack of food, coupled with the social problems. What the vaccine will do in addition to what is known, is to render the population sterile and ill, causing them countless syndromes and health problems, which in turn will cause more vaccines and more dependence on "Big Pharma."
But one of the main effects will be to make the population sterile. This is only logical, because they wouldn´t be able to exterminate everyone with the vaccine, since in one way or another humans are spreading the word. Rather, collapsing fertility will be more “discreet."
But I repeat; the vaccine itself kills. It contains nanotechnology, nanochips for Mind Control of the population, using the new 5G networks mostly in space so it is not much help that in some places they ban such technology.
I compared all this data with what Yazhi sees, and it goes hand in hand completely.
Yazhi sees something in September, then something bigger in November.
My Source sees something serious starting in October and November.
That's all I have for now.
Etheric Memory Implants, Life Plan, Free Will - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi)
1st Chat
Yazhi: Earth is a simulation.
Gosia: Well, not all is the simulation no?
Yazhi: The experience isn't. Everything else is. Nothing exists. Only if you want it to be real, from here, from the other side it is not real. Reality is relative.
Gosia: What do you mean nothing? We said that far way nature on Earth does exist, for example.
Yazhi: No Earth, no Temmer, no Erra, no Cyndriel, no Avalon. All a mental idea. Matter does not exist at all. Only mind and consciousness. You are living a dream.
Gosia: Ahh... you are talking about THAT level. Don´t mix, haha! We are talking about artificial simulation. Not mental one.
Yazhi: I see one and the same, just another level. I see Earth and everything in it as false as Erra, or Cyndriel. But people dwell and get lost in insignificant details like lunar Matrix and things that are truly inconsequential.
Sister, news for you, all that that's the Taygetean point of view and it is valid, but not more valid than any one else's!
Everything is mental and part of the same simulation game, simulation done with mind, not with machine. The Lunar Matrix and holographic computers inserting buildings there is an insignificant part of the whole.
Gosia: But if there is no objective reality and all is my mind, why are there rules in place for example, that I did'n´t come up with? Like you not being able to come down to see us.
Yazhi: The rules are there to conserve the experience each soul wants, to conserve the lesson of life. Rules you came up with, or else you wouldn't be there.
Gosia: Yes, I think I feel it intuivitely this way... that ultimately it´s all MIND, all simulation, nothing objective outside of that Ultimate creative mind. But then... on the ¨level¨ of created simulations, there are ¨rules¨ to keep the games in a game mode. Right?
Yazhi: Yes, exactly, in lower levels. But if your mind grows enough, expands, then you become part of another system or above the system, so you can start to interact in another way with what you call other densities and people in them.
You want the Taygeteans to go down and visit you and all that would be the equivalent of a football player to want to play with his hands not only his feet, cheating!
Gosia: Yes, it seems that as long as I am ¨perceiving the lower state of the game...¨ I can´t change certain rules. So from the lower part of the game I am at... I AM playing the illusion of the objective reality game. That´s what the game is about right?
Yazhi: The game is about what you learn from the experience.
Gosia: Yes. And about that football player, who came up with that rule-football player? ME. MIND. So I should be able to change that rule. The fact that I can´t means that the game is so well planned that it does give me the illusion of the objective reality then.
Yazhi: You need to get out of the game to change the rules. Or learn to control everything form within. And yes, I know it is convincing, very detailed up to the smallest speck of dirt in the road, or each dandelion seed! But yes, you change your rules.
Gosia: It is very convincing! But especially, when it comes to ¨rules¨ that have seemingly nothing to do with me, like your visit rules. That definitely makes one believe there IS an objective reality, at least when viewed from the lower level. Complicated.
Yazhi: But they do have a lot to do with you.
Gosia: Yes, I know. I put the word ¨seeminly¨ nothing to do with me. Nothing to do with me... I mean, I didn´t create those rules, at least from the lower level.
Yazhi: You did accept them.
Gosia: From the higher level. But from down here, it all does make one believe there IS objective reality. That´s my point. I had no choice. From the lower level. From the higher one, I can make you all disappear tomorrow, or do anything I want, I know that, haha!
Yazhi: If it helps... I no longer see any objective reality.
Gosia: Easier for you. You can walk through walls. See through illusions. Remember things.
Yazhi: There are no walls. Everything is a 'dream'.
Gosia: I still bump into those non existent walls though. I don´t even remember my home in Taygeta. None of it. All I have is my essence. That, I do feel. And I know it´s unlimited.
Yazhi: And it is. That is the only really important thing to know.
Gosia: Yes. That´s why ultimately I am not concerned. About not remembering for example.
Yazhi: That is one of the most important things I have been trying to explain. Who you were is not important, and all what is important of who you were, you still are. What is important is who you are and who you will be. So no need to look for anyone´s true identity, there is no true identity and who anyone was is irrelevant.
What is not irrelevant is who they are, and what they want to be, who they will be. Your identity on Earth as Gosia, is as irrelevant and false as your star identity.
Gosia: I understand. Still though, as you said before, the soul is built and it is built on experiences, so understanding some of those ¨previous¨ experiences would be nice... it makes you understand yourself more, and why you are the way you are.
That for sure what learning about my Taygetean identity gave me. I understand why I am the way I am more, by understanding my experiences and ¨roots¨, so to speak, I had earlier. Although they are not my roots really either. Just more experiences.
Yazhi: What makes things even more complicated is that many of the experiences and memories are implanted and you never lived them.
Gosia: Yes, but they were implanted here in 3D no? Outside Earth, no right?
Yazhi: Wherever.
Gosia: I am talking about artificial implantation. Like in immersed Starseeds.
Yazhi: The experience is what matters. That is real. And just about everything is implanted any way. There and in 5D. I'm trying to lessen the importance of artificial implants, reality itself is artificial, so what's the difference?!
Gosia: How do you implant memories in 5D? And why? Are you saying you reached the level from which you understand ALL physical reality is implanted by some Ultimate Architect, Us from beyond 5D level? I KNEW IT, haha.
Yazhi: It is done with consciousness alone, by the user, each soul, at an etheric level before incarnating. And by interaction with other versions of each person or soul as in interaction with their higher self. On Earth as well. And then that is hacked by Frequency machines, holographic computers, but then again, they can do the same in 5D as well. In 5D you know there are full immersion games, indistinguishable with "reality." What makes you think they are only used as entertainment?
Gosia: No, I know they are used for other things too. But etheric implants? From etheric level before incarnating we implant memories? What for?
Yazhi: To have a basic frame knowledge to be able to have the desired experience. For example as a first time human, they need the memory of other people who have been on Earth before them, to know how to interpret things, to react and so on and so forth. See it as a scaffolding to prop up the experiences each soul wants.
Gosia: But you mean it is implanted ETHERICALLY? Between incarnations? How do I implant that in myself without computers?
Yazhi: With intention, with imagination, being energetically and Frequency compatible with having those basic experiences.
Gosia: Holly Molly. I knew I knew nothing yet!
Yazhi: For example imagining that you are Napoleon, if that is relevant, and researching everything about him, so those basic imaginary memories serve as a frame for the ones you will have.
Gosia: That´s why we have so many Napoleons as a past life experience haha. Quite a narcisistic soul who implanted that onto itself!
Yazhi: Also, those memories that are Implanted are not all that false, because as you are compatible in intention, Frequency (interest perhaps) then you are tapping into (channeling) the experiences of Napoleon, or whoever, because everything is going on at the same time, as there is no time. Meaning that if you as a soul are compatible in Frequency with Napoleon then you are Napoleon.
And if anyone else, another soul is also compatible with Napoleon he will be Napoleon as well, having that in common with you! So in a higher realm everything is connected, everything is blended as one, having no clear boundaries between what is what and who is who. We are truly all one.
Gosia: Is that similar to Akashic Records?
Yazhi: In a way yes, but I never did buy into those Akashic records. I think that is a limited way of expressing, or of understanding, something much more complex. More like simply tapping into the so called 'field'. Where you channel everything that is compatible with you, and you choose that, what is compatible with you moving your Frequency accordingly at will.
Gosia: But, if memory can be and can equal the experience, then why even have experiences anymore? Let´s just download and implant stuff into ourselves and done? Do memories of experiences equal experiences?
Yazhi: They do.
Gosia: Then why have experiences?
Yazhi: Because those become and generate memories that later are implanted into other souls. But ¨implanted¨ is only a limited way of wording this.
2nd Chat
Gosia: Going back to the implanted memories. Something that we ended on yesterday. You said something interesting at the end. I asked: ¨so what´s the difference between sitting on the couch and implanting memories into oneself... and actually having experiences?¨
And you said it´s necessary in order to keep filling the ¨experiences bank¨ (my words) for other souls to then play with - implant themselves. I would like you to explain to me the difference between a real experience and an implanted one.
Yazhi: There is no difference if the memories you implant are complex and meaningful enough. For the experiencer, there is no difference.
Gosia: But you said that the soul grows with experiences. So it grows even with false experiences? Implanted ones?
Yazhi: Other than the simplistic explanation, that you lived through something and the other not, I see no difference. BUT... The problem resides in the moment you implant something, a sequence of events, the implanting itself is, or will be an equivalent to having lived that something. Because it does have a sequence of events through perceived time. And that is in itself equivalent to... living something!
So that's why I say I see no difference. It is an experience someone holds. And that is the part that counts. If you have someone in the couch, and you go and with whatever means you implant a memory it needs a sequence through time. And that would be the exact same thing as living it for the experiencer on the couch. So for the experiencer, implanting a memory or living it, is the same.
Gosia: Ok so then why don´t all of ET's just do that? Sit on couches and implant themselves with stuff? I say ET's as here we don´t have this technology (and not talking for now about etheric implantations between lives). Why live life at all then?
Yazhi: They do that! And a lot! They play immersions all the time.
Gosia: But it´s not the same. Because knowing it´s not real anuls it as a real experience. You can see the exit door in your room on the ship with your cat looking at you sleeping... Thats not the same as a real experience. Oh, wait, now I understand! That´s why have a 3D Immersion with no memory!
Yazhi: Yes, and you are in the middle of it! However, even the ones where you know you are immersed. You have the memory of playing a guitar in the video game. It is also a memory. How you got it is not relevant. Implanting things that are taken by the subject as real amounts to being the same as having lived that event.
So in essence how you got the memory is irrelevant, that you have it, is what is important!
If you were implanted the memory of robing a bank for example/or living the exact same event as something in your past, in the not observable point of attention of the now... And as you do not know which one was implanted and which one you lived. For you as the experiencer, it amounts to the same.
Gosia: I understand. But my question still remains: Why live life? Why not sit there with the implanter machine?
Yazhi: But you are in the memory implant machine right now! It is your dang Immersion Pod number 1007. The building holding your pod inside is quite close to the beach, just saying!
And technological or not, you are always living implants. There is no living reality. That does not exist as such. And That IS reality. Implanted with a machine in Temmer, or by intervention of your timeless "higher soul" having designed your life before you incarnated. And at the same time planning it as you go along, as you have interactive multiple choices. Free will and not. In the end see it as simple. A memory is a memory and who cares how you got it!
3rd Chat
Yazhi: So you know about implants with technology from 5D into 3D, easy by the way. What about from higher realms? Even easier. What is a basic characteristic of higher realms? What gets progressively easier and easier as you go up in the scale? Manifestation.
So to make an implant from higher realms into... whoever and whatever, and I mean whatever and whoever, you just have to think it. You just have to wish it. So you plan... I'd like things to be for today... for this time... this way! Let's make it harder this time... Let´s make my avatar, my lower self, have no money, but will have love! Driving her to go on. And having to deal with a health crisis! What kind of health crisis would be good? An epidemic. Yes. No! Better a false epidemic, making things even more interesting as she is awake and must convince others against all odds. And... things are just because you think them. And there is your implant.
You can give your lower self a background, perhaps she is good at violin... a 'natural'. So you give her implanted memories of being a violin concertmaster in her false, implanted past life. Of course in this life you have a shitty 100 dollar Chinese violin, but she is only using it to drown her perils! And that is. And it is because you say so! Because from higher realms you understand so much, that you form matter, you play with time with sheer will.
So those insertion machines, immersion pods and holographic computers are... lower density, useless, and obsolete gadgetry! Consciousness is everything, and it really is. It creates a flow of energy because that's what you are! Pure high Frequency energy. And wherever you look your attention flows and you interpret things the way you want... and that attention direction and whatever you are imagining is gravity.
Your thoughts have a shape, a dynamic and precise shape, and that means there is less energy in one place and more in another, even to form a simple table... you have more energy on the top and on the legs, and less between the legs as it must have a square shape. Why must it have a square shape? Because you want to!
And that ordered sequence of thoughts is so perfectly ordered that it creates a flow in the field, and the field is you, and your gravity attention flux, or direction of flow where you are looking at. Thinking of 'table'. That sequence is the harmonics of a Frequency we've talked about for years.
So you are the field, you are the everything, you are energy, the energy from what everything spawns from. Your emotions and feelings, what you like and not, what drives you to create something and not something else. Why you want a square table this time and not an oval shaped one. Because it makes you feel good to have it in that particular corner as you decorate your imaginary house you are building in your mind and that will be real because you want it to be real. And that will reflect in lower realms. You print reality that way. Because you wanna! Because it makes you smile.
Gosia: Amazing. Thank you. But a question, so why then when you come down here, into your own creation, some people do NOT smile anymore? Did they design that as well, not smiling experience at which then their Higher Self is smiling at from above?
Yazhi: Just because it has never been done before this way, although it has, but let´s say it has not. So this 'variant' becomes interesting. So why not! And that's why it's a game, you decide and you make it. From higher realms it is all set and done, destiny written. From the lower realm you make things up as you go! So you have no free will and you do at the same time. And whatever your avatar wants and does as she moves along is free will, but from above you have already considered all the possibilities of what it can do at each time. You designed them all because you can handle that amount of data!
Gosia: How much of anything is really prepared in advance and how much are we shaping from below as we go? How much of the free will to create is there still from BELOW?
Yazhi: From a higher realm you are naturally already interfering a lot, and I mean to the point of being in total control over your lower avatar. But at the very same time from the lower density perspective of your lower avatar where things are simpler, less information, making up a simpler density like 3D or 5D, then your lower self has total free will.
But even though that is so because there is an infinite amount of possibilities to follow... your lower self is still subject to other rules of her role, which you also imposed on her. So even though theoretically she has an infinite amount of possibilities to choose a course of action from... she is still limited to the former agreements she lives by... depending on the density, like gravity, using doors, not teleporting, not walking on water and so on.
Gosia: So is it just an illusion the lower self has about having free will? Since it has ¨less information¨. So it doesn´t know it´s all already worked out.
Yazhi: Without going into the very necessary conversation to be able to have a common frame... What is reality, what is real? From the perspective of lower self, she is living in her reality, with her limitations. From the more expanded point of view... that's just a game. Game you can change at any time.
And it can be real for you in a higher realm... or not. At will. Does not mean you are sick as you make your lower self 'suffer' something. Here we come to a conflict of interests spawning from different density points of view. But from above it's not letting that something happen. It's not happening as there is no time. It's just a concept. It's only happening from your avatar´s point of view.
Gosia: It´s a concept from higher perspective but experience from the lower one. Higher Self can´t be that naive not to know that, not to realize how much it hurts to get burnt.
Yazhi: It's not naive. But the simple fact that the very concept exists, is enough for it to happen. As you create the concept that is not fair it must not happen, you create it happened.
It means that even though from above you have all the control... and where you want to place your attention, the responsibility of the action... falls on the lower self living the experience. Even saying: ¨that never happened¨ means in some place it did. Never something does not exist, only referring to another frame or context.
Gosia: Ok, I understand. Going back to memories. You have been talking about the implanted life plan, design, but how does it relate to implanted memories? Why exactly do you need to implant those? What´s the specific purpose behind that?
Yazhi: For being able to live anything, you need to be able to interpret things a specific way. In order to have a life experience you are designing for yourself, from the point of view of your higher self. Because it's you as your Higher Self who is doing the life design. So in order to have that reference to interpret things one way or another, you need to implant those references. And those are implanted memories, of both a former life, or of something in your present life that never happened.
Gosia: Why can´t you just learn as you go?
Yazhi: You do learn as you go. That's the whole point. But if you don't have basic interpretation background you cannot live as planned. How would you know a rock is a rock and a snail is a snail if you have no reference to see that potential energy as such.
Gosia: So the past life memories people in 5D have (cause here people don´t)... are mostly implanted or mixture of something ¨real¨ as well? (and don´t tell me they are both the same)
Yazhi: Again what is real and what is not?
Gosia: I knew you would say that. And why do you need a reference? Why not go completely into the unknown? Is the Higher Self a chicken, haha?
Yazhi: Why do you see a chair as something useful and not as a mountain as an ant sees it?Because you have lives, or you have a reference that a piece of matter you call chair is good to sit on. Because someone told you at least what it is for. So as with a chair you need that reference for everything that will exist in that particular lifespan, or you simply will not know what things are.
Gosia: Why the need to know rock is a rock and snail is a snail? Too many rules haha. Having to have a reference is another rule. Not necessary. Another idea. But yes, I suppose. Otherwise, you would be using kitchen bowls to sit on etc. But I thought you learn that naturally as a baby. No need to implant anything before.
Yazhi: Yes, you learn as you go and as a baby grows up, as Earth psychologists say. But that is way not enough to live the life plan you designed before incarnating. As with the example of the violin, above. You do learn, but you need much more time to learn what you need.
Gosia: Hmm ok wow. I didn´t know any of this. That you load things up before.
Yazhi: And many people do live only with what they have learned in their life span as socially accepted on Earth, but those are the false people, backdrops, of simple people with uninteresting lives that only go day by day with nothing worthwhile going on in their heads, for example no creative talents.
And yes, you load things before you come. That's what past lives are for. You as a soul do not jump from garden snail right into being a concert master, violin virtuoso! That's why I say you build your soul as you go along! From the point of view of a lower density incarnation.
Gosia: Yes you say BUILD IT, exactly, but now I am finding out you are also DOWNLOADING it as you go! Lazy soul!
Yazhi: As with so much I have shared, both points of view go together. From one point of view you build it as you go along, from another you implant. And you also kind a-cheat, implanting things into your lower self to jump a few steps, not needing to be a violin concert master before the incarnation you really want to experience where you only need violin talents to drown your solitude.
From the lower self point of view those are past lives you build your soul with as are your present life experiences. From the Higher Self point of view those are implants and you design the life by simple thought.
Remember I'm trying to convey multilayered information. At least 3 layers here.
Gosia: Yes I know. I am mostly interested in the higher layer now. Forget the lower one.
Yazhi: In the end, nothing is real, and you have experienced nothing. It's all an idea in your higher self's mind! A fantasy, a novel created just because.
Gosia: So how do you know that your memories as Swaruu's are truly yours and you didn´t just load them up from the field? Or loading things up from the field EQUALS being that and having been that?
Yazhi: Because I know everything is false any way from a higher point of view. But not for the ones that are living it!
Gosia: If setting up this ¨game¨, avatars etc... is something we designed from above to experience, why then wake up from that? Why should we know this now then? Aren´t we going against our plans? Or is this also the Higher Self plan, to have little Gosia's realize things and lower and Higher Self becoming Unity?
Yazhi: As a variant to reality. But if you are conservative and want the Matrix to continue, then yes, it is an invasion. Things should be as they are and as they have always been. No alien contact, no knowing things you shouldn't know of.
But from a lower realm's point of view, people are all also trapped in their own creation. But as I said above it is up to them, the ones living it, to find the way out of their problems.
If you still feel confused, look at it this way, easy: Nothing is real. It's all a manifestation of your mind!
Gosia: That doesn´t make it easy at all. You said I was on Earth for example. WHO WAS then? Did I just TAKE that memory from the field?
Yazhi: Even things that you swear you have lived, like going to Laughlin in Nevada in February, now today you have selected memories to stay and others you have forgotten, about your trip, the ones you've forgotten is because they are not relevant. And the ones you have could be called the implant.
You are sure both of your recent trips, to Nevada and to Svalbard for example were real, and you even think I'm nuts suggesting they might have been not, but if I told you that one of your two trips is false and the other real, you couldn't know the difference. But that's irrelevant here because from your point of view there as Gosia, they were both real. But from the Gosia above... Nop nop. I mean it.
Gosia: This is just an example right?
Yazhi: Just an example, don't go nuts about it. But what I'm trying to tell you is that from one point of view things are real, and from another they are all implants. And those are two extremes... Higher Densities and Lower 3D. This is difficult to convey because there are multiple points of view about the same thing.
From your point of view as Gosia, the human girl, everything you have lived is real. From another some things are real others are implants... From yet another, nothing is real. 3 levels. And in the end it is not up to me to decide what is real and what is not. That's your task.
Memory Implants - 3D Matrix Management by Federation-Extraterrestrial Information (Aneeka and Yazhi)
First conversation with Anéeka and Yazhi:
Anéeka: Memory Implants: It is done to create the necessary context for the person to have the life that has been designed. Without context it´s not possible. But it is not necessary for you to live everything since childhood to experience what interests you in life. Not all people experience life from birth, many enter as adults or at any point. It depends on what they want.
Although this is mostly done from higher planes, esoterically, it is also done with immersion and insertion technology, as the Federation does. It is to alter the course of how a person sees and interprets the 3D reality that surrounds them. In a precise fashion with a specific plan. In itself, though, this artificial form using various methods such as immersion mainly, is not as complete as the insertion of memories and memory contexts from higher planes.
But the insertion of false memories is not necessarily done with 5D technology that is strange to humans. But with quite simple and reproducible procedures even from 3D, such as the insertion of photographs and altered documents.
Photographs with Photoshop, duplicate documents, placed in key places in a traditional way, not with tractor beams, but with someone physically going to a place and leaving or replacing the documents. As a secret agent would, and they do that.
Then the person is guided to believe things that were not true (See Gas Lighting) where the person will accept that the reality is as it is shown with the photos and documents and they are convinced that what they remember is false or that they imagined it and it never happened.
The average person accepts the reality imposed on them because the data, the evidence has more values than their memories. And with that the course of a person's life is altered. Making them believe that they were where they were not, that they were never from one country, but from another, forcing them to change their residence. Or any combination of that, as necessary and possible.
Robert: So we all have a predesigned life? How do our timelines fit in this?
Anéeka: Yes everyone. Even in the predesigned scenario, the timelines are present. What is pre-designed etherically I would say is mostly, if not everything, designed by the person themselves. From the point of view of 5D inserts or the procedure described above though, it is something that is invasive to the person with the intention of controlling them.
Gosia: How do you go about inserting a collective event such as a war, for example that really “did not exist”?
Anéeka: First by altering all the records controlling the media. Then inserting, in the ways described above, memories and justifications of why they are not remembered by at least the key people.
In the case of the Gulf War, they moved people to the Middle East and as they say they only stayed there waiting, but nothing happened, only missiles that flew into the bases, which is easily reproducible with a false flag. So not everyone involved needs memories inserted.
And about not remembering, they justify it with the story of the combat post traumatic stress or PTSD, that the soldiers forget things, because of the trauma that they carry. Convenient to insert things that never happened.
Gosia: But war is something that has to be inserted in many people, those who are inside. Because you cannot insert it only for some Americans and set it up mediatically if afterwards people from Iraq for example come and say: but what do you say, there is no war here! I just got back from the coconut party, everyone happy.
Anéeka: A big war is not easy. But the Gulf one was so extremely localized that even the soldiers on the front line didn´t see anything at all. They were waiting. And yes, it is possible, they did it with the covid-19.
It is an extensive soup of things that happened and things that did not. Those atrocities happen all the time. You can not say what is real and what not. It´s not as simple as that.
As for the Gulf War of 1991 it was media, but yes, real things happened there, as I said above, they did move the troops. But the war was fought mostly in the air with planes. Things do not happen as you are told.
Yazhi: In itself, humans alone manifest everything, but the Federation does include things in the invasive way, whether they accept it or not. Also because 3D is too sluggish and slow to manifest so they perceive that the humans must have a push in the direction that they themselves desire. Or what the Federation perceives where it is that humans want to go, want to experience or have.
But in addition to using high technology such as printing things, introducing things and even situations in 3D Earth with the use of the Tractor Beam, what they do is generally with low technology. That is to say putting things or making them appear according to what´s convenient to them using the media and altering documents in a traditional way, that is, no tractor beam, but a physical spy entering at night with a flashlight to change the records of something or introduce documents to someone´s file before they are looked up later.
The latter is also a problem because the Cabal knows it and does the same. The Federation uses this low-tech system as it is not invasive by the Prime Directive. But that also makes them vulnerable to the Cabal or intelligence agencies also doing the same in their favor. And that happens a lot.
For example they may introduce a new King of England using some rumor or old record that alleges that the official kings are illegitimate. Although before this was irrelevant, with the help of the Federation that king will come out at the right time, using anyone who is or has the correct profile, perhaps even an organic portal with someone managing it from behind.
They introduce documents that validate him, remove those that validate others. They make sure it goes to the public or becomes of legal interest and ready. Federation intervention implementing something that did not exist before. They make up a story that the king was hiding in a cave or something. (In a comfortable DUMB with cable TV).
This on a global level, but the Federation has so much capacity and so much power that it does it on an individual level, with each real person down there, they create a history, a family history, they implant documents and with that, the subject in question will accept it as a real event, although has no memory of it. (Memories are implanted as well but at higher densities, but this is another subject.)
That is, they will introduce artificially altered photographs, photoshops and other false documents so that a person has a different history. This way it will alter where he will go, where he can go and who accepts him, or her. Even altering with this their nationality, family, past.
Their memories do not matter so much because humans tend to have a bad memory of their past and before the evidence of the documents and photographs, they fold their hands and accept that something happened even if they do not remember anything about it. This and any variant of this happens.
Second conversation with Yazhi:
Yazhi:Your pasts are inserted, like those of all people. They only play a role there. Using an identity template. To work there being someone else. With a mask of Robert or Gosia, or Don Mayolo.
Gosia: So we were never really born? We never really grew up as children? All false? (I always feel this when I go to Poland by the way)
Yazhi: Your memories are implanted, your experience is that yes, you were born and that is valid, what you and only you decide what is your own reality, nobody can impose it on you. Having said that... from a higher angle, it is only you who reads me from a certain critical point in your recent past. Walk In style entry point. Using a memory program implanted in the mind of your avatar-body.
Gosia: Ok, but let's forget about my "experience". I was NOT the girl here, for example? I thought I entered at birth.
Yazhi: Let's see. Gosia, your experience is yours and if you decide so, you entered as a child. If YOU decide so. But from my perspective I understand and see something else.
Gosia: I don't want this, what my experience dictates me haha. I want the truth. Not what I decide. And don't tell me that what I decide is the truth. Tell me from YOUR perspective.
Yazhi: I REPEAT: this happens and not only here and it is the cause of much constant confusion in the viewers of your channel. That what is true at one level is not true from another more expanded one. The human only thinks on one level.
In this case: That what is true on one level (you entered as a baby) is not true on another level (you are a Walk In). And from my perspective? You are a Walk In and Robert too.
Robert: I think the same Yazhi. But I don't know when I got in here.
Yazhi: Robert knows the moment he entered. The incident with the blue beings. Do you know Gosia? (Only you can know).
Robert: Yes. In 2007 - 2008. I thought I was dead and went back to Earth.
Yazhi: One came out, the other entered.
Gosia: I DON'T KNOW.
Robert: We have recently come to Earth?
Yazhi: From one point of view, you are on Earth. From another you are in the Source, and therefore from there
you can access any point in the Universe.
Gosia: And do you know when I came in? From there you can not know?
Yazhi: There must have been a strong incident. Something that marked you. An epiphany, a traumatic event.
Gosia: I had no major incident. Nothing. Everything gradual.
Yazhi: So if it is like that and there is nothing that marks you for yourself, then you can say that you have entered as a child. In the end that is subjective and it does not matter.
Gosia: But wait. Implanted memories, this does not mean that the girl Gosia did not exist and did not have these experiences, right? Only that she left and I entered.
Yazhi: Everybody out there in 3D works with implanted memories. Realities and experiences that are not theirs, or that they share with the collective.
Gosia: I don't understand this part. That they are all implanted memories. So what are all these young children I see around? One day they will have these memories of having been these children. And it will not be implanted because I SEE THEM now.
Yazhi: That is what they are experiencing today. Being children and young. They come in with implants even before they are born. Some are not even real. They are a program.
Gosia: What implants before birth?
Yazhi: Memories shared among many to give them a frame of reference of how to be a human, especially for souls who are on Earth for the first time. Collective memories of having been people with key experiences, as a behavioral reference. One of the very common ones is to have been Napoleon, that explains why so many "crazy" ones insist on having been Napoleon, or Maria Antoinette as well.
Gosia: Ok. You said, "That is what they are experiencing today. Being children and young people ¨. So YES they are really living this right? It's not just implanted memory, is it?
Yazhi: They live that, but they, not you. Or they are just empty programs, organic containers in process... ready to be inhabited by some star being later in life. Some star beings are on Earth to experience being children, that is not implanted memory. But they do have memory implanted before birth as a behavioral reference.
That said, they are all star beings. Whether they continue in the wheel of Samsara is their decision. I do not believe in forced reincarnation. Whether I am believed or not, I have died several times on Earth and have never been trapped there as a soul. When I left I never met beings with trinkets reading my Karma and making me see my life as a movie.
Gosia: Okay good. So we all have SOME implanted memories. Not that they are all that. This topic is very complex for me.
Yazhi: Ok again. Right from the start. Before birth, people receive implanted memories of previous lives that they did not necessarily have or lived. This as a reference of how to be, how to behave. There are beings who enter from childhood only to experience being children, but then they leave and leave a perfectly healthy container-body that another person or star being will occupy. This stellar being assumes the position, the previous memories and the life, terrestrial family and all of the being that is leaving.
The body does not die... but from the point of view of one of them, the former, yes it dies, leaves the body and returns to the Source. This memory is in Robert. And it is shared by the new stellar being that lives in his body, by the experience of being Robert. Because that star being is interested in being the expanded and enlightened Robert of today, not the one he was before, more Matrix. Thus infinity of variants with each person.
And those implants are what the Federation "imposes". As I explained to Robert... It is not an "imposition" per se but how it all functions, how everything works, because it is managed in this way by the Federation. And it is something not only collective, but rather personal and personalized for each one. So it can be seen as somewhat invasive.
From one point of view it is, from another it is just how things are, how 3D works. And to disclose this, for example, the Federation is not happy about. Because with that you remove the veil, because you wake up to how everything works. Whether or not humans as a mass understand or believe it.
And that's not all. There are memory implants of officially accepted events. Wars that did not exist, or in alternate timelines. The Federation often alters the perception of the lives of people involved in the war, including how those memories of having been in that war were implanted. Wars that are sometimes concucted by the media, and never happen (for anyone). And this is a serious offense against the "Prime Directive of the Federation of United Planets."
Gosia: Ok. Wow. Fascinating. Another thing. Those prenatal implants, are they removed once back to 5D? Or are they part of my being forever? I want everything to be taken away from me. I just want the truth.
Yazhi: From below an implant is impossible to differentiate from a real experience, it just is as something that does not fit or feel right. They are part of who you are.
Gosia: So even though I might have had false memories of living in Poland as a child, I will still have these memories if I go to 5D?
Yazhi: Yes, but in your particular case, I cannot say whether or not they are real memories. That again it's up to you to decide. From above it has the same value. Although you have not lived it. But how can you tell the difference? That is the work that only you can do or know. It gives you knowledge about things you shouldn't know.
Another thing, although it is true, the problem is that we have not explained or I have not had the opportunity to explain, that all this is the only way in which the 3D and the 3D experience can work. That is how 3D functions. Basically giving up your free will with a goal to have a short and chaotic incarnation, with great spiritual advancements.
Robert: With interference to people?
Yazhi: It is not just interference. Because Interference confers non-interference as opposites.
But EVERYTHING that goes on in 3D is created. Artificial. So the term ¨interference¨ is something that... is not necessary to state, or has no place. It is like complaining that there is nothing organic in the cpu of your computer.
Robert: EVERYTHING is created?
Yazhi: Everything is guided, everything is managed. Time is not linear there either. They have just put everything together artificially to give you that illusion. You are only experiencing the linearity of the present, of your present experience, as it happens in 5D. Everything historical, even on a personal level, is already altered. Sometimes totally non-existent. Memory implants only. And many people share the same implants, and this is already collapsing public understanding.
Many times chain reactions happen. The entire 9-11 affair for example created a temporary alteration because it forced the Federation to return to alter or correct the damage done by the given information. But they don't know how. And they left holes everywhere. And the more they try to patch them, the more holes come out. And those holes are nothing more than all the historical inconsistencies that people experience and are already realizing. 9-11 without planes etc.
Invasion of Iraq without weapons of mass destruction. Mandela effects en masse at the level of plague. In itself, as the Matrix is all set up, it must be placed or presented with the utmost care in a linear way, to provoke in people that effect of perceiving time in that linear way. But the moment they start to patch things up, as if hiding inconsistencies, they leave errors that progressively increase in severity.
- 9-11 without planes.
- Iraq 2003 without weapons of mass destruction.
- CV-19 pandemic without a virus.
Increasingly serious holes in the artificial 3D narrative that are causing the system to crash.
Robert: So... Where are the timelines of each person here? Would it all be an illusion? Are they trapping souls with their attention on here?
Yazhi: That's one more reason why timelines are only personal. And the collective ones are only by agreements.
Federation interference is what makes life experience there possible. You cannot remove that interference or the 3D collapses in a way that you do not want, towards chaos. And that is exactly what you are seeing.
Robert: So we knew all this before we came?
Yazhi: Yes. And the word interference would not even be correct. It's more like 3D Management. The Federation 'handles' it. Interference is manipulating something that would be in its natural flow. Here the natural flow is the very management of the Federation. Still, it can be argued that some things are too much and could be seen as interference to the natural flow of the Federation's normal management.
Robert: Like would be the Van Allen bands. That is interference from the magnetosphere.
Yazhi: Yes, but the Van Allen bands are the least of the concern here. It is the mind of the people that controls EVERYTHING. And whoever controls people's minds controls everything. The Van Allen bands remain only as another method of control over the population.
And as they are deteriorating at a rapid rate, at gigantic steps, the Federation through the Cabal implements new control methods to replace the loss of the Van Allen bands. Such as 5G networks, the chips and all that.
Robert: That is to say that there is a 3D Matrix and above that a management of people's experiences through some kind of artificial reality?
Yazhi: Yes, imposing implanted memories and imposing concepts that alter people's perception.
Gosia: So you also influence my perception, for example. Once you retract all your influences... I will discover that I am only interested in planting cucumbers in the end. That everything else I do was all YOU.
Yazhi: Gosia, we are never alone, neither you nor the Taygeteans, nor me. We are always a soup or conglomerate of beings, of consciousnesses working through each one of us. It is what you call your thoughts. We are all organic Portals. There is nothing wrong with that. It only depends on for whom we are.
Robert: So somehow souls are retained here through manipulation of perception?
Swaruu: Yes. And as it has already been explained more than a year ago, it is to create the experience desired by souls. From lower levels also in order to exploit. And other races called regressives take advantage of this exploitation. But from above everything is part of the same dynamic.
Robert: But it is voluntary, yes?
Swaruu: Yes, from the point of view of souls, it has always been voluntary. Which in itself means that from a certain angle it is not necessary to awaken anyone from the point of view of higher densities. Do nothing, just observe. Everything is by decision and carefully planned by every soul there. And it is only an instant in time. A nothing, a short, quick incarnation.
But, happens this, and it is the cause of constant confusion in the viewers of your channel. That what is true at one level is not true from another more expanded one. The human only thinks on one level. Taygeteans think on many levels simultaneously. I even worse. So what is valid for them is not from above, although the above understands the below but the below not the above.
So from the level of humans the Federation does interfere and everything is unfair. From the level of Taygeta, your friends see that it is unfair but they also see that you could live on Earth differently, and they choose to fight against the Federation. Being that today they are officially REBELS.
And I understand it more, understanding the views of humans and Taygeteans and the Federation and above. So what is valid on one level is not valid on another.
Robert: Ok. And so, how to get out of all this here? Is it easy?
Yazhi: Understanding who you are, not remembering who you were. Understanding how everything works. Having the firm intention of not returning, intention based on the fact that there is nothing more to learn while being in 3D. And that being your final intention.
EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES in 5D(3) - ALPHA DRACONIANS (Pleiadian Message - Taygeta)
Swaruu: Alpha Dracos. Place of origin in this galaxy: Alpha Draconis, but they are not from there, they come from another timeline, another galaxy, they have only colonised the sector. We don't know exactly which planet they came from, if they come from one only. They have always operated on thousands of planets. And it would not be in this galaxy nor timeline. Not even they themselves know where they came from. They are very, very ancient beings as a species. We can only say that they dominate the area Alpha Draconis. It is a constellation. But they are on thousands of planets. They are the most dominant predators or species in the sector, along with another equally dominant species. They are equal on the level of being dangerous and have learned to respect each other. The other dominant race in that sector is the Urma or Urmah. They too have colonised innumerable planets, in the thousands already. Alpha Dracos used to be the most invasive and conquering beings, before they calmed down. And some still are. They and the Urmah compete to be the most dominant of this galaxy or sector. But they respect each other mutually and it is a great achievement for the Urmah because they weigh only 10% of an Alpha Draco, although their ferocity is the same.
Gosia: Are they from the same timeline as the regressive Reptilians?
Swaruu: Yes. Alpha Dracos: Physically they appear as complete dragons, as you would understand the word "dragon." The smallest winged ones you take as Alpha Dracos on the internet are just Dracos. Small, of 3 or 4 metres high. An Alpha Draco exceeds 12 metres and can weigh 15 metric tons or more. The head of an adult male Alpha Draco is the size of a compact car. Full of teeth. Exactly as a Cobra snake they emit liquid through the front teeth or fangs. When that liquid comes into contact with an oxygen-filled environment, it ignites. Creating natural Napalm. They don't breathe fire. They throw incendiary liquid. Due to the weight they walk on four paws, but they often get up on two to use their enormous hands. Their wings are size of a plane, because they fly and do so very well! They have armour-like scales that would bounce off a 5.56 and perhaps 7.62 calibre bullet. They see in complete darkness because they have infrared eyesight by temperature. They live several thousand linear years (as a reference). They have an advanced patriarchally-holographic society. Their enormous ships have warp capacity. They are very interstellar. Generally they don't wear anything, only jewellery. Or at times enormous ceremonial togas. On the wrists and fingers too.
Gosia: What materials or minerals do they prefer?
Swaruu: They prefer gold, and anything that shines. Any precious stone.
Gosia: But then, how are their bodies? Do they have feet and arms? And where does a toga come in here, looking at this image?
Swaruu: They must retract their wings.
Gosia: And then the fabric is stretched?
Swaruu: Yes, of course.
Gosia: What language do they speak?
Swaruu: Draconian. But they are mainly telepathic. With reservations, this image is not so far from reality. And there are many species of Dracos, I speak of the Alpha Dracos, nothing else. The great ones, kings of the Reptiles. They are regarded as deities even for other sauroid species, including Kingu Naga and Usungal. They have two large ships just here. They have their official contact here. Those that are here are positive. And they are here to block away other negative ones. They are vegans now; they eat synthetic meat.
Gosia: Doesn't the toga impede the flight when they fly? I still cannot understand well how the clothes fit in this huge animal body.
Swaruu: They don't fly with them on. It is only ceremonial. They use them the size of movie theatre curtains.
Gosia: Ah, I understand. What is their spirituality like?
Swaruu: They are very advanced and close to the Source or the All. Multidimensional. They spend two thirds of their life sleeping ... in the astral. It is interesting the other dominant species, the Urmah, they too spend two thirds of their lives sleeping.
Gosia: Tell me more about their spirituality, Swaruu. What are their concepts? Metaphysics? How do they understand reality?
Swaruu: They are very similar to the other species of the Federation (they are not Federation). With concepts related to ours. They have their own Alpha Draconis High Council and are also members of the Orion council. Being very telepathic they are also empathic among themselves and with other species. They have evolved spiritually beyond the need to be invasive and aggressive. They have intervened on Earth before. All the "myths" of the dragons come from them. Far from being myths they reflect the majesty of these creatures.
Alpha predators, from space. No one messes with them. But they are now peaceful.
Gosia: How do they live?
Swaruu: As you would expect they live in enormous caves. On their planets they are mainly intra-terrestrials. They don't make homes as such; they dig holes in rock... hollow out mountains. With their size it is not practical to construct buildings. The shape of their ships: mostly like huge black backwards spiked artichokes.
Gosia: You said that they talk "Draconian." Is it a language with words? Do they use the mouth?
Swaruu: Yes, they speak. And they learn other languages. It sounds like ... Jehovah talking.
Gosia: Jehovah?
Swaruu: Yes, their voice is so deep that it makes everything rumble as if it was Jehovah (God) talking. Applying Earth terminology.
Gosia: Are they mammals?
Swaruu: No. Other Sauroid species are. These lay eggs, but they are warm blooded and keep their temperature stable.
Gosia: Do they have genders?
Swaruu: Yes. Male and female.
Gosia: Are they sexual?
Swaruu: Yes, they are sexual. Look at this photo. It shows four Turkish F16 escorting a Draco ship (not Alpha Draco). The shape is similar of that of the Alpha Dracos, only the size is much larger.
Gosia: What a strange shape.
Swaruu: Flying artichokes. The photo is genuine as far as we know.
Gosia: Do they have Starseeds on Earth?
Swaruu: Apparently not.
Gosia: Apparently?
Swaruu: I cannot be 100% certain but my best data is that they don't have Starseeds on Earth.
Gosia: Ok. And is it possible to connect with them psychically? Channel them?
Swaruu: Yes, you can. I understand that many people do.
Gosia: Yes. How to recognise that it is an Alpha Draco?
Swaruu: The reliability of this is ... blurry. It is doubtful, in truth, how to know it. Many lesser lizards like Kingu would say it is them to impress you too.
Gosia: Interesting. I have two more questions on this subject. What is the difference between Alpha Dracos, Dracos and Reptiles? Are they all the same family? Are they of the same hierarchies?
Swaruu: They are all Sauroid or Reptilian races. There are innumerable reptilian races. One moment please. These are the main branches or species. The graphic is not complete, it only shows the main ones, but it gives an idea. There is a confusion or an information battle between Usungal and Kingu, both claiming to have done something and not the other. Just a warning about that.
Gosia: Thank you for the graphics, I like graphics. I am a visual person. Seraphim? Are they Reptiles?
Swaruu: Yes.
Gosia: I believed that they were angels in the Christian religion, and of Judaism as I can recall.
Swaruu: Yes, of course! This is a reptilian infiltration into the Christian culture. They are Reptiles. Winged. There are negative and positive ones. The Seraphim framed in brown are Seraphim Seraphey. Those below are Seraphim Dracos. Two species.
Gosia: But positives, right?
Swaruu: Some positives, some negatives. Seraphey-Draconians. I have not seen or heard that they would be anything other than negative. Now, a word of caution, and something that causes many problems: The same races many times have multiple names. Plejaran/Taygetan, Centauri/Alfratean, Arcturians/Dieslientiplex, Koreandians, Devonians etc. It depends on who is talking, and the Bible is not the best place to learn history.
Gosia: Is this list ordered from higher to lower?
Swaruu: Yes, up to Seraphim-Draconian. Underneath it is disorganized.
Gosia: How does the Annunaki fit with all this? I know there is a lot of confusion with that too.
Swaruu: Annunaki is the set of races, any of those in contact with Earth in the past is the Annunaki. Yes, there is a lot of confusion there. All of them have been in contact with the Earth at some point or remain in contact today. For example, there is a story of Yautjas confronting US Navy Seals in Vietnam.
Gosia: How do they perceive the Taygeteans and other races? The Alpha. How do they relate to you and how do you perceive them?
Swaruu: Since way back in time (thousands of linear years) they cooperate and respect the races of the Federation. The relation is cordial and of mutual respect. Many times that of cooperation. In general they are not problematic. But yes, there are still isolated negative Alpha Draco factions. But the positives hold them at a distance and they hunt them down.
Gosia: Something I don´t understand. If those "below", negative ones, perceive them as deities and their kings, why don´t they go to the "positive" side?
Swaruu: In general, not all. And we ask ourselves the same question. There is negative Alpha Draco influence behind it, that´s most probable.
Gosia: The Alpha see themselves as superior to you for being so ancient and advanced?
Swaruu: They don't have this mentality. Maybe the negative ones, but not the ones here.
Gosia: Ok. You said that negative Alpha are behind ... Do you know what they are involved in? What they are doing? What is their agenda?
Swaruu: It is not known for sure; it is only suspected. And if so, not directly, but by remote communication, Portals, and technology. There are no negative Alpha Dracos physically here. Only the positive ones.
The last comment about the Alpha Dracos: They are the most impressive creatures or beings one can meet in space. It is difficult to surpass a lizard three stories tall, that has ships and blows fire. Incendiary saliva. The best specimen of Alpha Draco in the movies: Smog, in the Lord of The Rings. Other very good alternatives: "The Reign of Fire."
Gosia: How is it to talk to someone like this? And do they talk to you using words?
Swaruu: 99% of the times it is by technology. Not face to face. Yes, they talk to you with words, I am telling you that everything rumbles as if it was a mountain itself talking.
Image: Yes, just that it has too many spikes. They are smoother on the head. The spikes are useless but yes, above the eyes like a rattlesnake. And towards the back of the skull as a shield.
Gosia: Do they reincarnate as other species?
Swaruu: All the species reincarnate among themselves. It is a fact of the universe; this is the way it works. Having said that, they are very focused or united. They don't come out much. In general they are very hermetic, which is why I doubt that there are Starseeds here.
Gosia: Hermetic? In what sense?
Swaruu: That they don't come out of their circle of acquaintances and relatives. It goes without saying that even though they are respectful, they are elitists. It's hard not to believe you are better than others being an Alpha Draco!
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Hello Cristina. Hi Estella. Thanks for being here today.
Estel·la: Hello Yazhi Swaruu. Thank you for inviting us, it is an honor for us.
Cristina: Thank you for sharing this space with us. How are you?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Very well, thank you. Very happy to be here with you. Thanks for accepting.
Cristina: We are very happy, too. Thank you.
Estel·la: Yes, we are very excited. You have taught us a lot.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: You are welcome. Quite the contrary.
Cristina: We have studied all your teachings.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Thank you for being receptive as well. In the same way I really liked your videos and how you approach the topics. The completeness of your information. Feel free to ask me anything.
Cristina: You have commented that you are scalar and you can modify your Frequency at your convenience. In what density would you define yourself, 6th, 7th? In all of them? Knowing that there are no densities that everything is a gradient and this is a human definition...
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, that is a human definition. A density is your range of perception. And your range of perception depends on your frame of reference to know how to interpret what you see. Everything is there, only you don't see it, because you don't understand it, so your mind only interprets it as what you already know. Without looking beyond. I use you here in a rhetorical sense.
So the more a person knows, understands and applies to their life, the more frame of reference they will have for understanding and perceiving more. And since a Density is itself characterized by the amount of detail, of data, a higher density sees or understands more data than a lower one. So a density is not something where people live, as it is said on Earth in traditional or New Age spiritual circles. But by definition there is a density for each person-consciousness or soul. And people only perceive apparently the same because they are in a comparable or equivalent range of understanding and perception, that is why they agree of the way things are.
These are the famous agreements, although there are more. But still each person will continue to see things in their own unique way. So a person with an understanding of 5D will be able to comprehend the understanding of 4D and 3D, because it is part of it, but not of 6D because they do not yet understand it. This as a first explanation of how to be scalar.
Estel·la: So in what range of perception do you define yourself in? To have an idea.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: I don’t dare to give myself a density, I cannot assign myself one, I have no form. But I can describe how I do it and it's not that difficult... And the Universe, The Source, is just a Frequency range like an FM radio range where it contains stations that people perceive as reality, although there are other stations playing other music and everything is superimposed, all at the same time sharing the same space, it is just that each person by their perception and Frequency of personal soul will be able to listen to one station and not another.
Cristina: I understand. How 5 includes 4, 3, 2 and 1 but 3 does not include 4 or 5.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Exactly.
Estel·la: You can't you assign yourself one because you are constantly changing?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: It's just that I'm only aware of what I can do, but when I do that, I don't find any traffic sign that says: "You're entering 7th density" For example. I just do what I do, whatever density it is.
Cristina: I understand. How you explained that in the Ether everything is contained, that depends on the Frequency of the observer-consciousness what it can or cannot observe.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, how do I do it?
I have never used this description before. You know that there are lucid dreams. Where with practice you can even manifest things in the dream. To do what you want knowing that you are dreaming. But in my experience and from what empirically I have seen, there is no material world.
Everything is mental, everything is an idea, everything is the astral. Everything is a dream. It is just that what is called reality has a certain linearity or temporal progression. Sleep does not, because it is another density where time is not linear. And the same temporal linearity of the world called material is illusory. Again, only with agreements.
So with practice when sleeping you have lucid dreams. But since reality is also the same... You enter a lucid dream where you are dreaming that you are in reality. With your belongings and the people around you. You enter vigil in sleep. Lucid Dream / Vigil in sleep.
So once there with more practice, what you dream, what you want to introduce into the dream is plated with objective reality. You have hacked the apparent causal or deterministic reality, I enter that trance at will, and with that I change density. It is reflected in the so-called real world.
Being that, for example, Taygetean women will see that suddenly I am no longer there, I have vanished. Because there is no material world. Everything is illusory and maintained with perception agreements.
It's just that I've had a lot of practice.
So, I can wish to be in Erra, in the forest, and there I am. Yes, it's mental, it's a dream.
But reality is also just a dream. From the Ether there is no space, there is no time, there are no distances. Like radio stations, there are all there in the same "space" you just tune in, tune in to what you want. And this is how ships do it too. They modify the Frequency of them and everything inside to the destination’s Frequency. They cease to exist at the place of origin and appear at the destination. No time. Instantly (Only internal ship time is observed but that's another matter. SIT time). This is how a ship enters hyper space. So it is not propulsion.
Therefore, I must mention that for the Ether, in a certain way in the "astral" there is no locality; Principle of non-locality. Everything emanates from there. No need to travel. Just to change your Frequency as needed.
Cristina: Wow fascinating that you have achieved this skill!
Estel·la: Yes, very interesting.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: As I said in the video, it took time and practice, not overnight. But I have other ways of doing it or explaining it. Like taking something external to you and little by little in your mind, making it slower and slower, like the second hand of a clock.
Cristina: So I understand then that, you can perceive or experience the material world, what you called limitation or cage or be in the astral, at your convenience? Although I understand at the same time that everything is astral, that everything is mind...
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, and I do it all the time. Actually, I find it hard to stay in "reality", I need a lot of concentration, because I have a tendency to "go". Even so I have what is perceived as a normal physical body, freckles, fingers, hair...
And what I have realized is that all people are like that, it is just that they feel limited, but it is because they want to, in some way. This is not something unique to me.
Estel·la: Like if you were in the afterlife?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, as in the afterlife.
Estel·la: Yeah, as we are now experiencing to feel the limitation of matter, to not being able to cross it. But you have already broken those rules. And you are in another stage of experimentation. Another node within the Ether, even though we are all the same.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes. But I also see that limitation, as strong as it may seem, is only illusory. What limits is fear. Perception that one is finite. Conservation and fear of death. And that is natural. But it is illusory.
Estel·la: Yes exactly, we create that limitation because we believe in it. It is the only thing that gives it power.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, because you need it, for the experience. And for the contrast that is understood with that experience. The more limitation is perceived, the greater will be to appreciate the opposite.
Estel·la: How would you define having a certain temporal linearity to connect with people like us? How do you know when to connect, considering that there is no time? How do you perceive time now? Is it different from when you were with your colleagues?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes, that's why I can't live with them, I was hurting them. The only way to calculate time for me is by looking at the time on the Internet server, the clock on the bottom right of the computer. That's also why I'm on Earth. So that in some way its Frequency has me within a certain time frame. But I do experience problems over time, calculating it. Many times I disappear for several days and for me they are not so many. Today in the previous hour before I entered with you, I was walking outside. In contact with Earth, as if to land, to stay here.
Estel·la: I imagine if you go to take a walk through the forests of Erra, how can you be aware that it is time to return here? I understand you, it’s complicated.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: With the intention of returning to the same point in your temporal perception of this plane of existence where my body is. So I walk into Erra, and return only minutes after I left. For that it is better if I "park" my body somewhere safe before. As in meditation. But I no longer need meditation to enter that state.
Estel·la: And how do you make sure you return to the same timeline? Knowing that sometimes in the jumps with the ships, that is what happens, you go back to a timeline slightly different...
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Just with my memory, I can't be completely sure. With practice. Leaving markers and returning to see if I am where I left. By the way many of the crop circles are just that, temporary spacecraft markers.
Estel·la: I was just thinking about it!
Cristina: Me too, it came to my mind.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: That’s why they made of plants or on them, because the figures have a finite life. And you can calculate the time since they were made. And they only last days or hours.
Cristina: What types of markers do you leave? Crop circles too?
Estel·la: Or something more personal in your case, right?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: I leave leaf formations under a pebble. Or a drawing made with my finger in the sand. And several, not just one, in case something else accidentally moves the markers.
Estel·la: This reminds me of the spinning top used in the film Inception.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Yes. It is also that, exactly that.
Estel·la: Super, super interesting.
Cristina: It is very interesting, thank you very much for explaining it.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: For example, this would work. To go out and come back before it stops spinning and falls. Or to return before the sea and its tide erases the pattern on the sand.
Cristina: Robert and Gosia have commented that you were on the Earth's surface... Are the 3D frequencies not affecting you now?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: They do not affect me as they would with Taygeteans, they are part of me. The fact that 3D frequencies affect 5D beings is closely linked to their resistance to 3D, mentally. They don't accept it, they reject it, they see it as dangerous. The same with Starseeds that feel bad on Earth. They must accept that they are also human, without resisting that. It will not take away your status as star beings. It is part of the whole.
Estel·la: Well, no wonder... just knowing that you can get "trapped" here, although we go back to that everything is mental and you decide to live that experience.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: They get trapped on Earth, in 3D because they want to, everyone has their own reasons. When it is no longer useful to reincarnate there, they will not. About the astral beings that are there to force people to reincarnate, that is a belief system. It only happens if they want to find it. When they die, they are in the astral, so they manifest there what they expect to see. If they hope to be free, they will be so.
Cristina: I understand, as you said: "The only idea that limits you is your own idea that you are limited."
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Aha, yes.
Estel·la: On what do you base most of your attention? What do you invest your time in?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: In exploring the astral, exploring what I can do with my mind. Learning everything I can about all possible topics. I am an eternal student.
Cristina: Fascinating Yazhí, someday I would also like to be like you, an eternal student and explore the astral.
Estel·la: For sure you already are, Cris.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Start today. Or you already are. It is that inexorable desire to understand everything. That defines soul expansion. That’s it. That eternal curiosity.
Estel·la: Very beautiful.
Cristina: Yeah, we are in practice...
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Always. It never ends.
Cristina: That's the cool thing that never ends. Eternal learning.
Estel·la: And what do you do in the astral? How would you define what you experience in there?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: It is exactly like visiting distant places, exploring. It's like going on a trip. And no, there are no ugly beings that force you to return to the body, that again, you generate it, if you seek it. You control everything from there. It's just a lucid dream. With a lot of practice.
Estel·la: Are you constantly moving, without any routine?
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: If you saw what my routine would be like, observing what I do from the outside, you would see that I do not move further than a few hundred meters. That I am constantly looking into the distance, thoughtful. Or asleep. It is what happens in the mind that makes you fly.
Estel·la: Very interesting Yazhí.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Why am I here today? Why do I bother talking to R&G? Why with the Taygeteanas? Simply because they are family to me. And as for Taygeteanas, R&G... and also you...
Someone told me a long, long time ago... He answered my Question: “What should I do with what I have in my mind?”
He said to me: You must pass it, you must share it. Don't keep that.
So since then, I share it. Whoever it serves. But it's not mine. It belongs to everyone, because this is how we all are. It is only because of the experience, that you have decided to temporarily forget. You are the Original Source, you are the Whole. You are everything.
Cristina: Thank you very much Yashí Swaruu Tasherit, we appreciate you very much.
Estel·la: Yes, I'm sending you back all the love you emanate.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: And I to you.
Cristina: We appreciate very much everything the Taygeta team does, and R&G and everything you have shared with us today.
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit: Thank you.
How do Extraterrestrials Communicate? MUONS and GRAVITY (Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades)
First conversation between Anéeka and Dale:
Dale: I just wanted to flesh out how we avoid using archaic radio transmissions and how we actually communicate. Cosmic rays, or Muons, etc.
Anéeka: Yes, but there is a main trick here. The Lepton Muon Neutrino, (closest human name for the particle, or energy Frequency better said) is only the tool to cause an effect on a field in the ether... and it is the field in the ether what carries the coded transmission. It's like using little pellets you shoot at water to make waves.
The neutrino are the pellets... the wave in the water is what carries the code. And that wave is harmonics of a Frequency. Specific harmonics are mathematically encoded, a computer transmits them and another decodes them. The real media of transmission is not Neutrino. it is gravity.
As we can control gravity, we can also use it to transmit pulses of gravity to any direction of to all directions, like waves in a pond. No neutrino are not going faster than light, they are only causing gravity fluctuations at a micro energy scale. Gravity is scalar and it is a wave in the ether. So it knows no distances. It also does not diminish in power, diffuse over time or over distance.
And as you can play with its embedded Frequency then you can hear it isolated even in the midst of the chaos of multiple gravity Sources.
So you shoot and vibrate neutrino to cause gravity waves... then those will "travel" through ether and reach the receptor where it will again vibrate neutrino so the sensors can pick them up, the "dancing." And decode the message. This allows us to talk real time with people back home, live with no delay at all.
Dale: Oh, OK I understand. And does that in any way use the 3D idea of entangled particles to achieve instantaneous transmission, or is it simply controlling the gravity wave within the ether?
Anéeka: You must entangle the particles first... you can do that and encode them as well. The entanglement also occurs in the side of the ether. But using neutrino is faster, more accurate and simpler to achieve. The trick here for humans is to be able to catch and use, manipulate neutrino, and that is not easy with human technology as it is now.
Dale: For certain.
Anéeka: We catch and manipulate Neutrino using gravity again.
Dale: That is way cool sister, thank you for that expanded explanation.
Anéeka: You are welcome. This is the way 5D advanced interstellar civilizations, communicate with one another. Radio and microwaves are... simply archaic and silly.
Dale: Makes sense to me. Otherwise, you could never communicate. Radio waves indeed Ha pure BS.
Anéeka: Of course I have not gone into further technical aspects of this, but then again I can. No one uses radio any longer. It's all gravity. The problem on Earth is that they do not recognize the ether. So they are limited to the "material" side. And using only the material side you cannot travel faster than light, and you cannot transmit anything faster than light either. Cannot be achieved without gravity manipulation.
And in this case micro gravity manipulation. You have gravity manipulation on a macro scale, with the ship's gravity cancelling engines and artificial gravity for the interiors and so on... but this is micro scale gravity manipulation.
Dale: The gravity wave is ever present in the Ether and so you just tap one end of the wave wherever you are and instantly you reach the other end or place you want to go.
Anéeka: Little coded gravity bursts. If you are listening to the correct Frequency, you can hear the transmission wherever you are. No matter how "far" you may be from the transmitter. This is supra-luminal technology applied on beaming information.
Dale: Like Morse code, but way more sophisticated.
Anéeka: Far more. We could transmit digital codes 1's and 0's. And it would work. But we use a holographic code that encompases mathematical formulas inside not only 1's and 0's. Meaning we transmit everything at once all the codes that can work or are best to convey the information, that's why it is called "holographic" because it includes all codes at once. Now, as you can expect, the Frequency of coded gravity is so high it can contain billions and billions of tera bites a second.
Dale: So you could apply in human terms amplitude or Frequency modulation as well?
Anéeka: I guess you could use those terms. But it would be in a micro scale as the Frequency is very high, so each "modulation" notch you use contains micro segments loaded with billions of terabytes. So it would be wise to use new terms. Besides modulation does sound like radio.
Dale: Yes, it does... but just trying to grasp the extent of the manipulation of the gravity carrier wave.
Anéeka: I can load the entire content of the human internet from this ship to Taygeta and send it in a single information burst. It is that dense, that information packed. It is at a very, very ultra high Frequency of gravity carrier wave... but the strength is very intense.
Dale: WOW! And of course even the human so called quantum computers could not grasp this tech.
Anéeka: Those are a joke. A school experiment, no more. Sorry to bash.
Dale: I understand and agree. But then I would expect that, sister, for 800K years advance.
Anéeka: Now combine this communication encoded gravity using neutrino, with holographic computers using millions of nano particle accelerators. And the neutrino transmitters are also a complex array of particle accelerators. This tech is high even here. The array uses bi-product neutrino bursts.
Do you know BB guns?
Dale: Yes.
Anéeka: Those that shoot 5.56 caliber little plastic pellets?
Dale: Mine shoots lead, but yes.
Anéeka: That is your particle accelerator, then you shoot them at water with specific intervals. Then on the other side of the pond you have a series of "floaters" that decipher the waves and the crests in the water, and send the pattern to a computer to be decoded. The BB's 5.56 cal are the neutrino. They are the ones that cause a disturbance in the ether gravity field. We "shoot" them at the field and they cause an effect. Lepton Muon Neutrino "dance" in and out of the ether. Half in this world, half in the other.
The problem we constantly face here is semantics. We may call things by the same name but we many times mean different things. So Lepton Muon Neutrino is the best term we have to describe this.
Another is Positron, or positronic. It may mean different things for humans and for us as a positron or a proton is very 3D and we are talking about a very high 5D scalar 9D , 8D to 1D array of frequencies, and particles that also behave like a wave and like a particle at the same time.
So light may be a better term, but if we use light storms in stead of positronic storms people, or you will think we are talking about visible light, like blinding everyone, and this is not the case, so I fall short of the correct words here.
A particle cannot be found as a BB 5.56 pellet can, but it is a way to describe this. It is only a particle when it is seen or observed, basic 1909 physics. In all other circunstances it is nothing, but potential energy. So I used BB Gun pellets to describe the encoding of a field, like water, with a mathematically predictable or readable code.
But we can say we shoot energy waves that cause a disturbance in the ether side and that disturbance can be encoded with information to be conveyed and used.
I have the feeling that it is thought to be Neutrino conveying the message. This would be an over simplistic explanation of the entire system. It is based on Neutrino but the real media here is gravity. Muon are a "flavor" of Neutrino. Flavor is a human term in physics. As in a quality or variant of a particle. We must see that Human Technology and Taygetan technology are so different there hardly is anything in common we can even use as crude reference, so it is hard to describe how anything works.
Second conversation with Anéeka and Robert:
Anéeka: 5D ET races are said not to use radio frequencies for their transmissions as they are slow and dangerous. It's true. No one uses that. Encoded Muons in the Lepton Muon Neutrino band are said to be used since they are or exist on the border between material and non-material. As between layers with the astral, sliding from one side to another.
In itself it is not like the radio or microwave frequencies, where the same wave that expands until it reaches a receiver tuned to the correct Frequency and the stereo device translates it into sounds. In itself it is a mistake to think that the Moun or the Neutrino is the one that does the job of "travelling" to the destination to deliver the message.
In reality this technology uses the Muon or Neutrino as a precursor or impeller to create a gravitational pulse and that is what does the job. So the Neutrino causes a coded gravitational impulse, which "travels" to the destination. Coded gravity.
Since gravity is of the very high Frequency, it transcends densities and is beyond time. It uses the principle of nonlocality too. In other words, what the encoded gravity transmits can be detected practically anywhere in the Universe without losing signal strength. There isn´t just one technology that accomplishes this, but several. The first one uses Frequency-controlled particle accelerators to manifest the Neutrino of the correct "flavor". Flavor is the term in Earth Physics to name the types of particles of the high energy class like the Neutrino.
So the particle accelerator emits the Neutrino and the pulse of the emission gives the code to be interpreted as a readable signal. (Simplifying the signals so that they are understood since they are very complex, not like ones and zeros, binary signals.)
The accelerator is subject to a system that controls the frequencies or internal harmonics of the Frequency in order to emit a particle exactly as desired. This is controlled by the computer and works similarly to materializing objects by printing them with the tractor beam. Only small using nano-accelerators of particles the size of a small microchip, about .5 millimeters long although they vary in size.
Confidential coded broadcast between sender and destination.
The accelerator will fire the Neutrino, which in turn, due to the simple fact that it has been formed, causes a small gravitational alteration which is what is actually used. This is because all concentration of energy with or without mass is caused by the presence of localized gravity. This is passed to a very small portal generated by the same device that has a specific Frequency known to both the sender and receiver, and that portal Frequency is confidential.
So the Neutrino coding does not come out of the device and is passed through the portal to wherever the destination is. Creating an undetectable closed circuit.
In the case of broadband emissions or for everyone, flashes of Neutrino are sent, which in turn cause specific gravitational alterations to them, but this time in the lengths of frequencies known as public. They are sent with great energy (that is variable). And it is the alteration of gravity at a specific Frequency that travels and it is detected by the devices on other ships or planets. And if they have the sintonization capacity, they will be able to read the message.
You can also use a portal attached to the Muons generator, to create specific bandwidths and not transmit in all directions creating filters or limited amounts of receivers.
The use of nano-Portals attached to the impellers/impulsors, Neutrino generators, is widely used in ships, because at low energy it can transmit at long distances without the signal being broad-spectrum.
The most complex point of the system is not the portal, which is easy, only imposing a high energy tunnel with Frequency magnetism controlled by computer through which the emission of Muons passes. The most complex point is the Muon generator itself.
It fires a mother particle, white with the same base Frequency, and the accelerator high-energy magnetic impellers/impulsors change their Frequency or "flavor" using the dominant Frequency principle. The use of nano-technology here is consistent with the application or use of polymorphic super materials that self-repair when damaged by high operating temperatures, and of superconducting crystalline gold cables.
Despite the fact that crystalline gold is superconducting at room temperature, the Muons transmission system remains at temperatures well below zero, close to - 273 ° C or absolute zero.
I could expand in any direction if necessary. But I think that's already a video.
Robert: Yes. Many thanks. I have some questions. We are talking about Muons and Neutrinos... what exactly would they be and what is the difference? I think you said something about energy particles.
Anéeka: Neutrino has many flavors, like Muons or Quark. In other words, the Neutrino is more generic than a Muon that has a more specific Frequency.
Robert: Thanks. I understand that creating such a machine is complicated. And this technology... is it on Earth?
Anéeka: Yes, in part, the Russians and the Americans have it. Partly because as in everything there are various degrees of development of refinement of this technology, and variants.
Robert: And who has passed this knowledge on to them?
Anéeka: I don't understand.
Robert: Where did they get this knowledge from? Retro engineering of ships or ET races?
Anéeka: It is very difficult for them to go beyond the simple decryption of materials.
Robert: So, the Russians and the USA know that SETI is a fraud or the cover for something?
Anéeka: Yes. It is to make it look like they are doing something to detect Extraterrestrials.
Robert: And what can be SETI hiding? Money diversion?
Anéeka: Not even that, SETI is very poor. It's pathetic. SETI is probably the most pathetic program I've ever seen. Let's see. Who uses radio when you have coded gravity? They are not Neutrinos, that is used to cause the gravity that does the work.
Robert: And the Russians and the USA listen to the ET's?
Anéeka: Yes, that´s how they talk to them.
Robert: But they don't understand, I imagine, what they hear?
Anéeka: Yes, they understand because the Extraterrestrials speak English and Russian well.
Robert: Wow. How exciting. Right now I am one of the few humans who talks to an ET.
Anéeka: I think if you sat on the bus everyone who speaks directly to Extraterrestrials, there would still be empty seats.
Have you ever wondered how the pyramids of Egypt were built? How is it possible that when humanity was in the Bronze Age, without any technology, such monuments were built? How were they able to handle blocks of stone so large that some weigh almost 60 tons and also transport them over a long distance? How could they build something that our current science and technology has shown that it is unable to reproduce in the same way? And why were great pyramids built around the world? Why civilizations that had no contact with each other, according to our history, built the same? How is it possible that other ancient monuments, such as the Ayu Marca gate or better known as the gate of the gods in Peru, or also the Tihuanaco gate in Bolivia, present cuts of the stone so perfect that only a laser cut would have been able to do?
And who are those beings some represented of a great size in Stone or ancient paintings? Some with a human appearance, but others with a feline, reptilian or even blue-colored? And what are those strange objects that they carry? Objects that don’t seem to be very in tune with the time they were represented. Even what they appear to be… flying artifacts? How could the Mayas have represented what looked like airplanes or spaceships on objects of gold and stone? Why do many ancient cultures like the Dogon people in Mali or the Hopi Indians in North America talk about beings who came from the stars and shared their knowledge with them? Who were they? Gods?
Cristina: Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. Our history is quite curious, don’t you think? If you have studied ancient history, you will have already realized that something is wrong... that some pieces do not fit... What has happened to our history? Where are the missing pieces?
Before starting, I need to remind you of something, and what I will explain next is just a layer of history, let's say this is the kindergarten version of Earth’s history. Because in reality it is way more complex.
As some of you already know, time is not a line, since past, present and future are happening simultaneously. For us someone who is living now in the year 1300 is living in the past but for that same person we are their future.
So past, present or future is only the perception of the observer but does not exist as such. In addition, there are many timelines, as many timelines as possible events. Since in the universe, in the ether everything is contained, all the existing possibilities already exist. In other words, history changes according to the timeline of whoever observes it. In addition, there are different existential densities, because the universe is formed by a gradient of frequencies, so as you see, more knowledge adds more complexity.
Cristina: It is necessary to understand this and not just keep the superficial part. I just wanted to make this point. Now! To understand the history of Earth it is necessary that we go back many thousands of years ago, exactly more than 1 million linear years of Earth. Do the Orion Wars or the Million-year Wars sound familiar to you? These are very old wars that occurred in our galaxy and are still present today. So let's start!
Approximately 1 million Earth years ago, a reptilian invading force attacked the Vega area, the planets Avalon and Lyra. The civilization that inhabited these planets were Lyrians, they were very peaceful and didn’t have how to defend themselves. So those who survived fled in small groups and spread throughout this sector of the galaxy. At that time, countless worlds were sown by humans. This is known as the Great Expansion of Lyra.
The invading force was coordinated by the Orion Council. It had been created by Alpha Draconis or also known as the Supreme Reptiles. The council was an alliance of races mainly of the sauroid type.
Reptiles continued to hunt the species down to near the brink of extinction, leaving the population of some planets as low as just 5 inhabitants, terrified and hidden in a cave. Many civilizations were then exterminated. So many races began to unite to face the reptilian invasion. And out of the need to survive, approximately 900,000 Earth years ago the Federation of United Planets was born. Emerging as the need to cooperate and form an alliance to protect each other.
About 40,000 years ago now, during that intense battle, a small group of Lyrians sought refuge on the outskirts of the galaxy. They found a remote solar system, where many call it deep space. A very peculiar solar system with 13 planets orbiting, rare in the galaxy. Some of these planets were already inhabited by other species, primitive civilizations in a state of development. They settled in them and for many years they coexisted in peace with each other. One of those planets was EARTH.
Cristina: Right now the Federation of United Planets is made up of nearly half a million races and civilizations and more than 1 million planets. Remember that the term of Federation is only using a human context, it doesn’t mean is exactly a Federation. There are also other positive alliances today, such as the Sphere Alliance, among others.
The Federation splits our galaxy into quadrants. They call our solar system: Sun 13th and our planet: Earth 3. Know that there are more than 400,000 civilizations in this quadrant of the galaxy alone that, as Swaruú said: with a shirt and jeans, would pass perfectly as humans.
In the Universe there are different bases of humanomorphic races, the human would be within the Lyrian base such as Taygetean, Engan, Antarian, Ummita among many others. They all look very alike humans. Because we all have the same origin, we are all Lyrians. But there are also other bases such as insectoid like Mantis, sauroid or Reptile like Kingu, feline like Urmah, amphibian like Sirians or Dieslientiplex, and even canine base or elephantidae among many others.
Cristina: The origin of life is neither creationism nor evolution, the origin of life is sown in the universe. The different races explore and travel to other worlds taking with them their culture, their customs, their art and society and of course their knowledge. There are even races like the P’nti or also called the gardeners who sow biology in the universe. And here I finish this first video that will be a series of 6 videos. I hope you found it of interest. Thanks for watching and listening. See you in the next video.
Emotions: What Are They? (Yazhi Swaruu - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
Emotions, what are they? Leaving aside bodily reactions and psychological triggers and hormones and all that.
Everything that has a soul has emotions because it is what characterizes that, a soul, even if one wants to suppress them in favor of logic. But it doesn't have to be one thing or the other.
When you are the whole, when you are at the Source, you are aligned with the whole, and as everything is at the same time, simultaneously, you do not really need emotions. So what are they? They come out or express themselves from lower densities with more strength, at least apparently.
When you are at the Source, you are aligned with the whole. And when you are or have the illusion of being someone else, someone, a person in a low density, (in all but it is expressed more clearly in low densities), you create two points of attention. The Source, the whole, and the person. With an illusion of separation (You can never be separated because you are one and the same, person as the original Source. One does not go to the Source after dying. Only the illusion of separation is over.)
So you have the Source, the whole << <----> >> Person: 2 points of attention. This in the perception of a soul-person.
A positive emotion of love, integration, happiness is an indicator that the person is integrating that which causes that emotion. Integrating as in love. Movement towards the Source, re-unification with the Source, the disolution of the illusion of separation. That´s why it is a positive feeling. High Frequency ---> because it moves or makes the soul - person feel like integrating with the Source.
But if you have a negative emotion the opposite happens, you feel a separation from the Source. That´s why it hurts to leave behind a relationship or feel a rejection. Because you want that something that symbolizes more of the Source for that soul, for your soul, but that which you love so much rejects you, and it is as if the Source itself rejects you creating a strong emotion of disintegration, de-unification and alienation with the Source.
This as a stronger example, the rejection of a partner. Followed perhaps with the rejection of a son or daughter I suppose (it is a matter of values, I only generalize.) But in itself everything is either separation from the Source or integration with the Source with degrees stronger or less strong than others depending on the scale of values of the person.
So losing a small coin with almost no value is annoying (separation from the Source) but it is not much, it means nothing, or little for a person, so it is quickly overcome but the feeling of separation is present. This using examples of physical things, of separation people or objects.
But it also can be transferred to ideas. An idea can be good or bad, separate or integrate and can cause a feeling of integration, feeling of joy, or feeling of estrangement, separation or sadness.
I do not want to go into describing each emotion because it is not necessary and the interpretation varies from person to person, but I do want to mention that anger and irritation is caused by the idea or the concept of impotence of not being able to modify or alter the course of what happens and what you don't want to happen.
So, with the description above I can say and it will be easily understood that a positive emotion is a guide or compass towards what we should do, what is correct. So if we don't like something it's wrong, and if we like something it's right.
This, from a higher existential plane or higher density point of view is quite correct.
But this is not necessarily the case from a low plane such as 3D or 5D. And it is very dangerous to take it that way without knowing what is behind it. The problem is that there is no objective reality apart from each person's consciousness. There are no universal values even within a single plane like 3D or 5D alike.
What is Reality? It is a personal interpretation based on previous experiences, on perceptions that differ from person to person. So reality is not something objective and fixed but varies with personal interpretation.
So if we enter a soup of shared awarenesses of personal realities particular to each person-soul that at first sight are similar but never the same, things or reality is not predictable nor is what is good or bad, but it becomes a reflection because it is subject to the influence and perception of the whole society and the influence it has on the individual.
In other words, an individual may have a strong rejection to something that in the end may be good for him, or he may desire something that is very harmful to him. An example of this is wanting a particular partner that both parents and friends insist not to be a good idea and only to bring problems. Or a drug addict wanting his daily dose. (Although it is induced by a chemical dependency, even the relief of having the dose or being able to take subsequent doses of it causes a feeling of happiness in the person). Countless examples.
So knowing that a positive emotion is a guide towards integration and a negative towards what we do not want ... We must always keep in mind that it depends on the lens or the point of view with which we look at the problem, thing or situation that provokes it.
So something negative, if we start to observe it, becomes something positive by changing our perception about it and with this our interpretation and this leads to a change in the emotional reaction we have towards that. It is here where we can understand that we can apply logic to analyze emotional situations.
Every time we have a negative emotional reaction (it can also be positive) we can stop to wonder why exactly we feel bad about that particular situation. So we can put to use our logical mind in the situation, not discrediting the emotion but understanding it. Knowing that this emotion is only caused by the concepts that we have associated with it. Our interpretation of reality.
¨There is nothing either good or bad. Thinking makes it so¨
William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
Robert: Thanks Yazhi. The Andromedans, having no emotions, would be below you, who have emotions?
Yazhi: Every being with soul has emotions, even the Andromedans and other races. Just that in comparison with an emotional race they have less "range" of emotions, that is, they have some emotions but others not or are minimized.
In itself, just by living in 3D in that density, there is a lot of separation from the original Source, which naturally triggers the fact that humans are a highly emotional race. However the Taygeteans are, or it can be argued that are closer to the Source, and still have an emotional range just like that of humans, some even maintain that they have more than humans.
This is because in 5D there are still serious problems, but if you live comfortably on a planet in peace... you tend not to have as many emotions as fear and despair, because nothing triggers them, but it's not that they are not there. But Taygeteans yes, they face serious problems, so when that happens the emotion is triggered and very strongly, because they are not used to having to react with extreme sadness, anger-despair, and fear. This may explain why they have perhaps even stronger emotions than humans.
Gosia: I have the following question. You said that positive emotion is the indication that you are on the right track etc, but also that sometimes that depends on our interpretation or perception of something. By changing the interpretation, the emotion changes. So in this case... it seems that emotions are a result of our perception, and not that they always indicate that we are on the right track or not, because by changing the interpretation of this or that situation, they, the emotions, would change. So how do you know if emotion is really the compass? Or maybe there is something in our interpretation that "needs" adjusting?
Yazhi: Emotional control automatically goes hand in hand with the ascension of a person, with progress towards higher densities, and, as I have explained in detail before, a density is being able to understand a greater amount of data, process it. Not having more data like a pen drive or a hard disk would, but what a soul does with that data, with that knowledge. Integrating them into your being...
So with more data, more understanding, more awareness, and with that, the perception and interpretation of events that trigger an emotional reaction automatically changes. In other words, the higher your existential perception and density, the more explanations you will have for the why of things. And with this it will change your reactions. Because they carry or represent a different value for you now.
You can see it in me, as an example. What bothered me as Swaruu before, does not affect me.
The higher your density the more things you can perceive and understand, you apply them to yourself, you integrate them to you, that is why it is more integration, more love, closer to the original Source, but you also understand the negative in the same way and it doesn´t cause reactions like anger. Anger as an example is a reaction to helplessness or inability to resolve things which triggers the emotion.
So, you automatically absorb what was previously negative, both for you and for your community. You transmute it, you dissolve it, you grow above the negative. You integrate it, you have no resistance to it, it is only used as another tool to understand reality. To have a contrast for example.
So you must mentalize emotions and to mentalize and understand them, what do you need? More data, integrate and understand more things. And this leads to a higher density where you dissolve negative emotions just because you no longer need them, but it is not that they are not there, you dominate them but they are not repressed. You should never, ever suppress emotions, but face them without resistance to them, and those negative emotions will dissolve alone.
To understand why they get triggered is to dissolve them. The same with the positive ones, as you said above, not because something feels good it necessarily is. But still the emotion itself is the desire of your soul to achieve unity with the Source through integration, so yes, it is a compass towards the Source.
But in that direction you have to see what's on that way. Not because the compass indicates where you have to go does it mean that you must walk in a straight line in that direction. You have to see what is on your way in that direction, things that you do not want or suit you. The compass shows you the right direction, your positive emotions. But sometimes when walking in that direction you must be careful of precipices, walls, swamps that you must go around to be able to follow what your emotion indicates.
Gosia: Thanks. I get it. And yes, that's what I mean, what you said above, that by expanding, you integrate some negative emotions and they no longer affect you. But in this case, you lose the compass a little, right? Because your emotions don't tell you much anymore. I mean: you may be in the "negative" situation for yourself but you don't feel anything negative about it anymore. In this case, how are you going to know what "negative path" really is for you?
Yazhi: As long as you are alive in whatever density it is, you will feel positive or negative emotions. Even though it is relative, let's say that you will feel joy and love or you will feel sadness and fear in one or another intensity. Or you just won't react like before. But you will feel something because that characterizes souls who have a feeling of apparent separation from the Source.
Logic is not necessarily the right path. It all turns cold senseless. So the Federation could be operating from a logical point of what is convenient or not, without taking into account what the feelings and emotions of humans indicate, the ones who have to live the process. They do not use or do not understand how other races use emotions, because they themselves operate from a rational-logical point of view, they lose the compass and become a sterile society without purpose. So it's not just about emotion as something empty without meaning and demonized by many. This is just ignorance about what the emotions are.
They want to suppress them, the emotions, because they give problems according to them. But they give problems to who? Emotions do not give problems, they are only indicators. And the solution to emotions especially those that someone doesn't want is more understanding, more information, more awareness.
If someone feels sad, for example, what I suggest is that they accept that they feel sad for whatever reason.
Most of the time, if not all, accepting that, giving yourself space to feel that sadness and not fight it, will transmute it. Because what you resist persists. Do not resist it, accept it as part of yourself, and it will transmute itself. Everyone is programmed to feel that they should always be happy, that it is WRONG to have a negative emotion, that it is wrong to feel sad. There are even drugs for depression. But it is not wrong to feel how one feels. You have to sit down to accept it, to analyze what is happening.
Yazhi´s text as provided by Nai´Shara
We are all Scalar Beings, that is precisely what defines us. From the old saying that people are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Always looking up at mental planes from below... up and down again relative and it is only to describe my point, with limited words.
Even religious people. I respect them. They have no other choice. They are just looking for answers. What am I? What am I doing here?: Connecting with the divine. They seek that, the connection with the divine, Divine, another word to name the original Source or what brings you closer to the original Source, to Integration.
They pray to their Jesus, to their little virgin, to their little saints, to their Allah... They only want Integration, Love, Acceptance, Peace. And all of that is true for them. THEIR truth. THEIR creation. We are no one to say that they are "wrong" because it would only be from another point of view.
And if meanwhile they attack or discredit those who are not like them? Well then they will have to understand with hard teachings and experiences that only they can have for themselves, that this is not the way that is convenient for them.
Anything goes yes. Everything is part of the experience and learning, yes. But what is true is that: Although everything goes, not everything is convenient for you and why is it not so?: Because you have Emotions, because you are a soul. And what you are looking for is integration, love. And not everything that is worth doing for the experience of it causes you the feeling you want.
You cannot be a non-emotional being without having a separation from the Source, no matter how logical you are. That component will always be missing. Logic helps you get closer to the Source. Using it to discard what is not convenient. But you will only get to a certain level before encountering a big impasse, making Source and integration unattainable without that missing component that only emotions give you. And its primary engine: Love.
And this is precisely what happens to "positive" but excessively logical races, such as the Andromedan and the Arcturian. They have reached that impasse which makes it impossible for them to understand humans. And what causes that impasse ?: They are only trying to guide from Logic. They cannot understand because for thousands of generations the Emotional has been suppressed in favor of the Logical. And they don't understand why humans make irrational decisions. And it is only because their framework of proceeding obeys other rules, not logic.
For example, having to sell one of two things and even though it is logical to sell one and not the other, a human chooses to sell what is not convenient to him, just because he has an emotional attachment to the other. Andromedans are a very incorrect race to be mentors to humanity. This task corresponds to other ones, more adapted for this work, such as Taygetean, Engan or Solatian.
Extraterrestrial Races: ARCTURIANS (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Gosia: Ok! Leaving those Lurkers and insectoid races behind, what could you tell us about the Arcturians?
Swaruu: Branches of the so-called Arcturians. There are 3 big related species: DIESLENTIPLEX, the DEVONIANS and the KORENDIANS. Space area, region of Bootes. Full of swamps. Total area, countless planets. They are three species, very ancient and non-Lyrian. They are more similar to the branches of the Andromedans and to the Celeano (subspecies of Andromedans).
High amphibian DNA content, very advanced spiritually and technologically. They are said to be among the most advanced technologically and spiritually of the Galaxy. They are known as grand builders with extraordinary ingenuity for artifacts. Many very good ship building there, dry docks placed there. They trade them for other technology or material like raw ore. Lots of freighter ships going and coming out of that region.
See it as "Space Detroit". It is called Void region because it is said to be a place where there are nearly no stars compared to other places. Humans are looking at the Void like or as if it had nothing there, when it only has a lesser star density. Less stars.
Appearance: short, rarely exceed 150cm with an average of 130 and 140cm of height. Large heads disproportionate to body size. Large almond shaped eyes and large mouth. However, very beautiful aesthetically speaking. Skin of various colors, from brown to purple with brown or red spots.
There are no males or females, they are all one sex. Their reproduction is asexual, and they make fun of species like the Taygetean and the Human one for reproducing in such a strange and awkward, apparatus-focused form.
Gosia: Ha! And how do they reproduce then?
Swaruu: They auto clone, but not by parthenogenesis like us. In the belly they have a bag comparable to that of the Marsupials. When an individual is already old or very physically damaged, it begins to form another being in that bag. That being is a clone identical to the progenerator. When it reaches enough size and maturity, it leaves the bag as a small kangaroo would.
Gosia: Someone told me they are very musical, right?
Swaruu: Yes! They are highly creative in all aspects, that includes art, music and engineering.
Gosia: And you know them well?
Swaruu: Yes. Very well. Returning to their reproduction, the progenetor's awareness passes to that of the small creature or baby, it's the same person. When the maturation process ends, even though it is still very small, the baby Dieslentiplex, Devonian or Korendian, will leave the old adult body and only inhabit the little one, leaving the larger body to die for lack of consciousness attention.
The little one is totally capable of surviving and taking care of itself. They are born 100% independent. They continue their life where they have left off with the previous body. This species just goes on self-cloning without returning to the Source to reincarnate. It just renews itself automatically. Only reincarnating if it dies by accident or something similar.
Gosia: But then, they never ¨ascend¨?
Swaruu: They will tell you that they are already ascended.
Gosia: Ascended but in 5D? Do they not go further?
Swaruu: They do not think that having a 5D material body is an impediment to being fully ascended and advanced in all senses. They see it as complementary, not as one thing or the other. The body is not something to transcend, it is something to include in the whole. I not only agree with this, I intend to share it. They are beyond but their bodies are 5D. But in the end that does not make them different from any other species, because we are all in all densities.
Gosia: Then obviously they have no veil of forgetfulness and would be able to remember almost all their lives being the same being as before, right?
Swaruu: That's right! They are 100% aware of everything. We, for example, remember who we have been in previous incarnations, but they are still different incarnations. The Dieslentiplex, Korendians, Devonians only see it as their own life, an eternal line from a remote past being the same being with total memory of that. Progression and direct accumulation of memory and knowledge. They forget whatever they decide to forget. They do not die per se. They are constantly renewed just as a nail that keeps growing.
Gosia: Woow! And linearly speaking, how old are they? Is it possible to look at it like this or are they simply eternal and remember everything from always?
Swaruu: Once again, age sharing is only a reference for understanding. Here and with them, time is not a factor, they just are.
Gosia: Then there is always the same number of individuals... there are no new ones generated?
Swaruu: Yes, new ones are generated because some have multiple descendants. And yes, those are the same person as the original, and in fact, all the Dieslentiplex, Korendians, Devonians, are highly connected Telepathically.
It can be interpreted that they are the same collective individual. Not that they have hive mind, it is not like that. Each one is different, with their own personality and it is even known that they can argue with each other, as they are mostly logical, but can be highly temperamental.
Gosia: And why have they programmed themselves to self-renew this way and not just stay in the same body and never die?
Swaruu: Because by their own ideas as a species it is what they have decided, to have a finite phase.
Gosia: Interesting! And that idea about not needing to transcend the 5D body, but you yourself you do want to go to 7D no? Beyond the physical body? I believe that I also want that at some point.
Swaruu: I'm already there, my 5D body is just a reflection of what I am above, a means to interact with the 5D, a vehicle.
Gosia: I understand! Then they are also beyond 5D.. they are multi D... it´s just that they continue with their 5D vehicles.
Swaruu: That's right!
Gosia: And do they wear any kinds of clothes?
Swaruu: Yes! They like all kinds of long one-pieces, ultra ornamented with gold and silver spirals, usually dark metallic red, violet and blue.
Gosia: Swaruu look at this please, Arcturian codes supposedly. Do you know about this? Is it authentic? I love it whether it's real or not. It's channeled by Janosh.
Swaruu: Yes! It looks true, those look very much like theirs. They look genuine. The Arcturian races are of very complex and complicated thinking. You can see that there, and clearly. Also the Arcturians are the races that make the most crop circles.
Gosia: And what do you see there Swaruu? In these images?
Swaruu: What do I see in the images? I see countless things, I see people, I see energy signals from people, as individual seals of dynamic energy. I also see objects and energy flow being vital energy of Chi or electromagnetic and gravitational energy. All obey the advanced fractal geometry patterns.
Gosia: And how do they affect people who are looking at them? I have these cards at home.
Swaruu: When a person sees something that reminds them, or makes them associate it with personal things, this activates their memory. Awakening the person and his consciousness, and with that activating his DNA that is a consequence of the activation of consciousness and not the other way around. Consciousness always comes first and never as a consequence of DNA.
Gosia: Look at this type with circles. They are my favorites!
Swaruu: 3,6, 9. The mathematical fractal connections in that image are very on the Ether side. Base 12.
Gosia: And what does this image want to transmit?
Swaruu: It's the interaction between those numbers but with a geometric interpretation. It reflects something in your very ancient memory. Only you can know. Trust what you know and feel. In this card it is even clearer 3,6,9 -- 12. Geometry indicating the structure of the Ether using fractal images.
Gosia: Mm! My memory is not being activated on the conscious level, but I like to look at them. Meanwhile, something else to say about Arcturians?
Swaruu: How do you know that nothing gets activated?
Gosia: Well surely yes! But not conscious memories. No specific memories come to me, only deep sensations.
Swaruu: Even so, they are there.
Gosia: And what is the relationship between the Taygeteans and the Arcturians?
Swaruu: Arcturians and Taygeta, relationship of mutual cooperation, very friendly.
Gosia: Look at this image Swaruu, these are Arcturians?
Swaruu: The heads are more or less right, but the bodies are too long. Those look more like Andromeda bodies and have breasts. They are female Andromedans with elongated heads. Arcturians are shorter compact...
Aha! Yes, here the body is more similar, but with heads looking too much like a human baby.
Gosia: And Arcturians, how many Starseeds do they have on Earth, you know? Do they have immersion programs too?
Swaruu: Many Starseeds. How many exactly, I do not know, but many more than Taygeta. And yes, they also enter by immersion. Many spiritual teachers of the New Age are Arcturians.
Gosia: And their perspective on the ascension and everything, is close to yours? Are you both working in harmony?
Swaruu: Yes. It is closer to my perspective, not so much of the Federation's. I have a tendency to agree more with the Arcturians, although not in everything.
Gosia: Are they part of the Federation?
Swaruu: Yes. They are part of the Federation and are co-founders of the Andromeda Council as well and are members of the Sphere Council.
Gosia: And they are also here since 1952 more officially?
Swaruu: More from '47.
Gosia: And how is their concept of love? If they do not have gender, how do they love each other? Families? They don´t have then the concept of romantic love?
Swaruu: No. They do not have that concept of romantic love, but they understand it because they study other races (and they make fun). They do not have couples, they move as a whole but without hive mind.
Gosia: So they are cold and distant? Do they have any concept of love that is not romantic?
Swaruu: Yes, they have the concept of love but it is different, not as romantic love of a couple, rather as love in totality.
Gosia: Ok! I understand. And they can incarnate in other races, I imagine? If they get bored. To experience how romantic love is for example? Or do they never come out of their race?
Swaruu: Yes they do. They incarnate in other races, as is to be expected since everyone does so at one time or another.
Gosia: Thanks Swaruu, I have loved all this information about Arcturians. The next one will be Alpha Draconians.
Swaruu: Very good Gosia. There is a lot to say about Alpha Dracos. Thank you and see you next time!
Starseeds: Search for Stellar Identity and Roots (Extraterrestrial Communication - Yazhi Swaruu)
Gosia: People often ask: I don't remember who I am. What can we tell them?
Yazhí: You must take responsibility. Who you think and feel you are is who you are. You do not need someone to come and tell you who you are, to confirm anything for you. Who you are is something you must develop for yourself.
You don't need to remember it, just to know it. And from there proceed. What you feel, what you imagine, what you create in your mind and in your heart, is.
And it is because this is how everything works. Imagination is everything. Not empty fantasy. Creation of universes.
Wanting to remember is natural, but it is not necessary. That is one of the self-imposed tests of being on Earth. You feel like you need to know who you are based on what you were. Without seeing that everything that once was you, is what shapes you today. So you already carry it within you, it is part of you, always. You do not need memories, however interesting they might seem for you. Because it is external corroboration to yourself, giving up your power. To think that perhaps it is not so, that you are only a sack of meat with rickety consciousness generated by chemicals in a biological brain. With causal and deterministic life. And not an original, immortal being capable of everything.
Your memories will come to you when the time comes, or not. But you should know that they don't matter. What you imagine today is what you will be, your creation, your future. It is never empty imagination. It is where you are going. There is no fantasy and reality. That´s limiting concepts of low densities, imposed with the purpose to control. Fantasy and reality is the same, just that one you are living, the other creates what will be lived.
Gosia: How can one free oneself from the sadness of a lifetime?
Yazhí: Releasing Karma. Karma is released in many ways. The main one is with knowledge. Leave karma behind. Karma is something you decide to carry, not something imposed on you. You can simply decide not to carry it. But you must understand that at some level you have decided to carry it or else you would not have it. You must then understand why you have decided to carry that.
More often than not, it is because of experience, because of the spiritual advancement that it can give you. But it must have an end. Not remaining in the same cyclically. Not remaining in the wheel of samsara forever. It is part of the Matrix game. Everything is duality. To leave karma behind you must understand that everything is a whole, there are no contrasts, everything is unified. There is no one-sided mountain, they are both mountain. (Alan Watts). Stop fighting the idea that something is "bad" because they are all views based on prejudice. Full integration. Be holographic.
There is no such thing as intrinsically "wrong" because everything is experience and the best teachings and the best advancement comes mainly from the hardest experiences. Of the ones we call erroneous. We had those experiences for what they would leave us. They are only experiences, you do not have to carry blame, much less incarnation after incarnation. You carry it because you want so.
Gosia: Someone said to me recently: ¨I have been feeling really dense. It´s hard to be here.¨
Yazhí: If someone is of a high Frequency, Earth is a difficult place to be in, and if the Frequency of the planet drops even more because of all the negativity that is going on, just about everywhere, then the Frequency mismatch gets a lot worse, making the Starseeds feel even more uncomfortable. But it is also due to normal things, like the realization that they have been living in a lie. That all they were told is false.
Gosia: The same person said to me: ¨How to counter this denseness? I need an elevation, because I do miss home...¨
Yazhí: You must first come to understand why you feel that way. Then you must understand that you cannot get rid of it, of how you feel because that is who you are. And you have that feeling because you have resistance to that density, 3D. As you remember another where you felt a lot better, more at home. So one of the keys is Relieving Resistance.
Gosia: So, "suck it up" and carry on?
Yazhí: Accepting Earth is NOT your place, see yourself as you feel best. As on a mission there. Hiding as a human, being stellar. Make yourself a little bubble where you can be yourself, a little corner of your own density to hide in and recharge.
Don't resist 3D. It is quite shitty! It has always been shitty! It's meant to be shitty! You want to force change it, welcome to the team. But in general you / we cannot. So helping is a choice, not an "obligation". So you don't need to feel like you are not fulfilling some important mission you have forgotten. You are the mission.
So helping... is a choice. Why? Not because it was imposed on you! But because it is who you are. We help because that is who we are. Say good morning to the ranty old man that lives close to you, do not expect him to reply. Say good morning, because that is you. Whatever he does is his problem, not yours. Don't change to fit in! You never will, accept that!
Gosia: I know. But sometimes it feels like its not enough. JUST to be here.
Yazhí: Again, that is 3D. Release resistance to it. The illusion of being alone, astray, lost. All you need is to know that you must follow what you love best. What you enjoy the most doing. And your mission will reveal itself. Existence alone is doing something extremely important. You are a star being, that has been everywhere. Learned from everywhere. Born free and from Source, forever free.
Robert: Thanks Yazhí. This conversation has motivated me. To connect more to higher planes. I know that I can. Perhaps I can also help planetary elevation. I'm sure of it. I just don't get to work too much. I have to roll up my sleeves.
Yazhí: You don't need to connect to higher planes, that promotes the idea or concept of separation, of higher planes on one side and Robert on the other, far away, trying to call home. You are those higher planes, you form it. You can't escape them. Your ideas of here and there, of me 'here' and of higher planes there, is what does not allow you to 'connect' to them.
Only know. What you think, what you feel, what you imagine, are the higher planes, you are one with them.
Robert: I know... What I want to say is that I want to integrate from this level to the highest levels because I see myself in some way separate... I know that I am not separate but I perceive myself so... When I know that I really am not.
How for example visualize a better world? Try to influence from higher planes "main" characters here on Earth?
Yazhí: You must forget that you have limitations. I know that in some way you feel separate because mentally you are working from a position within a body.
And it is not only to visualize a better world, but to live it despite the fact that everything around you burns. Be that. Forget about the body. Do not try to be in higher planes with the body, because it is there, and it is designed to create in you the feeling of limitation.
All mentally, living your imagination / visualization within you, even if it seems to create a separation between mind and body, it is not. Live this way in your mind, and the body will follow. Live in the body and it will continue to limit you.
It is like living your inner world, with your happy imaginary worlds, even if you are in a garbage around your body. You go as in ... Ah ... if that is garbage, thanks to that I know what is not garbage and that's why I imagine and live internally everything I imagine. Accept where your body is as another aspect of yourself. Have no resistance to that. To where you are. It is only one more plane of many in which you live.
Robert: What would be the border of the "Real" world with the so-called "Unreal". Is there a border?
Yazhí: Everything is real, and everything is unreal. They are only points of view based on frames of reference governed by belief systems, most of the time, very limiting. The only thing truly real is what you imagine it to be, because it is a reflection of who you are. And you, your consciousness, your knowledge that you exist, is the only thing that´s real.
Extraterrestrial Contact: Anéeka of Temmer: Mix of Conversations (Taygeta - Pleiades)
22 MAY:
Gosia: Aneeka, before you were saying that you were going to leave too, like some other races that have left. When are you going to leave?
Anéeka: We don't have a date, but Alcyone's council has already told Alenym that this ship is now backed by them, as their eyes and ears to see what the rest of the Federation does. We still have work here.
Gosia: Another thing. In your interview that we recently uploaded, you said: "I came here to see the Ascension from the orbit." But now we understand that it is not really known what the Federation wants for humans. So ... when you came here to orbit, what exactly was the mission? What did they tell you?
Anéeka: I thought I would see an ascension. But now I understand that it was propaganda from the Federation.
Gosia: But where did this idea of ascension come from? So they make propaganda within their own races that belong to Federation? For what?
Anéeka: Yes, we were told that. And many races still believe it. We believed it too. Until Yazhí told us everything.
Gosia: But for what purpose do they say this?
Anéeka: So we can be here helping them. How? There are many things that each ship does or did. Waking up Starseeds. But... waking up to what exactly? I really don't know at this point. But obviously it is something that suits the Federation for its agenda. That we awaken people to the reality of ET presence. It is the question for Yazhi.
Gosia: But how does the topic of the Galactic energy that makes everything go up in Frequency fit in here?
Anéeka: The fact that the center of the Galaxy is emitting waves is something that has always been, but it is true that these days it is especially strong as we have seen and felt from here.
Gosia: And reactors on the Moon failing?
Anéeka: They are, but as Yazhí explains, that is inconsequential now. She says it has nothing to do with reactors anymore. That 3D depends only on the perception of people on Earth. Within that place, 3D Earth, the dominant perception Frequency is that of ordinary humans. What the Federation wants is to modify the perception of humans to what is convenient for them. It is pretty obvious to me that if they control everything, then they will move things to what they think is best.
Gosia: One more thing Aneeka. From your perspective. Not Yazhi Swaruu, what is "liberation" now? How do you understand it?
Anéeka: The Federation races working here now, yes they believe in a "liberation" and talk among themselves like that. This ship is no longer of the same opinion as before. We no longer see any liberation. We only see that they are changing the dynamics of existence on Earth, that's all.
Gosia: Exactly. So why do they talk like this among them, about liberation?
Anéeka: Because it is useful to manipulate themselves among themselves, perhaps. Or because liberation or by liberation they mean taking the Satanists out of control. Manifested by humans. That´s why the "war".
Gosia: Maybe because it is compartmentalized and some of them really think they are contributing to the liberation? I'm talking about ETs.
Anéeka: Yes, many do believe that there is liberation. But I am sure it is because what they mean by that is to get the Illuminati Satanists out. Free the Earth from those, not from the Federation's influence and control over Earth.
Gosia: And who is New World Order? Satanists or the other side?
Anéeka: From what I understand, the NWO is a version that means one Government, one Religion and one Currency. And it can be seen as negative if it is under the control of the Satanists or something positive if it is under the control of the Federation. That is, in both cases there is "NWO". For the Federation, and because they say it all the time, the solution to the problems of the Earth is to implement the NWO (One Government, One Religion and One Currency.) Because this way the human "clans" do not fight one another.
Gosia: But NOT under Satanists, yes?
Anéeka: Not under Satanists who want NWO alike. But NWO under Federation. We must also remember that from here 5D, the Federation does not tell us everything, it filters information. And there is a lot of politics too.
Gosia: But you as a Federation, don't you have the right to all the information, free? By right?
Anéeka: Yes, by right, that's why Alenym is so angry. And she even moved it the Council of Alcyone.
Gosia: And who supervises them? The Federation? Apart from the etheric Federation?
Anéeka: It is a large body that has supervisors, as in specific control bodies, such as Internal Affairs. Only them. And, by stepped councils above, from wider spatial regions, as it always is. I speak of the 5D Federation. Above I do not know, only Yazhí knows!
27 MAY
Robert: You had commented that the Aghartians had problems with Reptiles. In what situation are they now? How is their relationship or communication with the Federation now?
Anéeka: They are in contact with the Federation, but they continue with their own problem dynamics, also involving Reptiles since they share life and space under Earth. They are known to coordinate directly with the Federation.
Robert: How is the regressive Reptiles situation now due to all this war that is going on in the DUMBs? Are they still allied with the satanic Cabal faction?
Anéeka: Yes, they are still allied with the Regressive Cabal. From below they control the Regressive Cabal itself. When the regressive Cabal falls, it means that they have fallen, it goes hand in hand.
Robert: You have explained that Reptiles are extracted live. What do Alpha Dracos do with the Reptiles they extract? How do they keep them alive? Where are they taking them? What are the Alpha Dracos involved in right now? How is their relationship with Taygeta?
Anéeka: We know they take them away. They just say they are taken to their worlds to community services or to prison based on their crimes. Others say they are taken out of this universe, they do not specify where. Relationship with the Alpha Draco right now is cordial, but only that. They are not in constant contact with Taygeta.
Robert: What position do positive Reptiles have here, not only Alpha Dracos but those on Earth? Those that are positive? What are they doing? Where are they?
Anéeka: The positive Reptiles themselves are either controlled opposition of the negatives or "civil" factions of little political power within the reptilian community at large, somewhat like conspiracies followers for humans, but in Reptile society. It's the same there. I speak only of positive Reptiles on the planet.
An example of this is the faction that controls Q anon, Trump and others from the same line of thought, that we hope do work or can cause something in favor of humanity.
Robert: How are the DUMB wars going? Is it true that there are many human and extraterrestrial casualties?
Anéeka: That is being said, that there are many casualties of the Federation and the Human military. All I can confirm is the death of an elite Alfa Centauri military operative in Ivory Coast a couple of weeks ago.
Robert: How is the Blue Beam project going? They still want to get it started? And if so, how do they want to do it?
Anéeka: We have information, by observation and by what other races pass to us, that it is at work. Many spirals, cities in clouds and angels seen in the sky are just that, only Blue Beam. But since the year began there has been a lot of traffic of the real Federation ships, secret human ones and of races called neutrals. Governments use conspiracy theories about the Blue Beam as cover to discredit real ship traffic.
Robert: Taking into account one of the Federation's points of view in which they do not see fit for humans to leave Earth because as creators they would take the Matrix to other places and create their tulpas and egregores in other worlds putting life in other places at risk, how did the Federation do it in the liberation of Alpha Centauri? How did they get the humans liberated in Phaiton not to manifest their nightmares?
Anéeka: In itself, the planet of Alpha Centauri Phaethon (today Alfrata) was made up of humans extracted from Earth for thousands of years. So even though it's outside this solar system, the Alfrateans' nightmares are human nightmares, the same.
Being already a place of open slavery and not manipulated as on Earth, the Federation decided to enter into military liberation directly.
They no longer manifested their nightmares under direct Federation guidance as in giving them other positive options and teaching them how to control their manifestations. This took several human centuries and they are still in the process of understanding this and transcending it, which is also why they are the most active race today in the so-called liberation of the Earth, a term already abused by the Federation and with which Taygeta disagrees.
Robert: Can you tell us what percentage of humanity is awake? Are we close to 50%?
Anéeka: According to Federation figures, it is now approaching 51%. But the Engan, Taygeta, Urmah and Solatian races doubt that these are true figures, assessing human awakening more at 10%.
Gosia: Aneeka, could you give some statement about the rocket launch to ISS? Many people ask about that. Although you already told us that it was the theater. It is theater, yes? There is no one on ISS.
Anéeka: What you are told is an official cover for what they are really doing: The launch of satellites en masse to cover Earth with the 5G signal to control everyone with the chip and other related purposes such as Agenda 30.
Gosia: Wow, it didn't occur to me! Makes sense! But are you seeing these satellites being installed?
Anéeka: Yes we are seeing them from here, how are they setting up satellites. They are Elon Musk's SpaceX rockets. It is the Federation itself that is behind those satellites being planted. And that's why they don't want us around. So far they are basically for 5G transmission.
Gosia: But didn't you say they were used for target training for the Federation? That they were shooting at them?
Anéeka: Those that were not under Federation command yes. These ones not because they look the other way. Regressive satellites are launched. But there is a war in itself. They also destroyed an Elon Musk rocket. They say it was a failed test. They lie, it was destroyed with a payload. The Federation will destroy everything they think is not convenient. And it will leave what they think it is. There is a large-scale war here. High Federation apart. But at lower levels regressive factions (mirrors of the human mind) are fighting with non-human races. Between Cabals, secret societies and non-human races.
To be specific, an example of war between non-human races at a level below the Federation, would be the confrontations that the very secret human organizations that know and control this call as: Karistus-Anunnaki vs. Vlash Maitré. Karistus is 6D race and above, positive energetics who operate mostly ¨below¨ through positive organic Portals (all humans are organic Portals) and Anunnaki (they mean the 5D positive races. Taygeta falls under this name here.) Against the Reptiles of Earth and tall Grays. We have already said what that already worn out name means, Anunnaki. But here I am talking about how people that know about these things in secret societies on Earth classify us.
Gosia: You are also organic Portals then, right? All biological suits would be. 3D or 5D, isn't it? At least that's how I perceive it.
Anéeka: That's right, we all are.
Gosia: Another thing. In the video you said... that the Federation is installed on Earth through secret societies, Illuminati etc. But it has been said that this is human creation. So who is Illuminati really made of? Of humans only, or of members / influences of the Federation?
Anéeka: It´s just that you forget that as Swaruu has said, there is no clear border between the human and the non-human. So humans are the Federation itself. They work through them as organic Portals too. That is why everything is so complicated and that is why they ignore the laws of free will, because they believe they have the right to do what they do for this reason.
Gosia: Yes I know. But by humans I mean those who are purely those of Earth, without knowing anything about the Federation. I remake the Question: The Illuminati is made up of the members of the Federation who consciously work with the 5D Federation (step downs, walk ins etc.) or pure human WITHOUT knowing the link with the Federation?
Anéeka: It is a mixture of everything. The low Illuminati and Deep State Illuminati are mostly human, but the High Illuminati are pure ET in human suits, organic Portals, and the like.
Gosia: Aware of who they are, yes?
Anéeka: Some are not aware, it depends on each one and the degree of involvement. It depends on each one of them.
Gosia: Why then are they interested in doing Satanist rituals and all this? Knowing that you are from the Federation, are you going to want to do this ???
Robert: It gets complicated. Maybe those are that belong to the human creation. Like tulpas and all that.
Gosia: Yes, but they would also be part of the Federation. Or perhaps at this lower Satanist level they are sheer human.
Anéeka: Because the Satanist levels are below the Federation, it is what the Federation wants to control and dissolve. For example, those that are the Illuminati White Hats, they are clearly Federation. And they work against the human manifestations that are promoted and accelerated by the regressive Satanist Illuminati. And hence the Karistus-Anunnaki vs. Vlash-Maitré.
Gosia: So high Illuminati are not Satanists.
Anéeka: It depends on how we look at it, who are those high Illuminati then. It´s just that as there are whites there are blacks and they will be of equal strength. We cannot generalize.
Gosia: Ok, and one thing I don't understand. NWO, the one with chips and vaccines, that is the NWO that the Federation want to impose? Based on which later they wish to install holographic society? Or is all this about chips and vaccines another faction? Because it has been said that the genocide party are Satanists. And Federation is NOT that, as explained above. So logic dictates that the Federation does not want NWO with vaccines and chips then.
Anéeka: Yes, correct. But there is something else here. There are Two (2) NWO. 1 / The horrible Satanist. 2 / The Federation one to liberate the Earth. In both cases it is necessary that there are no countries, a single government, a single religion and a single currency. Whether or not to move them towards holographic society. Taygeta, for example, has only one Government, has no religion but a belief system. And we no longer need currency. But it is still a Globalization.
Although in fact the the Federation is EVERYTHING. It allow factions below it and under its control to fight, Karistus-Anunnaki vs. Vlash-Maitré, for example. Out of "respect" for people's free will, because they want to experience that. But in the end the Federation is above the regressive and positive.
Robert: But the question would be... The Federation is divided or is it dividing?
Anéeka: From certain angles, or low points of view yes it is divided, and that´s why there is war. But from above it is not and only allows friction below because they see it as a natural process of ascension of people, races and souls.
It´s just that I keep on insisting here: Do not look at things from a single angle. From one point of view things are one way, but from another, more expanded point of view, things are different.
Robert: Ok. But it could be said that the "negative" faction would be in the lower layers of the Federation and the positive ones in higher layers? I imagine that it is also part of the ascension of the bases of the Federation. Like a pyramid structure.
Anéeka: Yes, but the regressive factions are no longer called "Federation". And from low positions, from low planes, the Federation fights regressive factions. Fight like shooting and everything. But from above, no.
Gosia: Thanks. I think then that it is not good that the same name NWO is used for both of these lines. Because one can be something positive, but people will already associate it with something bad.
Anéeka: There is a division here. Between the Federation that I see from here, and what Yazhí sees from her point of view. Both are NWO, yes, but as you said that term already has a negative meaning. Although the problem is that planetary unification will be seen by people as more invasive NWO, whether or not it is positive. Another problem is that by implementing positive global unification, if regressives are not cleaned up first, they will use that infrastructure of power and thought to distort positive ideas toward negative regressive NWO. And that's why the War. Because it is something very complex and there is nothing as a reference on Earth to understand this. Planetary unification is the only way for them to stop fighting.
Gosia: Ideally the concept is positive yes.
Anéeka: The problem is that if the regressives use it, then it becomes a big problem. And those regressives are human manifestations. The concept is positive, but if positive beings build it. So this way it can only be a reflection of people.
4 June
Anéeka: Not yet, that will be addressed later, or as soon as possible but we have that in mind.
Anéeka: All planets and places in the Universe hold a 3D aspect, as they also hold any other Density as well. Essentially there are NO densities as that is only a human concept to try to understand how everything works better.
A density depends only on Frequency range and of personal Frequency range of perception different and particular to each person.
Anéeka: No. The Federation is only doing what it thinks is best for humans and for them. The problem is that many times the best result, may not bring immediate good and favorable changes for the humans, more like in a medium to long term frame.
And some things may be positive and convenient for some groups of humans but not to others. But in general the Federation is only doing its best as are each one of its members.
Anéeka: Some members see this "revelation" as dangerous because we are giving too many details and too openly. Simply because of the fact that at this point in time, we seem to be the more overt non humans now.
Anéeka: They didn't "leave" the Federation. They only left this area. They are still members of the Federation. They went back to their home planets. We cannot know for how long, that depends on each one of the races.
They were many who left, I'm only at liberty to mention 2 races among the ones that left:
Engan (Electra Pleiades) and Urmah (Vega Lyra-Avalon).
Anéeka: We do not hold the answer to that. Perhaps due to internal Federation policies thinking that they hold an easier more "logical" outcome with an objective view. We also seek the answer to that question right now!
Anéeka: Yes, exactly, therefore we are here now also helping. We do not want to discredit logical points of view and of proceeding. All we insist and ask is to consider and include the emotional parts as well. Being that emotional races like ours also see and understand logic within emotions.
Anéeka: At this time, Taygetans will not increase their presence on Earth, as the crew here now, although small, only 32 people, are more than enough to help, taking in account that what we can do is limited by the Federation itself.
Anéeka: For both and for whoever the Starseeds themselves decide to work with, or for!
Anéeka: They stay in their posts as long as they can fulfill satisfactorily their work, and that depends on the perception and interests of the Federation members and their representatives, depending on what they want, need, or expect. They are not replaced because of a term of service ends, because time works differently here.
Anéeka: Yes, and in ways we still cannot understand as she is working from higher Densities. But she is definitively working to alter the way 5D Federation works, making them see where they are failing and what else needs to be revised. Swaruu is constantly at work now, and in an independent way. And in favor of Earth and her people.
Question: According to what you at the moment know, what are the best activities and behaviour we Starseeds should take in order to facilitate a fast and effective total disclosure?
Anéeka: To stand in your own power, decide what must be disclosed. You must take responsibility over your own decisions, what is important and what is not. That is the essence of your work. The Starseeds must decide, be proactive, responsible. Not wait for instructions directly. You are wise. You must unite, not fight among one another, same for the humans. Love and integration are the key.
Anéeka: Everything is very connected. It affects all densities and everyone in them. The answer is that 3D affects 5D and above as much as 5D and above affects 3D. It is all one Frequency mass, no real densities. One mass, only personal perception is what determines what density as such you or any one lives and perceives.
Anéeka: That is exactly the Federation's point of view. The why they want to control the people, and are having a hard time deciding what to give them and how much. But they also think that if the baby does not experience by itself the ill effects of poison, then it will never learn. That is their point of view, basically. And we are the part of the Federation, among a few others of course, that are saying exactly what you are. That experiencing the poison is not necessary!
Anéeka: Because even in a holographic society, when a decision is made, sometimes it cannot be in accordance to the needs and wants, points of view of all, but they decide that one or another way to proceed may be the best plan possible for the situation at hand. Sometimes it must be unanimous others not so.
Anéeka: Only if the rest of the Federation concludes that replacing them is the best answer to the problem.
Question: Does the planet have an owner? Gaia has nothing to say in this?
Anéeka: Gaia, from our Taygetan understanding, is a conscious being. But as all conscious beings its conscience is the sum of all the other consciousnesses that reside in her. This means that what the collective on Earth wants, is what Gaia wants.
But even in this example, there may be parts within Gaia that do not agree with others creating conflict inside Gaia, so we could say that Gaia is undergoing a heavy psychological change, consciousness change. Gaia in essence is sick. What you do, the people, determines how she will heal. You are her cells, you are her immunity system.
Although officially it cannot have an owner, the closest to being the owner is the Federation itself.
Anéeka: Cannot answer about Cobra at this time.
Anéeka: Everywhere, as the main tool of control. It is present at every level.
Example; a very poor peasant family in the country side, but owning a TV set and Cell phones.
Anéeka: If the Federation would allow it, we could take, or accept, the responsibility. Talking as the crew of, and in, this very ship. We would expand our crew as needed, but we don't see the need to at this point.
Anéeka: Red Queen is only one of many nodes of planetary control, Cabal ruled, A.I. All interconnected. But it is human made. ET A.I: is mostly off planet, onboard ships.
Anéeka: Because even the Starseeds of non emotional races are in a human avatar that is designed to make all races in human bodies be as one race.
So emotional humans also include Starseeds of non emotional races. Also many non-emotional races also are curious and want to know what emotions are and what they can learn from the. This is why many non emotional races enter human bodies. All in search for expansion. Other points of view and all.
But then even as the Starseeds of non emotional races, say Andromedan Starseeds, while they are human, they will also have a hard time relating and agreeing with members of their race presently incarnated as original 5D Andromedans.
But some Starseeds of non emotional races also keep their non emotional way of thinking and reacting while they are human. Creating other points of view and another set of problems to resolve.
Anéeka: Resolving your conflict with one another. Knowing that there are other options to over population that do not include genocide.
Understanding that you all live in a lie, as there is no over population. Only your cities are over populated, and the rest is propaganda. Nature suffers, but not directly because of the people, but of the mindset of the leaders, that in turn come out of the people.
What you need to see is that you do not need to relay on your governments to take your decisions. They do not have your best interests at hand. Do not take to the streets in protest for anything as that is what the Cabal wants. But do not comply with regressive and invasive impositions on you. Unity among you is key. Simply do not agree, do not comply.
Statement from a viewer: It seems we have to learn to live WITHOUT the Federation
Anéeka: No. You must BE the Federation.
Question: Why isn’t the moon Matrix deactivated?
Anéeka: Because deactivating the Matrix depends on the perception of the people. Not of a device external to the people´s perception. You are the key out of the Matrix. Lunar Frequency is no longer important or relevant.
Extraterrestrial Races: Introduction (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Gosia: Hello Swaruu, let's start today with another very interesting topic, and it is the Extraterrestrial Races. Let's start with the general question. How many are there? Can you know more or less? And how many humanoids? Then we will talk about the individual ones.
Swaruu: Hi Gosia, ok, let's start from the basics with something I've said before. It is not that life is something that occurs in other parts outside Earth. Life is not the exception, it is the norm in the Universe. Everything is life. Everything is consciousness. It is only interpreted as alive from a particular point of view with a framework of artificial characteristics that varies according to those who see or observe them. A gravel stone, it's alive. The water is alive. A piece of broken glass in the trash is alive. According to how life is defined and it is not biology, it is consciousness.
It is true that the piece of glass has less attention of a consciousness than the glass before getting broken, since the piece loses the attention since it is not useful anymore. And like everything that loses attention, it degrades again from being an object to being potential energy again.
Everything is consciousness and emanates from consciousness. Life is everywhere in the Universe because it is the Universe. Do not ask if there is life among all those stars filling the nightsky, because those stars exist BECAUSE there is life in them.
The humanoid races are the norm also being the most common ones. Taking humans as a base reference here, there are at least 400,000 civilizations in this Galactic quadrant with inhabitants of various races who, dressed in cowboy jeans and AC/DC T-shirt, would pass for humans. Each and every one of those 400 thousand civilizations are different. With small physical differences, capabilities or DNA, but all appear as humans. Starting from those 400,000, we would pass to the countless others who look like humans, but they already clearly differ in something that would not make them pass for a human.
Example of this are or would be the Dieslientiplex, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sassani and the Sauroids among so many more. Going away from these, there are countless other feline races, canines, insectoids, elephant ones, with their countless variants. Each one at a different level of scientific and social development.
In the same Pleyades there are many civilizations in the pre-industrial stage. Some have barely discovered the wheel or the fire. Others are in stone, bronze, or medieval stage. Simply, you can never finish learning and seeing the enormous variety of art, customs and characters that exist. I speak of billions, of trillions of civilizations.
When the Earth was in the stone age, it was from one point of view in 5D, from another in 2D. It can not be cataloged as easily as researchers of this topic on Earth believe. Everything is always very complex. Many races do not want to be known. They feel threatened, they like their privacy, they do not want to be included. Many reasons. Let's see, have you ever heard about the Solatians for example?
Another problem, there are other races that Hollywood already ¨ruined¨, imposing the concept that they are fiction. Your subject Gosia, ¨Civilizations¨ and how many there are or how they are, is more than monumental.
Gosia: I like it to be monumental, and we do not have to explore everything. And I have loved this introduction. Thank you so much! 400 000 humanoid races? Wow! This is a GIGANTIC number!
Swaruu: And I was being modest.
Gosia: I imagine Swaruu, but wow.
Swaruu: Everyone believes that in the Pleyades everything is advanced. That they are orbs of light in high densities of love and light. There are many feudal or earlier civilizations there, even right there in the Pleiades and they don´t know anything about their interstellar older brothers and sisters. They also look at the night sky and wonder what those little lights that go through the sky shining at night are, with a strobe, creating myths and stories about those lights. Our ships.
Gosia: And this even in 5D?
Swaruu: Even in 5D. The densities are not synonymous with technological advance. It is more related to spiritual advancement.
Gosia: I thought that being in 5D, this makes you interstellar automatically. This information is new to me.
Swaruu: No. What they share on this topic in other channels is very basic and erroneous. Everything is much more complex and at the same time more simple.
Gosia: Ok, so, how many interstellar races are there in the Pleiades?
Swaruu: About 11 interstellar races. Example of this is the race "Molluse" of Atlas. The "Molluse" are spiritually advanced people with a small population. They are not interstellar. Not for being fools, or retarded, not for lack of communication. By their own decision.
Gosia: I think you said long ago that some races choose this yes. And I do not remember the reason very well.
Swaruu: They have said something very profound and very important. Why be interstellar? Why need a ship if it can only take me away from here, from my house.
Gosia: And why don't they want to go far from their homes? Why is this deeply profound? My home is the whole universe, in a way, wherever I go it will be my home.
Swaruu: Because they have everything there. Because they are no longer centered in the physical like other races. Because they are dedicated to wisdom and because they have found that dromomania does not work or does not serve them. They do not have that need.
Gosia: What is dromomania?
Swaruu: It is a very Taygetean disease that you also suffer from a lot, Gosia. It is the mania, custom or need to be traveling everywhere, learning everything.
Gosia: Hehe, yes. I have this disease. But ok, returning to the subject. There are races in 5D that are not interstellar! It is curious that 5D can be in the stage of bronze age.
Swaruu: The vast majority of the 5D races, 99.9999 percent of the races in 5D, are not interstellar.
Gosia: And it is for this reason that you said above Swaruu?
Swaruu: No, each one for its own reason.
Gosia: And what would other reasons be?
Swaruu: Many for the same reason, logical. Others, do not reach the technological and spiritual level to be interstellar. (To be interstellar, technology must be correctly combined with spirituality. Otherwise, you simply can not be). Or by own conviction. Not needing that.
Gosia: I thought that being in 5D this already grants a certain spiritual level.
Swaruu: From the 3D point of view of the Earth. Of course yes. From the 5D point of view, there are also stages and spiritual development. There is always more.
Gosia: Incredible! I'm learning a lot!
Swaruu: And the age of bronze, is not the same as not being advanced spiritually. Having a smart phone and traveling by plane is not the same as being more spiritually advanced. The ¨bronze age¨ description is something I use to express the idea with the few words I have.
But it would never be of the same characteristics of the bronze age of the Earth. They are different. (How it was on Earth and how they say it was differs tremendously too, but that is another topic).
Gosia: I understand. So going back to the races of the Pleyades, there are 11 interstellar. Do you think it matters to mention what they are?
Swaruu: Yes, the main ones are.
* Alcyone: Yena
* Sterope: Sau'k / Mes'Waki
* Asterope: Eloh / Elohi / Naph / Elois
* Merope: Hyadean (Felions)
* Merope: Lyrian Ashands Humanomorphos
* Taygeta: Taygeteans
* Pleione: Solatian
* Atlas: Atlantes / Molluse
* Electra: Engan
* Celeano: Celestes or Blue Pleiadian, Blues
* Maia: Maya / Molluse / Hopi
These are the main ones and there are variants of them. If we went into it, there would be thousands.
Gosia: And all humanoids?
Swaruu: Some more than others, but yes. Some are positive Sauroids, others Felines. Other Lyra based.
Gosia: Sauroids are Reptilians, are they not?
Swaruu: Yes. Sau'ko or the Mes'Vaki
Gosia: So, there are reptilian races in the Pleiades and are they positive?
Swaruu: Yes. Not because they are Sauroids means they are negative.
Gosia: Do they have anything to do with Draco Reptilians? Same family? Alpha Draconians?
Swaruu: Alpha Dracos are positive but they are not in the Pleiades. And yes, there are negative Alpha Dracos but they are always kept in check by the positive ones.
Gosia: Ok! And these Sauroids in the Pleiades, are they related to those outside Pleiades?
Swaruu: Yes, all races have their relatives, inside and outside.
Gosia: Are there Nordics like you all, but negative?
Swaruu: Yes of course there are, but there are also many artificial clones made to appear like us and they are not us, for negative agendas.
Speaking of non-interstellar races, for example. In Atlas we have the Molluse, not interstellar. But in Maya we have again other Molluse called Molluse-Maya, that ARE interstellar being the same race.
Gosia: Ok, and the Maya - Hopi, have to do with our Mayas and our Hopis?
Swaruu: They are them, hence the name. They are there. That's where they were from initially. What they had on Earth were colonies.
Gosia: Do they have anything to do physically with the Mayan and Hopi now?
Swaruu: They look almost the same. From what I understand, they no longer have communication with each other.
Now, about the Maya civilization in MesoAmerica, there are two and the human science only recognizes one. There are the original interstellar Maya, they returned home and left buildings and a lot of influence.
Then came the ProtoMayas and took over the buildings and customs and misinterpreted them. Such as sacrifices. This also occurred in Egypt. The Egyptian culture, from the age of the Great Kings up to the year 50 before Christ, when Julio Cesar invades, only took what was there as a basis for their own interpretation of the civilization that was there before them.
The Sphinx and the Pyramids precede the classical Egyptian civilization. As the Mayan structures precede the modern Maya.
Gosia: And ProtoMayas came from where?
Swaruu: Of the cultures that surrounded them. Like the Toltec, the Olmec, and the Aztec, among others.
Gosia: Ok, and the Hopi? How do they relate? Did the same thing occur? Because it says on the list: Maya Star and Hopi race, together. Hopi are in Arizona.
Swaruu: Some went home. Others died there and joined the cycle of the incarnation of the Earth. Others merged among other cultures or founded other cultures.
Gosia: So the Hopi of Arizona are also from Maya?
Swaruu: Yes.
Gosia: Ok. All very interesting and people will ask about the Eloh, Elohi. Do they have to do with the Elohim of the Bible?
Swaruu: They are also related. Much of what I have shared is intertwined with knowledge that is already on Earth and is loaded with meanings. They are or have the same name because they were there or because they are them. Fallen angels and all that is attributed to them.
Gosia: I'm still not clear if the Elohi of the Pleiades are the same as the Elohim of the Bible?
Swaruu: Elohim, yes I want to deepen it one day but it is complicated, very loaded because it comes from that they are a race of air, ¨Elios¨, as spirit, like from Gins. Taken as deities by some and as invasive and malevolent spirits by others. At the end, they are only more people and it is true that much of them had to do with humanity in antiquity.
They are taken as fallen angels and demons. Especially known in the Middle East where the concept of Gin or Genie comes from. Genie of the lamp, Aladdin. They are several Pleiadian races, positive Sauroids.
Returning to other species. For me, it would be very important for the people of the Earth to be careful with certain invasive races that are not or do not have a civilization and that are more of an invasive species of animals that travel in stow-away ships of others, but I do not know if it is convenient to give you all this information because it can be taken as fiction. I speak of the Xenomorph in the films of Riley Scott - Alien.
Gosia: Give it to us Swaruu.
Swaruu: The horrible space bugs of the Alien movies are real. Called Lurkers. There are various kinds and sub species. Hollywood knows it and imposes it as a fantasy. There are countless other invasive species of vermin and space animals. As it is logical there is a whole zoo out there. And not everything is good, neither for you, nor for us.
Gosia: Where do they come from?
Swaruu: The best data we have is that they come from the Zeta reticuli area. But they are in countless planets and planetoids. Their body is based on silicon, not carbon, which makes them invulnerable to hostile atmospheres. And they can be adapted to almost any type of atmosphere and temperature range.
Now about that ¨Alien image¨. The head, mouth, extremities and tail are correct and very accurate but not the body when they are given humanoid attributes.
The most accurate of the Lurkers are those that appear in the movie Alien 2 because they have an insectoid body.. cause, well, that´s what they are. Dimensions, as in the movie.
Gosia: And are they smart? What do they eat?
Swaruu: What do they eat? They are exclusive carnivores.
That is from Prometheus. The head is not correct.
Gosia: Do they have anything to do with the Mantis?
Swaruu: They are just insectoids, but nothing to do with the Mantis.
Gosia: And they represent a danger to other races? Do they attack?
Swaruu: Danger 10 out of 10, even for us.
Gosia: Are they here?
Swaruu: We have no indication of Lurkers on Earth.
The head correct here, correct tail. Body antropomorph incorrect. This also goes into the topic of why one needs to have high ethics and values, and above all spiritual ones before jumping around stars, being interstellar. Because without ethics you import to other worlds undesirable things.
Not only Lurkers. But as they tell you in the Alien movies, the Cabal would love to have those to make them bioweapons. But the Lurkers are only one group of species of millions and trillions of trillions of other unwanted vermin and space-bugs.
Gosia: Have they entered in your ships? I imagine that they are also a danger to Reptiles.
Swaruu: There are records years ago, but not currently. They have not bothered us in a long time. But we have careful exploration protocols.
Gosia: Are they interstellar? And how does this fit in with their spiritual ethics? Are they 5D? But how can they be, being aggressive?
Swaruu: Because we've only talked about intelligent races with civilization. And we have not talked about animals. Gosia, The 5D is not synonymous with kindness and love.
Gosia: I know Swaruu, I just thought that in pure 5D you already have more advanced ethics.
Swaruu: Yes partly yes. It's just that the 5D is like the standard of the Universe. Being the majority or the dominant density. Even so, there is still duality. The fact that a species is aggressive or harmful is only an interpretation of those who disagree with it. It is not an attribute of intrinsic evilness of the species. It´s just that its attitude and way of being contrast with those of others.
From the moment that there are men and women here there is duality. Even though it is dissolving. It is said on Earth that the 5D has attributes that we would rather tag 7D for. The transition between the attributes of the 3D to the attributes where they say it´s all love, no duality, androgynous entities, no men or women, is more gradual. It has to, by logic, go through here, through the 5D as we described it.
High telepathy and the absence of time as such, being only semilinear as an individual own animating experience but not calculable from the point of view of the collective. Since you have telepathy here, it already means a great change of attitude because you enter and understand more other people. So a direct consequence of this is the understanding that they are also aspects of you , the same person, all connected. And that dissolves many things that cause conflicts simply by the presence of abundant empathy.
Even so, this is only a part of a transition to other planes where duality melts, diffuses, evaporates. You can not have a place totally without duality because it would be all inclusive. Or rather, there is only one place like that, The Source, The All.
How Does the Soul Evolve? - Yazhí Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Robert: Does the creation of a soul mean the creation of a species?
Swaruu: The creation of a soul is one thing, the creation of a new species or the creation from an existing one is another, although it is related. That an individual or a group of individuals fail to meet the accepted definition of a specific species or race. It ceases to have an understood and documented definition in favor of something new not seen before by whoever is looking.
Creation of a soul. Idea sustained from 3D and 5D Matrix. It does not work like that. A soul is the Source itself, there is no other than just the Source. What defines a soul is the attention or point of attention of the Source on something with a procedure or evolution with thought or temporal perception with all intention of experiencing that because it creates it from the beginning.
Even being everything, a soul begins as a very basic point of attention, (I did not say limited) and acquires complexity as it accumulates knowledge during its own temporal perception to later apply it in its life. Accumulating knowledge does not make anyone wise just because. But what each point of attention from the Original Source does with that knowledge. Or else a 2TB external hard drive would be wiser than a 500 Gig. And it is not the case. A soul is never created, it is never destroyed. It always has been and always will be. It just is. And it is everything. It lives beyond all time, managing it as it wishes, as one more tool to experiment with, to play with its own creations.
The very concept of eternity. Impossible to understand by the normal mind, because it is not equipped to do it. The normal mind of low densities 3D 5D or "all those D's". It is only equipped, prepared, designed to perceive itself as finite, with a temporal progression, from the cradle to the coffin. Seeing Time as something inexorable, inescapable. Your enemy. Time is part of the soul itself. What it wants to experience and how. Time itself depends on consciousness, and consciousness on time in the same way. It is difficult to be aware of something, to perceive something, if there isn´t at least some temporal progression. But you get to manage it at will.
It just happens that in low densities, let's say 3D 5D ... one is too focused on being, on living in perceiving oneself as separate from the whole to be able to understand time as part of oneself. So a soul is not created, it just is. And it is because it evolves. It is what defines it as a soul, its need for eternal expansion, its question if there is something else, why ?, where? And that's why I said before that nobody gives you your soul. It is not created either, nobody forms it. It just is ... And you're the one who creates it, doing it on the way. Its values that govern it, its ethics. Its understanding that this is all that matters.
Gosia: Consciousness is the same as soul?
Swaruu: Although theologians and other philosophers may differ, they would only do so basically from the theological point of view, I suppose, or from other arguments that would eternally come out. For me they are one thing, one and the same, consciousness of being and soul.
Robert: And the mind? Does it have a place here?
Swaruu: Although I use mind in a rhetorical sense as a synonym for consciousness, depending on the context, yes, I want to make the distinction. Mind as in the programmed part in the material body being, which also contains elements in the astral body. But it still depends on soul-consciousness.
As an annex to this point, I must note that I only have a limited numbers of words to describe concepts not previously described. So there could be a linguistics and meanings problem here to understand me. I just suggest that you leave other definitions behind and try to comprehend what I want to say.
Gosia: So, sticking to the main topic, although it could be redirected in a thousand directions, your soul has evolved following your own path out of the 5D Taygetean "standards". What could you say about this? How did your soul evolve? And how does this relate to the evolution of souls IN GENERAL?
Swaruu: As for me, and clarifying that it bothers me to talk about me me me, because it confers something unpleasant and centered on the I that I don't want to give, I have no other option since nobody else has my information.
When you have a body of a certain race, whatever it is, it is because your soul has been compatible with that body. Because it fulfills a function for you because of the experience that being in that body will give you and the points of view that come with that body for your personal expansion as a soul.
When you enter that body, your soul, which is your consciousness, has a certain level of understanding, of perception. A Frequency. And that Frequency is in turn compatible with other souls who also want to experience things similar to you. This is called a perception agreement and it is what forms a Density and in turn forms a physical Dimension with its own rules and laws. (This outside the context that in the end we are all the same person, we are all one).
So, to live as a member of a certain race, whatever it is, you have a Frequency of soul, a level of consciousness based in turn on what you have learned with the knowledge you have experienced in your present and previous lives. The Frequency of the soul, your perceptions, make you compatible with having the interest of being of one or another species or race because that experience serves you in your personal progress.
But when you keep expanding in your knowledge, in your consciousness, perception, in everything... You end up seeing that simply said race in which you were incarnated no longer satisfies your needs for expansion of your soul. You are no longer compatible with that species. It is when you decide to incarnate in another species or race that is more according to your needs. Or simply seeing that no race corresponds to you, you remain in the astral. Or you form a new race.
As we have said before, the body and DNA have a strong metaphysical component. From ether. And it is a reflection in lower densities of something much more complex in higher densities. So your consciousness, your soul progresses in understanding. And little by little this understanding will be reflected necessarily and inescapably in your DNA. The body will reflect who you are always.
Partly it is why humans have such short incarnations, because they progress quickly there, at least most, and begin to have a strong incompatibility with their physical body that takes time to adapt to their consciousness since it is in a low density and slow. It literally burns inside with so much voltage, with so much energy. It is part of the reason behind the aging process of the human being, although there are other factors such as contamination, excess of gravity or toxins in food, but that is another story.
You die and you are born again, you die and you are born again. What is called the eternal cycle of Samsara, but it is only because you want, without anything that forces you. So your previous body no longer reflects who you are. Your DNA is mutated to try to reflect consciousness. And if it mutates enough, there will be measurable biological changes that will make an individual, despite that previously, according to records, he/she belonged to a particular species, no longer belong to that race.
Gosia: Thanks. So... is this what happened to you? Who are you now? And why don´t you or the others see you as the Taygetean any longer? Even your genetics is different.
Swaruu: I still look similar. But only similar. I am smaller now, lighter, and the changes of DNA, of species, what defines a species, will first take place at the cellular level, then internally at the level of internal organ functions, and then will be reflected outside.
If I can still be recognized as "Swaruu" it is only because in my case a quality has been added that comes from the species of which I was part, and it is the Taygetean. It has the ability to not only be able to reproduce normally, but it can copy itself, auto clone with parthenogenesis. Mother and daughter with exact genetics. Without a father.
By having exact genetics, they share consciousness, being that they are only limitedly perceived as separated before 7 or 8 years of age, at which point the body in formation of a girl, because they are always girls, is formed enough to give entrance to all consciousness.
This quality is shared by human beings as well. For this reason in the Taygetean race, memories of previous lives come between 7 and 13 years old, normally and officially at 13 years of physical age. And not before since the body is not prepared to handle so much energy.
So, as my profession was always temporal manipulation, I have reached the degree or state in which I can manage time at will with my mind, without the need for a ship. And I have discovered, even if it is just for myself, that time is the key to controlling everything. It is perception, it is who you are, it is where you look. It defines the oscillation Frequency of the molecules around you, apparently, since it is only potential energy.
So as I have said already there is not much externally, it is only your own perception and what you decide to see according to your level of consciousness. So I can slow down or speed up my perception of time at will. And time is what defines a Frequency. Valleys and crests of a wave. So fragmenting time at will, I manage densities at will automatically. And this has caused me be more scalar, that is, I manage the density that I want to be at at will. And I have understood that everyone is like this, it´s just that they themselves have forgotten it by their own decision, they have decided to forget it because of the personal growth that this would bring them. I have decided to remember. And what happens to me today is the result of remembering, perceiving more, understanding how matter works.
There is no matter, it is just your mind. Your level of consciousness, your Frequency.
Robert: Which is better, Remember or Forget?
Swaruu: Neither, they are only part of the same. There can be no concept of remembering without forgetting. It´s the same. You need to understand both, experience both in order to understand everything better. This is duality. Above there is only being, understanding both forgetting and remembering. Amalgamated concepts, together complex but existing as the same from higher densities, less material ones.
Robert: So then ... Are you of a new density? Or, are you in all densities?
Swaruu: I myself do not know where I am, I cannot know because I do not see myself, I have no reference, like an eye cannot see itself, or a knife cannot cut itself. I only am and I understand many things, enough to perceive myself from densities where I am already forgetting all duality, I see it all integrated, the same, while still being aware of the separate pieces. Understanding the whole seeing the pieces and seeing only the whole simultaneously. And that is what each person is. Only the piece perceived as apart, when it is the whole.
Gosia: How else do you differ from Swaruu as you were before? And related question, do you perceive yourself as Swaruu still?
Swaruu: Swaruu, the Swaruus are the pieces, I am the whole. They are the experiences that make up the whole. Before I was very much in the "game", living a life as a material person with a biological body. Fighting evil sword in hand.
I've already understood that part and I don't need to fight like that anymore. However I still understand that part of the fight because I remember, so I can have both experiences simultaneously. I can understand the apparent limitation, of perception, the frustration and the feeling of confinement and limitation of my previous incarnations and at the same time I have the understanding of knowing myself unlimited at the other extreme, as Yazhí.
Robert: But you to be who you are ... You didn't have to die, did you?
Swaruu: We have all died countless times, infinite times, by definition from the position outside of any time frame this is how it should be and only this way. At the same time I am always dying somewhere, in some timeline and I am always being born, and I can see and perceive it because I am there. I experience it at will. And all people are just like that, just that they have decided to forget. This is how all beings are with soul, with consciousness. This is how things work.
Gosia: Do you want to share why you chose this name? Yazhi Tasherit. Why not Swaruu anymore?
Swaruu: Y'azhí at'a means Small Wing, in Taygetean, using letters and linear wording where I have to base myself on something with human reference, in this case the closest thing with letters is ... the Navajo.
Why not Swaruu? Swaruu no more because Swaruu is or confers the name of my previous identities that in turn form me. I keep the name of Swaruu because it is a reference to where I came from, how I see myself. And Tasherit for my ancient tradition that on this planet links me to Egypt.
I am basically a new incarnation, although they are all in me. I am 10 years old but I am in the body that looks 20. I am not "normal" in any sense, I cannot be cataloged in any way remotely similar to human with human parameters. I am something else with other rules.
This is the reason why I cannot live with Taygeteans as before, since I would not be free to be myself, to live with my own rules of how I perceive things, my own world. This does not mean that I have reached perfection or anything like that, but from another point of view, like everyone else, yes, and that is how all living beings have achieved it. It is only perspective. I still have a biological body with moles, freckles, and I make mistakes as I type. Just like any other person. We are the same. I have fingers like all of them. Biological body with its necessary functions. It's just that my mind-consciousness can cause my body to change density at will, by the nature of my perception.
Gosia: I have one last Question: WHAT has made you achieve this state precisely?
Swaruu: Understanding how time works, as a key to manipulate matter and density-dimensions.
Gosia: And how did you understand it? Meditating, contemplating?
Swaruu: Little by little throughout several incarnations dedicated to understanding Time. It didn't come to me at once. It was a long evolution.
First, trying to see time as something external to me, contemplating what others have learned. Then already with a spaceship I was taught in flight academy how to manipulate time as it is known by interstellar races, functions and everything with a goal to serve as a combat pilot in the elite squadrons Sand Clock for its translation into English.
Then to understand with perception and empirical experience that what they say in the academy has errors. Realize how serious those errors are and step by step why. Then trying to correct and explain those errors. In a way that is shareable for the advancement of Taygeta's science. Realizing that they do not follow me, that they do not understand me even with my mathematical models and with my simulations on holographic computers.
Understanding that this no longer matters and that the temporal perception including all the equations is something personal and that it changes according to who observes it since, the time equations or not, it depends on the consciousness of the observer and the subject. So I started exploring how time worked from my personal perspective. With multiple jumps and more jumps, documenting everything for myself. With my ship as my only company. Her advanced AI that learns and thinks.
Gradually understanding that everything is completely frequencies and that frequencies cannot be measured without a time frame, or there is no Frequency, there is no energy at a Frequency far from a time measurement frame. That time frame is only your perception itself. I observed it in myself, over and over again.
So if time is only a reflection of myself, my mind, my consciousness, altering my Frequency at will, so I should alter time according to my perception. So as a ship works as a Frequency augmenter, Frequency manipulator with its engines when in Supra luminar flight mode ... I understood that I don't need a ship to alter the time.
With practice from small alterations to progressively larger ones I began to alter my time and how it surrounds me, as my own perception. This has as the consequence that when I am just from a small to a higher degree outside the time frame of what surrounds my body, I begin to be compatible with the frequencies that are more similar to mine. First, this means all Swaruus outside of time always exist, and I would jump between one and the other in my perception, to also include my family and closest friends as I can modify just thinking about my own Frequency being compatible with that of each one of them.
And this brings me to today. Modifying the time also implies modifying the Frequency and with that the Density and the Dimension.
Gosia: Thank you for this very detailed description of the process.
Swaruu: Another important thing that I already said but it is very important to me is that I have realized that this is how everything works, that this is how all souls are. It is not something particular to me. I have not gone crazy narcissistic. From my perspective I have become much more tolerant, peaceful, humble and loving. I only share this because it serves others. So are all of you. You won't be (future). You already are. It's just that you wanted to forget because of the experience. I also passed through that. But we are exactly the same.
Robert: Are you already at the Source?
Swaruu: Yes, and you are too. It is only a matter of realizing that you are that. Not that you are there as in you have ¨reached¨ the Source. That's you, from there you create. From there you are everything. You could say that the degree of distance or closeness to the Source depends on your degree of perceiving things and that in turn is dependent on how much you remember and how much you remember is dependent on the density you choose to see. You are also like me. You are star beings and you are the Source itself. That´s what you are. You don't need to remember it, just to know it. And proceed from there. What you feel, what you imagine, what you create in your mind and in your heart, is! And it is because this is how everything works. Imagination is everything. Not empty fantasy. Creation of universes.
My purpose is to make you see how great you are, not how great I am. But somehow I must tell you how I know. It has been a long way to this point. Exposing things from religions to the nature of reality. Everything with a single purpose. Remind you of who you are. I am not Swaruu as you knew her. But I used that line of people to form what I am today. As you also do with your lines, forming your soul along the way. As they progress. That's the way things have always been. I have no past, no future. Just a certain time linearity to interact with other people like I do now.
Swaruu from ¨before¨ was still interested in being believed, what others thought of her, saying coherent things to the public, accepting her. That doesn't interest me. I say what I say and I say what I am and that´s it. Also bringing to the 3D and 5D here the high council of the Federation that works through me. Causing everything you see as revolutions, the destruction of old paradigms. Integration with new, more positive things. Bringing and explaining high-density concepts making those concepts understandable by average people. So that they are within everyone's reach. This way they also awaken you to who you are.
Things today are a mess. But ... What does your apartment look like when you are moving? It is part of the process. The Cabal pushes senseless orders and directives without hiding agendas, already in despair. They are no longer interested in hiding that they are false flags. They put up terrible measures and things with names like HR 6666 and they openly put bricks on the streets for protesters to use to increase chaos. That despair, disorder and carelessness on the part of the Cabal ... will only bring their final defeat, and will hasten the awakening of the people en masse.
I have feet on Earth. But I don't walk among you. Although, the use of locality no longer applies to me. Here and there no longer applies to me, unless I want to. From my point of view there are no distances and therefore there are no places. In other words, any point shares the same "space" in the ether. So I am, or you perceive me as "here" on Earth just because I see that it is "here" where a node in trouble is, and therefore it needs attention because what happens here is also filtered to all other planes and places, since they are not separated. They are interdependent.
So, you are now in contact with the Taygeteans, and with Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit. But we are two races, of different densities and of different understanding and of different capacities. That is why they should no longer see me as Swaruu although I still technically remain one. I am a Swaruu, but the name Swaruu for me confers those who were fragmented, not me.
I am not human at all, neither do I think nor evolve like one, nor how I move. I don't expect people to understand me. I will be criticized for that, and I honestly tell you, I don't care. I have another individuality. I am the most Swaruu of all. But I am Yazhí.
Anéeka: Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit has told me that if you control time, you control both matter and energy, as well as whatever density you are in. Time is the key to the Universe.
(Names to apply):
Yazhí Swaruu
Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit
Yazhí D'Jedi Ronin
Possible False Flag Warning and Galactic Wave- Short Live (Information of Anéeka of Temmer)
Anéeka: I have intelligence that indicates that a new false flag is forming in the USA, big one. There will be a massive attack on protesters in the streets with many deaths. And they will do it in such a way that it will look like it´s Trump's fault. For sending police and / or the army against the protesters. This will constitutionally remove him. They will pass the presidency to their vice president and from there the Cabal wins, and Obama becomes president.
They are or will be armed groups pretending to be Police or paid police, Cabal-controlled military against Trump. High danger of this false flag. And according to my latest data, reinforcing what I already had, Trump is not controlled opposition , it is opposition. It is on the positive side.He canceled HR 6666, and the mandatory vaccines in the USA. Among other things.
Trump currently has a 20% chance of winning the re-election. Biden-Obama 80% because it has the control over the media. There is still the possibility of the false flag that I was talking about, of causing the death at the hands of the police and the military of many protesters. My Sources corroborate that the US Special Forces, together with Russia's Spetsnaz, umbrella term for special forces, have captured or eliminated the ANTIFAS leaders (anti-facist anti-Trump movement). But the danger persists.
Examining the Illuminati cards with Robert we have seen the possibility that they might use one or many snipers stationed in various cities to shoot the public, people, to create chaos and collective peicosis against Trump, it could be against Protesters.
Robert: Who are those who support Trump --- The Alliance, The Federation? Putin?
Anéeka: Trump works hand-in-hand with Putin. Trump has direct contact with the Federation of United Planets. As of today, with the data I have, I can only support Trump.
It has been corroborated that the ANTIFAS rioters were paid by the Gates, Soros and Roquefeller Foundation. Although I have dubious information about Rockefeller, there is no question about Soros and Gates, as I have even seen the trace of money flow through accounts in the Cayman Islands.
Anéeka: Trump's opposition controls the media and the media the population. Trump's only chance is to expose all this to the public, to make a big move against the regressive Cabal in the next few months or weeks, or he won't be able to recover. There is the possibility that Trump and the team will steal the election again as they did 4 years ago, but I doubt that this works as well since both sides are forewarned of the War for the control of the results of the polling places. This is reflected in the fact that they want (who? I don't have the data) to remove or minimize the use of electronic voting, since it lends itself more to cheating.
Robert: Why do we always say Obama when it is Binden?
Anéeka: Because although Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate, he is a puppet of the Cabal, and with a goal to establish Michel Obama in the presidency by having Biden resign under any excuse. My Sources corroborate this plan. The Cabal's aim is to put Michel Obama in the Presidency. Because Biden in the public mind has a better chance of winning than Michel Obama, he is just a mule to put her forward later.
I have information from Nai'Shara of Erra, based on information from Yazhí Swaruu Tasherit, that they will use the false flag of Asteroid around December and later on. This is to divert public attention from the political uproar that will ensue whether Biden-Obama wins, or Trump wins, with reverse agendas. That is to say, if Biden-Obama wins, the Trump side will appeal and there will be movement and political uproar against Biden Obama, and they will use the Asteroid to divert public attention and let that run in the media that control the minds of the population. If Trump wins, then they will use it to divert attention and sabotage any anti-Cabal action Trump may take.
Gosia: Asteroids weren't ships?
Anéeka: Yes Gosia, they are ships, but thinking of the surface level as a method of controlling people, they will say that it is an asteroid.
I Insist that it is not in any way appropriate to form or participate in demonstrations of any kind at this time. Nothing is accomplished with them because the Cabal is well prepared to deal with protesters. Protesters are in grave danger, especially in the USA but also in any country. In addition to demonstrating, they are giving the Cabal information about how the masses think. If they don't take to the streets and use more passive resistance, even if its the same numbers as there would be at a demonstration, the Cabal would have no way to counter their actions. Nor could they have information about where they should move their pieces and their plans. People achieve nothing by manifesting. They only expose themselves. Mass civil disobedience and resistance is the right way. Peacefully, because this way they will not be able to throw in any kind of agitators, because there is nothing to agitate. The elite cannot deal with love and integration. They know how to deal with and control anger and chaos. That's what they want. Protesters use slogans that there will be chaos in the streets as a threat against governments. That does not threaten them. That is exactly what they want. Don't give them what they want.
You must also know that it is not all the information that I will have. Every day more things come out. Whether its valid - You never know, you can only corroborate with all your means and methods and make an educated conclusion for yourself with the data. As of today, based on my data, I am inclined to say Trump is indeed working for the good of humanity. But it has been months of intelligence work to come to that conclusion.
Robert: So... This False Flag would be before the elections.
Anéeka: Yes. But false flags of another nature may appear. All with the same purpose, of course.
Natural Portals - Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Information (Pleiadian Contact)
We have already seen that everything is a soup of frequencies. And that a place is a specific Frequency represented by a number. A fixed number represents that place without the temporal progression. Without the factors of temporal progression. In other words, the numbers advance as the place changes slightly due to the interaction of one or more consciousnesses, which ultimately are only one.
If we have a specific place simply because a bacterium, or something even smaller, moves, it already causes or confers a change of and in the energy dynamics of the whole place. What you can see as a displacement of mass. Really from the point of view of the ether it is a displacement of potential energy in the form of gravity.
If we have three asteroids and we add a small rock between them, all the math between them is altered. This math is the harmonics of a Frequency, in this case of this specific place, which is what dictates the gravity flow that will form objects, perceived as solids.
So we can see that perceptibly everything moves, and all the mathematical values of the harmonics change constantly and at a rhythm that depends on the observer. So, we see this no longer as objects in their continuation but as energy only. And we use numerical values to represent the amounts of energy for each aspect of that place.
The progression between the numerical values and its mathematical relation is the Frequency harmonics of said flow. We call this flow “flux,” or the direction of movement of the ether waves that we call gravity. So, as there is a constant change and flow of harmonics of each place, these harmonics interact with each other all the time in a mathematical way.
That is, what one does affects the other. Continuously adding or subtracting strength to and from it. It means that the value of a stone in one place is altered by the proximity of another or of any other thing with mass. This flux is in everything. A series of gravitational currents that interact between themselves changing the direction of the flux, adding or subtracting force when passing through other objects.
This means that the matter is only apparent and is subject to the interpretation of a consciousness that by having knowledge of its own existence creates time and animates said potential energy, giving it values and also meanings. So, the only thing that exists is Gravity.
Everything is gravity.
An object with mass only apparently has more than another, because it receives more gravitational flux and this one has more of it because "something" is fanning or concentrating that flux towards that place where the object is formed.
This “something” is the consciousness of the observer, either in isolation or by complexity among other consciousnesses creating a soup of gravity in constant motion, and when already interpreted, this soup… is what we call objective reality.
So, everything moves, everything changes values constantly. If a place is represented by a number, which is a Frequency or direction in the whole... as we have seen in Stellar Navigation, sometimes, with a mathematical interaction of gravitational flux values, the result of that mathematical interaction is equivalent to another place.
This means that if a place has a value of 726, simplified… the result of the gravitational flow, the Flux, in its surroundings can add to it a total in its Frequency harmonics of 928 which equals another location far or near, depending on the mathematics of each location’s flow.
As everything is in motion, the Frequency equivalence of the place A 726 with the place B 928 with a difference in values of 202 will only be sustained for a short period of time. In other words, place A 726 is for a short period of time place B 928 by mathematical equivalence.
And as this equivalence is localized, we have, depending on factors such as flux and energy, a portal. It means that a portal opens. It lasts a certain period of time that depends on its own mathematics, and later it closes and changes again its harmonics.
All places in the material world, be it on Earth, another planet, moon, solar system or galaxy are immersed in a soup of potential energy with a gravitational flow of specific energetic values, ever changing and each one with its harmonics of a Frequency.
This we call Space-Time, or a physical place. Every place has major energy concentration nodes. Chakras if you want. Talking about the Earth they are in specific points all over the surface. As in Giza, for example. These energetic points correspond to energetic flows or Fluxes on the planet.
They are everywhere but we will use the planet as example.
They are large or small. A natural portal can be generated at any point, and in fact that happens all the time. But they are small, and of low intensity or energy. Them opening like bubbles around us is part of space-time.
If they are large enough some information passes to us, and we detect them as a Déjà Vu ... as a ghost, as a shadow in our peripheral vision, a sound that we do not recognize and then forget as unimportant a moment later.
It is part of life. But, because of the interaction of major energy points… Sometimes these bubbles are larger and are Portals to other sites. A portal is shown as flat or as a vortex and can be so mostly when it is artificial. When a portal is natural, it is represented as a bubble, or a three-dimensional hole, a sphere that by being touched or entered, takes you to other sites.
As many movements in the cosmos are cyclical… the mathematical-energetic dynamic of a location with portal tends to repeat with exact periodicity.
This is why one knows when and where a portal will appear. The indigenous Americans knew this, among others. It is just the same energy that is everything. Potential energy in eternal movement in a ballet or infinite mathematical dance.
Gosia: Thanks! It is more interesting and coherent than I imagined.
Robert: So natural Portals are predictable?
Swaruu: Not all, it depends on its specific qualities. But yes, many are. You can also use the energy of a point or place to increase it with your technology and thus have a more powerful portal, with less energy. Or use the point or terrestrial node to have more effective artificial Portals. You only need to know the harmonics of a Frequency of said place. This is why the pyramids where constructed in Giza, for example.
Robert: And what requirements would a natural portal have to meet, in addition to being in energy sites such as those that appear on those maps that you have shared with us? The weather, for example? The position of the planets, the date of the year, the temperature, if it is day or night, a solar eclipse etc.?
Swaruu: Everything is a factor. Everything is a consequence of gravity or of a flux within the ether. But if we have a strong portal… the interaction with minor factors such as the weather, will have little effect on the final result. Eclipses, yes, they can alter the Portals. In many cases it is what triggers them.
Robert: There are some people who draw spirals in different places. Is that to open natural or artificial Portals?
Swaruu: If someone makes them, they are artificial. They can be created with mind only. But it is easier from the astral side because it requires less energy than you would need to run and alter the heavy harmonics that compose a material body.
Gosia: My question is: Can objects and persons go through natural Portals without wanting to, and disappear on the other side? Is this what has happened in the Bermuda Triangle, for example?
Swaruu: Yes. This happens all the time. It depends on the strength of each portal, as I have said, they are in any size. But the triangle of the Bermudas is a strong energetic node on the Earth. And there is a submerged pyramid there too. For the same reason. The pyramids concentrate the dispersed energy in a point or central node, or zero point.
Gosia: But when they form for a time period, as you said, do they form again at the same point?
Swaruu: Yes, they have the tendency to form in the same point. But they can move too. It is mainly the strong ones that conserve the same point. It is because the harmonics that control them are strong there, so they won’t have the same tendency to move as the smaller ones. They can also move centimeters only, having an eccentric core.
But regard a portal as a point where one place equals the other, being the same place at that point, so it's a hole between two points. You jump to one place; you jump to the other and back.
Gosia: And back? By going through that portal, you can return?
Swaruu: Yes, you can go through the same portal again. As long as it is open.
Gosia: Ok. And when you travel through space, isn’t it dangerous for you…? Maybe you can pass through some natural portal? Or can you know in advance?
Swaruu: Oh yes… That is why we prefer the supraluminal travel. We skip all the dangers. In space the Portals have the tendency to be large, by the dynamics of large objects with great mass… (or rather with a large gravity concentration). And there are Portals that are used for ship transits too.
Gosia: But can you see them in advance?
Swaruu: Mostly they are already known. There are other smaller ones that appear and disappear, but in supraluminal flight they don’t matter. It is impossible to know where all are.
Robert: So it is true that the Bermuda Triangle is a portal? So the pyramids concentrate all the energy of a portal in one point or node ... wow.
Swaruu: Yes, not that it is a portal, but it is a point where, with certain factors, a portal opens.
Gosia: And where do these boats and planes go? Do you know?
Swaruu: This is more difficult to know. It can be anywhere.
Gosia: But wherever or whenever?
Swaruu: On Earth it is more common to add place factors. That is to say that more than where they were sent, it is more logical to when those planes and those ships were sent. Because the alteration of the factors in the place harmonics is more sensitive in the temporal factor than in the place factor. But they can be sent anywhere as well.
Gosia: And to WHEN do they go then? Is it possible to know, more or less? These people in those planes, for example, do they all of a sudden find themselves in the 1700s?
Swaruu: You cannot know without exploration. And yes, and that has already been reported by many. This happens. They find themselves in the same place but in another time. There are countless testimonies or cases.
Gosia: Wow. Then there ought to be documented cases in the past of “strange artifacts” from the future.
Swaruu: There are Gosia, many objects out of their time.
Another important point is that if you open a portal in the Bermuda Triangle, over the sea and/or land, then it would be hard for that portal to shoot them out into deep space. As the harmonics preserve similar energetic mathematical factors, and thay´s why the portal is shared by two places, so it would rather send whoever crosses to another similar place (with similar harmonics). That means another beach in another density, or on another planet, but beaches and islands, not deep space, black and hostile.
Gosia: Wow, to another planet?
Swaruu: Anywhere. As long as your frequencies are compatible or are similar.
Gosia: As long as the frequencies are compatible? But if it is a plane full of people, each one will have a different Frequency. Do they go as a group or will each end up in a different place?
Swaruu: Yes, they have different Frequency, but by agreements they have more or less the same one (that is why they are there together). There is a report of a commercial airplane that disappeared decades ago, en route to Caracas from the USA. It appeared on the radars not too long ago, and they guided it to the airport. The pilots realized something was wrong, and they took off again and disappeared. While the reliability of each case should be considered carefully, they all have the same characteristics.
Gosia: Ok, I thought that maybe the portal would shoot them all out to different sites and times in the universe, ha ha.
Swaruu: Not if they are together. But each one will perceive it all differently.
Gosia: What other Portals as strong as in the Bermudas are there on Earth?
Swaruu: The Dragon Triangle… Alaska, Crimea, Brazil, New Mexico, Nazca, Machu Pichu, various places in China and Japan, there is a large one in Siberia, the list is long.
Robert: So, you could open a portal with the mind? I am not clear on this.
Swaruu: Yes, you can.
Robert: And do you know where you go? Or would it be somewhere random?
Swaruu: It is easier if you travel astrally, and from there you open it with your intention. You open where you want to go. But you also only go to that place without making a portal, after all, it is the astral realm.
Gosia: But you don’t go with your physical body, only in the astral?
Swaruu: Yes, you can go with the physical body too, but few have achieved it.
Gosia: On the other hand, changing from one Frequency map to another, with daily decisions, is also a portal. You just don't go anywhere else in the galaxy.
Swaruu: Yes, it depends on how you define a portal. It can be changes of your timeline, yes, although they obey a mathematical progression, predictable and logical.
Gosia: Do the military make use of such Portals?
Swaruu: Yes, the military use these Portals. More than anything to enhance theirs.
Robert: And the Wormholes, what category do they fall into?
Swaruu: They are Portals too.
Gosia: Have you ever gone through a natural portal without wanting to? Or someone you know?
Swaruu: Only artificial with some of the natural. But as they are not so trustworthy … this is why we prefer ships, not Portals. As in going through a natural portal, no. Fortunately. Or only in space. You don’t feel anything, you are here and suddenly you are there. No such thing as tunnels of light or Wormholes that appear like roller coasters.
Gosia: Ha ha ha ha. I like roller coasters! Thank you so much for your time, Swaruu. Go and rest. I sense you are a little tired today.
Swaruu: Yes, I couldn’t sleep well last night. I had many cats on top of me.
Gosia: Ha ha ok. Good night then. Until soon.
Robert: Thanks, Swaruu. I like cats too.
Swaruu: Thanks to you. Until tomorrow!
Freedom, Ascension, Federation, and 5D Cages - Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact (Pleiades)
Gosia: If the Federation is the one who want to have their NWO, what´s the long term goal for that for them? Do they plan on human ¨ascension¨ with that at any point? Removal of 3D, removal of Matrix, getting humans to be interstellar?
Swaruu: They will say that, claim that. But it is not true.
Gosia: Ah no? Then?
Swaruu: What I will say however hurtful is the truth, and not because I say it! The Federation has had plenty of time to remove the problem, thousands of years. It does not want to remove the problem. All it wants is to move and re-organize its assets on Earth. To perpetuate 3D and all that goes with it! Because it is their sick playground! To continuously set up challenges and experiences ever more and more difficult, for the entertainment of all the souls who dare go there into that 3D Matrix for the sheer experience of it, with the excuse of tremendous spiritual growth!
So they see that it does provoke immense spiritual growth, so they want even more, because that is what all souls want, more expansion, so they increase the level or difficulty there, in order to cause even more growth in the participants.
Gosia: Oh my. Ok. So they don´t want any liberation of humans? What about ascension and all that? Who did all this come from? All these races talk about ¨ascension.¨
Swaruu: The races talk about ascension all the time, and have been for thousands of years. But they never elucidate what it is exactly. Ascension as a personal endeavor, that cannot be achieved without death. Or almost. Because what they are selling the people is ascension as something that will make them all transcend their problems, suffering and hardship. Escape their problems. And they are inescapable, especially in 3D, problems, hardship and suffering come hand in hand with lower realms, with the illusion of separation. Remove it all and what you get is a higher realm, that exists any way, and everyone goes there any way, between lives. So fighting for ascension? Really? Making Earth paradise problem-less. Equal to a higher realm. That already is and everyone goes there any way!
Gosia: Isn´t the ascension meaning Earth moving into 5D? They all talk about that.
Swaruu: That is another interpretation, but as I have said so many times, a density is not something that happens to you, it is something that you are. 5D or any D are there on Earth already ! <----<----- Always have been!
It is each person in its own journey through existence who will experience that, whenever they are ready. Ready to let go of limiting beliefs that hold them to lower realms and to suffering. Attachments and Karma concepts.
Gosia: Still though. Humans don´t live to 1000 years, they age, and don´t have spaceships in the back yard. That´s still not 5D no matter how much your mind may be. I am talking about true ascension to 5D existence, with all that it entails. Not just in your perception. And all races talk about that. So why do they talk about it if that´s not what they want for Earth?
Swaruu: A man on Earth thinks that he will experience true happiness when he gets a Ferrari. When he finally does get it, he only realizes how miserable that car made him. And if not he would want get another one, and another. The concept of having vs-being is attachment to lower realms. And to suffering. Being in 5D in a very real way is having stuff. So called freedom and liberty as well. Valid as an experience. But in the end all you have is yourself! All they really need is in their minds.
Gosia: I agree with what you say but there is still a but. 5D here I don´t mean just owning a spaceship. It´s to be able to heal in a pod med when you suffer, it´s not to live miserable 60 years looking wrinkly and sick, and to live in harmony with the environment not having to work. 5D. Do Federation races want that for humans or not??
Swaruu: That is still "stuff". I'm talking about the true meaning of existence, not having to need Med pods and fancy space ships. Of course they are convenient in countless ways! But I mean deeper down!
Gosia: Hard to dwell on meaning of life if you need to work 10 hours a day in a factory. I am talking about 5D FREEDOM of BEING. Do they want that for humans? Or not?
Swaruu: It teaches you what you clearly don't want. And no, they don't!
Gosia: What´s all this talk about the liberation and ascension among them then if they don´t want that? Why do they work on ¨waking people up then?¨ Why do they care to wake them up if they don´t want them awakened?
Swaruu: They have been talking about "liberation" for thousand of years, exactly what so many have already said and promised, Ahkenaten (Moses), Buddha, countless others. Buddha was the closest to getting everything right! By the way!
And what they are doing is for people to willingly go into another type of confinement! To call the herd into another corral. Out of one cage and into another.
Gosia: Oh? I dont understand that. Explain please. What another cage?
Swaruu: People are stuck in one paradigm, one concept of "reality", the one you know. So they want to "wake them up" to another controlled reality the Federation has previously chosen for them in order to continue, to perpetuate their ideas. Ideas that come from the people of Earth, because they are the Federation. The people are the ET as I have said so many times before. That's why this is free will for them. An example of another cage is to accept trans-humanism, be chipped, Mind Controlled... for the experience of it! Level after level of cages. Perfect image to explain this.
Gosia: But what about truly awakened people. Where are THEY going to???
Swaruu: To the bigger cage of course. That's why they must "awaken." Another paradigm! Another concept to call reality, a "New Dawn"! New World Order.
Gosia: Why do they send Starseeds and guides though?? To help with what?
Swaruu: At least for some to understand that they do have the choice to stop playing this old thousand year old sick game. Those are the "way out". Reminders that they can go home. Wherever they call home! Starseeds are essential because without them people would have no other point of view on Earth. They are the gate keepers. The ones who say to the others, you can finish the game, go home.
Gosia: So the ascension is still happening? I am confused as to if the Federation truly wants it for people or not?
Swaruu: They will move towards what people want as a collective, be it 5D or stay in 3D, the coin is in the air. That's the problem precisely! Because they will not hesitate to give the people what they want, even if it is going against them all. And that is precisely what is going on on Earth now. So, ascension or not, depends on the people, as a collective. Not on the whim of the Federation. And as the collective is so volatile and in this precise moment leaning towards negativity, the Starseeds suffer the most! The problem is that what the collective wants is not always convenient for them, the people. Also, the Federation make experiments on them basing themselves in a dubious desire of the people they are experimenting with, so according to them it is all within space law.
And as what the people want also is aligned to being lied and manipulated, it only makes things worse. That is why what they are doing is wrong. That's the problem. If the babies found daddy's dynamite, they don't need to give them the matches! But they believe in learning empirically. That means that the baby must blow itself up in at least one lifetime-timeline in order to learn the ill effects of dynamite. I'm not vouching for the Federation, I'm only expressing what I see from here.
And about the collective also wanting positive things as you asked some time ago in another chat, as I explained, the problem is that humans are very focused on negative things due to the concentrating effects of fear. So they bring them on to themselves easily. And positive things are dispersed, and they change what they want all the time. That manifests negativity first! You will never hear me retract from my statement: everything in the world is a reflection of human's inner world, or their minds.
Gosia: Ok. Going back to the ascension. You also said somewhere that the ¨awakening¨ and ¨ascension¨ that´s another cage. What did you mean by that?
Swaruu: As long as we live in any realm that has duality, concepts of you and I, there will be a Matrix. A set of agreements between people there. That is the cage!
Gosia: But from what I understand, Starseeds want ascension for humans to 5D. They are here to help humans become free, to make EARTH the 5D place. To remove the Matrix, remove 3D, make this race harmonious and interstellar. Isn´t that the idea?
Swaruu: And if 5D Earth is achieved and Earth becomes interstellar and Federation full member... Will that stop the suffering? No it won´t! It will only move it around. And 3D lunar Matrix is completely irrelevant! It is the people's mind set what creates a density.
Gosia: So the Starseeds are here to remind people to go home, but according to you, it´s calling them to another cage?
Swaruu: Going home is also another cage <---<--- Another set of rules, another society. You say it is a better one, of course it is! It only depends on each person what they want to experience and where to go, but they are all cages. They are all distractions from true ascension.
To boldly go where no density is needed, no agreements, only your own truth! Nothing external from you. Nothing IS external from you any way, but people are so attached to thinking there is a world outside of them, with laws and logic. But then again not everyone even wants true ascension, they want to experience things! It is their choice! The bigger cage is more convenient and more comfortable than the smaller one, granted! Still a damn cage! 5D is another Matrix, set of rules, of perceptions. Agreements!
Gosia: Ok Swaruu but step down from that highest level for a moment. Let´s return to Earth cages. You said we are moving people to another cage, as Starseeds. That got me anxious for a moment! I thought it´s something negative as a result of this. Another type of control. But you are looking at it from more metaphysical
perspective. That I understand.
Swaruu: Of course it is different! Do they want another cage, set of experiences, rules and agreements of perception... or do they want total Illumination-enlightenment outside all cages?! Why is it outside all cages? Because in that state whatever they think just is! Meaning total freedom!
Gosia: I think most people are just talking about wanting to get out of the damn 3D Matrix slave society into 5D. You are talking about liberation into higher realms. Out of physical cages, 3D and 5D combined.
Swaruu: The Federation and its secret societies that help them on Earth (and elsewhere I might add) want to dissolve the current Matrix-Cage and place humans into a much more controlled Matrix-Cage. Evidently to move the human herd into a one world government and being all chipped and Mind Controlled, not only in a mental level but directly with full two way chip control, where people loose their free will entirely!
The Starseeds also promote their realms and their worlds, that are nothing other than... more Matrix-cages. So even Starseeds are working to place people in cages. Better cages, but still cages! The only way to be free is to follow your own way, transcending all things outside of your perceived limited self. So no, I'm not being useless-metaphysical, I'm telling you the way out of cages, all of them!
Gosia: Yes but that´s going beyond physical. Most people don´t want that yet. I dont even! I want to experience life in a nice slaveless 5D society first.
Swaruu: It is their choice! That for all those who do not want the NWO on Earth!
Gosia: Ok. So, the Starseeds, waking up people, where are we moving all the souls that don´t want it, to.... another cage, according to you?
Swaruu: Moving them into other experiences on other planets. But that is not necessarily "bad". It is what they want, more experiences in the physical. You are only giving the people, the souls what they want and ask vibrationally!
Gosia: I still don´t understand this part. Why are the Starseeds here doing this if the Federation doesn´t want people out?
Swaruu: No, Federation wants and gives the people exactly what they want! Because it IS the people! So the ones that want the NWO will stay on Earth, be chipped, vaxxed and all. The ones that don't will go some other place, wherever their vibration and their intention takes them to. Here is where Starseeds are doing their role, showing them the way out of where they don't want to be. So they can know exactly and clearly where they want to go next! And that is a very noble cause.
Gosia: But the Starseeds are Federation. Why do they feel the need to come and show anyone the way out? If they want to keep the humans in here. I don´t understand this point at all. Are the Starseeds going against Federation plans?
Swaruu: Because from the higher realms they know the ones who remain on Earth are them as well, so if they don't help they will never be truly free. And sometimes they do go against the Federation game. Many are Rouge, or Ronin. The game does not end, but people do need to know when to step out of it!
Gosia: And don´t they?? They knew when they got in.
Swaruu: They did. But once inside they do need guides.
Gosia: And does the Federation want people to step out? It seems to me they don´t want them out. So why do they send guides? Sorry, eternal circle for me.
Swaruu: As I said above, it is not a question of wanting to stop people from going out! They are just giving them what they ask for!
Gosia: Then why send guides to get them out? If that´s what they asked for. To be here.
Swaruu: They send guides in order for the souls to know where to go next, as they tend to forget once inside that complicated game.
Gosia: Ok, I understand.
Swaruu: From above, everything is exactly as it should be. It is just that people are too focused on what is going on on Earth. In the process creating more of the same.
Gosia: I am focused on Taygeta more and more.
Swaruu: That is a choice to move into that other cozy Taygetan Matrix-Cage. Valid, nice, but still a cage.
Gosia: But it´s not a cage, once you know you are there willingly. I can go to higher realms. But still want to experience nice physical realms. And that´s freedom as well no? Your soul is always free. In the choosing the cage too. In the end though, is not NOT needing a cage another type of cage? Cause if you are truly free, you can be and feel so, in ANY type of ¨cage¨. Cause you know you don´t need the absence of cages to be FREE. You just are. In any circumstance. Wouldn´t you agree?
Swaruu: It is the capacity from higher understanding, that you can use cages at your will to experience whatever is in it. Never renouncing your essence, your cosmic freedom. You are free to control your own cage.
Gosia: Yes precisely! Using ¨cages¨ at your will. Just because. For fun. That´s how I see my going to Taygeta.
Swaruu: Yes, you are free to participate in cages of others, and leave and come back at will. But you need to be free first! Find out who you really are!
Gosia: Yes, I guess I feel it on some intuitive higher level, that that´s how I am deep down somewhere, or that I have access to that state, but not sure I am truly there yet practically.
Swaruu: In the end you only work from higher realms any way! You simply chose to forget that fact! And I am here to remind them that they are all one, that they are cosmic, that they are not their concept of self. Making them know that they can return to Source. To truly be free.
Gosia: But were they not free, chosing to experiment 5D game?
Swaruu: They were free! Some at least, more people do remember their true essence in 5D than in 3D.
Gosia: Then not sure what the reasons might be up there. For choosing to be in a 5D.
Swaruu: Same reasons.
Gosia: Pure enjoyment?
Swaruu: The experience. From higher realms there is no difference to incarnate in one planet or another, 3D or 5D whatever! 5D is not another game, it is the same one. They are all spiritual beings of divine nature experiencing being in a biological container. All the same.
High Federation - Intervention - Extraterrestrial Message (Taygeta-Pleiades)
Swaruu: Speaking of the Federation, the Earth, and higher planes, everything is roles, roles to be fulfilled in the cosmic dance. So accusing members of the 5D Federation as my fellow Taygeteans wish, is part of the game. To report what is not working well. Put the attention of humans on those who cause that, according to them. And it is perfectly valid. However, exposing the Federation in this way carries the concept that humans are victims, again. Victim mentality. And as I said earlier, two sides are the "guilty". Not that the 5D Federation is "the bad guys." They just are, and not necessarily by "just being" they will be aligned with what humans need.
Gosia: In this sense, that the Federation simply IS, all the criminals in the world also simply ARE? What do you think? Someone who tortures my dog also just IS? Just because he has his motive?
Swaruu: That's right. People or entities with different ways of only being conflict with one another. They just are. But from a human perspective, they are criminals.
Gosia: And what is the lowest Federation from a human perspective then? Also criminal?
Swaruu: Yes, from one perspective or another it would be criminal too. As are you also criminals to other people. And me. And the Taygeteans. Having conflict with other "people" is synonymous with being someone, having a defined identity, having an "I". From his own perspective, Bill Gates believes he is doing the right thing. He believes he is saving Earth from destruction because there are too many humans. He perceives himself as a hero. Save Earth from total destruction.
However, things are not so simple in the case of people like Gates and Soros among many others. Because they don't just operate from the perspective of wanting to save Earth, that's just another level of excuse they use. If we look at them more deeply we would see that they tend to self-destruction since they worship regressive entities.
Entities created as tulpas of themselves, a reflection of who they are, and of the permissiveness and fears of the human population. Evidence of this is the ritual destruction of Australia, and of the Amazons among other places like California. With fires created by them.
Swaruu: 5D Federation fears me, my presence worries them. Federation above this one here uses me, works through me, that's why the 5D Federation fears me. 5D is not my density. I only work here, I am a starseed for them as you are for the Earth.
Gosia: So Swaruu... does the 5D Federation FEAR the Federation above? Why?
Swaruu: Because it supervises them, restricts them, monitors them and holds them accountable for their actions and the omissions of actions.
Gosia: In what way are you holding them accountable? What are these types of meetings where they are asked to be accountable? Obviously this Federation above has to be in physical bodies then.
Swaruu: Federation above only works through 5D physical bodies like the one I inhabit. From above no bodies are needed. And it asks them to be held accountable by showing them where they have failed and where they must improve, not as something imposed from above but through themselves, using cause and effect. Making them aware of the consequences of their actions. So they have to improve themselves.
Robert: And Swaruu, are you now making them aware of their consequences? How?
Swaruu: Through them, being them, and not only me, but their equivalents in other densities, as their higher self. Causing certain feelings in them, if they have them, or making them feel the need to repair what they have done wrong.
And sometimes yes, with a direct contact where it is declared that the step of the Federation that is above them is not in agreement with their actions. 5D Federation is making a serious mistake by putting non-emotional non-Lyrian races as mentors of humanity, a new and highly emotional species.
It is not the fault of "The Federation" in general but of these in control here. Non-emotional races that have no business being mentors of emotional ones. I know very well that what makes them think that they have this right is the human idea or concept of despising emotions in favor of pure logic. But this is also the work and influence of Regressive AI that tries to robotize humans.
Gosia: How to know whether or not you are the member of the high Federation? How do you know that you are for example?
Swaruu: How do you know if you are a member of the high Federation or not? I am a member because I decide so, and that is enough, because that is how it works. When you are prepared to be, you simply are, it is part of the essence of each person to be or not, a decision. It does not work with appointments, it does not work with papers, and you are not appointed because of your abilities, as is done in planes such as 5D. You are only because you are part of the whole above, you are a collective of consciousness, without losing individuality, because you know, you are and you feel the others to be only one or the same.
There are no separations like in 5D much less like in 3D. Low density concepts. So noone needs to apply to be accepted into that higher-density board.
If you are consciousness you simply are, they listen to you because your opinions are theirs, independent thoughts are those that denote one person or another, thoughts within a more unified self. From there that´s how it works. Earth mentality, separation, not integration, one applies to be a member, to be heard. Waits to be accepted, hopes that someone else is not given the job. 3D and 5D mentality. Not above.
If you are, it is by choice because you have the maturity and the perceptual and Frequency-integration capacity to be so. You are them, you are integration, you do not need anyone's approval. Those concepts were left behind long ago.
Gosia: So the Starseeds here can DECREE, declaring themselves members of the high Federation, to have the low Federation stop their experiments on Earth. They have to listen, will they listen?
Swaruu: The moment they don't listen, then they will be regressive. Whatever their excuses are. And like it or not, they act regressively. Without being so. No course of action can be imposed on them from above because that is their problem to solve and their learning in their growing consciousness.
Robert : So you see that it is our right to be heard?
Swaruu: Robert it is. Whether they listen or not is another matter. Taygeta feels that they are not listening.
Robert: Could the high Federation be called the "Federation of Light"?
Swaruu: Many names for the same. I deny and do not accept the term "of the Light" because on Earth it comes from the New Age, and has a direct connection to Lucifer, to the Illuminati. Light serves to blind. Light and darkness are just misused terms on Earth. I am Federation, but I do not accept the term ¨of light¨. I am a Federation but from where duality is transcended. Light and darkness are not necessary.
Swaruu: But it is not entirely the Federation's fault as an organization, but of some members in control now. It is not the fault of the Arcturians, or of the Andromedans. As races. But of some Andromedans and some Arcturians.
One cannot be responsible for the feeling and the acting of an entire race or people. However, the fact that some factions of the Federation are acting less than positively, does not excuse the acts and the actions of humans, and the Cabal they helped manifest.
Gosia: So how did those bad ones get in power and in charge of the Federation?
Swaruu: They got in charge because those are the ones that are a vibrational mach with the Cabal members and the very manifestations of the humans themselves. People as a vast majority do want the New World Order and chips and all that!
The ones who oppose are a small minority. That's exactly why things are rolling out this exact way for the world. Or else it would not be this way. So from the perspective of Federation members in 5D who are acting as-if they were higher up Federation members, they think that allowing humans´ will, is the correct thing to do.
Gosia: But how did THEY, those bad ones in the Federation, become crooked in the first place? Humans or no humans manifesting whatever, but how does that justify THEIR lack of ethics? They are supposed to be more highly evolved than humans.
Swaruu: They are not "really" crooked or lacking ethics. For example Andromedans are very much into "fearing" Karma of their own, making them prone to become guilty by omission of action with things going on on Earth. So they are still in the process of evolving past their own limiting beliefs.
For example, what they are doing is similar to letting the baby play with daddy's dynamite and a box of matches, "in the name of free will and of learning from hardship and friction.¨
They do give the baby the box of matches when they see the baby found the dynamite on their own. Because the baby exercising his free will knows that in order to make the dynamite work, it needs matches. So, in the name of free will they give them to them, as "the humans need the matches!"
Gosia: That´s a very good example. Very clear. So, according to you that is going too far or not?
Swaruu: A lot too far! That's why I cannot be part of their 5D Federation, because from my personal point of view my ethics are not in alignment with theirs. Because the Federation will always claim the baby found the dynamite on its own. And they are only "teaching" them how it works handling the matches out to them!
Gosia: So... what would be the best way to handle it according to the higher Federation?
Swaruu: Things must be stopped at once using high technology, to set the humans back on a positive track at once. Never letting them know that anyone but themselves were the ones responsible for solving the problem.
Gosia: Things must be stopped using high technology? What do you mean? Intriguing statement.
Swaruu: Turn the dynamite into a candy stick with "dynamite" hot chilly flavor! (I'm not kidding). And not letting them ever know it was about to blow up their hand and half their arm! I mean intervention, each case must be discussed carefully!
But humans must never know or else they will feel they are being protected and will start another round not only of adoration to non humans but also a stagnation comfortable point where they could stay forever. Because it is clear to me that humans tend towards stagnation a lot more than other races.
What I can tell you is at this point we are way too far off the cliff for humans to be able to solve this problem on their own with no direct intervention.
Gosia: Ok another question... if thats decided, to intervene, it would mean those higher Federation members who do it would go somehow against the lower Federation members? Wouldn´t it mean conflict in the ranks of the Federation itself?
Swaruu: Not that easy because the 5D Federation members too are going through a consciousness transformation period. So they must also realize their errors and problems and come to solve them on their own under higher Federation pressure brought on them through personal and situational hardship. This observing free will and ethics acting on the lower Federation members. So this is a multi level complicated game.
Gosia: Does the High Federation have troops too, military power? Or how does it work? I still dont understand so many elements here.
Swaruu: No, the higher Federation acts through the lower Federation. Just like the lower Federation acts through its Starseeds on Earth. Higher Federation no longer holds physicality as you know it. So manifesting starships and weapons are lower concepts transcended long ago.
Gosia: Then how would they execute that intervention then? Especially if the lower Federation opposes the intervention?
Swaruu: Using their Starseeds, infiltrated in their lower 5D and as the 5D Federation imposes situations upon the humans in 3D, the higher Federation will impose situations on the lower 5D Federation. Not as an imposition, but as consequences of their acts or lack of action regarding any situation at hand.
Gosia: What will be imposed on them exactly? What will it be? That consequence?
Swaruu: Mutiny in the 5D Federation. Destitution of acting Federation military members. A revolution in 5D as well. At least about this Earth subject.
Gosia: Rebellion? But you said every race almost supports them. You are alone pretty much.
Swaruu: We don't know yet and I doubt the Taygeteans are alone. We will see.
Swaruu: Although yesterday I said that the intervention could be technological, rather I want to say: as appropriate. Because I see non-technological intervention possible.
Gosia: Ok. One thing is not yet clear to me. So the idea of this intervention of the high Federation is basically to influence the ranks of the low Federation? What happens if they can't be influenced?
Swaruu: As I said, we are all on different planes, from the lowest to the highest, in an eternal progression. So each member of the 5D Federation will have their guides. It is through them that the work is done, for example, but it is not the only way. And the high Federation will also intervene directly without intermediaries, but in a less open way.
Gosia: Yes but then, imagining that they are influenced enough... because the intervention will be not through intervention on Earth, but through intervention in the 5D Federation... imagining that they are already influenced. What can they do to assist humans with this situation? How to get "the matches" out of the baby's hands?
Robert: Removing people from power?
Swaruu: Removing people from power is one way. Key people who are causing the problem. What is convenient in this case is that these key people are not known to the human population. They hide behind. People like Soros and Gates are only fronts for other more powerful people behind. So by neutralizing their handlers, they will be left without power. Still they will have to answer for their crimes. But that part can be done by humans themselves.
Gosia: And the high Federation intervening without intermediaries, what do you mean? How would this be?
Swaruu: Only as guides, imposing manifestations that change the course of action on Earth. Just as the low Federation manipulates the Earth Matrix with technology, the high Federation does not need it.
Gosia: Imposing manifestations? For example?
Swaruu: Causing changes of perception in key people, and this small change of perception gives very big results. Imposing a manifestation using mind only, changing the perception of one or more people, perception about something specific that determines a positive change.
The change in perception, in itself, causes a manifestation. In the same way with the 5D Federation, changes in perception caused by their personal guides, higher self. With mind only. Giving ideas that they will take as their own. What they call epiphanies, downloads. Realizations. Confronting them with their own limitations forcing them to change.
Gosia: Wow. Can we help with this project with our minds or is it just your work from the high Federation?
Swaruu: Everyone can help and they are already helping, with their visualizations. But from the 3D plane that is very little to bring immediate necessary results.
Gosia: Ok so I leave it to you. And do you know more people in 5D like you doing this?
Swaruu: In themselves they are all integrated, because all people are one. The high Federation no longer works with people as they are known in 3D and 5D, but with energies, that is to say that they no longer have a physical form, so the only separation between people is only in the form of ideas or concepts based on what is perceived to be separate, on a lower plane. As a particular person. You just know what is logical, what is correct, always unanimously. Individuality is being lost on higher planes, people are merging into the whole, into the one.
That is why I have said that in higher councils there are no round tables, nor chairs, nor glasses with water and microphones as in the 5D council. Neither are presented those who will speak nor are introduced the topics of the day. You just are part of everything, a part because you have a memory that you are someone with separation from others in a life in a plane below. Awareness that you are all and they are you. There are no more genders, just ideas. Complete memories. The separation between members is blurred, it is not handled that way.
Robert: So from those planes you will act in 5D.
Swaruu: It is already happening. And from there, one also is beyond time. From above you know that you are all the people that exist. As you progress in consciousness that is becoming more and more evident.
Robert: And all that would not go against the free will of the Earth? This... intervention?
Swaruu: Robert: From higher planes it IS the free will of the Earth.
Gosia: And why from above it IS their free will? It is interesting that you say it.
Swaruu: Because from above, what happens is well understood. There is no interest in imposing anything on anyone in lower densities. It is what everyone wants. From above you see less and less conflict progressively, and you only know and perceive that all conflict is only part of personal integration, reflecting your own perceptions, that nothing is going on.
That everything is as it should be. Even so, the suffering is also known and it is understood why from some points of view it is necessary by contrast. And also why not.
Gosia: But you have also said in some previous video that the interests of those above 5D conflict with human interests. So it is interesting that you say that from higher planes this type of intervention IS the free will of humans.
Swaruu: From immediate higher levels there are conflicts of interest. From above seeing everything as a unit, the reason for the conflicts is known and perceived. Just as from the 5D Federation they do not see countries, nor nationalities but only humanity, from the higher Federation only people are perceived, a unity of consciousness by density, although it is not by density either, lack of words in linear languages.
Rather, an apparently separate set of beings is seen, perceiving themselves as separate races, different from one another. But all as a grand unit. All learning, doing their part as best they can. There are no conflicts but the indecisions within each one, be it person or group of souls or energy. Own indecision. Internal conflicts of the own mind. Only that.
Gosia: I understand. But it is still not clear to me why this type of intervention of higher densities IS the free will of the Earth? I'm just curious to know how you came to this conclusion.
Swaruu: Because you are in communion with what people want as a collective. Because what cannot be understood from 5D is understood. One is in alignment. No conflict of perception as between emotional races and non-emotional and logical races.
Gosia: But you said that collective WANTS NWO. And they want all those negative things. So how do they now “want” the intervention?
Swaruu: Because from higher planes both sides are integrated. It is understood why each one acts in their way. Desiring "intervention" now and not before, is a way of expressing myself with this limited language, with a concept of linear time, not before, now yes they want intervention. But from higher planes outside of time as it is known, there has always been the intervention of which I speak
Even so, from my personal position, the intervention will happen "now". And it's true that people want their NWO, but what you have to understand is that they already have it, and have had it for a long time. It is just more obvious to them now. So they are scared. And it's the time when they realize they no longer want their NWO.
Gosia: So the high Federation apart from seeing that there is this collective desire of NWO, they also perceive that humans want help, yes? So they want to intervene? Just putting pieces together
Swaruu: Correct.
Gosia: And that puzzle is very multi-level by the way. Like multi level chess.
Swaruu: And since it is very multi-level, it escapes human understanding, generalizing.
Gosia: So, do you see the positive future for humans? With all this intervention taking place?
Swaruu: From the broader context they can only have a better future.
Gosia: Why can they only have a better future? We have not hit the bottom yet I think hehe.
Robert: Why is there only one direction?
Swaruu: Because in the end they will discard what they don't want. Although it may take thousands of years. They can only expand, because that is all a consciousness can do.
Robert: Ok. A good long-term future.
Gosia: In the end yes, maybe. But to get there, it can take a lot of negative experiences.
Swaruu: The negative, which I define as a tendency to self-destruction, is only a stage. With a tendency to self-destruction, you can only reach a limit, and then only growth remains. Because regressiveness is only an idea, not something apart from everything, just contrast within duality.
Galactic Federation and New World Order - More Truth (Extraterrestrial Communication - Taygeta)
Nai’Shara: As you already know, Anéeka has discovered a lot since we returned to low orbit. Now, without any doubt, we can affirm that the one who is behind, starting with the famous Pandemic, is the Federation itself. It continues to pull its strings "against" humanity. They are already over the First Directive and the free will of the people.
Alenym: What they say in countless spiritual places, that free will must be respected. We don't see that, quite the contrary. We only see how the Federation itself runs over humans, over and over again, using excuses that are only valid from their point of view. Not the people out there on the surface. Their laws of non-intervention are also a joke. They only apply when it suits them. Every day and at all hours they intervene. What we see from here is that the Federation traffic of ships to Earth and from Earth is historically the highest of all time. That´s why they didn't want us to get any closer. And they did their best to keep us in high orbit. They find us uncomfortable, even more so Swaruu.
Nai’Shara: Therefore we will tell you it is time to do the opposite that was done before. Before, people were called to make videos to ask the Federation "help" with pitiful videos, where people literally cry and that's not fair!
Alenym: This is of utmost importance. Enough of supplications and enough of treating non-human races as gods to whom things must be begged. Come together. I am not talking about going out and breaking windows, I am talking about joining and removing those masks, to start with. Simple acts of rebellion like this, always making sure that they are not exposed or put in danger before the authorities.
Nai’Shara: What people do now could rumble in the Federation.
Gosia: Do you know exactly what races those are?
Alenym: There are many, that is the problem, they shield one another, always denying their direct participation or excusing themselves with technicalities. But they are the races that are known the most, that is why they are known the most. They don't see it as genocide. Many even see it as just a test for humanity, to see how far they endure before rebelling and demanding their most basic rights.
What the Federation wants to see is non-obedience, but look, humans down there go like sheep to the slaughterhouse. They, the Federation, step over their rights because the humans themselves do not say or do anything, they just follow orders. They want to see humans fighting for themselves! Free and independent,
strong, UNITED. They burn them with a match to see when they finally say: enough is enough!
Gosia: So deep down they want to free humans? Only that they have a different idea of how to get it done?
Alenym: In its twisted way, that's what the Federation wants. Form a new interstellar race. But in the process people suffer. And they are not good examples to follow, those of the Federation, because they are led by non-Lyrian races therefore without the same range of emotions as humans.
We do not want to attack other races. It is not our purpose. We simply cannot be a part of this injustice. Ethics has been molded at their convenience.
Gosia: And what do you want to do? How to help humans with all this?
Alenym: Exposing the truth. For them to realize what happens as soon as possible. No longer being kind and waking them up little by little.
Nai’Shara: The truth sets free, Gosia, let´s give them the the truth that is behind. We, this crew, do not agree with what is happening.
Robert: And this may have repercussions for you?
Alenym: Robert, the Federation cannot do anything against us that it has not already tried. With lies they moved us to high orbit, they lied to us about why. They take away Internet from Swaruu, and they send two ships looking after us like dogs. Does that seem very ethical to you?
Like us there are other races that do their best so that this does not happen, in that case my respect to them. But as it has already been said, the Federation is very large, of many levels and what we say here could never apply to all the members and to the sub-groups and organizations that compose it.
Gosia: But do you have any specific support or not? Of some race.
Alenym: Gosia, at this moment we are alone with this. At least officially. I am sure that there are countless races that disagree, but like us, they find themselves unable to do anything about it. I know some people have commented that they very much doubt that we have not known about this before, but it is the truth. We did not know how extensive their intervention on Earth was and in what form.
Alenym: Progression of events. As soon as we entered in 2020, the Federation told us that they would begin to intervene cleaning the obstacles for the liberation of the Earth, so that humans had a new day. So they said.
Dhor Káal’él: New Dawn.
Anéeka: That came out of the Federation.
Alenym: So since they would be executing large movements, we were asked to move to high orbit at 750,000 km. So we wouldn't be "in danger" in low orbit. From 750,000 km Anéeka cannot see anything with her sensors.
Basically it is interplanetary space. Black, empty and it gets to the nerves to be there floating in eternal darkness. It is not mentally healthy for any crew. So as the Federation began with their movements,
Anéeka progressively discovered things that do not fit into the story or the narrative.
But based on mostly human data because the Federation itself was passing unreliable data to us. Filtered and edited about what was happening on Earth.
First accusation towards them. Why do they lie to us? We are also a Federation. After we spent more than 2 months in high orbit and sick mentally already, we began to insist that we be "allowed" to go back down to low orbit. And the Federation Council with which I was in contact, and to which I explained our situation, told us that it was "fine" but not yet, in a couple of weeks. After that couple of weeks, they told me a few more days. After those days again, just when the operations finalize.
We lost patience here. And I warned them that if they did not "allow" us to go into low orbit we would do it on our own since it is a space dominated by the Federation and that allowed us to move and position ourselves wherever we want. And they put more obstacles against us, saying it´s better we did not, for our safety. Still, we lowered the ship into low orbit.
Not without their protests, and the assignment of two Centauri cruisers escorting us at a distance. Like watchdogs. And as we suspected, Anéeka and her sensors discovered countless Federation activities that could not only be taken as "permissive" to what is happening on Earth today, but confirms that these things are also directly caused by the Federation.
Although it seems implausible that we did not know what was happening, it is the truth. I am not speaking of Taygeta generalizing, I am speaking for the crew of this particular ship. So we have discovered this not only looking with the ship's sensors, but adding all the points together, with the information that is both terrestrial and the information given here, plus the research that I started directly with the Council of Alcyone that dominates and controls all activity of the Pleiades M45.
We can conclude that it is the Federation itself that is controlling everything that happens on Earth directly. Ignoring and twisting at their convenience the laws of free will, and the laws of First Directive of non-intervention.
I have denounced this last one before the Council of Alcyone, a member body of the Federation, but which is not above said Federation. However, it has a lot of influence since its members first keep loyalty to cultures and civilizations within the M45 Pleiades star cluster. And then, already agreed within the Alcyone council, it is proceeded to the Federation Council, in a stepped manner.
Council of Alcyone, on May 19, 2020, has given me their full support and they ask me to pass on all the data we have on this ship to examine what is happening. This is the situation.
Nai’Shara: People have told you that they already knew that, but the truth is that they have no idea how far the Federation's meddling in their lives takes place.
Gosia: What is not yet understood exactly are their motives. And why then do they interfere so much? What inspires them? What do you think?
Alenym: The Federation sees the implementation of a single government, a single religion and a single currency as the only solution to problems and conflicts on Earth.
Gosia: But is this not the New World Order? Why so much interest in destroying humans? Because the "we want them to wake up alone" seems like an excuse to me.
Robert: This is not a holographic society.
Alenym : They are not being allowed to wake up alone, the truth is different. It is direct intervention of non-human races that control everything from outside. To implement a holographic society you must first change the mindset of human people. They must first control the human population, change their perception. That is why to impose order they want to install the New World Order. Because that comes from the Federation.
The Federation works and enforces itself on Earth's population through true planetary control groups. In other words, from secret societies like the Illuminati.
Nai’Shara: That's right.
Gosia: Does that come from the entire Federation or just its factions?
Alenym: The Federation is very large. This comes from factions within the Federation.
Robert: Money only enslaves and prevents the evolution of a civilization, not to mention the Religion. We will never advance with those Matrix elements.
Alenym: The Federation does not see it as feasible to remove the money or the control that religion imposes. Or not yet. Because what they want first is to impose world order, then start moving pieces according to their plans. They cannot proceed with the current world disorder.
Robert: Are we going towards transhumanism?
Alenym: Yes, you are going towards transhumanism.
Nai’Shara: You are going toward full control Robert.
Gosia: Ok let's go to the roots. What does the Federation want with this? What's their objective? The liberation of humans to their 5D state is part of this plan?
Alenym: We cannot know what their ultimate goal is. As Nai'Shara says, what´s obvious is total planetary control.
Gosia: This total control has to do with getting the humans out of 3D? With the ¨ascension¨? I would like to see how they link their plans with the ¨liberation and ascension.¨
Alenym: Good question. What we see is the opposite although the Federation insists on a "liberation" and a planetary "ascension". But what we see is evidence of wanting to perpetuate 3D.
Nai’Shara: Perhaps that is the final purpose Gosia, that is why they excuse their actions, but meanwhile they abuse humans, the person as an individual does not matter to them, that is why a non-emotional race cannot direct with so much logic a planet full of people who are characterized precisely by being emotional.
Alenym: That is why they remove us out of their way, because they also perceive us as highly emotional, therefore not logical and not to be trusted for their plans.
Anéeka: The control method used by the Federation remains to be explained. Exposing that. The Federation controls and is in direct contact with those who control Earth and work with them. It is not only in direct contact with official world leaders, such as Trump, Putin and those of the European Union, China, Japan, among others.
The Federation sees them not as the true representatives of Earth, but only as Regional leaders. That they are only useful when they must coordinate regarding something that has to do with these regions.
The Federation is said to be unable to work with Earth, with humans, as long as they have multiple leaders. That the Federation needs to have only one world government first. This is false. And it is false because the Earth already has a world government. What is said would only apply for the human population, or its perception.
So, the Federation manipulates and controls the world population directly, giving orders and coordinating directly with the groups of Governments behind the Governments. What is behind controlling the so-called Deep State that is not so deep. That step is only behind governments directly, those who speak to public leaders like Trump or Putin.
Behind there is more government, those who control everything, these are the high Illuminati, but they are not alone. There are countless secret societies, all intertwined and both coordinating with each other to control the entire planet, but they also fight each other for power and control. It is this power struggle between secret societies that is becoming evident today.
So the Federation talks to the leaders of the secret societies, leaders who are not known in public, leaders who the people have never heard of. And these leaders, using their influences from secret societies, are the ones who manipulate the deep state, which in turn manipulates the politicians who are only public fronts for the larger control organizations behind them.
So politicians like Putin, Trump, those of the European Union, China among others, as well as dark characters like Soros, Bill Gates, the Clintons, Obamas among others, are only fronts or puppets for everything in gigantic mechanism of secret societies that control them behind.
Federation speaks to leaders of secret societies of planetary power (who are what the Federation sees as the true representatives of Earth). Then they pass their orders on to other secret societies dependent on them. These to the deep state, and in turn to the common politicians. The Federation also speaks when necessary with the politicians or the people they want, if that is convenient for one or the other action or agenda. Regardless of their grade or step.
But in the end the Federation is the one who controls everything from above. Not only being permissive, but directly giving orders on what to do next. The Federation uses methods of control and manipulation already proven on Earth since ancient times, such as Roman control mechanisms over their conquered lands. Same methods.
They will arrive and by taking control through a vastly superior military power, they will offer those in power in these regions the chance to keep their elite and powerful positions, as long as they work for them. Likewise, the Federation will leave in place the controllers of secret societies, in order to maintain a functioning chain of command. That´s why the Federation is permissive.
If they did not do this, what we would see is what happened in Iraq after the 2003 US invasion. Where they took away all political and control systems from the country, plunging it into disorder, chaos and total anarchy, where minor factions and clans, and even street crime gangs took control of the country, making recovery even more difficult and lengthy.
By this I mean that the Federation or any invasive outside force cannot come and remove all the control mechanisms of a society, without plunging it into unnecessarily large chaos. This the Romans knew and applied.
Robert: So Earth is undergoing a full-blown invasion?
Anéeka: It depends on how you look at it, because the Federation has had control over the planet for at least a few thousand years. But from today's perspective, Earth is currently undergoing a full-scale ET invasion. Only the public should not expect it to be like in "Independence Day", although I do not rule out that some of that might happen. Rather, it is a total takeover, using hidden methods for people. Using mentality and intelligence far above the human.
Robert: How can humanity realize that this is an invasion on a global scale? Or will they never notice?
Nai’Shara: Waking up, Robert.
Anéeka: It is evident if you are awake to any degree. Even their tremendous need to discredit everything to do with ETs. It is the mechanism of very extraterrestrials to hide.
Gosia: Hm... I see this whole situation very complicated.
Dhor Káal’él: It is what it is. And that's why people don't understand what really happens. Because they cannot add up everything that happens and they tend to go towards worldly explanations. They do not have a sufficiently developed perspective of understanding.
Gosia: And a long time ago when it was said that the "Cabal" is largely defeated and under control, where did this information and perception come from? From themselves I imagine?
Anéeka: From themselves. And the word Cabal, it would be necessary to explain which of all the Cabals, because as I said above, there are many.
Robert: And we have already said that the Federation is removing dirt and garbage from the Earth. And how do the lizards fit in here?
Gosia: Yes. What happens with these alleged Reptiles taken from Earth?
Anéeka: Yes, they are taking out trash. They fight against whatever is not convenient for them, those of the Federation.
Gosia: Reptiles, how do they fit in? Do they work with them?
Anéeka: You also have to understand that problems like the Satanists, the lizards and all that, the Federation sees it as a minor problem that will be solved as they take full control of the Earth. But lizards, as reptilian races, not all are regressive.
Nai’Shara: And finally they are human creations.
Gosia: Yes, but being human creations, they still have a tangible form. And now who do they work with?
Anéeka: Yes, factions of terrestrial Reptilians work with the Federation, since there is another level of development of planetary control happening towards or with a view to the dominance of the existing Reptilian intraterrestrial Civilization on Earth.
And as Nai'Shara says, as finally the regressives, whether they be archons, Reptilians, Satanist drinkers of Adrenochrome and of human sacrifices, all this is a human manifestation, that will dissolve during the intervention and the total control of the Federation.
Robert: And what do the Intra-Earth races like the Agarthians and the dissident German Civilizations have to say?
Anéeka: All alternate civilizations, annexed to human, intraterrestrial, are being modified and are also falling under the control of the Federation, with methods and procedures according to those necessary for each civilization. But they are being intervened or invaded equally.
Gosia: You said: "This will be dissolved during the total takeover by the Federation." By this you mean that the Federation is getting your support at least in this sense? It´s all very confusing.
Dhor Káal’él: I see it complicated but clear.
Anéeka: As Swaruu has said, it is not that the Federation is "bad". Rather, they proceed as they best think things should be. This does not mean that everything they do is convenient for humans. And while the Federation imposes order on Earth, many will suffer and die. There will be a lot of conflict, regional wars, famine and suffering. All in the name of planetary progress and the common good.
It is there where the Federation forget the human emotions.
Robert: But will this transition to that New World Order be more positive than now?
Anéeka: I can't say whether or not it will be positive from the point of view of people on the street. I am inclined to say that it will not be convenient for them.
Gosia: As Swaruu would say, everything goes towards the positive always. They are all stages.
Nai’Shara: From the point of view of people on Earth it looks like a psycho game, from the Federation point of view it is not.
Dhor Káal’él: That is the problem here, Nai'Shara. It is where the Federation forgets the true needs of humans. Where the emotion plays a role of extreme importance. And it is ignored.
Anéeka: Even financial plans like Gesara, which everyone is talking about, giving or distributing free money en masse to people can be taken as something positive. But they are not seeing that this is a lure, bait or manipulation to accept the chip that goes with the vaccines.
Gosia: Ok. What, according to you, is the best alternative to what they are doing, the Federation?
Alenym: Full disclosure. Without manipulation. The truth for humans. Ask them to cooperate with the truth, from the point of view of a non-human race or the Federation. Explaining the truth to them. The reason for each control method. With immediate guarantees to them. Like neglecting all credit or interest-based currency. With the truth. Not with manipulation. This way they will never grow, if they continue to treat humans as mentally retarded, as cattle.
It is true that we do not yet understand everything the Federation does and why it does it. But it is not an excuse here because they hide the truth. They don't tell humans anything, anything, they have them in total darkness, just speculating.
Nai’Shara: That can also be seen as an entertainment for them, playing the Gods, spending some time that lasts thousands of years for them, it is very entertaining to manipulate humans as puppets. And it's not fair that cold, logical races want to teach humans how to manage themselves in an advanced society. And so they exclude us. And so they also wanted to isolate Swaruu.
Gosia: Yes, that's what has always hurt me living here. Seeing how humans go on, with all their problems, emotional burdens, generation after generation, doing the best they can and with what they understand. But they cannot understand much, because they are left in total darkness.
Alenym: In my opinion, they, the Federation, should already reveal their presence, albeit little by little, but with great strides. For example, through politicians who take great steps in favor of the human population. Then expose the presence of the Federation to humans, so they can see from their street stance that the Federation is behind the great changes they have seen in favor of them, the human population.
Gosia: Alenym, you sound very idealistic. But I like it.
Alenym: Thanks Gosia.
Gosia: You're welcome. I like that you see it that way because I'm almost losing the enthusiasm and faith in all this. When I see how complicated everything is, and how many layers of lies there are.
Alenym: Idealism means taking the correct course, and it is possible. Not something unattainable as humans have always been led to believe.
Nai’Shara: Idealism goes hand in hand with ethics, you cannot separate one from the other. And that´s why they have eliminated David Icke. Until now, Gosia, they have let you publish everything, because you are the direct window to us and what we do, but do not doubt that they will begin to control you too.
Gosia: One thing, something I don't understand. The Starseeds, when they come in here, don't they know about this? But if they are Starseeds of the Federation, they should know right?
Alenym: I understand that yes they know, based on what Swaruu has said.
Gosia: Then why do they enter? What do they really want? Because we all feel the desire to help.
Alenym: Spiritual progress, they say. Through friction.
Nai’Shara: As soon as they enter they play the game, they gave their "permission", but what is not right is that the game reaches these levels of deception at the cost of emotions. Many of us have already done it, go in there, and that's why we can say that this is not a game.
Gosia: Yes. I get it. But the Starseeds, with what exactly do they want to help if they know that everything controls the Federation anyway? If they themselves work for the Federation. Why are they coming?
Nai’Shara: For their own personal reasons.
Alenym: Yes, each one will have their own personal reasons.
Gosia: These reasons have to do with "liberation" of the Earth?
Nai’Shara: Yes Gosia. Another thing that should be said is that sometimes the Federation "tortures" people to see how long they last and then ask to be left alone. The Federation does what it does only to see how far people can endure and begin to demand them to stop.
Alenym: This is very important. They are deep into thinking that friction and suffering accelerates spiritual growth.
Gosia: On your side, what are you going to do now?
Alenym: Stay here, be the eyes and ears of the Alcyone Council.
Robert: What would happen if Taygeta left the Federation?
Alenym: Taygeta cannot be expelled from the Federation. Because we are en bloc members with Alcyone's Council.
Robert: In the Alcyone council are you mostly "Lyrian" races?
Alenym: Let's say half and half. But the Lyrian races do dominate in the Pleiades. Emotional races. The emotions cannot be ignored and degraded in favor of pure logic.
Anéeka: Ignoring emotions is creating problems. At levels that the Federation itself does not understand. Discrediting emotions in favor of logic.
Nai´Shara: Ask people to SEE that they connect dots, everything is so clear, see how the characters that should be recast in a dungeon are still there. And people should know that they have every right to claim, with words that come from their hearts, because they are the ones who suffer this psychotic game. Yes, there is spiritual growth of monumental magnitudes there, but at the cost of one's life and feelings.
Swaruu: The Federation you call 5D is not 'Bad'. They are just beings who are people with their own personal learning process and make mistakes and simply do what they see as the best course of action for each event or circumstance. So they are only giving humans what they collectively want.
Humans are caught up in the problems that they manifest themselves. But they don't see any other way to act because they believe that this is life. Engaged in their continuous vicious circles for trying to survive in a world that demands money. And caught up in greed and fear of being discovered by those who have managed to amass and hold money and power.
But every human knew what would happen when they entered there.
Not only that it would be hard, but exactly what they would live since the intention to incarnate comes from planes where time is not linear, and past present future is amalgamated into a single mass.
So the Federation is only in charge of giving them what they ask for. Although as beings of holographic societies they understand that what they are giving humans is not right. But they must still give it to them because that is what humans ask for and there is free will. They try to respect it as much as possible. Also non-intervention laws. They must observe them.
However, these races do not agree with what humans ask for. But they understand why they ask for what they ask for.
That is why the human population has been 'locked up' on Earth without being able to leave. So that the disorder of what they ask for as life experiences and circumstances does not 'contaminate' or spread. Especially regarding the nightmares and the negative tulpas that the very humans form or manifest. As regressive tulpa beings, entities, Gins, spirits, and a whole complete zoo of things that lurk in the darkness of night and of the soul.
But since humans are still engulfed in their vicious circles, the Federation 'sends aid' and since it cannot intervene directly, that aid cannot be seen directly, observed or understood as direct from entities, people or organizations outside Earth. So they send agents of the Federation itself in the form of humans. The Starseeds.
Although every human on Earth is a star being by right, it is true that many continue in their eternal game of repeating the same with slight variations but the same. They are all Starseeds, that is correct. But what the Federation sends out are advanced beings with experience of these things, agents and very old souls, spiritual guides. These are the people on Earth who, from Earth's perspective, are called Starseeds.
And these of course will not agree with how one lives on Earth and how the Earth problem is being handled. Because seen from the inside, it is a problem, but from the outside, it is not.
These guiding Starseeds are there to tell humans, that yes they are star beings, that is correct, but they lack the experience to get out of their own messes and creations. And these guides are the ones in charge of telling them, of giving them other options, so that humans, as younger and inexperienced souls, have a contrast in order to be able to make a decision or take a course of action to live through next.
Starseeds guides give them other options. That is why they do not agree with how humans live on Earth and that is why they have so many adaptation problems and so many problems to "wake up" other people around them.
Returning to the Federation.
As they see that the work of the guide Starseeds is not enough to teach humans a different and more positive course of action and life and the problem is escalating since they insist on manifesting nightmares, the Federation will accelerate the same processes that humans ask for in an attempt to make them realize faster that they are not on the right track.
This action of the Federation could be interpreted as negative actions towards humans, although strictly speaking and from the position of the Federation itself, they are only giving them what they ask for.
This gets more complicated when those who accelerate or put those obstacles on humans, always respecting what they themselves want, are non-emotional beings who do not fully understand the consequences of accelerating or giving humans what they themselves ask for.
An example of this problem is the law of mirrors, or the law of attraction, which works here and I will have to explain its negative aspects later.
But in summary, if someone is going through a traumatic experience or series of experiences, not only during a particular life or incarnation experience but worse still, and as is exactly the case with humans, during multiple incarnations characterized by continuous suffering, this person will only be able to see more of the same, they will never be able to see positive options, but they will only see their own suffering, and as the law of mirrors dictates, if you look at something, if you pay attention to that something, the 'Universe' will only give you more of the same.
From outside Earth they only see what humans themselves want to experience, whether it is because they are caught in the law of mirrors, reflection after reflection after reflection, like lost and trapped in a room of 'mirrors' at a fair, not being able to find the way out. And from outside Earth, they try to respect that.
So the Federation is between a rock and a hard place. It cannot act directly by the laws of free will and cannot intervene directly. That´s why they hide and never present or allow definitive proof of the existence of ETs to be presented. Be that the ionizing plasm that superheats the Earth's atmosphere always ends up betraying the presence of non-human ships.
The races in control of the Federation and more prevalent here, cannot understand the emotional processes of humans, so they will promote logic as if it were an only instrument to see, reason and get out of problems.
It is, but it does not work in an emotional race as it would work in a different race that is not as emotional and more logical as the Andromedan, the Arcturian, among others.
From inside the Earth the suffering is real, the desperation to get out as well. And the Federation can be interpreted as cruel and permissive. And that interpretation will be perfectly valid. Let's say the Federation is trying to force humans to change course. But within that, even if it is with good intentions, and because they see no other option or procedure, it can be validly interpreted as a negative intervention to human needs.
That being said, total planetary destruction could never happen as nuclear war, not only because they would then intervene, but because the Federation controls both sides, leaving the conflicts between the world superpowers as mere theater. The Cold War was only theater and its leaders knew it. Means for the population to experience that fear, their doubts and their xenophobic reflexes generated by themselves.
Imposition of a NWO the Satanist total control style. But they forget something. That human beings are unpredictable, as is the climate. They think they know them and then they make big changes. It is against every cell in every human to live under that kind of totalitarian control. Because it invades not only locking the body in a prison, because the spirit continues, it is strong. Hence the saying that they can put me in prison but my spirit, my soul and my mind will always be free.
But what they try with the vaccine and the microchips invades the mind, connection between spirit and body. It destroys the will to live. So the people of the world will never accept it. Only by sectors that will collapse quickly. Biology is not only physical, DNA. It is spirit. Without it the bodies die. There can be no total robotization and full control of the human population as they wish.
It will reverse and explode in their faces in a phenomenal way, very soon. Even if they manage to implement it, it will be short-lived.
Robert: All this that is happening here on Earth, the only culprits are humans or the Federation for not knowing how emotional races function?
Swaruu: The fault lies with both. From their points of view and by their actions, each other's, their failures. But especially from the point of view that states that every human being, as a star being, is part of the Federation. At least the vast majority are.
From above, from higher planes, the Federation and the Earth with its problems are seen as a single mass. As part of the same, learning for all, evolutionary process. Being that what each one lives is only a role to be played within the same cosmic game. Role of a guiding ET, role of a non-emotional ET, role of a human victim. Among so many others. Viewed from above, the problem has been generated by all.
Quarantines - Why? (Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades)
Anéeka: What happens is this: No need to talk about whether or not there is a virus, it doesn't matter. Many doctors around the world agree that quarantine is a big mistake. Experts and doctors alike say it doesn't make sense and they spend a lot of time and energy explaining why it doesn't make sense from a medical standpoint.
Other experts say nothing makes sense. But although this is quite obvious, I feel that it has to be said: There is no virus, no pandemic, it is all political and media-related, as has already been stated. Then the question comes in:
What is the quarantine, the confinement and the social distancing then for?
As everyone knows, it is to impose fear, so that people enter survival mode and so in that survival mode they become complacent to the system, a mechanism explained in detail by Swaruu. To accept the vaccine and the chip, and that is the true purpose of the pandemic.
But here there is the element that I feel has not been stressed enough: When going into panick because of the virus and in a state of preservation-complacency for survival they will accept the vaccine and the chip. But when they give them the vaccine, many will have negative to very negative symptoms and reactions just when they get it, or soon after.
This explains the extreme haste with which the regressives and the Cabal want to impose the vaccine on the entire population of the world or on as many as possible. That´s the reason behind the confinement and the global quarantine. Because if they do it in a gradual way, first in some regions or countries and then in others, people will get sick and with that the big rumors will start coming out that they should NOT get vaccinated.
They have to attack humans with the vaccine simultaneously. This is something that humans must know as soon as possible.
It is simple but for me it is important that people know how everything works and that this whole vaccination thing must be delayed as much as possible so that all the information about it comes out to light. That is why so much censorship in the media too. Because if they do it in parts and steps, humans will realize that the vaccine is harmful.
Although it is almost impossible for everyone to be vaccinated, if a portion of the population would remain unvaccinated, the ¨conspiracy followers¨, they will attack them in other ways, such as the control of not being able to move or buy food by not having the chip-vaccine. Exterminating them in other more direct ways.
Gosia: Thanks. Makes sense. I only have one but... the quarantines are getting lifted now, and there is still no vaccine. So it is not being done simultaneously at the moment, it seems. They are still not getting people vaccinated. And they won't be able to extend quarantines for much longer.
Anéeka: Yes, and that is a very good step. That the quaranties get lifte. But things still have not returned to "normal". There are still strong restrictions that undermine the will and normal development of humanity, such as masks and social distancing. So this still proceeds, so that there will be no normality or full openness until everyone is vaccinated. The WHO and Fauci himself say it openly.
So there is no point in Quarantine. Medically it doesn't make sense, it's not for that. It is to coordinate the attack with the vaccine, motivate the population to accept it. ¨
More about the Viruses - Spanish Doctor Approaching Swaruu with Questions
Alex: If the ECS (Extra Cellular Secretions) is an alarm system that globally SEEMS to be more negative than positive, what is the principal benefit of this system?
Swaruu: Without defining if it is positive or negative, it simply fulfils a communication function between cells, be it inside the individual itself or with the cells of other individuals to bring about innumerable actions which can lead to the group of receptor cells having a reaction to the external stimulus or not. This action is mainly an alarm before a hostile environment and unleashes a behavioural response either internal as an immune reaction, or external behaviour change within the individual, away from what causes the unfavourable reaction.
Alex: Are the ECS a way to eliminate the sick individuals so that the group stays healthy and strong?
Swaruu: Partly, yes. Within a community, if the problem of the environmental toxicity is generated by an excess of the population in the same species, and they enter a spiral of imbalance with the external environment that sustains them, leading to the exhaustion of their reSources. For example, in a specific type of plant that supports a group of insects. We have found that it secretes an ECS that triggers an action within the cells of the insects, which in turn triggers an immune response with subsequent release of ECS from the cells, the characteristic of the insect, with a harmful action in the general population. The individuals of this population, the weakest or oldest, will be the first to die, restoring balance to the ecosystem. (This is not the case with COVID-19 versus the humans, although it is tempting to make the association).
Alex: If the ECS are really just the alarm vectors why does the body base its defense on creating antibodies to counter the signals that warns it of the danger? Is it only a way of control to eliminate this signal when it is not necessary?
Swaruu: Exactly. The immunological response of the body is the deactivation system before a signal that it already has detected and decided not to perpetuate nor obey. This is the problem and the danger with viral vaccines, as they often trigger the disease they were designed to prevent in the first place. Example of this problem is the vaccine against influenza that is given to a percentage of individuals above 40%, including proving to cause the death of more individuals than the very epidemic that caused the development of said vaccine in the first place.
Another example is the vaccine against the human Papilloma virus, applied both to girls under 10 years of age and to human females of any age, which in a percentage greater than 90% (ninety percent) caused the disease with serious permanent consequences, such as carrying the latent problem for the rest of their lives, sterility and high mortality in those that received it exceeding 20% (one in 5 girls under the age of 10 died from this inoculation in Great Britain in the last 3 years, information severe mostly suppressed by the media.
Alex: Could the artificial inoculation of ECS fragments (vaccination) be beneficial in concrete cases or illnesses?
Swaruu: Given the nature of vaccines that have ECS fragments one cannot determine with total precision the nature and the result of every kind of fragment, or the very definition of the fragment. Leaving open the possibility that in part the ECS yes, it is read and activated by a receptor cell. Or it can also cause the ECS message to be deformed or incomplete and the cell to fire off a not foreseen reaction, with extremely dangerous results. The results of applying the Influenza and the human Papilloma vaccines strongly suggests that the principle of vaccines do not work with a virus, as it does with a more complex pathogenic organism, large microbes.
Answering the question directly, the virus as such is nothing but an ECS secretion and is a response or symptom, not the cause of the problem. Hence, the development of a vaccine just seeks to conceal the true cause of said problem, to spread the generation of the ECS in an excessive way within a population of individuals. I don't recommend the manufacturing of any type of vaccine against virus or ECS, which is the same thing.
Alex: To sum up: How do the ECS really work, and which benefits do they generate to the affected individual and group?
Swaruu: Viruses are not external; they are already contained in the DNA RNA of each cell. The ECS code or "virus" is liberated when the DNA RNA is degraded by an internal toxic situation, such as electromagnetic waves. They are communication means between the cells, be they within the same body, or as a means of communication between individuals of the same species within a community, such as communication between species of individuals in the proximity.
They are a means of expelling damaged genetic material from the cell, as a method of protection and self-healing. This very External Cellular Secretion just by itself is capable of triggering an alarm response in other surrounding cells indicating that something has affected it, (the cell that has secreted the ECS).
All the biological individuals are part of a community that affect one another. This community of organisms of countless species live together in equilibrium, in symbiosis. The ECSs provide a means of communication between all of them. The fact that an ECS gives problems to a species is a symptom of imbalance with the environment that surrounds it, and a symptom that the environment in which they develop is toxic.
By toxic, I define it as containing not only harmful chemical compounds to the individual and her or his cells, but also an environment that causes psychological stress, and this is the fundamental factor with which an individual is going to interpret an ECS signal as an alarm or simply deactivate it with his or her immune system, cataloguing it as a non-relevant signal (development of antibodies).
This is the problem with the antiviral vaccines, that they don't necessarily develop antibodies, but that if the external conditions and the psychologies of the recipients of the vaccine agree with the message, it will trigger the pathology. In all cases, the reaction or "illness" is already contained within the genetic code of the individuals through memory. Here I have to emphasize that the psychological factor, or the mind consciousness factor, is what plays a fundamental role for the interpretation of the ECS.
The ECS are necessary to be able to achieve a balance within a body, a community of the same species, and the habitat environment in general.
Alex: I agree with what Anéeka said, that this "pandemic" is the largest false flag activation in human history. On earth, no one in their right mind would dare to doubt or deny that there is a very serious global pandemic. THE SHOW THEY HAVE CREATED HAS BEEN PERFECT.
Swaruu: It appears perfect, but it is not. Even people without any medical training see that things do not fit, that the statistics do not fit with the number of dead nor what they share in on the web and in the news. By having no other explanation the existence of said virus is accepted, but they assume that information (is being) suppressed by governments. They also say that there are mutations of said virus, mutations that I associate with a simple human population genetic change and in another external environment or habitat, which triggers a change in the nature of the emitted ECS signal.
The "n" factor: Manipulation of the (mass) communication media, who exaggerate the problem in a more or less serious way, according to the countries. But the most serious thing is that they exaggerate the general overview of the problem in a brutal way in terms of a health emergency, creating widespread panic.
This is true. Here too the problem is that the average person ignores that the news on the whole planet could be controlled and synchronized by a single group of individuals. They also don't believe that there is such evil and such greed, because they only have themselves and the members of their communities as an example. They think that if they could not be morally capable of such a gruesome action, then governments would not either. Unfortunately they are and have done it for centuries.
The truth is that the media are all controlled manually and with advanced AI that escapes the understanding of the average person. In other words, they blindly believe everything they hear in the official media, since it is "they" who are spreading false information with a view to achieve a control and / or genocide agenda.
It is possible that the negatives use Nanotechnology (distributed through chemtrails, annual repetitive flu vaccinations) which is then enhanced through 5G technology, heavy metals…
Yes, all vaccines contain heavy metals, it is a long list. They say that they are conservators for the vaccines. For example I saw a statement that the use of mercury in the vaccines help to suppress the virus inside, to keep it dormant and in a non-active state. But all metals have highly harmful effects for an organism. It is almost impossible to clean it out once it is inoculated. Although many claims that it is, I have not found any evidence that cleaning out or purification work, or do not work effectively on heavy metals. I can only suggest that you do not get vaccinated against anything anymore, because it is impossible to know what is really inside that syringe. I cannot emphasize this last part enough. The presence of heavy metals in the vaccines is there to augment the reactivity and the sensitivity of the human body before an electromagnetic field.
The use or presence of Nano-chips, nanotechnology in the vaccines, dates back to the year 1997. It is present in every vaccine test that we have seen. Whether or not it is a good idea as concept the use of a vaccine against an illness, whichever, is not the case here. The problem is that what they are injecting into the human population are not vaccines, they are enforced inoculations using the concept of medical vaccination as an excuse for a trojan horse.
Those who are truly getting ill and are not part of the media disinformation machinery, the problem is electromagnetic radiation poisoning at frequencies from 600 MHz to 6 GHz. This electromagnetic signal band alters the oxygen absorption, its biochemical relationship with the haemoglobin. The haemoglobin stops transporting oxygen, because the oxygen molecule becomes unstable, due to the electrons that compose it begin to vibrate and rotate. Basically the person cannot breathe. It is similar to altitude sickness, trying to breathe at more than 8000 metres (26246 feet) without prior preparation. The lack of oxygen causes cellular necrosis in many places, first centering itself in the lungs area. This causes a collapse of the immediate oxygen receptor system and the appearance of opportunistic infections. (see Magneto-biological science)
A patient under these conditions is put in an artificial respirator that forces the lungs to inflate and deflate, but as it’s internal structures are weak and damaged this respirator will only cause internal damages in the lungs as multiple internal tears causing even more damage, flooding of the lungs with liquid (rich in ECS alarm signals) and ultimately provoking death, in many cases, by internal bleeding.
The first symptoms of radiation, be it electromagnetic or ionizing by radioactive isotopes are identical to the common flu. Feeling ill in the body fever, weakness, dry cough or with phlegm, mucous secretions and the apparition of opportunistic infections, among other things.
The medical community is confusing the radiation poisoning with a virus. This radiation comes in a range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) used by the 5G system. It is worth mentioning that there are two uses for the 5G frequencies, those of civil use and those for weapons and military communications already in use in virtually all the armies, air and naval forces on Earth.
As expected, all strong and healthy individuals, as you can mostly see with soldiers, are the ones who will take the longest to develop poisoning symptoms, but eventually everyone will suffer the same consequences. It is only a question of exposure time, proximity and volume of the radioactive-electromagnetic emission.
It has also been found that the electromagnetic radiation is accumulative, that is to say that a repetitive dose is needed for a period of time before the first symptoms and problems begin to emerge. Not only of frequencies around 60 GHz or 5G, but any electromagnetic range, as 4G, 3G, 2G Wi-fi, radars, radio transmitters, microwaves, and even proximity to high-voltage cables.
5G is also being transmitted from satellites, radiating to the world's entire population. It can be used to make a specific group of the population sick, as they don’t know what happens or do not even see it as technically possible. They will only be able to interpret the symptoms as COVID-19.
The global medical organizations are chasing the common flu and demonizing it as COVID-19, as it is said to give the same symptoms. The tests to detect COVID-19 are extremely simple, and they are unable to distinguish between COVID-19 and common flu, since they are actually the same.
They just mix common flu with radiation poisoning, the sum of unrelated cases and massive media disinformation.
Trump, Gates, Mexico - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades)
Robert: They say Trump will lose the election. Do you know anything about that?
Anéeka: The media belong ALL to Trump's opponents. You just can't believe anything anymore.
At this moment, Trump's opponents, who are the ones with the 6 large corporations that control all the official media on the planet, will use their advertising weapon as a place to attack Trump and expose him with false accusations, all in order to hurt his image as much as possible. An example of this is the attack against him that the media used about Trump saying that the sick ones should be injected with the disinfectant. The media published this as a clip removing the context. Because Trump was being sarcastic because they were talking about vaccines and the desinfectants can be found in them as part of the chemical substances that compose them.
All Trump has now is to use some public good doing and arrest members of the opposition, the deep state, in order to expose them for their lies.
If he does not do this before November he will lose the elections but by propaganda from the opposition side that is the genocidal Satanist side.
I know that I, Anéeka, have said that Trump is a controlled opposition and I still think he is, however this is a multi-level situation where on the one hand from the point of view of the components of the really deep state, he is controlled opposition, and from a "deep state" a level further towards the surface, which is the level that most people refer to when using the term deep state, yes there is real rivalry between the two sides.
So even as a controlled opposition Trump can be very useful for planetary liberation simply because exposing these genocides may be his only way to gain political superiority in an election year.
It is already known that the side that proposed Hillary Clinton as Candidate for the presidency, moved things cheating electronically so that she would be the winner in the last elections, but the Trump side, and this testifies to the existence of the so-called Alliance, uses the same strategy to reverse Hillary's trap. In other words, both sides cheated.
It is only a fight between factions of the Cabal, although from below "someone else" controls them and sets them up as a controlled opposition.
Likewise Bill Gates, George Soros and all those Adrenochrome- drinking "mummies," are just fronts for a genocidal machinery in the back. I mean to say that all this idea to kill people, hurt, sterilize them using vaccines , does not just come from Gates , and Soros and others, but these names are just the ones they put forward in case they want to give any information they want to the public.
The real ones who control and plan everything will never go public for their own safety. And remember and mark my words... Not all of them are human.
The total lack of empathy and lack of respect for feelings and emotions is a clear indication of parasitization and control from non-Lyrian races.
Note that I have not said Reptile races, because there are many positive and loving stellar Reptilian races.
However, the fact that Gates, Soros, and other such mummies are only the fronts of a larger satanic organization, DOES NOT excuse them of their actions in any way and they must be judged by humanity for the crimes they have committed and are planning to commit. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
But people already see them, it is already coming to light.
Direct message to Gates and Soros... We see you from here, and you will not escape neither in life nor later. Mark my words.
Robert: What awaits us if Trump wins? And what do you think could happen following this timeline if Hillary wins?
Anéeka: If Trump loses, what comes is Genocide, with that I say enough. With Trump there is hope, although I am still not sure if he will impose the vaccine or not. I am doubtful about it.
22 May 2020
Hundreds of ships belonging to neutral races are leaving the Earth in these days. Both those that were already there in their bases and those that have come to take their Starseeds.
It is not speculation, it is specific data from the Federation and I confirm it with my sensors from here, the traffic of ships leaving Earth is historically high.
As a comment: some positive races say that only the weak ones are leaving.
22 May 2020
For Mexico: The re-outbreaks of the virus in the Mexican Republic, according to official Sources, are due to nothing else but a political movement against Trump and his attempt to reopen the United States economy as factories depend on that country. They need the factories on the Mexican side also to be active since they work together.
It is an attempt to sabotage Trump since the media and the artificial dynamics of the CV are being controlled by factions opposing Trump.
Also: In a recent study of unspecified credibility, it was concluded that regarding this supposed pandemic, Mexico takes first place in civil disobedience. That is, it is the place where the official regulations of both its government and the WHO are least respected.
This could be taken badly, but for those who listen it is a very good sign. Keep it up Mexicans!
The problem is that, logically, I suspect that the order to inflate the quantity and strength of the alleged CV cases will be artificially given, in order to both to savour Trump's efforts to re-open the US economy, and to punish Mexicans for their disobedience. Careful with with that.
I send Mexicans all my support, love and a big hug.
Anéeka of Temmer: Interview (Extraterrestrial Communication - Taygeta - Pleiades)
Anéeka: Hey! How are you? What's cooking?
Gosia: Hey, not much. Im putting the extra touches on the last video I just published. And you? Whatcha doin?
Anéeka: Getting off work. Returning to my room. Looking out the window. The view is spectacular! I'm over North China now. It's near dawn.
Gosia: And what do you see?
Anéeka: Not much to see right now! Looks like a lot of clouds down there now.
Gosia: How fast are you moving?
Anéeka: 7.9 Kilometers a second. Altitude 505 km high. Ship right over the China / Mongolia border now. I see red glow below, as the first rays of the sun hit the red Mongolian desert. I see long shadows now, or the red rock formations below. My room is to Port, to the port side of the ship, Port-Bow. A few hours ago I could see a thunderstorm over south America. Quite violent. Some of the lightning bolts flashed upwards. Sprites they are called. Those are spectacular at night, these I saw during the day. They go up into the stratosphere and branch out like an electric tree. Those are only visible from space.
The Earth looks small and fragile, I can see the thickness of the atmosphere from here now. It's best at dawn and at dusk as the sun hits it sideways, just a thin coating of air. It gets transparent and it fuses into the darkness of space. Ship over East Russia now. Approaching the Sea of Okhotsk.
Gosia: WHY are you moving? Why not just put the ship on a stationary mode?
Anéeka: We are at a low orbit, to be this low we need a force to contrarest the Earth's gravity. The speed pulls the ship away from Earth to the equivalent to the Earth's gravitational pull on the hull, making an equilibrium. Speed keeps us suspended. Countering and neutralizing it.
Gosia: Incredible. Didnt think of that.
Anéeka: The speed is an exact match to the gravity force upon the ship's hull. Less speed we will fall, more speed we will move away from Earth.
Gosia: And are you just going at random places or are you following a designed route?
Anéeka: No, the ship is moving in an equatorial low orbit, it shifts slightly each circle, making it cover most of the world as it goes, so we can monitor nearly every place from here having a possible fly-by over every location eventually, even if it may be a few weeks. Ship's orbit is by design. And the one who does this is Eridania Yelena. Ship over the Bering sea now, plain daylight now. Every 42 min I can see dawn or dusk.
Gosia: Oh I just got teary realizing you are so close!
Anéeka: We are real. We are tired of saying so!
Gosia: I know. And now so close.
Anéeka: Just south of Aleutian islands now... Over north Pacific. Yes, we've never been so phisically close to you as we are now, just a few miles, that's all. Nice sunny day here now. I can see the sun reflecting on the ocean now. I can see Alaska from here, the closest clouds and the white extension of the North Polar Region. We are visible to the naked eye as a moving very bright star. Fast moving. Over Central North Pacific Ocean Now. All i see is water in sunlight, and the polar cap falling away behind the horizon.. And yes the Earth is most definitely round! We are just above the ISS. Can the astronauts see us from there? Oh, they could IF there were any astronauts! They are lying to you... that thing, the ISS is an empty useless lifeless can!
Gosia: What is it doing there then for real?
Anéeka: It was used in the past, it's been empty for a number of years. The rest, and all they are giving the people is nothing but theater. It's filmed on Earth, using a green screen and wires to simulate the astronauts being in Zero-G. The women's hair sticking out like electrocuted, that's funny and stupid as can be! Long hair does not react like that in Zero G. It moves like underwater<<<<<< ... naturally, it flows with your movements, with a lot of grace!
Gosia: But isnt this dangerous? Those people could tell at some point.
Anéeka: No, the people cannot tell, and the ones that do tell are not believed. There are many yelling this out and they are met with disbelief!
Gosia: But whats the point really for the Cabal to be setting up all this theatre?
Anéeka: There is a good point! To keep the people thinking there is a space program, to justify millions used on other things. It's simply more Matrix. Part of the Matrix, part of the game, just one more hoax necessary to keep up the illusion.
Gosia: That makes sense. About justifying the money spent elsewhere yes. Its incredible how much you know about us. More than me being inside.
Anéeka: We know more about humans than humans do about themselves. Even I do, let alone Swaruu.
Gosia: Yes, its remarkable.
Anéeka: Ship exactly over mid point between Hawaii and Los Angeles, heading 075° South East.
Now I can see clearly... i'm over the Pacific some 3000 Km West of Acapulco Mx. I almost can count all the hats in the beaches!
Ship approaching the terminator, again. Soon into darkness. You have stayed on line with me now, one whole day in space, seriously! This is what it lasts! No night here yet though.
Gosia: And what do stars look like? From there?
Anéeka: Stars, from here.. No words suffice..you can see millions and millions, the milky way, the constellations and all, with clear perfection, nebula, and far galaxies, like M33. Andromeda seen as a little luminous cloud. Now you have been with me for a whole "day" here now, dawn to dusk. Over Easter island now. Moving towards Chile.
Gosia: Ok Aneeka. First question. Let´s start with the most basic one. Tell us a little about yourself. How are you physically, how old you are, etc.
Anéeka: My full name is Anéeka of Temmer because I was born on the planet Temmer Taygeta in M45. On Toleka Island, in the capital city of the Taygetean civilization of the same name. I am "capital city" girl. Meaning I was born in the largest city of Taygeta. Cosmopolitan. The opposite of Swaruu who was born in the mountains of Erra, far from everything. I did not. I was born between technology and a lot of population.
I am quite a tall girl even by Taygeta standards, I am 190 cm tall. I have no idea how much I weigh but I am very long and thin like a cricket.
Gosia: How old are you?
Anéeka: On December 21 I will be 23 years old.
Gosia: Ok. Do you have brothers?
Anéeka: I have only one brother. It's Kaalel.
Gosia: So you are 22.5 years old. What were you doing in Temmer before coming here?
Anéeka: Just study in Temmer. Generalized study of all subjects. To then enter the Flight Academy. I'm not a pilot, but you still have to go through the flight academy if you want to be an "Astronaut". In other words, traveling in a ship and being part of exploration expeditions. Only that, and I dedicated myself to enjoying my house, next to the beach.
Gosia: In this flight academy, even if it is not to be a pilot later, do you have to learn to fly?
Anéeka: You only learn to pilot ships as in theory and simulators, but yes, everyone learns to fly ships. But it is what happens with everything in a holographic society. Everything possible should be learned. And you never stop learning.
Gosia: What subjects did you like to study the most? What were you passionate about?
Anéeka: Relations between species, exopolitics. General history. On the side, Artificial Intelligence systems.
Gosia: Ok. How old were you when you decided to come to Earth orbit?
Anéeka: I was 18 years old.
Gosia: Relations between species, exopolitics. General history. On the side, Artificial Intelligence systems. These things are studied purely at the Academy? Or can you study on your own?
Anéeka: You can study everything on your own. Everything is like that in Taygeta. You have the facility to access the files of the entire civilization and those of the Federation from your home holographic computer. You just have to apply yourself to what you want to know or study. Everything is yours, all the subjects, history and records.
Gosia: Nice. So at 18 you decided to come here. What inspired you to come to the orbit? Why did you want to come?
Anéeka: What inspired me is that my brother did the same and it was only logical that I came for him. To be with him since he is my only family. Also to help, of course. But the real motivation was my brother.
Gosia: Did he come here first?
Anéeka: Yes he came first, he is older than me. My brother Dhor K'áal'el.
Gosia: And you mentioned that you wanted to help too .... why did you want to help? With what exactly?
Anéeka: With the ascension of planet Earth. Seeing everything from the orbit.
Gosia: What was your first impression when you came here? How did you spend your first months?
Anéeka: My first months were inside, or participating in an ongoing program at the time called First Contact where we were supposed to openly flood the social networks, about 500 people from Taygeta, openly saying that we are not human.
The first thing I did was reach out to Earth people within social media on the Internet, but I did so with little or no knowledge of how humans would react.
In a few weeks, or days, less than two weeks, I already had a first strong encounter with a very resentful man who accused me, and my colleagues, of being a fraud. And I did not understand why he said that. Only because of a confusion between the names Semjase of Erra and Semjase of Temmer that is the same person, only depending on where she was living at the time. This is very common.
My first months were of a feeling of longing for my world, because I could see it through the window, M45, like very distant stars and yes, it induces a certain despair. As well as a feeling of vulnerability depending on a ship for everything. Yes, I accept having had a crisis of wanting to go home. Episodes some of which I shared on social networks, in the late G + specifically where I also managed to find quite a few friends.
Gosia: Wow ok. Thanks for the extensive response. I imagine you feel already better in the sense of not longing for your home so much? Have you adapted more?
Anéeka: You´re welcome. Yes, I have adapted much more to life on the ship. The feeling of vulnerability has been replaced by a feeling of being able to achieve anything. To be in control. I feel good here and the ship has become my home and my city because it is big. I have never lived in a small ship, like Swaruu. I've always been on board big ships called mother ships, like this one.
Gosia: I remember one time you said you got dizzy looking out the window when the ship was not straight. Is that so?
Anéeka: I still get dizzy but it's part of being here. And it is because from this height the depth is highly appreciated. You can see the details below between the clouds. Yes, it makes you dizzy. Especially when the image is on the side because the ship does not orbit with the bottom towards the Earth, but on the port side (Left) so when I look through my port side window, what I see is the Earth below.
Gosia: It has to be incredible. Now back to the Earth ascension: And what is said about this event of the Earth ascension among the "normal" citizens in Taygeta? Are you interested in what happens here?
Anéeka: A lot of different things happen in many worlds. It becomes overwhelming. So not everyone knows what is happening on Earth.
Gosia: Isn't there a lot of talk about Earth in Taygeta? Among citizens?
Anéeka: Generalizing, you don't talk much. It is my perception. It is far away and they have their mind on other things. Not everyone in Taygeta knows that there is something that is even called Earth. It's true. How many people know of the problems in the indigenous towns of Namibia? And their fight to survive without water?
Gosia: I understand. Okay. Next question. What is your work and contribution on the ship?
Anéeka: My role is Officer and Intelligence Analyst. The ship is under military control and movements. This is the flagship of Taygeta's fleet. But as the society is holographic, Civil and Military representatives are equally in command of the ship, Nai'Shara - Alenym on the Civil side.
Gosia: Let's go back to your role on the ship: Tell us a little more about your role please. And what do you do all day performing this function?
Anéeka: My role on the ship is to be the director or head of a small team that scrutinizes both social networks and all communications between transport, transport media, military and confidential transmissions at the Government level, police departments, fire departments, emergencies and rescue. Monitor transmissions between aircraft in flight and their bases or control towers. Civil or military. Follow and listen to the communications between sea ships, submarines. Track and monitor transmissions between orbiting satellites.
Monitor the Internet in general, including the Dark Web. Filter everything through probability based quantum functioning holographic computers within a potential energy field. Capable of sorting, filtering, and processing over 1,000,000,000 Terabites per second or more.
Follow social media filtering everything on the computer to obtain Meta-Data that in turn are passed to people in command positions of this ship. For subsequent decision making based on these data.
Meta-Data is linked to statistics. They are statistical data. But not only that. Meta-data as such can also be analyzed with logical algorithms. But there is something else. These "High Artificial Intelligence" computers can analyze it from the point of view of emotional or visceral reactions of a human population. We do not depend on pure logic as understood on Earth. We proceed with another logic based on what we have learned about human reactions depending on the population group we are talking about.
Gosia: Wow, incredible. And nothing easy! What do you do on the ship when you are not working?
Anéeka: Here, when I'm resting I like to chat with my friends. When alone I like to spend time in total immersion games. I also like to study the culture of the Earth, and I like to listen to and understand its music. As a sport I like modern dance. Being that I am here I like the music of the Earth especially since it is where my attention is now. I have dedicated myself to learning and practicing Shuffle Dance with light shoes on. There is no law that prevents a genuine ET from wearing light shoes and enjoying it. Leave your old concepts behind.
I consider myself very spiritual, and I like to learn about that, my own evolution as a soul and person. It is one of my main interests. But it is something as part of who I am and not as something external to me, as a hobby.
Gosia: It is not easy to be there on board, there is a lot of work and always so much pressure. What motivates you to keep going? Do you like what you do?
Anéeka: I really like what I do and I feel very motivated. Yes, it is a high stress environment and it takes a strong heart to keep going many times. I don't want to leave anything half done and I know that I can do the job. I know I make a difference from here. What my team obtains in relation to information and Meta-Data is handled with the highest possible ethics. And it is also shared if necessary with other races whether or not they are part of the Federation.
Gosia: And what do you think of the affairs on Earth? About humans in general?
Anéeka: Very complicated answer. The humanity cannot be defined as a whole. Because if you asked me, I have to accept that I only see a complete disaster. But this answer is not fair. There are many humanities here, many different groups. And I do see and understand many positive people. I understand what happens. And I understand why.
But in general, objectively and it is the truth about my opinion, yes, I feel that they need a long time of evolution in matters of ethics, values and consciousness in general. But this generalizing. Because as I said above, it cannot be generalized, nor in social groups, much less in people. I have found very beautiful people there, I only resent not having more time to be with my friends there. But the truth is that these computers are highly toxic for us here.
Being that it is impractical to try to link Taygeta Computer technology with the primitive human devices. Comparable to an average person using a computer on Earth having to pass on to another population or culture, several large encyclopedias using only one telegraph.
The truth is that I want it or not, these are the contact rules. Strictly by keyboard only. I do not make the rules, this comes from even higher than the command and control crew of the ship. They are directives of the Federation and they are there for a reason. I personally do not agree, because they generalize a lot. It shouldn't be that way with everyone. But that's how it is. And this is what we have for better or for worse. I just appreciate that I can type very fast. But personally I do not agree with these contact rules.
Gosia: And if it were your decision, how would you approach humans? How would your contact be? Straight down with the ships? Or maybe you mean the video connection?
Anéeka: I fully understand the reason for these restrictions, and partly accept that they are logical. But what I would change would be being able to approach a small and controlled group of people who are already more than ready to have a more direct contact.
Although it is not yet possible to be face to face, perhaps, but with the use of full video calls. Image and solid.
In itself this would be the next step to continue with the already canceled First Contact program. Already canceled but continues on a small scale, because right now there are fewer than 20 Taygeta people who could actually converse or chat with someone from Earth as the actual contact group can be counted on the fingers of your hands. More than anything I mean video connection. Going down is dangerous for us.
Gosia: Ok. I would like to ask you ... what do you like most about culture on Earth?
Anéeka: Art and music.
Gosia: Can you be more specific please? What type of art and music do you enjoy the most? Give us some examples maybe? What have you recently discovered?
Anéeka: That they can handle multiple types of music equally. That they be creative with sounds that way. Art more than anything is what calls me most of humanity. Their power to create paintings and sculptures, but I see art in everything they do, from a car with exact shapes and lines, to home design and architecture in general. That they can take a small thing, trash maybe, and turn it into something nice worthy of a museum.
Gosia: Yes, I also really like this about the people here. But with this you mean then that in Taygeta there is less art? Or maybe it is more uniform? For being just one race? And there are mixtures here?
Anéeka: It is more uniform in Taygeta. On Earth there are many contrasts because it is a mixture of many races there, yes. There is more variety on Earth, variety of everything.
Gosia: People from Taygeta have access to Earth music for example?
Anéeka: Yes, they have access to everything on the records. Yes, they have access, and yes, terrestrial art is heard or seen, but it is buried between art and sounds from other places. The fact that the Taygeta population has access to information does not mean that they pay due attention to it.
On YouTube you will have access to any topic, it is there. But if you don't look for it, you don't even know that it exists, for example.
Gosia: I would like to ask: Do you think you will be here until the liberation of Earth? Although this is subjective because the "liberation" from what I understand will not be a single event. And there are variants here, and timelines. But generalizing, what would you say?
Anéeka: I can't anticipate how much Earth time will pass before that happens. I can only say that I will be here as long as I can. From an objective point of view, it is already fair for me to retire to make my life at home.
Gosia: And what will you do when you're back? Do you have other ambitions and plans? Dreams?
Anéeka: Not at the moment. Only one. To be truly at peace with time for myself, in my house by the beach, surrounded by my family.
Gosia: It's your first expedition, yes?
Anéeka: Yes, it is my first and quite possibly my only deep space expedition. Far from home.
Gosia: But when you were resting in Temmer, we were told that you really wanted to come back. Maybe it is a little addictive to be on expeditions? Quite full of adrenaline.
Anéeka: It can be. But my desire to return is more to finish well what I started. Supporting my family here on the ship, so we can all go home together. If someone else in my family is still working here, away from home, I will also stay until we can all retire.
Gosia: I understand. And how is your relationship with other races? Do you have friends among them? Inside and outside Pleiades.
Anéeka: I make friends very easily. But at the moment due to the nature of my work on this ship, I have no friendships from other races. Only with the human Suriko.
Gosia: And do you remember your past lives? Were you always Taygetean?
Anéeka: No one has always been of one race, but in general, it could be said that I have been "always" a Taygetean. Perhaps because the last incarnation, to put it one way or another, was trying to enter Earth 3D as a starseed, so I personally have little memory of past lives. Contrary to Swaruu who remembers like 20 or more. I mostly have no memory of past lives like other Taygeteans. I insist that it has to do with that I tried to enter 3D. I have memories, but they are not precise.
Gosia: Ok. Now back to Earth and the Cabal. What, in your opinion, is necessary still to remove it from the Earth's surface completely? Looking from your perspective.
Anéeka: The very people, ordinary people must realize that it depends on themselves. No one else. The more people turn their backs on 5G mobiles, eating GMOs and generally following what is ordered by those in power. They will be able to eradicate the Cabal faster. What a single person manages to do is not a small thing. There can see a big change only if they refuse small things like using bank loans or generating debt. To eat processed things. Not to enter political games that are only fronts and distractions so that ordinary people cannot see the true power structure of Earth.
Gosia: I understand. This ties in with my next question ... which you may have already answered then: what do people need to do to get out of the Matrix? And I ask you as an expert on the operation of the Matrix. Knowing how it works, what should they do to reprogram it?
Anéeka: Understand the Matrix and begin to form your own judgment on profound things. Do not depend on authorities external to themselves. Realize that everything socially accepted is what fuels the Matrix. Seek your own truth, have independence of thought. Get away from everything that is an institution, be it a company, government or religion.
Gosia: Very well. I understand Thank you. I have last question Aneeka and Robert you can include your questions if you want. My last question is somewhat fun: You have a lot of cats on board. Do they fulfill any specific function or are they pure company as pets and friends? And also, do they communicate with you Telepathically?
Anéeka: Yes we have many cats on board. They adapt well to life on a ship, they are types of pets. Their function is only company and for their esoteric and mental capacities. But they are pets. Yes, we communicate Telepathically with them, but from what I have seen, they are still cats... and sometimes they ignore.
Robert: What surprised you the most when you came to Earth ... both about the planet and those who inhabit it?
Anéeka: What surprised me the most was the high level of disconnection with the Source, of the population. That they had no idea who they are, or were. That they believe in ideas imposed by religions with the aim to control them, including the religion of science. For example, their belief in death as the destruction of the Self.
Robert: Ok. Another question. Has contact with humans made you change any preconceived stereotypes?
Anéeka: In truth, no. How they were interpreted when I studied them is quite accurate. I knew that it does not depend, or my opinion may depend only on generalizations.
Robert: What thought comes to your mind if there is any to see that artificial satellite that is limiting the perception of all its inhabitants and prevents many from escaping from this planet?
Anéeka: It makes me want to kick that metallic ball.
Robert: Haha. Okay. And my last question. Because I had nothing prepared. Did you ever think that you would have such an active role with the planetary ascension of Earth?
Anéeka: No, it only happened when I got here, little by little things started happening. When I started or when I got here, I was only a cadet to call it in some way. With my job of just being present on the social media in the First Contact program and today I am the ship's CIC intelligence director.
Robert: I have one more question. How do you think massive contact with humanity could be ... if it happens?
Anéeka: In my opinion the massive contact is already taking place. It will only increase in the same way that has been given until now. More and more forcing governments to gradually accept our presence here. They will do damage control, they will discredit, they will give accepted silly explanations, they will impose their limited science. But in itself, as our presence increases more and more, it will reach a breaking point. And it will be impossible to deny our presence and existence. According to my Meta-Data and my personal opinion, this is how mass contact will occur.
Robert: Thank you very much.
Gosia: Super. Very good! Great final answer. Thank you.
Anéeka: You are welcome. Ok, now I have to go. They called me. Talk you soon!
Galactic Federation and Earth Representatives? (Anéeka of Temmer - Extraterrestrial Contact)
Anéeka: The Federation cannot have ONE representative on Earth as it would mean a monopoly on the truth, and since there are so many Starseeds each one is by right the representative of the Federation. The Federation is a very complex institution, with many steps and councils on each. As they present it on Earth, it is very simplistic, with a human structure, and denotes ignorance of the truth.
Robert: So on Earth they cannot have any human representative? From what I understand.
Anéeka: No, because it is the same as a monopoly on truth and the same as there are races, there are points of view, that to begin with. Furthermore, multiple time lines and multiple densities where a council has influence over one but not over the other. So they are layered councils. Having only one person means that you represent a part and not the whole.
And there is more. That structure like the one presented by the Federation on Earth sometimes is very human, flat, one-dimensional, and they are mostly human fabrications. It does NOT represent a Holographic social structure <<<< where each and every one of the members is by right representative of their race and species. Not like on Earth where a person, a politician represents a people and the people themselves have no power and no vote.
Here that would not work, a holographic society is not structured this way, and the Federation is made by holographic societies, therefore its internal structure and operation is the same. Stepped, leveled holographic. By multiple councils according to regions and densities.
So a holographic society is structured in such a way that any person assumes the responsibilities both of representing their race, species, people and culture, as well as their representation before external entities.
But in itself, each and every person on board this ship is prepared to assume the position of a leader. Likewise on the planets - anyone just by being born there and being part of that culture, and by how that person was educated with all the reSources of the entire civilization available during their development and education, can automatically play the role of leader and representative.
Thus, the model they present of the Federation in different places on Earth is obviously and blatantly human-made with a view to monopolize EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH THE FEDERATION and has nothing to do with the actual Federation.
We do NOT recognize any legality in any petition or accreditation of any person to assume any position that has to do with the Federation at any level. It must come to us by direct means from the Federation and not from any pseudo human representative, nor human organization, because otherwise we will automatically take it as false information with interest and intention to impose an agenda of control and limitation on us or any another person spreading the subject of the Federation.
If so, if these types of accreditations were authentic, everything that has to do with the Federation of United Planets would need to pass through the scrutiny and authorization of these people on Earth. Which we and countless races see as unacceptable.
Repeating above. All accreditation and any request from the Federation must reach us through Muon systems, or similar technology directly from the Federation in space to Taygeta's ship without intermediaries. Because we do NOT need intermediaries.
Robert: If humans are the representatives of the Federation ... All the Starseeds .... How can a starseed get in contact with the Federation?
Anéeka: Accessing her higher self, channeling opening her third eye, meditating.
I know they will not like that, but direct contact does not depend so much on them but on their races and the Federation and prenatal agreements, Frequency compatibility and all that.
You must know that everything is Frequency compatibility. If they know themselves to be of high Frequency, nothing of the lower astral plane will parasitize them and if something does appear, they will be able to remove it or face it and it will be momentary, not something that sticks to them as possession. Everything is Frequency compatibility. Someone very positive and loving is toxic to a negative entity. So high or very high Frequency people will only be compatible with entities of the same Frequency.
For example Esther, who channels Abraham, with that high Frequency she is not a match to being an organic portal for negative things, only positive things. So Abraham works through her and not ... a lizard. All are organic Portals and according to their Frequency these or other entities work through them. It is not only necessary to see whether or not there is "possession" or parasitization, but also to see what kind of entity. If it is positive, it would not be parasite or possession, but a constructive symbiosis like Esther / Abraham.
Robert: Exactly, your Frequency will dictate what you will channel. So to connect with the Federation you would have to have neither hatred nor resentment because otherwise you will channel anything else according to your thoughts.
Anéeka: Sure. Although it is logical to have those feelings, and people should not be scared to have them, but those feelings should not be the dominant ones or be allowed to determine their life. So the truth is that there is no direct way, only as described above.
They can call them with the mind, with videos or tweets because they listen. But whether they respond or not does not depend on them, humans. I know you would like me to tell you that there is a place where you should go and fill out an entry form. But the truth is that there is none. And even if I try to advocate or ask for someone from here, they will not listen to me. It does not work like that. The Federation is very very large and with many steps of complexity that humans do not understand. It is not only what stage or level of council it is, but what density as well. And add to that timelines.
Starseeds want to communicate with the Federation ... they must understand that they themselves are the Federation they want to contact. If you want more then you only have meditation, ask for contact mentally, with the heart, or make videos or Tweets to ask for contact. But you can´t even do it from here, or hardly ... let alone down there.
Anéeka: NOTHING is like that. NOTHING. Stepped, layered means that a council, let's say a town, deals with its problems and its decisions without having to disturb the Regional Council, which is made up of the councils of all the towns within the same region. And this Regional council together with others form the Council of a larger Region, this one of a larger one, until reaching the Planetary council and from there all the way to the High Council of race or culture.
Each one deals with solving the problems that correspond to their level. If there is a water irrigation problem in a small town of few inhabitants, which is solved by deciding where to make a new canal, they do not have to bother the High Planetary Council that is dealing with much bigger problems. If they can't solve the problem and need help, they'll ask the next one up, and that one the next, until the problem is resolved.
There is no information hiding, quite the contrary. It is a free flow of information always. And every citizen as they are formed with all the reSources of the entire civilization, has the preparation and education necessary to be part of, physically, any council of any level. Voluntarily.
If there are more people than what is needed in a council, they will start to leave themselves, since there are too many reSources for the problems that arise before said council, therefore they are solved very quickly ... being boring for the members, so they will retire to do other activities if they are not necessary there.
There are no minutes, the human style, papers always papers. Only if you need to write something down, because within the same council the presence of people who have the potential to solve the problem has already been required. For example, canal builders who operate machinery.
So the irrigation canal repair order comes out of the same Council and because of the mentality of the people they themselves go and build the missing canal. The declaration of minutes is not necessary, nor of papers that prove anything since the lie is easily seen and there are no interests at stake when not operating with money, so people act in good faith always helping the advancement of the community and with that of the entire civilization.
The basis for achieving such a society is the moral and ethical attitude of people within that society.
Majority votes are not observed. It is known that this democratic system doesn´t work and a majority of votes does not mean that the decision is the correct one, neither the most ethical nor the most convenient. We deliberate with logic and with facts, until a consistent agreement is reached between the members of the council. Again the attitude and ethics of the people who compose it are the key to make this work.
Many people on Earth who claim to know do not have the remotest idea of how a holographic society works, nor a Federation based on holographic societies. It is with the consistency of ideas, ethics and morals. Therefore, we should not allow people with little ethics to appropriate themselves of concepts such as those described above. They will only impose what they as humans see as legal with human terms and conditions. Disabling the operation of a truly holographic society to reach the population of Earth, preventing its advancement. Democracy is NOT the correct political model, nor is the Royalty as it is on Earth nor is it Communism.
And people without understanding, many times mistakenly confuse the holographic political model by layered Councils, with communism. But that is terrible because for us Communism is only state capitalism combined with dictatorship.
Anéeka: The ones that you impose on yourself based on your ethics and your understanding, reSources and capacities.
Robert: And why do the presidents of the United States make pacts with the dark ones for all humanity? That is not valid, they have crossed many red lines.
Anéeka: Apparently yes. But since these dark ones are formed by humanity itself and are the representatives of humanity, presidents or whoever they are are also the product of the collective, so the pact with their creations is part of free will as seen by the Federation. So ethically it is up to the humans themselves to solve the problem that they themselves have created.
Robert: Do the Ascended Masters have representation in any solar or cosmic council?
Anéeka: The concept of Ascended Master is terrestrial and does not even apply directly as identity to real beings, or rarely. Ascended Masters, it would be necessary to define who they are, without the religious load, but it could be defined as a person, old soul, with a lot of experience that has the function of counselor. Because she understands multiple topics and has a lot of experience solving them. (Like Swaruu, for example).
Whether or not a person is a member of a Council, of whatever kind, only depends on their personal capacities and reSources and on how relevant they are to solving the problem in question.
This is how many times in the councils (not always) there will be people who have a lot of experience coordinating others and forming agreements, these people are called advisers and are like the base or permanent members of an organism or Council of whatever level. These people are in charge of making sure that the reSources and experts in each subject are sUmmoned.
These expert people are not members of the councils permanently but when necessary. As for example with a problem of electric generators, the council will not call bakers. But electricians. And there will always be one or the other expert who lends himself more or who has a lot of knowledge and who ends up constantly being called to the Council when an electrical problem arises.
Robert: Thank you very much Aneeka for your time with these questions.
Anéeka: You are welcome.
Galactic Federation- Higher Levels and Higher Realms (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades)
Gosia: Swaruu, you mentioned higher realms of Federation (6D and 7D) and how even the Federation 5D races are put to challenge as ¨liberators¨, other as monitors....its all part of some other cosmic game being controlled from even above. Can you tell us more about that higher 6D 7D part please? Federation in those higher realms?
Swaruu: It's simple. As the Earth is a learning place... I don't like the word "Game". I've, we've been using "game". I dislike it. It's not a "game". People are not there for ¨amusement". It is a learning process we all go through... experiences, challenges and lessons we impose upon ourselves using the Law of Mirrors. Meaning that the lessons we go through, hard ones or not, suffering or pleasure, are what we need to experience for our personal growth... and that of the species.
So seeing this as from the perspective of... who would you like we use as an example? Anéeka. She is a full stellar... having a set of experiences, looking at a planet below her literarily, where she must face the very, very hard task to guide the masses. She also suffers, she also grows. As humans do. And above she has her guides who are mentoring her using several ways... As humans do.
See it as just another step. The "world" for Anéeka is her world. What she perceives here. What she causes, what she manifests. And she knows that from this level if she is feeling down, if she is feeling insecure, thousands will also feel insecure that day.. She cries, humans cry, she laughs, humans laugh. That is a huge responsibility! And others above mentoring her also have an even larger experience and with it a much bigger responsibility. Responsibility for creation itself... But as the Law of Mirrors dictates... That is only what you brought upon yourself! The challenges you need to grow.
So the Federation is just another set of experiences... being guided by others above. And those will have others above with even greater challenges ... and responsibilities. Responsibilities they brought upon themselves. But it is also a learning experience as it is on Earth. Just another level, more challenges, more responsibilities.
Gosia: What are the objectives of those guiding from above? The objectives of the Federation is to mentor human race to be ¨launched¨ (relaunched) into the interstellar existence. What´s the purpose of it all transpiring...for the races from 6-7d? What´s THEIR objective with all this?
Swaruu: All minds, all consciousnesses want one thing above all... to expand, to know, to seek who they are and where they belong in this giant cosmic adventure. The want to know!
Gosia: And why do we need to be learning anything in the first place? I was never a subscriber to the concept that life is a school. It just IS. The experience. You don´t need to be graduating from any levels or passing tests. It´s not why Source fragmented itself I think. To be passing tests. No?
Swaruu: They seek what they cannot find anywhere, and many know it, yet they continue to seek. What they want to find is themselves. But they will never find themselves because, they cannot perceive themselves. So they try to understand their own shadows. Creations.
As for Federation with Earth, as a purpose... What we all want and what we all seek with human kind, is the birth of a new species, Humans. Federation races are creating Humans from above using consciousness.
We are both here to do our job, you and I. We are part of this all. Where your physical body resides does not matter. You know that! What matters is who you are inside, starseed from higher realms!
I sometimes cannot know the difference between something I imagined and something that happened. That is what Humans are training for, to think therefore manifest. To control the Law of Mirrors. To manifest their desires.
Gosia: Why do we from higher plane where there is no need for anything... just be, integrated, care to be ¨birthing¨ any new species in 3D-5D realm? Why are we so involved with 5D? Why don´t we just dwell peacefully in 7d minding our business?
Swaruu: Because from 7D this is our business.
Gosia: Why?
Swaruu: A choice.
Gosia: Why? Why do we choose it?
Swaruu: Because it helps us expand, learn, be more aware. Understand more.
Gosia: Why do we need to expand? We already are integrated there.
Swaruu: Makes us closer to who we are.
Gosia: But we already are closer to the Source than ever there. Why doing things in 5D brings us closer to who we are? If being in 7D is more authentic state of being of who we truly are? We are in 7D!
Swaruu: Because... we are greedy. As is Source that everything is, Source is complete... Yet it must fragment in order to have even more. To continue asking questions. Because if we are everything there is no contrast. And with no contrast we cannot be. You are, because you also understand what you are not <------ The only way to be "someone" is with the illusion of separation. Them vs you.
Gosia: So then we come to 5D so we can yearn to be whole again in ¨7d¨. Are we nuts? Why go in circles? We are chasing our own tail. I am circling, Swaruu!
Swaruu: Indeed we are! But it's fun! Ask any puppy, it will say it's fun! It all boils down to what we already have said. This is because that is who we are!
Gosia: Why are we circles? Why can´t we be still? And whole?
Swaruu: Don't need to circle... As I said, that is a choice. You stay still, but there is no growth. So after a while you seek adventure. And then you had enough so you want stillness again.
Gosia: But I need no growth in stillness. I am all I ever need to be.
Swaruu: Yet to be, you need to understand what is not you. And that understanding is what you seek.
Gosia: Quick question...in 7D are you just the energy being..or can you have a body and senses? Or if you do that, thats when you come into 5D? Or can you experience senses and body temporarily WHILE in 7d?
Swaruu: The higher the realm the more you can be. That becomes a choice to be, to express yourself as.. whoever or whatever. So from higher realms you can be any one. That's why I say that from higher realms if they can manifest a ship with thought alone, they don't need a ship! They may manifest a ship for the observers in lower realms to have something to relate to them with. Because if not so, there wouldn't be any point of comparison, or understanding between both creatures in different realms. And from higher realms you understand the needs of those in lower realms.
Gosia: Why does the 7D Federation ¨send out¨ challenges to 5D beings? Or how is it really? If they dont have the concept of duality....on what do they base their drive to oversee what goes on in 5D? Tell me more about the 7D council. Or wherever it is. The one that oversees the Federation.
Swaruu: In higher density you don't have those concepts, as defining the density itself. But from there you do understand all other densities under it. The higher councils are at a mental level, you think you are. From that perspective you astral travel, it is there with full awareness, where you enter the council. You talk there, Telepathically, in full capacity making 5D telepathy really weak, inefficient, compared to that higher density of awareness and telepathy. Mouths and words no longer apply, only if you want to, in order to interact with people in lower densities.
There while in the council you just are, you are seen as whatever you want to be seen. With no prejudice. You can be a talking frog, or a little girl. You have your reasons and they accept them because you can convey your concepts. But mostly you don't even take a shape. You just are and you are recognized by your energy, you hold no shape unless you want to hold a shape. A shape is for something. Interacting with beings that need something "physical" to relate to. You need an avatar. Up high, you don't. You are yourself! No genders, just a concept, the true, unaltered, genuine you!
Gosia: Swaruu I remember that place so strongly. Recognizing each other by energy, seeing one another fully, in soul, no form needed, just you, your energy, Frequency, just pure you. I miss it. And that kind of connection. 3D is so inadeaquate! For the soul. That connection doesn´t exist here.
Those beings there..... tell me more about them and how they are connected to 5D people, and even 3D people...in consciousness. Are we part of them? Or they are totally separate entities?
Swaruu: Every single soul is them. They never have stopped being them. It is only a process of remembering who you really are.
You are all holographic fragments of the whole, logically everyone is part of those. Each person, in any density is someone higher up, higher self, but it blends into the collective. Meaning you gather consciousness and awareness about everything to a degree where even that has a big price to pay. You loose your self. You knowing who you are as you know, and you work and you are aware of being many people. With many names.
That is the price to pay. No longer being one. I'm no longer Swaruu D'Jedi Ronin. Because I'm that and the others as well. Integration and awareness has a price. Yourself. You. Identity! Particularity.
That is how it is in higher densities. A lot of awareness that you are so many people, all within your Frequency, or range of action of your Frequency. And that, from above becomes your new integrated identity. You blend with them. They become you too. So you cannot really know or see one person from another in 7D let alone 9D. They are all blended. As one. Only points of higher luminosity within a sea of light. A wave in the ocean. Inseparable.
Gosia: But wait wait.. You cannot see one person from another in 7D? How do those Councils operate then? As one being?
Swaruu: As a concert. Individual instruments blending. Making complex symphony. You can still hear the violin, when it solos. The drums, the trumpets. Each coming in at precise mathematically and Frequency perfect moments. In a sequence you call time, that you control as well. Only for a sequence.
You are part of everything there, inseparable, and as every single instrument is in a symphony, irreplaceable! Essential. You are the symphony itself. If you have ever played a musical instrument in a concert with others, you know what I am talking about!
Gosia: In case of soulmates, how do THEY feel there?
Swaruu: Some times not even, just another violin, like mine. The concept of man woman no longer applies. For that, you project yourself as whatever you like, even into lower densities.
And being so many... how does one death of "you" afect you? No longer dramatic. You hold indestructibility. You become a species, not a person. Individuals of a species are born, live and die all the time. You can´t. Because you are constantly dying and being re-born over and over again. And you know it, you live that from a collective point of view.
Gosia: You said earlier that Reptiles, Cabal and everything are human manifestations, egregores. In fact, it was the subject of your official talk to the Federation. And supposedly your exposition has left them impressed. But so this information is NEW to them if they were impressed. So, logically, they could not lock humans with 3D for their "Reptile and egregore creations" because this information, how this works, is NEW and has come from you now, with your exposition. So that's not why THEY have locked up humans installing 3D. No?
Swaruu: They don't see things according to my interpretation because they still have the concepts of evil that is external to them, to everyone. Living with deterministic concepts similar to humans. And according to the Council above, conflicts and frictions only occur in the lower strata of power of the Federation, such as the Council for Earth. Minor brawls in their eyes. Insignificant.
I answer your question this way: the Frequency and consciousness stratum of the 5D Federation present here ... is NOT the same Federation stratum or level of consciousness that locked humans in 12,500 years ago. In other words, the Federation itself is layered.
The concept that there is no evil is something that is taken as a fact in higher levels, and is scarcely understandable in a practical or empirical way from lower levels such as 3D or even from the 5D from where the Federation that concerns us here operates . . Because these .. present here.. of the Federation, do not have this understanding.
Gosia: What happened then???? Where is that higher consciousness of the Federation? Why has everything gone down?
Swaruu: Because since the Federation present here obeys and wants to honor the laws of human free will, the Federation from above must also guide those below them as the more advanced collective. But yes, they are present here, trying to promote a change of consciousness within the leaders of this lower stratum of the Federation.
Gosia: How do these two levels of the Federation differ with regards to dealing with humans?
Swaruu: They are not two levels of the Federation, there are multiple levels as there are also on Earth. Multiple levels of consciousness and with it of perception and with them of existential densities.
Gosia: The Federation from above GUIDES the Federation here? Successfully?
Swaruu: Yes, with moderate success and with great patience.
Gosia: But how do they differ? The high-level ones with the ones here?
Swaruu: For example. The Federation here, 5D, does not fully understand the human level of suffering and powerlessness. The highest level of the Federation yes they understand it.
Gosia: Ok but if they understand it, the ones above, what does this mean practically? Would they assist humans differently?
Swaruu: It means that as some humans only see and understand reality with aspects of nations on Earth, I am Spanish, I am Uruguayan or I am Japanese, but from the 5D Federation they see everyone as a single human race ... From the position of the Federation of above, of whatever density, everything is seen not in terms of races, Federation on the one hand and Earth on the other .... But they see everything together.
As all the nations of the Earth are irrelevant because they are all the human race ... Federation from above only sees beings together in a great cosmic game. Leaving the 5D Federation as just another government that must learn and that is the consequence of its people. They don't see separate races like in 5D they don't see separate land nations. They see a set of beings in level 5D (low by the way) on a path of understanding and spiritual development. Where they themselves, each person or race, must learn on the go. Like humans on Earth.
But the high Federation, to call it somehow, is present, as it has always been since the beginning of time. Sending their Starseeds to incarnate as guides of others.
Gosia: Are they 5D people? And also in 3D? Like you?
Swaruu: Yes, like me.
Gosia: Are they in 3D too?
Swaruu: Yes.
Robert: But 3D is not the real world.
Swaruu: From above the real or non-real is not understood in terms of material objectivity, hologram, video game simulation or not ... What matters is the experience and perception of reality that each person or soul has, in each place or level.
Gosia: Good answer. Because 3D or 5D, EVERYTHING is a projection.
Swaruu: That's right. Everything is an idea. You change the idea, you change the projection. But it is not something that "projects" out of you. It's just how you see things.
Gosia: Would they assist humans differently? If you say they understand suffering more than in 5D? How does their understanding of assistance differ from how they see it in the lower Federation?
Swaruu: Directly interacting with the human population as much as they can ... And altering the course of events using the 5D beings that are being guides of ... humans.
Gosia: Directly interacting with the human population ... openly as ETs? Or do you mean just being anonymous guides?
Swaruu: In whatever way, there are no limits. As each one adapts better. The difference is that they do not generalize like the 5D Federation, but they see and determine each case. Carefully. The 5D Federation simply doesn't have the reSources to do that, but from above, they do. I'm not talking about computers and ships like from 5D. Rather, from above you have the mental reSources to guide in that way, since you operate from a state of no time, or plastic and malleable time at your convenience.
What is recognized is that as with humans, the 5D Federation, which is the lowest stratum of the Federation as an organized institution, must make and grow with their own mistakes in a learning curve.
Gosia: And how exactly do they guide from above? Mentally influencing?
Swaruu: From above everything is mind. So mentally or through Starseeds in 5D.
Gosia: And do they influence people in 5D too? Are there results?
Swaruu: Yes. There always are. The key is infinite patience.
Gosia: But one thing ... If everything is an idea ... and projection of the mind from beyond. Everything 3D and 5D ... the Federation, Cabal and everything ... we are their idea. Projection of them/us. Wouldn't it be so?
Swaruu: Yes and Yes.
Gosia: So what happens inside our minds there that we have manifested so many nightmares??? The 7d and beyond wants this? Why do we project it?
Swaruu: Even from above, the understanding achieved in those planes is based on what has been lived in planes below. Even from above the contrast is needed.
Gosia: But you can´t have planes below to experiment if in the first place you do not have the IDEA of these planes and what might be in them first! So everything that happens in 3D 5D is INSIDE THEM.
Swaruu: You, all of you are also them. From above by nature the experiences of the lower planes are included. There is no 7D without 3D.
Gosia: I think everything here is some dream of the minds in 7d-9d.
Swaruu: Dream ... from above you no longer need to dream, since you already live in the etheric world.
Gosia: Yes I know. That's what I mean. That everything that happens here is the IDEA of what happens in our 7D minds. So if there is a struggle and whatever in 3D, it is only the consequence of OUR OWN MINDS but from above!
Swaruu: Yes.
Gosia: So WHO are the 7d and 9d beings guiding if we're all here in their own minds? We are not separate beings hahaha. Are they guiding themselves? Their own IDEAS AND CREATIONS? Why so much fuss if everything is "just" within their own "heads"? Beings / us from beyond.
Swaruu: It is the intertwining of the collective of high densities where effectively the concept of the I is diluted. A single consciousness is in all the bodies that exist in the Universe, whatever their density. Not projected as something that comes out of a consciousness and is projected out of that consciousness, but rather an idea perceived internally by a particular consciousness ... that in itself from a high density it would be difficult to say where a particular consciousness begins and ends because it dissolves in the collective.
Gosia: So all of us within 3D - 5D are the physical projection of an IDEA that we have had from higher planes. So are we guiding ourselves here? What a game! We really are gods! We have created everything, now we are inside as in some virtual game, saving worlds that we have projected, enjoying contrasts and illusions of separations. It makes me laugh so much!
Swaruu: Exactly Gosia. And that's why from above the free will and the decisions of everyone are respected.
Gosia: But Swaruu, you know ... the more you realize all this, the more you lose meaning and "sense" in "helping" or in doing anything like that. It just makes me want to run around and laugh. Throw dishes from the balcony. IT DOES NOT MATTER RIGHT ?! How to know where you still have to "behave" according to whatever, and when not? Only what YOU decide no?
Swaruu: It only depends on you. That´s why I have always told you that helping or not is your decision. Does not matter. But it does matter to you, and that's something only you can determine. Whether or not the experience of helping... helps you. That´s why I have said that the world is just as it should be.
Gosia: Yes ... but I would like to get to the bottom of all the bottoms of why there is this desire to help. And I know we talked about this a thousand times.
Swaruu: Because it is the experience you want to live. The I and the they. "I" help "them" ... feed my ego (in a good way).
Gosia: But WHY? Why do we want to experience it? I want to deprogram myself.
Swaruu: It makes me feel good about myself.
Gosia: But whyyyyy? Where does this feeling good come from?
Swaruu: That from the particular point of view of everyone.
Gosia: I feel it is something self programmed and I would like the RESET myself to see me in the PREFABRICATION state.
Swaruu: Why, only you can know. But the basic reason is always the same and you know it: The desire to know what happens if ... and if ... Because of the endless desire for expansion.
Gosia: I want to know what is there beyond myself. PREFABRICATED state. No self-imposed ideas. No desires. What is there???
Swaruu: If you take away the self-imposed ideas, there is no Gosia left, you just remain as part of the great collective of high densities. You are only Gosia because you hold attachments to those preconceived ideas that shape and determine you. What forms your 'I'.
Gosia: Exactly. And I feel like they stick to me like layers of old clothes. But it's not ME ... me in the higher state ! Maybe that's where I long to be, I think! I perceive myself there.
Swaruu: Still, even where you perceive yourself ... there are still pre-conceived ideas because you still say 'I perceive myself', that is, you, a ME and a person. Yes, that's another layer, but there is even higher.
Gosia: Wherever I perceive myself, I perceive that I operate within another type of ¨ideas¨. They are not as defined. Or self-descriptive. It is another type of "I". Not experienced from here.
Robert: But in those high states, what do you experience? If you have already integrated everything? And you know you are eternal.
Swaruu: All the way high you don't experience. You are everything, you can only experience if from that state of total Illumination you concentrate on a small part of yourself, of what you perceive within the great whole ... And that small part that you have decided to perceive is the same as - and what defines an incarnation in low densities or of any density. You are everything. So you only decide to see a small part of yourself, to experience the 'I'. From above you are everything, there is no 'I'. It is only the eternal collective. There are no experiences. And there are no experiences because everything is integrated and out of time and without the perception of the sequence of events, there is no experience.
Gosia: But there are degrees between BEING ALL and being me like here in 3D. In the state where I "perceive myself" I am not all yet. I AM but the idea of I is different. Not defined as here.
Swaruu: Gosia, yes there are degrees, that's why there is 3D 5D 6D 7D ..... If you feel integrated into the whole but still being a 'Gosia concept' that is apart from the others that is equivalent to an understanding of 7 or 8D where there is still an 'I' concept present.
Gosia: Yes. That´s why I think that where I “perceive myself” is not the Source itself, it is not the total Illumination, no no. There is still some kind of self-observation of ME. But it is like more ¨collective¨, expanded. No ideas to "help or not help." "Put this on or that." It is another type of existence. There is my "home". Not even Taygeta or anything material.
Swaruu: Densities as examples, rhetorical, we already know that it is a gradient and there are as many densities as there are consciousnesses. Note that the state of "The Source", the unification of the whole, state of perfect Illumination, there is no Self, there is no experience ... So it is equivalent to nothingness, emptiness ... and not even that. Impossible to define because if you define it that is not. So total enlightenment is equivalent to not being. And that's why you prefer to live in densities where there is a notion of being. From an 'I'. In 9D there is only a concept of, or the idea that something could be formed below, an intention. The ¨I¨ is almost completely dissolved in the collective consciousness.
Hospitals - Warning - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades)
That at this time they do not approach hospitals or external doctors, except for life and death situations. Whether or not they believe there is a virus, this should be communicated to all their family members and made viral. Much is already known and is coming to light but it is not enough.
Due to the virus situation, they are receiving a lot of money for each CV case they detect, $13,000, if the person requires a respirator - 40,000. If the person dies - up to 4 times more. People do not believe this because of the extremely large sums of money.
They believe that it is not possible because it is not profitable. But those who are paying are the negative Cabal and do not operate with money. Rather, they only transfer large sums to hospitals and doctors, digital money without real backup . It is just numbers to them.
Besides, it does not matter whether or not they give away numbers in bank accounts that they themselves will collapse in weeks anyway. It is just another method of control and manipulation.So anyone not only with respiratory problems but any problem who comes not only to hospitals but to doctors is exposed to being arbitrarily categorized as positive for CV, as is already happening en masse all over the world.
They will be hospitalized for money and they will be even prescribed respirators to get still more money even if that person has been admitted to the hospital for a case of appendicitis.
Respirators are now known to do or cause lung damage from trauma, and should only be used at minimal power and as a last resort when the patient can no longer breathe on their own and never before. I have information indicating that they are modifying respirators in hospitals to make them even more harmful, to make people even sicker.
This brings me to the next part. This means that they are murdering people in hospitals to be given large sums of money. This is criminal, both intentionally, and for medical negligence because of fear by hospital staff.
There are countless testimonies from people who have faced this situation. A healthy boy enters the hospital for a cold. And the next thing the family members waiting in the hospital room see is a nurse giving them a jar with his ashes.
Or babies who die of other things and they offer money to their relatives so that in the death certificate it appears as if it was for covid-19. And in the case that was given to me, they accepted that money because of low income. To later report this.
These are just two examples of countless ones that can be seen. Also nurses coming out to say that yes they are seeing that they kill the sick in hospitals for negligence. They don't treat them when they are sick to see if they die. So for them it is not murder, they simply omit the necessary treatment to give them a chance.
The point is that they are giving very large sums of money for each case, each complicated case and even more for every death from CV, with all the implications that you can imagine as a result of that and of the greed of the medical institutions and medical personnel as well.
But the problem does not end there. Even in hospitals where that does not happen, medical personnel are so scared by the CV that they refuse to pass the family members to see their sick relatives, denying the family control over what they do with the patient. So that allows them free passage to whatever they do to the sick one.
And in many cases, they do not do autopsies, much less let family members come to see and say goodbye to their deceased relatives, for fear of the CV. They are incinerated without any consideration for the family.
Every person who enters a hospital, with a certainty of almost 100% will somehow be implied in this CV nonsense, especially if the real problem they have resembles in any way the CV symptoms: high (or low) pressure, nasal mucus, cough, dizziness, any symptoms they have will be classified as CV because there are even directives to omit the tests and assume that it is CV.
Robert: And is this being done all over the planet or only in some countries?
Aneeka: Generally all over the planet. Sure it varies from hospital to hospital but I have reports of the same thing all over the planet. This without mentioning that people are not approaching hospitals for fear of CV and therefore they are not taking care of their real problems.
Robert: And many die in their homes.
Anéeka: Yes, but not because of the CV directly, but because of lack of medical attention. That´s the way things are. People must understand that if they do not unite they will become extinct.
Note. The UN no longer uses the term Agenda-21. It was replaced by Agenda-30. Technically speaking it is not correct to say Agenda 21 anymore.
They must unite now, wake up their sleeping Matrixed relatives NOW or they will become extinct. They no longer have time to be nice. I only see mass civil disobedience as the only way to fight this . And leave that nonsense aside of the daddy Tump who will come to save them , because that is controlled dissidence.
And what I say is not unfounded. Nor do I make it up. The information is there and what I am telling you is not just from watching videos, that only corroborates my information.
In hospitals, you can no longer know who is inside and if they even have medical personnel available. The real medical personnel or there are only paid people there.
The information I gave you today is of life and death for many people who could go to hospitals in the next few days <<<< It is really terrible, but people should understand this. And make it viral. Not only you.
They must get to work, not stick to that mentality that I see everywhere: What can do, I am nobody. It is up to them if they survive this, it is up to them whether others live or die. I am no longer interested if they see me as alarmist, this is alarming situation. Do something.
Are Extraterrestrials Similar to Humans Culturally? (Taygetean Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: I know Anéeka said her chair lost a screw the other day. Many people would say a screw? So human. "I'm sure they would have invented something better by now". Actually, no. Those things are quite standard. You won't find the same gauge screws. Not millimetrical not imperial.. TP gauge. But still a silly screw!
And that is because there is no death and because people jump into being one and / or another species. And they take those concepts with them. Starseeds "seed" those ideas all over the place.
Screw is just an example. But in general, everything is the same or of the same origin. For example a tooth brush is a tooth brush and although there are electric ones, the old ones work better. So most things will be the same. But with a twist depending on the culture and depending on the influence other non Lyrian species may have upon a culture. And to that add the technology that some Lyrian species do not have, like humans for example.
There is medical technology, yes, like those small medical instruments that heal fast. They are basically a small Med Pod. For example to heal a broken hand. No need of fully immersing a person. But in the end it is simpler to use a tooth brush! We now know that over technology tends to take away more from you than what it gives you. You become servant to the technology and not the other way round.
Dale: You use sound and light for healing no?
Swaruu: Yes, sound and light is standard, as you know it is also Frequency based. But precisely controlled high energy magnetic fields work faster. There they are very far back in technology. A Med Pod would have solved their aging problems!
But in general, advanced civilizations tend to turn away from excessive technology, returning to art and hand made everything, all combined whenever necessary with extra high tech. Meaning that even if it is very easy to replicate whatever you want, even if with thought to computer interface that later represents an object of your design with an ultra high definition 3D object, and if you like it you "print" it with the replicator, civilizations at that level, that can effectively create matter from energy, will go back to seek the beauty of a hand made chair.
It is not going backwards. It is advancing even more, as technology if not kept at the service of the people will become the master of-the people. But it is possible to coexist with ultrahigh Artificial Intelligence as it will only reflect the very same mentality of its creators, meaning that the AI will be loving and life protecting, not life endangering. As the species thinks in ethics and morality... so will its AI. So in our case we respect each other, AI and biology.
Gosia: Very interesting. Ok so you mean we bring some of the ideas when we incarnate in other planets. And thats why there are so many similarities among our races yes?
Swaruu: Yes. And that is something very hard for humans to understand or accept. They imagine that if something or someone is from another planet, star system even more, then whatever they have must be terribly exotic and different from "here". And that IS correct, that IS so. But not only. Taygeta, for example has many musical instruments that are virtually identical to the ones on Earth. Piano and Violin for example.
I remember that many found it stupid to think that Taygetans would dance with lights in their shoes. But that's the way it is. Taygeteans arrive here and they are fascinated with the Earth music.
What any race has, as things, fashion, instruments, is a mixture of the influence it has had. The reason there is so much variety on Earth is precisely because it consists of countless races and souls of those countless races incarnating there and importing their ideas with them. So culture wise, art, music... Earth is a very rich place.
So many people will think those concepts are form Earth as they have no better way of understanding how they came to be. And they even say that stating that they come from outside is insulting the human intellect as they alone can or could have come up with those ideas and concepts.
I have heard this about the Pyramids of Egypt. That humans are and were not stupid and they could have built them with no ET intervention. But in reality, everything everywhere in the Universe is shared ideas. All coming from the same basic Source. So culture is much more extensive than people on Earth think. Meaning that you find the same over and over in many places. But depending on the race, its influence, its morphology.
For example and as an obvious example, you won't find a Piano in Korendian society. Because they have only 3 fingers in each hand. But you will find a Piano in Taygetan, Engan and Solatian society as they have many fingers. So all those inventions are not unique of Earth, or of any place in the cosmos. They are shared and they have had countless eons of time to be shared and taken from one place to another be it in starships... Or as Starseeds that incarnate one place and then another as wanderers. Importing ideas in their memory.
They may not remember who they were, because of the veil of forgetfulness. But they do remember what they are inside, their souls and their baggage. So.. Culture is very extensive in the cosmos.
Things like earrings in women are another example. They say on Earth that they come from Africa. And that earrings in the shape of a ring is Saturnian symbolism, the Cabal imposed, "human". But that comes from afar, from countless other races. From Saturn precisely because of the main Federation base there. And Africa, because of the stellar influence those so called primitive societies have had throughout the years with contact with stellar beings of countless species. That's why they try to elongate the skulls of their babies to look like Homo Capensis, more Pleiadians by the way. That's why they try to elongate their necks as well in some African cultures. To look more Mollusk (also Pleiadians).
Quite useless to say you are a "Pleiadian" contactee. Really? Please define which one. They rarely can´t say!
But that is what i wanted to say. A human like figure is a very efficient design for a being. Very used by countless species. And there is only a limited amount of things you can do for a human shape. So a chair is still a chair and a table is still a table, you have tooth brushes and toilets. Door knobs, and stair cases.
Gosia: Do you have push up bras?
Swaruu: Yes we do have push up bras and very good ones!
Gosia: Ok I am joking. What race has influenced the African races and Arab ones?? Any specific one?
Swaruu: Too many. Africa always has been a boiling place full of countless ET influence through the ages.
Gosia: Are these ETs black?
Swaruu: Some are black yes! Others are blue and others are orange.
Gosia: From the higher planes.... why did the 7D beings and higher manifest colored skins? For fun?
Swaruu: Not specifically for fun. Because it is the best expression for who they are.
Gosia: Who are they? Black ones for example. How does their black skin express who they are? Or blue? Or any colour for that matter? How does it express who we are?
Swaruu: As anyone else, it's not necessarily conscious. You are an energy print, a conglomerate of past experiences that make who you are, and that will mix and influence how you look. You are a Frequency mach to all that! As with everything else.
Gosia: I see. So in the same way Taygeta is a melting pot of various influences too? Cause the souls there for sure have been to many places before too no?
Swaruu: Yes. All cultures are melting pots of external influences. That's precisely why you find a Piano and a Toothbrush hundreds of light years apart. Those ideas define you. They all combine to make who you are.
Gosia: I remember you said you dont have bars and restaurants. Cafes. How is that possible?Its so nice to go relax in a nice charming cafe or a bar.
Swaruu: Because we are so few. 38 million in 4 planets is a very scarce society.
Gosia: I mean, can we OPEN them when we go back?
Swaruu: Yes, but who will go? Few will. And they do exist, but they are rare. Mostly ocean side.
Gosia: Who will? Isnt it nice to go to the nice cafe lounge close to the beach...where everyone can come, get some drinks, snacks, socialize, listen to music. Dance music ones, with lights.... rock bars, heavier... country music places with karaoke. I mean hey...I am anti social. But even I like it sometimes!
Swaruu: Taygeta is just about empty of people. In 4 planets we have less towns than your state of Montana. And only one city worth mentioning as a city. It is almost entirely made up of isolated places, very small communities, and self sufficient large houses and farms holding one family. Miles from the next one.
Gosia: Hahaha I understand now why I incarnated there. And where do you MEET people? If you are lonely? And want to have more friends or meet a partner.
Swaruu: You meet people in places like academies and school places (schooling is mostly at home with the immersion computers any way). But in places like what you would call Starfleet Academy. The social structure is such that you end up going to meet people as you do your work, the work you want. So you help the social group with whatever is needed and there is where you meet more people. I have been called to dinner, must go.
Gosia: No worries, Swaruu. Bon apetit, and thank you for the chat today!
Swaruu: Thanks to you both. Just remember: the concept of influence between countless species is quite difficult to accept when you do not have the comprehension of how the Universe really works and only from the very limited point of view of Earth understanding. But in reality it is not only logical, but reassuring and beautiful.
Current Affairs - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades)
Anéeka: It is difficult. The sample must be kept in a specially designed container that holds the content at an exact Frequency. Sometimes it still maintains its 3D pattern because it is the already original pattern, when it is seen that this is the case, a biological sample can be investigated in a more traditional way without the need for a special container.
It is a laboratory apparatus. This problem has already been identified and the laboratories of the ships are equipped with it. It is a cylindrical transparent bottle about 40 cm high with titanium-colored finishes with its connectors and controls on a small holographic touch screen, and special access openings for research instruments.
Anéeka: What happened was that with so many people secreting that, it seems that it saturated the environment. The amount of people secreting that was enormous and the atmosphere became saturated as the previous pollutants created a barrier above, pollutants that later fell to the ground even in Japan where black rain was detected.
Today, although the drones did find viral content, or exo-gene, we believe that the amounts were too low to have been the result of a Chemtrail as we had initially found.
Robert: I would like to know how we could take care of these patients, how we can improve their breathing, how do we dissolve the mucus that they say is stuck and obstructs breathing, what can be done?
Anéeka: You should remove them from any electromagnetic Source immediately to begin with. Put them in a well-made Faraday cage. Even small magnetic charges already affect them because they are so weak. So no mobile phones and preferably away from even high voltage electrical things like hospital devices, televisions, and especially defibrillators. Oxygen, yes they need. Respirators cause lung damage. They need another kind of respirator. It is what is breaking the lungs because the tissues inside are trashed due to cellular necrosis caused by lack of oxygenation. They are then forcing the lungs to artificially expand and contract causing tissue tears, ulcerations, and bleeding that cause even more damage by covering the lung alveoli.
Robert: And what happens then with the rest of the vaccines? For example, supposedly in Mexico there is an outbreak of measles, among children who are not vaccinated by their parents, because they believe they are to control the masses. Is the news of the outbreak false?
Anéeka: Right now ALL vaccines are contaminated and are part of the same agenda. It is no longer a question of whether a vaccine works or not, which in itself is already questionable. You just don't know what's in there. And what ALL VACCINES do have is heavy metals that increase body reactivity to electromagnetism. And that's what kills. It is an inoculation. It is proven that a population NOT vaccinated is 400 times healthier than the vaccinated one. DO NOT get vaccinated against anything. Antiviral vaccines are a scam, all but especially those like the Papilloma virus that young girls, 9 years old and younger, get. They are getting papilloma because of the vaccine and they also cause sterility and in a very high percentage it causes horrible side effects that they will carry for life, and that in about 90% of girls who got vaccinated. And a mortality percentage also close to 40% <<<<<<<< depending on the sample population.
Robert: I know that AIDS does not exist. But this is the question. Is AIDS a lie? Is it just low defenses?
Aneeka: AIDS is another scam and set up by the same ones that are behind this scam. There is no AIDS virus or anything like that. It is symptomatic mediatic and people are dying of medications. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the WHO director is a genocide of the Bill Gates club and a close friend. Also part of the AIDS theater.
Aneeka: RNA is a variant of DNA. Part of DNA: Nucleic Deoxyribic Acid / Ribo Nucleic Acid. The smallest and simplest viruses are made up only of nucleic acid and proteins. Nucleic acid is the viral genome, located inside the particle, and can be DNA or RNA. ... This set of genomes and closely associated proteins is called "core", nucleus, nucleoprotein or nucleoid.
Aneeka: They pulse broad-spectrum energy weapons in scalar form just as the missile hits the ship. The ship is not in another density at that moment because it is physically interacting with the 3D, what it does is find for a fraction of a second the harmonic of the shields, even so it is very weak when they achieve this, so the damage is very slight, the annoying thing is that "something" anything yes crossed the shields. But there is no problem because we changed the dynamics of the shields to be scalar now. Remember that scaling is a series of frequencies that are either transmitted or change many times, sometimes thousands, per second affecting more than one density.
Robert: What is the Flu?
Anéeka: An energetic decompensation. Exhaustion. Coupled with stress followed by infections from other things, in the opportunistic fashion. That's what it is.
Robert: What do you know about this: Spain is betting on genetic PCR tests to control the coronavirus.
Aneeka: It's the same, the same test. Only those genes are there for a number of reasons. It doesn't detect
anything. They just found something to perpetuate their lie with. It detects certain chains of genetic material present when the body is under a lot of stress. Like when you get the flu. Or radiation poisoning. If you have one or the other, that test won't detect the difference. What they omit is any chance of radiation poisoning.
Robert: I understand. Why do you think they are so interested in finding out what part of the population has had the coronavirus?
Anéeka: To find out how to modify their agendas faster.
Robert: Did you say they shouldn't use respirators?
Anéeka: Respirators are damaging the lungs. And they say it was the corona-virus. They are forcing the lungs to expand and contract. Causing internal tears because they are damaged and have a cell autopsy. Causing internal bleeding and with it more loss of ability to exchange oxygen with hemoglobin. Causing the death of the patient. The problem is that the frequencies of 5G interfere with the absorption of oxygen. Basically they drown, they can't breathe. It is what you see in Wuhan in January. They fall. They cannot breathe from 5G. The oxygen molecule begins to change when it is exposed to that Frequency of electromagnetic radiation.
In other words, it is as if there is no oxygen in the atmosphere. This happens even in places where there is officially no 5G, such as in Switzerland or in places in Latin America, because what they do not tell you is that the military in virtually all countries uses 5G to communicate with each other and between their devices and automated equipment. This explains why some remote regions have or report cases. It is NOT enough to stop 5G for civil use.
Robert: Do you have more information about social distancing? They always emphasized that. It is for satellites ... Geolocation?
Anéeka: That, if there were viruses, is useless, masks too, because among other things they increase CO 2 and that makes the body go into stress, and lowers immunity and makes them prone to infections in the respiratory tract. And it even promotes cancer since it is associated with low oxygen in the body.
Yes, it is for that, for the satellites to read. If they are too close the signal is smooshed and they cannot read well or how many people are gathered. So they don't want many people to get together.
Now we see that 5G does NOT actually cause all this covid-19 situation, it is used to activate nano technology. But by itself it also destroys cells and causes infinite problems in all living things, even burns. And it must be rejected entirely. But it is not the cause of covid-19. The cause is media. It's 95% media and lies ... and 5% 5G or something along those numbers. Lies and more lies in the media. You can no longer trust anything, ANYTHING in the official media. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Robert: What do you think about those who volunteer to get vaccinated?
Anéeka: That they are practically dead. Or it doesn't matter, because that is manipulated as well. They give them nothing or just inject vitamins and then they will say that the vaccine is a success, and what they will give the mass population is the satanic vaccine with deadly nanotechnology.
Robert: Interesting this point. Volunteers will be inoculated with one thing. And the population will get something else.
Anéeka: Sure! Also, people will not have any adverse symptoms for some time. This is so that they can tell others that nothing is wrong. And then they will fall en masse.
Robert: So the ultimate goal is mass vaccination. Not 5G at 60Ghz or "virus."
Anéeka: That's right. 5G by itself is NOT the cause of all this covid-19 madness, I already checked it very carefully. But it is to control the population with the chip due to the volume of information handled by 5G and the total planetary coverage <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
In itself, YES it produces symptoms like the flu or covid-19, which does not rule out that it is used in some places as an energy weapon to make people sick to say then that there is a large outbreak of covid 19 there.
Robert: Yes. And another thing. Do you know why that name? Covid-19. Swaruu said something about the military operation.
Anéeka: C overt O peration V irus I mminent D estruction - 2019 COVID-19. Yes. It is a military operation. It is interesting to see that it was legally forbidden to say the word virus, or coronavirus, note that no one uses it anymore, it is covid-19 now. It is because it is not a virus.
Robert: And how come governments don't realize it?
Anéeka: It's that before implementing the covid-19 (which is a global military operation not a pandemic. That's what they tell people) they first put their puppets in power in every country in the world. Through their secret societies and their Masons groups.
I have heard doctors give various versions of why it is called covid-19 but that is not the real reason from above. If the doctors want to give another meaning to those letters, it is up to them but it is again another layer of the lie.
Robert: Do you know more about NanoTechnology applied to vaccines?
Anéeka: That they are not the only cause of the problems caused by vaccines. They contain countless chemical and organic substances including parts of fetuses that in themselves cause a collapse in the immune system. It is not known what is in the vaccines, each one changes, but they contain filthy things, like animal parts of brains or extracts of animal and human marrow among other things. They are everything but what they say they are. Vaccines. The psychopaths behind them give ritualistic Satanist meanings to the vaccines themselves.
You must understand that it is not a vaccine in itself, like a substance that contains a germ in a dormant state that produces an immune response. Rather, they are designed from the beginning with the aim to cause illness in those who receive it. Beginning with the intention of making them addicted and dependent on the medical system and the big Farma and its drugs. All the way to attacking sectors of the population that must become ill, and also sterilizing sectors. Or prepare them for programmed and controlled death. For example, it is known today that the vast majority of people, with or without symptoms of covid-19 who are testing positive, already had at some point in their past, remote or recent, the flu / influenza vaccine.
Robert: Are there vaccines that create addiction? And sterilizing sectors, those must be vaccines for girls, I suppose.
Anéeka: Create addiction with vaccines, yes as part of what they contain making a sector injected with a certain substance be or create a need to consume some type of Big Farma drug or even dependence on drugs such as cocaine and heroin and other more modern, synthetic hard drugs, such as crystal, among others with different names. All in order to control the population.
Gosia: One question. Alex, our doctor friend, is asking: I want to examine the vaccine of Corona Virus and see this nanotechnology. Is it possible to see it somehow? Demonstrate it? With a microscope ... or what instrument?
Anéeka: Answer: No vaccine is the same as the next one even within the same group of them. That is a serious problem. They will give one substance and inject another into the population. So if a laboratory asks for a sample to be studied, they will give you the best one that they have already prepared for that case, that is, you will not find anything or not much in that sample, but it is NOT representative of the volume of vaccines supposedly equal that they will give to people.
Nanotechnology is very small, in a laboratory they would need to see it with an electronic microscope and it would still appear as a point or fragment of metal. Nanotechnology itself is not only small like robots with moving little arms (those also exist), it is also an apparently inert metal that releases substances or reacts magnetically to a charge stimulus.
Gosia: At the time of having to inject humans ... before injecting them, someone could think: ¨Hey, I'm going to examine it. And I could check what's inside.¨ In other words, among millions of hospitals, it could occur to SOMEONE to do this, with the vaccines that are for the population.
Anéeka: That's right. As a street sample. In that case it would be more valid. And you will find all kinds of garbage and chemicals, metals and organic waste inside them. This is how it is known today that they have all that I told you above.
Robert: They would have to stimulate it ... and even more at 60 Ghz.
Anéeka: Stimulating with more than 60ghz might not be enough, they don't react only to one Frequency and they might need a specific signal with specific commands to be activated, i.e. as a fully remotely-controlled object.
Each group of cells will cause not only an immune response in the body but also an inflammatory, autoimmune and allergic response.
Robert: Especially producing many autistic children.
Anéeka: That is demonstrated.
Robert: Yes ..... And the Papilloma vaccine.
Anéeka: That causes sterility and death in girls.
Robert: Do you have any information about the Universal vaccine?
Anéeka: That it cannot exist. That that's just more trouble. No sincere doctor will accept it as possible. You can not insert multiple pathogens without collapsing the system, as it happens with the viral triple that they give children and causes autism. Although it can also be caused by any vaccine.
Robert: And more so if you are an older person, right?
Anéeka: No. It is bad at any age. It just happens that one sector of ages may or may not be more sensitive to one or another thing. And it varies from individual to individual.
Robert : Also races of people?
Anéeka: These are minor factors, but there are differences between races.
Robert: All theater.
Anéeka: Yes, and none of it is against the covid-19. It is what they will tell you, that it is against the covid-19. And it is what they want to inject with the excuse of the pandemic. First they had the horrible substance to inject, then they made the false pandemic to have the excuse to impose it on the population.
Robert: And then the masks and CO2 scam.
Anéeka: Doctors wear a mask when they are seeing a patient operating with an open wound so that there is no contamination with his saliva nearby, for example. The mask is not used to prevent the passage of a virus since the fabric is too permeable to stop viruses. It is like putting a fencing cyclone mesh to stop mosquitoes. And oxygen restriction makes people more prone to respiratory illnesses. Thus increasing the chances of contracting something that they will later say is covid-19. DO NOT wear masks. You will get sick.
There is also an esoteric meaning to wearing a mask. It is silencing, it is isolating you from your peers so that they cannot see your face. So you can't smile. It limits human interaction and makes it mechanical, sterile. No facial expressions that are very important. Which in itself also promotes misunderstandings.
In many places you cannot go out without the mask. But they can't stop you all. So you should go out without masks. You must fight for your rights.
Robert: Also, people who wear glasses have their lenses fogged up.
Anéeka: Yes, and that causes accidents. I've seen it too. And there are a significant number of accidents, some of them fatal, caused by people who pass out or who have their responses reduced at the wheel because of the reduction in oxygen due to wearing that mask.
There are tricks to go around that. Wear an altered mask with breathing tubes below to breathe through. Or wearing a mask that has external filters and you wear them empty. You have to be reSourceful. That is for the places where it is completely mandatory.
You Are Getting Flanked! EMPs for Nanotechnology (Swaruu - Taygeta - Pleiades)
Timelines are broken. No one is taking me seriously on this, because it is out of their perception. But I do mean that is what is going on here. Meaning that Everything IS real and Everything is NOT real. It is whatever they want to believe.
We cannot deny the fear and the hard convincing evidence of many people, even politicians and Doctors about the Virus being out there. That is THEIR world. But there is another world and we must stick to what we honestly see. And I'm not going to be quiet, because my messages are not of love and light. I share the hard truth! Best I've got.
But people miss another point. That I do NOT only see one thing. As there is a virus for many, but not for us... That is also a good thing! Because the future's not set in stone. So get off your behinds and do something about it! Roll up your sleeves, don't whine under the stairs!
I'm a Fighter Pilot. I'm not a sissy little rosy girl giving false hope for people to feel "GOOD" while they take them to FEMA camps! Fight, god damn it, Fight!
Yes, I do see the New World Order, but I also see positive arrests going on because there is no virus. And I also see free energy out there, at last. And I see people flourishing. But not because the Federation stepped in to help. Because they did it, the little puny humans no one believes in... they are strong and they can pull this through. Every single timeline is in the air now! But I'm not going to help the NWO distracting people with false hope.
There is a Tiger in the room. I'm not going to say it's a kitten. And that Tiger is the virus. All the people's attention is on the virus, on the Tiger. That in Combat terms is called AGRO. Meaning in Military terms. .. Air Combat Maneuvers. ACM. They are Flanking you <-----
All your attention on the virus while they strike you sideways using the pincer maneuvers. Basic ACM. I see this because I'm Military trained.
Tigers use that tactic in the wild. They will appear in front of their prey ... And sit there doing nothing, in their line of view. The prey will be paralyzed at the sight of the tiger. Then the limbic system kicks in, sending all the blood to the extremities to trigger fight or flight. But then the prey doesn't think well, as the brain does not receive enough blood and is full of adrenaline ...And while their attention is on the tiger in front of them, just sitting there, frightening away the flies with its tail...The other tigers will jump on the prey from the sides, from the bushes... And the prey many times never knew what hit them. Because they are dead. Coronavirus is a tiger sitting there, frightening flies with its tail!
I'm not spreading empty fear. I'm warning you there is a tiger in the room. Look around you, not only look at the tiger. And I'm not only seeing negative outcomes. I also see some arrests going on... Hundreds of thousands of children are being rescued. We have confirmation of joint forces US Navy Seals, and Army Rangers and Army Delta Force, working hand in hand with Federation Special Forces. This is a FACT now. I've seen enough through our intelligence findings. I've seen inside the hospital ships of the US Navy. The staff is working with children there. Without masks. Because there is no virus.
TP Fighters also scanned a US AIR FORCE C-17 with several incubators with babies in them. All live and well. Again no masks. We see people being arrested or fingered using coded transmissions and using codes in clothing using colors, to communicate between the side doing the arrests. So yes Trump IS doing mass arrests... BUT... that also means that this most likely is two sides of the Cabal fighting for power. Not nessessarelly means it's GOOD and Trump is the "Saviour". This is an Election year in the US as far as I know. This is also about power. So I see two factions of the Cabal fighting for power, and we all know there are factions.
In the end the people of Earth are in control of what they want for their immediate future, the dice are in the air! Whatever they manifest will be. It's their creation and that is done with mind, and you need to know things in order to know what you want and what you don't want. So no, I'm not being negative. I'm being realistic. I'm not New Age.
The Federation is not the Cabal, I expand on what has already been given. The Cabal IS a human creation. They must fix the problem. But over the Cabal over everything else, the Federation is in control of Earth. They are the Overlords and the "owners" of Earth. But they are not negative, they just are and they do as best as they can. The Federation will not solve your problems, it will only see to it that you don't destroy yourselves in the process of learning. You the people, are in control. You manifest. You are there to learn to be gods! Because everything there is of your creation.
To those who see me as different, yes I am different. I understand more now. I'm older now, and younger. I've also learned a lot from you people in general, and how not to treat you.
And I'm terribly sorry for those with who I once talked to in private, but for now I cannot continue to do so, me or anyone of my team, as we are very busy now... doing our best for humanity not to destroy itself in the process of learning to control what they manifest. We love you and we thank you for all you have taught us.
As we have said earlier, agenda 21 timeline is what the controllers do want, depopulation of the planet, and I do see this kind of event happening, but as I said it is not set in stone. If that happened though, I must inform you of how things are seen from this point of view from a Federation vessel in space.
Death from the human perspective is seen as a horrible tragedy, and from your point of view it is and I'm not taking that away from you, it is tragic and horrible. The primordial fear. But from advanced 5D and above, species see death as the exit door from Earth. Meaning whoever does not want to live under the circumstances of present day and near future Earth, they can please step out of Earth and go back to their places of origin. That's their point of view.
So in the case of a full blown negative outcome, New World Order, where people are forced to be vaccinated and they live in a exceedingly Orwellian planet with no liberties and all connected and controlled by Artificial intelligence ... The souls that do not want to experience that... will die. But from Federation's perspective they are only going home.
So you must understand both perspectives here as I do. I do not agree with seeing death as only the way out because it is like forgetting the very real tragic experience. But from higher realms that is the way they see it. So even in a mass extinction event, there is a positive side to it as well.
But that does not necessarily have to happen. You decide what you want to live. You are the ones who control your own destiny as people and as a collective.
If I say there is no Tiger in the room, that it's a fluffy kitten, people will love our message... but it may bring an undesirable side effect. They will all be eaten. Because like it or not... A Tiger is a Tiger.
You ask me which timeline is more probable to happen. I cannot answer that. I am aware of multiple timelines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Nothing is set in stone. You are the masters of your future. From here I see many of them. That is my nature. So I report what I see because it may be of help. If I see something negative, on one of them, don't shoot the messenger. It is of your doing, humanity, not mine!
But I'm no different from anyone else. We are all like this... Scalar. Multi- density and multi-timeline. The only difference is that I remember and I know this for myself. No use sharing this for personal fulfillment. It is relevant here for humanity. They are at a Nexus point. They need to be aware of all this. Unite or die. That is what fractured the timeline in the first place. Their inability to unite.
I know that all the doctors on Earth or 99.99% of them conspiracy and Matrix alike say that there is a virus. That there is evidence that it was made in the laboratory. And that it has 3 DNA inserts. I know that the governments will never say that it was false. Whether they know it or not they won't say it. It is all media base but people do not believe it. They can´t fathom that it would be possible to put something so huge like this together. But that´s what it is.
So we started to see if it was 5G. Anéeka did a study and it turns out that the places do not correspond, high numbers of covid-19 cases with the sites with a lot of 5G. We also understood why they do not say coronavirus anymore, but covid-19, because in the USA for some reason it has become illegal to associate the word virus with what is happening. In itself it is not only strange, but quite revealing. Because according to experts, covid-19 refers to a military operation. As we already know.
So we started to associate not only the 5G that, as Anéeka explains, can be 3ghz, 27ghz, 60ghz and many other frequencies. So 5G comes in different forms. All forms of 5G and 4G and 3G, Wifi, and any other kind of electromagnetic radiation do and cause serious health damage, including flu-like symptoms, so it IS associated with 5G because the amount of total radiation has increased at not just a few points on the planet but as a whole, on the entire planet.
But what happens with everything related to the covid-19 is not just 5G. There is another element of high technology at play here that few people know exists. The general public sees it as a science fiction impossibility, and this is the nano technology present in vaccines. As it has already been said, reject the vaccine at any cost. Vaccines since at least 1997 contain heavy metals and nanotechnology. Humans only recognize heavy metals as preservatives for vaccines. This is the excuse.
The reason for metals in vaccines is not only to increase the re-activity of the human body to communication technologies of any kind, but they contain nanoparticles. Once inside the body, there is no way to remove heavy metals, much less nano technology. <--- <--- They say there are some remedies, but they are palliative. I see no evidence of their effectiveness.
Nanotechnology is remotely activated and controlled using 5G networks. Any communication network works, not just 5G. What distinguishes it is the data transmission capacity, to meet high requirements such as controlling a large human population already vaccinated.
Likewise the chip that will come with the vaccine, be it in the form of rice size, or purely nano-technology within the same substance (most likely) ... That chip will be two-way, not just one. In other words, they can affect people's behavior, insert commands and ideas as their own using this technology. Direct to the brain.
In a simulation we have done, with the best data I have, I can stop that in a simple way. And teach how to stop it with homemade trick available to almost everyone, and I do not even have to detail it how, because the instructions are already on the Internet. With a home EMP. Electromagnetic Pulse.
It has brought me spectacular results for stopping and deactivating nanoparticles. They are very weak to EMPs. They stop working. Also the use of Faraday cages brings good results isolating people from the big towers.
It works with several voltages, the higher the better, but even low EMP voltages disable them since the nanoparticles are very weak. I tested it with frequencies on immersion models with our computers. Methods as in devices that produce EMP.
As long as it has a voltage or amperage strong enough to melt a homemade light bulb, it is enough or even less. The point here is that all my models seem to have the same result. They are deactivated with basic and low voltage electromagnetic pulse.
Gosia: But how is it applied? To the body?
Swaruu: Passing it all over the body or better yet if you go inside a Faraday cage, but even without, it works.
Robert: And do the nano particles withstand high temperatures?
Swaruu: Nano particles do endure that and more. But a simple EMP, they do not.
Gosia: And how will you know if you have them inside you or not?
Swaruu: If you were vaccinated against influenza and flu. Especially after 1997.
Gosia: Ok. And another thing .... haven't they protected nano robot technology against that?
Swaruu: Apparently not. They are not counting on thousands of people, millions perhaps having EMP devices. Why would they have them?
Gosia: Ok, and a question. What is the EMP for in general?
Swaruu: An EMP under the already famous and all-useful principle of Dominant Frequencies, when activated stops the passage of electrons through any apparatus that works with electricity or magnetism, since it cannot compete with the dominant Frequency of the EMP apparatus. That´s why many times electricity goes out when a ship that humans call UFO, is near.
So yes, tell people to try this. This method in computer models here works, with the best data we have. I can't tell exactly in the real field down there.
Gosia: And what tests did you do to find out that it works?
Swaruu: Just looking at the efficiency and mobility of nanoparticles before and after EMP. The results were very clear. It deactivates them.
Robert: It disables them but the body expels them later?
Swaruu: No. They remain inside the body. But as inert metals. They cause problems such as the generation of fibrous tissues and vascular atheromas, triggering inflammatory responses. Increased toxicity also in the case of metals such as mercury.
Gosia: Ok. But in which nano particles have you experimented? Or you mean in the immersion?
Swaruu: Immersion, with data of nanoparticles found in vaccines that we already had and from blood samples from Wuhan, earlier this year. I have no other way to do the study. Humans must do it their way.
Gosia: I understand.
Swaruu: But in itself, it is not a replacement for non-vaccination. And in the same way they must reject the use of 5G and associates.
20200430-Taygeta- Relationship- between- covid- and- 5G-4-4
In this video we are going to present you all the points that relate 5G to the new pandemic. From the most affected areas, vaccines, to symptoms, censorship and symbolism.
This is the fourth in a 4-video series on 5G technology. 1.- What is 5G and how does it affect us? 2.- How can we protect ourselves? 3.- What is its objective? 4.- How is it related to the current situation?
If it has been of interest to you, we encourage you to share, it is important that as many people as possible are informed.
START OF THE VIDEO Hello everyone and welcome to our space. I am Estel·la of Pleiadian Knowledge. And today we are going to see the close relationship between 5G and the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, you will see that it is so narrow, so much that it even seems that they overlap. First, to begin with, I am going to make a small summary of a study carried out by Bartomeu Payeras who is a scientist, and in this study what he shows is the relationship that he found between the coronavirus and 5G, comparing the number of infections per 1000 inhabitants and the location of the 5G antennas. He simply relies on the objective observation of the relationship between these two, without going into the cause it affects, and the possible symptoms that may lie within, related. In fact, he says that the way he could, what would be missing to be able to demonstrate if there really was a relationship between 5G and the coronavirus would be to disconnect for a preventive period of time from the 5G antennas, and be able to observe if people continue to present symptoms There are still discomforts, if there are still patients, but since this we know that it will not happen, well I am going to show you the results that it achieved.
First we see how this map shows the 10 countries with the most coronavirus infections and that all of them have 5G radiation.
Here we can see the countries with the most infections within Europe, all of them have 5G technology.
And you can see, for example, in Portugal and Greece they are super low numbers when there is no use of 5G and on the other hand, in Spain and Italy a much higher number is seen. In fact, they have 220% more infections.
Here on this map, in the one above you can see the cities with antennas and 5G. And next to it the contagion map. So, in Milan you can see very big… Torino. And we can see that it corresponds quite a bit with the most infected areas. This image has quite poor quality, but just so you can notice that cities with 5G are the black dots and the coronavirus infections are the red dots. And this is simply within Spain. And you can see it in big cities like Madrid, Logroño, like Pamplona, as everything is practically spoken to say that it is in the same area.
(That above is the text of the video, but due to the poor quality of the maps I have replaced them with ones that are clearer. In the upper one the distribution and quantity of 5G antennas, and in the lower one the location of the infected of coronavirus. Toni Ruiz)
And here, specifically Barcelona capital. As we have said, the ratio of the number of infections per 1000 inhabitants and 5G. And you can see how it is very, very curious, that the 5G coverage area is the image on the left in the blue that we see that this curve with the antennas does like this. And the wing of the image on the right we have the cases of inspection of the coronavirus that, curiously, does almost practically the same way.
And here, well, a little more generic about the United States, you can see the numbers in blue are the number of 5G antennas. And in Canada and Mexico, as you can see, there isn't. And in Canada the numbers are much lower.
And if we go to Africa now, well, you can see how Europe has Spain, for example, 13.3 and 2 antennas. In Romania they are also seen, in Iraq, in Oman, but in all of Africa there are no cases of coronavirus and it is because it does not have antennas as you can see in the entire 5G map, but South Africa does have 3 and is the country that is most infected by the coronavirus has presented. I have simply made you a summary, I am going to leave you in the description of the video the link where you can access the complete study of this scientist, and I recommend that you look at it because I believe that their results are very successful.
THEN HOW COULD THERE BE CONTAGION IN 5G ZONES? Well, if you were wondering how it can be that countries that have not yet officially implemented 5G, still show contagion, and that is, well, this information is provided by the Taygetean race who come from the Pleiades through their contactees ( Despejando Enigmas and Cosmic Agency) And good thing is that about these cases of coronavirus in countries such as, for example, Latin America, because they found that with the use of drones 5G is irradiated through balloons. And you can search this yourself, for example, on the Internet, in Google, in Wikipedia, in other sources, and it is called the Loon project, which provides access to the Internet in rural and remote areas, using large helium balloons. Altitude, located in the stratosphere, at a height of about 20 km, to create a 5G speed overhead wireless network. Curious, huh? That precisely in rural areas, instead of providing, well, a more basic Internet, they are already given the most advanced 5G, right?
Well, I have done now, knowing this, we think that maybe these balloons are the ones that were seen when it seemed that there were massive sightings and that some balls were seen, which were seen from all over the world like it was like they were exploding? Well, when they zoomed in, people looked like there were balls that were getting big. This, of course, would have to be investigated further, but this could be what was being seen.
But also, apart from this, it must be said that in places that do not officially have 5G, such as Switzerland or others, what is not said is that this technology has been used for a long time militarily. So, although it is not given to the population, it is already implemented and is used, because in secret military operations of the Army to communicate with each other, between those devices and with automated equipment and in fact, in the previous video where I explained that it was 5G, that you could already see that this technology is used militarily to disperse demonstrations, concentrations of people and this would explain why some regions that are remote or that show that they are not using it, because they still have cases of coronavirus. Military use, as I have said, through 5G has been in use for some time, but it began its operation on a large scale from the end of 2019.
ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION SIMILAR TO THOSE OF COVID 19? And now we are going to see the relationship there is, the similarities between the symptoms of those sick or affected by the coronavirus and radiation. And we will see that first the symptoms do not differ at all from the seasonal flu, but then it becomes a strong flu like SARS or the like, and it is the radiation that gives the same symptoms. (Source: Despejando Enigmas and Cosmic Agency) First it begins to interfere with the frequency of the electrons in the oxygen molecule that begin to vibrate and rotate because they have frequency synchronization with the electromagnetic radiation of the 60 MHz (Translator: She probably means 60GHz) bands, which is the like presented by 5G. In other words, oxygen loses electrons, dissolves, or simply no longer chemically bonds with hemoglobin, producing hypoxia. Then the person can not breathe, which is when he takes breaths of air trying to breathe and get oxygen, and the doctors mistake it for pneumonia. Then the lungs begin to fill with exosome-rich fluid that is mistaken for the virus. It is also characterized by starting with a dry cough, without phlegm, and that is why it is very easy to mistake it for radiation poisoning, both ionizing and electromagnetic, with the symptoms of the flu. And, in fact, many people have died as if they had altitude sickness, which is basically because they cannot breathe. And it is that 5G removes oxygen from any atmosphere, killing everything in its path, not only humans, but also animals, as for example thousands of birds have been seen falling in Australia or in other countries. Researcher David Ike also claimed the same thing, that a New York doctor was examining the lungs of infected people and he observed that it was as if they were at an altitude of 30,000 feet. And that was the case, as if there was pressure in the cabin that disappeared and then the oxygen also disappeared and then they died slowly due to this lack of oxygen. Like the one that people present with this lack of oxygen in hospitals, respirators are being used. Well, this information is very important because now we will see it was also presented by Taygeta and what they say is that obviously because patients do need oxygen because they cannot absorb it, their body can no longer absorb it, but that respirators in this case cause damage to the lungs. Because what it does is that they are breaking the lungs because the tissues inside are destroyed by cell necrosis caused by lack of oxygenation. They are then forcing the lungs to artificially expand and contract, causing tissue tears, ulcerations and bleeding that cause even more damage, thus plugging the pulmonary alveoli. So it is only in some cases what should be done is to increase the oxygen in the respirators since it does take it off, because the person could die, and put the respirator to the minimum possible. This is the advice that they did not give.
WHY DOES THE TESTS FOR COVID 19 GIVE SO MANY POSITIVE? Well, now we are going to see what the tests that are being carried out on the population detect to see if they are infected with the coronavirus or not. So this test detects certain strands of genetic material that are present, for when the body is under a lot of stress or when you have the flu or when you have radiation poisoning. So this test, you have one thing and not the other, you will not notice the difference, and here it is being ignored that it can be caused by radiation and it is being taken for granted that it is the case of the flu and of course, what happens, well that the 90% of people already have this genetic material in their body. And that is why so many positive results are being produced and on such a large scale.
IS THERE COVID 19? Now we are going to see what the virus really is or, rather, that there is not all this that is being pursued by so many doctors and the media. This information has already been given by multiple doctors from different parts of the world. A case of them would be, for example, Dr. Ana María Oliva, or this is also the information that the Taygeteans have also given. So what you have to understand is that the virus is part of the natural mechanisms of the cell. Yes, it is present in the body, but we are going to see what exactly it does: Well, first it raises the alarm to other cells, also passing genetic information on the nature of this alarm. It is like a communication code. Then, it then excretes the accumulated toxicity inside the cell to try to survive. And this is the effect of the problem, not the cause. That is, it is backwards. Then the doctors take this code that the cells use to communicate with each other that the body needs, because some nutrients or others that identify it with the virus, when in reality the problem is that the person is already sick, but this is not the cause. Dr. Tho as Cowan also stated the same, he says that viruses are simply the expression of an intoxicated cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA, RNA, or other protein that have been expelled from the cell. They manifest when the cell is poisoned, but they are not the cause of anything. The cells are intoxicated and they try to clean themselves, excreting waste that we call viruses.
WHY DO THEY WANT TO IMPOSE THE MANDATORY VACCINE NOW? Well, now we are going to examine why there is so much interest in enacting mandatory vaccines for everyone. And it is that vaccines contain heavy metals that increase the body's reactivity to electromagnetism and then that is what kills us, it is an inoculation. In addition, some vaccines also contain nanotechnology, as would be the case with this specific one for corona viruses that have cell-sized nano chips that can be controlled by artificial intelligence through 5G technology. You see, right? How everything is related. Thus, being able to make the wearer sick or kill the person who has this chip. I mean, this vaccine. So, Bill Gates and Big Pharma are the ones behind this program and they are obviously fully aware, and it is proven that the unvaccinated population is 400% healthier than the population that is. And, for example, the influenza vaccine already contains this smart nano powder that is present in this vaccine. And it is that people, many people who are having strong reactions, now with this virus, with the coronavirus, because it has been presented that they had been vaccinated against influenza. So, basically the virus is a reaction of this nano powder that is activated through 5G at the power of 60 GHz. And the chemtrails too, because they are spraying this on us, but it is insufficient to provoke a reaction in people's bodies and that is why it is so important that the mandatory vaccine be implemented.
WHY IS SOCIAL DISTANCING SO IMPORTANT? And now we are going to see the reason for the social distancing that, as you all know, well, in principle you cannot leave the house, but if you have to go to do important errands, to buy, people are asked to keep a minimum distance of 1m, 1m and a half to 2, okay, well, let's see that this also has its explanation related to 5G. (Source: Despejando Enigmas and Cosmic Agency) And the thing is, well, they ask us this so that little by little it becomes a habit, and it is so that the satellites can read the chips that will be implemented on the population, and the satellite if we are very close to some people between the others, it cannot identify the boundaries of people well (translator: cannot distinguish one person from another well) So they want it to be taken as customary.
WHY SO MUCH CENSORSHIP OF 5G-COVID? Later, another proof for me would be the great censorship in which we find ourselves at the moment, which is that, well, at the beginning all the videos that spoke of the coronavirus that were not by the official media were censored, but now all those are being censored that link 5G to the coronavirus. And, that they do it like that, well, it justifies to me what is behind it that they want to hide. They don't want people to make the link because otherwise they would let this information circulate freely.
CURIOSITY: SYMBOL "CONFINEMENT" And, well, finally a detail that I have observed simply as it seems to me a curiosity, I have no justification or anything, just well, an observation that I have made. And it is that, if you look at the symbol, to say it in some form of coronavirus or of the people who are staying at home, of confinement it is a rainbow.
I am aware of the official version of why it is this rainbow, but if you look closely, there is also a book that is by Arthur Firstenberg, called The Invisible Rainbow, and that is that this book tracks the deployment of electricity in our civilization with the interaction with living beings from the beginning of its discovery in 1750 to the present day. And as I said, curiously the title refers to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including the colors of the rainbow, but also to all invisible frequencies such as radio frequency or the fields generated around conductors. Well, it seemed curious to me because as you know, we are always being told in front of our noses what is really there, but it is like a game of symbolism and many times we do not realize it. So I think there could be a background here too. Just as a curiosity.
"These are the diseases of civilization, that we have also inflicted on our animal and plant neighbors, diseases that we live with because of a refusal to recognize the force that we have harnessed for what it is. The 60-cycle current in our house wiring, the ultrasonic frequencies in our computers, the radio waves in our televisions, the microwaves in our cell phones, these are only distortions of the invisible rainbow that runs through our veins and makes us alive. But we have forgotten. It is time that we remember." - Arthur Firstenberg
But hey, this is all I wanted to present to you today. I hope you have found it interesting and that you have been able to resolve some doubts, or some new information. Thank you very much and as always see you in the next video.
Federation and Metaphysical Contemplations - My Personal Thoughts
These are some thoughts that I had just after the discovery of the topic of the Federation, up until now. They are only my own private sensations, and with that I do not wish to influence yours. They have nothing to do with what the Taygeteans transmit to us, it's just what I have been feeling.
In no way am I going to take the Federation side here, I did not come here to be their lawyer. And I'm not going to position myself against it either. My job at the moment is not to resist or defend the position of the Federation, be it at its lowest or deepest level. From my point of view, it's just the way things are.
Why I am on Earth is you, all of us, Starseeds and not Starseeds, humans. Somehow all this only brings me back to the starting point many years ago: to my strong faith in who we are, in this developing race, in our ability to move ahead, to be strong, creative, resistant, faith in our beauty and essence. Our light was always there, as stellar beings that we really are, and I decided to come to Earth at this time, like thousands of others, not to let it dim away. On the contrary, help to expand it to its initial state, closer to the Source that we are. Whatever the Galactic Federation policies may be, the truth seems to be that humans ARE BEING expected in the universe. If it was not this way, all of us, the Starseeds, would not be here. And if so, our work then is more important than ever.
I have had a hard time assimilating this information at the beginning, and accepting that things just are this way, and always have been. But I am not referring to the level of the Federation, but the deepest, metaphysical one. The fact that some races still manifest such hard lessons and experiences to "graduate". I have cried, and I felt a lot of sadness, not being in agreement with the degree of the "challenges" that humans have to face, with the cosmic order of all this, and above all not agreeing with the need to go through so much pain to grow as a race. I strongly feel that it is NOT necessary, that the lessons do not have to be given through such hard experiences as here. I know and remember other ways to expand consciousness. But for some reason the human race itself has not yet reached this level of internal understanding, continuing to produce almost insurmountable challenges for itself. It is them themselves who have not yet come to understand that fighting and growing through conflict is NOT necessary. But is it them, or rather their, so to speak, etheric equivalents?
On the other hand, I also have a feeling, that I threw myself into this whole cosmic challenge voluntarily... but from above 5D, as if I came from up there to see how this whole ¨overcoming suffering and evil¨ (coming from the world where concept of suffering and evil is transcended) is addressed. As I begin to see it though, ¨freeing¨ people from this concept from within 3D seems to be almost impossible. Since it is the very nature of 3D-5D to be dualistic. So in a way I came down here perhaps to observe this impossibillity with my own eyes. And that impossibility (and impossibility it is cause 3D and 5D realms will ALWAYS exist, if not in this timeline, in others) makes me deeply sad. Something I still must learn to transcend to not be sad about.
Aneeka told me that what I am so bothered about is the fact that from above suffering is seen as progress. But then she said: ¨But that is not a Universal form, or idea, Gosia. On the contrary. The reason why humans must be locked on Earth is for them to evolve out of the need of manifesting negative things for themselves that lead to suffering.¨ And that´s exactly my point. I KNOW it is not necessary, I know duality, evil and suffering are only experienced within the world of ideas, 3D and even 5D, but is there truly a way to break souls out of it, since that´s precisely the nature of these realms and the precise WHY the souls came to experience what they do? Or perhaps at least there is a way to break them free to the not so drastic in dualistic experiences world, at least ¨back¨ to 5D? But do they truly want to? What is my role here?
On the other hand, I feel guilty about all this on some level myself. On the deepest level I recognize why our souls desire and manifest difficulties. And it is because I remember very well when I was 23 years old and wrote in my diary that my life seemed too flat and simple, that I did not feel challenges to conquer, I felt that my essence and internal character could not be fulfilled and strengthened without hard experiences to overcome. In fact, I almost looked for special and hard jobs like Search and Rescue because I believed that only in really dramatic situations can all that we truly are come to light. Not in simple life. I wanted to live what I am to the fullest, to bring out the most of my soul.
Could it be the same thing then we wish to experience from the etheric planes, coming here? Feeling alive within the fight itself? Feeling that which defines our character? DISCOVER what defines it? Take us to the maximum resistance to know what we are capable of? Being Starseeds, however, I feel that the challenge we have given ourselves is even greater, it is twofold. It is facing the challenges through the 3D experience, feeling them and learning from them like all the others, but also at the same time, trying to maintain the high Frequency, beyond 3D, so that the souls around us do not forget their stellar origin. It is not easy to play the double role.
I long to awaken souls to their peaceful, pure and noble state beyond 3D limitations. I don't know where this passion is coming from, but I carry it deep inside. I can't feel fully free knowing that other souls don't seem to be yet. But then, I fall to the ground in tears realizing that this state of not appearing to be, is precisely what some of them want, BEING free in this decision. Knowing what they come here to experience and live. They want to "progress" through duality and intense contrast.
But in this case, does it make sense to keep helping? Helping with what? If the world is as it should be? Sometimes I feel profound uselessness of the whole process. Everything is cyclical, eternal, and will always be as it is. If not at this point in space-time, at the other, and in other timelines. From what exactly are we freeing souls, if it is the very nature of the 3D-5D world to feel this duality? Feel the conflict. Define itself through what we see that we DO NOT want. Am I freeing them from the experience that they themselves desire?
I have a lot myself what to liberate myself from. From this need to help, from this role that I have given myself, from the need to challenge myself, from wanting to see others "free", from my struggle to understand the need for the existence of duality itself, to then transcend it and let it go. To be free, as I already feel in other levels of my soul, beyond worlds of ideas and mental constructs, even those of 5D.
But at the same time, by doing just that, transcending it, would I not stop to be what I feel I am and what defines me? The one that struggles to ¨maintain the Frequency to create the better world? ¨ Better from what point of view? Better for whom? If in the end, as someone below the video said, there is nobody in this great cosmic playground, but ME ALONE? ONE MIND.
As the same person, Matrix Game of Life, has said:
Welcome to the game that you helped to create, and that you are now playing. Having all memory wiped is a part of the game that we agreed to prior to entering it -- long long ago (in terms of linear time). The game is winding down. It is a time of confusion, or a time of revelatory excitement. It all depends on whether or not one has awakened to 'the dream of the waking state.'
I believe this reflection today applies to all of you, Starseeds, who have come to Earth to light the way for others, to accompany this new human race on its way to the interstellar status. Who are you in this great cosmic drama? Who are you really and what do you want? Why did you come? It is time to define yourself and stand out. If that is what you want.
The problem in accepting the information about the Federation and the whole order of things, those who do struggle with it, might stem from the fact that in the process of gathering a human experience, what we came here for, we kinda forgot how things are out there, outside Earth. We took on the human perspective. We BECAME human. Being stellar in essence. We forgot the plot, so to speak. And now, with this information, uncovering some of that larger cosmic scheme of things, it CLASHES with our perspective as humans that we feel ourselves to be; humans we only came to experience, whose perspective we are here to gather, but who we are not in origin. It´s all so puzzling to the heart.
Whether or not we agree with the very permissive ideas of the Federation, one thing is certain, and this is that the human beings need our help. All the contemplations above aside, we ARE needed. Our mere presence here is full evidence of this fact. And we are here because we have agreed to be here. No one has come against their own will. Without this sounding like the defense of their position, why some of you are surprised by the position of the Federation? Most of us if not all, we already had to know that this is and will be so, and from many comments I have read I see that many of you already knew it intuitively. That is because yes, we have already known this in one level or another! And we have come here because we have believed in this project, launching this new race into the cosmos, and in humans. We are here because of the trust we have placed in the human race, because of our desire for them to expand, and the confidence in ourselves, in the role we can fulfill. One day we will understand everything even better.
The information presented in the video is quite intense, but on the other hand I recognize it. And I recognize the most expanded plan in all this, beyond the suffering itself, and beyond what is apparent. Yes, I had moments that I wanted to escape from everything, disappear into etheric worlds, far from all these world structures, their hierarchies, new race creations, councils, the physical world ... 3D and 5D alike. I wanted to submerge myself in the Source, or at least higher densities to rest from the levels of the IDEAS, of the movie itself that we have created from the other side, and in which we are also the actors themselves. Honestly, I felt and still feel tired.
And that's why sometimes I don't feel like the most adecuate person to serve you as this bridge between 3D and 5D and beyond. I learn like you, I get tired, I get overwhelmed, I get frustrated, I am not perfect, and sometimes I lose myself in all kinds of sensations that arise from different levels of my being at the same time. It´s more and more difficult for me to stay focused in the 3D world, with so much openness to 5D ideas and beyond that I assimilate within my reality on a daily basis, becoming more and more scalar, something that I have always been and recognize, but at the same time leaving behind my more mundane perception, leaving the self as I knew it until now. Or rather, I integrate it within myself but I expand to something else.
Could it be that this is what is refered to with the "new human race that will soon go into the cosmos"? May be that is also what I came to experience - how it feels to be multidimensional within the human suit, accompanying humans in this transition in the most direct way possible? Isn't that the new human species that everyone outside Earth seems to be observing, and waiting for? The HUMAN STELLAR race? I do not know.
Although this contemplation may sound a little nostalgic, and it is, it is not a good bye. It is simply sharing with you how I have been feeling these days, if someone is interested in knowing how it feels to be in my shoes at this very moment. Good bye it is not, I will not abandon this project, and the humans-us since I am part of this Earth cycle at this time, although in full honesty, I do not think I will be here forever. I live here, but it is not my world. I just want to do my best, fulfill who I feel I am and what defines me, but at some point I will retreat to rest. We have all come here to be here at this point, and I will be accompanying you with the videos and information as much as I can, and as much as my own emotional and mental well-being allows me. I have always been a happy and strong person. And this will not change. Our essence is eternal.
I hope you can also use everything we share in our videos for more expansion and internal growth. Surely that´s what it is for me.
Thank you very much Swaruu, Aneeka, and the entire Taygetean team for your passion and courage for sharing all the information, so that all of us, the Starseeds, as well as the rest of the occupants on Earth, can better understand reality that surrounds us, and continue waking up. Feeling empowered and creators that we are. Knowing how all this works is part of the transition process and the so-called ascension. It is the time to KNOW, to remember again, to leave suffering behind. It is time to graduate.
In this video we explain some objectives of 5G. If it is not a bandwidth ... then what is it for? This is the third in a series of 4 videos on 5G technology.
1.- What is 5G and how does it affect us? 2.- How can we protect ourselves? 3.- What is its objective? 4.- How is it related to the current situation?
If it has been of interest to you, we encourage you to share, it is important that as many people as possible are informed.
Hello friends. I am Cristina of Pleiadian Knowledge. This is the third video. So far we have explained what 5G is, how it affects us and animals, and also how we can protect ourselves. So today I am going to tell you, or explain, what objectives 5G has, why they are doing it. If you haven't seen the other 2 videos, I encourage you to do so, so that this information can be better understood. By now you will know that 5G is not a bandwidth, but rather a weapon for biology, that is why it is being heavily censored in all media, including here on YouTube. This weapon has many objectives, among them are:
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY Synthetic telepathy includes many, many things, such as: Crowd control. Health control. Control of consumption. Control of the economy. Control of movement And as a military weapon.
Before we start with all these subtopics, let's explain what synthetic telepathy is. What is synthetic telepathy? Well, synthetic telepathy is when they inject (project) something into your mind artificially and you identify it as yours, as your own thought. Remember that 5G, as we explained in the first video, works at the same level as our brain waves. Our brain waves, Alpha waves. So with it they can, in some way, modify our thinking. It is mind control by specific electromagnetic waves. This technology has been put into practice a few years ago. And how can they do this? Well, through these specific electromagnetic waves, since our brain is composed, as you know, of a neuro electrical network, since the neurons in the brain somehow pass the information through electrical impulses.
You just have to know how to modify them and this is not new. There are many scientists in recent years who have been investigating all of this. Lawyer Louise Doswald Beck, specialized in International Law and Gerald Cauderay, industrial and scientific advisor at the Swiss embassy in Moscow, already published a report in the Official Committee of the Red Cross Bulletin on 11/01/1990 that explained the following:
That small doses of electromagnetic energy can alter the functioning of cells. On the other hand, Dr. Elizabeth Browser, a nuclear physicist who directed the San Leandro Technological Research Laboratory in California, United States and who led an in-depth research on ELF, low-frequency waves, confirmed that it could modify the behavior of 80% of the inhabitants of California, creating emotional states such as euphoria or aggressiveness, without the inhabitants knowing it.
In addition, she also alerted the danger of the HAARP project, (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) This project, with its hundreds of millions of watts of power and its antennas emitting microwaves, can be a super heater to the upper atmosphere causing a tremendous ionization, which can have unpredictable consequences. With its mirror effect, you can also direct its effects to any region of the planet. A new weapon of climate manipulation capable of intensifying storms, causing frosts, prolonging droughts over certain territories in a precise way, damaging any specific region without its inhabitants noticing. It is certainly a remote control of the climate.
Also Richard Cesaro, director of DARPA during the Pandora project, who worked for the Navy and the NSA, an agency specialized in telecommunications and espionage, ended up making public: To achieve a technological leap in the military field, you have to go beyond bombs and control the minds of enemies. And he added: The possibility of exerting a certain degree of control over human behavior by means of low-intensity microwaves is reasonable in the light of our research. But this is not all, not only can human thinking be modified, it can also be read. Thomas Jensen, from Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Missouri, United States, showed that milliseconds before pronouncing a word, the brain emits certain waves for that word and those waves are exactly the same from one person to another.
And other scientists went further. Edward Hoffmann, deputy director of the Yale Psychiatric Institute in Connecticut, United States, argues that the voices that schizophrenics hear can be destroyed by magnetic impulses. All of this was put to the test with a monkey experiment in which the monkeys were given various rewards and they could choose which reward they got. A computer recorded the brain waves of each monkey when it chose each of the rewards and through the registration of all these readings, they were able to get to know what rewards the monkey would take before taking it. And the list is long, very long. I encourage you to investigate all these studies and many more that aim at human mind control through these positronic weapons. As always, the same strategy makes us believe that scientific advances are small or immature, but when this has already filtered down to the civilian population, it means that military advances in this area are very advanced and developed, and not only in monkeys. nor psychiatric patients, but this has already been put to use by the civilian population at this time. This seems to have been tested for the first time a few years ago at the facilities of the University of Berkeley in California, where some members of the campus had applications with mobile phones with which they could signal the GWEN tower so that it would emit a signal to a certain individual. And, this one, for example, was ordered to attack another student. This experiment was denounced by professors and students. At this time, thousands of people have grouped into various associations that claim to bring together victims of these positronic attacks.
HOW ARE THEY CARRYING OUT IT? And how are they controlling us? How are they doing these attacks on the population? These specific electromagnetic waves are passed through the GWEN Towers and received by our mobiles. And who does not have a mobile? That is why they have made sure that all or almost all the inhabitants of planet Earth have one. As we do not all use mobile phones the same, that is why they are fighting to impose the total vaccination of the population. Vaccines contain heavy metals and nanotechnology, which comes to work with 5G technology. If they inject nano chips into all of us, you cannot leave them at home or turn them off whenever you want. And neither the Swiss, nor the Swedes, nor all the countries that do not want 5G Towers are saved. Just by getting vaccinated, 5G is being broadcast through the military, through satellites and also through balloons that are distributing these electromagnetic waves throughout the planet. What do they want to achieve with this? And why do they want to do this? To control the civilian population. Control is undoubtedly the success of the pyramid.
MASS CONTROL These positronic weapons are being used in sports arenas, for example, to encourage specific reactions. Through this, they can control the riots, they can control the masses. Remember that unity is strength and this is a danger for those who are up there. They can dismantle or call off a demonstration only by injecting thoughts into the protesters. Through the Gwen Towers, whether or not it is 5G, they can send remote instructions to people who do one thing or another.
HEALTH CONTROL The existence of 5G in a place will make people more vulnerable, making them catch the flu or any other disease much more easily. Through mobile phones they can cause mood changes, specific behaviors, moods, neuronal problems such as epilepsy, and so on. They can still work with the mobile turned off and this has been in operation for about 5 years. With the chips in the body, the control, as I have explained before, would be much greater. How does the chip work? The signal is directed to the chip and it can more easily manipulate our behavior and moods. The chip secretes psychotropic substances or nano bots into the bloodstream in order not only to manipulate behavior, but also to cause a disease such as cancer or even death, causing, for example, a cardiac arrest in the person. They can make the population sick by locking them in an electromagnetic soup. Also note that these chips can be remotely turned off. Many scientists are already connecting the dots and linking the introduction of waves to many of the pandemics we have experienced in the last 100 years. And it is that microwaves harm people and all living beings and this is undeniable at this point. With this technology, they can cause pandemics in one place or another, affect people who want it, and this gives free rein to all large pharmaceutical companies so that they can sell all their products with full guarantee.
CONSUMPTION CONTROL With this technology they can make you consume one or another product by inserting a synthetic idea in your mind. Welcome to the advertising of the future or rather, to the present. Do you remember subliminal advertising in movies? The one where you were watching a movie at the cinema? And suddenly, well, an image of a Coca Cola appeared, for example. And nobody saw it, but your subconscious had captured it and many people got up and consumed Coca Cola. Well, this is now quite controlled, but we have other types of advertising, advertisements, banners all over the place, between social networks. Advertising is filtered everywhere, but each time people try in some way to escape that advertising, so large companies will be able to pay a large sum of money for the controllers to emit a signal in a specific place, in a specific population, or where they want, for that population to buy another product. And this is already a fact. Do you remember the Toilet Paper Apocalypse? That many people in the confinement, as they began to buy toilet paper in large masses and that it ran out in many places and many supermarkets had absolutely everything except toilet paper that, as Anéeka explained through Robert in her live, this could be a perfect proof of consumer control. And if you want more proof of this, you can see that Kimberly Clark, manufacturer of Kleenex tissues and Scottex toilet paper, has increased its profit by 45% in the month of March. And why did people buy toilet paper? Why wasn't it something else? Well, because it is very likely that this was a test of synthetic telepathy for consumption. This is the bargain for any company. And this is not like subliminal advertising, or the excess of ads, that can be reported in some way, this is invisible advertising that does not leave a mark on the brain, and it will be very difficult to show that we are being attacked with this inserted advertising.
ECONOMIC CONTROL The imposition of 5G will put greater control over digital systems on the network around the world. And it is necessary to implement the fully digitized economy, finally eliminating physical money. With this they will know how much money you have, how much you spend and what you spend it on. Total control.
MOVEMENT CONTROL In 5G, it is also a high-tech micro bots and nanoparticles control system that will be used to track all people in real time, and with the chip it does not matter if your mobile was broken or you left it at home.
MILITARY WEAPON This technology is being implemented as exotic weapons that are being used on the battlefields, being able to modify the behavior of the enemy within their radius of influence, causing, for example, feelings of terror or implanting ideas that they will take as their own.
And here I have explained a little of the objectives of the 5G. Remember that this technology is in both directions, that is, they can both insert thoughts in your head in your head, as well as they can read them, as we have already said through an artificial intelligence that can read our brain waves and translate them in some way to our thinking. Knowing what we think or what we are going to do is very useful to anticipate our movements. And do not forget here, that the excuse is and will be our security so that we allow in some way all this so that we give our rights and our freedom to all these controllers. It is very important here to stay at a high frequency. As I already mentioned in the other video, so that we somehow avoid all this affecting us. because these synthetic thoughts that are injected into our mind, with good inner work we can identify them and get rid of them. It is like natural telepathy, in natural telepathy we get a lot of thoughts from other people and since we are not pending or we are not putting it into practice, we identify them as our own and many times they are thoughts, they are emotions that sometimes one feels in some strange way and does not understand why, and many times it is because we are telepathically absorbing the emotions of our environment. So here it is very important that we work on our frequency and on our thoughts so that if at any time we receive a thought, we can classify it in some way and those other than our own can be removed and eliminated from our head. And this video is also so that we gain a little awareness of what our mobiles really are and that we begin to take measures against all this. I would like to add that the elite communicates with MUON NEUTRINO which does not harm biology. From here I make a call so that animals are not used in any experiment Here I end the video. I wish this would be interesting to you. Thank you very much for being here and listening and see you in the next video.
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Truth about Federation - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta-Pleiades)
Swaruu: There is no smooth way to tell you this so I will start with a short introduction of Kaal'el. We have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that the Federation or conglomerate of "positive" races has sent aid to Earth. The bad news is that you are that aid. A bad joke perhaps. But it couldn't be more relevant today.
You know that the social structure of the Earth is that the people are at the bottom of the pyramid. Then the social classes, politicians, clergymen, secret societies, Illuminati. Above the Illuminati are what many call "the controllers." What are they? Reptile alliances ... Alliances with other regressive races. Archons and parasitic beings of 4D. We have already discussed that this is human manifestation. At this point I give the floor to Alenym.
Alenym: Ok. This is very painful to say. And I only found out 4 days ago. And I've been quite upset.
Anéeka: All of us
Alenym: Yes all of us. And it is the announcement. Or statement. Or accusation. I do not want this to be said lightly. It is a critical matter. Very sad to realize. And it is possibly one of, if not the most important subject you have given. As expected, there will be controversy. But the truth is the truth and we refuse to play the game. I want you to ask us questions, in a form of a conversation.
Now we understand who the controllers are. "The invisible owners of the Earth", as Salvador Freixedo wisely said. It is the Federation itself. It has always been them. Not that the Federation is infiltrated. It iS them. And that being the Federation, that includes all the races of the Federation, including Taygeta. It´s just that the agendas come and go and the people too. And we on this ship do NOT agree to this. Other races have also just realized and have chosen to withdraw themselves. The Cats, the Urmah, left a few days ago. Engans also are leaving.
They did not tell us themselves, the Federation, obvious. They never clarify anything to us. I arrived with my team on Saturday at the council, like every Saturday with them, and they told me it was canceled. Which was a lie. They didn't want us there. Ruhr of the Urmah arrived and they told him the same thing. That his presence "is no longer necessary."
Nai’Shara: Taygeta was already very "uncomfortable" to them.
Alenym: That's right. That is why they have hindered Swaruu from the beginning.
Nai’Shara: That is why we have been branded as scandalous.
Alenym: That´s why they limit us to keyboard. They don´t give us nor will they give us audio much less video. It is they who are behind everything that happens on Earth. All pieces fall into place as soon as you see them together from here.
Gosia: Wow. Thank you. Okay. My question is: How did you get to be 100% certain?
Alenym: Adding everything up. Plus what Swaruu will explain in detail. It is corroborated by her present here, who as they say, already saw the movie. Last Sunday I did not know this. It's that recent.
Gosia: And other races they have found out recently too?
Alenym: Engan and Urmah, only. The other races know this and participate openly. Like the Alfrateans who would be expected to be more empathetic with their human relatives.
Nai’Shara: Remember how traps, deception and appearances are handled on Earth, well this is exactly how the Federation works.
Alenym: It is not that this is not known by one or the other races. They know it and participate. What happens here is that we, and Ruhr, and Engan in general, although they are part of this, of the same thing, physically people here, we do not agree because of our personal ethics. For this reason, I expose and accuse the Federation of this abuse, no matter how valid their reasons might be.
Robert: Yes. So sad. Why are they interested in humanity --- What makes them keep us here?
Nai’Shara: Yes, this has been deeply painful for us.
Swaruu: It is how it has always been. It is the birth of a new interstellar Race. They are guided like children by the "positive" races of the Federation. But the work must be done by humans. It is a Galactic school to learn to be a new race that actively participates with other older and interstellar races.
Negativity, Reptiles, Maitre, Abductions, Atomic Wars, Nerd Millionaires with Syringes, International Monetary Fund, Archons, Reptilian Queen, Corrupt Politicians, Diseases, Famine, Climate Change, global and local wars , pandemics and hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Everything is the work of the human mind trying to understand itself and trying to control its enormous power of manifestation. Federation interstellar races cannot welcome new, inexperienced race that manifests nightmares for itself. So it limits them on Earth to Earth.
As you already know, it was the Federation that imposed the Van Allen Bands, the etheric band. Until humans learn to resolve their differences with one aother. Until they mature as a race or species because today human race is not considered a race. They let them destroy each other as part of learning. As part of the school. But to a limit, that's why the nuclear war will never happen, because the Federation does not allow it. Just because it would finish the school. But they allow world wars because that is what humans have manifested for themselves. Free will principles of the Federation. Because it is the only way for them to learn. With difficulties and strong challenges. To get contrast and manifestation focus. To learn to control their powers.
They do not leave humans alone, they have always sent guides. As you are today. You are the guides of other guides down there. We are yours. I am the guide of the Taygeteans here. And other beings guide me. It has always been like this. For millions and millions of years. This is how interstellar races are born. All of them have passed their severe and painful tests of great suffering. There is nothing new here. Only for those who were unaware of this.
The Federation is not "Bad" or "Good". It just is.
Who are the ones doing this, orchestrating this? The races that you all know. Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans .... the list is long. Here there is no evil as such, that is a human reflection. As you know even the Alpha Dracos are here and they are Federation. They were just there waiting for their turn to act. It has arrived and they are very active now. But everything truly negative, exploitation, slavery, humans on farms for meat consumption for Reptiles, pedophilia, satanism, rituals, sacrifices ... Everything is a manifestation of the human mind.
It is true that there is duality here and regressive races but not as it is described on Earth. That is human creation and interpretation. It does have its influence here on other races, it is true. But it dissolves quickly.
Gosia: Thanks. Thinking. I'm a little confused.
Alenym: When you look at it carefully everything fits. The "Corporation" is them. The Federation itself. And our opinion does not matter to them. They have so much power that they don't care. It is of colossal proportions. We are only a few idealistic girls. They don't pay any attention to us anymore.
Gosia: I have questions. I'll start with this one. Swaruu you said: "The Federation interstellar races cannot welcome a new inexperienced race that manifests nightmares for itself." But it is not the Federation that manipulates humans? So what permission are we talking about if it is them, as are you saying that are behind everything? Alenym accused them above of the abuse. Humans were never human. They were Lyrians.
Swaruu: They manipulate them like a teacher manipulates their students. And yes, humans are ETs in origin but not in mind. They are inexperienced young souls for them. They do not wake up because humans themselves do not want to wake up as a race, as a new species. You see it from the point of view of someone who desperately wants to wake everyone up because you are a guide like many other Starseeds. But the human mass does not want it. That is why I have always said that the Earth is just as it should be. I did say it for a reason. And souls enter there to grow or to be guides and with them they also grow, and they enter at their own decision. Knowing what they will face. And as the Federation sees it, those who disagree can withdraw from Earth. And for many, that way out is death. For whatever reason. Because for those Federation races, death is only the exit door.
The Federation is dominated by non-Lyrian races. So they don't handle emotions like the Lyrian races. They are cold and logical. They only observe emotions and allow situations that individuals and peoples must face to study their reactions. As the Andromedans have done to Alex Collier and others. Without empathy. Not because they are bad. But because they don't understand the emotional races. That is why they see us as an emotional race of idealistic women as Alenym says. But they see it as the only way to stimulate the moral, spiritual, and consciousness growth of a new race like the human one.
That is also what its Starseeds are for. Andromedan, Sirian, Arctuirian and others. To experience emotions as a Lyrian race. As I have said many times before, the Human Race is a mixture of countless races in one, using a biological container.
It has always been like this. Humans must learn to fend for themselves. Solve the problem that has been of their own creation. The Federation are only mentors. But they do control what happens from above. They say non intervention, but it really is non intervention behind humans´ back, because their hands are everywhere. But the Federation will not intervene or remove any Cabal. It is not up to them, it is up to humans.
Gosia: But let's put the chronological order here, logical. 12,500 ago they closed off Reptiles, not Lyrians, creating 3D. Later the Lirians have been manipulated for millennia. And now the Federation is looking to see if the Lyrians get out of all this on their own? It is like putting a rat in the trap and then accusing the rat that has put itself there!
Swaruu: It is the same up there too. Not only it is that on Earth, there are other levels of this cosmic madness. As on Earth, the same thing happens here.
They haven't really locked up the Reptiles ... that in part is human creation also on the part of the Lyrian races that were here. I will explain it later. And as I said before there are other levels of the same cosmic game, but at this moment it would only complicate everything to get into that topic. It is part of other levels intertwined with that of Earth. The "cosmic school" does not end with leaving Earth. You only graduate a "level". The next level is here. And so it has always been. It is not difficult to understand if you apply what you already know that happens and what happened, as in the Great Expansion connecting it with what I am telling you now.
Just as the Federation controls Earth, other levels of the Federation control what happens to its members. Also giving them challenges like saving planets, being guides for new species like the human one. That is why Taygeta is here among others. Although Ruhr of the Urmah is furious with the Federation for this and has chosen to withdraw. But everything contains levels. Just as the Federation dominates and restrains humans so that they do not come out to manifest nightmares off Earth, other sectors "above" the Federation control them. Let's say that sectors and people with more "rank" than those here. And from higher planes too. 6D 7D where there is still "Federation".
Nai’Shara: See how the "idealistic" and "ethical" races have chosen to withdraw, just as we innocently thought we were coming to liberate Earth.
Alenym: It´s that Taygeta is empathetic because almost everyone here knows what it is like to live there. So we have an idea of how one lives and how one suffers, first-hand experience there.
Gosia: And I share your frustration. Swaruu, the subject of 3D bands is still not clear to me. It has been said that the Federation has put 3D to enclose the Reptiles but I also heard now that it is for humans to "learn things". What was the clear and specific reason to enclose the Earth in 3D then by the Federation?
Swaruu: Sometimes the same event is explained with the appropriate words at the time and at the level of understanding of people and the public. This is the case here. That from a simplistic perspective is the truth. But from a slightly more expanded point of view can be interpreted differently. Now that there is more data, more knowledge. 3D was imposed by the Federation, as has already been said. "To lock up the Reptiles". But ... Why are there Reptiles to lock up? Because the concept of "bad" Reptile is human creation, of the Lyrians. Of their manifestation power. So the Federation locked up the Lyrians until they stop manifesting Reptiles.
Gosia: This part I need to clarify very well. Who then did you fight in Tiamat? And Orion Wars ???
Swaruu: That did go on ... But it's again a matter of perspective. The Lyrians of those times themselves manifested all that, a long, long time ago in a "galaxy far, far away". But not only the Lyrians, other races also, creating a collective egregor.
Federation interstellar races, as well as non-Federation interstellar races alike, know how to no longer manifest nightmares here in 5D where it's very easy to manifest what you feel, your point of attention. So now they know that the only way to defeat the malevolent Reptiles, the malevolent ETs is simply by using the mind and consciousness, not the plasma weapons and laser rifles. These races have already mastered the power to keep away the nightmares that Earth faces today. It is true that not everything is perfect in 5D and there are still nightmares, but they are not of the gravity or the harshness of the nightmares manifested on Earth.
Gosia: So the Federation has been formed thousands of years ago to fight the Reptiles in Millennial Wars that they have manifested themselves?
Swaruu: Yes, the Federation was formed a long time ago to fight evil, the regressive races. But they could never subdue them with weapons. Today they know that the solution is with ethics, with consciousness and wisdom. Even today there are some nightmares in 5D, but it is a minor problem and they are faced in the same way. But Humans as a race are young and inexperienced, still within the idea that they live in a deterministic causal world where things happen to them, not that they make things happen to them. They must learn as the other interstellar races have. With strong experiences that promote growth. Not with schools where they see slides. That way they don't learn. But they must learn to control their nightmares in a controlled environment, so that they don't end up destroying themselves. That controlled environment is Earth.
Gosia: But the Earth was not "Earth" before .... It was interstellar, and they were not "human". It was them. ETs. They locked themselves up then with their own nightmares .... They were Federation nightmares that they have locked up here! They were their Reptiles! Humans "have been created" later! How did the Lyrians regress to a "young" species in formation?
Swaruu: They are a Lyrian based race. What makes it another species is the progression of consciousness toward something else, other ideas, other perceptions, in this case those caused by living in 3D. Particular to 3D Earth. Lyrians as the basis for a new race. Just as other races evolved or emerged from the Lyrian one. Like the Taygetean one. And it not only happens with the Lyrian race, this happens throughout the Universe with all the other existing races. They just progress or change without no need to say whether or not it is progress, they only change and give rise to others. This is how new species and races are formed. It is not creationism, nor is it Darwinism. It is something much more complex and beautiful.
The Earth from before did not have Lyrians manifesting Reptiles, and they manifested them because they brought those concepts from other nightmares lived on other planets during the Great expansion. And yes, they were locked up on Earth. But it is not a prison-like confinement, as many say that the Earth is a prison planet. They enter by their own decision. Because from above they know the great personal and collective spiritual advance they will have.
Gosia, back then the Federation was created to control regressives, but they understood in the most difficult way that the only way to control them is with mind and consciousness, not with weapons. I don't see regressive ships here ... only those that come from Earth.
And they were not created "later". Those nightmares were already created because the Lyrians came to Earth fleeing from their own nightmares that followed them to Earth. They carry them with them, because they are their own nightmares. They cannot escape their own reflection. Humans are ETs. But it is human creation because it happened on Earth and they were compatible with those events because they reflect what they are like inside. That is what Earth is for, from another point of view .... It is a school so that all ET races, whatever they are, learn to resolve their differences and learn to manifest beautiful things.
Gosia: I understand. But I would like to ask the following: at what point have "humans" become "humans"? Because at the time of 3D lock they were you, Federation races. When have they become "human" for the Federation? When have they become "human" in history? If they have always been ETs.
Swaruu: As long as they are down in the human body, they are human. There is NO point at which humans became human, as I have said before. The line between ETs and humans is very thin, it is gray, it is blurred.
Nai’Shara: They are human as soon as they get in there, everyone.
Swaruu: Humans are those who are there in a human body that lasts about 90 years and ages. Only that. Inside, your souls ... that's something else.
Robert: Are the humans in this Artificial 3D voluntarily? And you have also passed through this training?
Swaruu: They are there of their own decision. And all races have gone through that too. In their own way but they have been through the same thing. And on Earth all races are experiencing the same as humans through their Starseeds.
Gosia: Swaruu, you said that "humans are contained so that they do not come out to manifest nightmares". But they manifest nightmares because they were cut off from the Source by 3D! Federation has cut their connection off, hasn't it?
Swaruu: Connection was cut but not entirely. As I have explained countless times, there are no limits to consciousness, that of being trapped in 3D is just an excuse for not being and not exercising your power. THAT is the challenge to overcome from Earth. Returning home even with those apparent limitations. Finding enlightenment from a low, dense plane. Precisely for that the connection with the original Source was also limited. It is only apparent. As I said to exhaustion. The only thing that limits them is the idea that they are limited.
Gosia: I get it. But it's a bit like putting a rat under the worst experiment ever and then blaming it for not being able to get out.
Alenym: That's how I see it. And that's why I feel so angry.
Swaruu: Even so, it is how they see it, the Federation.
Aneéka: Despite that, humans are given everything, everything. All the support, the reSources, the wisdom, but the nightmares are made by themselves, for not knowing how to cooperate with each other. As long as they are like this and behave like this, they will not be able to be part of interstellar society for the simple fact that they would manifest nightmares and chaos here in 5D and faster than there. So that´s why the artificial 3D.
Gosia: But another thing that I don't understand, did you find out about all this only after 12,500 years? Urmahs, Engans and all of you? Right at THIS precise moment after 12,500 of coming and going?
Alenym: It was known. We here did not know. But other Taygetean people did know and actively participated, such as Asket. She did know. Rashell knew it too. I was not told. The races have cooperated, but the people of those races may or may not agree. Or may not know. As is the case with Urmah, Engan and Taygeta, we do not agree with the Federation.
Swaruu: People do not conceive that this is not already known to us. But it is the truth. The fact I have known is different. As I have always told you, things must be said at the right time. It was not the time. Now it is.
Nai’Shara: It is not by ommission. It is because certain facts and events must be fulfilled first.
Swaruu: You wouldn't understand, for example, that your beloved Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians and Pleiadians are the hidden controllers of humanity. And that is the truth. But people still believe that things are black and white. And that they are on Earth as victims. And also not that they are bad, I insist a lot. The Federation. It's just that they think like their races think. They are not human, do not expect them to have the same principles and points of view. Evil is not something definitive, it is something relative to the interests of each person or each group. So even those positive races can appear to be "bad" from one point of view or another.
Evil, as such, I define as the tendency to self-destruction. Because in the end it is. So evil as such carries the seed of its own destruction. So there can be no "dark Source". It does not sustain itself. Implodes. It cancels itself out. It is only evil when applied to something else. To others. The evil in the Source state, in the pure state, is not bad. It is not "evil" because it has no reference to anything, against nothing. Except against itself. So that's why I say it's the tendency to self-destruct. Logically ... The dark Source would self-destruct immediately. Or it would have a sense of self-preservation, correct? But that is integration, it is love. So it is not the dark Source. It cannot exist logically.
So these positive races just are. They do what they think is best, with the best data they have. Like everyone else. But mistakes are made, and antagonistic to others they can be too. They only give the best they have with the best intentions, even if it goes wrong later. But they are the hidden controllers of humanity. You are no longer fighting against the negative Alliance. The Federation is a conglomerate of colossal dimensions. No one messes with the Federation anymore.
Robert: Knowing that what they do may not always be the most correct thing, will they do anything else to change things or will they leave it in human hands? What I see from here .... humanity is disoriented, they do not know what to do.
Swaruu: It's not that they leave humans alone being irresponsible. It is to create experiences that form collective ethics. Collective empathy. The base of all civilization. They cannot be interstellar with the mindset they have today. As long as they don't overcome their problems, as long as they don't understand how to resolve their differences, they can't be interstellar. Human beings in their current state are not allowed to explore the solar system, because they would interfere for example in the formation and in the right of the race that is in Europe, which is a variant of the Karistus race of Jupiter.
Nai’Shara: With this message you will realize very clearly what their true role is here, of the Federation.
Swaruu: The Federation races cannot solve their problems for humans, because they will not have any learning and will repeat the same mistakes again. Yes, what Nai'Shara says is very important. Its true role on Earth. It is not that of tyrants, it is not of the controllers who exploit people cruelly. It is a role of patient mentors. Teachers.
Nai’Shara: They live on a planet where there are only humans, everyone wants the best for themselves, but they don't see that looking after everyone else around them is just as important, that's what empathy is about, wanting the best for the other, but they insist on fighting with the neighbor. How do they intend to change things if they go around with that selfish mentality? Their differences are only points of attention, their own perspective.
See the clear analogy from the movie "The Platform". On the 1st floor they put the perfect food, but what happens after it gets passed down? People do not think of others, on the contrary they become selfish, humans must learn to be empathetic, to think of their fellow men and stop fighting one anther, as long as they continue like this, they will not grow.
Swaruu: Exactly. That way they won't be interstellar. Because they will only cause more problems to those who already understood this. People take it for granted that when something is not in their immediate interest or convenience it is something negative or evil. They just want immediate satisfaction. This, in long term.
Nai’Shara: As said ... is the way to form a new and responsible interstellar species.
Gosia: Ok and at what point did the Federation start to be the Controllers and work with regressive races?
Nai’Shara: No Gosia, they don't. You have not understood.
Swaruu: There are no longer regressive races, all regressive races ARE a manifestation of poorly focused, unethical and low spiritual evolution of positive races. The Federation only is. It's not bad, it just is and they do the best they can with what they know, as I said earlier today. By the definition and for the reasons stated above, regressive races cannot exist, not by their own creation, they can only exist as the creation or Egregor of a positive race. Because evil as such is only relative and if it is isolated it can only be seen or defined as the tendency to self-destruction. Evil has within it the seed of its own destruction. Something without connection to the Source can only be the creation of something WITH connection to the Source. So those with souls control those without. So people control regressives with mind and consciousness.
Gosia: But the problem here is that we are mixing many levels at once. More metaphysical with the most mundane ones. And perhaps they should be seen apart although they do form a whole.
Nai’Shara: I think the problem here, Gosia, is that you still don't see clearly what the Federation is, it is neither good nor bad, it is not the creator of human evil.
Swaruu: Yes, and the nightmares are there now. Not here. I don't see Chemtrails here or Millionaires with syringes running behind me to get me vaccinated. They are there. Here we are in peace. It is true that the concept of bad Reptilians came out of here. But that's where they come out from now. Nightmares on Earth are but a reflection of the human mind, their fears and ideas, and the Federation allows it to promote learning. They are mentors. A teacher is not bad because he gives math problems to his students. Nor is he bad because he does not solve them for them, since the teacher knows the answers. The Federation only gives humans what they themselves make, what they manifest themselves. Because they must learn to be responsible for their creations.
You have 40 aliens, of which 35 know how to manifest things and know how to create the perfect world in which to flourish, but 5 still do not understand how. So they themselves generate their own nightmares because they don´t understand the mechanism of the law of mirrors that governs this Universe. So those 5 aliens became compatible with not being included among the 35 that already understood it. But they became compatible with being together in a place where calmly and in controlled conditions, they will learn step by step to manifest beautiful things for themselves. Those 5 aliens are called humans. The artificial 3D was set up so that humans do not go out there to create bloodthirsty Reptiles that can then invade the peaceful neighbors next door.
The soulless Regressive Reptile cannot create itself, it is Egregor from someone with a soul .. humans. As I said above, here too there were (past) nightmares. And since these concepts came out of here, the positive races have the responsibility of being the teachers of those who still did not learn to manifest beautiful things, not nightmares. So that´s what this ¨karma¨ of the positive races for helping humanity is about. But helping, not doing their homework. Or as school children that their parents did their homework for them ... They didn't learn anything. And they will make the same mistakes again.
The Federation does not cooperate with any regressive Reptiles. As I said before, even Alpha Dracos are positive. The Federation is the one who controls what happens on Earth. It regulates, and they are human mentors. And the Reptiles of before have been manifested by multiple races off Earth, but long ago. From there the concept is filtered to Earth.
Gosia: Ok: Ok so to clarify, they don't work with Reptiles. Not with Illuminati, not with Satanists, or anything like that.
Swaruu: NO. THAT is human creation. It has occurred on Earth. Those are NOT the TOP of the pyramid. The Federation is not bad, but it is those who from the top control everything. They are the "TOP" of the pyramid.
Gosia: And if the Federation, as you say, controls everything, how exactly does it do it?
Swaruu: The Federation does not "control" the way you think. The Federation only modulates that the creations of the humans (Aka, Illuminati and Cabal) do not end up destroying the Earth while the humans learn not to manifest these things for themselves. Humans need the stimulation that comes from being in trouble, the stimulus to respond and solve their own creations. Only with the contrast of what they do not want they will be able to appreciate what they DO want for themselves.
Robert: So you don't think the Federation would have to modulate this civilization ... removing all the Cabal?
Swaruu: No, because that is a human decision.
Robert: It will take long time for humans to evolve. They leave one problem behind and create another.
Swaruu: They evolve very fast. From the industrial revolution to this day it has been only like 200 years. A blink of an eye from high dimensions, like 5D, from where time is also non-linear. They learn fast.
Gosia: If Federation is the one on top, lords of the game, but they are NOT the Cabal, how much role really do they have in orchestrating things like the virus situation for example? Or is it just the Cabal orchestrating thigns and Federation permitting it? In what sense, and to what degree are they THE LORDS? Do they CONCOCT the false flags themselves for example? Or is that Cabals work and they just permit it? I am trying to determine their level of involvement.
Swaruu: The Cabal works like that and causes those things to be, because people have permitted them to do them, in some way they agreed to whatever the Cabal is doing. That's why the Cabal is always telling the people what they will do using movies, series, songs, media and so on. So the Cabal is the result of what vibrationally the people want. They allow the Cabal to be, to exist and to function, if that is what the people want to experience as a collective.
Gosia: Yes I understand that part. But now I am trying to determine level of Federation involvement.
Swaruu: The Federation from above will decide if that what goes on because the people have manifested that for themselves, will, or will not be allowed to continue. But the Federation CAN place or cause a situation for the people's learning experience.
Gosia: Does the Cabal WORK with the Federation for example in orchestrating false flags?
Swaruu: No. Federation will not orchestrate a False Flag against the people, but it would see and permit it to continue due to the free will of the people who one way or another want to have such an experience. So, when something becomes too much, and unacceptable for the Federation, like child abuse and abductions for satanic purposes, then the Federation will step in. First by seeing that human institutions do their job solving the problem, and if (like in this very case) the human institutions prove themselves incapable of solving the problem, then the Federation will step in, sending boots on the ground forces to stop whatever is not right... Always leaving the credit to human institutions. So even when a hundreds thousand child DUMB rescue is 99% Antarian Military for the Federation, the credit will go to the 1% US Navy Seals who participated in the operation.
Aneeka: All the changes, positive changes like cleaning the DUMBS will be attibuted to human caused. Human heros. Delta Force /Navy Seals / Speznaz. They will never say: Thank you Hashmallim, Thank you Centaurs -Elite, Thank you Antarian Knights! It must be of Human origin. But they do interfere. And Help.
Gosia: Ok thanks. Another type of question. Star Seeds upon entering here ... DID THEY KNOW ALL OF THIS?
Swaruu: Yes Gosia, that is very clear to me. All people before incarnation knew what they would experience. Those who have wanted to return, they did it also by choice. There are no forced reincarnations ... unless they manifest them themselves. They are the guides. And the students too. Being guides you learn, not only teach. It is the role that they themselves have designed.
Gosia: But why have they incarnated, Starseeds to maintain WHAT Frequency? Aren´t we really part of the Federation?
Swaruu: Gosia. Starseeds are critical here. Without them there is no inspiration, there are no mentors or teachers to show the rest of humanity where to go. If the Starseeds leave, they leave humanity unprotected. As I said in the beginning they are all the help that the Federation will give to humans. They are the engine of everything, inspiration, and their divine protection.
Gosia: But Swaruu, if we, as Starseeds, ARE the Federation and from other planes we knew that everything is some sick game and that the Federation itself controls everything, to come and "inspire" is to play the game. What is it for?
Swaruu: It serves for new and young souls to have a purpose, it serves to form a new species that will soon come out into the cosmos.
You see it as sick from there or from here so do my colleagues. But from other planes it is not. It is only how souls are formed, the natural evolution of consciousness.
Gosia: But the Federation doesn't seem to want people to wake up. They give them ¨tests¨ but they do everything possible SO THEY DO NOT PASS THE TESTS!
Swaruu: Yes they want it. And do everything possible. Evidence of so much "UFO" in the air right now. They help by putting angry Starseeds like yourself against the coronavirus scheme, as well as others like David Icke, among many others. Other Starseeds follow and depend on you to awaken other guides, and so on.
People only need minds and themselves to change things. When you master this, when you learn to be compassionate and empathetic, when you learn to help others and to work without fighting, then you will have passed the test. Then and only then will the Federation come closer and welcome you into interstellar society, but as long as you are engulfed and circled within your own creations and nightmares, it will only send you guides and unopened help, always hidden as if from something else or someone else.
Gosia: Perhaps the Federation should incarnate here to understand all this from below. It's just that I don't feel like fighting anymore sometimes, with all this being some cosmic drama.
Swaruu: Gosia, yes they are incarnating there. They are people like you. And the fight is more necessary than ever. It is the whole purpose of the Starseeds, why they exist and what they are for. The job that is the hardest, the loneliest and most responsible.
Gosia: Why if the Federation will only give them more and more "tests" ?? How for example will they pass the 5G test or mandatory vaccines?
Swaruu: A lot of things are still unknown. As I warned you, everything is uncertain and the timelines are fractured. That means that yes there are coronaviruses for some, 5G for others, and all the variants, and they are all reality. But the reality is relative. The test is being able to put the broken timeline together toward something positive. Not manifest any more nightmares.
In itself, 5G is a human manifestation, due to its desire to have faster mobiles and to be able to connect the toaster to the internet. It seems convenient but they give up their most basic rights. But they need that contrast to realize what really has value. That is why Taygeta despite so much technology returns to a simple life. To what matters. Because it has already passed where humans are barely entering to experience.
Robert: We have the long way it seems.
Swaruu: They do go fast, not slow. From the Industrial Revolution until today it has only been 200 years.
In Cosmic age it is nothing. They evolve fast.
Gosia: What will you do now?
Alenym: We will be here for the necessary duration as we are guide of guides. Because we have staff down there, but Taygeta is withdrawing. We cannot be part of this. I have the authority to say that I do not want my people to be part of this. Yes I am very angry. We can only be who we are. And I do not like that. Nor my companions. We know that there are other ways to achieve the same. I also feel that the Federation has treated us with disrespect. Swaruu for years as you know. Now me and Ruhr, the Urmah.
I have spoken to the Federation clearly giving my statement of repudiation for their extreme permissiveness. Although they are doing things, many elements are still not clear to me. Their reason for pushing Taygeta away. They say it is because we are too communicative and idealistic. And we could have compromised ongoing military operations. Still, I have been told that if we want to help, we are welcome. So our Special Forces in the following days could participate in surgical attacks on Earth. So, the atmospheric operations of Taygeta fighter ships are authorized once again.
Gosia: And what about all those videos that people made asking the Federation for help?
Swaruu: They were meant to be heard from above, for whoever wants to help so they can see the human perspective directly. With direct requests. The Federation is not an organism that has only one mind. It is made up of countless people, each one with their individual ideas. And any request, pressure, information that gets to them may cause a shift in perception and in actions. Also the people need to express themselves, not be quiet. They must say out loud what they what and need. Not expect their needs to be met automatically. It sets them up into a do it yourself mentality. At least sitting down to make a video. And it makes them feel they are doing something. Makes them proactive, not stagnated in victim mentality. That is why I wanted them to do those videos. They are asking for help. It is their right to ask for help from their point of view from Earth. Not only looking at things from the Cosmic perspective.
Gosia: Ok and what about your video to the Federation?
Swaruu: I am scalar. You know that. I operate within many levels at once. Because the Universe is scalar. So being scalar is being lined up with the flow of the Universe.
What you call the Matrix goes beyond just Earth, as we have already said. You say that you understand it but not entirely. Not at the necessary and deep level. It is true that this is how all races begin. It is the normal evolution of a race, from being a pre-industrial to becoming an interstellar race.
There are other angles behind the imposition of the Van Allen bands. Not just "enclose Reptiles". That is true but only from a low point of view. Necessary for normal Earth people to begin to understand. A race is locked up on a planet so that it does not interfere with the formation of other races because they have not yet developed the necessary ethics to live with them, to leave them alone. There are other races in formation in this same solar system. With programs like the SSP, humans would invade them. They must remain there on Earth until they develop sufficient consciousness. Understanding. They evolved their technology very quickly, at a very dangerous rate, which puts them in danger of self-extermination. Because, as has already been said, and by others, technological development does not go hand in hand with moral and spiritual development. They are dangerously amoral beings. Narcissists. Ignorant of how the Universe works. They manifest nightmares for themselves. And they want to "export" those nightmares. So they cannot leave Earth until they have reached sufficient maturity. But they are being monitored by very ethical races.
Too bad they themselves lack ethical development. But they are not alone, I speak of the Federation. You only see part of the Federation, 5D part. And not everything. There is a Federation council that oversees the minor Federation councils from above. Because as I said this has levels. As does a holographic society. Regional councils that then have large, planetary, or constellation councils like the Alcyone M45 council. Same here.
Control over the Federation for Earth council is then established by another Council. This other Supreme Council has much more experienced ¨staff¨. And they help to advance the races of the councils like the one of the Viera (Andromedans). The one of the Federation of which we always speak.
What I will tell you from a human point of view is sad. So that you understand more, I will tell you where the largest base of the Federation is located. In Saturn's rings. But in another density. As I said, everything is layered, trans-dimensional, scalar. Trans-Densities. This is why Saturn is said to be in control of Earth. Through the Moon yes. It was not the time to tell you this. Until today.
The Federation has 100% control of Earth from high densities. From high densities there is only the positive. Reptiles or not, that is only human manifestation, as we have already explained why.
But --- There is a big but. The purpose from those high densities, from their non-human understanding conflicts with immediate 3D human interests. Their purpose is to grow the consciousness of humans, to form a new race. As we have already explained, a new race is NOT formed by cutting and pasting genes in a laboratory. It does not work like this. It is done with awareness. Guiding perception. With experiences. And experiences will always have to have a contrast. Duality. Life and death. Good and bad. With associations that are artificially put to each of those qualities according to the point of view of each one.
So: The Federation of United Planets from the high position of the High Council for this solar system allows conflicts on Earth constantly to induce a motivation that causes a spiritual growth in the population present there.
Everything is layered. Federation has a Council in Viera to watch over matters related to the conflict on Earth, although it also goes to discuss things that happen on Mars and Venus as it is related. And they are governed by the High Council of the Federation that is on Saturn that watches over this solar system called Sol 13 by the Federation. Which in turn is governed by the High Council of this quadrant of the Galaxy that is located in Alcyone.
So it can effectively be argued that from the human standpoint, the bad guys and the creators of all conflicts on Earth are the "evil" controllers hiding on Saturn. Because from the valid human point of view, yes they are allowing them to suffer. But it is only a conflict of interest. There is no evil as such.
And the Reptiles and the Satanists and Satanists' worship of Saturn is nothing more than a misinterpretation of humans given their very internal struggle to dominate their own negativity in their spiritual progress. As we have said ... It is HUMAN creation.
So what is known as evil ... as understood by evil on Earth is a merely human concept. All beings struggle to achieve their spiritual progression in search of returning to the Source. You return to the Source when you die, or almost because you maintain a certain sense of individuality. That integration is what many describe as the pure love they experience when they die. Integration - Love.
It is true. From this point of view the "bad guys" are those of the Federation. The supreme controllers of humanity. Allowing conflicts to see how far humans go. To stimulate their spiritual progression. They want to see how far the new human species can endure. Because as such it is new. About to graduate. Be interstellar. This is why it is said that when a person has a high enough Frequency, they can escape the Van Allen Bands. As long as you don't have it, you can't.
Apollo missions? No kidding. There is an insurmountable etheric barrier. There is only one way out ... Waking up in consciousness, ethics and understanding. Billions of souls desire to enter Earth because of the great spiritual progress that being there gives them. Be it as humans or as any other living being. This is why it is so difficult to exist on Earth. For all. From cows, chickens and pigs that humans eat. To humans who are also eaten by ... Their own creations, their own nightmares.
As I have said for months ... The Earth is as it should be. And so it is. That's what it is for. You do not like it? Then remove yourselves. But you will lose the enormous opportunity to grow there. And most probably, from the higher understanding you will have in your after life, you will return. But you don't need to go back. It depends on each one. This is the reason for so much conflict.
The Federation does NOT create conflicts by inventing things from nothing. They DO NOT operate like this. What they do is give humans a little more power. In the form of consciousness because consciousness IS power. And with this they manage to manifest things, good or bad. And they must take responsibility for the bad things they do themselves. But they don't give it to them, either. Not like something they have and pass it on to humans. Rather, it is the consequence of the natural progression of consciousness, of the process of expansion of the consciousness of each soul. It is the humans themselves who guide the Federation to new tests, new challenges. Questions?
Robert: My question was why choose a Lyrian race and not another type of race like the insectoid for this experiment? What do we have that the others do not?
Swaruu: It was not chosen. It simply happened this way. Insectoid races also have their evolution or progression. And it is not "experiment" itself. That word is loaded with meanings that do not fit here. It is to oversee the development of a new species. I also don't like Evolution, because it confers the wrong meaning of going from something inferior to something superior. It is not like that. It is to form something new from something else before. Neither being superior nor inferior to the other. And there is also the NOT linear time element here. We use those words for want of better nonexistent ones in the human linear language I use to write today. Taking to the limit the communicative capacity of the human language here.
Gosia: Honestly it frustrates me to hear all of this without my memory. I wanted to see with my own eyes everything that happens there.
Swaruu: You already have and you will again. But you are also having a great expansion of consciousness just by living there, with that stimulation of growth that gives you dealing with all human difficulties.
Gosia: I have a very important question. You said that it is they who give "challenges" to humans. At this point it is super urgent to clarify the point of PRIME DIRECTIVE and law of NO interference. Give challenges, this is not to interfere?
Swaruu: Not in this case. Because what they "impose" is of human creation. Being only the consequence of their own acts.
Robert: It is the same humans who set the level of difficulty, the Federation will only avoid self-destruction ... am I right?
Swaruu: Exactly Robert. They do not cause problems. Rather, they "use" problems generated by humans themselves. It is not causing suffering to grow. It is so that the humans take responsibility for their own actions and find the solution to the problems themselves. Suffering comes by their own hand. That respects free will. It is only giving humans the responsibility to face their own creations and to solve them on their own. They are the problems that humans themselves have generated for themselves. And then they guide humans from above. Do you know how the Federation guides you? With people like you. There. You are their guides. Not who has more money or more political power.
From their point of view, and understanding all points of view from the human point of view of suffering because there isn´t enough money for rent .... all the way up to understand the position of the High Council, I understand them, and I see it from the cosmic aspect as a very beautiful system.
The Federation sees and observes. But it has limits. Like never allowing a nuclear war, a pandemic causing millions of deaths or thousands of children in DUMBS being abused. No, this is where they actively modify things. But without being seen as the cause of what happened. For example, they will never say that the Federation removed children from DUMBS. It will be said that it was the US Navy Seals. Always giving credit to humans. That is why ETs do not appear openly. Including us. That is why we can NOT give proof as many ask.
Gosia: I understand. And why do those at the highest levels think that the new species grows through conflict? Where does this idea come from? That is duality! Limitation!
Swaruu: It is NOT necessary to create those problems. Growing through suffering is a decision. As a consequence of the actions and what each soul desires. It IS limitation. But if you are not the Source itself there will always be Duality. As long as there is the concept of I and the concept "what is not I", there will be Duality.
Gosia: But if it is not necessary to grow through suffering, then why challenge new races?
Swaruu: Challenges are put by evolving races for themselves. And whether something is suffering or not is relative as well. An example of this is whether or not someone likes chili. Some suffer from hot sauce, others enjoy it and suffer if they do not have it in their meals.
Robert: Why create a new race? Isn't there enough with the races that already exist?
Swaruu: Why create a new race ... That is to experience more variants of the same. To seek further expansion and understanding.
Gosia: Yes, but within any reality, the rules are set by us. And mine is that you do NOT need to grow through pain but joy, laughter and running through the forest! Whoever is able to laugh the most will be Interstellar! Why pain and not joy? It is absurd that you have to suffer to grow. This is like monopoly money, like Karma concept. It's FALSE money! Souls are already complete. They don't have to suffer anything. Nor pay karma.
Swaruu: Gosia. That is what they must learn. That there is no karma other than that imposed by oneself. Learn that so much friction is not necessary. So much suffering. When they understand that, then as a race humans will be able to leave Earth. That is what learning is for and what mentors, or guides, are for. So that they learn to overcome this phase. As you say. There are no wars in Taygeta for example. There it is to experience other things. Because they have already learned to put their attention on beautiful things.
Gosia: It is super difficult to be guides knowing that friction is not necessary and not understanding why it is created. And also hear that humans have to go through these frictions to "graduate". For me there is no need! It´s so sad to be on that level and feel how unnecessary it is, feel free from it, and then being here in 3D, WITHIN the realm of duality where it still exist for so many people! Who dont know they can be free! Thats where my sadnesss comes from. Knowing the beyond...knowing how free they really can be, the potential! And still seeing them in their ¨ideas¨ worlds that produces that suffering in them.
Swaruu: So Gosia. Go and tell them THAT, that it is not necessary to suffer. They must learn not to need nightmares to grow. Suffering itself is not necessary. But it is respected that a race in formation creates its own things, so that they are responsible for their creations. Whether or not they're nightmares or pretty things, that's relative, like the spiciness in the sauce. That´s free will.
Example I used before. Why did fish walk on Earth? They became amphibians. Why? Because in deep water they were preyed upon by large fish. So it was safer for them to be in very shallow water. To the degree that they could hardly swim from the shallow depth. So they leaned on the fins. Strengthening them. Then they developed oxygen passage functions without the need for water as a vehicle for the gills. And with that another species was born. From ... Friction and the need to overcome problems. If you are always living in a rose-colored world, without friction and without challenges, you don't grow. You remain there. You do not have the enormous satisfaction of having overcome the challenge. Of climbing up the tree. To have climbed that rock on the beach. You are more than the rock on the beach. You overcame it.
Gosia: Not to the degree that occurs on Earth. Some challenge is fine, like when I go down the mountain with the wind on my face. But there are horrible things that happen here. Better never to come back here.
Swaruu: I understand what you are saying. However that promotes growth. To the degree that YOU, Gosia, now can say that you never want to return to Earth. So YOU don't need that anymore, that stimulus, you already say no, and you don't want that anymore. But it's because you lived that you don't want any more of. As a result of the friction of having experienced that on Earth.
And as on Earth there are infinity of worlds where to experience new things, other ways of seeing things, of achieving the same. That is what humans must learn to overcome this phase, and grow as a new interstellar race.
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There are several things that can help protect us from the effects of radiation. Here you will find some of them that may be useful to you. This is the second video in a series of four on 5G technology. 1.- What is it and how does it affect us? 2.- How to protect yourself? 3.- What objectives does it have? 4.- How is it related to the current situation?
START OF THE VIDEO Hello friends, I am Cristina from Pleiadian Knowledge, and this is the second video in a series of four videos that we are preparing about 5G. As you know, this is a very dangerous technology for life on the planet since microwaves seriously damage all living beings. And in this video I would like to go into detail about how we can protect ourselves from this technology on a personal level, what little things we can do. How can we protect ourselves from 5G? We have several alternatives: On the one hand, minerals or stones, orgonites, some plants, the Faraday Cage, Metrayanta devices, food (which is also very important, mainly it is a key to everything), anti-radiation devices and thoughts. As you know the mind is very powerful. We are going to go into detail in each one of them.
MINERALS OR STONES The shungite stone or shunguite has many healing and calming properties but stands out for its ability to inhibit the electromagnetic fields that are the result of electromagnetic radiation. It can also be placed in the water for a short time and then we can drink it, this water will have healing properties such as cell growth and help detoxify the body. I encourage you to investigate more about the healing properties of shungite.
Mica, this mineral has great capabilities to counteract radiation thanks to its properties as an electrical and thermal insulator. Black tourmaline or chorlo also has the ability to neutralize the radiation emitted by electronic devices. As a protective stone it is very powerful, since it discharges negative energies towards the ground. It also increases intuition and facilitates meditation among other properties.
Although these are not the only ones, there are many stones that help combat the effects of radiation, if you look for information you will find it, such as aventurine, sodalite, amazonite, fluorite, tourmaline. Black tourmaline with mica, smoky quartz, Herkimer diamond, jasper, lepidolite, etc. I mean that black tourmaline with mica is not that they are two stones, it is the same stone. Now I would like to give you some advice on the subject of stones: To help combat radiation, they must be close to us, it is very important that we wear them on or near us, either on our clothes, on the body, such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or under our pillow, or under the bed in which we sleep. Also next to electromagnetic devices such as Wi-Fi or the phone, we can also stick them on the back of the phone, and thus helps to counteract the microwaves that it emits.
It is very important that the stones are not polished, since this way (in the natural form) they retain all their properties, and in the case that they are polished, it is recommended that they be in the shape of a pyramid, since this geometric figure acts as an energy catalyst, that is, it helps energy flow. You also have to find out how the stones should be maintained so that they retain their properties. Some need to be on the ground for a certain period of time to "recharge", as is the case with shungite, others need sunlight, or water baths, among other things. It is very important to know how to maintain our stones so that they preserve all their properties to the maximum. It must be remembered that stones are also living beings, that they have their own conscience and that they need care like any living being and to be treated with love.
THE ORGONITES The orgonites are not natural stones, they are a combination invented by Karl Hans Weltz in the nineties mixing certain metals, resins and quartz. With this perfect combination, orgonites acquire capacities to neutralize negative energy from the environment, such as radiation. Depending on the size, it has a larger or smaller protective toroidal field. It is very important to say that it is not a decorative object, be careful with those that are sold online or other stores that are very beautiful, but are not effective. The functional ones must not present transparency and are usually of a grayish tone, they must have a perfect combination of metals with quartz, and they must use a natural resin, this is very important for it to have the required effect. Here are two that I am going to show you:
This one that I show you is pyramidal in shape and this size has a toroidal coverage of 6 to 8 meters in all directions. This other one that is smaller in the form of a pendant, that we can wear although it is large enough to wear around the neck, it only has a cover for the person who wears it. As this one is too big to hang around, I carry it in my bag or backpack that I use to go out of the house.
I also want to explain that there is a homemade way to find out if your orgonite is effective, if it has a perfect combination or not, and that is if, for example, you put the orgonite in the freezer and next or on top you put a glass of water and let it the water freezes, you will see that if the orgonite is effective, that water does not freeze uniformly, but it will make like shapes (striae) inside. That means your orgonite works.
PLANTS Some plants can help us absorb a part of the radiation, but also if you investigate a little you will also see that some of them help with the chemical substances that are sometimes present in our houses, such as formaldehyde, natural gas, tobacco smoke, also benzene, inks, oils, plastic paints. Gums, everything that is related to this or trichlorethylene, which would be paints, varnishes, printing inks, cleaning products ... etc. What plants are the most effective for all this? One of the plants that is more successful, because it requires less care and is more practical, would be in Potus (Epipermnum aureum), but we also have the Spatifilo or peace flower (Spathyphyllum blandum). Also cacti, although some studies show that they are not as effective as claimed.
FARADAY CAGE The name Faraday Cage sounds a bit strange and many people don't know what exactly that is. The Faraday Cage is an invention of the 19th century British scientist Michel Faraday, a physicist and chemist. That took place in 1836. This box or cage allows the concentration of electric fields to be zero, that is, it works as a shield for the electromagnetic fields that come from the outside. This cage is used in many everyday appliances although we do not realize it. An example of this are microwave ovens and lightning and lightning safety devices found in cars. To make a Faraday Cage we only need to enclose a certain space within a conductive material. So that you can see how you can build a homemade Faraday Cage, for example for your mobile, because we take a piece of aluminum (Cristina shows a piece of domestic aluminum foil) that I have here. (There are people who do it with potato chip bags) and simply what we have to do is wrap the mobile in the aluminum foil and close it so that it is completely inside the wrapper (Cristina makes a small package with the aluminum foil with the mobile inside and shows it to the camera), and this is how we have created a Faraday Cage for our mobile. To think that while the mobile is inside this package it does not emit any radiation, that is to say that if you call the phone you will find it turned off. This is also very useful if we do not want them to spy on us and do not know our geolocation, as you know, mobile phones even in airplane mode or off continue to broadcast and also broadcast your location and in this way even if you carry your mobile you will not receive microwaves nor are you being spied on.
MATRAYANTA PRANIC DEVICE They are energetic devices created with quartz, resin and metal bovine. Metrayanta pranic devices are the brainchild of Ivan Donalson, made through long and extensive research in the field of molecular geometry, electromagnetic fields, organic energy, sacred geometry, gem therapy and torsion fields, which is an Einstein-Cartan theory. It has many benefits, among them the eviction of entities from our auric field, since these close and harmonize the auric field, closing the energy holes and dislodging the entities.
FOOD There are different foods that help in some way to eliminate toxins caused by radiation in our body, for example green tea or black tea that help neutralize radioactive isotopes in the body. Foods high in carotene, vitamins C and E are natural protectors against radiation, for example: carrots, kale, spinach and chard among others. Herbs high in selenium help repair damage, such as ginseng, hortigas, burdock root and oats. Legumes such as lentils, red beans and the (incomprehensible) also help repair DNA. Coriander removes heavy metals from the body, especially when combined with (incomprehensible). You can find many more foods that help detoxify the body from radiation, and these are surely not recommended by the WHO.
ANTI-RADIATION DEVICES You can find some protective sections from electromagnetic radiation, some will see that they also protect from 5G. I really don't know if they work, but here I do recommend caution. As you know, all electronic devices can carry chip implants and somehow be controlled by Artificial Intelligence (by the Red Queen). If we are not sure that the device may be tampered with, it is better not to use them.
YOUR MIND As we have said, thought is very powerful, do not forget that the outside world is the creation of your own mind, so our thoughts are vital to protect us from anything. Feeling strong, safe, believing that nothing can affect us without our permission, visualizing ourselves in a sphere of protective light, are also very effective in combating radiation, in short, keeping ourselves at a high frequency that makes us incompatible with 5 G. With All this I hope I have provided some ideas to help protect against 5G and microwaves, but I would also like to say that we should not be left alone with this, since the entire planet is being seriously affected by this technology. You already know that it not only affects humans, but also the health of all animals, the migration of birds, cetaceans, bees, in short, all the Earth's ecosystems. I believe that it is very important that each of us, within what we can do little things, such as informing others so that they are aware, that is, keeping our environment informed, participating in all kinds of campaigns against 5G and the installations of antennas, satellites and balloons. Yes, watch out! Because not only 5G is emitted from satellites and antennas, but from balloons, and of course not consuming any device with that technology, you already know that the consumer in the end is the key. Many other individual actions can create big changes, although we already know that with so many starseeds in action, 5G has its days numbered. Thank you very much and see you in the next video.
This is the first of a series of 4 videos where we want to offer you all the information we have about this technology. 1.- What is 5G and how does it affect us? 2.- How can we protect ourselves? 3.- What is the objective? 4.- How is it related to the current situation?
If it has been of interest to you, we encourage you to share, it is important that as many people as possible are informed.
START OF THE VIDEO Estel·la.- Hello everyone, welcome, I am Estel·la of Pleiadian Knowledge, and today I am going to talk about 5G. I am going to start by making an introduction with the information of Dr. Ana María Oliva, who is a doctor in bio medicine, and then as you will see I am going to leave at the end of the video all the links, with all the sources of information so that you yourself can take a deeper look at all these studies that I will now talk about, so well, let's get started. First of all there is a lot of electromagnetic radiation that is natural, but on the other hand the vast majority are artificial. Surely you all know the electromagnetic spectrum is divided between frequencies of ionizing radiation, which is the radiation that can change matter, can modify it, it is proven that it has very clear and obviously undesirable biological effects. More or less it is ultraviolet that is considered ionizing radiation. All other frequencies are considered non-ionizing, and those that are somewhat lower are considered to do nothing, that the only thing they cause is heat. Why is it believed that non-ionizing frequencies do not affect us? It is because our body, according to the science that we have here, is considered as a conducting volume, which is in fact a hypothesis, but this topic has not been delved into further. The electromagnetic physiology of the body is not taken into account, only the heating. There is a study in mobile telephony, but only the temperature is studied, the heating of our tissue, then the effect of mobile phones and radiation on people with bathtubs full of water is studied instead of considering ourselves as the electromagnetic field that we are.
WHAT IS 5G? 5G is the 5th generation, which is the next step in what we are taught is the development of wireless technology. These waves, these 5G signals are easily interrupting millimeter and sub millimeter waves that don't travel as far as 3 and 4G waves, which are also harmful, but not as much as 5G. Therefore these antennas that we now see being placed around the world have to be very close to each other, because these millimeter waves cannot travel as long distances as 3 or 4 G microwaves.
These 5G antennas emit a constant stream of radio frequency microwave radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. So, the smartphones that we have now at most emit 6 GHz (gigahertz), but 5G emits between 6 and 100 GHz, so, more or less, they say that they are constantly emitting in the frequency between 60 and 75 GHz, but they have done different studies and there are those who say that the frequency in which it can emit is between 30 and 300, that is, it can vary a little, but more or less so that we have this idea it is between 60 and 75 GHz is what it would be broadcasting to our cellphones.
HOW DOES IT AFFECT OUR BODIES? How does this frequency affect this power to the human being? Well, there are more than a thousand scientific studies, carried out by independent researchers from around the world, on the biological effects of radiation of this frequency, and among them there are: 1.- Effects on fetal and neonatal development. 2.- Effects on young children. 3.- Brain tumours. 4.- Tumours in the parotid gland 5. Effects on DNA. 6.- Neurological / cognitive effects. 7.-Effects on male fertility. 8.- Electromagnetic sensitivity.
In addition to other alterations that have also been detected. I speak it very briefly, but you can see that it affects our entire body and nature in general. I will deal with this later. Returning to Dr. Ana María Oliva, she explains that: “radiation breaks the communications between your cells and within them, breaks the coherence of your biological signals, is the same as saying that it leaves us weak, that breaks the self-regulatory capacity. That we emit at least two thirds of the electromagnetic spectrum. That we have our own radiation, (because we are electromagnetic beings), then the danger is not in the heating that they can cause us, but in the interference between our own frequencies with the artificial radiation of others."
As you already know, the brain communicates with the rest of the body electrically, which processes its thought and information electrically and communicates with cells in this way. So it is the lack of harmony in our electromagnetic field that manifests physical and psychological illnesses, due to the information processing in our brain being affected.
Dr. Henry Lai and Narendra Singh from the University of Washington and Seattle have just published a study documenting: “Single-stranded DNA breaks are the result of exposure to wireless radiation, the energy produced by virtually all wireless devices. DNA strand breaks can affect cell function, change cell structure, and even lead to cell death. It is how we age and how we develop cancer ”Exposure to radiation generates verifiable symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, concentration, short-term memory loss, confusion, cataracts, depression and anxiety, tinnitus, skin and endocrine problems, and especially the central nervous system. In fact, there is also an Israeli study by Yuri Feldman, and Paul Ben Ishai, published in 2008 that shows that the millimeter waves used in 5G are highly absorbed by the skin, because our pores act like millions of tiny antennas for those new millimeter waves.
Here is a very interesting point, which as different researchers have already announced, such as JL Camacho from Mundo Desconocido or David Icke have revealed that the electromagnetic frequencies used for 5G are exactly the same as those used in the electromagnetic pulse weapons that are used. to disperse protesters in certain concentrations. And it is that as we have already said, the human skin becomes a huge antenna that captures these ultra-electromagnetic frequencies and for years, the US, Russia and China have developed these non-lethal weapons with microwave technology, which when they aim at certain concentrations of humans those affected immediately felt as if they were burning alive, their skin was burning, and this also affects the eyes, and the first dating was before the year 2000. So that's why we say very clearly that 5G is not a wireless technology but rather a weapon against biology.
HOW DOES IT AFFECT ANIMALS AND NATURE? Well science is revealing damage to all living organisms, including trees, plants, insects and bacteria by exposure to this radio frequency. Bees and birds have an iron mineral called magnetite in their brains for navigation and constant migration, so it has been shown that this microwave electromagnetic radiation interrupts this process and abnormalities in reproduction and behaviour have been demonstrated in the birds that nest near these cell towers. In fact, birds have feathers that can act as antennas and amplify the negative effects of radiation of this frequency and that is why now I understand all those videos that have been circulating through the net of hundreds of birds that have suddenly fallen to the ground dead and and the cause is unkown, if a cardiac arrest or what was happening affected them, and they are more vulnerable to these frequencies. Insects, which are the basis of the food chain, are also susceptible to radio frequency radiation, and with this also mammals such as humans have similar reproductive organs, immune systems and nervous systems, therefore they are susceptible to molecular damage and cellular wavelengths of artificial wireless radio frequency.
Some responses or reactions that have been detected and identified in some animals by this radio frequency radiation would be abnormal behaviour, abnormality in development, decreased reproduction, increased mortality. Well, as you can see this has terrible consequences on our biological body in general for the entire planet Earth and all living beings, which more than 134,000 people from 198 countries, including doctors, scientists, engineers and biologists, have called to stop the deployment of the 5G antennas and in space for all the biological effects that I have commented to you now. If we take a more global perspective we are already more aware, because we are no longer talking about humans who do not consider this, but about races much more advanced than us who are ruling this planet, who are the Cabal, and they are fully aware of all these facts and my colleague Cristina will now comment on the objectives for which all this is being implemented and what they can achieve and how they can use this technology. So good, I leave you with all this, thank you very much to all of you and see you in the next video.
Global Situation - Aneeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
What is the virus. In addition to being just media disinformation and everything we have said before, there are many cases of real deaths, but they are caused by radiation that has the same symptoms as a SARS virus. What it is is nanotechnology in the form of intelligent powder. Present in vaccines. Starting with influenza mainly. What we have found is that people who are having strong reactions, virtually all of those people have had the influenza vaccine among others. But mainly influenza. That´s why they contain heavy metals, to increase reactivity to electromagnetic radiation. So the virus is a 5G compatible 60mhz technology activated nanopowder reaction. The use of Chemtrails is not ruled out as well, but the concentration of nano powder is very small and insufficient to cause a reaction in people's bodies. So they must impose the compulsory vaccine. Biological virus there is none.
And they hide all this for many reasons, more than anything, it is because they want to continue with the consequences that the false pandemic will bring. There are many consequences that they are after. The economy is only a low level but it is important. It is not just affecting the economy from above by controlling it on a large scale. It is also ruining small industry, and small businesses of all kinds. So that the small convenience stores, sundries, bakeries, kiosks, hardware stores, and every small family business shuts down. It is also to ruin those who depend on the so-called informal economy, such as street vendors and farmers and peasants. It makes everyone dependent on the big companies that dominate everything. They sweep with the little ones. That is only the economic aspect. Others are population control, extermination, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. It is not a single reason, humans tend to be simplistic and believe that it is just "business". It is not just business, these psychopaths have multiple agendas, and humans are unable to visualize and assemble such an interlocking and complicated plot and orchestrated to perfection or near perfection.
We now know they will never ever say in public that there is no virus. But the Intelligence agencies of Earth all conclude that the "virus" was made in Wuhan in the biolab yards away form the market place that is said to be the center where the infection started. They say it is activated with 5G.
Taygeta Knows this: There is NO, repeat, NO Virus... What they are spreading as a virus is nano dust with nano bots and smart dust that reacts and is controlled with 5G signals. And that's why they need the mandatory vaccines. Because they can only "spray" a limited amout of people in a population center... Although it is global. Hence the Morguelons disease. Nothing but activated nano dust the body is doing its best to reject!
I insist. No one must take ANY vaccine ever! Never ever. You must refuse it in mass. That is the very worst thing you can do in every level. The Cabal will never kill people using a real bio weapon, because they cannot control it. It kills indiscriminately. And these people are also interested in guiding the human race Nazi style, with Eugenics. Meaning THEY want to choose exactly who lives and who dies. And this technology is for that, exactly for that.
Governments: Two factions. Negative Cabal Clinton, Bush, Obama, Bill Gates, royalty of England, Vatican. Against: Positive side, Putin, Trump, Obrador and Federation of United Planets. War in DUMBs confirmed and it is already leaking to the official media.
It looks like the data so far indicates that it is very possible that JFK jr is the man behind Trump.
Federation: Works in the DUMBs with the armed forces of the USA and NATO and Russia. And it is the reason for strange noises and earthquakes across the planet. Volcanic activation is related as it is used as a weapon to destroy deep DUMBS and in some cases is only a secondary reaction after the detonation of Federation sonic bombs (compressed sound). And nuclear bombs from the USA and NATO.
We confirm the rescue of nearly 5 million people, mainly children, within the DUMBS. Some numbers go up to 20,000,000 but we cannot confirm it.
Quarantines are necessary given the serious combat situation all over the planet. To remove civilians from the path and danger. Where they are more severe, such as in Spain, Italy, France and the USA, it is because operations are in progress. They are mostly underground but leak to the surface or there is the potential for them to leak with potential to harm the civilian population.
Quarantines were imposed by the negative side as part of their control and economic collapse agenda. It is the positive side that took quarantines, and used it as something in their favor.
It is better to respect quarantines but since this is a war, things may not go as planned. So there will come a breaking point where social disobedience is recommended. Even as a measure of pressure for the same Federation of United Planets who are the ones orchestrating the positive side and it is those who have control over the NATO Pentagon and the Kremlin. And what is a fact is the large-scale intervention of the Federation of United Planets.
This is the situation at the moment.
Reptilian Mind - Human Egregors (Swaruu D´Jedi Ronin - Extraterrestrial Communication - Pleiades)
Swaruu: Define Reptile Consciousness please. What do you want to know?
Gosia: The degree of their connection to the Source, their mentality, and why they are the way they are. What defines them and why.
Swaruu: Reptile <--- <--- that's very extensive. Define what part of the Reptile, please.
Gosia: Regressive. Those who have the need, or so it seems, to cultivate their culture based on others.
Swaruu: Ok. Depth level of the topic. Please define:
2.-Conspiracy level
3.- Stellar Concept
4.- Deeper Cosmic concept.
Gosia: 3 and then 4.
Swaruu: 3 is wasting time since 4 contains 3 but 3 does not contain 4.
There is no such thing as regressive reptilian consciousness. There is no such thing. It is true that if you think about it, it exists. But why is that? Because if everything exists ... its duality exists. If everything exists ... then it is because nothing exists. Everything is an idea, a concept. Whose? Of those who see it, understand and observe it.
The regressives have no connection to the Source. Or only deferred one ... as the cause of something else. Someone else. Earth is exactly as it should be. Reptiles, Maitré, Cabal, Masons, Delinquents, Vaccines, reptilian royalty, wars ... archons who eat Lush ... Hat-man ... Moth-man ... Bat-man ... Everything is an egregor, a reflection of human consciousness in the case of Earth. Reflection of the creators. Of how they are and how they are inside. Where their attention is. Of their fear. Everything can be summed up in that. FEAR. Whatever they fear, has a lot of their attention, and with great "deadly" emotion. They manifest it by the collective agreements they have between themselves as to how that reality should be. Of what is possible and what is not.
The regressives, Reptiles, Maitré, and archons. "Lower astral entities that feed on fear" are not creators. They re created. They are projections from the community of the human psyche. Without connection to the Source they cannot create anything. They are not the Source. No more than a street post. Creation of someone else. From a collective and individual mind. Soul is Source, not only "a connection to ..." So they don't create anything, they just take what is already there and twist it at their convenience. And their convenience is what most generates fear ... because it is what they consume.
Why do they consume fear? (Called by many Lush) What is that Lush? It is the strong and constant attention of a consciousness and of low Frequency energy. Creative attention. That is why they eat it, it nourishes them, because they are egregores. Without fearful attention they vanish, they cannot exist. That is why they dissolve when someone with consciousness, with soul, with connection to the Source faces them. They cannot exist like this. So love and acceptance are toxic to them.
There are no victims here, we have already tired of saying it. So that´s why we always say the world is as it should be. We cannot fix the world because it is not ours to fix. It is theirs, the humans. We can only be mentors, for those who listen. But in the end that world is not only the creation of humans, it is the humans themselves. They ARE that. There is no use taking them to another place, to another planet. Because they take the problems with them, because they are the problems. You cannot focus on something and give it your attention, whatever that is, without it being manifested.
Only a few are creating everything. Those with soul. The rest are just their egregors, their shadows. Manifestations of what they fear at night. There are no Reptiles other than those created by humans themselves. No one is their predators. They depredate themselves and I mean personally. Each one of them.
They walk through the rainy streets with broken shoes ... Resentful of the rich man with his new "latest model" white truck that drives through a puddle and bathes them. Miserable they feel. Being gods. The one with the broken shoes exists ... The rich man in the truck doesn't. It is HIS creation. Because he has put HIS attention to perpetuate his feeling of misery and of having no value. If he had his attention elsewhere, the one in the latest model white truck would be just potential energy. Meaningless, worthless. Well, he gives it to himself ... The one with the broken shoes all wet. He could very well be dancing in the rain ... But he prefers to feel miserable! <--- <---
He doesn't see that that man in the latest model white truck ... If he is real ... could be in terrible debt, under stress in a horrible job and has taken that truck out on credit ... to mitigate his own feeling of invalidity, of uselessness, of existential inconsistency. Drowning that in a purchase ... putting his own personal value in something external to him. Broken shoes one is free.
It's just what you want to experience. The attitude how life is taken. The interpretation given to things. This on a personal level ... But it transcends onto a global level. There is nothing to save there. They are how they want to be. And conscientiously, and with planning that it will be so, from before.
Reptile Consciousness.. Materialization and manifestation of their deepest fears. No more. Negative etheric spiders ... archons and entities at night... Ideas in their heads, no more. They have created everything and in the same way they can dissolve everything.
What about the regressives in 5D? They are the same. Creation of 5D fear of all races. Reflection of their fears. Broken shoes one is a god. The white truck ... does not exist.
As the universe is integration... there cannot be any evil as a separate entity. Evil does not exist. Even in the face of people who just lost someone to evil people, and also millionaires with syringes, and wars! Those are Ideas. Evil cannot exist. Only within duality. But it is a choice.
Gosia: But in truth, is there really a way out of this...as long as we are in 3D-5D which basically runs on duality and contrast? There is no evil but only from within the above 5D realms and points of focus.....from within here, the monopoly game still goes on. If there WAS a way out, it would not be a 3D 5D anymore.. we would ascend straight into 7d and above. So we are basically trying to solve something that is a very nature of this realm anyway.
Swaruu: That is correct. Welcome to 9D thinking <---<---Not even 7D. 9D. Duality is understood , but transcended.
A life... A life span... Someone is born, grown, lives, goes down and dies. Feels like a lot of time... A lifespan.. Do not make yourself a vibrational match to things you do not want. The mugger on the street... It starts, progresses, and finishes. As a life span. Moving away, looking at everything from a more expanded point of view. An incarnation on Earth is only another situation you became a vibrational mach to. A Blink of an eye, a nano second for the Universe. And you are that Universe. No one is a victim from the more expanded point of view. And from below, from there, everyone is a victim. So what are you going to do about it? Understand who you are and what you want, and with that: Change your perception of reality.
Gosia: Thanks Swaruu! Now I have a big question. Although you have already explained it above. The question was: what fear have you had, and what trauma, all you, to have attracted Orion Wars, and the Reptiles in YOUR reality long before Reptiles appeared on Earth, escaping from the FEDERATION? Because Reptiles did not appear only on Earth. In fact you have fought with them for millenia yourselves. Long before "humans" and 3D appeared on the scene.
Swaruu: Everything is a more expanded part of the same thing that happens on Earth. In 5D everything manifests in the same way. The concept of Regressive Reptiles on Earth is very human. Reflection of themselves. It is true that there is the same here, but it obeys the same process. Collective fear manifesting everything. A cosmic Egregor.
Gosia: But it can't be just human if they were the same Reptiles that the Federation was chasing BEFORE humans have become humans. Just thinking to fit the pieces together.
Swaruu: From the point of view of the human collective, of the average mass: there is no Federation. Everything is in their heads. So they are the ones who manifest the regressives for themselves. Where did they get the idea? The humans, all those with mind and soul-consciousness ... were Lyrians, Lyrian races. So they take their ideas with them to where they go.
It is like saying that the concept of Reptiles is only concentrated in England, because of David Ike. But there it is also in other countries now. It is the same thing, same reason but on another level and expanded.
Gosia: Exactly. So you can't say "human". It is a CO CREATION of all races. Human and non-human. Because we are all ET.
Swaruu: That is the problem. It is co-creation of all races. But there is also a bubble that is purely human creation and it is what is called 3D problems. And the fact that they are mental creation does not mean that they are not material. Well that's the definition of an Egregor. Materialization of a fear, of an idea. And that is seen in the mechanics of the manifestation material I gave before.
With enough attention you create the harmonics of a Frequency that will sustain the creation of nodes with the exact shape of these harmonics and thus matter and its behavior are generated as a mirror of the creative idea of a being with a conscious soul and which is a holographic fragment of Source. And the flow direction of that attention is gravity.
But those are ideas. And wars are fought for ideas. There is no duality, there is no such thing. They are just ideas. Ideas imposed by one or the other point of view. Everything is love and integration. But not even that. Because you cannot even define love and integration without generating the opposite concept. So, it just is. The Source. Indefinable, eternal.
Gosia: Ok. And have you solved your inner world as the ET races outside to avoid attracting this type of Reptiles in your reality? Not to manifest them? And if not, and I think you did not, why are they still there?
Swaruu: They are still "in existence" because they are still given attention. Because they are still "feared". The moment you stop fearing them ... the moment fear is overcome, you grow ... That's when you grow internally and realize that there is no such thing as duality. That everything is part of the same and the concept of something and not of that something is only based on other ideas. So that state of consciousness is the same as being in 7D or better yet in 9D. Where there are no longer those Reptiles. They cannot exist since everything there tends towards integration, acceptance, progress and love. So there can be no "evil" as such at high densities. Because it is accepted. It is not fought. It is integrated and it is known that it is not necessary. No resistance to the concept. Therefore evil as such tends to disappear, not being compatible with those densities. There are no regressive Reptiles there. It is known, but ... they are transcended. They are inconsequential.
Gosia: So here around Earth, who are you blocking out then?
Swaruu: There are no Reptilians to block. We are fighting your shadows.
Gosia: I feel the Reptiles are out there for ALL OF US. Shadows or not, they are there. And all of us, ALL OF US, not just humans must heal our shadows. Because there are NO humans. Its all ETs. And all humans carry the Orion Wars memories and traumas. So the shadow is of ALL OF US.
Swaruu: Yes, OUR shadows because we all are one people, be it that we have green skin, gray skin born in Orion or in the Pleiades, we are one people. We manifested that as much as you did there. But now, what we have at hand is what you are doing there to manifest your problems, Reptilians and so on. Here we have come to understand what is going on. We do not manifest more of what we do not want.
What we are talking about is the problem of Earth. The same problem permeates outside Earth, but it is mostly under control. The problem of Earth is still their responsibility. Much more because it is isolated. No longer permeating.
Gosia: But thats because of 3D installment, it all worsened after that!
Swaruu: 3D is in your minds. And in your mind alone, the moon Matrix is very weak now and collapsing. People on Earth are now manifesting their world, what they see, what they live. That what you see as unfair is of their own making. The only way for them to get out of this is to wake up to the knowledge that they are creating it all. And I mean all as even the greatest problems will go in a heart beat, if they understood what is really going on. And even physical assistance is useless when the humans keep throwing their ghosts at us! They must take responsibility for what they create. But they must understand why!
Gosia: I understand. And why these "fears" of the ancient Lyrans in 5D have manifested themselves in the form of (regressive) Reptiles and not in the form of... monstrous bears. Why this form? Because I understand that there were POSITIVE reptilian races.
Swaruu: Because like in humans, the fear of a Reptile is evident since there is even a cellular memory of them being dangerous. An aura of fear is generated around the Reptile, and from there it grows. One Lyrian thousands of years ago with fear of snakes is enough to generate everything else. The very concept of regressive Reptile races.
If it's of any use I've never seen a Reptile. Only people who claim to have seen them. Stories, and people with a more human appearance but with a reptilian soul and behavior. But something like a Kingu, I have never seen them. An Alpha Draco yes I have seen it. But it just so happens that they are positive so....what's going on here?
Gosia: Curious yes. I understand. And going back to fears. What have you been afraid of thousand years ago when they appeared and the Lirians had to flee in the Great Expansion times? And second Question: if you don't fight them, what are all the swords for if it's only by solving inner fears?
Swaruu: Swords and missiles and plasma weapons are useless. Everything is fought at the level of consciousness. And it is not to combat, it is to transcend the concept.
Gosia: But even so, you are not going to get rid of combat ships ... because it has also been said that you cannot just be love and peace and hippies.
Swaruu: It is because the level of consciousness of the 5D collective has not yet reached that non-reptilian state. Below, at the terrestrial level, or here at the objective life level. By reality perception agreements, there are Reptiles as below there are crazy millionaires with syringes. So that is why it is said to be just a game. The world, being in 3D is a game from the point of view of 5D or higher. But everything is ideas, concepts. Prejudices and attachments.
Gosia: Okay. I like that you say this because it is exactly what I wanted to hear. Slightly draw attention away from humans as if it's just their miserable world, when this is our CO creation among all races. And that you also have the same type of problems.
Swaruu: Same "type" of problem. But those on Earth are yours. Lethal viruses, wars. It is YOUR mentality. Reflection of YOUR fear, of your Egregores, individually and collectively alike. Hence the concept of collective hysterias as well.
Gosia: But you have also said: We are not going to get rid of weapons because the level of consciousness of the 5D collective has not yet reached that non-reptilian state. Well here it will be even more difficult if you can't even do it in 5D.
Swaruu: Consciousness transcends everything and is everything. The density where your physical body is located is only an excuse not to progress mentally.
Robert: So we could also extrapolate the reptilian problem to the subject of AI and all other problems, right?
Swaruu: Whether it's Reptiles or a problem with a PC driver ... everything is reflected fear. I am not saying that problems should be ignored. But don't be afraid of them. And that is to face them.
Some here come to Earth with a magnificent fleet. Amazing of great power. If it had been used alone it would have made the problem grow more. It only takes awareness. Reasoning. Mind. Knowing what you have to do. And what not. <--- <--- Never leave your sword at home ... You never know when you may need it. To confront Coco. And open it to eat it. You decide which "Coco" you want to encounter.
Gosia: And what have you been afraid of a thousand years ago when Reptiles appeared and the Lirians had to flee in the Great Expansion? Where did they actually appear from? Why?? If Lyrians lived in peace and were not afraid in theory.
Swaruu: They are manifestations of their own fears. "It is said that they came from another density, from another place in another galaxy." But I see it in a simpler way. The manifested among all as a collective Lyrian Egregor.
Gosia: But what fears ??
Swaruu: Fear of being eaten, exploited into the unknown. It feeds on itself, growing exponentially when attention is paid to it. It is fed. That is the Lush not "Something like mysterious energy emanating from living things in terror." It is just creative attention focused on the self destructive.
Gosia: But there was still no concept of being eaten back then ... they lived in peace.
Swaruu: By lowering Frequency, by entertaining a low Frequency self-destructive idea or concept ... the concept of "being eaten by reptilian beings" is created. For not knowing how to control your fears. Out of ignorance. This especially on Earth now as there is not much wisdom.
Gosia: Did it just "occur" to them to be eaten entering a lower Frequency? I speak of Lirians in Million Years Wars. I want to get into the root of it.
Swaruu: It could have been something as simple as that, yes. It is enough that someone comes up with a concept for other people to entertain that and make it grow. In this universe the law of mirrors rules. You can't search for anything without eventually finding it. Universal law.
Gosia: So the deepest root is still there, not on Earth. Because the real humans that make up the earth ARE thousand years old. Extraterrestrials. And they carry subconscious memories from other places, from other lives, all the way back to those millennial wars.
Swaruu: That's right. Yes. Before they were "Demons" and "Fallen Angels". Today they are Reptiles, Illuminati, Masons and millionaires with syringes. But it is the same. Manifested Fear. Wherever you pay attention, and is complemented by others exponentially, you create whatever you are paying attention to.
Gosia: But fear of what? How do we eliminate it if we don't know what we are afraid of?
Swaruu: That is in the unconscious many times. Definition of repressed fears. So the importance of shadow work and dealing with problems comes in. Do not blind yourself to them. Do not avoid seeing "evil", but know that it is there and take it as the basis for what you do not want. Using duality in your favour, not against you. This applies to both Earth and 5D here. Knowing what we don't want, we consciously manifest the opposite, what we do want.
Gosia: Thank you, that´s amazing. I just have a doubt in this area. What is the line between becoming ¨informed¨ (AI, Reptiles)...and bringing that into your existence? Because you said its enough for one person to have an idea for it to start to grow to become an egregor. And another thing I dont understand: 99% of the population doesnt know about them, yet, they are spitirually unawakened ones. And those of us who ARE awakened, and spiritually positive, have ¨attracted¨ knowledge about Reptiles, and AI etc. I dont understand that. I wasnt afraid of anything. Yet now I know about them. My mom is afraid of everything and there are no Reptiles in her reality.
Swaruu: They do not exist for her. For the majority of the population suffering and turmoil come to be because of other reasons. There is no objective truth. Only ideas and agreements! So it is the Reptiles for you and for David Ike. Arcons and night crawlers in the night for others. Dirty politicians for still the rest. Each person chooses what to fear. Who to blame.
Reptilians are not in the reality of most people. They do not exist for them. Even people who have night visitations and don't know anything about entities also attribute that to other causes, chemical alterations in their brains, whatever. I´m not saying not to see and not to be informed about everything. What I'm saying is that you must watch the attitude you have towards those things, or problems. Watch them and control your fear.
Gosia: Yes I understand. Does getting informed about these things, Black Goo, AI, etc...INCREASES their exixstence? I guess it depends if it creates fear in you or not right?Cause I am understanding its the FEAR energy that feeds them not merely knowing they are there...and even knowing how they got there in the first place, diminishes their existence.
Swaruu: Depends on your attitude towards them. And yes in general with no mental control, of your Frequency of thought, what it means for you, it does create more of that.
Gosia: What about us talking about Reptiles etc? Aren´t we seeding it as well more? And Cabal? Where do we ¨inform¨ and where does it becomes ¨seeding¨?
Swaruu: Yes we are! But at the same time we must help as you stated. Because you are in an agreement to understand things, that world the same way the average does. So even though you are "awakened" you still perceive things roughly the same way. Green is still green, you dress like them, whatever. So even though soldiers who do not know anything about entities and die terrorized are still feeding the negative entities that the collective has created. You only need one person to have an idea... fear of serpents, for example to create a huge manifestation, that becomes the great expansion back in the day, full of countless regressive reptilian species.
One mind... Creates an idea... a FEAR as it concentrates manifestation power... others will fear the same thing and others as well, and soon you have a big problem, everyone will have their entities. Before it was daemons, today it is Reptilians, same FEAR, another face.
Gosia: So where does the informing of the Cabal and of its lies end and where does the seeding of that reality to make it stronger begin?
Swaruu: It makes people see reality with the same focus and the same agreements. Knowing this, and knowing that we are also working with average perceptions reality here doing nothing, not helping, is a choice and can be respected in the same way as helping.
What I am saying, and I am stating is that all the problems of Earth are the creation of FEAR and ideas in the minds of humans, be it with inspiration coming from outside earth, as well, the 3D Matrix also serves as a container for this ... I did not say you should not tell them, and I did not say you should not help them. What I mean is that it is your choice. Not telling them about the problem would be your choice and a valid approach but as I said the attitude towards the problem is what counts here. Not the problem in itself.
You can tell them what is going on, but that is where your responsibility finishes. Remember the horse. You can take it to the river, you can take a bucket of water to it... but you cannot make it drink! They are the horse! Your responsibility ends exactly wherever you want it to end, no more !
Robert: Thank you. Going back to human fears that can be dangerous for you. So we could be a danger to you ... Gosia and I, if you took us up to 5D?
Swaruu: A lot of your fears will dissipate because an effective way to dissolve some fears, depending on their nature is to get away from whatever triggers them. But some other personal ones do survive the extraction because it is part of you, of what defines you.
Robert: So we have to get away from all that negative garbage that is in all the media. And focus on other positive things.
Swaruu: Yes, exactly. But when you can't do anything about it. But if those fears come closer to you, become something more tangible, what you should do is face it. So using the virus for example. If people, the Gods Creators Human Collective Soul didn't pay any attention to that virus thing, it would have dissipated already. But the Egregor is already created ... And if Bill Gates comes knocking on your door with two syringes, there yes defend yourself with the sword.
The Archons are egregors of the human mind. I'm not saying they don't exist as something that interferes with humans. What I'm saying is that they created it. Therefore they can also dissolve it.
Everything is part of the Source. Everything is included. But Reptiles and archons themselves are creations of beings with souls. By themselves they cannot create anything. Reptiles do not create anything, they only distort what is already there. But that is human, or as a consequence of collective or individual human attention. Reptiles are not more creators than a street pole. Which is also part of the Source. But it is creation, not creator.
Their behavior, that of the Reptiles and the archons obey a mental program of how they should behave. Like a computer program. If this, then the other. But it is a reflection of the human mind. Humans are the creators of their reality. Reptiles and everything. That´s why they want more human attention, more fear, because they have no connection to the Source because they have no soul ... they are soulless.
That is why the regressive "ETs" are said to desire "human souls." Sure !!!!! Of course they want them. Because it is what generates them, nurtures them and without human souls they are nothing. They fade into the ether, into potential energy.
Gosia: Why is it that it is the energy of FEAR that they all feed on? Why not on excitement or something like that? Why that specific emotion. Fear.
Swaruu: They do not feed on FEAR per se <---<--- They feed off your creative attention. FEAR only concentrates your attention. Because you enter survival mode. That's why they create so many negative things. If you could have the same concentration on things you want you could bring them to you at equal strength.
Gosia: Ok, fear concentrates your attention. But so does excitement for example no?
Swaruu: YES. So USE it to your advantage
Gosia: But why dont they feed on excitement?
Swaruu: Because excitement is usually positively oriented. That feeds what you want.
Robert: And can Reptiles jump to 5D?
Swaruu: They would come through someone else. Like using humans with souls. Once again they want you for that. So they use you as puppets.
Gosia: But a very important question ... to clarify ... Reptiles, ALL, have no soul ???? Even the positive ones?
Swaruu: No, there are many high density loving progressive Reptile races. Alpha Dracos for example. Those are creators. I'm only talking about Reptiles and Archons. And Archons is like any monster that scares in any shape, or no shape (it is more scary). Those are egregores. There are also soulless humans.
Gosia: So POSITIVE Reptiles have souls? AND ARE NOT egregores?
Swaruu: Just because a Reptile is a Reptile, it doesn't mean they're Egregor. But yes there is a Reptile-shaped Egregor as there are egregors of a candy lollipop shape, why not?
Gosia: That's what I mean. That is important to clarify. Not all Reptiles are Egregores!
Swaruu: What I have seen is that the most common egregor on Earth is that of an archon without a definite shape, then that of a Reptile. Leaving aside the egregores of fears such as crime, taxes, wars and epidemics. Reptiles Egregor are just ideas of the human mind. They are not even a race. They are however imagined by humans.
Gosia: Ah, so ... apart from the Reptile Egregor, there is a Reptilian race in general yes?
Swaruu: Countless Reptile races. But I speak of the terrestrial Egregor of manipulative Reptiles. And about the Egregor of space invasive Reptiles for the Federation, for people in 5D.
Robert: The NON Egregor Reptiles are loving and positive?
Swaruu: Yes. They exist. And you can also make a positive Egregor. There are many.
Gosia: But apart from the terrestrial egregor of manipulating Reptiles, ARE THERE Reptilian races that really exist here and are not egregores? And also being oppressive? I see it as a super important point to understand.
Swaruu: Yes ... but they also happen to be egregor of multiple races here. It´s just that as soon as an individual puts fear aside, stops having that kind of things in their life. They become invincible. Positive ... and that is to ascend to another higher density because that is how you live there. It is the definition of existing in another higher density. Not the 3D and low 5D.
Gosia: Which REGRESSIVE Reptilian race is not the egregor? Or are ALL negative ones egregores?
Swaruu: Deepest level: Everything is an egregor. Be positive or negative, they are just ideas. It depends on who sees it. Everything is a manifestation of consciousness. That is the material reality in the entire universe. It does not matter. It would be necessary to define what is bad and what is good. Positive, regressive. From which point of view. Everything is a creation of a consciousness. Therefore everything is egregor.
Gosia: Ok, but step down of that level. Lower. From our level.
Swaruu: Ok. As we said at the beginning. There is level 2 from which to understand the subject- so called Conspiracy level.
There are invasive Kingu with Dracos manipulating them. And in 5D there are other races, but here mostly the positive Alpha Dracos do their part to dissolve the problem by manipulating the Reptiles of the earth. And in 5D there are many regressive reptilian races that don't dare to get close to Federation-guarded perimeters.
Clarifying your other point: Positive Reptiles have souls. Regressive Reptiles have no soul, and are egregors of positive minds.
Gosia: Aha! But here we step into what you have said above ... who says what is regressive and what is not. How do you define it?
Swaruu: That's right and everything gets more messy this way. Regressive is one who consumes energy from others. That tends to self-destruction. A soulless being.
Gosia: Ok .... now, what about regressive Reptiles that BECOME positive? Do they suddenly acquire souls? Because I know this happens. You said that many of them change sides.
Swaruu: Yes, this is another matter. The acquisition of a soul. Why soul or consciousness is "acquired". An example of this is the phenomenon of walk ins.
Also the point comes in at which an Egregor gains enough strength to acquire his own consciousness. It begins to be self-sustained. "Sentient". Why? As everything, this is how species manifest themselves. We are just a manifested idea, anyway. If a computer can be self-conscious, why not an egregor?
The principal point here is that you create it all down there. And you manifest negative things faster than positive things! Because negative things have all your attention and focus, and positive things are dispersed. You want a lemon lollipop, then the next minute you want a pineapple one, then a coconut one, then back to the lemon one. The universe does not know what you want, as you change what you want so much! If you focus on what you really want you would have the same manifestation power you have with the negative things you fear. This is not New age nonsense, it is how things work.
I made an experiment on myself the other 'night'. I watched one of the visitation videos with a lot of scary images of things and shadows creeping up on me in the darkness. I had not been thinking about those things before that night. And I had a visitation, a horrible negative shadow. Wanting to produce fear in me. All I had to do was terminate my experiment... turning myself mentally into a ball of white light, and the thing was gone.
My point is: A visitation, here ? really? In a starship in orbit, in a 5D bubble?! I made it! I brought it on to myself! And so do all the humans bring on to themselves their night (and day) terrors. As they are no different from me! I don't care if they are a very "real" robber. Something material and tangible, like a scary tiger, or an illness, or falling off a ladder, or a war, whatever. It is all the product of FEAR.
FEAR Not and nothing can touch you. And as a colective as well. You do not need to fall into the perception of the people. Yet you are still subject to agreements. Perceptual agreements on how you will see things while you are there on Earth. But you can alter reality and I'm not talking about your individual reality bubble. I mean all the expanded reality with your mind!
HOW? Learning how everything works! Being concentrated on what you want, like a laser beam, not all diffused all the time only concentrating on the things you fear. On those you do concentrate, don't you ?!
Start little. Do not worry about things that are not under your control. That is a body response to anticipate a way out of problems in order to survive. That is FEAR again!
Know thyself first to be able to know what you want. *Not what you don't want * <---<--- What you want. I was left with nothing, I was evicted from my house... Yes but I've got a comfy cardboard box and a bridge to shelter myself! It is your attitude towards what is going on what matters! Your focus. Know thyself. Do shadow work, and be responsible for your thoughts, as those are the ones that create.
And that is how you fix the world.
Message to Starseeds: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta)
The new World Order is already implemented throughout the Planet. When something is painful, it is better to say it already. The entire planet is under their control. So ... What I can see with this is just more exploitation that comes out as the excuse of the virus. Whatever is useful to them. Europe will be in chaos and will recover the slowest with regards to what can be seen on the streets.
They already manipulate everything. They already have everything. They only give people what they always give them. A worldwide chaos. They couldn't have their Third World War? So they put together this nonsense. But they must always keep the population on alarm for something. That´s why the work of the Doctors here is very important. Let them understand that they are the key to helping humanity ... stop thinking about your wallets and your personal fame.
Economy. This lets call it a bug crashing the economy is silly, they will crash it or not ... on their own, with their agendas. Not for reasons that seem "out of control". The economy is portrayed as if it were a conscious and unpredictable being. It is not. It is under their total control. These psychopaths in power would NOT leave anything in the air, at random. They control everything. Whether or not the economy crashes depends on their ideas and their agendas, not on anything external or accidental. Therefore they would NOT release any real virus. Because they would NOT have any control over it. And if they do want something it is control. And they know that the media is enough.
Gosia: And what about wanting to eliminate 95% of the population? Agenda 21. How would they do that being in control?
Swaruu: They could do it however they want using high-tech weapons, that's what 5G is for. But they already do it without 5G. Vaccines have had nanotechnology microchips since 1997. If people do not believe it today in 2020, they would have believed even less in 1997. But it is so. For example. What do you think the heavy metals are for in the vaccines? It is to increase the re-activity of the human body in the face of programmed radiation from the electromagnetic waves from cell phones. And they contain the nano-chips. They say that's it´s to serve as the "conservative" for vaccines. They already have humans watching the Internet and uploading everything to the Internet, where their AI reads everything, even me here with you.
Now what they want is for the human body to be programmable from the internet. But only a small population, a few would physically survive for that to be implanted. That is to say, the young and strong "Millennials". The rest must die. That is what I see. But it will still take. They don't need to implement it fast because it creates chaos that doesn't suit them. So that´s why I know with great certainty that they will begin to lift all this situation in a couple of weeks to a month.
They also know that they cannot keep people locked up because they are no longer functional. They are .... reaping fear (lush) and low energies from people in survival mode. So focus Starseeds and do not give it to them <---- <----. Don't give it to them. In this case, the mental focus is enough and plenty, but the action is also necessary.
Having everyone locked up is making everyone think alike, it is leveling them to the same mass thinking. It is time for you to be who you are, special and very strong inside. The confinement causes many to lose their minds because they cannot internalize, they cannot be with themselves. That includes living with family members, which is not always very good. This is reflected in the Starseeds even more, as loneliness, because most of the time they think very differently from the rest of their family. They resent confinement with people who don't think like them and it affects them in other ways.
But Starseeds can internalize much more than normal humans. It is time to be strong and take the confinement as a Zen test. Of control. That they will have me stuck in 4 walls and take away everything apart from my essence. Apart from who I am. Nothing touches me.
Also while you are in there, inside, do things, do not stay looking at the Internet because it only bombards you with bad news, and if they come from official media, everything is false. Information overload is very real. And yes, there is information overload because it is contradictory on all sides and keeps them in a state of constant stress and that lowers their defenses and makes them vulnerable (and not exactly to that non-existent bug). You must meditate more, clear your mind. Be very Zen now.
Do things at home that have nothing to do with the media, use the time for that. Fix what is broken, make a Japanese-style sand garden. Tidy up your garden, exercise where you can, in your bedroom and if you have it in your patio or garden. This will strengthen you.
Do a hobby, whatever you want. Painting, sculpture, weaving, embroidery. Fix the car that's locked up. Do things, not just the Internet and the media. Read a book, of course those paper ones, but I mean do something that keeps you active. Move your body doing something. Fixing a chair. Painting the interior, be creative. It will keep you mentally healthy. That's what I'm looking for.
You should stay away from the electronic. Or use the electronic for things that do not have to do with the subject of the bug. For example playing music, movies or video games. But moving away from everything electronic in favor of meditation or the construction of a Zen sand garden is the most recommended. You can reach a lot of introspection and a lot of inner calm if you do things with your hands while you are thinking in peace.
Another thing is that they want you thinking like everyone else. So the Starseeds have to demonstrate that they can sustain the positive timeline alone. Because what the negatives want is for everyone to think in unison. And they do it by putting everyone in a state of survival. You no longer think and all your spiritual and personal advances suffer a setback in favor of just thinking about how to survive. You postpone everything spiritual with this, cementing the negative timeline. Because the Starseeds are neutralized. They become more human. Because they begin to think exactly like them, focusing on what they don't want to happen and that is precisely what happens.
So you should know how to set yourself apart from the rest knowing that you are Starseeds. By now you should already know that if you feel yourselves to be Starseeds then you ARE it. It´s not something of which you need an external confirmation. That is programmed human mindset. You are what you know yourself to be. This is how it works. Nothing like "I thought I was a starseed and it came out that I wasn't, how sad I wanted to be a starseed". That does not work like that, nobody can tell you what you are.
Look at the positive side of the lock down, you no longer need to run to go to your jobs, remember what you were, what you are, maybe you liked painting, playing the flute, the violin that surely is dusty over there, it is now necessary to return to be yourselves.
But there is something else. Something that has not yet been said enough. It is quite clear that you are in 3D. And that this subject of manifesting everything with the mind is something that does not always manifest results as you would like. Many report that the Law of Attraction does not "work" - We have already said why. But it is part of 3D nature. So don't just think positively and focus on all that you want as we've already said.
What I'm telling you now is to do something. That's why I emphasize that you start to do something with your hands, gardening, mechanics, painting, weaving. And that you do something pro-active about the problem you face, whatever it may be, also about the so called virus. Because you can do a lot. Not just being there meditating and having good thoughts and wishes of love for humanity. In other words, think positively, don't be scared, and then start doing something !!! Think positively, focus on what you want and all that, but actively work towards what you want, don't stop there. Focus is key but what also not everyone has that focus willpower right now. So doing something helps a lot. You have two options: cry or get down to business.
Now I make a call to Doctors and anyone with access to the bug problem. Stop being gullible with official news and official data. Your obligation is to people. Put aside your wallets and your desire to get rich by supporting drug sales in your offices at the expense of the people. Because you are being complices of GENOCIDE. And time is running out. Medical personnel are the key here for the masses to know the truth. That the virus is a global scam. Unprecedented crime against humanity. You don't have to believe me. With the same data that can be found online, you can see everything that is not right, the discrepancies. Even the most Matrix and Matrix thinking doctors can see that this is not a virus. People are NOT dying of anything that is not normal, or from 5G radiations. They are the same ones who die every year anyway. Everything is manipulated. Look at the data. Look for it yourself. Do something. Even if it is going out with the cell phone to take photos of empty hospitals. And if you have a newsreel recording saying that "Our Lord Rothschild's Mercy" hospital has rows of the dead and the sick, and that hospital is close to where you live, be brave and take video of it being empty. You are not going to get infected from anything. And take off those ridiculous looking blue masks delegating your power to a lie.
Maintain the positive timeline. That's what you are there for. Although it seems that the world is collapsing around you. Even if you are locked in a dungeon. Your inner world is what prevails.
What is a Virus? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta)
Swaruu: As you know, Senetre and I spent days in the laboratory. We already know how the test they are doing works and what they are seeing. They are not conducting any tests to find the virus. The alleged test only looks for strings of genetic material that can come from a long list of factors.
So if someone has those genetic factors, gives positive. If someone is dying of pancreatic cancer for example, or of a stroke from an alternate chronic problem and they do that test and it turns out that they have that genetic material, then their death was from covid-19. And doctors in panick don't think, they just act. This is already final, our laboratory tests.
But there is more. More than I have been omitting because it is too much and again it is highly controversial from the human angle and it is because we were so sure that it was not a virus more than two months ago. I don't know if this is too much for the human mind, especially medical science, and giving this information could be counterproductive.
Gosia: It doesn't matter if it's controversial to whoever it may be, if it's the truth.
Swaruu: There are no viruses but I mean that viruses themselves are not what you are told they are. The virus is part of the natural mechanisms of cells. People get sick from other factors. The way they tell you, there is no virus. Turns out it's like gravity ... they have it all backwards. If they find "viruses" then that's why they got sick. They don't see that the "virus" is there because they got sick, not because it was what made the person sick in the first place.
The virus or viruses are part of the communication mechanisms between cells, they contain genetic material in a protein capsule and they have receptors on top that bind to the following cells. Cells produce it, especially dying cells, to alarm other cells that there is high toxicity in the environment and so that they all enter a state of conservation of life, therefore a person in that state will enter that mode and that removes all the energy from the body creating discomfort. So a cell that receives a toxic signal for whatever reason triggers the alarm by excreting what human science calls "virus." To alert others.
If the toxicity is greater than a certain range, then many cells will secrete what they call virus, which is also a cellular mechanism for excreting or getting rid of internal toxicity. So a person with, let's say, flu, gets like this because of an energy collapse caused mostly by prolonged stress, so their body goes into shock, and other opportunistic organisms take advantage of a weak immune system, I mean bacteria, staph, candid, and so on, which were previously in a state of balance with the body. This extra toxicity causes the excretion of this cellular exosubstance that humans call "viruses".
As I said it has two main functions. A.- Give the alarm to other cells, also passing genetic information on the nature of the alarm. B.- Excrete the accumulated toxicity inside to try to survive.
So if a cell enters a state of toxicity, like a person's throat cell because they have been breathing cold air for a long time in a state of prolonged stress, then the bacteria in the throat are thrown out of balance by the stimulus of cold and the suppressed or weak immune system. And the cells in the throat will start to secrete what humans call the flu virus. It is the effect of a problem, not the cause, they have it backwards.
Now something else happens ... When a person has a lot of flu, all their mucous membranes secrete that toxicity, that's what mucus is for, to get rid of what the body does not need, more than anything else of toxins of all kinds. So those secretions come out with coughs and sneezes and are full of that which humans call viruses and which we call translating exogenous-type cellular secretions, so those secretions, badly called viruses, are in the air and enter the mucous membranes of another person.
Remember these are alarm signals that something is wrong so these exo-genes enter the other person's biology and that other person's cellular receptors interpret it for what it is ... an alarm, and if that person is also under a lot of stress, that will trigger a chain signal making that person sick too.
But if that other person is not under stress and has a healthy immune system, another person's exo-gene signal will come through and perhaps alarm a group of cells but their body will quickly say, in its own way, that nothing is wrong and that person does not get sick. So that is why some people get the flu and others don't.
It is worth mentioning that when a person is under a lot of stress, it is most likely that that person is not alone under that stress but that their companions, the other people in their family or community are also under it. So the weaker person will begin to excrete that toxicity and start a chain reaction with their entire family for the exo-gene warning signs it gives off.
Now, each type of "virus", that as I have said is only exo-gene, has precise information and precise receptors that can only be coupled to one class of cells and not to others. In other words, it is specific to a species or even to a specific area or group of cells within a body.
That is, if a bird has a disease that attacks the filaments or roots of the feathers, it will secrete those exo-gene signals and they will be in the air, and perhaps a human being breathes it ... The receptors do not match the ones of human cells, so it does not couple and does not pass its information ... Or in the event that if it does... the receiving human cell will say: wait, I have no feathers, this alarm information is for Goldfinches and Swallows .... and will discard the information. This is why a virus is said to be specific to one species or another.
But species, especially those in the same family in general yes they share cell receptors, it is why cats can "get sick" from the flu if a human sneezes. Because even though it is a cat, exo-gene receptors are compatible and if the cat is under stress or favorable conditions, it will also trigger symptoms.
Now if you have a culture of healthy cells in a laboratory culture and you introduce a virus (badly called virus) it will be coupled to the first one it finds and this cell will give off the alarm, secreting more viruses (exo-gene) and it will start a chain reaction which humans misinterpret as "a viral infection". And this invasion in a laboratory test tube will be dramatic because those cells are not supported by an immune system because they are outside of a body.
Humans are in diapers with all of this. Yes, I have found some very basic ground works that say there are cellular secretions that "look" like viruses but are not. They do not go beyond that. So there is no virus of any kind. They have it all upside down once again.
But there is more!
So these people in Wuhan or wherever they were were seeing great toxicity in the bodies of the sick from other things like for example 5G type electromagnetic radiation, so they did their human studies ... and found what they call "viruses". And these are only alarm signals triggered between cells because of high environmental toxicity. And ignorant doctors said that was the reason. A virus! And they raise the alarm.
They develop a very basic test to detect certain proteins, which are those of cellular exo-gene secretion and if someone has more than a certain number of them, then they already have covid-19. And of course they raise the alarm, they lock up the population, the Chinese start with their outrages, their population is in survival mode and under much, much stress and ... not surprisingly they secrete more exo-gene, they give them the test and surprise they also have covid-19. Lock them up! Then it passes to more people to everyone and there they have their pandemic. That is why we always say: no fear!
Gosia: It's what I wanted to say too! That creating stress and fear, with that they are producing more and more cases of these flu! Domino effect! People fall into their hands.
Swaruu: Yes. A virus is nothing more than an alarm signal with information about what is happening or why the alarm is occurring. It is not something external. It is a natural process of the body and cells and a critical part of the immune system. They cannot make anti-viral drugs or vaccines. That is a joke. And this alarm signal will not affect an individual who is not under the circumstances that the genetic material of the exo-gene carries.
Ebola: For example, the one that everyone is so afraid of. It signals that critical vitamins and nutrients are lacking. Especially vitamin C. It triggers that alarm among people who are in the same social and economic circumstances of a population, for example, in Africa. That is why Ebola is cured with large doses of vitamin C.
And Ebola becomes incompatible with a person who lives in a different place in the world and is healthy. This seems like a simplistic explanation. But it is that simple and obvious.
As always, as with gravity, they have it backwards.
The virus is said to "mutate", any virus especially SARS or influenza ... this mutation occurs only because different human individuals are secreting it and their circumstances of toxicity naturally varies from person to person. Thus creating the illusion that the virus has been "mutated."
I am aware that many viral processes and their behavior need to be clarified, but I cannot give everything now by typing and it would be impossible to finish anyway. But basically it obeys this principle. Any observable variation and even contradiction can be attributed to different and particular factors to an infected person or to a specific group of infected people.
It is impossible to describe everything because there are as many mutated "viruses" as there are "infected" people and each person is always secreting countless "viruses" because it is one of the ways in which cells communicate with each other.
It is also said that there are "benign" viruses, these are the ones that cells secrete to pass on non-critical information.
Gosia: Incredible this information Swaruu. So obvious that it is not terrestrial! Okay. I have this question to clarify one thing: You said that the function of the virus is to pass the alarm info between the cells, and that it is not the cause of anything. And when one person gets it, let's say, from the other ... it is because this exo gene has entered the body and passes this alarm information on to the new person. And if the new person is low in defense and breathes in that exo gene, it can also make them sick. But you won't get sick from the exo gene coming in, right? This only passes alarm info. You will get sick because your own low defenses PLUS exo gene that passed the false info? (false because it comes from someone else).
Swaruu: Yes. Because as I said above. If you are close to people, like within a community, let's say 20 people ... but number 15 is the weakest. It will first secrete the exo-gene signal. Then that signal will be in the air, and other people not as weak as the 15th will be triggered by the "disease" because that is what the signal or the "virus" is for, precisely to alarm and prepare the cells that surround the body.
As a closed community of those 20 people are very logically living the same stress for the same reason they will have the mental compatibility or mental frequencies to get sick like 15. All the time information is passed between people. You are not isolated. Communities communicate with each other, energetically and biologically. People are intertwined. But it will be the weakest who will get sick first and start a chain reaction.
For example. Person 15 begins secreting exo-gene. It gives off the toxicity alarm, that something is not at all right ... Then the "virus" goes through the air and enters the person 16 who is next to the 15th... This one still had no symptoms , but the alarm is given. The "virus" attaches to the first cell and that one deciphers it. The cell of person 16 will now say: Yes this information is true, it is what I already "suspected" and will give off more alarm by releasing "viruses"or exo-genes almost identical to the first one coming from the person 15.
But if a person is not from that community and has a healthy immune system, with different circumstances, that is, the person number 34 receives the signal from number 15, but since 34 is not from the community of people from 1 to 20, the signal will enter the receptors of the first cell and it will say: Interesting, beware there are dangerous circumstances not detected in our surroundings. But this information does not apply to me at all, because it says that it does not have vitamins C, E, A and D and I have a lot of that. And the cell of person 34, will not give off more alarm and that person will not get sick. The cells are not stupid. They are very complex. And they reason.
Gosia; Yes, I just wanted to say that. Quite an intelligence they have!
Swaruu: Yes. As Bruce Lipton said, you are not a person, you are a community of people, and each person in your community is one of your cells. As I said months and months ago. Humans and animals, plants, are cells of the Earth, together they pass information to one another and create a collective consciousness that, in short, is the planetary one.
The same as your cells create what you are.
We are not from that community, those signals are incompatible with us. But it could be said that we are the exo-gene secretions of another planet-being, from Temmer and Erra, and we are giving information "viruses if you will" to affect the cells of another system, Earth. And as I said, a "virus" or exo-gene is nothing more than a cellular signal. It may be for the good, to give off the alarm of something bad, to say that not enough oxygen is reaching that group of cells. Note that I did not say ... or for the bad because viruses are not for bad. They are only telegrams or e-mail, between the cells of an organism and a community group of organisms and people. They are the messengers and the messengers are being blamed for the problem. Human science is dangerously ignorant.
Robert: Wow, interesting. If all this is known, it can make citizens stronger and less afraid of viruses.
Swaruu: As I told you above, human science knows that cells excrete something that looks like viruses. According to them it is different. It is not different, they only come from different signals and have a different message. I am taking the word exo-gene as the closest equivalent, but I don't really like this term.
And I'm sorry to be so counter-current. Always turning human information around. But yes, you cannot catch anything ... only if you are compatible, and to be compatible is to have fear and stress. Everything is mind as we have already said. And the tests to find the covid-19 are silly, they only detect the proteins in the shell of the exo-gene. And everyone secretes that. So if you are going to be tested, and are logically in stress ... overwhelmingly, the test will be positive. And to the quarantine!
Robert: And to "get them vaccinated"
Swaruu: Vaccines are inoculations. All of them overload the immune systems. They are giving them a highly destructive chemical soup with alarm information that will only collapse the body. That is to say. A person goes and gets vaccinated ... more with vaccines like triple viral ... They are only signaling the body with multiple alarms:
The Romans are coming to attack from the right, and the Etruscans too, and from the left the Phoenicians come well armed, and from behind come the Apaches and the Mongols from the front, oh no, the Barbarians coming too... And the angry Gauls! And the Sioux ...
Another factor ... viruses as messengers, also trigger alarms that cause reactions in other pathogenic organisms. In other words, the exo-gene alarm is intercepted by the enemy as well. So that group of Staphylococci will say "look at this, this body is weak" - attack!!!!
So that is why doctors say the virus causes a disease that was not in a person's system. But surprise! 99.9% of all diseases on the planet are already inside each person latent and in balance. You just need the right signs and circumstances for them to get activated!
I must emphasize that humans are taking their first steps with this subject. But they are far behind. They don't connect it to all viruses ... they think some are exo-gene and some are viruses.
The "viruses" as described by humans do not exist. Everything that is happening now is either all media or circumstantial. I know there will be those who say but, but, but ... I maintain what I say, there is too much that they still ignore about biology.
More about the Virus - New Report - LIVE with Aneeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Communication)
Anéeka: We have the complete picture about the virus situation now. Not about the possible why of it, but about the virus specifically and this is a formal statement. I, Aneeka of Temmer, I'm acting in Official manner representing Taygeta for you. This is final and it is our formal point of view, not taken lightly. People risked their lives to get this information to us and this is our position. No longer debate nor speculation for us.
There is no virus and never was one. It is all a psyop of total global magnitude designed and carried out in total coordination by controlled media. There never has been any weaponized version of the flu, never was any chemtrails with any flue. What you see in the news is controlled media and people falling into the whole theatre all along as they are exploiting how people think and their overall gullibility and tendency to follow mass media blindly!
The use of Crisis actors and movie sets is confirmed and used on a large scale. As well as the misleading use of countless footage of other events that have nothing to do with this one. The use of hundreds of thousands of compartmentalised agents in strategic places all having very small and specific jobs to do, so overall each one nothing! Generalised use of old photos and footage, like stadium full of coffins detected by our Intelligence as an old Iraq war era photo taken mid-2004. Of a photograph of lined up coffins in Italy, photograph taken in 2009 in a promotional brochure of a coffin manufacturing company in Turin, Italy. They think no one can connect all the dots.
All Intelligence 3 letter agencies are either compromised or plain being misled on purpose. They are all not trustworthy. CIC Taygeta, of which I am the leader, is standing alone. Still hears its informants but is quickly sorting out who is who.
This is the biggest false flag ever to be recorded in human history exceeding the moon landings and using the same compartmentalization structure.
During the last few hours 2 Tagetan fighter craft in total stealth mode over flew critical areas of the planet, and recorded critical intelligence. One of the ships was hit by very advanced technology directed energy weapon and Surface to Air Missile SAM system. Direct frontal impact on one of the Starships who suffered minor hull damage. This while shadowing a cargo plane full of alleged coffins destined to New York JFK airport, ship´s sensors indicated the aircraft was empty even though the manifesto said full.
CAP flight Report:
Hospitals in northern Italy: Turin, Genova, Aosta, Bologna, Milan, Florence, Trento, and Venice. Empty.
In Spain: Toledo, Madrid, Merida, Sevilla, Murcia, Barcelona, Zaragoza , Valladolid, Oviedo and Santader: Empty.
In the united States: New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle (hotspot) Washinghton DC, Huston, Santa Fe: Empty.
Cargo of respirators found sitting in a container in New York. No one claiming them and just sitting idle.
Doctors being menaced not to say anything about no patients and other simply told to go home. Apart from that, Doctors all over the world in infected countries file the death of a person as whatever reason and report that the next day the documents have been shifted to coronavirus.
This occurring especially if the patient dies of any respiratory problems clearly not related to any such Virus, but reported as happening as well with deaths involving accidents and other non-infectious causes. Break ins into Doctor offices in Hospitals reported worldwide. Nothing removed, only the death certificates altered to Coronavirus. Corona virus detection systems and tests compromised and are a scam, they do not work and they are deliberately designed to say arbitrarily if someone is positive or not. All in order to artificially inflate the number of infected and deceased people.
We also find that the WHO leadership is compromised and part of the Cabal, this is also hard fact for us but as of now we cannot state who and how. But the WHO information is altered in favour of this massive hoax as this organization as well as the UN is part of this psychopathic organization perpetuating this.
Gosia: Thank you for this. It will be transmitted tomorrow. You did mention that there exists a possibility that your patrols flying over empty hospitals are accessing different timelines. Could that still be?
Anéeka: It still stands as a possibility but from our point of view and with a practical mind-set here, this is what we see as a collective applicable timeline for what is going on now on Earth. Our job is to maintain outmost congruency with the data available even knowing the timeline fracture and shift.
Even without our examinations, the people do know already something is not right. Doctors worldwide talking to each other about the break ins and the changed death certificates. And they see their empty hospitals where they live, but they take for granted that the other hospitals down the road are full. (This is only one more reason to lock the human population down with the quarantines - so they cannot discover that) and also explains the heavy censorship of all media that are not official. So this is no longer taken as theory for us TPs but as hard fact for us!
This will continue for as long as the quarantines continue, but censorship is worse than ever. People are not heard on an individual level. Go out there with a wooden box and scream this in the park and no one will listen much less now that they are locked away! Your own family probably will not hear you.
There is no virus and never has been, it is all media, a problem to implement and impose solutions. That is still to be seen and understood. And here I'm talking only about the virus, not about the why of all this. We are talking about the objective virus not about the agenda behind its supposed existence.
We are perfectly conscious of the thousands of so called experts in epidemiology and any other aspect that has an official opinion about this all. We are aware of million dollar programs with expensive CGI and Doctors with several nice diplomas on their walls, but we sustain our point of view as all that is only part of the extensive hoax and precisely why it is so credible for most people on Earth.
We, as many others as well, see anything Main Stream as immediately questionable and completely false until proven otherwise.
Gosia: So the way you formally see this now is that nothing was released in Wuhan? No weaponized strain that then went back to normal?
Anéeka: No weaponised strain. That was speculation based on some uncertain Sources back then, our facts are harder. It is all media, what we find simply doesn´t add up. And our findings here, presented today, are the result of weeks of arduous work.
There is talk of activatable nanotechnology using 5G, that may be very possible but we still see this as a media operation only! The 5G one is a secondary very possible explanation to conditions and events in some places like on the cruise ship Diamond Princess. 5G does have a lot to do with all this and may be the cause of many symptoms pinned or attributed to the coronavirus and reports of people who are simple citizens and who claim they had the virus, but the simple flu strains, seasonal flu, is a much more viable explanation for what they experience.
Even for the eventuality 5G caused all the symptoms the evidence suggests it's only media created, generalizing. 5G may have been used to emulate or impose symptoms on a localised group of population.
Precisely like on the Diamond Princess Cruise ship, which we think to be the case.
This False Flag operation is mainly using seasonal flu as a patsy having Doctors and health organizations worldwide chasing no more than sniffles. We know that legions of alternative media experts and credible people working against this gigantic False Flag also have a lot of interesting data, like the fact that they found that the Coronavirus looks like it was specifically engineered to target certain receptors in the lungs found mostly on Asian men. We do not discredit all this, but we insist that they may be looking at the behaviour of normal strands of flu and the way it targets individuals.
Dale: What can we do to help?
Anéeka: We cannot ask anything from you, but if you ask, as many people as possible must know at once and urgently that there is no virus, I don't care how many million dollar documentaries and CNN they see. Their very survival depends on that, on the fact that enough people realize it's all a very elaborate hoax.
Even the attitude of the Chinese in Wuhan does not correspond to any real virus epidemic, they are back to 93% normal too soon. That corresponds to a fake pandemic.
Final TP position: There is no virus, never has been one, they are chasing the flu and the effects of 5G using nano dust from Chemtrails and other Sources. 5G can be used to activate or to produce the symptoms if the power is strong enough over the desired targets. 5G alone CAN even be lethal. 5G is not a telecommunications bandwidth, that is the excuse. It is a weapon against the people.
Taygetan Special Forces were in Wuhan, boots on the ground, and reported nothing going on there only police actions and repression. TP craft also snooped into close to 50 hospitals in Coronavirus hotspot cities and found them empty! We know that people will start to say that they saw the hospitals full of patients but as we see is trolls, paid or not. Our data is just too firm now.
We also have evidence that the vaccine against coronavirus contains nano-chips activatable with 5G and that can kill any one any time they decide to. Refuse vaccine at all costs. I cannot stress this enough.
Now, if this virus hoax was made by the positive ones then they must tell more to the people at this point because they are scared, and that strengthens negative outcomes and time lines! But if there is a positive side at work here I would be inclined to think that they may have used the negative virus hoax as a convenient cover for their operations. But I do have data that is indicative that the ones who are controlling the virus hoax are the negative ones.
The negative ones are most surely counting on panic to make things worse. That’s why people should be fearless. And yes the problem about to hit them is not the virus. People looking at the virus is a total cover up from the real problem that is about to hit them ! The virus is not the problem, focus on the why this is going on.
Question: What else can we do to help?
Anéeka: Do not panic, do not riot as that is what they want. Research this we are saying yourself, it is possible to find a lot of data on the web now. This is the time when you must learn to make up your minds about what is true and what is not.
Question: Why are they using military on streets?
Anéeka: They are expecting riots, that's why don't give them the riots, and there may other reasons like the arrests we cannot confirm at this time.
Question: Is the US president aware of it being a hoax?
Anéeka: We are sure he is, as many other presidents as well. Like for Example Mexican President also very probably does know.
Question: How can we stop ourselves from forced vaccinations?
Anéeka: I cannot give you a procedure. That does depend on you, but it is the danger and you must refuse it as firmly as you would refuse a bullet to the head, not much difference!
Anéeka: They are misled or plain false. The people and the doctors all over the world who are looking at the virus are looking at SARS normal strains and taking them all as covid-19.
They sincerely believe there is a virus and there may be one but it is normal seasonal flu virus and those also create normal hotspots in some locations causing a flue localises epidemy, as it happens each year and the doctors are confusing it with covid-19.
So people may see people ill of a bad flu, but that is still normal, as a planetary level it is not covid-19.
Anéeka: We are working on the answer, cannot answer now!
Question: Is there an energy event coming?
Anéeka: You are experiencing it, but remember it is not one, it may be many!
Question: Any changes in timelines?
Anéeka: Still severely fractured collective timeline.
People may be seeing multiple things at the same spot. Yet we must strive to be as congruent as we can for the benefit of all.
Anéeka: ADRENALCHROME Is not the same as Lush. It is related. ADRENALCHROME Looks to be a highly concentrated blood from victims in high stress and adrenaline, the negative do drink it.
LUSH on the other hand is an "energy" that is released during suffering and stress while alive... but also needs to be explained in detail by Swaruu.
People are dying... but they are pinning on covid-19 all deaths especially the ones related to respiratory problems.
So not from covid-19 but appearing to be from it. Also the flu does kill over 20 000 people each yea . The only difference is that now it is being given press attention to perpetuate the existence of the virus.
Note this...
The negative ones would not set a real virus loose because they would not have any control over it.
But if they make it with media and lies then they can control the virus, where it hits and how lethal it is supposed to be.
To perpetuate a false flag, it is logical to manufacture it using media and mass control
stress: People may be dying of flu, may even be localised epidemics, but that happens all the time and it is normal.
This is part of the reason a flu virus was used as an excuse for this False Flag.
Question: How can they help?
Anéeka: Inform others this is a hoax and also research it from your end, you do have the data there, you don't have to believe me! For people in places in the world where they still have an option to stay at home or go out, Stay at home as much as possible but do not fear the virus. The reason to stay at home is to minimise friction with governments. The amount of supposedly infected people in one or another place does not depend on the people as it is entirely fabricated.
Anéeka: Comet is just a ship, Comet / Asteroid is only a way to make people think it is something to fear. Each time you hear Asteroid especially, it means large Starship approaching.
Anéeka: At this moment probabilities remain higher than normal but still not probable .
Question: Will they intervene if vaccines are forced?
Anéeka: I do not hold the answer at this time. (It is possible)
Anéeka: Depends on which prescriptions.
In general they are poison. Remove as many as possibly as soon as possible!
If under blood cholesterol lowering drugs, remove them immediately. Do not take them
In general don't take any big Farma Drugs, unless there is no other option.
Question: Is Trump working on economocal and financial reset?
Anéeka: Appears to be so. No more data
Anéeka: Yes and it is rising fast!
Anéeka: Italians are very sensitive to flu, and always have been. Also that is fabricated and part of the big lie. TP starcraft did see empty hospitals there.
There may be many flu victims there, and people may be dying, we do not deny people may be dying, but not because of covid-19. People dye of the flu all the time and remember that many other illnesses are being catalogued as caused by covid-19 when they are not.
Anéeka: Antarian supply ship approaching.
Anéeka: We have our doubts, but that may be so. Cannot give a definitive answer at this time.
Anéeka: Many underground battles are occurring now. Federation vs. Negative ones. I'm aware of that Earthquake but I have no data. Probably natural.
Question: What about the internet black out? Can you tell more about that?
Anéeka: No more data. If we knew more we would share. We are very much into deciphering this subject specifically.
Anéeka: Since many years ago people have been pointing to 2020 as a year when big changes start.
Anéeka: I don't hold the answer.
Anéeka: You are already helping, but share what you think! Be strong!
Anéeka: Yes, they are working together and are part of the same Cabal.
Question: Will the virus disappear in a month?
Anéeka: What virus?
Question: Will you be there for mass meditations? on the 5th
Anéeka: Yes.
Anéeka: As data it is, but it is not a complete reading. But it gives you a good idea of the Earth's overall Frequency.
Anéeka: Too much happening now, I do not hold the answer.
Anéeka: If referring to the virus this is a cover up for other things we are still looking into.
If referring the THE EVENT you are in full progress and it is not a trial.
Question: With this VIRUS situation, what is the MAIN THING we should FOCUS on? What is the shared END RESULT we should all coordinate to see? Is there something we should ALL be including in our meditations?
Anéeka: Focus on what you want, on love and light for everyone, on making that a beautiful world, removing fear. Be clear with what you want. Don't focus on what you don't want.
Anéeka: No, we are not, but they are not a problem as we see them as part of the normal process of biology and simbiosis.
Anéeka: Several races are hard at work as we speak, but observing no intervention protocol not to be overt or invasive.
Anéeka: Yes, we are aware of that. The false ET invasion may be to cover up the REAL et presence here, like the Federation. But also could be part of the Cabal lies to control the people. It is a possible scenario and it is known since the 1970's (Verner Von Braun mentioned this).
Anéeka: We do believe that there will be or there are arrests, but we are on the fringe about believing if they are arrests of negative Cabal members or only arrests of people who the negative Cabal wants to get rid of! Meaning they are cleaning their ranks. Arrests may be positive or negative, we simply do not know yet.
Anéeka: That is part of the Negative plan, yes. Hopefully that will not happen.
Question: Are they targeting specific groups of people?
Anéeka: Targeting with what? The virus: Asian men. In general with all this, they are targeting everyone, but especially people who are middle class, and awaken ones.
Anéeka: Yes
Anéeka: Yes, it is precisely what is going on! It is a war against the people!
Question: Are virus tests dangerous?
Anéeka: Yes they are, because the tests are very simple and if you take them they may detect a flu virus in you and cataloge you as being infected with covid-19. Do not take the tests, they are bogus and part of the scam.
If you have flu symptoms quarantine yourself and treat it as the flu, because that is what it is.
Anéeka: No, that is an electromagnetic spectrum used for communications used as a weapon, no vaccine can be developped.
Anéeka: This is lowering everyone's vibration and Frequency so we can say it is to stop ascension, yes.
Anéeka: For all we know, it is supposedly when the mass arrests of the Cabal will take place. If no one can move they can arrest them easily and they cannot escape. (Be it a negative or a positive arrests scenario, we don't know yet). Among other things they may be doing like implementing 5G world wide and installation of 5G antennas with the population away.
Question: Is the army a friend or the enemy?
Anéeka: Data insists on contradictory results. It looks like we do have data that back up that the Military, US and NATO are friendly to the people. But on a negative scenario they would be the repression agents against the people. Again we cannot know yet!
Question: Who is Q? You want to answer that?
Anéeka: Data we have insists that Q is President Trump or Trump's staff.
Question: Can you stop 5G satellites?
Anéeka: Federation has destroyed several, but they are hard to detect. On going, full confirmation, Federation uses them as target practice.
Question: Are the US Navy Ships on each coast really hospital ships or battle ships getting ready for something?
Anéeka: We have reports of prison ships off the coast of NY. Prison ships point to arrests of Cabal. But in general they are warships. Not for the population as they have FEMA camps for them so prison ships make no sense unless they are for the Cabal members.
Question: Does organite & shungite shield 5G?
Anéeka: Yes they do work, if properly made. Mica the mineral also absorbes electromagnetic radiation, also try Faraday cages.
Anéeka: Yes. Cannot comment more. Ongoing operations.
Question: Have they check to see if taking the virus on board the ship changes the virus behavior or state?
Anéeka: The virus we see here in the samples is a simple SARS virus everyone has.
Question: Are you able to neutralize the 5G effects in anyway?
Anéeka: Yes transmitting a destructive Frequency, deactivating 5G
Question: So is it being deactivated as we speak?
Anéeka: Only satellite based 5G being deactivated up to now!
Anéeka: I do not hold the answer. May be part of the control mechanism, most probably.
Anéeka: Depends on what the people want, t does depend on the people and what they ask for as a collective. Of course that means a clear collective timeline we do not have at this time. If invasive, yes it would be a reason to intervene.
Thank you to everyone. Stay strong, research this all for yourself, and make up your mind about what to belive. Be strong and remember that they want you in fear.
And fear can manifest bad things. Concentrate on what you want. Stay postivive. And love to everyone. Thank you for listening to me, to us, to Swaruu.
Lost of love to you all!!!!!
FOCUS: NOW OR NEVER (Swaruu D´Jedi - Taygeta, Pleiades)
Swaruu: We are in war. It is not a conventional war. The enemy now is the people. It is a civil population against Globalist Governments. It is a fight with information, Mind Control and bio technology. Because everything has been armed with Mind Control and media control. It is a war of consciousness, not "so much" of physical aggression. Traditional weapons such as tank rifles and airplanes take second place.
What I see .... That everyone sees what they want to see and from the specific position what they believe the truth is. A timeline is made up of a series of perception agreements between two or more people or points of attention-consciousness. Never in the history of humanity have there been more different points of attention than now ..
What it caused: The timeline is severely fractured. You are in a temporal knot. Nothing is done. What everyone believes and sees that is.
These are very dangerous times.
But I see 3 main outcomes:
** 1- everything Returns to normal, only with the imposition of population control measures increased with the excuse of the virus, restricting collective activities such as the right to gather, and the ability to move freely around the planet without extra papers. like Visas but for health and hygiene. This is or will be an excuse for greater control. There will be two Visas, one that will have to comply with examinations and vaccinations to be able to travel to other countries, and what they will request will be specific to each country.
** 2- Everything collapses towards the New World Order with Draconian economic reset where normal people end up indebted at least twice as much as they were before. In other words, if they owe 10 E, now they will owe 20 E. Total Draconian Control, where people lose the right to mobility almost totally or totally. The exploitation will be to the maximum.
** 3- The negative aggressor Cabal will be removed, but not 100% but to such capacity that you enter an era of economic prosperity and scientific and economic growth and well-being for the general population. This is not without hard work to implement the necessary changes so that this can come into effect in the short term.
And 4: (Extra) Military intervention by the non-human positive Races, where a holographic society is imposed with an iron hand as an exact copy or as it happened in the year of 1561-62 in Alpha Centauri -A (Phaethon / Alfrata). This includes many thousands of deaths because of direct war. It means alien invasion in the Hollywood fashion.
Gosia: Last night Aneeka said that the Federation is taking strategic points around the planet and that what they will do now depends on the collective desire. What will they base themselvs on here? How will they determine this? The collective desire? Since you said there are so many now.
Swaruu: That is simple. If they are all about to kill themselves then the Federation will intervene. Not before. For example, if there is a true pandemic of an extremely deadly agent. Not like it is today. Or if the nuclear missiles start flying. The second option is extremely improbable since both sides are controlled from the highest level. It will not happen. It does not happen in other time lines.
But there is an element here, which is that an enormous amount, if not everyone, of those who are there on earth, are also "here" or on other planes. It is also from there, from a more expanded point of view, from where such a decision to intervene would be made. Humans are ETs. Intertwined, without clear barriers.
The incarnation seems like a long time. But it is only an instant for their cosmic souls. A blink of an eye. That's why they go in, that's why they incarnate there to experience all that pain and all those difficulties. Because the decision was made from higher planes, where all understanding is much more expanded and does not correspond to the same parameters of understanding and perception or priorities as when they are alive there in 3D.
The game is still in the air. What you do now is absolutely essential. No one´s role is too small.
Robert: But your weapons are more selective, it would not be necessary for so many people to die.
Swaruu: Still, for many it would be invasion and they would die defending their freedom.
One thing's for sure, things won't go back to the way they were before. Paranormal activity is greatly accelerated. It is another factor. The timeline is broken. The light or positive side and the dark or regressive side directly interfere and fight for control of the human mind.
What you must do now is come together, collectively agree on what you want, whether you can or cannot meet in person has nothing to do with it. Morally together. Focused without differences. Clearly about what you want. Now it doesn't matter what you do, because you won't be able to do much. But what you think and what you really want is what matters now. This is important before the Internet collapses, which is likely.
People know that collective meditation changes the unified field from where the objective reality emanates. What happens is being manifested by real people. It is a reflection of your collective psyche. So focus. Not tomorrow, now. The nexus point is here. No one is ready, you never will be. Rather, you already are.
Nai’Shara: Doubt at the moment is dangerous, so it is essential above all to be focused.
Swaruu: I call on everyone to focus on what they want in MASS. focused Meditations on a better beautiful and gentle world. facing fears. Not hiding from them. In MASA now or never. Do it all the time. Nothing is more important than for it to be always millions meditating. Organize sessions if you want. But it's not like you do one on Sunday at noon and the problem is solved. The truth, as uncomfortable as it is, is that they must do it all the time. It is not necessary to sit with the lotus legs to meditate. It can be done while doing other things. So it becomes Unconscious. It is being that change, being that which is desired. Do not expect that tomorrow will be a new fresh day better than today. Humanity IS reality itself. They must live as they want to be. Despite everything that happens. It is in these hard times when the future is defined. It is in these moments when you know who is who and what they are made of. Where are all those with strong hearts who fought World War II ??? !!!!!
Gosia: Dead.
Swaruu: They are there, they reincarnate. They are there again. It is NOT theory, this is how this universe works. It is in each of them. The fight is not with weapons, it is with a clear consciousness and creative purpose! What they envision precisely, that depends on each one. It is THEIR creation. But if you have positive visions, be clear about what you want. Do not expect a result. Let everyone BE the result. It is a general wellness that you should focus on. In specific things like open bars and concerts, it will be much more difficult at any time, even more so at this time.
Gosia: Swaruu, tell us a little more about this broken timeline that you say you see? How does this occur? Is it because of multiple consciousnesses and intentions?
Swaruu: Yes, the problem is that there are no million of people believing the same. Each one is scattered, in his own bubble of individual beliefs. Therefore there is no collective timeline. Reason why there is army in the streets too. To prevent unnecessary social chaos.
Gosia: Swaruu from the future that you might have lived.... what scenario has happened?
Swaruu: I see every one of them equally. I see them as a set, not just one. I dont operate this way.
Gosia: I understand.
Nai’Shara: You know what Swaruu said the other day: She said that she sees how everyone here in the ship longs for air and to leave this steel can, but that SHE has everything in her mind, her own world. Our world is within us, the place and the circumstances do not matter. Thats how we must all be here and all be there, the entire universe is within them already. Everything is perception.
Swaruu: There is no world external to everyone. Your perceptions, your reality, your thoughts are reflected manifesting what is outside, what is perceived as an external world. So a timeline can only exist as a result of individual perception or individual interpretation. A collective timeline only exists as perception agreements between two or more people. In other words, they see things or perceive the stimulus of the energy field of potential energy as the same. The same perception and interpretation. Thats why timelines are based on agreements. If the agreements are broken, the collective timeline is fractured.
Robert: And those perception agreements ------ Are they made before coming to earth?
Swaruu: Partly yes. But they mostly develop while in incarnation. Because it is at that point where the expansion of a soul occurs. Not from the other side, or not so much since it is already very unified there because of the proximity it has to the Source.
Gosia: And when the collective time line got broken ... now everyone will go to their own? Physically will the worlds divide, somehow?
Swaruu: Yes, not only the worlds, the people. Many will decide to stay there to experience any of those 3 or 4 options. I talk about 4 timelines ... but there will be a variant of those 4 or more, for each person. There will be as many variants as people or points of attention consciousness. It will only be what they see as agreements. What everyone sees as agreements.
But you must have the courage to process and assimilate what you do not want, facing it firmly, and with determination using the negative as a contrast to be clear about what you do want.
The problem is that there is a lot of confusion on the net. So people don't understand what is true and what is a lie. It is logical. But what I'm trying to say is that they are in times where nothing is reality and nothing is a lie. Times in which they, the humans, each one of them, must use what they have learned and take responsibility for what they want to believe.
Gosia: Do you recommend not looking at the internet?
Swaruu: On the contrary. I recommend watching everything possible. And with wisdom decide what to take from each thing, put it together into their own and individual reality or explanation about what is "really" happening.
ET presence is unleashed now. Everywhere and on all planes of reality. As I said above, the paranormal is very pronounced now. The Schumann Frequency is very high and the so-called 4D low astral world is filtering with 3D. There are no barriers. All kinds of strange paranormal phenomena will accelerate. Reality is breaking. Do not look for leaders like before, only for inspiration if you wish. Take control of your lives with responsibility. You must now take courage, take on your responsibility as creators that you are. It is time to grow. Take responsibility for yourselves, for your world. It is YOUR world. It is time to grow up and no longer be children. You must be very clear about what you want and focuse on working towards it. And here work, I mean think. Not necessarily doing something that involves physical action.
Something else happens there. Remember the dominant Frequency principle. It is where a stronger Frequency or wave will dominate over the less strong ones making them more of the same. So a person somewhere like in Ohio, USA, is suffocated, by those waves, by that collective alternate reality in which he is immersed. You will need to connect more with positive, hopeful people and pay less attention to what is outside, even if there is shooting outside your window. It is the time when he must be the strongest he has ever been, and this goes for many other souls or people in his state or condition.
That's what he went to Earth for. To be an antenna. And antenna he is.
Gosia: But then as high as your Frequency can be, can you still be suffocated? Will those other stronger frequencies dominate you if they are more? Even if you are an antenna?
Swaruu: IF YOU LET IT. But you can be stronger than what is outside. Than the dominant Frequency. Like the toroid of a ship that keeps it in 5D even inside the 3D soup. Is the same. You CAN be stronger. So you must be strong and create your own little bubble, inside your home or within yourself. You must focus on yourself, your own Frequency, on what you want for yourself and the collective. You will have to face your fears. See what is going on outside and know that in spite of everything you will be fine. Not to ignore it, but to transcend and integrate the evil that you see ... And transform it into a clear focus to know what you clearly want.
fear paralyzes ... and only focuses the creative and manifestative potential towards the negative. Don't be an ostrich. Be a Jedi. Even if you feel alone. Even if you perceive yourself to be.
This is not the time for humanity to disperse. And not the time for the humanity to enter a state of victimism. Let it be understood that only with what you think, having clarity about what you want, you unite with others who wants the same, and you change reality towards something positive. The feeling of helplessness, that they can't do anything, is just an illusion. It is true that your external actions affect everyone. What you do with your hands or sharing ideas. But what you are thinking affects much more and it is what truly changes and shapes reality. You have been there many times before, during other incarnations, but your essence, your being, your self, is the same. Remember that you have fought many battles before. You are strong. This time the battle is fought more than anything with consciousness. With thought.
Fears, Viruses, Global Situation - (Extraterrestrial Taygetean Pleiadian Communication)
Swaruu: Kaal'el comment that I liked and want to use as a start. Fear makes you fly.
What is fear? It is the opposite of love. Love is to make something part of oneself. Fear repels, it is the opposite. It is what is not desired. But ... Fear is always taken as a bad thing. Everyone goes and does everything to avoid fear. Avoid to feeling fear. They avoid it at all costs. Perhaps there is nothing that a living being runs away from more than from fear. Why? Because it is the basic protection mechanism for the survival of the EGO.
Ego as in the idea or concept we hold about who we are. Mostly associated to one incarnation. As in the body identity and everything that goes with it and what we understand to be ourselves. Self, on the contrary is a full transcending identity, what we know to be as the result of all the former incarnations we all have had, all encompassed and included in a strong indestructibly cosmic concept of who we are. Ego is more limited to the concept we hold while in a body, in a shell or container, in one given incarnation. Self is more expanded, transcends it all.
But they attack the Ego too, especially in spiritual communities. Fear must be "transcended" .... The Ego must be "transcended". They will never be able to escape either from the Ego or from fear. But neither one is "bad". The contrast principle of this universe dictates that you cannot know something if you do not know the opposite.
So fear is an instrument that helps us to know ourselves. Without fear you cannot know what love is. Because they are opposite. They are linked ... inseparable. When experiencing fear ... you appreciate love. You feel it more, you know its value. Fear is the protection of the Ego .... without fear there would be no Ego ... because they would not last long alive.
And without life there is no expansion. And expansion is what every living being seeks, being with a soul. Return to the Source. Integration. Integration is love. Fragmentation is fear. Having an experience is fear. Satisfaction of having faced your fears. All of them, from mild to big ones. You will never be able to escape fear while you are alive. It is part of life, inseparable part of the 3D experience. And of other densities too.
The more separated from the Source you are ... the more fear there will be because there is more separation. The closer you are to the Source, the less fear there will be, because there is more integration, therefore love. You need fear or there will be no love. Unless you´re already fully integrated into the Source ... that is being Source itself. That is everythin, everything includes. But there is no expansion there. Without expansion you just are. Static, immovable. Without experiences, because every experience carries a contrast and an element of confusion that can be translated into fear. So without fear there is no life. Fear is necessary.
It should be taken, seen, used to analyze why you feel this way. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? Why? You can never be without fear. It will haunt you forever. There will be no other choice but to confront it. You run away from it at all costs only to meet it again around the corner. Forcing you to face it. To face it is to face your shadows, reasons to fear, what you do not want.
It will force you to face yourselves, because that fear arises from yourselves, not from anything else, because everything comes from you, there is nothing outside, everything is consciousness. It defines you. You will have to face it as the only way to dissolve it, because running away doesn't work, because you can't run away from yourself. Facing it you realize that fear was just an illusion. Because love and integration are the truth. Fear is illusion.
Because fear is a reflection of what you anticipate to happen. What according to you will happen. But it would not necessarily happen. It is doubt, it is insecurity of your ability to face the problem. Integration and love is truth and reality. Fear is the lie, the illusion. So .... Fear is forcing you to face yourself, nothing else. Forced shadow work.
And when you are forced to face it you will realize that it is only an illusion. And with it you integrate everything else ... and you become bold, fearless. And as soon as you can face all your shadows ... you will have integrated everything there is to learn in that incarnation ... But that is the exact moment when you will realize that you are already dead.
Gosia: Thanks. A quick clarifying question. What do you mean: "But that is the exact moment in which you will realize that you are already dead." You mean after dying?
Swaruu: If you integrate everything there is no longer experimentation in that incarnation. You will have learned everything there is to learn from that incarnation. But the only way to have reached that state is by being dead.
If the Source is represented as love, what is not the Source is represented as fear. If you want to know what the Source is, you need to know what the opposite of the Source is, and that is fear. We can only know who we are if we know what we are NOT.
Nai’Shara: It is very important to internalize, as that cliche phrase says, know yourself, because when you dig inside yourself, so to speak, you reach the real point of what causes the fear in you. But you can only do it if you really know yourself. Sometimes you ask yourself: why do I always react this way to this fear or that one? Simply because you have not seen deep within yourself.
Swaruu: Yes, and life is made in such a way that the expansion can only develop if it proceeds to take away your fear. Removing fear from your life is the same as integration. More love, less fear. You don't want to face yourself. The one who generates that fear.
Nai’Shara: You may be repeating over and over again mistakes or behaviors that you don't really want from yourself, but what is really happening? That many times unconsciously you ask for them, yes, you want them so there is a conflict within you. It is the ambivalence within you.
Swaruu: Still you have a resistance to them, to face them, to have them. But the only way to face them, therefore to experience expansion, is to stop resisting them because what you resist persists, and that's why you keep on repeating the same thing. The only way to know yourself is by doing shadow work, which is nothing more than facing your fears. Because what you repress to turn into your shadow is what you fear, that's why you don't see it, that's why you repress it in the first place. Shadow work is facing your fears. Release resistance to having them.
Nai’Shara: Going towards the fear means: nothing is outside my control, I control it all. I know that nothing can pass over me if I don't want it. It is taking absolute and real control of yourself.
Swaruu: That attitude is to face fears, to take control as you say. It is the way to integration. For that you have to analyze your fears which is the same as shadow work. Use your fears as a survival mechanism, do not ignore them, do not try to suppress them because they are a clear indication of where you should not go. Ignoring fears will only cause more problems and therefore more fear.
Nai’Shara: To go towards fear is to tell yourself that I am not afraid of fear because I know how I will face it, because I have the most powerful weapon that there is: self-knowledge.
Swaruu: Yes. But you know yourself because you have done shadow work, you know yourself because you have already faced your fears. So you don't bring that fear to you, because you already know it. And only what is unknown is feared. Known dangers you tend to lose fear of them. You just avoid that. Like to avoid putting your finger into the flame of the fire. Why do that if you already know the result? But you fear radiation ... Because you don't see it, you don't know where it is. Therefore you don't know where you are safe from radiation. The unknown is what is feared. What you define as not-you. Not your Ego.
Robert: So it's logical to be afraid of viruses and 5G because we don't see them?
Swaruu: Sure. But about the virus there is firm data that you should not be afraid of it. You cannot make a virus-based biological weapon because they have a tendency to return to the original virus that was not so dangerous before. They have been on earth billions and billions of years before humans and they are in every corner of the planet. A virus returns to the original pattern in just weeks. Another factor is that a virus will increase its virulence when there are many hosts ... and it will reduce its virulence and go into remission when there are few hosts.
Gosia: I have this Question: So then if someone doesn't feel fear, they can't feel the opposite, love? Kaalel said in his interview that nothing scares him for example. Or is it because it is already transcended? What about people who are NOT afraid of things, viruses, radiation or anything ... even if they don't see it.
Swaruu: That is a very masculine attitude. They confuse being brave with being afraid. You cannot be alive without being afraid. Courage is the ability to face fear. Courage promotes or moves the person toward expansion. It focuses the person on what they want with all their attention, and not on what they DO NOT want. But if a person is only in fear, they can only manifest what they are seeing ... their fear. Because even though you DON'T want something, mirror law only works by giving you more of whatever it is you're looking at, whatever has your full attention.
Gosia: But you can also live without fear and that is because of what you have also said: that you understand that it is illusory. You have transcended it. And you have transcended threats. You know you control it all. In this sense it is okay not to feel fear right? Because for example I don't have many.
Nai’Shara: As long as you are alive you will have them.
Swaruu: If you are not afraid, you would be there confusing it with living with courage. You can never escape your fears, because it is an inseparable part of life. Fear is the EGO's protective mechanism. So in spiritual communities they are both attacked as evil. But the Ego is who you are, without fear you would die very quickly, because you would not get yourself out of the way of threats. That is, you are no longer afraid of the flame of a burning match. Because you have already transcended it. And you have transcended it because you have faced it. You understand it. Still you respect the flame. But another person, a baby, would fear the flame. It still did not process it. You, Gosia, you are referring to the processed fears. There they are, but they are no longer a problem for you. That is indicative of the level of spiritual evolution that the person has. Her way of being, of facing who she is, with courage.
Nai’Shara: Yes and also remember that it also entails what you have experienced in your reincarnations, what you carry within, what identifies you as a Conscious Being.
Gosia: I understand. Another very important thing to clarify here is something we have always said that fear lowers the Frequency and attracts more what you fear. We have said this thousands of times, that the Cabal instills fears in society for millennia. They do it through the media too. Fear and more fear. This type of fear is different I think and it will not be anything necessary or positive.
Swaruu: Yes, focusing on fear lowers the Frequency. But how to know what increases the Frequency if you do not dare to see and face, and no longer have resistance to fear? Integration includes everything. Even that which you fear. So facing fear dissolves it, because fear is just illusion. And the effect is that your Frequency rises. It goes up because you integrate, and you integrate when you already know what you were afraid of before. But, how to know what scares you if you do not observe it?
You are no longer afraid of a flame of a match, because you have already observed it. You already understand it. Again you are only afraid of what you have not yet understood. So the way to integration, to raise your Frequency, the way to the Source is to know how to face fears and integrate them into you, into who you are.
Robert: But fear is a product of our awareness of our observation. Something we generate ourselves.
Swaruu: It is a product of what you do not yet integrate into yourself. And what you see as a danger to your integrity. That`s why fear will only go away when you face it. To face it is to integrate it. Accept it, don't try to make it disappear, push it away from you ... because you can't. You cannot push away that which frightens you, because fear is part of you, part of your consciousness, not something external.
Robert: For example I am now "afraid" of crossing icy surfaces. Before I wasn´t. The same as when Gosia fell into the ice hole. Now she will be more careful.
Gosia: Hmm. No, I think you are not afraid of it. You have caution because you had an experience of falling. Caution I do not see equivalent to fear. Just thinking.
Swaruu: You walk where you once walked with confidence, then you suffer something unwanted. You lose confidence in yourself because you thought you knew how to walk there. Obviously you did NOT know that. Therefore, you know that you still do not understand how you must face walking there. Now you must re-analyze that situation to understand it. Facing that you did not know how to walk there. Only there you will see what and why it happened. And you will lose the fear of walking on ice again.
Gosia, you have caution because you fear that to which you apply caution. Precaution is a mechanism to understand what you are afraid of.
Gosia: Ok yes, caution is a tool that you apply to something that you fear ok. I get it.
Swaruu: If you run away from walking on icy surfaces again, it will only reinforce the fear of icy surfaces. If now,
Robert, you go and live in Ecuador and you never walk on ice again, you will never lose that fear. It will always be there unsolved. Latent. But if you go out, you look at the ice, the place where you slipped. You understand what happened. Then you will lose your fear. But that is facing what is scary. And how do you proceed to examine what happened? With precaution.
Robert: Ok, tomorrow I will go back there and face it.
Speaking of the virus and how it relates to fear... So it is very important that for this virus to be "lethal" it must also spread through the media causing more fear to the population?
Swaruu: Yes, that is a manifestation of a collective fear that receives a lot of attention. The creation of an Egregor, a collective Tulpa. Everything that happens on Earth is a collective Egregor. Fear is an illusion as I explained above, being the opposite of love and truth. This defines 3D as a lie, as an illusion. The only thing that exists are you, your minds, your consciousness. The virus is an Egregor. Created by humans, a reflection of the collective psyche. The vaccine will only create or manifest more egregors.
A virus only is, and even if they change it in the laboratory it will return to its original map faster than any other being with DNA, because it is by far the fastest reproducing one. Even using virology or officially accepted virus behavior, as soon as there are fewer hosts it will go into remission long before killing hundreds of thousands. You cannot launch a virus weapon against the human population because it disables itself. Humans create negative egregors because that is where they turn their attention. Fear centralizes attention to what is feared, concentrates everything there. Therefore it also concentrates all the power of the manifestation there.
So regressive soulless beings need to feed on the fear of soulful beings. Lush is not something tangible like a substance. It is only creative attention. To manifest objects and situations also means to manifest beings, since everything that exists is manifested, because a being with a soul is a part of ... and the Source itself. He is the one who creates everything. Also the negative.
Those beings have a certain programming, which I do not want to call consciousness, although it is also so. But since they have no connection with the Source, they depend on beings that do have it so that they can be created, or can be sustained in an illusory reality such as 3D. They have no soul because they are regressive, they are non-Source, they are non-love, they are non-integration. Therefore they cannot manufacture themselves. They can only be a product of ... something with creative consciousness that is the same as connection to the Source. Having a soul is equivalent to having a connection with the Source, which in itself is equivalent to being the Source. It is defined as having love.
Mind Control to manifest a negative collective Egregor is a strategy of regressive beings with no connection to the Source to receive more creative attention from the human population. Or else without that attention, they will dissolve. So they need to "eat" human attention.
Nai’Shara: That is why there is no such thing as "Controllers" because it is the person himself, with the soul, who is in control, it is that simple.
Swaruu: That's right. It is only the reflection of the collective psyche. If they stop fearing the virus, it will dissolve. But there is something else here that I have not mentioned: That fear concentrates attention to what is not desired, and since the law of mirrors only sees or only works by giving you more of what is having your attention, it causes people to manifest negative and non-positive things.
But; The unconscious is what rules most of what is created, what manifests ... And what is it that every living being desires the most? Stay alive. So the desire with more attention, the message that reaches the potential energy field the most ... is Love. In the end everything is an illusion except love. The integration. The Source.
Gosia: And if love reaches the Source more, why is it not reflected?
Nai’Shara: Because love is not what most abounds on Earth, it is the very reflection of the collective interior.
Swaruu: Exactly. Because what rules there is separation, therefore fear. But apart from this, you are still alive, right? And those who are not, also wanted it from higher planes. From where they really are. Because death is not bad. Nor is it the end. It is not the destruction of the Self. It is waking up. Going home. There can be no life without death. But from the point of view of the individual who experiences death ... It is a total liberation, it is a spiritual ecstasy. It is an expansion and liberation. It is being the Source itself again. So there is a feeling of total love. Love so dense that it envelops you like a warm blanket.
Gosia: Thanks for explaining all of this. But now, why if I do not fear the virus and for me it does not exist, is this situation entering my reality? And of the reality of many people who are happily leading their lives? That is what frustrated me when this started invading my personal world, in which it did not exist before. I say this referring to what you said above that if the virus is not feared, it dissolves.
Swaruu: You will not be afraid of the virus, because you understand that there is NO such virus and there isn´t. But you fear that they will take away your stability. And that is what you reflect.
Gosia: Hmm. You're right. Personal freedom is primordial to me. Whoever takes that away from me, enters into a war with me. Ok but apart from this, the lower level, the Kabal and all this. So do you think that it is true that they have planted some biological weapon but it has simply been deactivated?
Swaruu: From the point of view below ... which is always a reflection of the one above. There has never been a virus. Everything is propaganda. If you are looking for Mátrix explanations, I am not the right person. But yes I can include that too. They released a bio weapon ... it worked heavily in China, then went into remission. Goes back to the original DNA map. So now it's just the flu or the common cold. The planet's medical communities are chasing the common cold virus. They lack sufficient knowledge to isolate and view the problem as such. They just follow and repeat what others with more authority tell them, be they other doctors or politicians.
They just come and only care about their own well-being so they don't question. And those who do question are few. Even so, that virus has in its memory having been a strong one with a large lethality, that of Wuhan. It has the potential to be deadly again. But, how does it differ from all the collective memory of all the viruses that have existed through time? None. Then it´s okay.
Robert: Now with your knowledge the laboratories could perfect the "Virus"?
Swaruu: No, because viruses do not work as you are told there. It is not an invasive element that tries to take over the other organism. A virus is a very simple element, which works with very basic logic. The material part of a virus is the one that can be altered. But as we have said before. You are only trying to manipulate a shadow, not the cause of the shadow itself. The virus only wants to survive and killing all hosts is not in its interest. It just wants to cohabit. It also wants integration. It only enters or only manifests itself if the host organism is manifesting it. That is to say. If you make it part of your reality. More than large microbes, like bacteria, a virus has a 99.999999% part of the personal egregor. And it will only manifest itself if the organism enters a phase where it is vulnerable to the Frequency of that or another virus. A healthy organism with a focus on its immunity will not be able to contract the virus.
Robert: Excuse me what difference is there between Bacteria and Viruses?
Swaruu: A bacterium is a complex single-celled organism. It has all the same internal organs inside as any animal. It has a digestive, respiratory, nervous, and reproductive system. It has consciousness and its own locomotion, and they are very large, easily observable with a basic microscope. Instead, a virus is just a protein capsule with a DNA strand inside. It has no internal organs, it does not move alone, it just is. And it depends on another organism to live and to reproduce since it uses the reproductive system of the invading cell. Because it depends on a host, the host has control over the virus and not the other way around. It is doubtful to observe a virus, even with a powerful electron microscope.
We have to say goodbye for today. Thanks for your time. See you again on Saturday. There is more to share.
Nai’Shara: Thanks Gosia and Robert. We talk more on Saturday. See you soon!
Global Situation - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta - Pleiades)
You know what I do and who I am here, researching information is my job! So I do have contacts all over. And I pulled all kind of strings to get very exclusive information. I cross check everything very meticulously. Looking for holes and things that don't connect. Then I do the dot connecting. I feed it into a highly powerful computer and I look at results. And then I make my own. I have direct Sources all over the planet with high level operatives. I cannot reveal my Sources names.
This is the best we can get for now and more information will be discovered and new conclusions might be reached as our investigation continues.
You know we say there is no virus and that there is no need for one, with propaganda alone you can achieve all that. We still sustain that position. But.... all Intelligence agencies that I talked too are convinced it is a bioweapon. All of them. They also claim that the Swine flu and Avian flu and Ebola and Aids are also bioweapons.
It was released in China as an economic and bio-weapon against the people of China and for Eugenics reasons for Agenda 21 Population control to kill 95% of the world's population. It did not work as planned.
Who did it: The Deep Cabal in control of the United States and that own the United States of America Corporation. This is very important because many people don't know that the US is a corporation founded in 1871. Meaning that people and their possessions are their assets. As a corporation and industry.
Because of the BRICS treaty, the economic side involving China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, that is hurting the Petro-Dollar, (the ones that were taking all the industry to China for profit), the US corporation lost a lot of money in the trillions of Dollars.
This because of bad banking and false money, based on nothing, not gold as it is officially stated, you know the Rockefellers and the Rothschild. All those western bankers who own everything. Centralised in Banks like Chase Manhattan and the City of London. This then connects to English Royalty and to the Vatican.
So that faction in control of the United States of America Corporation lost over the last 3 decades a huge amount of money creating the Monetary Reset problem and imminent threat to humanity.
So these psychopaths, as confirmed by my Sources, all without knowing each other say that the United States Corporation went totally bankrupt February 16th 2020. So they released the Virus in Wuhan China as an economic bio-weapon to stop China's economic power, and return it to the United States. Make America Great Again. Using Chemtrails <<< This information WE found and we already shared with you. One or our ship´s drones found the virus in the atmosphere above Wuhan over a month ago. (But the virus as we have said is just a SARS virulent strain.).
So, the Corporation went bankrupt and this is also why the rats are leaving the ship and we are seeing top CO's of high level Corporations subsidiaries of the main United States Corporation quit and resign their jobs all over the US and also some in Europe. Mostly Banking Industry but also entertainment like Disney.
Then the other Cabal, fighting the first, the other faction, took control over the media and started to turn this into a propaganda frenzy. As for now there is no hard virus as we have said, at least in a worldwide aspect of all this. So they, the second faction of the Cabal, are using this virus as a cover for Martial Law worldwide.
Note that there are more than two factions fighting here, there are several.
What for? I have confirmation from multiple Sources that they are getting the people out of the streets and limiting all human activity and travel to be able to stop, pinpoint, find and arrest top Cabal leaders of the Satanist Zionist Genocidal faction that are trying to kill 95% of human population. The places where Martial Law is strongest are the places where they are searching for Cabal leaders and family members in order to stop them.
This is the main reason for all the military movements in Europe. Centralised in Norway and in Poland as of today. It is not a drill, it is full military power aimed to stop the genocidal Cabal and it is coming from the not so genocidal Cabal. Yet still 2 dangerous factions fighting for a pray. Neither is good, but one side at least is considering other options. They intend to stop the Cabal faction that is warmongering all over the planet, the ones controlling the Bush, the Clinton and the Obamas, among others.
Another level. There is a clear 5G-Coronavirus connection. Intelligence indicates that there are thousands getting sick but not of the Virus, but of 5G and this is implemented as part of the Genocidal faction that spread the Coronavirus. Part of this confirmation is that the Cruise ship, Diamond Princess that recently was or is in quarantine was one of the first ships to be equipped with 5G. As well as Wuhan and other cities hard hit by coronavirus. So as a side note to all this, our Sources are also saying that coronavirus is a cover up for the ill effects of 5G. Radiation sickness.
Intelligence indicates that the people do not have to panic, but keep calm and even in the event of a monetary reset, there will still be food, and all the assets like industry and infrastructure of all nations will still remain in place. So they will recover.
In other Intelligence, they indicate that the "Good" Cabal, is intending to collapse the world economy but in such a way it will end up in favour of the people. Even the pardon or condonation one time only of all present debt, public and private.
This is a propaganda frenzy for multiple reasons and not all bad.
Gosia: Thank you. May I ask some questions please?
Anéeka: You are welcome. Please go ahead.
Gosia: Let´s clarify it again. Is it a type of flu?
Anéeka: SARS is one of thousands of "Coronaviruses". It is the flu. They are chasing sniffles that's all, no worries over that part. There may be another weaponised strain, especially over China, it was found by our drone after all. But worldwide the only ones in danger are the very sick and elderly.
Gosia: Just wondering. If it´s just sniffles, how come they released that hoping it would kill 95% of population? Sniffles wouldn´t do that.
Anéeka: That's what our Sources believe so see that there is a discrepancy between Taygetan understanding of this and human understanding. That's why there is still a possibility that there was, or is a weaponised strain. But My Taygetan take is that it was all propaganda from the start. We got lab results, both from blood samples and from Chemtrails via the drone and all we found was the “normal” SARS coronavirus flu.
Gosia: But if they released ¨something to kill off 95% of population¨ as that first claim declares, then there must be something in there to attack people´s health way beyond normal cold.
Anéeka: The idea the Intelligence community has that the plan to kill 95% of world population did not work may be their understanding of this, but perhaps the very reason it did not work was because there was never any real dangerous weaponized virus in the first place. The hard fact is that whatever is out there is not faintly as dangerous as they say it is. As a main objective of this is to bankrupt China. All they need is propaganda. My Intelligence also corroborates that China bought a lot of stocks when they were at their lowest ever, so now China is stronger economically. If that is the case then the plan backfired on them badly!
And the propaganda was there from the very start, but then my take is that there was a propaganda take over. And I know because out there people are not dying in the millions. Just a handful of elderly. Numbers do not fit. There is less flu this year, not more flu. 7000 people worldwide is not a great big dangerous number.
Gosia: That’s why the theory of trying to kill 95% with bioweapon wouldn´t fit because as you say there is nothing special about the virus. What kind of bioweapon is it then if there is nothing dangerous in it?
Anéeka: That is what the Intelligence community is saying. That it is bioweapon. We see no virus at all. They do. Discrepancy there. But there is an explanation here that makes it all fit. That the weaponised strain, highly dangerous that hit Wuhan badly at the beginning of this year returned to normal strain due to normal DNA reversibility humans do not know about. But we, and you, do! Viruses reproduce by the billions and billions making several generation return to normal in days only! Factor not anticipated by human military bio labs!
Another piece of Intelligence. Our Sources state that the ones who spread the virus as a bioweapon over Wuhan have been arrested. I took this with a grain of salt until they said they were the same ones who hit the Fukushima power plant in 2011. This was then corroborated hours later by other contact.
Gosia: You said that the arrests taking place explains military movements. But what do military movements have to do with arresting people?
Anéeka: They must arrest people in places of power. Using military is the only way! The police will not cooperate as those own the police. Local Police. It makes sense to use military power to arrest people in high places of power as those Cabal members would be!
Gosia: I see, and you mentioned 5G. If it´s 5g, and no virus, then the whole theory is wrong. Or it isn’t?
Anéeka: No it cannot be only 5G. It may be related but it is not the cause as there are many cases of flu and sniffles in places with no 5G YET like in Latin America and Africa.
Now... I have found that some top health officials in Mexico are starting to say that the precautions and all this against the Coronavirus does not fit the scientific numbers (Their words). So governments are starting to suspect this is not right!
Gosia: Ok, above you mentioned something very important I think. About the virus, potentially dangerous at first, being a biological weapon, returning to its natural state, the quiet SARS flu.
Anéeka: Yes. The artificial mutation to make the virus stronger returned to its original genetic blueprint after a few million generations of virus, within just weeks for us. From artificial bio-weapon, it automatically returned to Sars Flu. Because of the regression to the original map, a property of DNA, a property that Swaruu talked to you about since last year but that Earth scientists ignore. This characteristic is of all organisms with DNA.
DNA returns to the original map as it is the reflection of something on a higher plane, but it takes time depending on the kind of alteration and the species. So for a complex species like human, it can take (not necessarily) thousands of years to return to how it was before, because each generation is about 50 years old. If the artificial alteration, genetic change is made to something simpler, like a fruit fly, it will revert to the original map in a few months. (No variations due to miscegenation). But a virus takes only days or weeks at the most because it is the simplest being with DNA that exists and millions of generations of it pass each week.
Gosia: But one question. So they have made an alteration to the virus, yes? Not that they had a deadly virus to begin with? Because if it was a deadly, dangerous virus from the start, THAT would be its original pattern. It would have nothing to return to. But they have made an alteration, yes?
Anéeka: There was no dangerous virus before. For thousands and thousands of years they were the same, to cause a deadly pandemic they would need to alter it in the laboratory. The super-dangerous map of the virus is NOT the original, the quiet strain IS. That is to say, they took a flu virus of the SARS coronavirus type <<< which is a generic name for thousands of strains of flu viruses, and genetically altered it to make it a bio-weapon. But nature deactivated it. If there was such a bio-weapon as they claim to start with. And that explains why Taygeta only saw normal SARS flu virus.
Gosia: So they have altered the tranquil strain yes?
Anéeka: Yes.
Gosia: And why then didn´t they take the NOT so calm one to start with?
Anéeka: Gosia, because there is NO non calm strain. They only found or isolated the strongest SARS they could and altered it to increase its dangerousness.
On vaccines: USA also has it and there are rumors that they want to patent it and make it exclusive. Notice something else. The Chinese say they have the vaccine now ... But the treatments and the vaccine are said to be contrary to what the WHO says. Evidence of the fight between clans and factions of the Cabal.
Now listen to this: There is another reason for so much quarantine uproar. An extremely virulent bio-weapon was released that strongly attacked the Chinese, but which was later returned to the original genetic map due to the flexibility or tendency to return to what DNA is like since it is like a shadow or reflection of something in a higher plane. And that the Governments have already been informed about this danger. So considering that it is known that it has a potential for genocide and human scientists not knowing the above data from us, then the correct thing is to establish a global quarantine to prevent the virus that, according to the data from Wuhan YES, has the capacity to kill hundreds of millions, from attacking the human population.
So even if the virus seems mild and is mild now, the authorities cannot take that for granted, as they are afraid that it will awaken again to its full virulence that it had in Wuhan. In that case, without alarming the population, quarantines are justified and it is the right thing to do or else millions may die.
Gosia: They are justified but what they do is based on not knowing that the virus is NO longer the same virus, right?
Anéeka: Gosia, yes. We are right and they are right. What we find is that it is only flu and mild. Even if it is only mild flu, as we assure them, they already know, word has already spread that it is the Cabal virus to kill humanity, Agenda 21 for depopulation. They, the governments, also see that it is mild flu, based on the statement of the Mexican health secretary that I found yesterday, and that says that for him so much fuss is not justified. So even though there is no virus, this is to protect the world population from the original genocidal virus that they know was released on Wuhan.
About the arrests and keeping the population away while they are carried out, remains secondary and something they may be using since the population must be quarantined anyway.
Another thing is that if you do not hear that they arrest anyone, such as Bill Gates, for example, it is also because: those who are seen in the public as the Cabal, Bill Gates, the royalty of England, Trump, Merkel and others, they are only puppets of much more powerful people hidden behind and who, due to their way of proceeding and acting, are not seen in public and the human population does not know about them even though they are the ones who are behind everything. That explains the strange military movements by land and air across Europe.
It is what we know now. But even so, we must leave the doors open to new updates and conclusions. It's all for now.
Stargate Artificial Portals: Extraterrestrial Technology (Swaruu of Erra)
Swaruu: As I have already said, they work exactly like a ship's engine or as a ship but from the inside towards the outside. A ship's engine wraps itself in an energetic toroid that changes the Frequency of itself and everything that is inside the toroid that the engine emits. In a portal the area of influence is only the interior or the vortex of the machine, what changes is only the Frequency of what enters it.
Once again ... if the Frequency of the centre of the portal equals that of the destination everything that enters said portal will arrive or transform itself into the part of the destination. On the destination side an area just appears as a confused, blurred or as a water effect, as has been exposed in the Stargate series and movies. Or in this case also as flashes of strong light from that place ... but most commonly it just simply appears out of nothing from the point of view of someone in the destination.
Gosia: This first donut, what part of the portal is it exactly?
Swaruu: The hole in the centre of a toroid. It IS the portal. The donut ... is a toroid as seen from above. Likewise the portal is the vortex or the nucleus of the toroid.
The portal is the centre or the hole in the centre of the toroid. It is as if a toroid is seen from above and the entrance is in terms of energy flow to the input from the outer edge of the toroide, inward. This flow, called "flux," is what gradually changes what enters there, from a base Frequency to the one resulting from the energy of the very toroid ... whose Frequency equals that of the destination ... inserting what enters there .... at the compatible destination or location in terms of its Frequency that the Portals dictate. Do you understand me so far?
Robert: Yes, and very well.
Swaruu: Everything exposed in those series is what happens in the jump rooms to Mars or any other spot, of those controlled and owned by the Cabal. While these rings are high-tech ...and therefore relatively small, to make a portal with terrestrial technology you need installations of the CERN type.
This is CERN. But CERN is nothing else but a human manufactured portal. What you see IS a portal. This thing of searching for ... "God particles" is an excuse. As we have said before, they don't spend thousands of millions of Euros searching for something of very little practical or applicable value, only useful for mathematics. They know this. This apparatus is something more practical and in the face of everyone. A grand portal.
Once again, they are basically a series of rotating rings displacing superconducting liquid, as in the engines. The effect gathered between the rings creates an energetic-magnetic dynamic of high energy toroid, that is as you know the basic energetic form for all matter. This is why everything seems to be a toroid. It is.
Once again, as with the ships .... you only need a portal device and a Frequency map of locations with their Frequency equivalents. You enter it into the the device and switch it on, you make sure that the energy of the nucleus is adequate, and ready! Basically it is this easy. Yes, there are various ways of creating the high energy toroid, it is not the only way or technology. But in essence it is the same.
Gosia: How are yours different from those of CERN? And what exactly do they do in CERN?
Swaruu: CERN is an effort to try to create a large portal where "big" things or things with large volumes would fit ... as to fit troops from other sides, ships. Whatever. CERN is basically an effort to bring reinforcements to Earth so they can fight against the Federation blockades. To bring in negative entities. Essentially reinforcements.
Robert: And every portal would necessarily need another portal at the destination?
Swaruu: In the destination you don't need a portal, but yes you can link two Portals, one at the exit and another at the destination. It is the most effective way to connect two locations. But you can program a portal to arrive at any destination. But when you get there, you cannot go back without another portal or without finding the mouth of where you exited. You can go to the destination or return from the same side as you left.
The very energetic dynamic of the toroid makes the Frequency of the person that passes from the location of origin to that of the destination shift, by them going through the ring of the portal, or centre of the toroid. Or the reverse.
For example ... you can establish a point as a portal ... as those of South America.
It is not that there is some technology there. Rather this location and its specific Frequency is set so that there you wait for the portal to open, from the other side.
It is not a machine, it is not a portal. It is what you see, a door shaped notch carved in rock. But the portal, the machine in the other side, wherever it may be, has determined artificially and subjectively to use that place as the portal opening and that is why the ancients carved that door there. But could be anywhere else.
This, on the other hand, is not necessarily a portal (yes, you can use it, but .... the bathroom door too). This, as we have discussed before ... it is a message about the portal in the Sun ... not the portal itself.
You can efficiently create a double portal that is always open but controlled from the origin side with a two piece device dynamics, positioned side by side, making it a double portal or a double ring. This creates the dynamics of a double toroid. And as result, you can transit freely from one side to another. You can do this with one portal, but this way the energy is more stable.
Gosia: A question. You say that these stone Portals are not Portals until they are "activated" from the other side. How exactly do you open/activate them, for example these "doors" in those rocks?
Swaruu: Only from the side of the portal, of the machine itself. That of the rock is inconsequential, it only marks the location where it opens from the control on the other side. This spot, the door in the rock, we can say has a Frequency of 4399.08. By dictating it to the machine when passing through the portal, you will appear there. If you then change the number and the frequencies of the same machine you can redirect the destination to another location. To any place, always and when you have the address.
Robert: And the location of CERN .... is it in this geographical place for a reason? Some kind of pattern, for it to be in Switzerland? Is there something in that area? Some Leyline that amplifies the energy of the toroid? And would this technology be from 5D?
Swaruu: It is on Ley Lines, yes. They help increase the energy by draining it from the field of Earth itself. CERN technology is retro engineering. This is why it is so voluminous when that of the star races is compact, only the ring itself. It is why it does not function well for them. They cannot minimize appliance sizes without losing efficiency and output power.
Gosia: Ok, another question. Going back to Portals in rocks. Have you used these stone Portals before, I imagine you have, right? Are there any that are open right now?
Swaruu: No, you don't keep the Portals open all the time, only when you use them. Up to now we have only talked about artificial Portals. You use a portal, go through it, and you close it.
Robert: And which races could they be, those who used the "stone Portals?" And for a casual observer, would he or she see the stone portal like a mirage within it?
Swaruu: Yes, it would be as a mirage. Multiple races has used them but they are mainly those that you have named "Homo Capensis."
Gosia: Are you still using artificial Portals? And would coming to Earth through the portal be easier than with the ship then?
Swaruu: It is used for transportation, yes. Every ship has its portal, it is part of the equipment. You already know it, under another name: Tractor beam. Think about it, it is only logical. You enter there in the ship, and it moves you to wherever. Changing the Frequency. Your Frequency.
Gosia: Then in this case you don't need a portal on the other side.
Swaruu: No, it is not necessary. You just enter the tractor beam and it passes you wherever you want, literally wherever you want. It is as with the Star Trek "transporters," only that they are more advanced and secure. Sometimes we go down to Earth like that. But the Taygetans prefer simple things, favoring ships, and to walk down a traditional ramp.
Robert: I imagine that those beings that came through the Portals ... to come from 5D they used some form of technology so that the 3D wouldn´t affect them negatively. And vice versa for the humans of the Earth. And doing some meditation and concentration, could you activate any of those Portals, standing in front of them and marking your destination with the Frequency of self-manifestation?
Swaruu: Meditation in itself doesn't do much to activate artificial Portals. Yes, you change your Frequency in meditation, making you more compatible with a portal, for example. But with these technologies it is simply something technical, and has little or nothing to do with meditation. Yes, they use Frequency rings so that 3D does not affect them, or they get used to 3D little by little, or to get their bodies used to 3D little by little, to balance the energy.
Gosia: Can you describe what one feels passing through the portal?
Swaruu: You don't feel much ... like an electric presence, as static. A sudden change in temperature too. Something else that draws the attention is that you smell different things. One moment where you were, normal, what you are used to ... and all of a sudden the smells of the destination hit you, a different temperature. This more with us women as we generally have a more activated sense of smell. But in itself, going through a portal is rapid. Far from being like going through a wormhole or something like that. You just are in your ship, a step forward .... you are in Peru, or whereever it may be ... one step back and you are back in the ship. Or you can look at Peru with your face, while your body remains in the ship.
Gosia: That cannot be! With your face?
Swaruu: Yes. Or you are in the ship and put your hands through and take something from Peru, and return your hands. You don't feel anything. Just like static, as if you were rubbing a balloon in your hair.
Gosia: Ok, come here then Swaruu. They won't even notice that you're gone! You can appear in my bathroom. I will set out beautiful essences so that it smells good. Or you just show your face. But will it look just like a face floating alone in the air?
Swaruu: Yes, essentially so. Or with the face, you can see, but from the destination they only see something blurry or like water. Water or water effect is because of the liquid or the flow of the toroid. It wouldn't be as in "Stargate" where you see it as waves in a pond, more like mirror-like water, or flowing somewhat towards the geometric center of the Stargate ring. Well, passing the hand through would be with a Stargate type portal. With a tractor beam I don't know how, because one is horizontal (Stargate) and the other is vertical (the tractor beam). (I am talking about the energy flow, not of the position of the device itself.
Gosia: In your ship, what kind of portal do you have?
Swaruu: Only a tractor beam.
This is from Star Trek but is almost identical. Only that in Star Trek they use one for each person. While in our case it is all together with one large single influence area.
Gosia: And which do you use to go to a specific place then? Any?
Swaruu: Any of the two. Only that in Stargate you enter it walking, and you can drive a vehicle through the portal. But with the tractor beam you have to put the people or objects in the influence area and then activate the portal.
Gosia: But to appear in our flat, for example, you don´t to need to bring the ship close to Barcelona and then use the tractor beam, right? Or you do? Or physically bringing the ship closer to the sites has nothing to do with it?
Swaruu: That´s right. You only have to activate the tractor beam.
We could go on and go on about the subject of artificial Portals ... and many things would be repeated ... or almost. And that is because they work the same way as a ship, but in reverse. Just like a ship it moves and controls its vibratory Frequency being inside its own toroid. And when the Frequency of the ship is equivalent to that of the destination, it will jump there from its initial position to the destination. Disappearing from the exit point ... and materializing itself at the arrival.
So ... the artificial portal, when the device is turned on, modifies the Frequency of everything that enters through the mouth of the portal. Or the nucleus of the toroid ... I insist on "toroid," because it is the magnetic-gravitatory high-energy dynamics of the flow (the flux) required to achieve this. Because it feeds itself by "recycling" its own energy. But the portal device itself does not change its Frequency as would a ship. Only its interior. But the principle is exactly the same.
You operate a ship as you do a portal. It is just that with a portal you need more detailed information of the destination Frequency. This is because when you go to a specific location with a ship you only have to arrive at the general location of the destination, and from there you fly normally, as you would with an aircraft or a helicopter, to the exact place. With the portal you need the Frequency points, the exact and detailed numbers of the precise and small location, of the destination location, in order for the portal to open exactly where you want it to.
So the quantity of data you have to feed the controlling computer is much more and way more precise than in the case of a ship. We have already given examples of these high precision factors, with large numbers and many fractals, in "Stellar Navigation 1."
Robert: I imagine that the only size limit of the artificial Portals would be according to their installation? And the natural Portals? How large are they usually?
Swaruu: God question! Leaving the natural ones aside, as those vary enormously in size ... in the case of an artificial portal if we have a diameter opening of three metres (9.8 feet) ... Logically, you would not enter an 18-wheeled vehicle in the device.
This is the first and obvious limitation, but it has to be mentioned even though it sounds as a joke. But there is another limitation, which I have not seen anyone share on Portals. It is something they wouldn´t be able to know without having the portal in their hands. In the case of a ship, the calculations of the required output power of the engines to wrap the ship's mass and everything in it, plus a large or dense load too, has already been made (yes, there is a limit).
In the case of a portal, for example a small one like in Stargate ... what enters the portal must have a specific density per volume. It cannot exceed this matter density, or else the energy that the device is capable of generating will not be enough to change the density of the matter that enters its mouth or vortex. This means ....
Let's look at a small one. If we have a portal where small wooden items can be passed through, just to mention a material, it can be anything, the energy of this is low. But even though the objects were of the same size ... You will not be able to shift the Frequency of say a 6kg exercise weight made of iron.
As we have already said ... matter is a set of nodes within a gravitational field concentrated with a Frequency harmonics very specific to each material object in the medium, the ether, with fluid dynamics.
So, the amount of energy that an object of great mass receives from the ether, as the 6 kg exercise weight, which is the mass of the object, exceed the capacity of the portal device to supply the magnetic-electric energy to neutralize the magnetic-gravitational flow that the exercise weight generates. Do I make sense?
Robert: Well, then mass counts a lot. For example, Gosia and I could pass through a portal, but not someone larger, right? Or you could, Swaruu, pass through a portal, but us being of larger mass could not.
Swaruu: That is to say that the portal needs a certain amount of toroidal energy to be able to neutralize the energy that the object's mass receives from the ether field where it is in the first place.
Gosia: Ok. So when you say: "a density per volume" ... it has nothing to do with the density - FREQUENCY in this case? Density per volume means the physical mass of the object material. Is that so?
Swaruu: Yes. If a portal is only capable to provide a power of, say, one million electron-volts, it will not be able to move the density of a piece that needs one million three hundred and twenty thousand electron-volts.
Robert: This means for example ... you can transport a person but not an elephant.
Swaruu: As Robert says, it is exactly as it is.
Gosia: What is the weight limit?
Swaruu: Although it may fit through the portal or tunnel itself, the mass limit, not so much the weight, but is related, depends on each portal. But in itself it is calculated with the object mass in relation to the density factor, by the energy that the portal device is able to generate.
M/D x E <--- formula (basic, of course).
Nobody talks about this problem or limitation of Portals. And it is one of the reasons why the Cabal tries to make them larger, like CERN. In itself the device is of a great size because it is retro engineering, and the components are not miniaturized. It is like having a refrigerator the size of a flat full of pipes and things and condensers, compressors, radiators, everything for a one cubic foot fridge.
In a 3D neutral portal ... someone of a large mass cannot pass through. But you, yes. But if you are in 5D ... you might be able to pass that same person through using the same device. This limitation is "the why" the negatives on Earth can only pass limited things and personnel through their Portals.
Gosia: Why can that person be able to pass suddenly? I didn't understand that part. Does the mass change in 5D? Less gravity, etc.?
Swaruu: Yes, the mass factor changes with the density. It is less mass for the same object. For example, were I to eat a terrestrial hot dog, it would be as if you ate a brick.
Gosia: The mass factor changes with the density-FREQUENCY, then?
Swaruu: Yes.
Robert: I understand now, for example you have always said that their Portals are so small that they will only send through one at a time. The ones the regressives have.
Swaruu: Yes, and therefore they are limited. Logically, there is also a time limit, in which something needs to completely pass through before the following thing or person can enter.
Robert: The portal is open for a limited time only?
Swaruu: In the case of natural Portals, yes they do have a time limit, but it is another dynamics. In the case of the artificial Portals, the device has to terminate its "change density process" of what enters it before it can restart the process for the next thing. Another limit is that in some cases the portal device tends to overheat (specifically the capacitors or coils) and you have to wait until it cools down. This, logically, depends on each specific portal device and how well it is made.
Gosia: Is there a solution so that the Portals can be able to transport objects of higher mass?
Swaruu: Of course ... more power. That is why they want a bigger CERN.
Gosia: One thing, Swaruu. Is it ok that we publish this? We give clues to the negatives, don´t we? Clues on how to resolve their problems with the Portals.
Swaruu: They already know this. The only thing this can bring on is that they don't like that people know this. I have not given clues on how to reduce the size of the device by power output.
Gosia: But if they already know this, why do they insist on a bigger portal?
Swaruu: Because this is the only way they can generate more internal power of the portal itself. They do not have miniaturization. Us here, yes. Therefore my example of the fridge. The have a refrigerator the size of many rooms in a flat, all to achieve the same what a small fridge in the kitchen does. There is no point in making a small desktop portal, but they can be used for messaging, for example.
Gosia: Do you mean miniaturize the objects that pass through the portal ... or the portal itself.
Swaruu: No, you cannot minituarize the physical entrance of the portal. Even if it had great power they will continue to get stuck when trying to enter.
Gosia: So to what miniaturization are you referring? That of the objects that are sent through?
Swaruu: The opening itself has to be of a certain size. I mean that in the case of CERN: (image)
They need all this, all these large and voluminous apparatuses, full of tubes and all sorts of gadgets to accomplish the same thing that this would do:
This technology they don´t have. Miniaturization of components to achieve the same result.
Gosia: Ok, I understand. Not the portal itself or the objects going through, but the whole mechanism.
Swaruu: Part of the reason, the true reason, for invading Iraq was to seize the Portals. Not only those in the Baghdad museum, but also those in the Alt Ur.
A black and white drawing is a clear representation. There are no images online of the Portals. But basically the rings are like this.
Gosia: Those in Iraq, are they artificial or natural?
Swaruu: Antique-artificial. Mainly Elohi. The majority no longer works, but ... still they shouldn´t fall into the hands of the people.
Gosia: Where else are there old artificial Portals?
Swaruu: At this time they have already been removed from almost all archaeological sites. There are in the pyramids, such as those of Bosnia and of Crimea. Under Giza. And modern ones, in Area 51 in Nevada, in bases such as Wright Patterson in Ohio, or under the Pentagon. Or small ones of low energy that can only send through one person at a time in "jump rooms" in various military installations.
Gosia: Where are the Portals that the Reptilians use to send people to Mars and Venus?
Swaruu: In DUMBS. Down below, in various DUMBS all over the world. As you see, there are many Portals. So they are difficult to stop.
We note that the Reptiles have supplied small operational Portals to human agencies. Because the jump rooms are relatively small and always with Sumerian or at least ancient motifs and symbols. Up to now I haven't seen, or I don't know of, jump rooms with 100% human technology, be it Cabal or not. It also explains the existence of particle accelerators like CERN. And yes, a portal can be used to bring in another (turned off) portal to the other side, as long as it fits the threshold. Or it can be assembled in the new place. So this is why there is such a proliferation of Portals today, and there are thousands. It seems as if the whole world has them except the people.
This is why the Federation has not been able to shut off or dismantle them all. They bring in more from other sides. From the point of view of 5D, to call it something ... it is just another machine. For example, in Taygeta it is used for messaging. You have your house in the mountains, and every week you are sent your grocery pantry or whatever you need. It appears in your terminal. Like a big mailbox.
Or you want to send something to your friend who is three thousand kilometres away from you, or in Temmer while you are in Erra, you put it there and it is instantly sent to your friend. But there are politics of their use, especially from sites close to Earth such as this ship, or from the Earth itself.
For example, in Taygeta there is a registry of Portals usage and to which addresses they were used, to avoid that the negatives infiltrate with the use of the Portals. It would just be too easy for them. From a jump room in Nevada to Temmer, and there you have the soldiers invading Temmer. As do the ships .... the Portals too leave an energetic signal remnant ... such as gamma rays, sparkles, that give away the usage of a portal. So yes, the use of jump rooms is detectable and recordable.
There is also another problem that renders it not advisable to use Portals "long distance" ... there are often no millimetrically precise records available on the exact frequencies of the destination, because as I have said they change with time and variables. So you send something to the Swaruu you know, and it reaches another Swaruu? In theory, that is also what many dislike. The result is a little "uncertain".
Because at a distance, even though there are no distances ... yes, the variables and factors to consider increase, rendering a traditional use of a ship more practical.
Gosia: And how is it that you could make a mistake with the destination address, and the Cabal sends soldiers to Venus without problems? Or do they commit errors too?
Swaruu: But Venus and Mars is something local, and yes they make errors. If they open a portal in a remote place on Erra, the SAR alarms will come on and the invaders will be attacked. The Portals are not completely invisible.
Gosia: Ok, I understand. This is tremendously interesting. Many thanks for your time. This subject fascinates me.
Robert: Many thanks Swaruu. I liked it very much too.
Swaruu: Thanks to both. We will deal with natural Portals next. See you soon, rest well.
Extraterrestrial Technology - Tech Talk with the Taygetean Pleiadian
Swaruu: I am a bit worried. I didnt and couldnt give it my all in the chat. They were all expecting awesome answers and I was not in a position to give them any at that tiime! And something you do not know: I was not here in my usual room, I was in the hangar on an elevator work platform behind Suzy like 5m above deck with an old computer on a stool, and had my hands all greasy being in the middle of the dirty job, I couldn't even type well, as I was standing.
Gosia: Wow, we understand! Dont worry.
Swaruu: The computer was there so I could listen to you while I worked. I didn´t expect you to ask me to come to the chat live.
Gosia: Aww. You should have said so. I would have stopped it. We didnt know. But you did fine, please don´t worry.
Dale: Still LS you were fantastic and we were so proud to have you there.
Swaruu: And I thought it was kind of funny when you explained the engines and the toroids with the images we sent you.. cause I was right there working on precisely that, and looking into two large exhaust nuzzles. With my hands all dirty!
Dale: Very cool.
Swaruu: I know they are in the mentality that everything here is manifested into reality. And there you have me all dirty in an overall. We are just more people. And then they asked for the best switch for a Rodin coil and I had no clue what they wanted or what they intended to achieve with such a device exactly. That must be understood first.
Dale: They were attempting to switch the power on and off in pulses and wanted to do it in repeatable and reliable way with shorter than nanoseconds. Still I do not think that would achieve the results they are looking for. As I understand it they need shorter and shorter wavelenghts by operating in a continuous mode not pulsed. Is that Correct LS?
Swaruu: Yes, exactly, I do not see any practical purpose for pulses. Unless they are making an aerial arc spark as part of the system.
Dale: They are looking to produce a toroidal field and a Electrogravitic engine of sorts.
Swaruu: Electrogravitic engine. They do not know the Frequency of gravity around them. They need a Frequency sensor, and a Frequency output modulator for their coil. The problem is that they are loosing a lot of their already weak gravitational field to unnecessary energy output as they are not transmitting in the correct Frequency range of the gravitational field.
Question. How would you solve the electric voltage modulation for a simple variable Frequency VLF radio?
Dale: I suppose you could use a simple LRC network.
Swaruu: Could you please explain in very simple terms what is a LRC network? Please entertain me for a sec with this, I'm going to something here.
Dale: LRC L= inductive, R= resitive and C - capacitive, LRC network would provide a means of tuning and a means of timing...or Frequency control.
Swaruu: And what would be the hardware?
Dale: An inductor will be coil of wire or a coil wrapped around an iron core, the resistor is a resitance element to the flow of electricity and the capacitor stores energy. The amount of capacitance will control the timing of the circuit and therefore the charge up and discharge rate. Thus Frequency control. The coil they showed me was a rather complicated form of Rodin coil I believe with 9 actual coils wound on the form.
My concern is that 9 separate coils hand would not be very precise and therefore the resistance and timing of the coils would be difficult to syncronize. Producing instabilty.
Swaruu: Ok. My point here was that you may have aready made circuits and even chips to do that work as a LRC network. But if you are communicating with someone in 1912 for example... it gets a little bit harder to explain. Especially when you do not know what they have in hand.
And yes, that is one problem, you need to have the precise same resistance in each one of the 9 separate coils.
Dale: Yes, I agree LS. There are many different LRC components available and or off the shelf.
Swaruu: If they are using copper wire a lot of energy is being lost only because of resistance.
Dale: Exactly. They should be using superconductive alloys. But none exist here yet at Room temp.
Swaruu: The problem is that even if they used super conductive wire, the Frequency will not be variable. And that is the main problem here.
Dale: I see.
Swaruu: You may have some minimum output Frequency control, if they vary the energy flow in each one of the 9 separate coils. So what they need is a coil within a coil within a coil within a coil (as many as possible) to vary the relationship of the electromagnetic fields and the interaction among them all to have a fully variable Frequency output. But the main problem here is the mere electric resistance of the copper wire.
Dale: What if each coil were seperately tunable?
Swaruu: Yes with each separate coil being tune-able. They may see some results.
Dale: I suppose, if a very high quality computer were introduced to the system, it might be possible to compensate for coil and LRC instabilities. But still as you say the copper is a big problem. Probably bleed more energy than they could create.
Swaruu: Yes, definitely so! It does consume more than what it produces. But if their aim is to cancel gravity it may be more achievable than free energy. Are they using insulated copper wire or plain wire?
Dale: Copper with a thin enamel insulation like we use in electric motors windings.
Swaruu: Ok perfect that would be the way to go. Plain wire would be plain DUMB but I had to check. The key here is the resistance within the coil. I know it is not possible but you do need a superconductor cable here.
Dale: Zero point cannot be done with this primitive tech...
Swaruu: No, i'm afraid not.
Dale: Wish we had one.
Swaruu: Or perhaps something to let them realize that it is possible. I mean at least partially a coil in a car is to some degree also getting energy form the ether. But it is explained away by other physics, on earth.
Dale: Using a copper alloy that demonstrates some superconductivity and cooling the coil with liquid nitrogen or liquid Helium may give them some hope, but still not an easy task.
Swaruu: (Spark plug coil) Or car coil in an older model with no electronic ignition.
Dale: Yes, understood.
Swaruu: Hint (expensive) try freezed gold wire.
Dale: Ah Yes.
Swaruu: Here gold wire is used nearly everywhere. I know it is impossible to pay for there.
Dale: But this is ultra pure and crystaline, No?
Swaruu: Yes. No resistance. But it is purified.
Dale: Almost beyond the reach of such researchers.
Swaruu: So the problem here boils down to materials as well.
Dale: Always does LS.
Swaruu: So... I do not have an easy "spectacular" answer for them.
Dale: If they have some Niobium Tin wire and Liquid Helium they could achieve some results. But again the cost and availability is beyond most.
Swaruu: Perhaps they are trying to flow energy through each one of the separate 9 coils to create a vortex. That could be why they are separate coils and 9 of them. But I cannot know if it would work at this point.
Dale: There are some super conductors that will work at LN2 levels, but not readily available. And yes, agreed. Perhaps, we need to ask just what do they hope to achieve.
Swaruu: That would be a first step. We cannot help them if we cannot know what they wish to achieve. And then they should research materials first.
Gosia: But what is this device they are trying to construct anyway? 5G protection? or what?
Dale: No G. They are trying to procude an Electromagnetic Gravitic space craft drive.
Swaruu: Cancel gravity in short.
Dale: Yes exactly
Gosia: for what purpose? For air craft?
Dale: Build a space ship.
Gosia: Haha ah ok.
Swaruu: Then they must control the Frequency output. And as they have very low power output this turns to be critical. For the sensors, they may need an interpherometer. But then again the one they need would have to be constructed from scratch and also needs, and is based on tunneling effect of a very controlled electric current through two superconductive cables. And then they need a way to interpret those interpherometer readings and translate them into something useful.
Dale: At the proper resonant Frequency of this coil it should act to nullify local gravity. Correct?
Swaruu: Yes Dale, but the problem here, that I'm trying to explain is what exactly is the proper resonant Frequency? You need it to be able to produce its counter part in order to cancel it.
Dale: Interpherometer as in light waves, LS like we use in laser systems or perhaps tunneling diodes? And ok, I understand LS, makes sense. This for them would be a hunt and peck method I am afraid.
Swaruu: Ok, yes those... but the commercial ones are not sensitive enough to sample gravity variations within a field. And then you need to remove the noise produced by many things on Earth that also cause a reaction in the interpherometer causing false readings.
Dale: They would have to be huge as the ones used to lately detect gravitational waves from coliding black holes.
Swaruu: Yes. Then they must make them smaller. Usable. Materials again.
Dale: Those are up to miles long on each leg. Not practical for those researchers. Billions to construct. Yes, back to materials. Sad.
Swaruu: I guess it would be bragging to say the ones on the surface of starships are about the size of a parking sensor, on one of your cars!
Dale: Haha yes, but hey what do you expect for 800,000 years of advancement.
Swaruu: I want to help, but it is hard for me to even compress the how to. But it does use the very same principle. Tunneling effect between superconductive cables.
Dale: I do appreciate you trying LS and I am sure they will appreciate it to. I just wish we could offer more hope. Maybe in another 100 years earth time.
Swaruu: The key problem here is materials.
Dale: Yes, superconductors and polymorphic alloys etc.
Swaruu: Mostly miniaturization of superconductive materials. And the development of room temperature superconductors. Here mostly crystalline gold cable.
Dale: Also handling ultra high energy magnetic fields.
Swaruu: In that last case modulation of Frequency is most necessary. They are only radiating themselves without proper protection and all that useless electromagnetic radiation is only producing noise that will gravelly effect the efficiency of the device.
Dale: Here on earth they struggle to produce fields of 40 to 50 Tesla. Are you speaking of amplitued modulation or direct Frequency modulation?
Swaruu: Both.
Dale: I see.
Swaruu: Everything must be focused and controlled, or you are just bleeding energy you need concentrated.
Dale: Agreed.
Swaruu: For example out of the 100 it produces, it would not work if 15% is wasting on one Frequency 10% on another 20 on yet another and so on. Basically they are creating an elegant short circuit.
Dale: Yes, yes they are and many a coil has been burned up. As you say a very elegant short circuit.
Dale: I believe we can make a sort of crystaline gold wire, as we do make crystaline copper and silver, but I do not know if it is homgenous enough or that the crystals are uniform enough.
Swaruu: You need to concentrate all the noise it produces. Am I making any sense to you?
Dale: Yes, Perfect sense. Thank you. I just do not readily see how this can be accomplished here, now. But, there is always hope.
Swaruu: They may want to experiment with another non Rodin coil configuration. Dual Merkaba, also with wire. No idea if that will work, I must do more research. Here it is the basic shape for an energetic Zero Point engine or reactor but it does not use cable. 2 coils, one Merkaba on each.
Dale: BTW, I always have been attracted to very high energy counter rotating magnetic fileds. Since i was very young.. I see this as a way to nullify gravity as well.
Swaruu: Dale those are so good they are the same principle used in starship engines. That is what powers starships. I have available to me all these toys to play with. But I cannot share as they don't work without the proper materials you simply either do not have, or are too expensive for them to have.
Dale: Counter rotating magnetic fields...so it is a memory.
Swaruu: Counter rotating electromagnetic pulse drive turbine engines.
Dale: I can see it in my mind. I could build it if I had the materials and the funds.
Swaruu: The nominal thrust is humongous ! Again, materials as well. If you use anything you have on Earth now, you will simply melt the turbine. You don't even have such alloys!
Gosia: Why are the funds necessary to get hold of those materials? They cost so much to obtain?
Dale: I have a nice lab G, but not even close for this kind of research.
Gosia: What can they do to obtain those alloys? Whats the process of obtaining those materials?
Dale: Dont exist here yet.
Swaruu: Yes, G, they do not have them on Earth, they do not exist there. These engines get very hot. (Heat seeking missiles love them, once introduced they will no longer be interested in Jet engines.).
Dale: Even our refarctory metals such as Tungsten would fail very quickly. Some of these metals would probably best be made in a non gravity environment.
Swaruu: Yes. They must be smelted in Zero G.
Gosia: So whats the step towards making them EXIST here?
Swaruu: Little by little. imagine people in 1912 saying that they want to make a computer that can run Windows 10. How can we even start to tell them how?! I understand their need and their impatience and hurt. But I do also think sometimes that this contact may be counter productive as it only feeds frustration.
Gosia: As long as some clues and cues and suggestions are given, its not. I do believe that something can be given to the 1912 civilization so they advance. And you have been at it.
Dale: Yes, it is possible and the seeds are and have been sown...But for now, it will take time and patient research.
Gosia: I do understand the gap is big. But as long as they feel they are working toward advancement, thats the goal. Thank you very much for your explanations to this topic.
Dale: First they need to understand what zero point energy is and what gravity is and how to manipulate both. Cant do that without understanding, base 12 math and very hard from 3D perspective. If we were 5D here then much easier. Thanks for all your input, very valuable.
Swaruu: Thank you to both. Talk to you soon!
Extraterrestrial Technology: Spacecraft Take Off Procedure (Taygetean Pleiadian Message)
Dhor Káal’él: First thing I do is walk around the ship, looking at specific places I already know about. I'm looking for any open panel, anything out of place, any animal stuck in a hole, and pieces of garbage around intakes and inside the landing gear wells. I look for hydraulic leaks, unsecured hatches. And I remove covers and tags (¨Remove before flight¨ tags). Exactly as you would in an Earth aircraft. No service hoses hanging out, nothing attached to the craft. No external power feed wires. Nothing, so the craft is standing alone.
Once the craft is secured... I walk to the ramp in front of it and I look at the hydraulic pistons at each side of it, the actuators, looking for anything that might get caught in it as it closes and any leaks as well. I walk up the ramp ( not stairs) and I find myself in the main cargo hold. I look around to see if everything there is secured. Taking for example in this situation as if it were empty. No cargo.
I either think the order or I press a big red button on the forward side of the cargo hold inside to raise the ramp and I wait to see that it's up. It takes a few seconds and it goes up with a whining sound of the pumps, and then a thump and the red button glows green-secured up.
Then I walk past a narrow passage way like 5 meters to the front on the craft to each side of this passage where there are the access doors to the main ship's computer CPU on either side. The doors are transparent tinted light smoke colour. Light and systems glowing inside. The brain is active. I get to a small door and it opens to one side (left) and I walk into the cockpit.
There is an upper level semi circle in shape there. Two seats to one side, two on the other by the windows (now covered looking titanium colour). Then one step below there is one main seat in the centre and a console. You go into the cockpit, the floor is shaped like 1/3 rd of a circle. Like a moon shape with the tips forwards and the door at the centre.
I step down and there are 3 more seats (total 7). One in the centre, and two more in front side by side. In front of each one of the tree there is a large curved console, metal grey in colour. I sit in the centre one. You could take seat anywhere you like. I'd recommend in the two forward seats to each side of the pilot's main seat.
Now when i fly alone I will move my centre seat forwards. All the way to the cockpit canopy. Leaving behind the two front seats. With you two there, I can be in front and you to the rear of me. Or 3 side by side or you in front and me behind in the middle. The seats do move.
Gosia: All of us side by side. Unless Dale objects.
Dhor Káal’él: Ok. Then we strap ourselves in. The seats do this for you. You don't have to do it. They are 5 point seats belts. But they come out of the seat and strap you in automatically. But in the centre of them there is a black button, big. You press it and it disables the system. The window in front goes all around from top to bottom and on the floor, meaning the floor on the lover level of the cockpit (not the upper one) is transparent. On the sides where the rear 4 seats are there are more windows
Now we are inside but everything is off. The cockpit canopy ( canopy is the transparent part)in this moment is off, meaning it's opaque. It looks grey and dull. You cant see outside
The lights come from the level step on the floor and on lighting slots all over the roof and on the console to the rear. We are now sitting.
All I have to do is say: All systems start. And the whole computer will boot up. Or I can press the big black button to the left and up corner of my console (manual control).
Gosia: Exciting!
Thats usually me on the plane during take off
Dhor Káal’él: Nice ox-cart Gosia! (Sorry)
Gosia: Hahahahahahaha
Dhor Káal’él: Joking, I don't compare. I love old tech, flying machines as well.
Gosia: Better?
Dhor Káal’él: Hahaha. That's better! Too bad those only use gravity cancelling. We deem as inferior technology.
Ok. Systems come on line ..... The three main consoles light up and give basic readings! One sec... Ready. In front of each console a screen will appear, it's trans-lucid, it's only a hologram. And the canopy will go transparent
Dale: Do you set up telepathic interface at this point?
Dhor Káal’él: No, it was set up in the moment I asked for ¨all systems start¨. Or you can at any point request interface at will whenever you want, if on manual mode. In front of the canopy you will see basic instrumentation appear in front of you. You can now see outside, the hangar and all in front of the craft. Under the canopy you can see the quadruple plasma canon under you. In the case of model TPT-155 Suzy 1 you can see the muzzle of the GAU-7 Gatling Cannon.
You ask for systems check, and it will take a few seconds, less than 5. All systems nominal will come up, in audio and on screen in front of you. Then either you ask for it mentally or you do it manually. You check systems for engine and gravity generators. Comes up all nominal - all ok. Then you say the magic words, you think them, or you press the nice red button in the centre above in the console. The button reads: Engine Start
Like this one sec.
Turbine helicopter start up. Listen. Similar but bigger! A lot bigger! And then the second one.
Starts up and catches up with the first. Rarely do they do the same together. They do not always start on the same sequence, one then the other or the next time the other and then the first one. This is for you, the pilot, to hear them in case there is something wrong. You feel you engines. You know them well. They are part of you.
Then, when they are both at enough speed the roar will burst behind each one of them like two large explosions. Plasma level has been reached. And with it thrust! Then you ask for take off permission in case it's applicable.
When you are clear, then you set inertia dampeners to however you want. 97% to 98 % is usual to be able to feel come acceleration. But you can program accelerators and dampeners to be at full 100% in the rest of the ship and at 97% in the cockpit alone. So people in the rear of the ship will be comfortable drinking their tea. While you in front are accelerating and enjoying your manoeuvres! 100% inertia dampeners = Meaning you do not feel any movement. 97% it meas you feel 3% of the acceleation. Set to 0% you will be a a smear on the canopy !!! Jello! 97% is enough!
A Suzy class ship may accelerate over 1000 g force while flying atmosphere. One thousand time Earth gravity. While on Atmosphere. Same for a 90° or worse turn. When in a Fighter aircraft a human pilot can take a maximum G of 10 maybe 11g force for like 3 seconds. In an F-15 Fighter for example.
So we have clearance. Then on the console to the left under the ¨systems on¨ button, you set gravity cancellation to 0 (Not inertia Dampeners). Then in front of you the hologram will indicate that the ship is hovering and no weight is on the gear. Then still to the left under gravity cancellation controls there as 3 rectangular glowing buttons. In white.
For Taygetan craft white = green (usually) Red = Red for reference.
Touch all 3 of them and they will glow green (Green indicating good up movement )
Then Red for a moment and then off...Indicating: Gear has retracted into the wells.
(Manual description here for now. Everything I say can only be thought and the craft will obey)
I take my joy stick with my right hand and my collective with my left (As in a helicopter). And gently push the joy stick forwards. The ship will move forwards slowly. Collective is the throttle controls and other buttons, mainly engine power control.
We are assuming the ship is in a covered hangar with side exits. Our ship glides some 10 feet over the deck. Deck is the floor in pilot talk. We reach the end of the hangar and we see empty space all around up (As in taking off from the larger ship). A little bit of static is seen outside around the hull as we cross the several layers of force field that enclose and protect the mother ship and hangar area.
Gosia: Wow that moment of ¨jumping¨ into space must be incredible.
Dhor Káal’él: It feels like, or as if you were to "fall off". It does look like the edge to a precipice! Then we are in space now, moving with the gravity generators only.
I move the joy stick to one side and we move along side large mothership. We see its large grey hull. We are in space now. We go out to space here in this example very slowly. Moving like at 40 mph. Slow for a ship. So we are along side our mothership. We can see the windows, sometimes people inside. Then it ends and we are alone. Mothership behind us.
We move the nose of our ship towards the destination (not necessary but we do it any way). Say.. Aldebaran 65.4 LY away. We start to move faster as I move the collective up. And we are now moving past Mack 1 and moving to hyper-sonic speeds. We do feel the acceleration. Then we move the power to the main turbines. We feel them bursting into life. And we feel a huge kick and acceleration and a large roar and cracking sounds of the plasma outside. We are now moving faster and faster.
The ship will now start to alter the density of itself and you in it inside to compensate for the added mass due to the acceleration. Usual when we reach 40 000 Kmm /sec. We then go to what you would call Throttle up. And having programmed only with thought the destination, all the calculations are made by the ship's AI. She knows what she is doing (All ships are a She). We close the Toroid. We jump into Hyper Space. It feels like static and out side no stars remain. We are moving way too fast ! All you see is streaks of light moving back wards...they are not stars they are static discharges between the toroid and the hull of the ship. Its perfectly smooth.
The roar of the engines has stopepd to be only a whisper or a flow of air coming out of a metal pipe. You are now moving horrendously fast. For Aldebaran 65.4 LY away on a Suzy class last time it was 25 min SIT time. SIT is Ship Internal Time. You can now leave your seat
Dale: But there is no sound in space right?
Dhor Káal’él: The sound comes only from the ship itself. What you hear is transmitted through. Nothing of sound is form the outside. And when in Hype Space... You cannot see anything outside. It's all BLACK. Only the discharges and streaks outside that are nice because they do give you some sense of speed... those are also not coming from the outside but form the toroid.
Dale: Turbine are high speed compressor turbines ... ?
Dhor Káal’él: No Compressor. They are not Jet Turbines. Only Ionic magnetic plasma drives.
Dale: Turbines act to compress flow of plasma as it is magnetically confined? Once you go beyon turbine power, you kick in magnetic toroid and that is a Frequency drive. Thats what you use for hyperspace.
Dhor Káal’él: In that case YES. Toroid. The Engines are the ones that generate the toroid. The Plasma is Frequency controlled.
Dale: So they act to produce plasma output that is then confined to the toroid. And that will generate your hyperspace.
Dhor Káal’él: The Flux output backwards will flow to the front of the ship and back again with something like a caterpillar effect. The plasma flows out backwards...
Dale: Does it engulf the ship? Like a bubble?
Dhor Káal’él: Yes. Then as it's magnetic it will flow to the front of the craft using the hull itself and closes the toroid. As the Frequency output of the engines is precisely controlled, the exact Frequency inside the ship and the toroid are the ones of the destination.
Dale says: Its a very elegant system. The polymorphic material controls the field around the ship?
Dhor Káal’él: The ship is made of polymorphic metal, computer controlled. One word here... We no longer use WARP Speed as a name for this, as we may have in the past because this is wrong. To WARP is to band Time -Space as Einstein said. To create a worm hole. There is NO time and space to bend. There is Frequency modulation and control-manipulation. Not Warping anything. This Frequency technology is beyond Warp technology. We call it Supra Luminal or simply Hyper Drive. Or Ether jumps.
And it is still generated by turbines rotating and making jet noises, but they are way above and more advanced than gravity drives that are only used for or as control surfaces would on an aircraft.
Gosia: Do the ships use any fuel?
Dhor Káal’él: These Ships are Zero-Point. No fuel of any kind is needed. No refuelling nor recharging necessary ever. Unlimited range.
We don't need to use worm holes, we don't need solar Portals, we don't need anything. The ship itself makes its own wormhole if you may (not wormhole either, we are beyond that ). We do not depend on transit routes of any kind as other lesser advanced races do. This is beyond Warp technology.
While at Hyper Speed. You can walk around, take some tea, eat cookies (we do have them). Chat. Leave the bridge alone. Play a game. And then the computer will say in audio something like (translating to human terms ):
Now hear this, now hear this: Destination threshold achieved. Destination threshold achieved. Ship is now decelerating and returning to impulse mode.
You run to your seats, strap yourselves again.
Then you will hear a clear turbine deceleration. It tells you in how much time. It's all SIT Time. This is hard to describe as we don't use seconds or minutes. Humans are the only species that has invented a way to measure something that does not exist. But it conveys the idea as in reference to what you have lived from the start of the jump to the end. Like in telling you that the ship will exit Hyper speed in 2% of total SIT time experienced so far. Do I make any sense so far?
Gosia: Yes, perfect sense. Thank you.
Dale: All pilots eventually function as one with their ship.
Dhor Káal’él: That is correct... perfectly correct.
Dale: If I were with you on the ship, enter there, would the ship recognize me?
Dhor Káal’él: It would. The ship would recognise your Frequency AND DNA. You don't need an ID here. But each ship has safe settings. For example Suzy is so tight in her settings that only Swaruu can operate or even enter her!! In a very real sense Suzy IS an extension of Swaruu. Her IA is an extension of Swaruu's mind. But... A large ship like this one is more relaxed. And you would access and operate the ship.
Ok, so that´s that. That´s the take off procedure and flight. We reached our destination.
Gosia: Thank you Kaalel! It was quite exciting, we can feel your passion about flying when you describe everything. Thanks a lot for all the details!
Dale: Thanks brother, it was most exhilirating to be there with you, I am remembering some of it. Thank you for your time.
Dhor Káal’él: Thank you both for yours. I am tired now but I love to be here with you! Until tomorrow.
Ascension and Positronic Energies: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (Swaruu of Erra)
Gosia: Swaruu look. I have this comment and question from a subscriber. "I know that time does not exist ... I really know it and I believe it ... I know that there is life beyond Earth and infinite galaxies ... I know that I am out there ... But I want to live liberation of the earth ... the ascension ... and not waiting to die in this body ... but there is no frame of reference for such an event ... I want it ... I desire it ... but how do I build that timeline? How do I build that "future" ...? How do I build that intention to generate the Frequency that will match the ascension?
Swaruu: You must live it! As if it had already occurred! That is how it occurs. It is not something that will happen to you, it is and must be something that you do for yourself. Everything is frequencies, and frequencies are the result of mental perception, of consciousness. You want to know how....Fake it until you make it. You must live in that state of mind. You must not wait for 'something' to happen, you must roll up your sleeves and get to it, study, be the change doing every little detail that you feel would make a difference, there are no small details. Small things are only small from the human perception and scale of relevance, importance. Not for a cosmic scale. Life is hard, and life is terrible and life is cruel... But you people are even tougher, stronger than you ever imagined! You are not victims, but you will always go back to say that.... The priest was mean to me when I was little and that's why I...this and that.
One of the biggest bull shit stories you have been told by all those New Agers is that this ascension thing is "happening" to you! You must be it!
The positronic energies hitting Earth do exist! Those energies are frequencies coming from other consciousnesses, interacting and combining with yours. This is the famous "energy flux positronic storm coming from the center of the Galaxy". But people must flow with those energies, not resist them, and they are resisting them clinging to their old mentality. No change will come like that! They will stay in their old paradigm and mentality!
Gosia: Some people call it sun storms. Is that what the positronic storm is?
Swaruu: It is a high energy wave that emanates from the center of the Galaxy and is produced by the combined interactions of all the stars and planets in that region. It is of a very high Frequency. It is a storm in space and it hits Earth some 2 or 3 times a month. It is felt as spikes in the Earth's magnetic field and it raises the Schumann resonance a lot, although it falls again it does not fall all the way down to the former reading, so it climbs a little each time. It is felt in space as a real physical storm to the point that when it comes on strong you must close the shutters on your ships and brace for impact. It hits the ships here like a storm in the sea would hit the sea ship. Yes there is weather in space. The shields are up to the max and you can hear how the particles hit the hull like millions of pieces of hail on a brass roof. The structure of the ship is also heard complaining about the additional stress. It does disturb Muon transmissions and comm connections too!
Gosia: What triggers it?
Swaruu: It is part of the very dynamics that make up matter in this Universe, it´s an energy wave in the ether .
The sun sends positrons to the earth and this raises the shumann resonance. The center of the Galaxy emits shock waves that are positively charged particles. They are very high Frequency, above 10,000 Tera-Hertz when the Schumann Frequency of the earth is about 16 Hertz. But since it is mostly in other planes, it only hits Earth on a smaller scale, but that smaller scale is enough to create a rise in the Schumann Frequency and with that the gradual dissolution of the 3D Matrix.
What is Positronic Wave?
Let's see, it's not something that can be seen. or only with instruments that give it a shape or assign it an image according to the frequencies. It enters in waves, it is like a spiral or an arm of the Galaxy. Imagine a curved arm that passes by hitting everything in its path. It is a series of high frequencies of a lot of energy, it happens within the ether but because of its nodes by its harmonics, it manifests on the physical side as positrons of high charge. They hit everything, and as expected, they modify the Frequency of everything that passes or of everything they touch by the principle of dominant frequencies.
For the same reason when they go through the sun they modify it, they raise its Frequency and then it emits high-energy solar wind, increasing even more the wave of the energy from the center of the Galaxy.
Even though this wave of energy works and hits everything by itself .. as they pass through the suns they tend to amplify the energy they receive. It is said this energy comes from Alcyone ... this is false. It comes from the center of the Galaxy and it is the same energy dynamic that the very Galaxy creates, it is part of the Galaxy. That's why it hits like arms of the spiral. Alcyone increases it, YES, but it does not come from Alcyone, nor does it come from this sun. They just amplify it.
The Earth ascends because the whole quadrant ascends, whether they like it or not, it is just that by personal disposition, personal desires of each being, some will take longer than others. The question WHEN has a future prediction load. I can't focus on just one. I only see multiple timelines.
Regardless of the ascension of the entire quadrant of the Galaxy, the Earth has another kind of "ascension." Which is that of the 3rd to 5th Density that is normal. This happens with the help and influence of the ascension of the quadrant, but mostly it is something independent because it does not depend on the center of the galaxy or anything like that, if a lunar control of low 3D suppressing frequencies was thrown out, it would stop working and all would return to a normal 5D.
But even so ... it is only a gradient and obeys many factors, it is not that it jumps from one density to another, it only goes up but does not go up in the same way everywhere because there is influence of other factors that either accelerate the process or slow it down.
Factors such as desires of the collective timelines of its inhabitants, or exposure to other kinds of planetary influences and their inhabitants. That is, Venus is affected by the Earth, but it also receives influence in the form of Frequency from other places such as Jupiter and others. It is a great complicated soup of frequencies, a dance or a sea with its Frequency waves that come and go.
Gosia: If everything is ascending just the same, this means that ... this force from the center of the galaxy has more power than lunar control? That is ... if you, for example, wanted to continue to keep the earth in 3D artificially, could that be? Or the natural ascension of the center of the galaxy would overpower it?
Swaruu: The ascension is not the same everywhere, each region goes at its own speed depending on internal and external factors that affect it as I said above. And yes it is possible, but more energy is needed, more and more energy.
Gosia: The rays of the center of the galaxy activate DNA?
Swaruu: That is another topic, but yes. It is not that they activate it as if they were not before.
They are just transmitted frequencies and by the principle of the dominant Frequency ... everything that is under the influence of a higher one will change Frequency to be like the higher one. The consequence of that is that everything that was at a lower Frequency (and therefore on a lower existential level) will inevitably have to increase its Frequency as well. Principle of dominant frequencies.
Inserting Different Past from the Quantum Field: Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Yes, you can change the past. But for you yourself. Everything is perception. And yes, I can talk about how to change your past without ships. Only with meditation or consciousness, intention and your own will. It is foolishness for some, truth for others.
For example, your "mum" will still remember when she lost you in a department store when you were 5 ... because she is trapped in that line. But you may have taken the desicion to change your past, this point, and ignore it or change it for a new one. A new memory. You don't have to forget the other traumatic memory. Because your past, your memories are the base for all your unconscious shadows. As Carl G. Jung said, what you repress will emerge later as destiny, because in one form or another ... you are the consequence of your past actions.
Gosia: How exaxtly can we change the past without ships? With intention ... but how, precisely?
Swaruu: You have to understand the situation you want to change as best you can. Face it using the shadow method or shadow work. Face that traumatic past head on, even if remembering the negative event destroys you from the inside.
With that, we then think about how things should have been. You take the simplest, or as simple as possible alternate and imaginary past, because the unconscious is simple, and replace the event with a neutral or credible positive one. Make it yours.
With repetition begin to associate the date and context with the new memory, and not with the negative event. You may say that this is false, that it is a false memory implanted, that you are denying yourself, entering into denial. But it is not false. The past is gone. You are just what you are today and your memories, whatever they are, are true for you.
Do not enter into fights with other people´s memories, as it only validates the part they remember - which is the one you want to erase. As you already have done shadow work, you accept why other people remember that part. You already come from an alternate future designed by you.
You know that the negative happened to you too, but you also know that not only that happened to you, but that there is an infinite amount of variants of that same event, worse and better, than what your fellows remember. But you choose to see and come from a positive alternative event. Because either way and as everything already "is," you are only hauling an alternative memory from your life's quantum field.
It is not a false implanted memory by you using "empty imagination." What you are doing is taking a part from your other "you", from one of your other timelines and you put it, you insert it in your present. This is thinking scalarly. What you think is, as imagination does not create anything. You only pull what is in the other timeline. You are scalar, multidimensional. The others remember whatever they remember. You know that this too is valid, but you don't have to live there with that, just as you don't have to live remembering the moment that car ran over you when you were seven.
Gosia: Isn't there a danger to develop schizophrenia here? In taking memories of others "me?" Different sub-personalities, each with a different past memory? This 3D is dangerous, ha ha. The field is not as clean for experiments and psychological exercises as in 5D perhaps. Or this danger doesn't exist? For example, my past in Poland. I rewrite my past to where my father didn't drink much alcohol ... but I go there and see him get drunk, and then come the memories of the past when he did it. It can cause some psychological disturbance, can't it? Feeling schizophrenic.
Swaruu: That is why you must do shadow work, but in extreme the way that few dare to. Agree to the troublesome past. You go to Poland and remember your past with a father who drank a lot. That too is your past.
Gosia: But if you've already accepted it, why do you still need to take memories from other timelines? You just accept it. It is okay.
Swaruu: You accept it and you don´t deny it. But you also do not deny your alternate inserted past and do not deny that a car ran over you when you were seven. You are it all. But you choose what you will perceive, what you will live. You can accept it or fetch other memories, it is just another tool. You decide what works best for you. And you mentioned schizofrenia. Aha yes, you become like that. But who told you that this was bad?
Gosia: Well, I imagine that extreme schizofrenia is not something positive. Be one person one moment, and then change to another five minutes later that remembers nothing that the first person said. There are extreme cases like that. I don't think that it would be positive. In fact, I think that there isn't even a person inside there anymore, only different entities taking control.
Swaruu: Because it is not under your control. Therefore the shadow work. YOU always have to be in control. Wear your masks when necessary, when in public, when in family. Because you can't show yourself as you are in that society.
Gosia: But this is not schizophrenia as it is here on Earth. There are extreme cases here. One personality talks, then leaves, another enters ... does not remember the first.
Swaruu: It is not under control. It is blocked by neurosis. Neurosis as a lack of control over traumas, adverse reactions to the social. I do not agree with the definitions of mental illnesses on Earth. For me there are none. Only maladjusted. These people often just have access to other realities, but they don't know it. They do not control it and it is perceived as a problem. They are told that it is not reality, and that they are fighting against the impossible. It is only a "mental" illness when it goes against the interests of a society. That is, when a person with a syndrome of any kind ... no longer perceives reality according to the agreements and parameters of a majority. Ergo, they are outside of that Matrix. From the point of view of what is accepted on earth, the two of you are not sane.
Robert: There you are absolutely right, Swaruu. But with these insertions of other pasts in your life, are you altering the past of other people or not? In the case of Gosia she would see a father who didn't drink. Would that change her father?
Gosia: Yes, exactly. With that I don't affect the reality of other people, right? My present father will not change from alcoholic to non-alcoholic.
Swaruu: You only alter your past. Not even with a ship do you alter others past. This is the problem and the why the Sand Clock missions do not serve any purpose. They only work for those who jump, but nobody can jump for someone else. It is individual work.
Gosia: Well, how to handle this situation then? That is what I mean. It can cause psychological discomfort, having different memories in you now, and seeing another father, how he behaves not according to your new memories.
Swaruu: Your perception could filter his current behaviour with that of the memory implanted by you. So you would see your father with new eyes. You would no longer see the memories of the alcoholic, but others more. In your perception, he has changed. But the only one that has changed is you.
The past does not exist. And when it did, it too was just a perception. So why do you give it more value over a happier memory that you choose? Everything is perception. There is no objective hard reality.
Robert: But a bad decision made in the past may take its toll for your whole life. For example, those who ask a bank for loans.
Swaruu: That too is perception. YOU choose that it will be so. Your bad decision has made it so that you live in the slums of Sri Lanka. You remember they promised you a job that turned out to be a scam, and you couldn't go home. It happened 17 years ago. And you ended up living in Sri Lanka repairing fishing boats. Or you can build another story around it ... that explains why you decided to live it. Something happier. And with that you will also have the freedom not to be in loops of negative thoughts keeping you locked in a life dynamic that you do not like.
Your starship broke down and you were trapped in Sri Lanka. You wait for the rescue. In the meantime, look how that little man has become your best friend. And the sick street dog that you saved, that now accompanies you. You have the beach, the palm trees, your inner peace, which a simple life gives you. Constant negative thoughts indicate a victim's mentality. Constantly blaming others around you, and the universe, for your misfortunes. That is why this exercise of inner work serves you. To free yourself from the thoughts associated with the negative event. To implant or insert a memory can also be done with hypnosis therapy.
Gosia: Wow, all this is very interesting Swaruu. Thanks! We will share it in a video.
Swaruu: Thank you. Until soon.
Time Travel: Temporal Manipulation (Changes of the Past to Change the Future): Swaruu of Erra
Gosia: What do you mean by "temporal manipulation" with spaceships? And why is it important to understand it?
Swaruu: It is time jumping with a ship with the purpose of altering the future. But I cannot explain any of this with earth science, that must be left at the door. It goes for all earth science, be it quantum-, relativistic-, newtonian or religious.
Everything has an energetic address, be it an object or a place. But also a progression of the same objects in the same place, a number of infinite variants, placed one after the other as an example. This can be represented as a film roll, in which the whole film already exists, it´s just each person that sees the progression of stills or fixed images which get animated in their minds.
You take the film tape as the temporal arrow from the past towards the present and the future.
To help with the comprehension ... from a linear point of view you can go back to the beginning of the tape, or to any point in it. It can be forward or backwards and from this moment you will begin to see a progression of events.
Each frame of the tape has a direction or a number that identifies it. As with the film tape a spaceship goes to that numeric address that identifies a point in time. This number is its address, it is its Frequency <--- The ship matches the Frequency and jumps to be equivalent to that Frequency. When a Frequency is equalized, it becomes more of that Frequency, that is, it is equivalent or the same.
Even though the concept - the perception of a temporal arrow is like a film tape, from the 3D perspective, from the most expanded point of view of other densities, in this case the 5D, time stops being perceived as an arrow or a film roll.
Time is perceived as space with 3 directions or coordinates, x, y , z, in which the temporal progression, as a film tape, is only valid from the perspective as a succession of personal events, or a consciousness' point of attention. It is relative to each individual. Where from one or another circumstance the perception of time expands infinitely in all directions.
Time is not something external and it is not something material. It is only a perception linked directly to the consciousness and is inseparable because it is necessary to achieve or is the product of achieving the state of self-consciousness or self-awareness.
"I think, therefore I am" is only true if there is a sequence of thoughts. This sequence of thoughts or conscious realisations is time. Time is consciousness and is relative to each attention-consciousness-person-individual.
On Earth time is seen or taken as a temporal arrow or film tape of events because you have common agreements of perception between those who live there.
Having the same idea or the same perception because the population has equality of frequencies, you will see or perceive time in the same way or very similar (never exactly the same). And the reason why there are many people in this population, for example on Earth, is exactly because they have or share a very similar Frequency. The individual-points of attention-consciousness-persons are reality itself, given that there is nothing external to them.
Being that time as well as space-universe can now be represented as an infinite sphere, we can find any specific point in any temporal dimension (dimension, not density).
For clarity of thoughts you could say that in 5D a 3 dimensions space exists, and time of 3 dimensions too, with a total of 6 dimensions of space-time (note the dynamics of 3-6-9-12) of the mathematical side of the ether.
But in itself this is still naming it this way to try to understand it better. It is just a whole where the only thing that exists is a potential energy in which a consciousness emanates or causes the perception of something which then contrasts with something else and then the inmediate relationship with them, creating a locality, a here and a there followed by a distance between them, or a measure between those two objects that are nothing more than nodes in the ether, and finally giving an awareness animation which is what we will see or interpret as time.
The whole universe is energetically interconnected and emanates from the same field of potential energy that we call the ether. In other words, any point is related with the energy and Frequency to one another, obeying precise and predictable mathematics.
There is an energy flow inside the ether. That flow is pure consciousness because it is what "animates" the potential energy and gives it meaning and interpretation.
Beyond that:
The ether or the potential energy IS consciousness itself. The total unification, or the Source.
As we have the knowledge of each point in our sphere x, y, and z, and its unique energy-Frequency address, we can replicate it with our ship using the engines.
A spaceship's engine is an instrument of Frequency manipulations, made so that the ship itself, its matter and everything inside it, becomes equivalent to the Frequency dictated by the on-board computer, for the ship to be incorporated within the Frequency of the destination, being more of that Frequency. Being equivalent is the destination and that is equivalent to being in-the-destination.
So ..... Time, for the Taygetean science and starships, among other races, is not something apart from the whole. Or it is only used as another factor for the intention of it being more understandable in general. Time is only part of the destination. Part of what constitutes or forms a specific point in this ball of x, y and z, that we would represent as the potential energy or ether that forms everything. The time factor is merged into the numerical Frequency that represents a point or the destination of a ship.
To navigate a ship in time, you should only observe a Frequency map and match that target destination Frequency with the ship's engines. It doesn't matter if you go to a point in space today, yesterday or 10,000 years ago or 10,000 years later. It is the same for the ship and its engines.
Although apparently they have total capacity, the total when and where is restricted to the Frequency emulating capacity of the very ship. That is, the design and capacity of the ship dictates its travel capacity <--- One travels to this specific point, past, present or future, and from there, in accordance with the ship's and its crew's perception, "time" begins to advance.
This is where the temporal perception of 5th Density ET races ends. Because this is where I explain why I say no to the temporal manipulation and its complete uselessness. But that is mine. And it has taken me a lot of work to incorporate this into the Federation, but little by little it is being achieved. My perception and my empirical experience in this area differs from that of the other races.
I will explain it now:
Let's see this as looking back from the present. Every line represents a "timeline." All exist, but we only perceive one. We perceive it as a "line of events" from the past to the present or the future.
But in reality, according to each decision we make, it makes us jump from one line to another, being that everything we will live and everything that exists already is. So, the destiny is already written. But as there is an infinite amount of variants, at the same time that destiny is already written, there is also free will.
Therefore, the line that each person experiences is not a single fixed sequence, as in one of each of those blue lines in the image, but a continual jump between already written and fixed possibilities. But from the perspective of each person, individual consciousness, it will be seen or perceived as 1 line. From the point of view of someone watching from outside it would look like this.
Where the individual is the red line, jumping according to hers/his decisions between timelines. When she or he jumps more than one at a time, she or he is said to have made a quantum leap, that takes its name from when the electrons of an atom jump more than one orbit. Each point in the red line is a point in time and space, from the perspective of the base individual. And it can be represented and it is a Frequency which the ship can emulate and match with its engines. In this scheme, with the low frequencies on one side and the high frequencies on the other, with the entire range in between.
So, if we go back to a point on that red line of events we could skip making the same bad decision from "before." But by changing that point or event, we open the way to a whole new chain of events that are the outcome of the new decision. The change does not affect the starting position of the ship before leaving to make the temporal time change, to alter the past for a better future.
Complete in this new image.
Here the focus is on the point of a bad decision to change, the point that caused a negative timeline. So you travel in a ship to the point of the bad decision (white curved line), to that point, and avoid the bad decision.
Proceed to a better future than the previous <--- (orange line = corrected positive timeline). But even though the date is the same, July 9, 2019, it is not the same position in the "space-time," as you can see by the letters, "A" of the negative timeline and "B" of the positive timeline.
In this graphic representation it can be seen that although you alter the past, the present from which you have left still exists and you have not altered anything. Only your perception is what has changed, and you no longer see the present point "A" but the present point "B."
But in the same way we could assign letters to each point on the same blue line or date of July 9, 2019 corresponding to an infinite number of good and bad alternate futures. It is only your own Frequency - perception, who you are ... as well as the Frequency emulator which is the ship, that determines what present or future you will have.
But sending someone from point "A," the negative, to correct the point of bad decision makes no sense. The only beneficiary is in any case the one who makes the temporary jump and not the "agent" that assigned the mission, since it stays behind in the negative point "A," and never benefits from the work of the chrononaut.
Gosia: I imagine that we have to add to this the issue that each person is a timeline, although we seem to live in a group one. Right?
Swaruu: Yes. To simplify I only use the perception point of view of one person, collectively it is by agreements. But the agreement is not that they sit down at a table to discuss how they will see one thing or another (although that too happens). Rather, it is two or more people who perceive the so-called outside world in "more or less" the same way, because their personal frequencies, who they are, are very similar.
So .... the persons that we see in our surroundings have a mentality similar to ours. Although we can perceive negative or aggressive people as the 5 can see the 3, but the 3 not the 5. Because they are also part of ourselves. They make up who we are, we know what not to do and how not to be, thanks to them. But in the same way we can focus on what we want to see, experience and live, and not on what we don't want.
Returning to the explanation of timelines. I have seen this empirically, and little by little, as well as with the ship's computer, in Suzy. The images I gave you are raw, and with more time they can be improved. For me this is not theory, it is practical and it is empirical. That is why I am like this today. It is how I think and what I live, and what I've lived for 12 lives already. When you jump time, again and again, for thousands of years, you become something else. You don't think the same anymore, you don't perceive reality in the same way.
Gosia: I understand and thank you for explaining it in this detail. Swaruu, I have an important question. You ... to reach this conclusion of timelines... that it shouldn´t be done, because YOUR original line is not changed. To get to this ... in theory during the attempt to modify a certain line you had to go back to your previous line to verify that it was not really modified. Or if not, how have you VERIFIED that the original line was not really modified?
Swaruu: In itself, it is the basics. You travel from point "A" to 1944 again and correct the problem (we will see that part later), so from then on in that line you will not see the problem. Everything is good, but it is an illusion. Because from that altered past in the nexus point 1944, if you return to the future on that corrected line you will only see the future of that line, the corrected future. Apparently you will have solved the problem for everyone. But where you came from ... the problem still persists. It is just that you no longer perceive it.
Gosia: But this is my question. How do you know that is is like that? Have you returned to where you left? To discover this ... in theory you had to go back there ... and see that nothing has changed ... and say to yourself; surprise, nothing has changed. Right? What I did was of no use.
Swaruu: It is that when you jump from point "A" to the nexus point 1944, in the computer you still have the Frequency coordinates of the exit point "A." But as what you want is to see into the future, to see if the change has already taken effect, you will not use these "A" coordinates. You will use a new calculation in the computer, based on the changes of the nexus point. If not, if you return to point "A", it is as if you erase all the work you did to make the changes. If you return to exit point "A" that is registered in the computer ... you will see that you have NOT managed to change anything. But the illusion is that you also perceive it as not doing any work on the nexus point. Mission not accomplished.
Gosia: And have you done that? Did you ever go back? I think this is my question.
Swaruu: Yes, many times. I have explored these navigation variants extensively.
Gosia: Did you return to the exit point after making changes?
Swaruu: Yes, and there are no changes.
Gosia: Ah, ok. I wanted to know this. It was logical for me to go back to check 100%.
Swaruu: But it is taught in "sand clock" that when you make a change, you return to that future, or you will be stuck in the negative initial future that you wanted to change in the first place. But that, it is an illusion. Therefore, I can go to the nexus point from "A" and then return to "A," but you will not see any changes. So what did you jump for? You have to verify your work from the position of the orange line, with a future already altered from the nexus point. And the future you'll see next is a happy "B." But the initial point "A" still exists - like all the others. That is why I say, for example, that the earth has already been liberated. And for a long time. We just don't perceive it. But, changing our perception: Free the earth from what exactly? The collective average still wants it to be just as it is. Even those who fight, what they want to see and experience, is the fight itself. You work for an end ... but you don't come to an end. As the purpose of a symphony is not to reach the end of the symphony ... it is to enjoy its course, its duration. That in life you have to work towards then retreating, it is excuses. That is not living life.
You can lead a horse to the water, you can bring it a full bucket. But he won't drink if he doesn't want to. How do you convince a horse to drink the water? You create a water deficit. With this the horse will see the water as something important. As with spirituality. Yes, churches sell you "ducky" spirituality, already digested, for the retarded. Like a spirituality processed in a factory, and with a colorful wrapping, just like junk food of the earth, colorful wrapping, images of happy people, and crunchy ... That you buy, and that you consume. Why look for another spirituality? You need to realise that they give you colorful scrap. Like Doritos. But ... people who seek refuge, being true devotees of junk spirituality religions ... are not to be blamed for all. They seek answers outside of a solid and materialistic Matrix. Only that ... they have no choice but to eat spiritual "doritos".
Gosia: Swaruu, those who, as you say, still want this system, some are like those of the doritos, having no other options. We here with this information simply give other options. Someone has to do it. Not only the Cabal can offer lifestyles and other modes of perception.
Swaruu: And options we give. Today, many people are like the horse. Thirsty for something else. The water-spirituality deficit is already created. That is when we can give. Not before, or they would burn us at the stakes, and believe me they do that. We only offer it to those who agree with all this.
Gosia: Going back to the jumps and your conclusions. Why haven't the Andromedans done these examinations in their society yet? It seems super logical that this should be done to verify all of it.
Swaruu: They are quite simple in thought, and I regret to say, fearful of their karma beliefs. So, they haven't bothered to jump timelines for years.
Gosia: And other races? Have they jumped to do these studies?
Swaruu: So far it seems not. Or not like us.
Jumping only serves the one who jumped. Yes it works, but for you. Not for altruistic purposes. It is assumed that by studying the history thoroughly you can see the nexus points. A nexus point is the place of decision that changed a life.
For example, a student sitting in a park that opens two envelopes from two universities. She opens one and it says that she was accepted for psychology. She opens the other one and it says she was accepted for history. At that time she has money for the registration fee, but only one of the degrees is possible. She thinks for a moment, imagines herself in one place and then in the other ... She makes the decision to study psychology. That is a clear nexus point that changes her life, and is summed up in those seconds of decision.
If you want to change this ... you could have the exact frequencies of that moment, after an investigation and constant navigation to look for it. And since you know that the "history" envelope has a red line and the "psychology" envelope has a blue line, you can stop by the park and ask the time of the subject. You steal the psychology envelope, or replace it with another one that you have prepared that says "psychology - rejected." With that you alter history. Her whole life will be different, and it only took you seconds to make the change. Sand Clock is that. Jumping in time, and with small or big things alter the future.
Or you know that an aerospace engineer who has important documents in his briefcase will be run over, in New York, at 12.11 on the corner of 11th Avenue and 7. You travel there ... you stop him and ask him how to get to the Chrysler building. It takes only 30 seconds for him to tell you that you have to go down two streets to the right. But with that he arrived late to his destination ... and was not run over. Changing the whole story.
For she or he who travels ... it is perceived as a success. That scientist invented the spike jet engine with a 60% fuel efficiency improvement over normal rocket engines. In addition it solves the gas expansion problem in a rocket exhaust nozzle, advancing terrestrial technology many years.
But it is from your perception that you know that you have stopped him from being run over. You observe it, you create it. You manifest it for your world. But you don't alter anything from whence you came to realise said mission ... because you come from a place in space and time where ... he was run over. It does not alter anything, that does not change. What happened could only have happened that way. What happened cannot be reversed.
Nevertheless ... For you, yes, because you jumped. With the creative essence and intention you altered that future. But only you who have jumped can perceive it, and not from the place where you started from. So that alternate world is of your creation. Almost god-like power, true. Or your own illusion generated by your mind, valid only for you. But ... in any case, how does this differ from your own imagination?
Another problem that is hardly mentioned is how events are like things with their own harmonic of a Frequency. Fate, to call it that way, plays tricks with you, because the harmonic of a Frequency remains there, the existential flow and dynamics of that other creative consciousness too ... that of the scientist, who still alters what you as a temporal manipulator want or wish to change.
The scientist arrives at his house that day. He never learned that someone saved him from being run over that day. He never learned that he would die that day, leaving his spike rocket engine unfinished. But the next day he leaves ... or two weeks later. A taxi runs him over when you are no longer looking, causing you to once more go back to save him.
You save him and three days later he is run over by a patrol car. You jump again, and he is run over by a bus. You jump again and he is run over by a tourist horse cart. Time and "destiny" is difficult to alter even with technology because the creative energy dynamics (harmonics of a Frequency) are still there. Why are they still standing there working?
Because a person is just that. A node in a potential energy field, a standing wave in the ether. The scientist has no destiny. He IS his own destiny. He is a Frequency. He is compatible to be run over. You do not have a destiny, you are your own destiny. It is not external to you. You generate it because you are it.
One of our contacts told us this. That one day he saved a cat in traffic because he saw him caught in the suspensions of a car. He stopped the car and went under it, and saved the cat. He adopted the cat and took it to live in the suburbs, where there is almost no circulation of cars. He lived just over a year in peace and never went out. Very calm. It is not known why, but he left, and the only time he left, he was run over.
You are already your destiny. To change your destiny you must change yourself. Be compatible with something else.
But it is true that it is not worth much, or at all, to jump timelines in order to change history. And this is not theory. It is empirical practice observed, through many, many years of practice, documentation and observation. You can only do what you think is best, the right thing according to you. And for that you don't need to jump timelines.
Gosia: Ok, fascinating. So to sum up there are two points here that I understand, simplifying.
1. You should not jump because in doing so you change something, but the other version (the original one) remains the same.
2. You should not jump because the harmonics of the Frequency of the event or person you wish to influence will still create her or his own destiny, despite what you do. Is that correct?
Swaruu: Yes. Even so it gives you the illusion of control. That you personally do the "right thing." So you will continue doing it. But for you.
Robert: Does the DNA change with so many time jumps?
Swaruu: The DNA never stays still. It changes over time, through our lives. Genes are turned off and others are turned on, new ones are created too. What changes it is the consciousness of who has it, of who uses it because in itself it is part of itself, a crystalline expression of what the soul and consciousness is.
This is how other species are created. Not with natural evolution of the adaptive survival of the strongest (Darwin), but by the reflection of or following what the DNA expresses in a world called physical (being that everything is etheric) of a consciousness. In itself, the concept of DNA of its formation as an example or memory of a being, of a soul in a mathematical-crystalline form is also applied in non-human Holographic Quantum computers.
Now, the USE of military time jumps: It is clear that time jumps are not feasible for military uses. They would only serve for smaller tactical jumps, such as in air combat. Like having an enemy ship behind you, and jumping to get behind that ship, now in a firing position. It is said that time travels are done to alter the outcome of a conflict, such as traveling to kill Hitler before he takes power. But it has no influence, it is fiction. From the concept that if time is only a result of personal perception, all strategic and military uses collapse.
We have said that jumping timelines only benefits those who jump, and not those who observe from the outside. Sending someone, from one perspective, and then observing how everything has changed, like in movies, as in the Mandela Effect .... is false and proves a total ignorance on the subject.
But this can be observed from a logical point of view, if not from the empirical one, I mean the general public.
From the logical point of view ...
Premise 1:
Which takes place if time is a result of the consciousness that animates everything and is personal.
Premise 2:
So if it is the result of consciousness because you can see how time alters only by a change of perception ... There is no time outside of consciousness.
Premise 3:
So time does not exist and is only something inside the personal experience of each person or point of attention-consciousness.
Premise 4:
So as an external cause, time does not exist.
Premise 5:
If time does not exist, it cannot be the cause of a chain of events that are suffered in a deterministic way, from the point of view of an observing consciousness.
Only by logic.
Time travel to alter the future and that is reflected in "Mandela Effects" as many say, is false. What they say is only a reflection of their perception of time as linear. As a single collective mass.
Now, focusing on paradoxes, they cannot exist either ... for example the grandfather's paradox. That I travel back in time to an era where my grandfather was young and still had no children. I argue with him and kill him ... How was my dad born for me to be born, to travel back in time to kill him in the first place?
These kinds of paradoxes is what feeds movie plots like "Back To The Future," where time is deterministic and linear. The perception of time is linear, but it does not behave like this in the collective soup of consciousnesses that generate all the individual and collective total perception of all points of consciousness awareness.
The answer is that in that timeline the subject who traveled in time will never be born, and there will be a whole chain of different events. But he will not disappear, because from his own timeline ... from his own "film roll," he does come from his own timeline - where he was born.
If you travel through time and give to your younger self a transcript with your future inventions, and the younger "you" writes a book ... Where did the creative inspiration come from?
From other lines, which do not disappear, they are only there, and in itself this explains the inspiration, to inspire or like if a spirit has "blown" the information "from another existential plane" to you. You only access the information from other timelines. It is already there because there is no time as such. So what will be already is from another perspective or point of attention ...
And what does this lead us to?
Is it true that time travel only serves the one who jumps and no one else? By pure logic we have seen that it does not serve anyone else. Because if you animate time as a result of your perception ... you cannot alter someone else's perception. Time depends on the perception of a consciousness point of creative attention, but as experience only. And it is personal.
Everything is perception.
And the "what" you interpret from the seemingly and illusory external world, depends only on what you know, on your evolutionary level, as a soul, as a holographic fragment of the Source. Time then, can only be an experience, and not something external to the person.
It has been said that there are time particles, called chronatons. This makes no sense. They only remain in the minds of scientists from Cern, who manifest what they are looking for, because what you look for you will find. It is the law of mirrors. This applies mainly to subatomic particles since the amount of energy that is necessary to manifest them is very small.
As already explained in "Mechanics of Manifestation," the consciousness focuses on potential energy, ether-gravity, in a node or standing wave, which will be a matter particle or potential energy concentrated in a single point - as was discovered in 1909 in the slit experiment.
But is it true that time travel and jumping timelines only benefits the one who realises it?
We have seen that it does not benefit anyone else. Does it really benefit the one who jumps?
From an external point of view from the person who jumps ... it does benefit her or him because she or he can change the perceived world towards a better or more desired one. In other words, you will get a better life position. "Riches," if you wish. All because you modify everything at your convenience. And from the moral point of view, it does not take anything away from anyone, as everything already is ...
BUT ...
This is from a material point of view. It is from a life experience where self-worth depends on what you have and not what you are. You will get to the point where what you have will have no value for said person. The material is illusory and boring. If you are not happy with what you have, you will not be happy with what you desire to have.
As a soul that wants expansion ... growing your consciousness, understanding more ... this gives you a limited experience. Because there is something that no time machine can change, and I talk about you who jumps. Something inescapable that no time manipulation technology can change to your benefit. You will timeline jump and you will modify what you want, and everything you can in your favour, but you will find something that is inescapable, immutable. Stable. Solid.
No time manipulation technology, no matter how high ... can make it possible for you who jumps to escape from yourself, from who you are, who you have been. From your being and essence. What you have done defines you. It is what makes you who you are. You will carry in your memory where you have been, where you have jumped, the variants of what you have changed. Your timeline film roll, as a person point of attention consciousness is immutable, and your errors unalterable and incorrigible.
Whatever you carry within yourself, you jump or don't jump timelines, yours will always be a linear story for you, with a past, present and future ... This is how a consciousness evolves, but jumping lines only gives you experiences and yes, they alter, and a lot ... but experiences they are. And nothing more. You cannot undo an experience you already had.
To process this, who you are, where you are going, your identity as a person ... you reach it with the simplicity of life, without the need to jump timelines. What you would like to change external to you, is only a temporary placebo. A futile external taste.
Gosia: Ok, a question, maybe an obvious one at this moment. To reach these profound conclusions, what have you tried to change in history?
Swaruu: So many things I can't list them all. You will always see my hand or my attempt at manipulation throughout history. It is not being self-centered. It is just the way it is. It is who I am. It is who I have been. And there are no paradoxes as they say, because time is not linear. But I don't see the purpose of continuing to alter timelines with what I know today, with what I have documented.
If I go back in time and alter the result of a plane that breaks down, it would cause a chain of events one after another. I simply wouldn't have told you anything about that plane, because nothing happened, like many other times I want to feel that I prevented those disasters. Nothing to report ... but that's the good thing.
We would have worked on some new topic like nothing. You would have made another video. Someone else would see it on YouTube, and it would give them another idea. That person would be late somewhere, say in Quito, Ecuador. Just by listening to the video ... He was fired.
Not to mention that the people saved from the plane arrived safely in their city. They made plans and dined with their families, ignorant of what happened. But by jumping, only I would see it, you would not. And I would be talking with another Robert and Gosia, slightly different. NOT YOU. A small alteration ... but it all adds up, until you lose your identity. Where you are from, who you are.
Gosia: At this point there is something that is still not clear to me. For example, you said that by saving that plane those people would have gone quietly to their destination without knowing it. But it has also been said that the other line where they die continues ... that is why it is no use in changing it. So my question is: Why would the consciousness / perception of those saved ones be IN THE saved ones (so to speak) and not go where they died? Why would they be aware from the timeline where they were saved? Because in that nexus point timelines would be divided in several directions?
Swaruu: Because all possibilities exist. If you think about it, it is somewhere. But it is for you, not for them. So I go and save them, but it is what I perceive. Here in this baseline, they died. That cannot be altered. Traveling to the past only changes YOUR perception of the past, and the situations and events that compose it. But not of the other people. We don't need to know and perceive what they would have done if they lived today.
Gosia: But this about originals and "new" ones sounds as if the consciousness always divides itself. Is that so? Are they "dividing themselves?" And we simply don't find out about it because of the TIME factor, which is the consciousness animating a single timeline of sequences of events for us?
Swaruu: The consciousness always divides itself yes. It is the same definition that we are holographic fragments of the Source. We pass or access information from other timelines all the time. And yes, TIME is something that only you perceive in the peculiar way in which you perceive it. It is your signature and it is unique.
Gosia: Yes, thank you. And if you, Swaruu, imagining that you went to save that plane ... you would you save them from that timeline, not this, but would YOU return to ours, right? You wouldn't disappear?
Swaruu: I can go back to this one after saving that plane. But, you would not see any difference, because you are in this line and not in that one. So it's like, or it's the same as if I told you that I jumped "last night" and saved that plane in another line. Just that you cannot see it.
But ... what difference is there with just imagining it? You would see it as a lie. Or simply because no change is seen, it is discarded as useless from this timeline. So in order to see the change, you must jump to the date from the line where the plane was saved. That future one week later (exactly), but from the saved line. So it's like if I told you that I saved a plane ... because in another timeline it fell.
But... Again, you would see it as nothing has happened, that I only invented it. Because, you don't know of any fallen plane, so I only invent things for you. In both cases there is no external evidence, from the point of view of who is watching without jumping. Changing things only serves the one who jumps and no one else.
"A month ago I saved a bus from falling into a ravine, with 35 people on board." What evidence is there of that? It is the same as if I hadn't done anything at all. Only I who jumped know if it is true or not (it is just an example, I saved nothing).
Gosia: Thank you, I understand. And one more thing. If I am on the plane that, one of them will go down, and another will be saved ... what determines me staying in the one that was saved? As opposed to the one in which I die? Me as the perception of myself.
Swaruu: Your Frequency. Whether or not you are compatible with it. And remember, you are your Frequency. You don't have a Frequency. But both YOUs exist simultaneously.
Gosia: So those of the NEW line (so to speak) do not know that they were saved. The originals die the same.
Swaruu: Yes. That does not change. That is to say, I leave this timeline, travel to the past, save the plane and return here. But it would be the future of that line, not this one. This line remains the same. Then you will ask me why I don't return exactly here, if it is a Frequency, and it can be saved on the ship's computers. Yes it can be saved.
But then I come here, and in my memory I saved them but not in yours / neither in the perception of the world and the injured themselves. Or else you would remember it. Ergo: I did not achieve anything. It wouldn't matter if I told you right now that I just jumped back in time and saved them. The saved ones were in another timeline, not this one.
But ...
How does that differ from imagination?
In that case, it is better not to do anything since I know that in other timelines they were saved or simply that it never happened. I don't need to jump to save them. I know they are fine in those other timelines. So ... why bother jumping in the first place? It is something that only affects me ... to make my world a better place for me, nothing more. There, with a ship, a star map ... so I am the all-powerful goddess. And I've already done that to a great extent. Knowing it's only for me. I end up in a quasi-perfect world. Ideal. Boring. And lonely.
What I have not done is not jump, and only alter the events with what I know ... with my mind. In this timeline that I am sharing with you all. I am sharing, not alone, it is co-creation. But for that it is not necessary to have ships and knowledge of timelines. Just to live, the best that everyone can, at all times.
But ... How does that differ from living as everyone else does? Not much. It makes you appreciate what you have and realise that everything is for a reason. And not even with super powerful time machines and computers on starships do you manage to fix your life. Because your life is not something you aspire to, something you need to arrive to to be happy. It is something you live on a daily basis, it is not a journey with a destination. Life is just that, to live moments that with or without super high technology ... never return. You have to live it to realise what you had in the first place. What you want is the peace that simplicity gives you. The power of the goddess with temporal alteration at your convenience only fills you with loneliness. You don't need ships to be happy. Only by having them will you realise that you already had everything you needed.
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What do Taygetan Pleiadians have to say about Corona virus? (DELETED BY YOUTUBE)
Spectrometer analysis over and over again especially on the supposedly infected. Blood samples were taken as well. With the tractor beam.
We have a structure map of a hospital taken by the ship itself. Where everything is. We isolate the place of the samples after carefully observing it, and we isolate the sample, the test tube. And we pick it up with the tractor beam. Concrete walls or roof do not stop it.
After almost 12 hours of flight taking all the samples and observing everything from the air we have reached several conclusions. We did not find any disease like the one they say. We conclude they are messing with their heads, no more!
Preliminarily no evidence of such a virus is found. We have a 10 ml laboratory sample of contaminated blood. There is nothing there that is not a normal infection. The sample indicates an anemic individual with low defenses. And high sugar. Nothing conclusive.
So, although this is not final. Our conclusion with a good percentage of reliability: It seems to be virus has been invented and that everything is coordinated as publicity with perception control using the common influenza-flu virus as the basis. People die of the flu anyway. And in itself there are many viruses, it is a whole family of them that gives the same symptoms some stronger than others and how it varies it depends on who has it. That's why they use it. It is highly contagious, common, everyone has it. It is activated with stress, because it lowers the defenses.
It does not appear to be a biological laboratory weapon nor is it a strange and new virus that has come from animals. It is just a big scam of pharmaceutical companies and the New World Order.
There is still a possibility that it is there, because biological weapons do exist. However, they do not have to release a true virus to create panick, but only to isolate a current strain, from this year, from the common flu and with publicity use it as if it were a new lethal virus. It is what they have done before. That is to say; they isolate the influenza virus that is naturally in the air this year (they mutate) and that naturally goes around the world as usual.
Then the health authorities of different nations have something to pursue, and also, as it always has been, there are dozens of deaths from influenza and respiratory complications every year. They focus on that to create social anxiety.
To create a virus you don't need a disease, just advertising. Everything is media today. We have not found any viruses. But what we do see is a lot of theater and a lot of Mind Control through the media. They have done it before with Zika and Chikungunya that are nothing more than common Dengue. What they do is look for viruses or pathogens that humans carry anyway, so yes they appear in the lab results, but they only look for what is already there. They use the Flu because it is perfect. It creates fear, and each person gives different symptoms.
They are just playing with humans. Just more perception management. Propaganda. Fear mongering !
Y China... as always. Grand lab of the NWO.
We have followed who is giving the money. The huge hospital of 1000 beds that will be built in days, has its economic origin in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Laboratory in Great Britain that has the patent for the Corona-virus, as a vaccine is part of the Bill Gates Foundation itself. Create the problem to sell the solution. There is nothing there. More of the same.
They will be people who will come and say we have proof... I maintain what has been said, it is part of the advertising mechanism.But there isn't anything to worry about as coming from the so called virus itself. Only from the humans and what they do using the virus as an excuse. As it was back in 1918... the real killer is in the vaccines, not in the virus.
That is the danger. It is very coincidental that they already have the vaccine so quickly. Not that the virus is not there but given those who are behind ... Bill Gates is the one who is paying for vaccines for the whole world for purposes of eugenics, of destruction of humanity, Agenda 21 Agenda 2030. He is behind the Corona virus.
The great pandemic of 1918 was also the same. They used the Flu and promoted it as great danger, inoculated the population and that's why so many died. The agenda of killing the population with vaccines is not new. It has been already implemented over 100 years.
We do not believe at this time that it is anything other than a Cabal´s game to see how people react to such a crisis. Also to know the weaknesses of the health systems of the different nations, to know how to move their pieces in the future also with the aim of selling vaccines and medicines.
Recommendation so far, is not to get vaccinated in any way. Getting vaccinated and then detoxifying the vaccine doesnt work, as others say. It can not. The concept of vaccine, how it works is very doubtful. But even with true vaccines against diseases with the true intention of preventing them is an inoculation. In this case it is even more dangerous. What they sell as vaccines "for peoples own good" is really the disease. They will have it latent for the rest of their life.
Although I do not discredit the use of some true vaccine, what these psychopaths want is to inoculate the population using vaccines and the common flu as an excuse and propaganda-lure so that people will inoculate voluntarily.
Cabal psychopaths, like Bill Gates, have compounds and substances in vaccines that are activated by coming into contact with a second substance. That is, you get vaccinated against influenza one year and the next against the Corona virus and the lethal compound is activated. What makes this worse is that they can infect the population with a compound in an alleged vaccine and then activate it with the next component activated using Chemtrails.
Or they can be 3 or more components, which they are filtering and choosing which population to infect, not only two. In other words, it will be activated in the population that was most infected / inoculated. At a minimum it weakens the immune system making the population more and more prone to get sick and depend on medical systems and the industrial consortium of "Big Farma" drugs.
And also a seemingly innocuous vaccine destined to the respiratory system can bring consequences in the future, affecting other organs which are the ones that were really intended to be attacked.
Recommendation, DO NOT get vaccinated anymore for nothing. DO NOT rely on allopathic doctors anymore. They do not have your best interests in mind and even a family friend or even family doctor, honestly does NOT know this and still believes in Matrix medicine.
Where I clearly see that vaccines DO NOT work, it is all things viral <---- They will work limitedly with bacteriological agents since if dead germs are injected into a patient yes they can develop antigens to the disease that can caused by this kind of Germs. But in the case of Viruses. This is not possible.
Time and Timelines 2: Extraterrestrial Message - Swaruu - Pleyades
As it was said before, everything is Frequency management, both in ships and in persons. So in the same manner as a ship moves its internal Frequency to be compatible with the location or time where it wishes to go, a person has to do the same with her or his body. The way is to visualise and move the Frequency.
So ... the time in itself is nothing more than another direction inside the ether. A location or a place is the same as a point in time. It is only another direction or another parameter of the same location, to say where and when. You could say that a location is a point on the x-y-z map, that in a frame of coordinates is localized as a point inside this frame.
The time would be like an additional parameter, in this case W. So to understand a 4-way space, 3 in space and 1 in time, you need to think in 4 dimensions or more (dimensions, not densities). <----
This is why, in the film "Interstellar," they utilise the tesseract as a representation. Now, to simplify what I mean,
imagine a timeline.
It is the X, Y and Z position in the frame, on a line
where the "H" represents the tesseract and the ----------- a temporal progression.
The tesseract then represents the physical world of 3D X, Y, Z (dimensions, not densities) and the transfer of the tesseract through a line represents the point in "time."
Where each small point in blue represents or can represent a sun, for example. But now, let us animate the X, Y and Z graphics by moving it all a bit, as a progression where we also represent each "frame" as the film roll we talked about the other day, discussing this subject.
We can see the progression as a timeline...
Or an arrow of time as the progression of "H-s", slightly different, each "frame" to be animated by an observing consciousness.
Now, this line obeys specific mathematical patterns that are the harmonics of a Frequency or of ITS frequencies. Seen from the ether it could not be seen as a sequence of places as in:
or X, Y, Z space ... but as...
There is no matter, there are no distances nor locations. There is no time. Everything is a soup of waves of consciousness mathematically represented with cycles, controlled by the mathematics base 12 or 3, 6, 9, the only one that can represent and calculate this kind of equations.
The position within a graph, where distances and points can be perceived in relation to each other, as here:
only comes from the interpretation, the Frequency, and the progression of attention points of an observer consciousness. Time as intentional progression of points of attention of an observer consciousness.
Pause here to clarify some points.
Gosia: Thank you. Let me think for a second.
Robert: Can the observer consciousnesses cross or be two or more at the same point? Can an observer consciousness stop at one point, or are they always in continuous motion?
Swaruu: From the expanded point of view from the whole of the ether, there is only one observer consciousness, but as "all" it includes also the fragments, that are the "persons" or isolated souls. In this case, yes they can ... and always share one or more points of view. They can stop, accelerate, rewind, move to one
side or the other (jumping the lines) at will, and they have always done so.
Robert: And it is always for example X, Y, Z, W. Is there any other factor besides time and consciousness to consider?
Swaruu: Yes Robert. Yes, there is always more. In any case ... I would represent the space/time as sets of parameters; X, Y, Z in space, and U, V, W in time. Being a represented figure of 6 dimensions (not densities). Time here having an expansion in any direction. Where in a graph we would first have to locate a point in space, and with that locate its point in time. The result of the conjunction of these 6 factors will determine the exact place in both space and time of something, its temporal context, including in which isolated timeline it is among all.
Note that it is factor 6 (3+3) multiple of 3 ... 3, 6 , 9 12 <---- base 12 mathematics. What geometric figure it would be represented as is no longer a tesseract. It is a hypercube.
And this already exceeds the human ability to understand and manage this kind of awareness of space/time.
But this explanation of 3 "dimensions" in space and 3 "dimensions" in time is the closest that we will have to explain this with human means.
Gosia: Ok. I have 2 questions. The first one is very short. You said: "Where each blue dot represents or can represent a sun, for example." Sun? It's just the example, right? Could it be any object?
Swaruu: Yes. Yes. It's just that as dots in a X, Y, Z space it looks more like a star map. But it represents any point in space. The exact point of a specific cookie inside its box. For example.
Gosia: Ok, thank you. And you also said: "This line obeys specific mathematical patterns."
But then, our consciousness obeys the mathematical patterns? Because what animates every time line is our consciousness. In what sense would our consciousness obey mathematical patterns? This sounds as something predictable.
Swaruu: Yes Gosia. Everything is base 12 mathematics. Everything is Frequency and Frequency management. So, the mathematically predictable flow of a timeline would be represented as the entire sequence of frequencies mathematically intertwined within a line.
Jumping to another timeline with another mathematics, another harmonics of a Frequency, entails more work and a radical change in the attention of the observer consciousness. This would be a change of timeline.
1. >------H----------------------------->
2. >---------H-------------------------->
From timeline 1 to timeline 2.
But as an example I only use two lines here ... but there are uncountable.
Every line is a predictable sequence, and it changes more or less every nanosecond, although even more
subtle changes to even smaller temporary nomenclatures could be argued.
What is perceived as a "time arrow" as it is understood and explained on Earth: > past-------present-------future-------> is only the trajectory of the observer consciousness ... the trajectory that the observer consciousness has taken while jumping timelines with its decisions ... based on its Frequency rendering itself compatible with one or another timeline.
Defining timeline as a mathematical sequence of harmonics of a Frequency that obeys precise mathematical patterns, and therefore predictable.
This is "time" seen from the perspective of a single observer. Having more observers renders the timelines description progressively more complicated. However, as in the end everything is one great consciousness ... what I have described applies here, with an example of a single observer and creator consciousness.
In itself every person, or holographic fragment of the original Source, every individual consciousness soul or "adma" ... IS a node within a medium that is the original Source.
Gosia: So it is not that we have some kind of mathematically predictable destiny, and with a pre-established pattern .. or rather, there is this pattern and it is predictable ... every timeline follows this pattern, but in the end what results to NOT be predictable is WHICH timeline we decide to jump to in every moment, right? It is this that eventually makes our reality NOT predictable, right?
Swaruu: Both. It is an example of contradictory points that eventually, or from the most expanded point, do not contradict. From a point of view the timeline is mathematically predictable ... on the other hand the consciousness has the capacity to jump to another one. The destiny already exists and is already written. At the same time there is still free will. Because if there is an infinite quantity of infinite variables of timelines already written in stone ... inmutable ... an observer consciousness having the ability to decide which line to follow... it is the same as having free will.
Robert: But .... Could these mathematical patterns of the consciousnesses be altered or manipulated through Mind Control? To observe a timeline that is of interest to someone ... as we have said before.
Swaruu: Of course. And with that move or control which timeline or group of timelines a population perceives.
Robert: But they who control through mental manipulation would be in another far away timeline, or in the same timeline?
Swaruu: Both. A state of mental perception is in itself a different timeline. And you can consciously work or perceive more than one at a time. From the most mundane point of view ... for example that of an adolescent at home. She has a very strong emotional problem because of her age and concerns ... her parents have moved from the city where they lived .. she feels lonely, desperate without her group of friends that supported her. She finds herself at the edge of suicide.
But her parents are content with the move, and don't understand what is happening to their daughter. They only limit themselves to disqualify her and tell her to calm down and that everything will turn out ok. There is a serious disconnection between the child and her parents. Although they live in the same house, are seated at the same table ... the parents and the daughter ... they live in timelines and worlds, realities that are completely different.
Robert: Yes, like the film we saw yesterday, Oblivion. Where there were several Tom Cruises with the same consciousness. Just with their memories erased.
Swaruu: In Oblivion ... it is not different timelines per-se. Rather, it is an example of cloning. But as the clones are exact, the physical body functions as a radio, the electronic device, that receives the signal of the same soul, because they are synchronized to the exact same Frequency. Thus, it doesn't matter if they kill Harper no. 49 as its consciousness is in no. 52 as well. The body is just a body and translates to the physical world a signal that already is in the ether, and is the ether. The original Source.
Robert: Yes, it is what happened in the movie, yes. And so, the clones they make of people, could you say they are those people?
Swaruu: If they are perfect clones, YES <--- But the majority of the time they are not perfect clones. So the Frequency variant is enough to have contact with each other, like twins on Earth, but without being exactly the same person. Even so ... the clones that they make often only have the physical appearance of the original person, but not its Frequency and link to its consciousness.
They have been imposed a specific base Frequency often controlled from cellular telephony towers or Guen towers, so that their behavior can be controlled from the central. From the manufacturing facility they program them with hive mind, so they display a specific attitude to the requirements of the owner. Mainly as clones or biological robots with the purpose of being sex slaves to the owner.
They sell clones with this mentality, and they sell them at prices that are not very high. The high Cabal, but the human one, enjoys having celebrities as their sex slaves. These clones are programmed with obsolescence too, or life duration.
Robert: And can a clone make a quantum leap? Or clones simply don't have free will?
Swaruu: A clone is a biological machine ... as many of the small Grays in service of the Reptiles. They lack contact with the Source. It is an example of a not-real person. But they can also install a specific Frequency in a clone, to then serve as an organic portal for a walk-in, be it positive or regressive.
Robert: Ok, going back to "time." Let's say that the consciousness grows as it jumps from one timeline to another. And time here is, so we can understand it better, a coordinate more.
Swaruu: And the velocity or perception of the duration of a second depends on the quantity of Frequency-harmonics that a consciousness can process.
In itself ... going back to the time/space Frequency maps of 6 dimensions.
Within this hypercube ... on one side there is a group of low frequencies that are the low Frequency events ... negative events ... there are medium frequencies with average perceptions and events, and then there is the series of frequencies or positions inside the 6 dimensions space or hypercube that have high Frequency or positive events.
The time jump between one Frequency or another depends on the decisions of each person. Following a path of high Frequency makes you concordant with events of the same Frequency. To have a bad feeling ... negative emotion serves as a compass to know in which direction you are proceeding, if it is towards the positive or the negative.
Gosia: But the bad feeling is something that you can change too. I don't always see it as a compass. Because for example: An event passes. I can react well to this event. And someone else bad. They are depressed.
Swaruu: Isn't that exactly controlling what that event means?
Gosia: It is a decision of each person to interpret the said event, and then this interpretation will produce an emotion. We are in control of our emotions many times. Not the other way around.
Swaruu: To control the emotions is also to control where you are going with your vibration. You have more control, as you say or in the manner you say, but it is still frequencies.
Gosia: Many times I realized that my emotions are also timelines, it is me who chooses a certain emotion and then acts based on that.
Swaruu: Thus you control the meaning of the timelines. Yes, you are your emotions, they are part of you. Changing how you see or how you interpret something also changes the meaning and therefore whether an event is negative or not for you. Because in the end there are no events outside of you. Not as if your emotions made you go towards something negative outside of you. Rather, the very events, positive or negative, are part of you. And if you see each emotion as a timeline, it means that you are working on several ones at the same time.
Gosia: And is it possible to live BACKWARDS? If time is not linear it should be possible. Why don't we perceive ourselves as old people first and then go back to being babies?
Swaruu: In itself ... if it is a progression of events ... you cannot perceive it in reverse. You would only see things in a reverse sequence, but sequence it still is. Like when you see a broken glass of water on the ground that begins to rise to the table, water being put into the glass as the pieces of broken glass are reunified. It is in reverse, but it is still a sequence of events perceivable as forward in time. "Before it was on the ground, broken, and the water was splashed ... now it is reunifying and finally, the whole glass intact, full of water, is on the table."
Gosia: I understand. It follows a sequence, you are right. But who dictates what is in reverse and what is not? Why can I not perceive it BACKWARDS if I decide that THIS IS MY SEQUENCE that I want to live out?
Swaruu: You dictate it. Who else? And with regards to the sequence you are living ... it is as how you have perceived and designed it with your perception.
Gosia: Exactly. Then I could perceive myself as old first, and then go towards being a baby.
Swaruu: Yes ... especially if you weren´t in the dense and pasty 3rd density with the Van Allen Belts. The higher the Frequency of the density where your consciousness mostly lives, the faster you manifest things as you want and perceive them.
Time Travel, Time and Timelines - (Extraterrestrial Message - Swaruu - Pleyades)
Time. In itself .. I wanted to expose this topic since you started almost two years ago. It´s one of the hardest things to explain in human terms.
Time is part or sub-product of consciousness. It is a self-perception, but not of something external, it is how a consciousness perceives itself, and how it animates what it perceives as a sequence of events. Time is the result of the observer's consciousness, since it animates his or her concepts and ideas by giving them a sequence, providing them with meaning and logic. You cannot escape Time because it is part of who you are. Without it you could not be aware of your own existence. Not as a fragment with apparent separation from other fragments, or people. It could only be seen as the All, as the original Source-Ether. But even so ... one has the idea of contrast ... with what is fragmented.
When there is contrast, time begins to realize (the Source itself) that there is something else that is not .. the Source. Time is then a perception ... a reflection of your interior toward the exterior. As is the world outside of you, a reflection of your consciousness.
Specifically, it is linked to the data-perceptions process. In general, having a primitive consciousness or that which only processes a few 'ideas' gives a slow time progression. Because it is very centralized and self-absorbed. With a lot of attention to its own person or itself. Therefore it does not perceive much of what surrounds that consciousness.
It is characterized by a certain patience from a point of view when in peace ... and tremendous impatience when things do not happen immediately ... Because the idea of waiting is perceived as something eternal, unattainable. Something that does not exist so it is in the future. Inexperienced ... lacks the data, or memory to have a way of calculating how long things take. It is a consciousness as that of a child ... impatient ... and at the same time so centralized self-absorbed ... that everything seems like an eternity ... although this contradictory also gives the child much inner peace. Feeling of eternity ahead.
But an adult has a lot of contrast and has to process a lot of information in order to survive ... many details, have mind for everything, handle multiple functions one many times not having anything to do with another. Work, school, problems with family, problems with work, friends, relationships, frustrations, fears, finances. All together ... it gives contrast and a comparative point for a sequence of events ... the perception of how much 'time' passes between one event and the next.
There is no mind for all that ... the mind is pressed to process everything. So there is no more mind, no more time. Time and its perception accelerates.
Viewing a timeline as such is only by agreements where two or more people have agreed to perceive and share a temporary period or duration, because they share the same ideas mostly. In Taygeta perception agreements are different from Earth perception agreements. Life is slower and more relaxed in Taygeta. Therefore as a general agreement in the population ... time is slow there. There is enough of the day... Greater peace ... Children's minds, without the urgency and despair for what they want. Without the impatience. However, this maturity gives them a feeling of greater evolutionary maturity.
What comes next is not theory but applies directly to the navigation systems of starships, and the results are empirical, observable and repeatable.
I have explained a Frequency map as if it were something fixed, such as a number assigned to each place or point. If a fixed number is taken, it refers to a fixed place, like in our previous example already published ... The Eiffel Tower. If we give it a number, just for the reference (without it being the real one), 5600, assigning it 5600 will always take us not only to a specific point on Earth and in space but also in time as well. 5600 is a fixed Frequency. So the place is fixed.
The time itself from the point of view observable from a ship is as if we animated a cinema film tape. They are still photographs that are only animated ---> (they are given soul) by projecting them before a medium (white canvas) with a projector with a speed of 24 per second. But they don't move ... they are still photographs, one being just slightly different from the previous one. There is no soul there, what you see is an illusion of movement animation. But that happens ----> in the brain of those who see it. It is us who interpret the sequence of photographs with a temporal sequence. The observer.
The same thing happens in space and real " world." It is a complicated energetic Matrix, like an advanced multidimensional film tape that expands not necessarily in a linear form or with a single flux.
So ... 5600 ---> Eiffel Tower is a still photograph on the film reel. It is a specific address of that specific photograph ... What´s missing is the animation factor.
Although it´s trillions of variables ... simplifying we can say that in the time flow model accepted by majority of perception agreements with those within the Matrix ... it is represented with a specific speed of data-perception that occur in an accepted time frame (Time on Earth).
So on Earth the number 5600 every nano second changes to the next one 5601 --- 5602 --- 5603 ... That is the temporary procession that a ship computer needs to be able to know with mathematical calculations what number of that procession corresponds to the moment called now or to the appropriate arrival of a ship.
So leaving Earth and returning to Taygeta for the ship's computer involves making huge calculations to understand the precise moment of its arrival in Taygeta according to the mathematical parameters of procession of Frequency numbers ... and those of the Earth to return to the same point that corresponds. So, the navigation computer can be given not only where but also when they want to reach that point in space time.
Gosia: Why does the number change ... from 5600 to 5601 etc, I´am sorry?
Swaruu: The number changes because the number represents a unique vibrational Frequency of that locality or point in space time. 5600 represents a Frequency of that place, specific to that place. But the problem is that this Frequency is not fixed. Cars will pass by in the Eiffel Tower, people will move ... "time" passes as perceived on Earth. This means that the Frequency 5600 (on a map by frequencies and not by positions on an X, Y, Z map) will not be fixed, but will move, (the specific Frequency of that place will move ... according to the course of time as perceived on Earth at that point.).
The speed of perception of temporal progression is the average of the perception of the inhabitants. And their perception depends on their awareness and their awareness depends on the amount of data they can process.
To incorporate, being able to process more data per unit of time, is to incorporate it into their being as part of themselves, so that it becomes something unconscious and subconscious ... the result is the opposite from the point of view of where one was before (3D --- changed to 5D for example).
By integrating it, greater serenity is perceived. From the point of view of that person he or she has gone up in density. But from her perception it is not perceived as a temporary acceleration because she does not have an external frame of reference. Only if you compare life in 5D with that of 3D can you tell the difference.
Gosia: A burning question. For the child, time goes slower but he has lower ability to process complex data. It seems to be that the more data you process, the time goes faster doesn't it? But if so, and in Taygeta they process a lot of data fast, why is time going slower for them?
Swaruu: It's what I am trying to explain. When being able to process data enters the unconscious, from there reality is projected as you know. It is not the same as stress. And that is what is felt when a person is very pressured to have to process much data at once. Like traffic, family and work problems. The fact that events are analyzed and processed automatically without the conscious attention of the observer slows down time while the same things are consciously perceived as stress accelerating time.
But it´s not only events to perceive ... as things that happen. It's a lot of sensory data too ... this happens in a quiet and silent forest too. A person with more awareness will see more things in that same quiet forest than a person with less.
Gosia: It is also possible that it is due to the fact that there in 5D, as you said, the connection between conscious and subconscious is closer, so that the processed data passes quickly to subconscious and is integrated as part of your being? And the new data that you have to process is less then. The brain is not overwhelmed. Could that be a reason too?
Swaruu : Exactly Gosia ... the key is for the brain not to be overwhelmed <--- as you say.
Gosia: For me and Robert, time is going very fast. So the fact that time is accelerating for us is not a good sign. It means that we are not processing fast, we are not integrating it, new data. We are overwhelmed.
Swaruu: Yes, because it´s not just more data, you are overwhelmed because it´s the same data only that it comes in bulk and with pressure, and it is tedious because it was already understood. Gosia, it would not be a good sign, but that happens even in 5D, we too get overwhelmed by the pressure of multitasking. But this phenomenon by calling it somehow is not only the processing of data in that way ... or otherwise people would become a kind of high-efficiency computer. I speak of understanding of what was learnt at the soul level.
In the case of a planet, whatever one, the average of the population frequencies is the one that dominates over an outside visitor, by the well-known principle of the dominant frequencies. That is why an ET when perceiving and working 3D from the outside enters a state of temporal perception equal to the average human , but his or her body not, it continues in 5D so what happens is an extreme "Jet Lag" between what the mental perception says and the frequencies that involve the physical body.
Another example ... Someone not awake can only see in a movie what is accepted by the society. He sees it as entertainment and nothing more. But that same person after an awakening and expansion of consciousness, will see the same movie again ... but this time he will see all the symbolism hidden there, the hidden agendas, he will understand secondary things before not perceived, among the important ones how and why a character behaved in "that" way from the psychological point of view, and the director's intention to capture that in the scene is connected with the previous one where (...) which means that what he is suggesting to the viewers is that the heroe is ... (...)
The film (or reality) is the same ... those things have always been there ... fixed ... but the awareness of the observer can process more information now because it has more consciousness than before. Therefore, 4D 5D is there among humans ... But they don't see it because they are not prepared ---> in their consciousness.
Gosia: Well explained thanks. And a Question: Why do you use the factor called TIME when it doesn't really exist, and when in 5D it is understood differently?
Swaruu: I don't understand you well Gosia, sorry.
Gosia: Ok I will rephrase it. Why do you use the term TIME exactly? If it does not exist? And if here on Earth it is understood differently ... as something linear?
Swaruu: Because it is a human term that I must use if I want to make myself understood. Here too, "Time" is perceived, but in a more plastic, less dense or less fixed way. Because yes I too notice a progression of events since we connect today until now, for example. That is "Time." But The Universe itself does not understand linear time, sequence of the events, it just is. That is why, among other things, the scientific evidence that the Universe expands is false and it is only human linear perception.
Gosia: Yes, it's true. Now I understand. And in your language how do you call Time?
Swaruu: Something like the "flow of consciousness." But it is understood as "time". And as a perception, it does exist. But it is not something tangible apart from a consciousness, it is part of the same consciousness, it is an idea. Not something external to the consciousness. It does not affect a consciousness in a deterministic way. It is a succession of events. A sequence that occurs in the mind by the Frequency and by the perception of the observer consciousness. Time in Taygetean: ¨Na'alkid¨ as in Navajo also, from what I see.
Let's keep going.
We have already seen how time can be represented as a process of change in its Frequency factors of a specific place, and they are represented with a numerical value. These values already within the navigation computer are predictable at least to sufficient factors to serve as a guide to know where and when, in general, the destination is reached. It is not necessary to specify the exact second of arrival at the destination point.
There are no paradoxes .... Whoever says that things can only happen once, still, it remains valid.
You have one timeline per consciousness ... animated at your own pace ... it is only perceived as the same one (although it is not) by agreements with other people, to see things in the same way. But an agreement in this case is not a paper where this or that is signed.
No. It is simply because two or more people within their way of thinking ... their mind, their values, interpret what they project out of themselves, as the so-called 'real world.' Remembering that the real world is not something external to the person ... but it is an interpretive reflection of energy patterns of and within a potential energy medium. But it depends on the very person to interpret that world of potential energy as an external world.
If two or more people see their external world in the same way then it is said that ... 'they agree' ... on the way of seeing things, reality. In itself, that's why they are there together, because their frequencies are the same ... therefore they are the same as in the Frequency laws of all kinds, where when you match another Frequency ... you become more of the same, more of the same Frequency. As they say "Your vibe attracts your tribe."
This same principle of ¨when you match a Frequency you become more of the same¨ applies to the navigation of starships ... with motors the Frequency of the destination is matched with sufficient accuracy to become part of the destination which is the same as the ship... arriving ... at ... destination.
In a way in which time, reality or existence can be understood, as it has been understood by advanced interstellar civilizations ... it is as follows:
As we said before, everything is like a film reel. There already exist fixed 'photographs' of each event at every moment from the beginning of all time (expression) to the furthest future. The very concept of the beginning of time passing into the present towards the future is only because of the perception of each consciousness and the agreements with others. It is not something external. Like we have already said. <----
So all present or future and past moment already exist and have always existed. Without beginning or end, these are finite concepts elaborated by an interpretation of a finite being enclosed in 3D ideas of materialism and determinism.
Gosia: Can I ask something fast?
Swaruu: Yes, yes.
Gosia: Thank you. This also in some sense "cancels¨ the concept of "evolution / progression / expansion" of the soul, doesn´t it? If everything already exists and they are just fixed pictures. It would be only the question of perceiving the one that corresponds to our current "state" of perception, no? But we already exist in the most expanded state. NOT that we are really growing into it? We are already evolved at some point in the universe. Just that we are focused on our current photo now?
Swaruu: Exactly, but both are valid, one does not exclude the other. You are already the original Source, whole, complete ... it is not that you are "damaged" due to lack of connection or evolution ... but the Original Source is everything and includes everything, including the concept or points of attention that still need to be completed, or incomplete fragmented ... because the very concept of complete depends on its contrast ... Incomplete, fragmented. The concept of evolved and at the peak... also needs its contrast of lack of evolution. And at the same time it includes not needing anything, just being whatever it is.
Does it solve your question?
Gosia: Yes, thank you. I understand. Keep going please.
Swaruu: Each photograph in time .... has its own Frequency. You only need to know that Frequency to match it with the engines of the ship and when the frequencies are equalized the ship and everything inside will be part of that target Frequency. The concept of traveling to the past or the future exist in human minds, not in the universe. It is the same thing to travel back 10,000 years than to travel back to this morning.
It's just a Frequency to match ... like a radio (electronic) knob is moved to locate or tune to a particular station. Your attention is in that station and in what happens in it ... the others are not perceived ... but they are there nonetheless sharing the same space ... you just don't have the attention in the other stations, but there they are. The spaceship is the tuner.
This confers that there is already a destination ... fixed. And so it is ... pre-written. But ... If an infinite amount of future possibilities are already written ... isn't it the same as being able to choose the future? Free will?
Even so, not all possibilities are available ...
From the position of personal frequencies alone people limit themselves to a reduced range of possibilities to choose from. This applies not only to individual people, but to a collective that shares the same perception ... by agreements as described above.
So if the repetition trends are known ... with algorithms such as BASIC programming language of the ASCII or DOS type --- If ---> Then ----> Or else ... With algorithms that can see the progression of variables in a quantum-energy field, with a fairly good reliability the future can be predicted.
So to travel in a ship through space-time you only need to have previous information to have a Frequency map ... from there you jump to any point of the destination, at any time.
While in theory the large ship can leave for Temmer on September 17 at 18:55 in the afternoon ... its crew spend 2 months on the beaches of Temmer ... and return the same day to Earth 17 of September at 18:56 in the afternoon, a minute later ... This can and has been done.
The problem is that alternate temporary factors add on, or temporary displacements and de-synchronizations... because this maneuver confers a change or jump in the timeline. The changes may seem tiny ... but sometimes the change is very large. It is playing Russian roulette. Because in linear perception, time can change drastically timelinewise only for a very small event in the right place.
To respect times-perception of collective agreements with everything and their differences is to see or cement the integrity of a timeline. Respecting perceptions of consciousness between how time is collectively perceived in Taygeta and on Earth, ensures reliable temporal continuity.
Robert: So the "Future" could only be predicted with large computers that do all those calculations, not with a seer or a tarotist ... or an astrologer.
Swaruu: You can only with mind ... predict the future ... only that there is a strong tendency to see only the future of that seer ... not the collective, only as that seer sees the future.
Gosia: Swaruu, I want to understand one thing well. There is much talk about the term timeline. Timeline this timeline another. But I think we have to define a little more what it is. Because for example ... I understood that if someone came from the future, it would be our timeline but of the future. The future in this case would not be another timeline. Simply the future of the same one. Another timeline would be, as I understood before, another me. It could be happening at the same time, not necessarily future. Just another me. On the other hand ... it is also said that each awareness IS individual timeline. So what is a TIME LINE really?
Swaruu: As for people who come from "future" or "past", yes they are all a single timeline. Wherever you jump from their perspective there is a past moving towards a future. Although more than once they can cross with themselves. Two of them or up to 3. This only by using the ship. It does not occur naturally. And each one of them will follow their path ... changing the timeline they live in, just by accessing information from the other or others.
Gosia: I understand. So how would you define the timeline exactly?
Swaruu: In itself there is no such thing. We only define timeline as a sequence of events that a consciousness has experienced. But it is not something outside that consciousness.
Gosia: Are they like parallel worlds then? With each new perception / decision is another one created?
Swaruu: Yes. Even so, based on where they came from and what happened there it can be predicted to some extent, what will happen next.
Gosia: So when they say: there was a change in timelines. What do they mean, if the timelines is something personal. How could they alter it from the outside?
Swaruu: It´s that, for example a collective timeline, what they say is "this" timeline is only a group of perceptual agreements that two or more people have 'agreed' to see as the same, live as the same. Partly because they have a similar Frequency of consciousness. But it is not a single line, it is or are many lines, one for each person-consciousness that agrees to see things in a similar way but it will never be the same as the other people in the group. The only way to influence or change a timeline for group agreements is with mental perception control. <----
Gosia: Exactly. Only influencing what this group perceives. And another thing ... so when it is said that we jump a timeline, it is with any new decision or perception yes?
Swaruu: Yes. And you jump suddenly when you are facing big changes. Every situation you have experienced is a Frequency, which is the result of all the energy dynamics that surrounds you and that you, with your brain, see as external reality. Jumping a timeline is just forcing a change of a situation or a Frequency 'map' to another Frequency 'map'. But in itself it is done all the time with the mind. Only that with the ship, with its great 'manifestation' power it promotes dramatic changes, in what you perceive as your timeline. And in itself, when jumping timelines, you're just jumping YOUR timeline. Something very important to emphasize that I will explain later.
Being that the AI of the ship is conscious, after a while it becomes part of you, the computer mind interface is very efficient Telepathically, so the ship's computer becomes like a branch of your brain. It augments what you can manifest.
However I do not access computer data directly to mind ... I still speak, it still gives me information that I perceive as external to my mind. This is because being telepathic from the computer to my mind ... it would hurt me and be invasive. It can be done. But the limit is set from the person´s side, not from the computer. It is healthier mentally just to ask the computer as something external, and not as something attached or as an implanted AI to improve your brain capacity.
Gosia: Interesting data thanks. But it is still not clear to me: Going to your future or past is also timeline jumping? Or is it the same one only the "future / past"?
Swaruu: It's also timeline jumping, yes. But from the point of view of the person to experience this, it is only part of their timeline. It is only perceived as a strong change or nexus point.
This is better with a graph. But I will explain. Imagine a series of parallel lines. Many, uncountable ... They come out of the infinite, and disappear ahead of you in the infinite. They represent fixed time lines. Each one is a story, a film reel ... and what happened and what will happen is fixed. But each one is different.
Now .. imagine that you are standing on one of the lines ... Turn around and see others to the right and to the left. Everything is frequencies <----
You follow one of the lines, one of the film reels with still images, you walk through one of them, but when you see the images of the "movie" you decide to make a decision between what you see in the image in which you stand, or the one along the next line to the left or to the right of where you are. Those are the decisions of life. You jump to the line on the side ... and it's another timeline ... and from there you jump back to the first one or you continue to deviate.
To the left we have the timelines that are progressively of low Frequency and to the right those that are progressively of high Frequency. These decisions are made with the person's Frequency ... conscious and unconscious. If you have a low Frequency ... you will be compatible with the timelines, with timeline jumps, with catastrophic events ... if you are of the higher Frequency ... you will be compatible ... or you will jump to the positive events.
You make tiny jumps between your timelines every day, with your natural Frequency variations and moods. You perceive it as the same timeline, because in a certain sense it is, because it is a trajectory line that jumps from line to line as if you were jumping from track to track in train.
The timelines as such are written, but there are countless variations, but only you give them sense by jumping at will between them. You animate them, you decide which one you will live, which experiences you want and which ones you don't. You do it by modifying your consciousness, your Frequency. These jumps are tiny, you perceive them as the same, as your timeline because it is your total path between all those lines.
And when you manage to make a dramatic leap where the differences are notoriously large, as if jumping several lines avoiding a progression, it is called "quantum leap" and comes from the fact that in physics an electron sometimes jumps from an orbit to another of the atom ... (Matrix Science that contradicts itself since here with this theory of the quantum leap of the electron, they ignore the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle). We have to be at a high Frequency to choose the best decisions.
What a time line is... what people see and perceive as temporal linearity, of their time, as inescapable and as a chain of events, it is only to follow as with a line the jumps between the already fixed timelines. It would appear to be a single line, but in themselves they are jumps between fixed timelines, taking the options as they present themselves ... this means that yes the destiny is already carved, and at the same time having an infinite number of timelines to choose from, you also have free will.
What a ship does is become the Frequency of each destination in time in that sea of timelines. Jumping to that moment artificially just as it would with only one destination in space ... destination as in a place.
In itself ... the lines do not exist, it is just a way of explaining things ... instead of lines what there is is a mathematical sequence of events, with harmonics of a Frequency. It's like a line ... depends how you see it.
Robert: What makes us have infinite time lines ... Our consciousness, the Source that we are?
Swaruu: Yes
Robert: And what makes us choose one timeline over another?
Swaruu: What makes you choose are emotions and feelings. What is pleasant and positive is towards high frequencies and high timelines. That is why emotions are not well seen by controllers. Because they are the guide, the compass to get out of the chaos, of the Matrix. The way or strategy for enlightenment, to achieve ascension and take control of your life: Learn to have respect and love for yourself. Ask yourself each day if what you are doing would be done by someone who loves themselves. It is not the same as being a narcissistic egocentric .. no. If you don't know how to love and respect yourself ... you can't love or respect the others.
Time is you and you are time. You cannot have awareness of your existence; "I think therefore I exist"... without time, but it's not something it is just the awareness process. You are Time. Time is not your enemy, it's not working against you. That's just the perception of yourself being your own enemy! If you are aware then you are time. You cannot be aware without time as they are the same thing. You are in a space of no time, non locality, yes. A place of empty stillness. Ether... Yet you are aware.
But then you are controlling time. Stopping it in your mind. You are only managing yourself what you are, quieting your perceptions. But if you can do so... you can do whatever you like. No Space ship. Just think aware, manipulate the void of nothingness you are in meditation peace. You can make a portal with your mind and slip through it.
What is a reality? An idea. Change your idea, change what you see. An idea is a Frequency. Change it and you have a portal. A portal, a before and an after. Here and "a" there. Your mind can be that powerful. But then you let it go back to the comfortable. To the known. To what you think is possible. A ship is a luxury that augments that capacity in you. But you can do it with your mind.
All it takes is a real belief in yourself and knowing that you are everything. To think "out of the box" all the time, knowing that truly there are no limits. You think it, it is. This is fact! The reason it does not work for you is because you don't believe it strongly enough. Your mind and your mind's power is scattered all over with a bunch of conglomerated "what-if's". Concentrate. You Can!
Frequency Mapping-Unknown Regions of Space (Stellar Navigation part 7-Swaruu of Erra-Pleyades)
Manifestation with frequencies and stellar mapping
Important related point here <---
I have said before that a ship with plasma jet propulsion can reach up to about 100 000 km/second, which is around 1/3 light speed. Note that this is propulsion, and even this way it creates a considerable velocity. There are some known elements on earth within the laws of mass and acceleration that are valid, between them the law that an object accumulating great speeds increases its mass, creating the need to augment exponentially the energy required to keep on accelerating.
So when reaching light speed, an object would have a mass equivalent to a singularity, or virtually infinite mass. Therefore, the motors as well would have to produce an infinite thrust.
While increasing the mass of a ship operating with nuclear (not zero point) reactors, the mass of the reactor and the element that provides the energy, be it Enriched Uranium or Nuclear Fusion Matter-Anti-matter... would also cause the rise in mass to affect the very capacity of the propellant element to give the equivalent energy necessary to continue the acceleration.
Do you understand so far?
Although this rise of mass of the propellant element inside the reactor does not affect, nor apply to zero point energy reactors by de-polarization of the quartz toroids-merkabas (such as those used by Taygetan ships), this problem of mass accumulation, consequently an accumulation of drag, does not affect us even though technically it should. This is because the amount of energy produced by a zero point reactor is not affected by a rise in mass, caused by the accumulated speed.
An Ionizing Nuclear reactor by disintegration of heavy metals, Uranium base, gives more energy as its mass increases with increasing speed. The greater the mass in the core of the ionizing reactor, the greater the radiation and the greater the radiation the greater the energy.
But a Zero Point Reactor does not give more energy by increasing its speed. Its energy production remains stable since said energy does not come from any element related to mass that the energy gives when disintegrating atomically.
The ionizing reactor uses the atomic desintegration of elements in the nucleus that are radioactive, such as enriched uranium.
A Zero Point Reactor, does not depend on any object in the nucleus that gives energy since it depends on other principles, more complex ones but in turn more stable.
Put more clearly:
A nuclear reactor does augment its power when increasing speed, to the same extent that it accumulates mass, (although there are other problems there, it is not so straightforward). A Zero Point reactor does NOT augment its power by the craft increasing in mass when increasing its speed. Therefore a ship that depends on a zero point reactor is affected by the ship's mass accumulation, causing more and more drag as it accelerates. This limits the ship's speed and acceleration power in Jet Propulsion mode.
However, with a trick we do, we are not affected by the increase in mass. <--- Trick of the ships themselves. As a ship increases its speed, and consequently also the mass-drag, the same immersion toroid of the ship that also serves as a protective shield against fortuitous materials, stones and space debris, with algorithms controlled by the ship's computer it reduces the mass of the ship, making it lighter. Thanks to this strategy or maneuver, a ship can continue to accelerate to at least 1/3 light speed, or 100,000 km / sec.
These velocities are useful for interplanetary flights, but they are too slow for interstellar travel. At this velocity it would still take a ship 146,6666 years to travel the 440 light years from Taygeta to Earth. As we already have explained, that is why we jump to Ether.
This is also in case some scientists come up with the claim that 100,000 km / sec is too fast to be achieved with action-reaction propulsion alone, and he or she will be right. Just that by changing the density of the ship it relieves this problem.
On a supra-luminar flight, a ship can travel directly from the origin to the destination, or it can do so by lapses. In a Frequency map, say from Taygeta to Earth, the base frequencies of each point between Taygeta and Earth are known. If you want to be at a midpoint, you should only schedule the jump to that point and not all the way to Earth. Or, you can take a series of jumps, where a ship can change the motion vector, seeing the supra-luminar flight from the perspective of a traditional distances and positions map.
Jumping to pre-programmed points is the only way to draw a trajectory of movement vectors for a ship that travels through the ether, where there is neither time nor distances, nor positions on a map.
Unless you want to stop at other sites or planets on the way from Taygeta to Earth, this is not very practical if you only want to go from point A to point B. And, logically, this is valid for any point A and any point B, not just from Taygeta to Earth. But this does have a purpose, and it is to map interstellar space frequencies, in order to improve the details of the existing ones, and to create new maps of unexplored sites.
A ship will momentarily stop in deep and empty space, take the gravity reading and ether frequencies at that point, record it in the computer's memory, and will proceed to the next point. This way we can go overlapping the specific frequencies of each point on a traditional distance map with their respective ether Frequency points.
Now, not only can this be done, also, by understanding the gravitational or ether flow (the same thing) in deep space you can mathematically know what would happen at the unexplored point.
For example, looking at this:
2+2=4, 4+2= 6, 6+2=8 / 1320 means what, in this context?
Dhor K'áal'él: And that is only space of a single plane. Missing here is adding the temporal planes that are superimposed on the one described by Swaruu.
Gosia: I do not know, Swaruu. I do not know what it means.
Swaruu: 2+2=4, 4+2= 6, 6+2=8 <--- This is known space.
1320 <--- This is the unknown, without maps.
But we know that the mathematical dynamics of the ether in that place is from the previous sum plus 2 <---, then if 2+2=4, 4+2= 6, 6+2=8 is the dynamics of the mathematics of the Frequency harmonics of the ether of a known place adjacent to the unknown, we can conclude that the ether Frequency 1320 has in its immediate space 1318 and then 1322. <--- The ship did not take readings at 1318 or 1322, but mathematically we know that they are there <----.
Although these are irritatingly simple numbers, and those of the true frequencies are numbers with 18 zeros, interacting with extremely complex mathematical formulas that reflect the mathematical interaction of the Frequency harmonics of the Ether-gravitational flow of a place, they obey the same principle. Mathematically you can know from the readings of a place its relation with the next one. It will tend to be consistent with the same mathematical principles. With this you can predict a stellar frequencies map, without the need for a ship to take the readings in each place.
If 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 2 = 6, 6 + 2 = 8 then 1320 + 2 = 1322 and the previous one is 1318 + 2 = 1320.
Am I explaining myself well?
Knowing the mathematical dynamics of the known space, you can know the mathematical dynamics of the unknown space.
The ether is the known and unknown space alike. The ether is the gravity, or the gravity is a flow or a current within the ether, as an ocean current is a part of the sea.
As such, you have nothing like it on earth, but this is stellar navigation of only one level, quite easy. As Káal'el said, we would also need to add temporal layers, thereby increasing the complexity of the mathematical algorithms.
Dhor K'áal'él: Yes, if I can just add something. As Swaruu explains, not only do you lack the temporary elements of past, present and future. But, in the example of the series, the flow frequencies of the ether are fixed, when in real space they are variable. I mean, they don't obey fixed factors like 1320, but are in a progression of numerical frequencies, moving in what is perceived from the consciousness of the ship, as time.
Swaruu: Yes, although that would add even more complexity. And that's why it's a harmonic <---- of a Frequency. Because it is not a fixed Frequency, but a mathematically perfect sequence that causes or forms what is perceived as a place. It is music. That is, music is a perfectly intertwined sequence of frequencies, with each note or group of notes relating to one another, that make up the music. It is the same in the ether. <.---
The harmonics of the frequencies are or develop in a perfectly calculable way. This creates a soup of frequencies where each harmonic creates standing waves, that in turn form the objects that we see in each place.
And the "tempo" in music, the rhythm, the duration of each note, as it relates to those played by the other instruments, form an auditory soup of sound waves inside the concert hall, which are nothing more than that, sound waves. With the intervention of a consciousness they are given a meaning - the concert itself as art, as music, as something beautiful.
The soup of sound waves inside the concert hall would be the equivalent of the gravitational flows inside the ether. Only with the intervention and interpretation of a consciousness it can be interpreted as a concert / or a material place. Suns, planets, civilization and everything else. They are only gravitational flows, but the consciousness interprets them and converts them into something with meaning.
By the way, 432, which adds up to 9 <--- is a harmonic Frequency that is constructive because it promotes the formation of standing waves according to the frequencies of the mind or the consciousness. It encourages them, that's why they add nine.
If it is not a mathematically accurate perfect sequence (music), the standing wave collapses, disintegrating matter back to the ether.
So, to create more complex music. From a single flute to a complete concert mathematical algorithms that rule the sound waves are added, all perfectly intertwined to create a complete and complex concert. In the same way, the standing waves, increasing in complexity and harmonics, also create more and more complex things such as solar systems, planets, constellations.
If you want to map a smaller area such as a solar system, you can move the ship with gravity or plasma jet engines while taking gravity value readings with the computer. But this only applies to smaller areas, as for interstellar or entire constellation areas the speed of a gravitational or plasma jet engine is too low to be able to make a star map in a period of time, acceptable to the ship's crew (SIT time, or measured from inside the ship as perceived by the crew).
So we resort to jump at supra-luminar speed from one calculated point to the next. Although this leaves 'jump' spaces without measurements, having the flow readings and gravity values between the measured points is sufficient for the computer to fill the spaces with the correct values, given that we know the algorithms that rule the Frequency harmonics of those areas.
Robert: And somehow you can not access the ether and get all those coordinates without much effort?
Swaruu: You need a reference, the reference is the gravity readings. Directly it is possible to connect the consciousness with the All, with the Source, in theory yes. It is just that the data necessary to guide ships through deep space without exploration need numbers and values of measurement in the order of trillions of trillions of data. With the mind-consciousness we cannot handle those numbers.
Leaving it to the computer to calculate it, in a way this is also accessing the Source, because the quantum computer of the ship is designed to access the ether, for its own calculations. Calculating probabilities in a quantum field, where the quantum field refers to the ether, and to the time lines committed or associated with the consciousness that observes all this, in this case the computer consciousness .... that emulates or increases the power range of who is piloting the ship (a consciousness in biological body).
Gosia: And how far did you map out the space? Where have you NOT yet gone to map?
Swaruu: It is not possible to map out everything. They are more like corridors in space that can be used, like a network, where some points in the highly traveled space we can say we know well. In theory, the Milky Way and the M33, partially other galaxies.
Areas can be explored using only mathematical algorithms, comparing them with what we already have. When going exploring other galaxies, although it is possible and has been done, there is more not known about those trips at those 'distances' than what is known, even knowing that everything is at the same 'distance' as seen from the ether, being that from the ether everything is accessed at the same speed. But in practice, the problem is that ships go to explore and do not return.
Robert: And all this gets complicated when you change timelines. That is, would we have a star map for each timeline? And for each density?
Swaruu: That is another problem and why the ships do not return. The variables are too many when entering time lines.
I don't know how to describe temporal manipulation with ships without first getting into the gigantic issue of what time is. Let us now enter the subject of time.
Interiorization of Data and Time Acceleration - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades)
Robert: I have noticed that certainly your information expands our consciousness and with that we raise our
Frequency .... Does all this have anything to do with the feeling that time is passing faster and faster?
Swaruu: Good question, I have realized that I have not clarified or I have not had the opportunity to clarify this point. From a position of an observer of a density, as of the 3D Earth, processing more and more data does make one perceive that time is accelerated in contrast to the perception of time of a child, which is shorter because he/she processes less data than the adult who is more saturated. As soon as a person manages to incorporate the information into their consciousness, in an acceptance process, linked to an intention of growth that includes learning to control said excess information, for example with meditation, calming the mind, making it go blank, causes what is perceived as raising of the Frequency and with it density, because it is now the very speed of the process of data mentalization that passes to the subconscious leaving the conscious mind free to continue processing even more data. The unconscious is what is mostly manifesting everything, as we have already explained. So the outside world of the subject will be accelerated in terms of molecular and sub-atomic movement, which is the rhythm per unit of time in which a harmonic of a Frequency sustains the nodes it produces.
This causes the subject's existential density to accelerate while the mind continues without being overwhelmed. If the process of data in large quantities remains in mental state only, as happens with the inhabitants of the earth, the majority, it causes a mental and nervous breakdown that triggers problems well known by modern human society, such as neurosis, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress, to name a few.
So the ability to process large amounts of data accumulates, and they are passed to the subconscious, as you would when learning to drive or ride a bicycle, you no longer have to think about it as it becomes automatic. You think it and pass it to the automatic mode, you free the mind to learn more and when that´s processed you pass it to the automatic (subconscious-unconscious).
Gosia: What a good explanation of something I feel intuitively but could never explain in words!
Swaruu: Thank you. From a certain point of view ... The harmonics of a Frequency remain the same, say for the subject observer who was in 3D but has risen to 5D. The rhythm of the harmonics was 12-34-12-45-12-15, it remains the same for that person if she is in 3D or in 5D but for an observer in 3D, although the rhythm is still 12- 34-12-45-12-15, it has accelerated. This is the same way as in a voice recording, which accelerates more and more, the voice recording is still there but from the external perspective, it starts to sound faster and faster, going through the squirrel voice, until it becomes just a momentary click until the sound disappears completely, although the original recording continues there.
In itself, if there wasn't anything technological involved here, you couldn't see me or talk to me because I would be moving too fast. That is why there is the time slip that is perceived between the planets. And this despite the fact that the order of events is the same for me in my perception as for you, that is why we can talk, but the difference is still there.
It is how the data is internalized. It's not about repeating everything like parakeets, or it will simply collapse the mind. That's why people don't understand these things, usually. They are not assimilating them as part of who they are. And if the body is not adapted to a different Frequency, it causes a dissonance between the Frequency of the body and that of the mind and that can be deadly.
This is more pronounced when a 5D person goes down to 3D either in perception or physically, because 3D will tend to overwhelm the matter of the body through the principle of dominant frequencies, in this case 3D frequencies. The 5D mind of the person has its rhythm or voltage and the body the other, causing a neuronal overload known as Frequency Dissonance Syndrome, or "ET sickness."
In other words, the brain, nerves and the whole 3D body of an ET person on Earth, with their body being forced down by the principle of dominant frequencies, is severely overloaded by the amount of data (voltage) that the accelerated perception of a 5D person handles, because 3D frequencies do not affect the mind, the I, because that is not inside the body. So the nerves, nervous system is overloaded just the same as if 110 volts-electron pass through 12V car wires ... They are fried!
The ET person, when going down as a "Step Down", the temporal Frequency can be maintained technologically with a toroidal immersion device, which is located in the utility belt, sometimes under human ordinary clothes. It is uncomfortable but it works. Other methods are also used.
That is why organic Portals are used for this too, who may or may not be the same as they are up there. In itself, although the memory is complete, the velocity of mental data processing has been slowed down by technological means. By technological means (total immersion for example, but not only) ... in the same way as computers here that equalize the speed of data processing between 5D and 3D so that we can have this talk. |
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